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© Photos : IStock
édito sommaire N° 451 / Du 31 mai au 13 juin 2018
(Cadre Européen Commun de Référence pour les langues) :
 facile A2-B1  moyen B2-C1  difficile C1-C2
Pour faciliter le repérage et la compréhension, les mots traduits sont surlignés dans tous les
articles du magazine.

RÉDACTRICE EN CHEF Grand angle ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 4
On parle d'eux .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 5

Are the giants A la une
of Silicon Valley  B2-C1 How big tech is finally awakening THE GUARDIAN (UK) .................. 6

growing up? Silicon Valley leaders’ struggle to recover their reputation.

With more than 6 000 high tech companies and  B2-C1 Tech leaders are growing up THE NEW YORK TIMES (US) ............................ 9
a turnover of around 235 billion dollars, Silicon Tech leaders have aged, will their companies too?
Valley is the ultimate symbol of American pros-
perity. Names like Google and Twitter began as  A2-B1 A 360° ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 12
small start-ups before becoming the multina-
tional businesses everyone knows.
However, take a closer look at the idyllic picture  B2-C1 Dordogne town's Brexit boom THE GUARDIAN (UK) .................................................... 13
and in reality it is a bit tarnished. This supposed Britons’ mass migration to the French town of Eymet.
eldorado is responsible for the disappearance
of an out-priced middle class, and a completely  B2-C1 Buddhism’s popularity in the United States THE ECONOMIST (UK) . 15
saturated real estate market in San Francisco. Why Buddhism is winning the United States.
The Cambridge Analytica scandal, headlining
in the international press for months, has forced
Facebook to rethink its confidentiality policy. PRATIC’ABLE  ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 17
Facebook and Twitter went from offering a way Vocabulaire, expressions et astuces pour parler
to connect people worldwide and liberate the comme un anglophone
oppressed to now being seen as a “danger to Les journaux et l’imprimerie/ Jeux de mots

Add to this a revolt within Silicon Valley where

some employees of the tech giants have devel- Enjeux
oped a conscience, well before its leaders, with  C1-C2 Still no brakes on fast fashion LOS ANGELES TIMES (US) ........................................ 21
new groups such as Tech Action or The Center for Online brands are taking over the fashion industry.
Humane Technology, pushing for the development
of more ethical products and fighting against  B2-C1 Trump and Macron’s relationship THE INDEPENDENT (UK) ........................... 23
the abusive uses of technology. How will the How Macron managed to charm the unpredictable American president.
Silicon Valley giants recover from this fall and
re-establish their reputation? We take a look at  A2-B1 Echos ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 25
these issues in this month’s edition.
Happy Reading!
 B2-C1 The Simpsons: TV's longest-running sitcom
THE INDEPENDENT (UK) .............................................................................................................................................................................. 26
Rejoignez-nous sur et suivez-nous sur et sur Reasons for the success of the animated satirical TV show.

 C1-C2 Drake: the making of a superstar THE GUARDIAN (UK) ........................................ 28
Portrait of a rapper who has conquered the entire planet.

L’article est repris sur le CD ou les MP3 Découverte

de conversation : Des interviews en V.O.  B2-C1 Performing tasks when being watched THE INDEPENDENT (UK) ... 30.
pour améliorer votre compréhension How well do we perform tasks in front of others?
Tous les articles du magazine sont lus par des
anglophones sur le CD (ou les MP3) de lecture
Bons plans .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 32
Retrouvez le reportage vidéo
lié à l’ article sur
Les sorties ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 34
Le dessin .................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 35

Photo de couverture : Istock, SIPA/montage S. Burlion.

Grand L’actualité en images


(Evan Agostini/AP/SIPA)

The Time 100 list

The Time 100 list is the list of the
100 most influential people in
the world. It has been published
More than three months after the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting,
by the American magazine Time
every year since 1999.  Barack Parkland student survivors are still delivering their strong anti-gun message in the US
Obama has been the most media. Last month, they attended this year’s Time 100 Gala. David Hogg, Cameron Kasky,
featured person by appearing Emma González, Alex Wind and Jaclyn Corin, who started the #NeverAgain movement and
eleven times.
organised the March For Our Lives demonstration, were all included in the Time 100 list.
featured included, mentioned. Former US President Barack Obama wrote the accompanying statement: “By bearing
witness to carnage, by asking tough questions and demanding real answers, the Parkland
students are shaking us out of our complacency.” The 2018 list had a record number of 45
people under the age of 40.
shooting killing of many people by a gunman / to deliver to give, share, here make a speech about / to attend to be present at /
demonstration public protest / former ex / statement declaration, message / to bear, bore, borne witness to see, here, be
present at / tough difficult / to demand to insist upon / to shake, shook, shaken here, to get rid of / complacency here,
acceptance of the status quo.

4 • VOCABLE Du 31 mai au 13 juin 2018

On parle d'eux… Retrouvez le fil d’infos sur

Ceux qui font l'actu

Melania Trump
US First Lady Melania Trump has unveiled a
program called “Be Best,” which is her first ini-
tiative as a first lady. In a speech delivered in
the White House Rose Garden, she presented
the program, which will tackle opioid abuse,
social media pressures and mental health is-
sues among children and teenagers. “There
are too many critical issues facing children to-
day for her to choose just one,” Melania
Trump’s spokeswoman said. In the hours fol-
lowing her speech, Melania Trump was ac-
cused of plagiarism because one of the pro-
gram booklets, “Talking to Kids About Being

(Ron Sachs/SIPA)
Online”, was very similar to a booklet that had
been released under Barack Obama’s adminis-
tration in 2014...
to unveil to reveal, present / speech formal talk / to deliver here, to give / to tackle to combat, deal with / opioid abuse excessive consumption of opiates / social media
social network sites on the internet / pressure influence, force, demand / critical crucial, important, vital / to face to be confronted by / spokeswoman woman who speaks
on behalf of an organisation / booklet brochure, guide / to release to publish, make public / administration government.

(Alex Edelman/NEWSCOM/SIPA)
(James Gourley/Shutterst/SIPA)

Prince Charles Gina Haspel Theresa May

Prince Charles has made a historical visit to Gina Haspel, who was chosen by Donald Trump British Prime Minister Theresa May suffered a
Greece. The Prince of Wales travelled to to lead the CIA in March — and who has become major defeat earlier this month on her EU
Athens with the Duchess of Cornwall on the the first woman to lead the agency – has faced Withdrawal Bill in the House of Lords, when
9th of May for the first official visit to the public scrutiny for the first time earlier this month, the Lords voted to stay in the single market.
country in modern Greek history – Greece is during her confirmation hearing before the Both Labour and Tory peers – 83 Labour peers
the only EU member state not to have been Senate Intelligence Committee. She was asked and 17 Tories – supported a cross-party
officially visited by the Queen. The visit, which questions about her role in the agency’s former amendment calling for continued
lasted for three days, was officially meant to torture program, especially about her oversight of participation in the European Economic Area.
highlight the two nations’ longstanding a secret CIA prison in Thailand in 2002, where This was another major blow to Theresa May’s
maritime and military links, but its purpose suspected terrorists were subjected to brutal Brexit strategy, following other defeats.
was also to improve bilateral relations, which interrogation techniques such as waterboarding. to suffer to sustain / Withdrawal Bill parliamentary
have been complicated since 1923. to lead, led, led to direct / CIA = Central Intelligence bill (bill proposed law) to implement the country’s exit
Wales country that is part of the UK and to the west of Agency / scrutiny close examination / confirmation from the EU (Brexit) by repealing the European
England (capital: Cardiff) / Cornwall county in the south hearing meetings held by the Senate to gather Communities Act 1972 / Labour major centre-left U.K.
west of England / to last to take place over / to be information about candidates for federal office nominated party / Tory Conservative Party / peer here, a member
meant to to be intended to / to highlight to by the U.S. president / Senate Intelligence Committee of the House of the Lords (the upper chamber) / to
emphasise, underline / longstanding that has existed permanent agency of the Senate dedicated to overseeing support here, to back up / cross-party involving two or
for a long time / link connection / purpose aim, the American intelligence community / former previous, more political parties / to call for to demand, ask for /
objective / to improve to make better. past / oversight supervision, management, control / to blow setback, defeat.
subject to inflict / waterboarding form of torture using
water and simulating drowning.

VOCABLE Du 31 mai au 13 juin 2018 •5

À la une I Technologie I ETATS-UNIS I  B2-C1

39 Silicon Valley companies
Silicon Valley
are among the 1000 largest
American companies.
Los Angeles



The late awakening of the web giants (big tech name given to the major American internet companies)
For the last three months, Facebook has been at the centre of a major scandal related to the leaking of personal data of millions
of users— data obtained and used illegally during the 2016 American presidential campaign. From the beginning, with the
Cambridge Analytica exposé, calls for confidentiality and security have not ceased, including from within the industry itself. Will
Facebook and the other Silicon Valley giants manage to recover their reputation?

F or an industry that prides itself on

innovation, Silicon Valley loves to
conform. The herd mentality can be seen
everywhere, from tech executives’ collec-
Google and Twitter sheepishly echoing
one another’s testimony at a series of
congressional hearings [last] October. In
recent months, a new trend has emerged
3. Tech’s nascent moment of reckoning is
welcome – if somewhat belated. Victor
Frankenstein recognized that his creation
tive commitment to wearing wool slip- among the tech elite: publicly bashing the was a “miserable monster” on the very
pers in public to the spectacle of Facebook, companies that made them enormously same “dreary night of November” that he
wealthy. created it. It appears to have taken a full
decade and a different dreary November
1. to pride oneself on to take personal satisfaction in / 2. Sean Parker and Chamath Palihapitiya, night to awaken the new class of tech
herd mentality group instinct to behave like everybody both former Facebook executives, made agonists to the horror of their inventions.
else, conformity / tech = technology / commitment
taking part, participation / wool (made of the) material
headlines with sharp critiques of their
obtained from a sheep / former employers’ addictive qualities and 4. The election of Donald Trump was “a
slipper comfortable shoe damage to society. The pair joined a grow- big slap in the face” for people at Facebook,
worn inside the home /
ing chorus of disenchanted techies, includ- said Antonio Garcia-Martinez, a former
ing the Facebook engineer who invented Facebook product manager. To most Face-
the Like button, the former Google ethi- book employees, Garcia-Martinez said,
cist Tristan Harris, and the designer who “Trump is the incarnation of Satan. The
came up with the “pull to refresh” mech- fact that they helped Satan get elected
anism used by Twitter. does dog a lot of people.” Ev Williams, one
of the co-founders of Twitter, told the New
York Times this spring that Twitter’s role
sheepishly in an embarrassed way / to echo to in Donald Trump’s rise to the presidency
repeat / testimony formal statement was “a very bad thing”, adding: “If it’s true
usually given in a court of law /
congressional in front of Congress / that he wouldn’t be president if it weren’t
hearing audience, session / trend for Twitter, then yeah, I’m sorry.” >>>
general tendency / to bash to criticise /
wealthy rich.
2. to make, made, made headlines
to be reported on the front page of the
newspapers / sharp harsh, acerbic /
3. slap smack / nascent new / reckoning complete
damage detriment, harm / chorus
reevaluation / somewhat rather / belated delayed, tardy
here, group / disenchanted
/ dreary dull, grey, bleak / to awake, awaked or awoke,
disillusioned / techy person working
awaked or awaken to sth to become conscious of sth /
with the new technologies / ethicist
agonist person engaged in a struggle.
person whose judgment on ethics and
ethical codes is trusted by a specific 4. to dog to bother, annoy, worry / rise ascension / if it
community / pull to refresh mechanism weren’t for Twitter if Twitter had not been there.
touchscreen gesture to renew the
information on a device.

6 • VOCABLE Du 31 mai au 13 juin 2018  facile A2-B1 /  moyen B2-C1 /  difficile C1-C2
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg testifies at a joint
hearing of the Senate Judiciary and Commerce
committees on Capitol Hill in Washington D.C.,
VOCABLE Du 31 mai au 13 juin 2018 •7
À la une I Technologie I ETATS-UNIS I  B2-C1

2017 net income: US$16 billion  25,105 employees 2.2 billion monthly active users 

