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"Une plongée fascinante dans la psyché d’un des

plus grands politiciens du vingtième siècle."


Brian M i r an da John


churchill ap vocable
02-GB764.indd 2 210x287.indd 1 20/09/2017 14:26
09/10/2017 16:57
édito sommaire N° 435 / Du 19 octobre au 1er novembre 2017
(Cadre Européen Commun de Référence pour les langues) :
 facile A2-B1  moyen B2-C1  difficile C1-C2
Pour faciliter le repérage et la compréhension, les mots traduits sont surlignés dans tous les
articles du magazine.

ÉMILIE COCHAUD Grand angle ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 4

RÉDACTRICE EN CHEF On parle d'eux .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 5

A la une
The other Australia  B2-C1 Fighting Australia Day THE NEW YORK TIMES (US) .................................................... 6
Melbourne suburb demands respect for indigenous history.
We may know of the aborigines of Australia,
but we know fairly little about them. They are  A2-B1 Focus .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 9
so remote from our side of the world and are
rarely in the international news coverage. But you
cannot understand Australia without reference Société
to its indigenous people, whose culture is one of  B2-C1 Paris’s Olympic promise THE GUARDIAN (UK) .............................................................................. 10
the oldest on earth, dating back 50,000 years, and An opportunity for the town of Saint-Denis?
which is as rich and vibrant as ever.
 B2-C1 The bitcoin generation USA TODAY (US) .................................................................................................... 12
Nevertheless, the aboriginal community has It’s as good as gold for them!
long been the victim of abuses carried out by its
colonizers, and though it may be enjoying a kind
of renaissance at the moment, it is also continu- Enjeux
ing to battle inequality and to fight for official  B2-C1 The Irish border THE GUARDIAN (UK) .................................................................................................................. 14
recognition of its history. Australian society has The UK’s Brexit blind spot.
lots of work to do to achieve a real reconciliation.
Understanding and admitting to the effects of its  A2-B1 A 360° ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 16
colonial past is an integral part of that process.

It is in this context, that many have been voicing PRATIC’ABLE  ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 17

their objection for years to the national celebra- Vocabulaire, expressions et astuces pour parler
tion which marks the arrival of the first settlers comme un anglophone
in 1788. Recently, some local governments have A la banque / Point de grammaire : Getting things done / L’expression
taken the decision to not celebrate it, such as in idiomatique
Fitzroy, a suburb of Melbourne. The New York
Times went to meet some of its residents and in
addition to the debate over ‘Australia Day’, the  C1-C2 Gibraltar in the spotlight THE GUARDIAN (UK) .......................................................................... 22
article offers an insight into the identity, culture Between the “Rock” and a hard place.
and history of this community. Here is another
facet of Australia for us to discover.
 B2-C1 Dancing for freedom THE NEW YORK TIMES (US) ........................................................................ 24
From Damascus to Amsterdam.

 C1-C2 Spies like us THE ECONOMIST (UK) ............................................................................................................................. 26

To understand Britain, read its spy novels.

Rejoignez-nous sur et suivez-nous sur et sur  B2-C1 To E or not to E THE LOS ANGELES TIMES (US) ........................................................................................... 28
What’s in a name?

 A2-B1 Echos ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 29


L’article est repris sur le CD ou les MP3 Découverte

de conversation : Des interviews en V.O.  B2-C1 Nowhere to hide THE ECONOMIST (UK) ............................................................................................................. 30.
pour améliorer votre compréhension Life in the age of facial recognition.
Tous les articles du magazine sont lus par des
anglophones sur le CD (ou les MP3) de lecture Bons plans .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 32
Les sorties ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 34
Retrouvez le reportage vidéo
lié à l’ article sur
Le dessin .................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 35


03-AA435.indd 3 09/10/2017 14:51

Grand L’actualité en images




San Juan
Ruby Rodriguez, 8, looks back at her mother as she wades across the San
Lorenzo Morovis river in Puerto Rico. The bridge was swept away by
Hurricane Maria. On 20 September, Puerto Rico was slammed by a
powerful category 4 storm, the strongest to make landfall on the
Carribean island in 85 years. The US territory is now suffering from a lack
Status: self-governing overseas territory of the of electricity, water and fuel, and has limited cell phone service. “Puerto
United States. Puerto Ricans are American citizens Rico, in terms of the infrastructure, will not be the same... This is
and hold US passports but cannot vote in US something of historic proportions,” said Carlos Mercader, a spokesman
presidential elections.
for the island’s governor.
Population: 3.4 million
Area: 8,959 sq km to wade to walk through water / to sweep, swept, swept away to wash away, destroy / hurricane
extremely strong and destructive wind / to slam to hit with force / storm extreme weather, tempest / to
Languages: Spanish, English make, made, made landfall here, to descend upon the land (from the sea), reach land / lack absence,
self-governing autonomous / overseas abroad / citizen shortage / fuel oil, petrol, gasoline / spokesman representative.
person, civilian / to hold, held, held here, to have a right to /
area size / sq km = square kilometre km2.

4 • VOCABLE Du 19 octobre au 1 er
novembre 2017

04-764-Steph.indd 4 09/10/2017 14:53

On parle d'eux… Retrouvez le fil d’infos sur

Ceux qui font l'actu

Elon Musk has unveiled his ambitious plans
for a new spacecraft codenamed “BFR” (for
“Big Fucking Rocket”). Speaking at a congress
in Australia, the South African-born entrepre-
neur said the rocket would enable his SpaceX
company to start sending people to Mars by
2024. He also claimed that it would allow to
travel anywhere on Earth in under an hour. A
London-New York journey would only take 29
minutes for example. “Cost per seat should be
about the same as full fare economy in an air-
craft,” he said on Instagram.
to unveil to reveal, announce, present / spacecraft (inv.) vehicle
for travelling in outer space / rocket jet engine powerful enough to
travel into outer space / to enable to permit, make possible / to

claim to assert / to allow to permit, enable, make possible / under
less than / seat designated place on an aeroplane / full fare tariff
without concessions, full price ticket.

(Peter Morrison/AP/SIPA)

(Evan Vucci/AP/SIPA)

