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Significance of Hind Swaraj Ganghijis philosophy of Hind-Swaraj deserves to be studied because it embodies the lifelong researches of the greatest

exponent of non-violence. It is the most original contribution of India and the entire world to political thought and political practice. While Gandhiji had a very kind and compassionate heart, he did not hesitate to carry on tireless crusade against injustice, both in South Africa and in India. According to him, it was a sin to suffer unjust behaviour at the hands of another person or organization. Though the concept of soul-force is based solely on his conviction, Gandhiji invented the concept of soul-force in the pretext of world wars and exploitation by British imperialism Now, we have to use it against growing terrorism, armaments, nuclear explosions, international sale of arms and ammunitions, corruption, deforestation and capitalistic planning at the cost of mass-welfare The culture of violence and brute force must be replaced by the culture of non-violence and soul-force in every walk of life. Let us hope for a new world community where people make love the guiding principle of life. Morality, character, sacrifice, truth fearlessness must prevail in the life of individuals and nations. If the soul-force prevails, no doubt heaven will be on the earth. Relevance of Hind Swaraj today: The essential portion of the Hind-Swaraj and the arguments contained in it so far as the true meaning of Swaraj is concerned, is as relevant or perhaps more relevant today than when it was written by Gandhiji a hundred years ago. Very few people or almost nil among the youths have the vaguest idea of what Gandhiji wrote in HindSwaraj and what kind of Swaraj he wanted to build up in India. Gandhis views as expressed in that small booklet have been ignored mostly, both by the rulers of Independent India and by the intelligentsia. It is from social, ethical, religious and finally spiritual point of view that Gandhiji criticized in Hind-Swaraj the Western culture, its craze for machinery, selfish attitude of lawyers in regard to disputes and litigations, or of doctors in curing diseases. The British system of Education teaches the gospel of hatred and violence and the institution of war, fought with progressively deadlier and more destructive weapons, provided by modern science and technology. From deeply ethical point of view Gandhiji defined selfgovernment or Home-Rule, as not just driving away British from India, replacing them by Indian administrators and establishing Parliamentary democracy here, but as control by citizens over their own-selves, as self restraint and self rule. Swaraj literally stood for self-control in the ethical, religious and spiritual sense in Gandhis life scheme. Distinguished Indian thinker Kautilya wrote in his Arthasastra: The aim of all the sciences is nothing but restraint of the organs of sense. Whosoever is of reverse character, whoever has not his organs of sense under his control, will soon perish, though possessed of the whole earth bounded by the four quarters. He further stressed, Sukhasya Mulam Dharmah; True happiness could be found only in Dharma. Gandhiji did not entertain a shadow of doubt that India must progress according to her own genius and ancient culture and plan for a progressive economic system which would lead to greater prosperity without eroding the qualities of simplicity and higher values of life.

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