>>> NOW, A PREVAILING VIEW Facebook equity or the wealth that derived 9. Roger McNamee, an early investor in
5. But tech’s new cohort of critics are not from it,” he said of Palihapitiya. “I think Google and Facebook and a stalwart of the
exactly profiles in courage, according to [Palihapitiya and Parker] might have mi- new tech critics, lambasted the targeting
Siva Vaidhyanathan, a professor of media nor pricklings of conscience, but are they of children in an article for the Guardian
studies at the University of Virginia who really changed men who are seeking to this year, writing: “Alphabet provides
is writing a book about Facebook. “Social redress their sins of the past? Fuck no.” Chromebooks to elementary schools with
media scholars have been warning about the objective of capturing the attention,
the fact that Facebook has been hijacked ANTI-TECH PARENTS and perhaps even behavioral data, about
by hateful groups, violent groups, au- 7. Many of the men who have become tech children. At the same time, Alphabet’s
thoritarian leaders for years. It’s just that naysayers have changed in one crucial YouTube Kids is a site filled with inap-
very few people have been paying atten- aspect, however: they have become fa- propriate content that creates addiction
tion. It doesn’t take a huge intellectual thers. “A lot of the designers and coders in children far too young to resist.”
leap to be a Facebook critic these days.” who were in their 20s when we were
creating these things didn’t have kids. NOT ONLY IN THE WEST
6.Indeed, it took nearly a year for Mark Now they have kids,” Fadell said in June. 10. Vaidhyanathan warned that even that
Zuckerberg to apologize for dismissing “And they see what’s going on, and they conversation suffers from “the myopia of
concerns that Facebook’s amplification of say: ‘Wait a second.’” western Europe and America”. “When we
misinformation could have influenced the look around for the places
presidential election as a “pretty crazy 8. Palihapitiya told CNBC where Facebook has been
idea”. Garcia-Martinez also cast doubt t hat his ow n children used and abused in the
upon the sincerity of some of these mea were allowed “no screen most damaging ways, we
culpas. “He hasn’t exactly given back his time whatsoever”, while
“It doesn’t have to look at the Philip-
Parker, a father of two, take a huge pines, India, and Myan-
said of social networking:
“God only knows what it’s
intellectual mar – places where whole
radical nationalist move-
doing to our children’s leap to be a ments have been fostered
5. prevailing view generally agreed current opinion /
profile in courage model of courage / scholar expert,
brains.” That Silicon Val- Facebook critic and executed on Face-
ley parents use the money book,” said Vaidhyana-
specialist / to warn to notify in advance, caution / to
hijack to use or take control of sth for one’s own purposes they earn from tech to these days.” than.
/ hateful full of hate, odious / intellectual leap mental
send t heir children
6. to dismiss to reject / concern worry, anxiety /
to tech-free schools is no 11. In recent months, news
misinformation false information, «fake news» / secret. But such qualms outlets have documented
have not stopped the tech companies the role of Facebook in fomenting anti-
themselves from continuing to push their Rohingya hatred in Myanmar and help-
products on to other people’s children, ing Rodrigo Duterte rise to power and
both through partnerships with school stifle dissent in the Philippines. If that
districts and special apps for children as nightmare is keeping anyone in Silicon
young as six. Valley up at night, we haven’t heard about
it yet. But it’s as good as certain that if one
techie decides to take the leap and speak
Yes and No out, others will follow. l
Il y a en anglais plusieurs expressions
qui reprennent les anciens mots equity capital funds, shares / pricklings of conscience
"yea" et "nay" pour dire oui et non : remorse (prickling sharp but momentary feelings) / to
seek, sought, sought to try to / to redress here, to repair 9. stalwart pillar, determined supporter / to lambast to
the naysayers (§ 7) les opposants / sin offence, wrongdoing. criticise vehemently / targeting act of focusing on a specific
systématiques group / behavioral (US) = behavioural (GB) data
7. naysayer sceptic, critic / coder programmer.
do not say me nay ne me dites pas information about user preferences, comportment, habits etc.
8. screen time time spent on electronic devices
non 10. to warn to inform of possible danger / to foster to
(computer, tablet, phone, TV etc) / whatsoever at all /
to say yea to something  dire oui à encourage.
qualm scruple / partnership association, collaboration /
quelque chose school district (US) geographical area where a group of 11. outlet media / to document to record, relate the
to refuse to say yea or nay refuser de public schools are administered together / app details of / hatred hate, hostility, here prejudice / to stifle
donner une réponse catégorique = application. to suffocate, here suppress / dissent disagreement,
protest, resistance / nightmare bad dream, also, terrible
the yeas and the nays les voix pour et
situation / to take, took, taken the leap to make a
les voix contre decision to do sth / to speak, spoke, spoken out to
express one’s ideas openly.

8 • VOCABLE Du 31 mai au 13 juin 2018  facile A2-B1 /  moyen B2-C1 /  difficile C1-C2
À la une I Technologies I ETATS-UNIS I  B2-C1

Silicon Valley's biggest companies based on revenue:

Apple, Alphabet (Google), Facebook, Wells Fargo and Visa.



Are tech leaders getting older and wiser?
(tech = technology here, ref to information and digital technology)
Sergueï Brin and Larry Page were not yet twenty-five when they created Google. Mark Zuckerberg was still at university when he
launched Facebook, and the joint founders of Instagram were under thirty when they created their app. The years have passed
and a variety of issues have arisen in the industry. Nowadays, only 26% of employees in Silicon Valley are over forty. Should Mark
Zuckerberg and his peers be worried?

S everal years ago, a plastic figurine

began appearing around Google’s of-
fices, an ageing alien with gray hair, a Google
Glass headset and a sign that read, “Get Off
My Lawn!” The doll, a special edition of Goog-
le’s Android mascot, was a jokey tribute to the
Greyglers, a group for the 40-and-over crowd
at Google, and the doll hinted at how it felt to
be an older worker in tech: funny, self-con-
scious, a little out of place. 

2. The Greyglers still exist, but they’re no

longer such an anomaly. Sundar Pichai,
Google’s 45-year-old chief executive, would
fit in the group. So would Larry Page and
Sergey Brin, who co-founded the search en-
gine as graduate students two decades ago;
Susan Wojcicki, an early employee who runs
YouTube; and most of the company’s other
high-ranking executives.  >>>

1. ageing sth or sb that is getting old(er) / alien extraterrestrial

/ gray (US) = grey (GB) / Google Glass optical head-
mounted display designed in the shape of a pair of eyeglasses
to provide information in a smartphone-like, hands-free format
/ headset here, eye glasses (with virtual reality or specialised
information technology system incorporated) / lawn area of
cut grass in a garden or park / jokey light-hearted, funny /
tribute homage / Greyglers = grey + Googlers / crowd here,
group of employees / to hint at to give a small idea of, suggest
/ self-conscious painfully aware of oneself, ill-at-ease / out
of place incompatible, incongruous.
2. chief executive general director / to fit in to belong, here, to
be a part of / search engine program to search for and identify
items in a database using keywords, mainly used to find
websites / graduate student student who is working on a
Master’s degree or PhD / early first, initial / high-ranking
highly-placed / executive director, senior employee.
Google headquarters in Mountain View, California. (Istock)
VOCABLE Du 31 mai au 13 juin 2018 •9
À la une I Technologies I ETATS-UNIS I  B2-C1
Des femmes PDG de la Silicon Valley discutent du
manque de diversité dans l'industrie. Découvrez le
reportage vidéoet testez votre compréhension sur

NOT SO YOUNG ANYMORE has disproved his own theory. Now 33, he is “The idea that a product could make your life
3. For years, the self-appointed leaders of still not old by any measure (except perhaps worse was not in anyone’s perception,” said
Silicon Valley were young people — mostly his own). But he is a smarter and more self- Hochmuth, who left Instagram in 2014. 
men — with age-appropriate behavior. They aware leader than he was a decade ago, and
adopted brash mottos like “move fast and he has shown more willingness to accept UNEXPECTED GLOBAL SUCCESS
break things” and eschewed work-life balance responsibility for the company’s mistakes. 7. That perspective helps explain the shock
in favor of all-night hacking sessions in of- After years of moving fast and breaking many founders felt when the internet grew
fices that looked more like college dorms. things, Facebook is at least acknowledging into the foundation of global culture and
Their successes were cheered, and their sins its flaws and trying, albeit clumsily, to fix commerce, and products they had built as
were shrugged off as the cost of innovation.  them. That’s a start. quirky experiments became pieces of critical
infrastructure. “No one was
4. “Young people are just smarter,” Mark THINKING ABOUT thinking about ‘Wow, in 15
Zuckerberg crowed back in 2007, when he THEIR LEGACIES years, billions of people are
was the 22-year-old wunderkind behind a 5. There’s a lot of growing up Tech leaders going to be using this site
fledgling social network. Now, of course, happening in today’s tech are becoming every day,'” said Andrew Mc-
Facebook is a global powerhouse, and the industry, where former whiz Collum, 34, one of Facebook’s
company’s pursuit of growth at all costs has kids made their fortunes and more realistic founders, who left the com-
led to some truly dire consequences around are now settling down, start- and pany in 2006 and is now the
the world and fuelled a larger backlash
against tech. At the same time, Zuckerberg
ing families and starting to
think about their legacies.
introspective. chief executive of Philo, an
internet TV company. “The
Tech’s workforce remains goal was ‘How do we create
young — according to Pay- something great?’ — not
3. self-appointed designated by themselves / brash
exuberant, extravagant / motto slogan, short phrase to Scale, the median employee at the five largest ‘What’s our plan for world domination?'” 
express a principle or ideal / to eschew to reject, ignore / tech companies is around 30, roughly a
work-life balance equilibrium between professional and decade younger than the median American 8. You could chalk these statements up to
private life / hacking cyber attack / college (US)
university / dorm = dormitory, university hall of residence worker — but the industry’s leaders have self-interest. But Maureen Taylor, a leader-
/ to cheer to applaud / sin moral offence, fault, here, gotten older, and are seemingly more attuned ship communication expert who frequently
mistake / to shrug off to consider unimportant, be to the power they wield. “Five years ago, there coaches tech executives, said this kind of
unconcerned about.
was no talk of empathy or moral responsibil- earnest self-examination was becoming more
4. to crow, crowed or crew, crowed to boast, brag /
wunderkind (German) young prodigy / fledgling new,
ity,” said Om Malik, a venture capitalist who frequent among founders. “As you get older,
young, nascent / powerhouse very powerful and has written about the tech industry for years. you realize your responsibilities are bigger,”
prosperous entity / dire catastrophic, disastrous / to fuel she said. “People are becoming very thought-
to incite / backlash counter-reaction /
6. In recent weeks, I spoke to numerous in- ful about the ramifications of technology,
dustry insiders about this coming of age. and remembering that the whole point was
Here’s what I learned. Tech leaders are be- to make the world a better place.” Their new
coming more realistic and introspective. outlook is making them more protective and
SUR LE BOUT DE LA LANGUE Gregor Hochmuth, 33, an early engineer at risk-averse. 
Instagram, said some of today’s internet gi-
parenthood seems to ants had grown up with positive-thinking NEW PARENTS
cultures that left them vulnerable to abuse. 9. The tech industry’s stereotypical acces-
be shaping their sory used to be the hoodie. Today, it might
attitudes (§ 9) le fait as well be the Baby Bjorn. There are a lot of
d'être parents change new parents among tech elites, including
to disprove to refute, contradict / by any measure from
leur façon de voir les any point of view / self-aware who knows oneself / Zuckerberg and Kevin Systrom, 34, a co-
choses willingness readiness, being prepared to do sth / to
acknowledge to admit, recognize / flaw fault, failing /
D’autres expressions : albeit although / clumsily in an awkward manner.
the joys of parenthood les joies de la 7. foundation basis / quirky strange, eccentric / piece
5. legacy heritage / whiz kid genious, prodigy / here, aspect.
maternité (ou paternité) workforce staff, employees, personnel / roughly 8. to chalk sth up to... to consider that something is
the responsibilities of approximately, around / seemingly apparently / to be caused by a particular thing / self-interest personal
parenthood  les responsabilités que attuned to to be conscious of, aware of / to wield to interest / earnest sincere, serious / thoughtful aware /
l'on a quand on a des enfants exert / venture capitalist investor. the whole point was... the principal objective was... /
she doesn't feel ready for 6. insider person working within a group/profession / outlook vision of things / risk-averse afraid of taking a
parenthood  elle ne se sent pas mûre coming of age arrival at adulthood, maturity / abuse risk, cautious.
pour avoir des enfants here, abusive practices. 9. hoodie sweatshirt with a hood (covering for the head) /
Baby Bjorn brand of baby carrier /

10 • VOCABLE Du 31 mai au 13 juin 2018  facile A2-B1 /  moyen B2-C1 /  difficile C1-C2
Retrouvez plus d’infos dans la newsletter Vocable

$142,000 Average tech salary

in Silicon Valley

Employees and their children work together on projects in The Garage at Google headquarters. (Marcio Jose Sanchez/AP/SIPA)
founder of Instagram. (Evan Spiegel, the (You could call this the “Uber effect.”) Indus- Larry Ellison — the billionaire co-founder
27-year-old chief executive of Snap, is expect- tries run by older executives aren’t necessar- of Oracle, and the enfant terrible of an
ing his first child this year.) And parenthood ily paragons of virtue, either. (See: Wall earlier generation of tech moguls — de-
seems to be shaping their attitudes. In an Street.) But there is something to be said for nounced what he saw as Silicon Valley’s
interview with The New York Times this caution, and tech companies now seem aware slow-footed stagnation. (The tech industry
year, Zuckerberg cited his children as one of that they’re playing with live ammunition.  was “as large as it’s going to be,” he pre-
the reasons he was so focused on fixing Fa- dicted.) Ellison was wrong, of course. Tech
cebook. “It’s important to me that when Max 11. “You become more responsible when you wasn’t stagnant, but the generation of
and August grow up that they feel like what have more to lose,” Malik said. It also may make mature companies that included Oracle was
their father built was good for the world,” their companies more vulnerable. Silicon Valley on its way to being eclipsed by newer and
Zuckerberg said.  works a bit like a forest — as old trees decay and scrappier ventures. 
die, they decompose and fertilize the next
PROFESSIONALIZING THE generation of growth. And today’s largest tech 13. If history is any indication, that cycle will
WORKPLACE companies are beginning to show their age. repeat itself and a new crop of young tech
10. As their executives pursue personal Facebook is 14 years old, and Twitter is 12. leaders will emerge. But hopefully they’ll
growth, some of Silicon Valley’s large com- Google, at 20, is now nearly as old as Microsoft learn from the mistakes made by their pre-
panies are also professionalizing their work- was in 1998, when Google was started.  decessors. Technology is too important now,
places by cutting back on frivolous perks and and we can’t afford another generation of
enforcing stricter rules on sexual harassment 12. The tech industry’s maturity may be a naïveté. l
and other forms of employee misconduct. sign of cyclical renewal. Fifteen years ago,

to shape to form, mould, define; here to influence / to fix caution prudence / live ammunition real bullets, to 12. billionaire very rich person who has (at least) a billion
to repair, put right, resolve the problems of, here, improve. play with live ammunition (fig.) to make decisions that dollars / mogul very rich and powerful person, magnate /
10. to pursue to search for / to cut, cut, cut back on to have real and possibly serious, even lethal, consequences. slow-footed slow, leaden / to predict to forecast, make
reduce / perk advantage, benefit / to enforce to 11. to decay to decompose, disintegrate. an assessment of what will happen in the future / scrappy
implement, apply / sexual harassment inappropriate full of fighting spirit / venture project, enterprise.
and unwelcome sexual behaviour usually with threat and 13. crop here, generation / hopefully let us hope.
intimidation / misconduct reprehensible behaviour /

VOCABLE Du 31 mai au 13 juin 2018 • 11

À 360°
Le tour du monde en V.O.
Retrouvez plus d’infos sur

(Gela Frantisek/AP/SIPA)
Changing the law
Belgian MPs have started a debate about the
decriminalisation of abortion after a large
public survey indicated that Belgians were in
favour of this measure. Although abortion in
the first twelve weeks after conception is
legal, there is a mandatory six-day period of
counselling and “reflection”, and having an

(Themba Hadebe/AP/SIPA)
abortion outside these restrictions remains an
imprisonable offence.
MP = Member of Parliament, political
representative / abortion termination of a pregnancy
/ survey poll, study / mandatory compulsory /
counselling (GB) counseling (US) psychological
help / offence crime, illegal act.