Irish Prime Minister Leo Varadkar has Theresa May’s speech turned into a US Health Secretary Tom Price resigned last
promised a referendum next year on whether nightmare at the Conservative conference month over his use of expensive private
to loosen the country’s laws on abortion, one earlier this month. The British prime minister planes and military aircraft for government
of the strictest in Europe. As of today, the was interrupted by a man who made his way business trips. Reports by news website
Republic of Ireland’s constitution allows to the podium and handed her a redundancy Politico say he spent $1m on these flights. Tom
abortion only if the life of the mother is in notice, saying “Boris asked me to give you this." Price, who was appointed in February, was
danger. Women convicted of having an illegal She also struggled with an incessant cough already in a precarious position with Donald
abortion face up to 14 years in jail. But they are and the set behind her fell apart. Theresa May Trump after repeated failures to repeal and
allowed to travel abroad for terminations. had hoped the speech would relaunch her replace Obamacare. The US president called
People “should be given ample time to Premiership amid Cabinet splits and leadership Price a “very fine man” but said he did not like
consider the issues and to take part in a speculation. According to The Guardian, one the “optics” of members of his cabinet flying
well-informed debate,” Varadkar said. Tory politician said this made colleagues at great expense to taxpayers.
wonder whether she could last much longer.
whether (in order to know) if (yes or no) / to loosen to health secretary minister of health / to resign to
relax, to make less strict / law legislation / abortion to turn into to transform into, here, to become / to leave (a post), to quit / over because of, as a result of /
medical intervention to end a pregnancy / as of today make, made, made sb... to lead sb to / to make, aircraft (inv.) aeroplane(s) / report account, article /
from today forward, here, now, at present / to allow to made, made one’s way to to go in the direction of, here to spend, spent, spent to pay out / flight aeroplane
authorize / to convict to find guilty of a crime / to face to manage to reach / to hand to give / redundancy voyage / to appoint to designate, nominate / failure
to risk / jail prison / abroad outside the country, to a notice document for sb leaving a job / Boris (Johnson) inability, incapacity, lack of success / to repeal to annul,
foreign country / termination medical intervention to British Foreign Minister / to struggle with to have a rescind / to replace to put one thing in place of another
end a pregnancy / ample sufficient / to consider to difficult time dealing with, have problems with / / Obamacare act passed by Congress in 2010 to expand
think about, reflect upon / issue subject, question, incessant cough persistent bout of coughing (pushing and regulate the American healthcare system / fine
matter. of air violently and noisily through the throat, esp when admirable / optics ‘look’, here, idea / expense cost /
you have a cold or sore throat) / set here, fixed taxpayer citizen of a country paying tax.
background display board / to fall, fell, fallen apart to
disintegrate, here, to have letters fall off / to relaunch to
re-establish, reinvigorate / Premiership mandate as
Prime Minister / amid among, in the context of / split
division /  according to as stated/reported by / Tory
Conservative / to wonder to ask oneself / to last to
continue for a certain time, endure / much any.

VOCABLE Du 19 octobre au 1er novembre 2017 •5

05-764-Isa.indd 5 09/10/2017 16:50

À la une I Société I AUSTRALIE

Did you know?

I  B2-C1

Indigenous people make up 3 Australian English borrows more

percent of the total Australian than 400 words from Aboriginal
population. Today, most of them languages: koala, wombat,
live in cities and towns. boomerang…

Robert Young, an Aboriginal artist, in front of a mural he painted

in Fitzroy, Australia. (Asanka Brendon Ratnayake/The New York Times)



Debate over a controversial day of national celebration
January 26 is a national holiday in Australia and for a while now, the subject of intense debate. It celebrates the first arrival of
British colonists (1788) in Sydney Harbour. Some local districts have taken the decision not to celebrate out of respect for the
indigenous people of Australia. One example is Fitzroy, a suburb of Melbourne, whose aboriginal community has a long history of
discovery and celebration of its own culture and past.

6 • VOCABLE Du 19 octobre au 1
novembre 2017  facile A2-B1 /  moyen B2-C1 /  difficile C1-C2

AA 06-08-764-Steph.indd 6 09/10/2017 17:53

Téléchargez l’appli Vocable offerte à nos abonnés !

The Aboriginal flag was National Sorry Day is an annual SUPPLÉMENT VIDÉO
first flown in Adelaide in event held on 26 May to remember
1971. Since then, it has the mistreatment of Australia’s Découvrez le reportage vidéo
become a widely recognised symbol Aboriginal communities. et testez votre compréhension sur
of the identity of Aboriginal people.

F ITZROY, Australia — Uncle Jack

Charles, a well-known Australian
aboriginal actor, was born in 1943 under
Australia’s assimilation policy, which he said
cials here say the decision to stop com-
memorating Australia Day reflects a desire
for the country to recognize that a celebrat-
ed part of its history is also a source of great
from the 1920s to 1940s, a local fig tree was
one of the most important aboriginal meet-
ing places, where “pioneers” including his
grandfather addressed gatherings and “ral-
absorbed aboriginal people into white soci- pain for many of its citizens. lied the troops.” The tree, known as the
ety by removing children from their families. Moreton Bay Fig Tree, is still alive today.
He grew up in a series of group homes with- 5. Ata time when the push to reconsider “Under this tree,” Tamiru said, standing
out anyone ever telling him the truth — un- history is sweeping across the United States beneath its wide green leaves, “our great
til he was introduced to long-lost relatives and Canada, with statues of historical fig- people formed a community, had a vision and
here in a Melbourne suburb that’s long been ures being torn down and university build- a dream. My grandfather taught me and my
a gathering place for the people of Australia’s ings being renamed, residents and officials people to fight for our human rights.”
First Nations.“This is where I found myself,” in Yarra say they are simply doing what
Charles said last month in Fitzroy. “Found they have always done: connecting with 8.Up the road, on Gertrude Street, known as
family, kinship, community ties.” their people and seeking the truth. “There the heart of Fitzroy, was the Koori Club,
have been various popular and political where in the 1960s, young aboriginal social
2.For generations, reconnection with history forces at work to discourage a real under- and political activists met and challenged
has defined the area in and around Fitzroy. standing,” said Amanda Stone, the mayor conservative thinking in the country. When
Now, perhaps inevitably, it is quickly becom- of Yarra. “There’s still a strong belief that Muhammad Ali visited Australia in 1979, he
ing famous in Australia for provoking debate aboriginal people have done well out of specifically went to Gertrude Street in Fitz-
about how to best confront the country’s colonial settlement.”  roy, where the first indigenous man to win
colonial past. a world boxing title, Lionel Rose, helped set
INDIGENOUS HERITAGE up a gym for young indigenous people.
RECONSIDERING HISTORY 6.Yarra, a council region that includes one of
3. In August, the local Yarra City Council Melbourne’s earliest suburbs, covers about 9. All of these places were where many abo-
became the first local council in the country 7.5 square miles, and is culturally and so- riginal Australians came to receive support,
to unanimously vote against recognizing cially diverse, with about 30 percent of its help, and services, and in the process, many >>>
Jan. 26 as Australia Day, rejecting the na- residents born outside Australia. The area,
tional holiday marking the arrival of the first and greater Melbourne, has been the heart-
British settlers in 1788 and opting instead for land of the country’s left and union move- to address to give a speech to, talk to / gathering
an event on another date that acknowledges ment, as well as progressive aboriginal poli- assembled group / to rally to bring people together to
“the loss of indigenous culture.” tics going back to the start of the 20th support a cause.
century. For many indigenous Australians, 8. to challenge to call into question, contest / gym
gymnasium, sports hall.
4.The move spurred outrage from Australia’s Fitzroy in particular carries a special sig-
9. in the process in doing so /
prime minister, Malcolm Turnbull, who nificance: it is the birthplace of many modern
accused the council of “using a day that aboriginal organizations.
should unite Australians to divide Austral-
ians.” And public backlash over the decision 7.Jason Tamiru, grandson of the Sir Doug
intensified, as far-right protesters stormed Nicholls, former governor of South Australia
a Yarra City Council meeting yelling and the first aboriginal Australian to have SUR LE BOUT DE LA LANGUE
through megaphones “shame on you” and held a vice-regal post in the country, said that
“you’re a disgrace.” But residents and offi-
To be born
(cf. § 6) «30 percent of Yarra’s
5. push campaign, pressure / to reconsider to residents were born outside
re-examine (look at from a different point of view) / to Australia»
1. group homes social care (placement in an institution), sweep, swept, swept across to move rapidly, invade / to
foster care (placement with a family) / long-lost having N’oubliez pas que le verbe «naître»
tear, tore, torn down to demolish / to seek, sought,
been lost, not seen for a long time / relative member of the sought to look for / to do, did, done well out of to profit se dit «to be born» :
same family / suburb residential area on the edge of a city / from, derive an advantage from / colonial settlement I was born, they were born ...
gathering place meeting place / kinship link, connection colonial occupation.
(family, background, origins, culture etc) / tie link, connection. Notez les expressions :
6. heritage patrimony, historic, cultural / square mile = «I was born and raised in California»
2. to confront to face up to, deal with. 2.56 km² / diverse varied / heartland centre, here, (US)
3. national holiday national day of celebration / settler traditional bastion / union trade union, syndicate / to
colonist / event occasion / to acknowledge to recognise. carry to have.
«I was born and bred in London»
4. to spur to incite / outrage indignation, anger, here, fury / 7. to hold, held, held a vice-regal post to be accorded a
backlash counter-reaction / to storm to enter violently and royal position (Australia is a constitutional monarchy and
angrily / to yell to shout / official representative. part of the British Commonwealth) /

