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Nama : Agas Sinatrya

NIM : 12010119190243

Green Human Resource Management as a Tool for the Sustainable

Development of Enterprises: Polish Young Company Experience

Based on the selected articles, this article discusses the concept of a green
economy that is applied to human resources in companies. This green economy
concept has a focus on having a positive impact on the environment and strives
for the company's operations to go hand in hand with the principles of corporate
social responsibility programs. Apart from these reasons, there are also reasons,
namely to create a company that cares about the environment, in which case
managers need an understanding of green human resource management (GHRM)
and the understanding that employees have as human resources in the company.

Currently, Green Human Resources Management (GHRM) is important for

companies. Based on the article, it has been stated that more and more companies
are implementing this management in their companies. Green human resource
management (GRHM) can play an important role in environmental management
because it is an element of sustainable human resource management. This is a new
approach in realizing the function of human resources, which by its very nature
has scope for ecological goals in all sub-sectors of human resources, from
manpower planning, through recruitment, selection, employee motivation and
development, to evaluation and effect on work. This is one of the proofs that the
formulation of the human resource function is not only focused on the category of
economic interests, but also on the ecological field, which will be able to provide
added value for stakeholders. Therefore, Green Human Resources Management
provides an overview of the level of greening of human resource management
practices, while in its implementation it requires individual stages in human
resource management to be modified and adapted to be green, namely to be
environmentally friendly. The focus of this Green Human Resources Management
is the development of an ecological work environment and an attitude of workers
who are responsible for the environment which will then penetrate the personal

However, based on the results of research conducted in related articles, the

activity most often carried out in implementing Green Human Resources
Management is socializing environmentally friendly attitudes when carrying out
professional tasks (such as reducing paper use, waste sorting). In my opinion, this
is a practice that we often encounter in various companies, not just one or two.
However, considering its nature, we can assume that its application in companies
is caused more by economic reasons than by ecological attitudes and internal
desires to implement a green economy. It should be emphasized that when we talk
about Green Human Resources Management, we need to have reference to long-
term performance and productivity, not short-term. This is because the benefits of
applying the concept will usually be obtained in the future where it is farther
away, has a multidimensional nature, and is not always easy to measure. Green
Human Resources Management should be approached as a long-term corporate
human resource strategy directed at using personnel policy instruments to build an
environmentally friendly organization.

In making use of natural resources, it would be nice to stick to the guidelines of

economic principles that take into account the present and future timeframe in
each of its actions, and also consider environmentally sound activities so that the
sustainability of the resources is maintained. Based on the related article, it is
possible that managers in Poland have not studied much about theories regarding
a green economy or an economy that has natural resources that need to pay
attention to sustainable development. Based on related articles, there are several
things that can still be added in terms of the green economy. Actually, additions to
related articles have been inserted in the explanation above, but will be clarified
again in this section. The continuity between economic growth and the
preservation of natural resources and the environment can be described through
the term sustainable. Sustainability refers to meeting the needs of the current
generation without causing harm to future generations. As we certainly
understand, future economic growth and the quality of human life are determined
by the quality of the environment today. The quality of resources needs to be
preserved so that they can be enjoyed for a long time and for future generations.
Therefore, environmental calculations are very important for policy formulation.
In this calculation, the increasing factor is environmental damage and the reducing
factor is the level of economic growth. Policy makers must ensure that the
development carried out does not cause environmental damage, if this happens,
there must be collaboration between stakeholders, in this case the government and
users, namely the community and company employees to jointly improve the
quality of natural resources in all places so that can stay in balance.

In addition, natural capital needs to be added to the article, because it is a form of

economic investment so that the economic activities carried out have an important
role in environmental sustainability or it is called an economy that reflects "green
growth". There are many types of services provided by nature, such as direct
environmental services and indirect environmental services. Environmental
services are directly related to the provision of food and raw materials, while
indirect environmental services are related to carbon storage processes, watershed
protection, increasing soil absorption, and providing a place for biodiversity.
Environmental services are the benefits of dynamic interrelationships that occur in
the environment that are felt by humans. Humans are very dependent on the
availability of the environment. Rewards for environmental services alone can
encourage environmentally sound and sustainable management of human
resources that can be applied to company employees as well as the government
and society. Environmental services are something that is irreplaceable or can
only be replaced by incurring large costs, this is because environmental services
support the economy and society at large. Environmentally sound management
can protect natural capital and provide promising economic value. Compensation
for environmental services itself is able to provide prevention in the event of
losses in terms of environmental changes. The benefits that can be obtained from
this are environmental preservation and increased income of land users, so that the
actions taken are mutually beneficial. The combination of high economic growth
and the start of environmental protection is the impact of rewards for
environmental services carried out by employees, the government, and the
community, this is because rewards for environmental services are considered in
line with green growth for sustainable development. This allows for a growing
number of new patterns of sustainable and balanced economic growth. Increasing
the economic level of employees can be achieved by implementing a strategy for
managing environmental resources with the concept of environmental services.
This can be achieved if there are policies that support environmental service
programs so that more stakeholders are involved in them and increase investors in
terms of natural capital. So that later the allocation of funds used for
environmental service management will increase and build an environmentally
efficient economy.

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