New name
In honour of the 50th anniversary of its independence in April, Swaziland was
given a new name. King Mswati III explained that he renamed his country be-
cause people abroad always referred to it as Switzerland. Swaziland’s new name
is eSwatini. Swaziland is one of the few former British colonies that didn’t take a
new name when it became independent. International journalists raised con-
cerns that changing the country’s name from Swaziland to eSwatini is merely a
distraction from the bigger issues faced by the country. Swaziland is an absolute
monarchy and one of the poorest countries in the world. It also has one of the
highest rates of HIV, with 26% of its adult population infected.

abroad in foreign countries / to refer to to call sth by a certain name / to raise concerns to bring up an issue of
preoccupation / merely simply, only / to face to be confronted by / HIV Human Immunodeficiency Virus, condition that
can lead to Aids.

Giving to Caesar
Miyazaki frenzy what is Caesar’s
A new theme park, devoted to Hayao Sweden has officially stated that meatballs
Miyazaki’s works, is to open in Japan in are Turkish, and not Swedish, although they
2022. Hayao Miyazaki, co-founder of have been associated with the Scandinavian
Studio Ghibli, the leading Japanese furniture chain IKEA worldwide for a very
animation studio, has directed films long time. A post from Sweden’s official
with worldwide acclaim, such as Twitter account asserted: “Swedish

Princess Mononoke, Howl’s Moving meatballs are actually based on a recipe

Castle, and Spirited Away. The King Charles XII brought home from Turkey
200-hectare theme park will be in the early 18th century. Let’s stick to the
located in a city near Nagoya and will feature rides and forest trails inspired by Miyazaki’s numerous facts!” The post received many comments
movies. Three of the five most visited theme parks in the world are already located in Japan. from shocked and dismayed Twitter users.
frenzy state of extreme excitement / to devote to dedicate / work artistic creation / leading eminent, top / to direct to to state to affirm, declare / furniture (inv.) movable
make a film / acclaim praise, enthusiastic approval / Princess Mononoke Princesse Mononoké / Howl’s Moving Castle articles in a house, chairs, tables etc / post message,
Le Château ambulant / Spirited Away Le Voyage de Chihiro / to feature to include / ride attraction at an amusement here tweet / to assert to affirm / to stick, stuck,
park / trail track, path. stuck to to keep to, adhere to / dismayed upset.

12 • VOCABLE Du 31 mai au 13 juin 2018

Société I Immigration I FRANCE I  B2-C1



A British couple park their car in Eymet, 2005. (BOB EDME/AP/SIPA)


Brits buying property in France in the rush to obtain residency rights before Brexit
Since 1999, Nouvelle-Aquitaine has been the region of France hosting the most Brits. The Dordogne, with its magnificent
countryside and picturesque villages, has been the preferred region for retired English people for many years and in the last few
months our neighbours from across the channel have been snapping up properties in the small village of Eymet!

A t the beginning of every year, Terrie

Simpson and her fellow estate agents
at Agence Eleonor, off Place Gambetta in the
pretty Dordogne town of Eymet, sit down to set
things out, get in, start qualifying for residency.
They feel the clock’s ticking. There’s a deadline.”


Dans l'épicerie anglaise

their annual sales targets. By late February, they 3. With its honeyed stones and half-timbered d'Eymet (§ 3),
realised they had already reached more than 30% square, its pub, cricket club, tea rooms and Epic- selon l'article, on trouve des digestive
of their 2018 total. “It’s been mad,” said Simpson, erie anglaise – digestive biscuits, Oxford mar- biscuits, Oxford marmalade, lime
who worked for Boddingtons’ brewery before malade, lime cordial and salt’n’vinegar crisps cordial et salt’n’vinegar crisps.
landing in this tranquil part of south-west – Eymet is the most English corner of a >>> On y trouve aussi d'autres spécialités
France from the UK 16 years ago.  anglaises telles que :
sliced bread pain de mie en tranches
2. “Just mad. We’ve had people coming in saying, hot cross buns brioches aux fruits secs
literally: ‘We’re here for a week and by the time scones sorte de petits pains/gâteaux
to get, got, got in here, to move in / to qualify for to
we leave we’d like a house.’ They want to sort satisfy the criteria for / residency legal permission to live au lait que l'on mange avec de la
in a country / the clock is ticking time is limited / strawberry jam, confiture de fraises et
deadline point in time when sth must be done. de la clotted cream, sorte de crème
3. longtime for a long time / honeyed colour of honey, fraîche épaisse
1. fellow co-, associate / estate agent property agent / to golden / half-timbered style of buildings partially built in custard de la crème anglaise pour
set, set, set to fix, determine, establish / target objective, wood / square large open public area / digestive biscuit accompagner l’apple crumble,
goal / late end (of) / to reach to arrive at / brewery place English tea biscuit / lime cordial lime syrup to add to crumble aux pommes.
where beer is made / to land here, to arrive. drinks / salt’n’vinegar crisps potato crisps or chips with
2. to sort out to organise / salt and vinegar flavouring /

VOCABLE Du 31 mai au 13 juin 2018 • 13

Société Téléchargez l’appli Vocable offerte à nos abonnés !

>>> region whose rolling hills and reliable, but not too March, British nationals looking to settle abroad, some kind of minimum income requirement?”
unbearable, sun have long been popular with Brits.  and EU citizens thinking of coming to Britain, He was angry, too, that the couple’s plans to stay
should now have a little longer, until December a few years in France and then go somewhere
4. About 400 of this bastide town’s 2,600 inhabit- 2020. But few seem willing to take the chance. else in the EU, perhaps to Spain or Portugal,
ants are UK nationals – and even as older residents “Things haven’t exactly gone the way the govern- appeared stymied. 
grow increasingly worried about their post- ment said they would so far; I don’t see why
Brexit retirement, an unexpected pre-Brexit boom anyone would think they will now,” said Lisa 10. Older Britons’ most serious concerns, Tim-
is under way, of often younger Britons keen to Reynolds, a freelance illustrator from Birming- mins said, were for the ever-falling value of their
make the move before it could be ham, who had made an offer on a pensions (“people in their 70s are already taking
too late. Simpson, who before the converted barn near Monpazier, pin-money jobs, gardening, cleaning, to top up
referendum was scathing about 40 minutes east of Eymet.  their income”), and that the UK may one day no
the “sheer absurdity, the absolute About 400 of longer cover the healthcare costs of its pension-
idiocy” of it all, said she stillfelt this bastide 7. She is hoping to move in over ers abroad who paid British social security.
“mortified ... even bereaved”. But, town’s 2,600 the summer, in time for her eldest “Private healthcare in France would leave some
from a professional standpoint, she to start primary school. “It does penniless,” he said. 
added: “We opened a new branch inhabitants feel like the pressure’s on,” Reyn-
in Bergerac last month. In its first are UK olds said. “Yes, there’s massive THE YOUNGER RESIDENTS
weekend, it sold three homes. We nationals. uncertainty. But we’ve been com- 11. Younger residents, many running thriving
really can’t complain.” ing here, talking about this, for businesses, see fewer problems. “I’m registered,
ages. Brexit makes me so angry, in the system, paying French tax and social se-
NOW OR NEVER but it’s forced us to take the curity, an established business with plenty of
5. It’s almost as if, said Tom Campbell, “every Brit plunge. In a way, I’m quite grateful.”  work,” said Adrian Kewell, a self-employed
who’s ever dreamed of living on the continent electrician who came to work on one job in 2007
but done nothing about it has woken up and OLDER BRITONS’ CONCERNS and never quite left. “I’m really happy here.” At
thought: ‘If I don’t do it now, it’s never going to 8. But while some scramble to make the move, Eymet’s weekly market, a clutch of British stall-
happen. Or at least, it’ll be a hell of a lot harder.’” many of those who already have are fretting and holders were similarly unfazed. “It’s a bit ‘Brexit,
House-hunting near Bergerac with his partner, quietly furious. Peter Timmins took early retire- what Brexit?’” said Karen Clinton, whose Secret
Ella, Campbell – an internet security specialist ment from the bank he worked for in Cheshire Curry Club sells from half a dozen local markets. 
from Sussex who works remotely – said the aim and moved to a hamlet outside Eymet in 2014.
was “to be out of Brexit Britain, registered in “People really are very, very worried,” he said. “If 12. Newcomers said Brexit had not dented their
France, as EU citizens with a right to reside, by the UK doesn’t get a deal, if it all goes up in dream of a new life in the sun of south-west
29 March next year. That way, we should be OK.”  smoke, we will be the losers. We already feel like France. David and Denise White, from North-
bargaining chips.”  amptonshire, who opened Rose’s Vintage Tea-
6. In practice, assuming the status quo transition rooms in Eymet less than a year ago, came close
period agreed this month comes into effect next 9. Timmins and his wife sold up in Britain and to calling their whole project off the morning
invested all they had in France, but he said he after the referendum. “But then someone said:
had no idea what exactly they would have to do ‘Just do it,’” said David, who had a tiling and
rolling slightly undulating, hilly / hill small mountain / to stay. “Will we just have to fill in a form?” he plastering business. “And we did: bought in De-
reliable dependable / unbearable intolerable (here, asked. “Apply for a carte de séjour? Will there be cember 2016, moved in January, opened in May.
because of high temperatures) / long here, for a long time We’ve been pretty much flat out ever since.” l
/ to be popular with to be very appreciated by / Brit
British, from Great Britain.
4. about approximately, around / bastide town fortified to look to to hope to / to settle to establish oneself /
town / inhabitant resident / national native of a country / abroad in foreign countries / to seem to appear / to be kind sort / income revenue / requirement condition,
even as while at the same time / to grow, grew, grown to willing to to be prepared to / to take, took, taken the criteria / plan project, programme, here, expectation / to
become / increasingly more and more / retirement end of chance to take the risk / so far up to now / freelance appear to seem / to stymie to block, obstruct.
one’s professional life / unexpected unforeseen, independent / converted modified / barn farm building for
unanticipated / to be under way to be in progress / Briton 10. ever-falling which never seems to stop going down /
storing produce or housing animals. pension money paid regularly by the government to a person
person from Great Britain / to be keen to to want very much
7. to move in to arrive, set up / over during the course of / no longer working due to age / in their 70s aged from 70 to 79
to / to make, made, made the move to make a decision to
in time before it is too late / eldest oldest / the pressure’s / to take, took, taken to accept / pin-money pocket money
do sth (here, move to France) / to scathe to criticise
on here, time is limited / uncertainty incertitude / for ages / to top up to add to / to cover here, to pay for / healthcare
vehemently / sheer abolute / bereaved in mourning,
for a long time, for years / to make, made, made here, to medical coverage / penniless poor, with no money.
grief-stricken / standpoint point of view / branch here,
cause sb to be... / to take, took, taken the plunge to dive 11. to run, ran, run to direct, manage / thriving
local office / to complain to express dissatisfaction.
into the water, also to throw oneself into a venture / quite prosperous, flourishing / plenty of lots of / self-
5. almost nearly, virtually / ever here, one day / to wake, rather, very / grateful thankful.
waked or woke, waked or woken up here to become employed independent / clutch here, a small group /
8. concern preoccupation, worry / while at the same time stallholder person selling on a market stand / unfazed
conscious of a fact / it’s never going to happen here, I will
as / to scramble to rush to do sth, be in a hurry to do sth / completely unperturbed / half a dozen six.
never be able to do it / at least as a minimum / a hell of a lot
to fret to worry, be anxious / early before the ususual age 12. to dent to damage / to come, came, come close to
much / to house-hunt to search for a house (to buy) /
/ hamlet small village / to go, went, gone up in smoke to have nearly / to call sth off to abandon, let go / whole
remotely operating from a distance / aim goal, objective / to
to disappear, be destroyed, ruined / bargaining chip entire / tiling profession of covering a surface with tiles
register to put on an official list, sign up, here, to become a
money in exchange, to trade, here, (fig.) leverage. (tile thin, flat piece of hard material used to cover floors,
resident / citizen member of a state / that way in this manner.
9. wife spouse / to sell, sold, sold up to sell everything / walls) / plastering profession of covering walls with
6. assuming... provided, supposing / to come, came,
to fill in to complete / form document / to apply for to plaster / pretty much mostly, practically / to be flat out
come into effect to become law /
make a formal request for / to work to maximum capacity / ever since since then.

14 • VOCABLE Du 31 mai au 13 juin 2018  facile A2-B1 /  moyen B2-C1 /  difficile C1-C2
Société I Religion I ETATS-UNIS I  B2-C1

Mediation is part of the service at the New York Buddhist Church. (James Estrin/The New York Times)

America's Buddhism boom
Separation of church and state is sacrosanct in the United States. It is established in the first amendment of the Constitution,
resulting in an environment for a multitude of religions to coexist. The majority of Americans are Protestant, but a wide range of
other religions are practised, including one which, although very small in size, since the millennium, seems to be increasing…

C hris Nyambura was raised Catholic

but over the past six months he has
started calling himself Buddhist. Aged 23,
he is a graduate student in chemical engi-
tation sessions in a small, brightly lit studio
in downtown Seattle. This is one of 38
centres across the United States (and 679
around the world) affiliated to the Diamond
3. Mr Nyambura eagerly lists the ways in
which, he feels, this practice benefits him.
First, training the mental faculties. “A lot of
neering. Like many of his generation, espe- Way movement, which has popularised a people take refuge in relationships, food,
cially on the American West Coast, he ap- modern form of Tibetan Buddhist practice, material things. Part of Buddhism is trying
prec iates t he empha si s on ment a l that emphasises the practical over the ar- to teach me how do I take refuge in my own
development and self-help in the spiritual cane. Their teacher coaches them in tech- mind.” Second, a sharper sense of cause,
practice he has chosen.  niques like visualisation and chanting as effect and accountability. “One of the things
well as explaining some basics of the reli- when we meditate is remembering how
2. He belongs to a group of people who turn gion to any newcomers.  former thoughts, actions bring you to your
up every Sunday evening for guided medi- present state and what you do now will
ultimately shape your future.” Third, learn-
ing to live in the moment.  >>>
1. to be raised Catholic to be brought up as a Catholic, to brightly lit here, full of light, well-illuminated /
grow up in a Catholic culture / graduate student student downtown central part of a city / to emphasise to insist
who is working on a Master’s degree or PhD / chemical upon the importance of / arcane esoteric / chanting
engineering profession of applying chemistry to industrial 3. eagerly enthusiastically / to train to prepare oneself
reciting using repetition, rhythmical patterns and musical
processes / emphasis importance, focus / self-help physically/mentally / sharp developed, distinct, intellectually
intonation / newcomer new person, beginner.
personal development. alert / sense impression, understanding / accountability
responsibility (for one’s actions) / ultimately eventually, in
2. to turn up to come / the end / to shape to form, here, to influence, to define.