VOCABLE Du19 octobre au 1er novembre 2017 •7

AA 06-08-764-Steph.indd 7 09/10/2017 17:53

À la une I Société I AUSTRALIE I  B2-C1


Australian actor Dario Costa joins us to talk about Australia and those who
were there well before the English arrived.
CD audio ou téléchargement MP3 (sur abonnement)

>>> of them discovered their family roots. Uncle

Jack, part of the “stolen generation,” found
out the truth about his roots in his late teens
after being ushered into the Builders Arms
Hotel, a landmark Fitzroy pub. Back then, in
the late 1950s, it was known among indige-
nous Australians as “the black senate.”

10. ForUncle Jack and many others, these

kinds of connections spreading over gen-
erations have created a sense of empower-
ment — and a comfort with questioning
authority that often goes beyond what takes
place in other areas of Australia. Gradually,
despite a period of gentrification that
pushed out some people, it’s been passed
down to the next generation.

11.“Young people have grown up to be

ashamed of where we’re from, not wanting
to celebrate indigenous culture and heritage,”
said Robert Young, 28, an indigenous artist.
“But now people from around the world are Actor Jack Charles was a victim of the government's forced assimilation programme. (DR)
wanting to celebrate and acknowledge our
culture and our identity,” Young said. “There’s as “Survival Day” or “Invasion Day,” and in indigenous history. Politicians said the van-
a greater awareness of celebrating people’s recent years, protests have marked the day dalism spurred a growing debate and a push
uniqueness and paying tribute and respect in major cities like Melbourne and Sydney. for Australia to celebrate the country’s na-
where it’s due.” tional day on another day, one that meant
JAMES COOK something to everyone.
12. Many aboriginal people 13.The indigenous commu-
say Jan. 26 — when many
Many aboriginal nity in Yarra wanted some- 15.Young, the artist, said aboriginal Austral-
Australians drink, watch people say Jan. 26 thing more lasting to be ians in Fitzroy just wanted to again find a
fireworks and party, not marks a legacy of done. They spoke with the way to lead the conversation — to challenge
unlike July 4 in the United dispossession and council about moving Aus- Australia’s white establishment to formally
States — marks a legacy of a destruction of tralia Day celebrations to a recognize its complicated past and the fact
dispossession and a de- different date. Shortly after that the country is now a mix of many dif-
struction of their culture. their culture. the council’s decision, a ferent cultures and backgrounds.
Indigenous communities statue of the Capt. James
sometimes refer to the date Cook, the explorer, was de- 16.“To have a strong future is reconnecting
faced in Sydney, with “change the date” and with our past,” he said. He was standing just
“no pride in genocide” painted all over it, in front of a mural he painted on the side of
which Turnbull declared was part of a “to- Charcoal Lane, a social enterprise restaurant,
root here origin / teens adolescence / to usher into to
talitarian campaign” to obliterate the coun- which he said paid tribute to Fitzroy’s endur-
invite, bring in, here, introduce to / back then at the time / try’s history. ing aboriginal identity. It showed a mix of
landmark here, famous. prominent aboriginal heroes and a flag with
10. to spread, spread, spread over to encompass / 14.The statue’s inscription asserting that the word “sovereignty.” l
empowerment emancipation / comfort consolation / to Cook discovered Australia ignited criticism
question to call into question, to contest / gentrification
transformation of a working-class area into a middle-class that it ignored tens of thousands of years of
area / to pass down to transmit.
11. to be ashamed to feel shame / awareness 15. establishment group of people that hold the most
consciousness, understanding / to pay, paid, paid power and influence / background origins.
tribute to to publicly express admiration and respect. 16. mural large wall painting, fresco / enduring
12. fireworks small devices that explode in the air 13. lasting durable, permanent / to deface to damage / longlasting, continuing / prominent important, famous /
producing coloured lights and loud noises, used at pride feeling of honour and satisfaction. flag cloth with symbol on representing a country,
celebrations / legacy heritage. 14. to assert to affirm / to ignite to spark off, provoke. organization etc / sovereignty supremacy of authority.

8 • VOCABLE Du 19 octobre au 1er

novembre 2017  facile A2-B1 /  moyen B2-C1 /  difficile C1-C2

AA 06-08-764-Steph.indd 8 09/10/2017 17:53


Key facts about TIMELINE
Aboriginal Australians 60,000 – Ancestors of the
40,000 Aboriginal people
years ago arrived in Australia. 

1770 James Cook charted

the east coast and claimed
it for Great Britain.
1788 On 26 January, the First Fleet
of 11 ships – carrying 1,500
people, half of them convicts
– arrived in Sydney Harbour.
1901 The 6 colonies united to form
the Federal Commonwealth
of Australia.
1967 In a national referendum,
90 per cent of Australians
voted to remove clauses in
the Constitution which
discriminated against
Indigenous people.
2008 The Australian Parliament
Indigenous Australian art: passed a motion of Apology
Dot painting of Kangaroo. to Indigenous Peoples for
(Chameleons Eye/Shutters/SIPA)
past mistreatment and
CULTURE AND IDENTITY 2009 The Australian Government
committed $26.6 million for
Aboriginal people have one of the oldest living cultures in the the establishment of a
world. At the core of their culture is a very strong spiritual Healing Foundation to
connection to the land. Uluru, also known as Ayers Rock, in address trauma in the
Northern Territory, is one of the most impressive Aboriginal Indigenous community, with
(Chameleons Eye/SIPA)

sacred sites. a focus on the Stolen

Indigenous spiritual beliefs, along with the local laws and Generations (see box below).
history, are shared through the “Dreamtime” mythology.
These “Dreamtime stories” were passed down from timeline chronology / to chart to make a geographical
generation to generation through art, dance and song and tell representation of an area, here, to travel along / fleet
group of ships / convict prisoner / to pass to adopt /
the story of the creation of the landscape and its inhabitants. mistreatment cruel and inhumane treatment / to
core centre, heart / impressive inspiring, magnificent / along with together with / Dreamtime time of creation in the commit to promise to do sth / to address to deal with /
mythology of Australian aborigines / to pass down to transmit / landscape natural surroundings, environment. trauma severe emotional/mental distress / with a focus
on... paying particular attention to....


