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We will be working
together to create a Kaylie Wilson
environment for all and Learning is for
students who do and everyone
Jeremy Onorato
do not suffer from
What can we do to
help our students?

ADHD is one of the Some students who have ADHD may

most common have an IEP or an Individual Education
Plan. These can be helpful to us teachers
disorders in children. in order to create a better plan on how to
help the child. After reading the IEP I
What is ADHD

would meet with the student in order to

talk to them and see if everything on there

would be helpful as well if they have any
There are multiple types of ADHD or ideas as to what me as the teacher and
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity them as the student can work on to make
Disorder. There is Predominantly a better learning environment
Inattentive Presentation,
Predominantly Hyperactive-Impulsive OUR ENVIRONMENT
Presentation, and Combined
Presentation. What are the A classroom environment should be

effects of ADHD
accepting and understanding.
Predominantly Inattentive Presentation Keeping the classroom a safe and
is when it may be harder for a student welcoming environment can be
to finish or keep a task organized. A shown in many different forms. There
person with this version of ADHD may A child with ADHD might:
may be a place for extra pencils,
also be easily distracted and forget daydream a lot papers, and erasers, just in case a
certain parts of their daily routine. forget or lose things a lot student forgets anything they need.
squirm or fidget This relieves the stress and anxiety
Predominantly Hyperactive-Impulsive talk too much that a student may feel if they have to
Presentation is when a person may make careless mistakes or take ask a peer or the teacher.
fidget or talk a lot more than the unnecessary risks
average person. It may also be difficult RELATIONSHIPS
have a hard time resisting
for them to sit still for a long period of
time and be more impulsive. Develop a strong relationship with
have trouble taking turns
the parents: If you have a working
Combined Presentation is when have difficulty getting along with relationship with the students'
symptoms from both of the above others parents, expectations for things like
categories are equally present in a behavior and homework are
person. strengthened.
Weinstein & Novodvorsky

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