VOCABLE Du 31 mai au 13 juin 2018 • 15

Société I Religion I ETATS-UNIS I  B2-C1 Une suggestion ? écrivez-nous sur


Elaine Konopka is a former Buddhist nun. On the Advanced recording, she
shares her experiences with us, talking frankly about the practice of Zen
Buddhism. It's "enlightening"!
CD audio ou téléchargement MP3 (sur abonnement)

>>> 4. Buddhism in the United States may be a ies in California. The faith’s first significant
large and prolix phenomenon, ranging from presence on American soil came with Chi- Religion in the
ethnically defined groups which foster com- nese immigrants in the mid-19th century; United States
munity and ritual to the more individualistic newcomers from Japan arrived a few dec-
approach epitomised by those Seattle classes. ades later. Over time, non-Asians were
But almost everybody who studies the sub- drawn in. After 1945, a Japanese movement According to a 2017 study, approximately
69% of Americans identify as Christians.
ject agrees that the religion is growing. Pew, known as Soka Gakkai International, fa- 45% of these are Protestant and 20%
an independent research body based in vouring chants rather than meditation, Catholic. Other non-Christian religions
Washington, DC, reckons that by 2020 the gained followers in the United States, in- make up about 7% of the population. 20
number of American Buddhists may have cluding African-Americans and Latinos. to 25% of Americans claim no religious
risen to at least 4.2 million from 3.6 million (This cuts across a stereotype which holds affiliation. Nearly one in three Americans
in 2010. It is also growing in public esteem; that most converts to Buddhism are lib- under 35 do not identify with any formal
last year, when Pew surveyed the feelings of eral whites.)  religious group.
Americans towards various religious groups, according to as stated/reported by / to identify
the youngest cohort of respondents (aged FUZZY BOUNDARIES as to declare oneself to be / to make, made,
made up to represent, constitute / in out of /
18-29) gave top marks to Buddhism. 6. At its liberal edge, the boundaries of the formal official.
religion, as practised in America, can be very
CHINESE AND JAPANESE fuzzy. For example, most Buddhists would
IMMIGRATION agree that their faith’s core axioms include
5. Today you can find in the United States five moral precepts: don’t harm living
outposts of virtually every form of Bud- things, don’t take what is not given, don’t SOCIAL JUSTICE
dhism practised in Asia, says Scott A. engage in sexual misconduct, lie or consume 8. In Mr Mitchell’s view, issues of politics
Mitchell of the Institute of Buddhist Stud- intoxicants. But not all the Americans who and social justice are becoming a focal point
call themselves Buddhist really know about for the large and disconnected Buddhist
these precepts, let alone practise them.  scene, prompting followers to cohere and
4. prolix which is spoken/written about at excessive connect more often. “There
length / to range from... to to vary from... to / to foster
7. Then there is the fact that is definitely a sense of,
to encourage, to promote / to epitomise to represent /
American culture, includ- what I should do as a Bud-
research body research centre / to reckon to estimate /
to survey to conduct a statistical study on / respondent ing corporate culture, has American dhist about this or that is-
person questioned / top mark best mark.
5. outpost branch / virtually almost, practically /
cherry-picked aspects of culture [...] has sue,” he says. There have
Buddhist life, such as the been Buddhist initiatives
practice of mindfulness. Big cherry-picked in favour of the environ-
corporations may employ aspects of ment and against racism.
full-time coaches on medi-
tation which draw on Bud-
Buddhist life. Last year, a dozen or so
prominent American Bud-
dhist techniques. But that dhist leaders signed a state-
does not make the users of ment protesting over the
SUR LE BOUT DE LA LANGUE these practices into followers of Buddhism.  effect on the vulnerable of the current ad-
ministration’s policies; scores of others
"Not all the Americans added their names. The authors explained
who call themselves faith religion / to draw, drew, drawn in to attract / to
that although Buddhism can take many
Buddhist really know favour to prefer / follower disciple, member / to cut, different forms, “our commitment is to ease
about these precepts, cut, cut across to be contrary to, to contradict / to hold, the suffering of all living things…” What-
let alone practise held, held to believe, to assume / convert person who ever the merits of learning to meditate in a
changes from one religion to another.
them" (§ 6) Seattle studio, that is not where the religion
6. fuzzy unclear, indistinct / boundary limits, here, rules /
liberal edge here, most progressive side / core central, will stop. l
let alone  encore moins
principal / to harm to cause damage or injury to / sexual
D'autres exemples : misconduct immoral sexual behaviour / intoxicant
he can't read, let alone write il ne stimulant such as alcohol or drugs / let alone even less so.
sait pas lire, encore moins écrire 7. corporate large company / to cherry-pick to select / 8. focal central point, main area of interest / scene here,
he can't afford food, let alone mindfulness practice of being aware of one’s thoughts community / to prompt to incite / to cohere to unite /
clothes il n'a pas de quoi s'acheter de and emotions to create a feeling of calm / to draw, drew, definitely without doubt / prominent important,
la nourriture, encore moins des drawn on to use as a source of inspiration. well-known / administration government / scores of
vêtements many, a multitude of (score twenty) / commitment
promise, responsibility / to ease to reduce.

16 • VOCABLE Du 31 mai au 13 juin 2018  facile A2-B1 /  moyen B2-C1 /  difficile C1-C2

Vocabulaire, expressions et astuces pour parler comme un Anglais…


La presse écrite
À l’heure des fake news et de la diffusion numérique, la
presse écrite s’efforce de conserver sa place dans la
société et, surtout, de faire valoir sa qualité de contre-
pouvoir objectif et informé. Adeptes du journal, cette
page est faite pour vous !

Vocabulaire clé

ad publicité libel diffamation
ad insert encart publicitaire match proof épreuve
article article monthly mensuel Retrouvez cette fiche de vocabulaire lue sur le
bi-monthly bimensuel newspaper journal CD lecture et son commentaire sur la partie
censor censurer pagination pagination basique du CD conversation.
circulation diffusion print imprimer CD audio ou téléchargement MP3
classified ads petites print press presse écrite
annonces publish publier
copy exemplaire
cost per thousand coût au
readership lectorat
reel bobine
Expressions à retenir
mille reveal révéler
cover couverture This is the most read newspaper in the country. C’est
rotary press rotative
daily quotidien le journal le plus lu dans le pays.
satirical satirique
disclosure révélation scandal scandale It’ll make the headlines! Ça va faire les gros titres !
editor-in-chief rédacteur en second cover deuxième de Millions of copies are sold every day. Des millions
chef couverture d’exemplaires sont vendus chaque jour.
editorial content contenu sidebar, insert encart
This newspaper is said to be reliable. On dit de ce
slander calomnie journal qu’il est fiable.
fourth cover quatrième de soft binding brochage
couverture The press has been accused lately of focusing more
space buying achat d’espace on scandal than on information. La presse a été
headings titrailles
special edition édition récemment accusée de se concentrer davantage sur le
headlines gros titres spéciale
house style charte graphique scandale que sur l’information.
tabloid, scandal sheet (US)
ink encre journal à sensation The press represents a major counter-power. La
journalist journaliste third cover troisième de presse représente un contre-pouvoir majeur.
lead news histoire à la une couverture
letters to the editor courrier title corner manchette
des lecteurs weekly hebdomadaire
Associez chaque mot de la première liste
Bon à savoir avec un mot de la seconde :
Au Royaume-Uni, on surnomme la presse écrite Fleet Street. Cela tient
1- front page a- caricature
au fait que les principaux organes de presse sont situés dans cette célèbre 2- tabloid b- content
rue de Londres. 3- ad c- insert
Dans les pays anglo-saxons, on fera la différence entre les quality papers 4- editor-in-chief d- scandal
(littéralement « journaux de qualité »), considérés comme sérieux et 5- match proof e- headlines
fiables, tel que The Guardian au Royaume-Uni, et les tabloids, les
journaux à scandale comme The Sun, réputé pour ses couvertures qui 6- satirical f- modifications
représentaient souvent des jeunes femmes dénudées. De manière
générale, les tabloïds se vendent plus que les quality papers. SOLUTIONS : 1-e ; 2-d ; 3-c ; 4-b ; 5-f ; 6-a.

VOCABLE Du 31 mai au 13 juin 2018 • 17

PRATIC’ABLE  / Grammaire


“to go” et “to get”

Piqûre de rappel
1 Remplissez les blancs avec “go” ou “get”
“get” est utilisé lorsque l’action implique
une certaine difficulté ou demande un 1. You look dreadful. You ought to ---------- and see a doctor.
effort physique ou mental, 2. I probably won’t be able to ---------- an appointment today.
contrairement à “go” qui s’emploie pour 3. It took us 2 hours to ---------- to the airport, the traffic was
des actions ne nécessitant pas d’effort practically at a standstill.
particulier. 4. W  e usually ---------- on the bus when we visit my aunt in
Exemples :
5. Y  ou can ---------- on the bus in Town Square and ---------- off at
The door is open, please go in and take a Minchin Street.
seat. 6. Young people find it difficult to ---------- jobs these days.
The door was locked so we got in through 7. It’s not easy to ---------- to know people when you first arrive in a
the window. new place.
8. They helped him ---------- elected.
We had to wait 3 hours before getting on the
9. I think you ought to ---------- and ---------- him out of trouble.
10. How did your exam ---------- ? Do you think you have passed?
I don’t get what you mean.
SOLUTIONS : 1. go 2. get 3. get 4. go 5. get/get 6. get 7.get 8. get 9. go/get 10. go

2 Complétez ces phrases avec des Le dessin d'Yves Cotten

“phrasal verbs” (verbes à particule)
composés de “get” + particule.
Pour chaque phrase, réfléchissez à la difficulté de
l’action pour comprendre pourquoi on utilise
1. I phoned you several times but I couldn’t
------ ----------.
2. The wind is ------------ ------. I think we’re going
to have a storm.
3. I’m longing to ----- ---------- for a few days.
It’s been hectic at the office recently.
4. T
 hey had difficulty ------------ the bill
------------ Parliament.
5. L et’s ----- -------------- to discuss what
we’re going to do.
6. I can’t ----- ----------- to telling him. He’ll
be furious.

5.get together 6.get round

Retrouvez Yves Cotten sur

SOLUTIONS : 1.get through 2.getting up 3.get away 4.getting through

18 • VOCABLE Du 31 mai au 13 juin 2018

 / Prononciation & Orthographe Retrouvez plus d’infos sur

Soignez votre orthographe !

Le saviez-vous ?
1 Complétez les mots ci-dessous avec -tion, -sion, -ssion, -cian
ou -tian. juggernaut
Certains mots peuvent également se terminer en –ction ou bien -xion. Un juggernaut est un gros
poids lourd, un mastodonte.
accommoda------ comprehen------ confe------ beauti------
On parle aussi de the
Mar------ infle------ transi------ profu-------
media/military juggernaut
permi------ statisti------ refle------ Dalma------ le pouvoir écrasant des
médias ou de l’armée ou bien
the juggernaut of tradition/
profusion, permission, statistician, reflection/reflexion, Dalmatian
SOLUTIONS : accommodation, comprehension, confession, beautician, Martian, inflection/inflexion, transition,

religion l’influence écrasante

de la tradition ou de la
2 Tendez l’oreille religion.
Savez-vous prononcer les noms propres ?
Le mot, dérivé du nom
1. The woman’s name Jean rhymes with ...
sanskrit Jagannâtha, fait
 been  van  earn  gin
référence à une procession
2. W
 hich word contains the same vowel sound as the first syllable of hindoue au cours de laquelle,
Geoffrey? selon la légende, le char
 people  off  neon  left écrasait tout sur son chemin
3. A word which rhymes with Brian is ... y compris les adorateurs qui
 mine  drain  neon  lion se jetaient volontairement
4. T
 he vowel sound in Jane is like the one in ... sous ses roues.
 pan  brain  swan  dawn Le mot a depuis pris le sens

5. Which word contains the same sound as the first “e” in Eve? de force destructrice
 dreamt  dream  live  elephant irrésistible.

6. The sound at the end of Hugh is also the sound at the end of ... (Voir l’article page 26 § 4,

 rough  fugue  mug  few The Simpsons: TV’s longest-

running sitcom)
7. The sound at the end of Arthur can also be found at the end of ...
 deter  procure  banana  poor
8. The word that rhymes most closely with Ruth is ...
 root  rut  soothe  truth
Retrouvez beaucoup plus d'exercices de
grammaire, d'orthographe et de culture
générale sur notre site internet !
SOLUTIONS : 1. been 2. left 3. lion 4. brain 5. dream 6. few 7. banana 8. truth

VOCABLE Du 31 mai au 13 juin 2018 • 19

PRATIC’ABLE  / Vocabulaire

Jeux de mots
A retenir
1 D
 ans cet exercice, chaque mot contient le même son que la 5 mots à mémoriser
voyelle de “night”.
2 3 dans ce numéro
1             7 apparel, clothing, garments
9   5     ripped jeans des jeans
4             6           déchirés
      14   sweater pull-over
  11   8          
L'expression idiomatique
    Dans l’article sur Trump et
13           Macron (page 23) on parle de
7. A
 negation or refusal of what someone
  says. lame duck leaders
8. Normally each person has the right to a
1. W
 hen does your ................ get into Los ............ by jury before being put into prison. (voir Sur le Bout de la Langue
Angeles airport? 9. I was making lunch .............. she was page 24 ).
2. I’m feeling ................ . What about you? reading a book in the living room.
3. T he ................ of that tree is about 10. Someone who doesn’t tell the truth. Voici d’autres expressions où on
10 meters. 11. W
 hen two words sound alike, they parle d’oiseaux :
4. What you do with a pen. .............. .
5. I f you do something two times, you do 12. To conceal something. He sent me on a wild goose
it ............... . 13. T o go up a mountain, a ladder or a tree. chase il m’a fait courir partout
6. H e’s so tall, he’s like a ................. . 14. T he main food of China and India. pour rien (goose oie)
12. hide 13. climb 14. rice
He’s a real night owl c’est un
SOLUTIONS : 1. flight 2. fine 3. height 4. write 5. twice 6. giant 7. denial 8. trial 9. while 10. liar 11. rhyme
vrai couche-tard (owl hibou,
2 Food expressions To get up with the lark se lever
Complétez les phrases avec les mots proposés. au chant du coq (lark alouette)
apple bacon beans cake cheese cucumber fruitcake milk nutshell To sing like a nightingale
1. H
 e loves his daughter. She’s the ............... of his eye. chanter comme un rossignol.
2. He is a very important person, a really big ............... .
Don’t count your chickens
3. She brings home the ............... . Her husband doesn’t work.
before they’re hatched il ne
4. N
 othing makes her mad. She’s always as cool as a ............... .
faut pas vendre la peau de l’ours
5. What’s done is done. It’s no use crying over spilt ............... .
avant de l’avoir tué (to hatch
6. Y
 ou can’t eat your ............... and have it too.
éclore, chickens poussins)
7. He’s a happy, energetic person. He’s full of ............... .
8. I’ll be brief. In a ..............., I believe we can do it.
9. S
 he’s really crazy. She’s as nutty as a ............... .
10. T
 ake what he says with a grain of ............... . He’s not being serious. sur
Retrouvez beaucoup plus d'exercices de
SOLUTIONS : 1. apple 2. cheese 3. bacon 4. cucumber 5. milk 6. cake 7. beans 8. nutshell 9. fruitcake 10. salt grammaire, d'orthographe et de culture
générale sur notre site internet !