The New York Times' article mentions that actor Uncle Jack Charles was taken from his family as a result of Australia's assimilation policy. He is one of
the 100,000 Indigenous children – also known as the “Stolen Generations” – who were forcibly removed from their parents between 1910 and 1970.
These children were often under 5 years old and were adopted by white families or brought up in institutions. They were particularly vulnerable to
sexual assault, abuse and exploitation.
In 2008, the Australian Parliament passed a motion of Apology and Prime Minister Kevin Rudd acknowledged that this policy had “inflicted profound
grief, suffering and loss on these our fellow Australians.” The apology included a proposal for a policy commission to close the gap between Indigenous
and non-Indigenous Australians in “life expectancy, educational achievement and economic opportunity.”
as a result of due to / forcibly by force / to bring, brought, brought up to raise / sexual assault sexual abuse / to acknowledge to officially recognise / grief suffering, mental
anguish / loss sadness as a result of losing a loved one / fellow Australian compatriot / to close the gap to reduce the disparity / life expectancy average number of years a person
will live based on statistical probabilities / educational achievement academic success.

VOCABLE Du 7 au 20 septembre 2017 •9

09-764-Steph.indd 9 09/10/2017 18:28

Société I Paris 2024 I FRANCE I  B2-C1


The Olympic Games: Paris
under pressure
The Olympics are coming to Paris in 2024 and this is giving
rise to new hopes and aspirations locally. Saint-Denis, a
suburb north of Paris, has been promised significant
investment, such as the construction of an Olympic village,
an aquatic centre, local job creation and housing.
Will these really come to pass?


I t was a gamble that Paris couldn’t af-

ford to lose. After decades of humiliat-
ing failures in bids to host the Olympics –
including tearfully losing to London in
tacks and reconcile the thriving capital with
its poorer, deprived northern suburbs.

4.Paris’s argument was also that, after dec-

6. Saint-Denis was promised sporting trans-
formation 20 years ago when the Stade
de France was built there for the 1998 foot-
ball World Cup, but it still has far higher
2012 – the French capital has finally won ades of overspending and waste in other rates of poverty and unemployment than
the 2024 Games. Olympic host cities such as Athens and the capital and suffers overcrowding on
Barcelona, France could do things more ef- public transport.
2.The city is now under pressure to prove it ficiently. Paris already has 95% of the sport-
can deliver its promised new style of organ- ing facilities in place and does not need to
ising the event: cheaper, greener, with no build a main stadium, unlike London in 2012.
6. far much / rate level, percentage / overcrowding
white-elephant building projects and able congestion, excessive number of passengers.
to change the fortunes of local communities. SAINT-DENIS BACK
3.Local politicians pleaded that Paris hosting 5.But Paris was seen to have lost to London in
the world’s biggest sporting spectacle would 2012 in part because it was too focused on its
restore the city’s pride, bring back the tourists city centre while the British vaunted the re-
who have stayed away after terrorist at- generation of Stratford in east London. So the SUR LE BOUT DE LA LANGUE
focus of the 2024 plan is regenerating Saint-
Denis, the diverse, deindustrialised town that “The town that nudges
nudges up against the north of Paris.
1. gamble bet, risk / to afford to risk / decade period of up against the north of
ten years / failure defeat / bid attempt, effort, here, Paris” (cf. § 5)
campaign / to host to organise an event / tearfully with thriving prosperous / deprived underprivileged /
tears of sadness.
Comparez :
suburbs residential area outside the centre of a city. to nudge pousser du coude, donner
2. pressure stress / to deliver to provide, here, to achieve, 4. overspending excessive spending / waste useless use
to produce / cheap inexpensive / white-elephant
un (petit) coup de coude
of resources / such as like (for example)... / efficiently she’s nudging fifty  elle approche de
useless but very costly / fortunes fate, destiny, luck. effectively but with minimum expense / facilities
3. to plead to present as an argument / pride feeling of equipment, infrastructure. la cinquantaine
honour / the temperature was nudging 35°C 
5. to be focused on to be centered on / to vaunt to
boast, to speak proudly about / to nudge up against to la température frôlait les 35°C
touch, to push gently against.

10 • VOCABLE Du 19 octobre au 1
novembre 2017  facile A2-B1 /  moyen B2-C1 /  difficile C1-C2

AA 10-11-764-Steph.indd 10 09/10/2017 15:20

Retrouvez plus de tests dans la newsletter Vocable

7.Only a few new Olympic venues will be

built and these will be mostly in Saint-Den-
is, including a vast aquatics facility. Politi-
cians promise the pools will then serve
residents in an area where half of pre-teens
do not know how to swim.

8.The athletes’ village will also be built in

Saint-Denis, near the Cinema City film stu-
dios created in a disused power station by
the film-maker Luc Besson. After the Games,
the village will be turned into housing.
France is keen to move on from its reputation
for building ghetto housing estates and will
allocate half to social housing and the rest
to private sales. With private investors lead-
ing the project, building work began be-
fore Paris secured the Games.

9.Valérie Pecresse, the rightwing head of the

Île-de-France region outside Paris, has spo-
ken of “reconnecting” the town of Saint-
Denis. Plans to extend the Paris area’s public
transport network were in the pipeline be-
fore the Olympic bid. Children running with Tony Estanguet and Patrick Baumann, Stade de France, Saint-Denis, 15 May. (Harsin/Sipa)
image that is often stuck to us,” hinting at economists say costs are likely to rise. Lon-
AN OPPORTUNITY? snobbery towards the diverse town where don in 2012, Athens in 2004 and Sydney in
10.But also at play is the future of the wider some of the 2015 Paris attackers hid out in a 2000 all saw their budgets for hosting the
Seine-Saint-Denis  départe- slum flat before  a police Summer Olympics at least double between
ment, the poorest county in siege. On the night of the the launch of their bids and the final bill.
France, which stretches well The pools will Paris attacks, the first bomb-
beyond the town of Saint- then serve ers struck outside the Stade 14.Paris argues that it will build temporary
Denis towards the deprived residents in an de France. sites at key landmarks using eco-materials
housing estates north-east of that will keep the carbon footprint and cost
Paris where the 2005 urban
area where half 12. Some fear that the Olym- down. Open-water and triathlon swimming
riots began. of pre-teens do pic development in Saint- are planned to be held in the river Seine after
not know how Denis could lead to gentrifi- authorities clean up dirty waterways. The
11. Laurent Russier, the com- to swim. cation, forcing locals out. Grand Palais will host fencing and taek-
munist mayor of the town of Pierre Mansat, an adviser to wondo. Triathlon and marathon events will
Saint-Denis, said the Olym- the Paris mayor, Anne Hi- be based around the Eiffel Tower.
pics were “an opportunity to end the bad dalgo, told the website Enlarge Your Paris this
week: “Elected officials in Seine-Saint-Denis 15.The French president, Emmanuel Macron,
have an urban vision that is sufficiently in- has said the Olympics will be crucial for
7. venue place where an event is organised / area place / clusive and based on solidarity to prevent France, describing the award of the Games
pre-teen pre-adolescent. that phenomenon.” as “a gesture that shows that in our long-
8. disused which is no longer used / power station term battle against terrorism, we don’t stop
building where electricity is produced / film-maker film 13.The Paris Olympics budget, at around big events.” l
director / to turn into to transform into / housing
property / to be keen to to want very much / to move on
€6.6bn, is historically low and already some
to change, to turn the page / housing estate area of
social housing / to allocate to designate / to secure to
obtain, to win. to be likely to to be probable to / to rise, rose, risen to
9. rightwing conservative, right-leaning / to extend to to stick, stuck, stuck to to attach / to hint at to allude go up, to increase / at least no less than / launch start /
prolong, to develop / network system / in the pipeline to / snobbery condescending attitude / to hide, hid, bill invoice, cost.
being planned. hidden out to find refuge / slum run-down, ghetto / flat 14. to argue to assert, to say / landmark historic
10. at play involved, to be considered / wider here, as a apartment / to strike, struck, struck to hit, to attack. monument, famous tourist site / footprint impression,
whole / county administrative district / to stretch to 12. to fear to be afraid / gentrification transformation of here, impact / open-water outside body of water / to be
extend / beyond further than / riot violent a working-class area into a middle-class area / adviser held to take place / to clean up to make clear, to
demonstration. consultant, counsellor / to enlarge to make bigger, to depollute / dirty polluted / waterway canal, river /
11. mayor head of a city government / expand, to develop / official political representative / to fencing sport of using an épée in attack and defense.
prevent to avoid, to stop. 15. award here, act of being given/winning sth.
13. bn = billion (one thousand million) /

VOCABLE Du 19 octobre au 1er novembre 2017 • 11

AA 10-11-764-Steph.indd 11 09/10/2017 15:20

Société I Economie I ETATS-UNIS I  B2-C1



Rise of the virtual currency, bitcoin
According to a study by the University of Cambridge, there are now more than three million users of virtual currency
worldwide. Bitcoin, whose value was zero when created in 2009, has skyrocketed recently. While some believe it is a financial
‘bubble’, there are many virtual money fans who swear by it. Who are they and what motivates them?

S AN FR ANCISCO — Nearly half of

Americans are unsure of the legality
of bitcoin, a new study suggested last
month, yet a loyal group of its advocates
5. "Mormons are descendants of pioneers
who carved their livelihood out of the wil-
derness," he says, describing the cryptocur-
rency's appeal to members of The Church
1,000 Americans by LendEDU, a personal
finance comparison site. But 48% aren't sure
it's legal and 11% consider bitcoin ownership
illegal in the U.S.
embrace it as a symbol of financial and of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. "There
philosophical freedom. is a strong element of rugged individuals, 8. Still, 40% were open to using bitcoin in the
self-sufficiency." future, says Michael Brown, research analyst
2. "I
believe there is a strong chance that it at LendEDU.
may someday revolutionize significant parts 6. Welcome to the mind-set of a typical bit-
of our financial infrastructure," says Aaron coin owner. For many, it is a lifestyle, some- 9. For those with any doubt about the digital
Hanson, a software engineer from Chicago. thing to be valued more than gold for finan- currency, they need look no further than its
cial investments and shielding personal true believers, who have embraced bitcoin as
3. Hanson uses bitcoin wherever he can — to information from the prying eyes of a dis- a way of life and help drive its prices to record
buy food at an empanada restaurant, airline trusted government. highs, causing some analysts to warn of a
tickets, his honeymoon in Africa this year bitcoin bubble.
— listing it alongside technology and indi- 7. Most Americans (78.5%) are familiar with
vidual freedom as his three beliefs in life. the cryptocurrency, according to a survey of 10. The digital currency, whose finite quan-
tities are created by computer programs,
4. Austin Craig, a practicing Mormon who trades outside the traditional financial
5. to carve to draw, extract, forge / livelihood means of
attended Brigham Young University, went supporting one’s existence / out of here, from / system, an attraction for people who have
a step further: He lived entirely on bitcoin wilderness uncultivated, natural area of land / doubts — or at least seek an alternative — to
during the first three months of his mar- cryptocurrency virtual money / appeal attraction, mainstream institutions.
popularity / (the) Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day
riage and chronicled it in a documenta- Saints Mormon Church / rugged hard and rough, robust /
ry, "Life On Bitcoin". self-sufficiency self reliance, independence. 11. "There’s certainly a libertarian feel" to the
6. mind-set vision of things, attitude / typical beliefs of bitcoin users, says Melanie Shapiro,
characteristic, representative / owner proprietor, user / to
1. nearly almost / yet however, despite this / advocate shield to protect / prying inquisitive / distrusted
partisan, defender / to embrace to adopt, accept causing a lack of trust, confidence. ownership possession.
(enthusiastically), welcome / freedom liberty. 7. to be familiar with to know 8. still yet.
2. someday one day in the future / significant of / according to as stated/
considerable, important / software (inv.) engineer reported by / survey poll, 9. way of life lifestyle / to drive, drove,
programmer, person who designs and writes programs for study, investigation / driven to push, propel / high new level
computers. / to cause to result in, lead to / to
warn of to caution in advance /
3. wherever anywhere (that accepts it) / empanada bubble booming economic
Latin American pastry filled with meat and vegetables / activity that can suddenly
honeymoon holiday for a newly married couple / collapse.
alongside with.
10. to trade to buy and sell,
4. to attend to be a student at / to go, went, gone a here, to be exchanged, used / at
step further to take sth to the next level / to chronicle to least if nothing else / to seek,
record, report. sought, sought to look for /
mainstream conventional,

12 • VOCABLE Du 19 octobre au 1
novembre 2017  facile A2-B1 /  moyen B2-C1 /  difficile C1-C2

AA 12-13-764-Isa.indd 12 09/10/2017 17:45

Téléchargez l’appli Vocable offerte à nos abonnés !


Opening ceremony of a bitcoin retail shop in Hong Kong. (Kin Cheung/AP/SIPA)

employees (employés)
cf. § 17 / devotees
CEO of Token, an identity-ring maker in New enforcement has been embraced by venture (adeptes) cf. § 18
York. "But we’re technologists, and technol- capitalists and investors. It's not main-
Le suffixe “ee” est également utilisé
ogy provides freedom" from centralized stream yet — too many people are wary of pour :
government systems. its high risk and complicated tools — but it's
interviewees (candidats/
getting there. interviewés)
12.Their long-term passion and principles
trainees (stagiaires)
have paid off handsomely: on Tuesday (19 15. “It is the first global, highly liquid form of
September), bitcoin closed at $4,009 per token currency,” says Mike Jones, CEO of Science, examinees (candidats)
— twice its price in July, and significantly a business incubator that owns and trades absentees (absents)
more than when Shapiro and her husband cryptocurrency. "Much more so than gold. It signees (signataires)
bought it for $2 in 2011. is about opening financial markets globally."