Ne manquez pas dans le prochain numéro la nouvelle page PRATIC’ABLE : Coupe du monde

20 • VOCABLE Du 31 mai au 13 juin 2018

Enjeux I Economie I ETATS-UNIS I  C2


Fast fashion shows no signs of slowdown (to brake to stop, to go slower)
The giant ready-to-wear chain H&M, with outlets in sixty different countries, is the second biggest clothing empire worldwide.
However, they have recently announced record levels of unsold items valued at 4.3 billion dollars for the first quarter of this year.
Does this mark the beginning of the end of the H&M brand? What are the new labels challenging their position?

F ast fashion giant H&M has lost its

luster. Its stock price dropped more
than 40 percent in the last six months. It
will close 170 stores this year, more than it
has in two decades. It suffered a string of
PR missteps, including launching an ad
campaign viewed as racist and getting
caught incinerating tons of leftover goods.
Then the news broke that the company is
sitting on a staggering $4.3 billion in unsold

2. The Internet is flooded with schaden-

freude over H&M’s woes, and proponents
of a more sustainable fashion industry are
projecting victory into the chain’s decline.
But do H&M’s troubles reflect the fact that
shoppers are buying fewer pre-ripped jeans
or jumping ship for more ethical and sus-
tainable clothing brands? Hardly. The chain

1. fast fashion constant turnover in the design, creation

and marketing of clothes at a low cost / luster (US) =
lustre (GB) radiance, brilliance, (to lose one’s luster to
no longer be as good as one originally was) / stock price
price of shares / to drop to go down, to fall / decade A H&M store in Nice, France. (SIPA)
period of ten years / to suffer to experience, to go through
/ a string of series of / PR = Public Relations / misstep is becoming irrelevant because warp-speed, Another universe of smaller trendy brands
mistake / ad campaign publicity campaign / to view to low-priced clothing is now ubiquitous and and wholesalers revolves around eBay and
consider / to get, got, got caught to be found in the sales have moved online. H&M, the found- Instagram, and young shoppers know how
process of doing sth wrong / leftover surplus, here, unsold
/ to break, broke, broken to make public / to sit, sat,
er of fast fashion, is now too slow.  to find them. Then there’s,
sat on to be in the possession of / staggering which, having already rewritten the e-
astonishing, enormous / billion = billion thousand million ONLINE COMPETITION commerce rules on price and speed, will
/ apparel clothes.
3. Cheap fashion lovers are instead buying become America’s largest clothing retailer,
2. to flood to inundate, to submerge / schadenfreude
pleasure derived from the troubles of others / woe
from digitally savvy, 21st-century-born surpassing Macy’s.  >>>
difficulties, troubles, problems / proponent supporter / chains like Boohoo, Missguided, and Asos.
sustainable ecological, durable / to project to predict /
to reflect to show, to be a consequence of / pre-ripped
jeans jeans with decorative holes and tears / to jump irrelevant unimportant, here, out of fashion / warp- trendy fashionable / wholesaler place which sells goods
ship to leave one organisation and join a rival organisation speed extremely fast / ubiquitous omnipresent, found in large quantities to merchants to be sold direct to
/ hardly not exactly / everywhere / founder person who created an customers / to revolve around to center on / to rewrite,
organisation, pioneer. wrote, written the rules to change the way sth is done /
3. lover fan / digitally savvy online expert / retailer business which sells products to the public, shop.

VOCABLE Du 31 mai au 13 juin 2018 • 21

Enjeux I Economie I ETATS-UNIS I  C2 Une suggestion ? écrivez-nous sur

Stella McCartney et Ellen MacArthur militent pour une industrie
de la mode écoresponsable. Découvrez le reportage vidéo
et testez votre compréhension sur

>>> 4. Books on minimalism and living on less and landfills are overflowing with last fashion industry is now a leading driver of
keep popping up on national bestseller lists. season’s fads.  climate change. In 2015, greenhouse gas
Millennials are supposedly a generation of emissions from global textile production
conscious shoppers. We want to believe that 6. Meanwhile, a record number of apparel outstripped those of all international flights.
American consumer culture has turned a retailers — such as Macy’s, J.C. Penney and And clothing waste generated in the United
corner and that we are shopping more mod- teen brands Aeropostale and The Limited States has doubled in 15 years. 
estly and responsibly. Yet fast fashion is as — were forced to close loca-
popular as ever.  tions or file bankruptcy last In Bangladesh, five years
year. These older chains We’re after the notorious factory col-
PEAK OF CLOTHING PURCHASES have been battered by the increasingly lapse that killed 1,130 people,
5.Clothing purchases dipped during the decline of malls and the rise willing to new research shows that in
Great Recession, but by 2015 U.S. shoppers of online shopping, to be disregard the many ways things have gotten
had returned to almost pre-recession peak. sure. But they also represent worse for garment workers
That year we bought on average more than a dying mid-market. There’s quality of an too. While safety is improving,
68 garments and eight pairs of shoes — more no longer a place for a re- article of real wages are in decline and
than any other nation. (The average price? tailer trying to sell a reason- clothing if we’re forced overtime is on the rise
Just $19.) Retail industry analysts lament able amount of clothes at getting a deal. according to the report by
that this number of purchases isn’t growing, healthy margins.  Penn State’s Center for Global
but perhaps we have nowhere left to stuff Workers’ Rights. Factories are
another sweater. Our closets, charity shops OFF-PRICE SHOPPING under increasing pressure by brands to speed
7. Fast fashion continues to warp our shop- up production and lower prices. 
ping culture too. We’re increasingly willing
4. to pop up to appear / millennial generation born to disregard the quality of an article of HIDING
between 1980 and the year 2000 / supposedly clothing if we’re getting a deal. According 10. Though H&M is still synonymous with
apparently / conscious here, responsible / to turn a to research firm NPD, two-thirds of con- fast fashion, it is actually among the least
corner to change direction and find success after a difficult
period / modestly here, in moderation. sumers shop at off-price outlets. While the bad of the major fashion companies. It nears
5. to dip to reduce, to decline / Great Recession period of rest of retail suffers, brands like T.J. Maxx, the top of most rankings on worker rights
economic decline in world markets from 2007-2012 / on Ross and Marshalls have grown. (H&M’s and sustainability issues. One advantage
average in general, typically / garment article of clothing response to these market dynamics is to for activists has been that H&M’s huge
/ to lament to deplore, to regret / to stuff to put into a
small space / charity shop shop with volunteers which launch an even cheaper off-price brand.)  brick-and-mortar empire made their efforts
sells second-hand clothes/objects to collect money for a to hold it accountable on labor and environ-
charity / 8.Overconsumption of cheap clothes has mental issues highly visible. As fast fashion
devastating effects on the global environ- moves online, bad actors will become hard-
ment and millions of workers in the supply er to pin down and bad behavior more hid-
chain, effects that are only intensifying. The den from view. l


landfill large hole in the ground where waste is deposited leading driver main force, principal factor / greenhouse
/ to overflow to be full beyond capacity / fad temporary gas gas which contributes to the rise in the Earth’s
Ici, hardly (§ 2) se traduit fashion, trend. atmospheric temperature / to outstrip to surpass, to
exceed / waste unwanted/unused/unsold clothes / to
par pas vraiment ou 6. location here, store, shop / bankruptcy financial ruin,
insolvency / to batter to hit heavily / mall shopping generate to produce, to create.
certainement pas. centre / rise increase, development / to be sure without a 9. notorious infamous / collapse act of suddenly falling
Lorsque "hardly" a le sens de doubt / mid-market middle-range market / no longer down / research (inv.) study / to get, got, got worse to
not any more / amount quantity / healthy margin exacerbate, to deteriorate / safety security / to improve
"barely", on peut le traduire par à reasonable profit. to get better / wage salary / overtime work done in
peine : addition to regular working hours / on the rise increasing,
7. to warp to pervert / increasingly more and more /
he can hardly write  il sait à peine willing to prepared/ready to / to disregard to ignore, to becoming more frequent / to be under to be subject to.
écrire not to take into account / if as long as / deal bargain / 10. actually in reality, in fact / major main / to near to be
I can hardly hear you  je vous entends research firm consultancy which does marketing research close to / ranking classification / worker rights working
à peine / off-price low-price / outlet shop / response answer, conditions / sustainability issues environmental
reaction. concerns / activist militant / brick-and-mortar
ou bien par presque : conventional shop (here, physical presence as opposed to
8. overconsumption action of consuming sth to excess /
hardly anyone knew  presque devastating destructive, catastrophic / global virtual internet services) / to hold, held, held
personne n'était au courant worldwide / supply chain channel of distribution from the accountable to make responsible, to force to be
you have hardly eaten anything  tu extraction of raw materials to the finished product / transparent / bad actor troublemaker, here, unethical
n'as presque rien mangé business / to pin down to attribute a crime to sb / hidden
from view kept secret, concealed.

22 • VOCABLE Du 31 mai au 13 juin 2018  facile A2-B1 /  moyen B2-C1 /  difficile C1-C2
Enjeux I Politique I ETATS-UNIS I  B2-C1

Donald Trump and Emmanuel Macron offer a toast during a State Dinner at the
THE INDEPENDENT White House, April 2018. (Tom Brenner/The New York Times)


Trump and Macron... hand in hand
The state visit of Emmanuel Macron in Washington D.C. in April received a high level of coverage in the international press. If this
operation of seduction led by the French president did not have its desired effect with regard to the Iran deal, at least the two
leaders appeared to be very friendly during the visit. British newspaper The Independent wonders if it will be the same when
Donald Trump visits Theresa May in July.

V iewed from a purely British perspec-

tive, the strange rapport between
Emmanuel Macron and Donald Trump is, by
turns, bewildering, annoying and sobering.
to show much aptitude for foreign languages,
Mr Macron abandons the usual French linguis-
tic chauvinism for political advantage. 
unity, Mr Macron is the very antithesis. They
say opposites attract, but this is getting ri-

After all, few geopolitical relationships – with 2. Mr Macron happily tells his American audi- PUTTING DIFFERENCES ASIDE
the glaring exception of the putative Trump-Kim ence, and the rest of the world, in softly ac- 3. The key to Mr Macron’s success is a simple
Jong-un bromance – could be as unlikely as that cented English, about his high hopes and one. He leaves the political baggage at home in
being forged by the French and American pres- noble ambitions for his state visit, the first the Élysée. Like Tony Blair before him, who
idents. Where Mr Trump is notoriously brittle such honour accorded to a foreign leader by found himself having to get chummy with the
and Twitter-trigger happy, Mr Macron is charm- the Trump White House. Where Mr Trump neo-con George W Bush, Mr Macron plainly
ing, cool and focused. Where Mr Trump is yet is famously protectionist, nationalistic and believes that it is in France’s national interest
sceptical about climate change and European to put ideological differences aside, and con-
centrate on winning influence with the most
1. perspective point of view, angle / by turns alternately /
bewildering confusing, perplexing / sobering which powerful military power on earth, and its >>>
makes one think about serious matters / glaring obvious / yet to show ...has still not shown / aptitude skill,
putative supposed / bromance = brother + romance ability, talent / to abandon here, to not use / ...for
(very close non-sexual relationship between two men) / very antithesis exact opposite / opposites attract
political advantage ...for political reasons.
unlikely improbable / to forge to create, to establish / (exp.) used to say that people who are very different are
2. audience viewers, public / soflty accented ...with often attracted to each other.
where while / notoriously infamously, well-known (for
a slight accent / state visit official visit / leader head of
being sth negative) / brittle fragile, here, unstable / 3. chummy very friendly / neo-con neoconservative /
state / Trump White House here, Trump administration /
Twitter-trigger happy inclined to vehemently react on plainly clearly, obviously / to put, put, put (sth) aside
famously well-known for being... / climate change
Twitter without thinking about the consequences / cool to temporarily forget about sth in order to concentrate on
global warming /
calm / focused concentrated, clear about one’s objectives / sth else / on earth in the world /

VOCABLE Du 31 mai au 13 juin 2018 • 23

Enjeux I Politique I ETATS-UNIS I  B2-C1

Découvrez le reportage humoristique de CNN sur la "Bromance"
entre Trump et Macron, et testez votre compréhension sur