DIGITAL GOLD? 16. "It is digital gold," says Overstock CEO to feed all of its 2,000 employees there. Byrne
13.The currency, which surfaced in early Patrick Byrne, whose online retailer was one is convinced the U.S. dollar will dramati-
2009 from someone using the name of Sa- of the first to accept bitcoin payment. cally weaken, as has currency in Venezuela,
toshi Nakamoto, has slowly evolved from cult because of a crippling debt, thus strengthen-
curiosity to widespread lifestyle choice, with 17. There is a "doomsday sentiment" among ing bitcoin and other digital currency.
elements of political and religious fervor. many bitcoin users, who horde the currency
along with nonperishable food and drinks in 18. That, in part, is motivation for bitcoin
14.What began as a currency championed the event of an emergency. Byrne's Salt Lake fanatics — but not the entire story, financial
by libertarians advocating decentralized City-based company has stockpiled several analysts say. "Devotees are motivated less
currency or criminals trying to avoid law million dollars worth of cryptocurrency, $12 by financial than their passion for distribut-
million in gold and a 30-day supply of food ing power to the masses," says Jawad An-
11. CEO = Chief Executive Officer (US), managing director sari, managing director of investment firm
(GB) / identity ring ring that contains classified data
normally stored in a credit card and other personal devices venture capitalist person/company which provides capital Boustead Securities. l
/ to provide to offer. for innovative projects / wary cautious, on one’s guard
12. to pay, paid, paid off to reap rewards, bring profit / against / it’s getting there it is on the verge of success.
to feed, fed, fed to provide food for / to convince to
handsomely considerably, significantly / to close at to 15. global international / it is about... it is a question of. persuade / to weaken to make less strong, feebler /
finish the day of trading (stock market) / token here, 16. online retailer sales site online. crippling paralysing, disabling, incapacitating, here,
metal disk with symbol impression / husband spouse. crushing / debt money owed, deficit / thus as a result,
17. doomsday Judgment Day / among with / to horde to
13. to surface to appear / widespread extending widely. accumulate, store, keep / along with together with, as consequently / to strengthen to make stronger, reinforce.
14. to champion to defend / to avoid to escape / law well as / in the event of in case of / to stockpile to stock 18. devotee supporter, fan / managing director person
enforcement application of the law, legal institutions / / worth with a value of... / supply provision, reserve / in charge, general director.

VOCABLE Du 19 octobre au 1er novembre 2017 • 13

AA 12-13-764-Isa.indd 13 09/10/2017 17:45

Enjeux I Brexit I  B2-C1

Découvrez le reportage vidéo
et testez votre compréhension sur

Brexit demonstration, Belfast, Northern Ireland, 29 March 2017. (McErlane/LNP/SIPA)



Unknown territory for Northern Ireland and the Irish Republic post-Brexit
(blind spot subject that is difficult to understand)
One of the big issues of Brexit is the border between the Republic of Ireland, which belongs to the European Union, and Northern
Ireland, which is part of the UK and therefore part of the exit. The government, led by Theresa May, needs to avoid the return to a
‘hard’ border, but concrete solutions are not in evidence at present. British centre-left newspaper, The Guardian takes up its

position in an interesting editorial on the subject.

wo weeks before last year’s EU refer- tions of peace in Northern Ireland and sabotage The leave campaign had effectively cast the re-
endum, Sir John Major and Tony Blair relations with the Irish Republic. Such a sombre main camp as serial alarmists and discredited
appeared together at an event in County Derry note struck by two former prime ministers the collective voice of experience and expertise.
to warn that Brexit could undermine the founda- should have resonated long and loud. It did not. The Irish challenge was forgotten as another

1. County Derry one of the six counties of Northern to strike, struck, struck a sombre note here, to speak leave campaign Pro-Brexit campaign / to cast, cast,
Ireland / to undermine the foundations of to weaken, with such a grave tone / cast sb as to present sb as / serial perpetual /
to destroy /

14 • VOCABLE Du 19 octobre au 1
novembre 2017  facile A2-B1 /  moyen B2-C1 /  difficile C1-C2

AA 14-15-764-Isa.indd 14 09/10/2017 18:09

Améliorez votre prononciation en écoutant tous les articles sur le supplément audio de lecture.

face of “project fear”. But, like many warnings ment to come up with proposals to make it work. Brexit inflicts costs on allies, and the greatest
written off under that rubric, this one was ac- Michel Barnier, Mr Davis’s counterpart in the cost on the nearest neighbours. There is no up-
curate.  negotiations, reiterated that progress on settling side for Ireland, only degrees of harm. Dublin
Irish concerns is a precondition for advancement bears this with patience, mindful that the mis-
2. Brexit makes the border between Northern to the second phase of Brexit talks – the post- fortune arises from a democratic vote. Theresa
Ireland and the Republic an external frontier of departure trade deal that Mr Davis is desperate May lacks equivalent empathy, unable to see her
the EU. It also follows from the UK government’s to discuss.  actions as they appear from overseas. 
choice to quit the single market and customs
union that new regulation will be needed. Neither CATCH-22 8. Where Northern Ireland is concerned, she is
side wants a hard border and David Davis calls 4. There is a catch-22 here: the UK cannot talk also compromised by reliance on the Demo-
for “imagination” in navigating the challenge. trade without a border deal and it cannot fix the cratic Unionist party to pass legislation through
But he cannot imagine his way out of the facts.  border problem until it knows what the trade the Commons. That deal already tests the duty
situation will be. Mr Barnier knows this, which of neutrality imposed on the UK government
3. The European commission view, published in is why he emphasises the integrity of the Good as a co-sponsor of the peace process. It will raise
September, is that the UK has chosen to recreate Friday peace agreement – drafted in terms that multiple concerns when parliament comes to
the border and so it falls to the British govern- presume UK membership of the EU – more than vote on Brexit preparations. Yet Mrs May shows
the final status of the border, although the two no hint of sensitivity to that hazard. 
are linked. 
face aspect / warning alert, advance information about 9. Despite all the evidence that Ireland holds the
a potential problem / to write, wrote, written off to
dismiss an unimportant, to disregard / accurate right. 5. The EU’s interest in the Good Friday agree- key to a realistic appraisal of Brexit challenges
2. customs union association of nations promoting free ment goes beyond legal technicality. It is an and the clear moral and political obligation to
trade / regulation ruling, law / side party, group / hard axiom of the European project that membership address the border issue as a matter of first
border physical border with the presence of customs elides borders, fostering mutual economic inter- priority, the UK government’s stance is lacka-
officials / David Davis British Conservative politician
who is Secretary of State for Exiting the European Union dependency and prosperity, thereby advancing daisical. The problem is not a lack of imagination
/ to navigate here, to manage, to deal with / to imagine peace among nations. That is a foundational on the EU side. It is the UK government’s lack
one’s way out of the facts to find a solution to the principle as keenly felt in Brussels as it is mis- of application to the task and lack of respect for
situation without facing facts.
understood in London.  its neighbours. l
3. to fall, fell, fallen to to be the responsibility of... /

6. UK governments also regularly underesti-

upside positive side / degrees of harm levels of
What is the Good mate the EU’s capacity to amplify the interests detriment (to a greater or lesser degree) / mindful aware
of smaller states. Irish politicians and diplomats / misfortune adversity / to arise, arose, arisen from to
Friday Agreement? acted swiftly and deftly to make sure their be a result of / overseas abroad.