>>> largest economy. The Americans elected Mr

Trump, so Mr Macron deals with Mr Trump.  Trump’s visit to the United Kingdom
4. What’s more, like Mr Blair, Mr Macron has a US President Donald Trump will visit the United Kingdom on July 13. During his 24-hour stay, he
facility for words and is supple and quick-witted will shake hands with Prime Minister Theresa May, meet the Queen and go to Chequers, yet this
in debate. He is, in other words, another consum- “working visit” will not carry the full ceremony of a state occasion. In January 2017, Theresa May
invited the American president on a state visit but it could not be scheduled for several
mate politician, in painful contrast to the per-
reasons, one of them reportedly being the fear of bad publicity for the Queen, as she would
petually on-edge Theresa May, now so weak that play host to a guest on this sort of occasion. Only two US presidents have been to Britain on a
she cannot honour her earlier invitation of a state state visit: George W. Bush and Barack Obama. The Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, has warned
visit to London for the American president – that Trump could face protests in the capital.
thus, as ever, securing the worst of all worlds.   stay visit / Chequers official country residence of the British Prime Minister / to schedule to plan, programme /
reportedly apparently, supposedly / to play host to to welcome / guest invited person / protest demonstration.
5. Mr Macron’s achievement cannot be over- the capricious Mr Trump’s shifting prejudices. itself in a political role long coveted and usually
stated, at least so far. While Germany and Successive French leaders, notably Charles de occupied by the British. Mr Macron is crafting
Britain are being marginalised because of weak Gaulle, but of all shades of politics since, have his own special bilateral relationship with the
governments, lame-duck leaders and, in May’s displayed an aloof, envious, almost snobbish White House: France is reasserting herself as a
case, Brexit, France is filling the vacuum. That attitude towards the other side of the Atlantic. permanent member of the United Nations Se-
was not inevitable, however, even allowing for France has in the past been an unwilling, semi- curity Council; it is a more active and collegiate
detached partner in Nato, for example, while player in Nato; a nuclear power; possessor of a
in the last few decades Paris has also had to large economy at last moving into growth and
to deal, dealt, dealt with to discuss with.
concede increasing political leadership in Eu- reform; and, crucially, the undisputed political
4. what’s more in addition to this / facility aptitude /
supple flexible, agile, adroit / quick-witted alert, astute / rope to Berlin, which pays the bills for the Eu- driver of the European project. 
in other words to formulate it another way / ropean Union’s enlargements and recurring
consummate accomplished / painful embarrassing / financial crises.  8. France has not seen such an international
on-edge ill-at-ease, nervous / to secure to obtain / the
worst of all worlds situation with the problems and ascendancy accomplished with such elan for
disadvantages of two different things without any of the 6. Now the pendulum has swung back deci- many decades. It must pain the British Foreign
advantages. sively, helped also by the various crises of Office and Downing Street to reflect on what
5. achievement success, accomplishment / overstated confidence and legitimacy seen in Madrid, might have been. As the two presidents, their
exaggerated / so far until now / to marginalise (GB) =
marginalize (US) to push to one side and treat as if not
Warsaw and Rome. It is a testament to Mr families and their staff members get to know
important / lame duck (fig.) weak politician with little Macron that he has, as in the domestic sphere, each other better, then, there is much for the
power because they cannot/will not be reelected / to fill taken risks and seized the unexpected diplo- Macrons in particular to celebrate as they toast
the vacuum to provide sth that is missing/needed /
allowing for taking into account /
matic and political opportunities presented by their mutual admiration with French and
the arrival of Donald Trump and the simultane- Californian wines. Of course, there is no reason
ous eclipse of Theresa May and Angela Merkel. why things might not turn sour. Mr Macron
has a habit of overstating his influence in DC,
FRANCE AS THE NEW and Mr Trump will always put “America First”.
SUR LE BOUT DE LA LANGUE GREAT BRITAIN President Macron could end up looking very
7. The state visit to Washington of the Macrons foolish. Yet at least he managed to win the
confirms that France, for the first time, finds chance to try to reason with the Americans. l
"lame-duck leaders" (§ 5)
lame duck canard boiteux
shifting continuously changing / prejudice 7. to covet to desire strongly / to craft to create with skill
En politique, a lame-duck est une discrimination, intolerance, bias / notably in particular / and talent / to reassert oneself to reaffirm oneself / United
personne politique non réélue qui shade colour, nuance, here, variation (in political opinion) / Nations Security Council Conseil de sécurité des Nations
occupe toujours son poste en to display to present, to show / aloof arrogant, distant, unies / collegiate collaborative, working together equally
attendant l’entrée en fonction de son haughty / unwilling reticent, not ready / detached among colleagues / player active participant / possessor
separate, uninterested, uninvolved / NATO = North owner / crucially most importantly / undisputed
successeur. Atlantic Treaty Organisation / decade period of ten years / uncontested / driver main force behind sth.
"Lame" peut également avoir le sens to concede to give over, to surrender / leadership here, 8. to see, saw, seen to experience / ascendancy controlling
de faible comme dans les expressions : authority / enlargement expansion / recurring repeated. influence / to pain (sb) to do (sth) to cause much emotional
a lame excuse une mauvaise excuse 6. pendulum long thin bar with a weight which moves distress to sb to do sth / Downing Street London residence of
a lame joke une blague vaseuse from side to side to keep a clock working, here, opinion / the Prime Minister (10 Downing Street) / to reflect on to
decisively resolutely / various different, diverse / think about / staff member team of workers / to toast to
a lame argument un argument
confidence trust, faith / legitimacy credibility, authority raise one’s glass and drink to the honour of sb or sth / to turn
boiteux / testament proof / domestic national / to seize to sour to fail, to turn out badly / to end up to find oneself (in the
firmly take / unexpected unforeseen, unanticipated. end) / foolish silly / to manage to be able to, to succeed in.

24 • VOCABLE Du 31 mai au 13 juin 2018  facile A2-B1 /  moyen B2-C1 /  difficile C1-C2
ÉchosBrèves de culture
Retrouvez plus d’infos sur

(Anthony Harvey/Shutters/SIPA)
(Jonas Ekstromer/AP/SIPA)
Royal cast
Netflix has announced the full cast for
season 3 of its series, The Crown. The cast
will be totally new: Olivia Colman will star
as Queen Elizabeth, while Helena Bonham

Literature without a Nobel

Carter will play Princess Margaret and
Tobias Menzies, Prince Philip. The season
should premiere in 2019, but no official date
In the wake of a scandal over sexual assault allegations from last November, the has yet been set.
Swedish Academy has decided to postpone the 2018 Nobel Prize in Literature un- cast list of actors and actresses / to star to have the
til next year. French photographer, Jean-Claude Arnault, who runs a project fund- principal role / to premiere to debut, appear for the
first time / to set, set, set to fix, determine, establish.
ed by the Swedish Academy, and who is married to Katarina Frostenson, a mem-
ber of the academy, was accused of sexual assault by eighteen women - allegations
which he denies. The Academy voted against removing his wife and as a result
was accused of conflict of interest, which led to the resignation of eighteen acad-
emy members. The chairman of the Nobel Foundation said, the academy must

now vote in new members and “put all its efforts into the task of restoring its
credibility as a prize-awarding institution”.
in the wake of as a result of, following / assault agression / allegation accusation / to postpone to delay, put off /
to run, ran, run to direct, manage / to fund to finance / to remove to dismiss, oblige to leave office / resignation act
of officially leaving a job or position (here, the academics leave their seats unoccupied) / chairman director, leader / to
restore to re-establish, here, to repair.

Meaningful relationships Translators in

Facebook has announced that it will release a dating
app called “F8”.  According to Mark Zuckerberg, the
app, which is designed to compete with services like It was recently discovered that a French
Tinder, will be a tool to build “real long-term translator, Isaac Casaubon, helped create the
relationships – not just hookups”. Facebook’s CEO King James Bible, the English holy text first
added, “We want Facebook to be somewhere where published in 1611. Isaac Casaubon was
you can start meaningful relationships. We’ve consulted by the English translators, who
designed this with privacy and safety in mind from the communicated with him in latin, because he
beginning.” Tinder’s executives have expressed their did not speak English. As he was considered
surprise regarding the timing of this announcement. one of the world’s most accomplished scholars
of Greek and Hebrew, he helped them
meaningful relationship serious relationship / to release to
bring out / dating act of going out with sb of romantic interest /
translate some of the Bible’s difficult sections.
app = application / to design to devise, create / to compete translator person who converts written text
to rival, be in a competition with / tool here, means, concept / from one language to another / holy sacred /
hookup (fam.) one night stand / CEO = Chief Executive Officer accomplished experienced, talented, expert /

/ executive director, senior employee. scholar expert, specialist / section part, passage.

VOCABLE Du 31 mai au 13 juin 2018 • 25

Culture I Télévision I ETATS-UNIS I  B2-C1



The Simpsons - still going strong
(long-running which has continued for a long time / sitcom = situation comedy)
The Simpsons became the longest running series of all time in April, with 29 seasons and 636 episodes to its credit. The animated
satirical TV show, created by Matt Groening thirty years ago, has been at the heart of a variety of highly charged debates as well
as being subjected to criticism these past few years, yet has never lost its audience ratings. How to explain the enthusiasm of
Americans for the Simpson family?

W e’re going to keep trying to

strengthen the American fam-
ily. To make them more like the Waltons and
less like the Simpsons.” President George HW
Evergreen Terrace and became infuriated by
the family’s disruptive antics. 

3. Modelled on the 1959 nuisance neighbour

culture references, it keeps on rolling along: an
apparently unstoppable juggernaut. 

5. But the recent controversy surrounding racial

Bush made this pledge at the 1992 Republican sitcom Dennis the Menace, the episode superbly stereotyping and the presentation of Kwik-E-
National Convention in Houston, Texas, while sent up the former president’s outmoded con- Mart proprietor Apu Nahasapeemapetilon, an
seeking re-election, a remark the long-running servative values. The irreverence of the gesture
cartoon’s creators received with glee.  is typical of The Simpsons, which began life as a
to roll along to move
series of short interludes to The Tracey Ullman along smoothly and
2. The Simpsons had already been attacked by Show in 1987 and is now in its 29th season.  rapidly / juggernaut
Bush’s wife Barbara, the First Lady dismissing very large lorry, here,
unstoppable force.
the show as “the dumbest thing I have ever A JUGGERNAUT PAST ITS
5. surrounding here,
seen” in a 1990 interview with People magazine. GOLDEN AGE about / presentation
In 1996, The Simpsons responded with an episode 4. [Last month, it became] the longest-run- portrayal, representation
entitled “Two Bad Neighbours” in which George ning scripted TV show in history. While / Kwik-E-Mart fictional
chain of supermarkets in
and Barbara Bush moved in across the street the common consensus is that the pro- the series /
from Homer, Marge, Bart, Lisa and Maggie on gramme achieved its “golden age” between
seasons three and 13, and thereafter shift-
ed its focus from character development
1. to strengthen to make stronger, to improve / The to throwaway jokes and empty pop
Waltons La Famille des collines (popular American TV
series about a family in rural Virginia in the period
1933-1946) / pledge promise, commitment / to seek,
sought, sought re-election to stand for re-election, to Evergreen Terrace street address of The
campaign to be re-elected / glee joy, pleasure. Simpsons / to infuriate to exasperate, to
2. to dismiss to reject disdainfully, here, to criticize / enrage / disruptive troublesome,
dumb stupid / to respond to reply, to react / Two Bad disturbing / antics silly behaviour.
Neighbours Deux mauvais voisins (Season 7, episode 13) / 3. to be modelled on to take its inspiration
from / nuisance troublesome, irritating,
problematic / Dennis The Menace Denis la
Malice / to send, sent, sent up to make a
parody of / former ex / outmoded
obsolete, out-of-date, old-fashioned /
interlude intermission.
SUR LE BOUT DE LA LANGUE 4. scripted written in
advance / to achieve to
“the dumbest thing I reach, to arrive at / to
shift to move, to change /
have ever seen” (§ 2) focus centre of interest,
Attention ! le "b" ne se prononce objective / throwaway
joke one-line joke /
pas, comme pour:
lamb, bomb, comb, plumber,
debt .....

26 • VOCABLE Du 31 mai au 13 juin 2018

The Simpson has become the longest-running scripted TV show in
Téléchargez l’appli Vocable offerte à nos abonnés !

Indian immigrant, has unexpectedly brought CHARACTERS BUILT ON Jackie Mason as Krusty the Clown’s disapprov-
the show to a crisis point. Driven by comedian CARICATURES ing father Rabbi Krustofsky, Dustin Hoffman
Hari Kondabolu’s documentary essay The Prob- 7. The truth is that most of the show’s charac- as Lisa’s inspirational substitute teacher Mr
lem with Apu, the reassessment of Apu – once ters are built on caricatures of one sort or an- Bergstrom and Michael Jackson (pseudony-
hailed as a rare representation of a South Asian other and several are specific racial stereotypes mously) playing a mental patient who believes
character on American TV – as a problematic – or parodies of those types – notably Grounds- he is Michael Jackson. 
cliche whose catchphrases have been used to keeper Willie, Bumblebee Man and Luigi the
taunt and bully Asian-American schoolchildren, Italian chef. Using pre-existing stereotypes as 11. The town itself stands for all post-war Amer-
finds the show forced to ask itself difficult ques- a starting point for character enabled The ica, mapping out the second half of the 20th
tions about its legacy and ongoing influence.  Simpsons’ creators to populate Springfield with century through the cultural references it in-
broad brush types and therein offer the ulti- vokes and the parodies it executes. Seminal
6. Apu, unquestionably a relic of a less sensitive mate microcosm of small-town America.  films like The Graduate (1967), Easy Rider (1969)
era and overdue for a revision, is nevertheless and Apocalypse Now (1979) and bands like the
an entirely positive presence in the show, an 8. Creator Matt Groening chose the town’s Grateful Dead, Jefferson Airplane and Grand-
industrious small business owner who works name because it was one of the most common funk Railroad are routinely cited to sketch in
long hours and cherishes the freedoms that in the country – there are 33 Springfields across Marge and Homer’s hippie youth (and that of
Homer – and, by extension, many other native- 25 states – and used it as a model through the show’s writers), brilliantly capturing the
born Americans - so brazenly take for granted.  which he could examine the American experi- spirit of the Sexual Revolution. 
ence in miniature. From corrupt politicians to
ghoulish tycoons, uptight administrators to ESTABLISHING A COMMON
unexpectedly suddenly / crisis point critical situation / jaded schoolteachers, belching bar flys and LANGUAGE
to be driven by to be initiated/led by / comedian comic, “okely dokely” Christians, all humanity is here.  12.  At its best, The Simpsons draws on these
humorist / reassessment revaluation, act of thinking
about sth again / to hail to acclaim / catchphrase familiar staples to establish a common lan-
well-known phrase / to taunt to mock, to tease / to bully INSPIRATION FROM guage with its audience and uses them as a
to intimidate, to act aggressively towards / legacy sth
handed down or received from an ancestor, sth which is
REAL PEOPLE springboard from which to say something
left for future generations, here, repercussions, 9. In the tradition of Warner Brothers’ Looney about the era or issue under discussion, be it
consequences / ongoing continuing. Tunes, several characters – or at least their Vietnam, Watergate, industrial decline, pollu-
6. relic vestige / sensitive responsive to the voices – are borrowed from real people: Mayor tion or vegetarianism. The breadth of its refer-
feelings of others, tactful / era period of Quimby channels the hesitant Boston Irish ence points and the wealth of characters the
time / overdue here, in need of (for a
long time) / to cherish to appreciate, brogue of JFK, Chief Wiggum the piggy snarl show has amassed is no doubt a key reason for
to think sth is very important / of Edward G Robinson. That Marge’s maiden its longevity. 
brazenly shamelessly, boldly / to name is “Bouvier”, a nod to Jacqueline Ken-
take, took, taken for granted to
no longer appreciate the true value nedy Onassis, is a particularly lovely detail.  13. The Simpsons has been running for so long
of sth, to assume as automatic. now it’s possible to forget it’s still on. The Apu
10. Celebrity guest stars are often cast affair is a rare foray into the news cycle. Oc-
to give life to characters closely based casionally a decision to kill off a character or
on their own personas, memorably satirise Donald Trump might draw some at-
tention but the show is now largely background
noise, eclipsed by its imitators and no longer
7. specific particular / Groundskeeper Willie the quotable sensation it once was. But we
Willie le jardinier / Bumblebee man should be glad of its great days.   l
L’homme-abeille / to enable to make possible,
to allow / broad brush sweeping,
generalised, oversimplified / therein in
that respect.
substitute teacher replacement teacher.
8. ghoulish morbid / tycoon
magnate, rich and powerful business 11. to stand, stood, stood for to represent / to map out
man / uptight rigidly conventional / to make a detailed representation of sth / seminal very
jaded tired, bored, blasé / to belch to important, influential / The Graduate Le Lauréat /
burp, to noisily emit air through one’s routinely regularly / to sketch in to quickly add sth to a
mouth / bar fly (fam.) person who drawing.
frequently drinks in bars / «okely 12. at its best at its peak, of the highest quality possible /
dokely» = okey dokey, OK (exp. to draw, drew, drawn on to use as a source of inspiration
popularized by one of the / staple basic element / audience viewers / springboard
characters from the series). here, starting point / to be under discussion to be the
9. to borrow to take, to inspire / subject of debate / breadth scope, diversity / wealth
to channel to imitate, to use as a great variety, profusion / to amass to accumulate.
model / brogue Irish accent / 13. to be on to be televised / foray incursion / news cycle
snarl growl / maiden name 24-hour news reports, here, media, news stories / to draw,
woman’s surname before she is drew, drawn attention to attract attention /
married / nod reference, allusion. background noise sound that is present but unobtrusive
10. to cast, cast, cast to and largely unnoticed / quotable apt to be repeated and
choose an actor for a role / quoted / glad happy, satisfied.
persona personality /