The Good Friday Agreement brought peace perspective was central to Brexit talks, while 8. reliance dependence / to pass to vote for, to adopt /
Commons (House of Commons) lower house of
to Northern Ireland after three decades of their counterparts in London still thought eve- Parliament in the UK / sponsor supporter / to show,
violence between the Catholic and rything could be stitched up in a phone call to showed, shown no hint of... to reveal no sign of... /
Protestant factions. More than 3,500 Berlin. That delusion still persists among many hazard risk, danger.
people died in this conflict, including over Brexiters. They should remember that a treaty 9. evidence (inv.) proof, indication(s) / appraisal
assessment, evaluation / to address to deal with /
1,800 civilians. The peace deal  was signed settling the EU’s relations with Britain must be stance attitude, position / lackadaisical apathetic,
on April 10, 1998. It was concluded between ratified in 27 capitals, including Dublin.  indifferent, nonchalant.
Northern Ireland’s political parties, as well
as the British and Irish governments. 7. That challenge exposes a deeper failing in the
The Good Friday Agreement included government’s approach: refusal to recognise that
commitments to the disbanding of SUR LE BOUT DE LA LANGUE
paramilitary organisations and the to come, came, come up with to find, to think of, to
normalisation of security arrangements. It propose / counterpart equivalent / to settle to resolve
was approved in referendums both in the / concern problem / talks discussions, negotiations / Premiers ministres
Republic of Ireland (Eire) and Northern trade deal tax and tariff treaty between countries to britanniques :
facilitate commerce / to be desperate to to want to 2016 Theresa May, Conservative
Ireland (Ulster). It helped set up the very much.
power-sharing Assembly in Northern 2010 David Cameron, Conservative
4. catch-22 inextricable situation, vicious circle
Ireland between Sinn Fein (the nationalist (expression created by Joseph Heller in the novel 2007 Gordon Brown, Labour
party) and the DUP (the Democratic Catch-22 (1961)) / to emphasise to insist upon / Good 1997 Tony Blair, Labour
Unionist Party). It also included an Friday peace Agreement peace agreement signed in
1990 John Major, Conservative
arrangement for cross-border cooperation 1998 in Belfast which created the Northern Ireland
Assembly / to draft to write / to presume to suppose. 1979 Margaret Thatcher,
between the governments of Ireland and Conservative
5. technicality detail / to elide to eliminate / to foster
Northern Ireland. to encourage / thereby as a result / to advance to 1976 James Callaghan, Labour
deal  agreement / commitment agreement, promote / keenly here, profoundly.
1974 Harold Wilson, Labour
promise / disbanding dissolution of an organisation 6. swiftly quickly / deftly expertly, skilfully /
/ power-sharing Assembly devolved legislature, counterpart equivalent / to stitch up to sort out, to 1970 Edward Heath, Conservative
here, Northern Ireland Assembly. settle / delusion illusion. 1964 Harold Wilson, Labour
7. to expose to reveal / failing flaw, weakness, fault /

VOCABLE Du 19 octobre au 1er novembre 2017 • 15

AA 14-15-764-Isa.indd 15 09/10/2017 18:09

À 360°
Le tour du monde en V.O.
Retrouvez plus d’infos sur

(Cover Asia Press / Faisal/SIPA)

Let there be light
India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi has
launched a plan to electrify 40 million
households – roughly a quarter of the
population - by 2018. The scheme will cost
approximately $2.5 billion. “The government
will connect each house, whether it is in [a]
village, a city or in remote locations,” Modi
said in his speech. “No poor person will have
to pay for the connection… We have decided

(Dubai Media Centre)

that no poor person will bear this burden.”
let there be light bible reference / to launch to
establish, initiate, put in place / household home,
family / roughly approximately / scheme plan,
project, programme / billion thousand million /
whether it is here, if it is either... / remote far,

Mars City
isolated, distant / location area, place / to bear,
bore, borne to carry (fig.), to assume / burden weight,
load, here, cost.
Dubai has unveiled plans to build a prototype Mars City in the desert. The United
Arab Emirates government has assigned Danish architect Bjarke Ingels to work
on the Mars Science City project. At a cost of nearly $140 million, it will cover 1.9
million square feet and will provide "a viable and realistic model to simulate liv-
ing on the surface of Mars." The project aims at attracting "the best scientific
minds from around the world," according to the press release. Mars Science City

(Hasan Jamali/AP/SIPA)
is part of Dubai's Mars Strategy, which seeks to build the first settlement on the
red planet by 2117.
to unveil to reveal, present / plan project / to assign to designate, appoint / nearly almost / square foot (pl. feet)
0.09m2 / to provide to constitute, offer / to aim at to attempt to, try to, have as an objective / scientific mind scientist
/ around all over / according to as stated/reported by / press release statement issued to the media / to be part of to
be an integral aspect of / to seek, sought, sought to try to, attempt to, have as a objective / settlement place where
people live, community.
The right to drive
Saudi Arabia’s King Salman has issued a
Trudeau’s new rival? decree allowing women to drive. The Gulf
kingdom was the only country in the world
Jagmeet Singh has become the that banned women from driving. Until
first non-white politician to head a now, only men were allowed licences and
major political party in Canada. women who drove in public risked being
The 38 year-old lawyer from arrested and fined. Following the decree,
Toronto was elected on 1 October women will no longer need permission from
to lead the New Democratic Party a legal guardian to get a licence and will not
(left). He beat three other need a guardian in the car when they drive.
candidates, winning 53.6 percent The royal order will be implemented by 24
of the votes cast by party June 2018.
members. Singh is a son of Indian
(Chris Young/AP/SIPA)

right legal entitlement / to issue a decree here, to

immigrants and a practising Sikh. change the law by royal decree / to allow sb to to
He has built a reputation as a permit, authorise / (the) Gulf kingdom Saudi Arabia
progressive force in Canadian / to ban sb from (+ger.) to prohibit sb from /
politics, choosing "With Love and licence driving permit / to fine to demand a sum of
Courage" as his campaign slogan. money as punishment for a crime / no longer not any
more / to implement to introduce, adopt, apply.
to head to preside over, direct, lead / lawyer legal representative / to cast, cast, cast a vote to vote / son male child.

16 • VOCABLE Du 19 octobre au 1
novembre 2017

AA 16-764-Isa.indd 16 09/10/2017 15:23

Vocabulaire, expressions et astuces pour parler comme un Anglais…


A la banque
Que vous partiez en week-end à Londres ou aux
États-Unis pour une année d’échange, vous aurez
toujours affaire à la banque… carte bancaire,
retrait… et surtout découvert… Pas de panique, on
vous dit tout ici !