VOCABLE Du 31 mai au 13 juin 2018 • 27

Culture I Musique I CANADA I  C2



The diversity of Drake keeps him at N°1
Last February, the rap artist Drake released his song “God’s Plan”, which has been at
number one in the UK singles charts for two months running. It has also enjoyed record
breaking sales in the US. The Canadian artist is about to bring out an album, having
already managed to conquer the entire planet in only a few short years of his career.

L ots of weird things have happened at

the top of the UK charts [...]. But the fact
that “God’s Plan” by Drake just spent nine
weeks at No 1 in the UK – and is still top of the
swaggering self-confidence in describing himself
as “last name ever, first name greatest” before
his debut album had even come out. Crucially,
his identity and upbringing have also been key. 
charts in the US – is easily one of the weirdest.
It’s a song that features two notes, a chorus that 4. Aubrey Drake Graham was born in Toronto
is just one line long, and lazy lyrical iterations in 1986 to Dennis Graham, an African-American
of oft-visited topics for Drake: how much repu- session musician whose power-moustache cur-
tational shine he has given to his home city of rently lights up his vibrant social media feed,
Toronto, how non-specific haters wish non- and Sandi Graham, a white Ashkenazi Jewish
specific ill upon him, and how he is pathologi- teacher. His parents split up when he was five,
cally unable to open himself up emotionally to his father moving away to Memphis. The fam-
a woman he has had sex with.  ily home was in the working-class west side of
the city, before the Grahams moved to the more
2. Yes, it’s catchy, but he has done all this before affluent Forest Hill in what Drake has claimed
with markedly more charisma, not least in 2016’s were still relatively straitened circumstances: “I
“One Dance” – another song that shacked up at went to school with kids that were flying private
No 1 for weeks on end. We have now reached jets. I never fit in. I was never accepted.” 
the point where even the B-grade solo material
of “God’s Plan” is a shoo-in for No 1. Why?  EMBODYING DIVERSITY
5. If questions around identity ever felt awkward
RELATIONSHIPS during his teenage years, they became key to
3. Drake has, of course, amassed huge star qual- Drake’s success later on, allowing him to be all
ity via a decade of often excellent music, but there things to all people: black and white; Jewish and
are also more prosaic reasons: his gossip-mag non-religious; a singer and a rapper; a hard-
visibility from relationships with Rihanna,
Serena Williams and Jennifer Lopez, and his
swaggering proud, arrogant / self-confidence
1. weird strange, bizarre / charts hit parade / to feature self-assurance / Last name Ever, first name Greatest
to have / chorus refrain of a song / line sentence / line from the song Forever / debut first / upbringing
oft-visited common, here, which often appear / childhood, background (schooling and parents).
reputational shine here, publicity / non-specific no 4. session musician studio musician / power-
specific type of... / to wish ill upon sb to want bad things moustache big moustache / to light, lit, lit up to
to happen to sb. illuminate, to animate / vibrant active / social media
2. catchy with a melody/words which are easy to feed social network account / working-class poor,
remember / markedly noticeably, much / not least proletarian / affluent rich, prosperous / to claim to say /
particularly, especially / to shack up here, to stay in one straitened difficult financially / circumstances situation
place / on end consecutive / B-grade low-budget, here, / to fit in to belong to and feel at ease within a group
mediocre / to be a shoo-in for No 1 to be a sure winner, to (because one is similar to the others).
be sure to reach N°1. 5. to embody to represent / awkward ill-at-ease, Drake will release his fifth studio
3. star quality fame, stardom / gossip-mag celebrity embarrassed / hard-scrabble working hard in the face of album, Scorpion, in June.
magazine (gossip rumours about people’s private lives) / difficulties but only producing very little / (J. Adam Huggins/The New York Times)

28 • VOCABLE Du 31 mai au 13 juin 2018  facile A2-B1 /  moyen B2-C1 /  difficile C1-C2
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scrabble working-class hustler; an aspirational 9. The unrelenting solipsism and passive-aggres-

middle-class professional; a superstar. His pecu- sive relationships in Drake’s lyrics seem to chime
liar handsomeness – feminine eyes and lips, perfectly with an emotionally hyperarticulate
coupled with a thick beard and strong forehead Tinder generation and have spawned countless
– is both soft and hard. In a world where stream- memes. Indeed, no other MC generates more
ing services mean tastes have broadened, and Internet content than Drake: “He has a strong
where ethnic and musical diversity is champi- team around him, who understand memes, and
oned among the millennials that make up the the importance of always being ahead of that
majority of his fanbase, he sits in the middle of too,” says Joe. “And there’s a willingness to be the
a cultural and stylistic Venn diagram.  punchline that others don’t have. It’s not a dom-
inance of music with him – it’s a dominance of
6. In short, everyone likes Drake. “There’s no popular culture.” 
demographic with him,” says Dirty South Joe, a
Philadelphia DJ who hosts a monthly party that 10. Drake is now gearing up to release his eighth
exclusively plays Drake tracks to 3,000 people full-length project, or as he put it on Instagram
at a time. “There’s no makeup to the crowd – it’s this week: “You can see the album hours under
literally everyone. Because who he is, as a person, my eyes.” That it will reach No 1 on both sides of
is a little bit of everybody.”  the Atlantic is an absolute certainty, but is there
anything left for him to mine from the zeitgeist
TWO MUSICAL IDENTITIES to stay relevant? Could this jack of all trades end
7. Drake’s biggest success has been to manoeuvre up a master of none? l
two musical identities so that they sit in equilib-
rium, and then blend them into one. He is sold
as both an R&B loverman and a hip-hop thug, 9. unrelenting constant / solipsism philosophical
and much like a painter adding detail after detail theory that the self is all that can be known to exist / lyrics
words (of a song) / to chime to be in harmony /
to his own self-portrait, Drake constantly per- hyperarticulate very communicative / Tinder dating app
fects this image.  / to spawn to produce, to create / countless many,
numerous / meme short phrase or image that are viral on
the internet / MC = Master of Ceremony (here, rapper) /
8. He offset “Over”, the braggadocious first single willingness readiness, desire / punchline last line of a
from his debut album, with “Find Your Love”, a rhyme or joke.
sweet, dancehall-leaning R&B track; on his sec- 10. to gear up to prepare / to release to bring out /
ond album, “Take Care”, the melancholy title track full-length project here, album / Instagram photo/
video sharing service for mobile devices / to mine to
dovetailed against the pumped-up party of exploit, to use / zeitgeist (German) spirit of the times /
“Headlines”; on album three, the flexing on relevant pertinent, topical / jack of all trades, master of
“Started From the Bottom” was met by the croon- none (exp.) person who can do many different things but is
not very competent at any of them.
ing of “Hold On, We’re Going Home”. 

hustler here, energetic and enthusiastic person /

aspirational ambitious / peculiar particular /
handsomeness good looks / streaming tranmission of
video/audio content over the internet / to broaden to
widen, to diversify / to champion to defend, to support /
millennials generation born between the early 1980s and
the late 1990s / fanbase community of fans / Venn
diagram diagram using intersecting circles to represent SUR LE BOUT DE LA LANGUE
the relationship between different sets.
6. demographic particular group of people in society / to
host to organise / track song / makeup specific
Connaissez-vous Jack?
composition/profile / crowd large group of people / He's a jack of all trades (and master
literally really. of none) (§ 10) c'est un touche-à-tout
7. to blend to combine, to mix / R&B = Rhythm and Blues Before you could say Jack Robinson
/ loverman here, romantic singer / thug aggressive and en moins de temps qu'il n'en faut pour
violent person, gangster. le dire
8. to offset, set, set here, to compensate (for) / I'm all right Jack moi, je suis peinard
braggadocious boastful, arrogant / dancehall "Jack and the Beanstalk" "Jack et le
reggae-style genre of Jamaican popular music which
originated in the late 1970s / dancehall-leaning Haricot magique"
dancehall-style / dovetailed against here, combined Jack Tar marin , matelot
harmoniously with / pumped-up full of adrenaline and Jack-the-lad petit frimeur
energy / flexing exhibition of one’s muscles and strength / jack-in-office rond-de-cuir qui joue les
crooning sentimental singing. petits chefs
jack-in-the-box diable (à ressort)

VOCABLE Du 31 mai au 13 juin 2018 • 29

Découverte I Neurosciences I ETATS-UNIS I  B2-C1
Our guest Elaine Konopka is a therapist who takes her patients in hand,
encouraging each one to be mindful in action and the way the body
moves, or doesn’t. Find out more on the Basic recording!
CD audio ou téléchargement MP3 (sur abonnement)


Efficiency monitored while doing tasks in front of others
Who has not been seized by panic at the idea of having to make a presentation,
perform a dance number or any other performance to an audience? Researchers at
John Hopkins University in the United States have been studying the brain to
determine whether doing tasks in front of others has a negative effect on our level
of performance…with some rather surprising results.

S cientists have found people may actu-

ally perform tasks better when others
are watching, not worse. A new study has
used brain imaging techniques to investigate
ally helped people perform better than they
would if they were alone. 


the neuroscience underpinning people’s 3. "You might think having people watch you
ability to undertake tasks in front of crowds. isn't going to help, but it might actually make
Professor Vikram Chib, a you perform better," said
biomedical engineer at Profesor Chib. "An audience
Johns Hopkins University, can serve as an extra bit of
originally set out to find
how being watched hinders
“An audience incentive." In their study,
Professor Chib and his col-
people’s ability to perform.  can serve as an leagues wanted to investi-
extra bit of gate both how participants
2. Previously, his work has responded to the presence People may perform tasks better when
explored why athletes incentive.” of an audience and what others are watching. (Istock)
“choke” when participating happened to their brains in
in sporting events, using such a situation. The scien- performing in front of others. The study was
brain scans to identify tists gathered 20 partici- published in the journal Social Cognitive and
those most likely to do well under pressure. pants and asked them to play on a games Affective Neuroscience. While undertaking
However, in his latest study he found that console similar to a Wii or Xbox Kinect. They this task, the participants had their brain
having at least some people watching actu- were asked to perform a task on the console activity monitored with functional mag-
in front of an audience of two, and again with netic resonance imaging (MRI). 
no one watching. 
1. to find, found, found to discover / actually in reality,
in fact / worse here, less well / brain imaging
neuroimaging / to investigate here, to study / to 4.Participants were on average 5 per cent 5. When participants knew they had an audi-
underpin to be at the base of / ability capability, capacity better at the video game, and sometimes as ence, a part of their brains known as the
/ to undertake, undertook, untertaken to carry out /
crowd large group, here, other people / to set, set, set
much as 20 per cent better, when they were prefrontal cortex was activated. This brain
out to to undertake to / to hinder to slow down, inhibit, region is involved with a variety of functions
obstruct. including personality, decision making and
2. previously formerly, in the past / work here, research,
study / to explore here, to study / to choke here, to lose 3. incentive encouragement, motivation / audience
the ability to (perform, carry out a task) / to be likely to to viewers, public, spectators / both each two things (at the
be more inclined to / to do, did, done well to perform same time) / to respond to to react to (when faced with) journal specialised (scientific) publication / while when /
well / pressure stress / however but / latest most / to happen to to occur in / such a this kind of / to gather to monitor here, to observe, study.
recent. to bring together.
5. to be involved in to be responsible for, to be associated
4. on average in general / as much as up to / with / decision making taking decisions /

30 • VOCABLE Du 31 mai au 13 juin 2018  facile A2-B1 /  moyen B2-C1 /  difficile C1-C2
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– significantly – moderating social behav- SIZE OF THE AUDIENCE

iour and understanding the thoughts and 7.However, the researchers noted that this
intentions of others.  effect could be diminished if the stakes – and
audience numbers – were higher. In this SUR LE BOUT DE LA LANGUE
6. At the same time, another part of the study, Professor Chib noted that people with
cortex was activated that is involved with social anxiety tended to perform better in
rewards, and together these two signals front of others, but said at some point, the
"... these two signals
triggered activity in an area of the brain size of the audience could increase the size
triggered activity in an
involved with action and motor skills of one's anxiety. “We still need to figure that area of the brain ..." (§ 6)
known as the ventral striatum. These brain out,” he said. l to trigger déclencher
scans validated the scientists’ conclusion Comparez :
that the presence of a small audience in- the trigger of a gun la détente, la
creased people’s incentive to perform well.  gâchette
he's quick on the trigger il n'attend
7. to diminish to reduce / stake risk, here, consequences / pas pour tirer, il réagit vite
significantly importantly / behaviour conduct, social anxiety fear of situations that involve interaction trigger finger l'index
comportment. with other people / to tend to to be inclined to/have a trigger-happy à la gâchette facile,
tendency to / at some point at some stage, here, when
6. reward recompense, gratification / to trigger to prêt à tirer ou à déclencher la guerre
the number of people is too high / size amount (of people),
activate, set off, cause / area part, zone / skill competence, pour un rien
gravity (of anxiety) / still continue to, (still need to have
here, capacity / to increase to reinforce, heighten.
yet to) / to figure sth out to understand, work out.

VOCABLE Du 31 mai au 13 juin 2018 • 31

Bons plans I Langues



Actifs ou retraités, les seniors sont de plus en plus nombreux à vouloir apprendre l'anglais ou tout simplement le perfectionner en
s'amusant. L'offre s'adapte à des apprenants plus exigeants et très souvent tout autant sensibles à la qualité de l'enseignement
qu'aux sorties culturelles proposées. Vocable s'est penché sur ce phénomène en pleine expansion.


Avec Erasmus et l'essor des expatriations vers des pays anglophones, les Le concept de clientèle senior tend à commencer dès 50 ans et
seniors n'ont plus le choix : il leur faut désormais rendre visite à leur progéni- il existe des offres destinées à des actifs en recherche d'emploi
ture dans un environnement linguistique souvent intimidant. C'est une des ou qui ont besoin d'un coup de boost pour changer de poste
motivations qui incite les plus de 60 ans à opter pour un séjour linguistique. ou de secteur. L'offre doit alors s'adapter à une exigence plus
La demande est assez récente et l'offre s'est adaptée à ce public en offrant forte et à des apprenants plus travailleurs que leurs cadets.
un savant mélange de cours et d'activités culturelles. Musées, spectacles, Living Learning English s'adresse ainsi à ces jeunes seniors
visites guidées de sites historiques, les agences spécialisées redoublent avec des formules de 15 à 20 heures de cours par semaine en
d'inventivité pour attirer cette nouvelle clientèle. immersion chez le professeur, chez qui ils ont la possibilité
de prendre les repas. ESL Education constate également une
Verdié Hello propose par exemple 20 cours de 50 minutes à Londres avec demande croissante et la création de son 'Club 50' en est le
un focus sur la prononciation en plus de la grammaire et du vocabulaire. fruit. L'apprentissage se fait également pour l'essentiel chez
Pour se détendre et mettre en pratique les notions apprises le matin, les un professeur si possible de la même tranche d'âge pour une
apprenants visitent l'Abbaye de Westminster, la National Gallery, le Musée proximité d'intérêts.
Victoria et Albert, et se voient proposer des dégustations de thé ou de bière.
La formule au domicile du professeur est idéale et fortement
L’École de langue Nacel English School (CLC CAP Voyages) organise pour recommandée pour les débutants. C'est pourquoi Activalan-
sa part des séjours en immersion à Londres entre juin et septembre. Au gues insiste sur le travail de recherche d'un enseignant le plus
menu, trois après-midi dédiées à la visite de la capitale avec le professeur : proche possible de son futur élève. Les professeurs peuvent
House of Parliament, London Eye, Tower Bridge, Saint Paul Cathedral, sans eux-aussi être retraités de leur activité principale et désireux
oublier une comédie musicale dans le West End et un dîner croisière sur de poursuivre la transmission de savoir à des élèves de leur
la Tamise : so romantic! Objectif affiché ? Gagner en autonomie lors de vos âge. Les centres sont situés à Brighton mais aussi en Écosse,
prochains voyages. Cette école accréditée par le British Council s'adresse en Afrique du Sud, en Australie et aux États-Unis.
aux apprenants de niveau débutant à intermédiaire supérieur. Living Learning English :
Verdié Hello : 0565771047 ESL Education : 0540246635
Nacel English School (CLC CAP Voyages) : 0565775027 Activalangues : 0143075638

32 • VOCABLE Du 31 mai au 13 juin 2018

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Cours chez le professeur

Si Londres est un incontournable en raison de la richesse de son M

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More than just a language course

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par l'A FNOR garantit le sérieux et la qualité d'une offre adaptée aux
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ront l’Écosse, destination prisée par les écoles pour ses paysages et CMY

la richesse historique d’Édimbourg. K

Pour gagner quelques degrés, rien de mieux que l'île de Malte.

Effective Linguistique fait le pari de l'île de Gozo, c'est-à-dire
l'arrière-pays, au calme, historiquement riche et réputé pour ses Cours de langues
bonnes tables. ESL Education a investi l'ancien village de pêcheurs
St Julian's et y propose même des leçons individuelles. On y digère
le vocabulaire et la grammaire lors d'une promenade en bateau au
pied de la Citadelle ou une visite des Temples mégalithiques de Ghar
Dalam. En option : un tour du vignoble et des dégustations de vin. 
Action-Séjours : 0145309191
Effective Linguistique : 0557774488 Tests de langues
ESL Education : 0540246635

Jobs et stages
à l’étranger…
à savoir

Quelques conseils avant de partir !

- Préférer un organisme labellisé
Il vaut mieux choisir un organisme selon les critères déterminés
par exemple par L'Office ou l'UNOSEL (Union Nationale des
Organisations de Séjours Éducatifs, Linguistiques et de Formation
en Langues).
- Bien choisir son hébergement
Veiller à ce qu'il n'y ait pas plus d'un francophone chez l'habitant.
- Partir en règle !
Au sein de l'UE, une simple assurance responsabilité civile est
exigée. Au-delà, il vous faudra en plus contracter une couverture
Plus de bons plans,de conseils
médicale et une assurance rapatriement. En cas de pépin et de bonnes adresses sur
supposant une hospitalisation d'urgence, au Royaume-Uni, vous
avez accès au British National Health Service. Toutefois, votre
Carte européenne d'assurance maladie sera demandée pour ne
pas avoir à avancer les frais. rubrique : conseils langues
S'informer en amont sur sa destination
Les 'fiches pays' du site du ministère des Affaires étrangères mais
aussi les sites des consulats sur place garantissent des
informations fiables, précises et actualisées. Rejoignez RÉSERVATIONS
Penser déjà au retour...
C'est bien de tenir un petit carnet de voyage qui peut être utile
pour prendre le temps, les valises vidées, de 'fixer' toutes ces
nouvelles connaissances. Certains organismes comme ESL communauté
Education donnent accès à une plateforme d'apprentissage en
ligne pendant et aussi après le séjour.
Vocable France - Etranger
01 44 37 97 79

VOCABLE Du 31 mai au 13 juin 2018 • 33

Les sorties Retrouvez plus de coups de cœur sur

sur jouez et gagnez...

Des entrées pour des films et des expositions, des CD et des DVD, des romans, des voyages…

La Cinémathèque française organise une rétrospective
exceptionnelle consacrée au cinéaste culte Brian De
Palma, dont les films spectaculaires, engagés et très
« hitchcockiens », embrasent le cinéma américain
depuis les années 1960. Toute la filmographie du
cinéaste sera présentée, du confidentiel Outrages au
blockbuster Mission : Impossible. Ne manquez surtout
pas la master class du maître le 2 juin !
Cinémathèque française, 51 rue de Bercy, 75012 Paris.
Du 31 mai au 4 juillet.


EXPLORER, VILLES & De Jean-Marc Vallée De Noah Baumbach & Jake
MÉTROPOLES Arte diffuse ce mois-ci l’excellent Paltrow
De Barbara Ireland biopic de Jean-Marc Vallée Si vous ne pouvez pas vous rendre
Barbara Ireland, ancienne rédactrice consacré à Ron Woodroof. à la rétrospective Brian De Palma à
adjointe de la rubrique « Voyage » du Dallas, 1985. Lorsque Ron la Cinémathèque française, vous
New York Times, nous fait découvrir Woodroof, électricien et cow-boy pourrez vous plonger avec bonheur
une nouvelle facette de quelques- de rodéo misanthrope, apprend dans ce magnifique documentaire.
unes des plus belles villes du monde, qu’il est malade du sida et qu’il Dans ce long entretien, Brian De
de Paris à Tokyo en passant par ne lui reste plus qu’un mois à Palma se raconte avec beaucoup
Lisbonne. Les destinations plus vivre, le monde s’écroule autour d’humour et de sincérité. Le
inhabituelles ne sont pas en reste de lui. Rejeté par ses amis, qui le cinéaste de légende dévoile aussi
non plus dans ce très bel ouvrage croient homosexuel, il décide de les coulisses des tournages de ses
richement illustré qui mêle itinéraires s’informer sur les traitements films et évoque son amitié de
subjectifs de l’auteur et sublimes disponibles. C’est le début d’une longue date avec quelques-uns des
photographies. Un livre indispensable longue bataille contre les lobbys plus grands réalisateurs au monde
pour tous les baroudeurs en herbe. pharmaceutiques…. Assurément (Martin Scorsese, Steven
Editions Taschen - 30€ l’un des rôles les plus forts de Spielberg...). Un documentaire à
Matthew McConaughey ! voir absolument si vous aimez le
Des exemplaires cinéma, que vous soyez fan de De
Avec Matthew McConaughey, Jennifer Garner et Jared Leto.
à gagner ! Palma ou pas !
sur A voir sur Arte le 6 juin à 20h55.
Carlotta Films
28€08 (édition prestige)


De John Fante
Dans les années 1930, Arturo Bandini, fils d’immigrés italiens,
quitte son Colorado natal pour Los Angeles. Dans la Cité des
Anges, Arturo se consacre à l’écriture afin de devenir un
écrivain riche et célèbre. Il quitte parfois sa petite chambre
d’hôtel miteuse pour profiter des plaisirs de la grande ville,
dilapidant alors ses quelques rares dollars. Ses
déambulations sont jalonnées de rêves de gloire, d’aventures
et de femmes. 10/18 remet à l’honneur le grand écrivain John
Fante, et c’est un vrai bonheur de suivre le truculent double
de papier de l’écrivain américain dans ses petites et grandes
péripéties. Ce roman foisonnant et poétique est une
véritable ode à la ville de Los Angeles et à la vie de bohème.
Editions 10/18 - 7€10

34 • VOCABLE Du 31 mai au 13 juin 2018

I Décryptage I TURQUIE


Arend van Dam is a Dutch A report recently released by the European Commission praises Turkey for its
cartoonist based in Lands- migration policy and especially for its commitment to the EU-Turkey deal. The
meer. His work has been deal was signed in March 2016 to try to solve the huge influx of refugees into
published in Dutch newspa-
pers such as Hervormd Ned- Europe and to prevent migrants’ deaths. Under this deal, Turkey prevents boats
erland and Centraal Weekblad from leaving its shores for Greece and Greece sends back all arriving migrants to
but also in international Turkey. In exchange, the EU provides massive funding for refugees in Turkey,
newspapers like The New
York Times. which is being used to improve the conditions of Syrian refugees and to
implement strict measures against human smugglers. The deal also allows for
Dutch from Holland, from the
Netherlands / cartoonist person the acceleration of Turkey’s EU membership bid and visa-free travel for Turkish
who draws cartoons (funny or
satirical drawing). citizens within the Schengen area...
deal accord / to release to publish / to praise to express approval of, applaud / policy plan of action adopted by a government, measure /
commitment agreement, promise / to prevent to stop (from happening) / shore beach, coast / funding financial support / to improve
to make better / to implement to put into action, apply / smuggler person who traffics goods or humans illegally / bid candidacy.


Pour contacter votre correspondant, composez le 01.44. 37. 97.[...] suivi des 2 chiffres de son numéro
J. Perry. PUBLICITÉ : [77]. DIRECTION COMMERCIALE : C.Libilbéhéty [79]. ABONNEMENTS ENTREPRISES : A. Kada [83], E. Jayme [86], J. Kigin [89]. PROMOTION  : C.Veziris [80].
MARKETING-FABRICATION : V. Blum [92], J. de Beco [93], C. Bourdery[90]. SERVICE ABONNÉS : Tél. 03 27 61 10 11, RÉASSORTIMENT PROFESSIONNEL : BO CONSEIL, servicegestion@, tél. 09 67 32 09 34. CONCEPTION GRAPHIQUE : Virginie Lafon & Frédéric Savarit. MAQUETTE : S.M.P./ S.Bousez, C. Soufflet, I. Wieczorek, S.Burlion, M. Butinska.
IMPRESSION : Imprimerie ROTIMPRES (Aiguaviva Girona-Espagne). N° de commission paritaire 0921 K78474. ISSN n° 1621-0425
VOCABLE est édité par la Société Maubeugeoise d’Édition et Cie, 59603 Maubeuge Cedex
ORIGINE DU PAPIER : Suisse. TAUX DE FIBRES RECYCLÉES : 46%. EUTROPHISATION : ptot : 0.009 kg/tonne de papier
Bureau Paris 56, rue Fondary 75015 PARIS. Tél : 01 44 37 97 97 / Fax : 01 44 37 97 98.
Dans ce numéro, une lettre, des encarts d’abonnements brochés ou jetés sur tous les abonnés. Cette publication comporte, sur une partie des abonnés, un livret audio jeté.

VOCABLE Du 31 mai au 13 juin 2018 • 35


" Les cultures se vivent et se partagent "

Partir en séjour linguistique avec VERDIÉ HELLO ce n’est pas uniquement apprendre une langue, c’est aller à la rencontre
de ceux qui la parlent pour en saisir toutes les subtilités. Une occasion unique de vivre en immersion au cœur d’une
culture inconnue, de s’imprégner de son histoire, de ses valeurs, et de se familiariser avec un rythme et un univers
étranger. VERDIÉ HELLO c’est aussi des vacances découverte et des colonies en France et à l’étranger ! VERDIÉ HELLO
est une marque fiable, engagée pour la satisfaction de ses clients et qui vous apporte les meilleurs garanties de sérieux
et de qualité comme en attestent la certification NF Service Organisateurs de Séjours ou Stages Linguistiques ainsi que
le label UNOSEL.

05 65 77 10 47


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