Money, money, money… Notre animatrice Shelly

passe en revue les mots indispensables pour bien
gérer vos finances quand vous partez en voyage.
CD audio ou téléchargement MP3

Retrouvez cette fiche de vocabulaire lue sur le CD Lecture Bon à savoir

Attention à la différence entre debit card et credit card aux États-
Vocabulaire clé Unis ! La debit card correspond à notre carte de crédit en France,
associée à un compte-chèque, avec une autorisation éventuelle de
découvert et sur lequel la somme payée avec la carte est débitée en 1
appointment rendez-vous debit débiter ou 2 jours. Le credit card est une carte avec laquelle on paie à crédit.
ATM, cash machine debit card carte de Elle est liée à un compte indépendant par lequel la banque vous prête
distributeur paiement de l’argent à hauteur du montant maximal de dépense autorisé.
bank banque declined refusé (paiement)
bank account compte en direct debit prélèvement
banque emergency services Expressions à retenir
bank clerk employé de services d’urgence
banque financial consultant You can have access to your accounts online. Vous pouvez avoir
bank details RIB conseiller financier accès à vos comptes en ligne.
banking suspension insurance assurance I would like to make a transfer. Je voudrais effectuer un virement.
interdit bancaire interest rate taux d’intérêt I’m calling because my card was declined and I don’t really
understand why. Je vous appelle car ma carte a été refusée et je ne
block the card faire investment, deal comprends pas vraiment pourquoi.
opposition à la carte placement, investissement My card was stolen and used to purchase goods. On m’a volé ma
bancaire liquidity liquidité carte et on a effectué des achats avec.
borrow emprunter loan prêt, emprunt I would like to open an account. J’aimerais ouvrir un compte.
branch agence note (GB), bill (US) billet You have exceeded your overdraft limit. Vous avez dépassé votre
broker courtier en bourse overdraft découvert découvert autorisé.
budget budgéter overdraft authorization
bureau de change bureau découvert autorisé
de change overdraft charges agios Testez-vous
cash liquide overdraft limit plafond de
cash deposit dépôt découvert autorisé Associez chaque mot de la première liste à un mot
d’argent ownership saving scheme de la seconde :
cheque (GB), check (US) plan épargne logement
chèque 1- overdraft a- overdraft limit
save up épargner
chequebook (GB), 2- withdrawal b- block
savings économies
checkbook (US) chéquier 3- note c- interest rate
savings account livret A
coins pièces 4- theft d- cash
trader trader
counter, desk guichet 5- declined e- charges
transfer virement
credit créditer 6- borrow f- ATM
withdrawal retrait
credit card carte de crédit
currency monnaie, devise
SOLUTIONS : 1-e ; 2-f ; 3-d ; 4-b ; 5-a ; 6-c.

VOCABLE Du 19 octobre au 1er novembre 2017 • 17

17-18-19-20 PRATICABLE 764.indd 17 09/10/2017 15:24

PRATIC’ABLE  / Grammaire  /


Getting things done.

Piqûre de rappel
Remarquez ces 3 Complétez les phrases avec les verbes entre parenthèses, en
suivant les modèles de la piqûre de rappel.
formes grammaticales
(les verbes entre 1. They / us / down. (invited / sit)
parenthèses suivent le
2. He / his secretary / them / a letter. (got / send)
même modèle) :
(1) to make someone do 3. The conditions / only members / meetings. (stipulate / attend)
something ___________________________________________________________________________
4. We’ll / the gardener / those trees down. (have / chop)
(let, have)
(2) to ask someone to do 5. Try / her / sense (make / see)
something ___________________________________________________________________________

(allow, permit, order, get, 6. You should / everyone / some form of identification (demand / bring)
want, invite, force)
7. In an emergency you must / everyone / the room immediately. (order / vacate)
(3) to demand that ___________________________________________________________________________
someone does 8. Don’t / people / in the aisles. (let / stand)
something ___________________________________________________________________________

(request, stipulate) 7. In an emergency you must order everyone to vacate the room immediately. 8. Don’t let people stand in the aisles.
5. Try to make her see sense. 6. You should demand that everyone bring some form of identification.
3. The conditions stipulate that only members attend meetings. 4. We’ll have the gardener chop those trees down.
SOLUTIONS : 1. They invited us to sit down. 2. He got his secretary to send them a letter.

Un couple vient de faire faire des travaux. Complétez les phrases
suivantes avec les verbes proposés.
cut built landscaped painted delivered
1. We had an extension ...................................
2. We had the room .........................................
3. We had the sofa ..........................................
4. We had new keys .........................................
5. We had the garden .....................................
Retrouvez beaucoup plus d'exercices de
grammaire, d'orthographe et de culture 4. We had new keys cut. 5. We had the garden landscaped.
générale sur notre site internet ! SOLUTIONS : 1. We had an extension built. 2. We had the room painted. 3. We had the sofa delivered.

18 • VOCABLE Du 19 octobre au 1
novembre 2017

17-18-19-20 PRATICABLE 764.indd 18 09/10/2017 15:24

 / Prononciation & Orthographe Retrouvez plus d’infos sur


Soignez votre orthographe !

Le saviez-vous ?
Catch-22 (voir l’article “The Irish border: the UK’s Brexit blind spot”) Voici l’orthographe
est un roman de Joseph Heller publié en 1961 aux Etats-Unis. C’est britannique de certains mots.
une satire féroce de l’armée, de la hiérarchie et de la Seconde Comment les Américains les
écrivent-ils ?
Guerre mondiale. Capitaine Yossarian, navigateur-bombardier tente
à tout prix de sauver sa vie en simulant la folie. Mais l’article 22 du through ............................
règlement de la base prévoit que “Quiconque veut se faire dispenser night ............................
d’aller au feu n’est pas réellement fou.” Ainsi, un individu dont la colour ............................
santé mentale est altérée n’est pas tenu de prendre part aux socialise ............................
missions aériennes. Mais s’il utilise cet argument pour se faire theatre ............................
dispenser, il montre justement qu’il est en bonne santé mentale et
orthopaedic ............................
doit en conséquence prendre part au combat.
catalogue ............................
L’expression Catch-22 désigne aujourd’hui une situation perdant- pretence ............................
perdant (inextricable), ou, par extension, une situation kafkaïenne
ou encore de double contrainte. catalog, pretense
SOLUTIONS : thru, nite, color, socialize, theater, orthopedic,

Tendez l’oreille
1. W
 hich word contains the same vowel
sound as ‘foot’?
food shook though
2. Find the word that rhymes with ‘proud’.
mood aloud rude
3. Which word has the same sound as the
beginning of ‘scheme’?
machine fresh ask
4. T
 he ‘ch’ sound of ‘ache’ is also found in ...
key chip reach
5. The vowel sound in ‘south’ appears in
which of these?
route touch howl
6. W
 hich word contains an ‘h’ like the one in
hour honour horrible

6. horrible
SOLUTIONS : 1. shook 2. aloud 3. ask 4. key 5. howl

Retrouvez beaucoup plus d'exercices de
grammaire, d'orthographe et de culture
générale sur notre site internet !
Retrouvez Yves Cotten sur

VOCABLE Du 19 octobre au 1er novembre 2017 • 19

17-18-19-20 PRATICABLE 764.indd 19 09/10/2017 15:24

PRATIC’ABLE  / Vocabulaire

Jeux de mots
Paris will host the 2024 Games !
A retenir
1  Démêlez les mots suivants pour découvrir quelques 5 mots à mémoriser dans ce
« venues » (lieux, équipements) nécessaires à la réussite numéro
de ces Jeux Olympiques.
white-elephant objet superflu,
hetleate's ilavgel iman atudims gouffre financier
asaticuq afcitiesli
power station centrale
nninrug ckasrt nenist ortucs
ediam cerent
housing estate cité
nequisetra cerent fogl soucre
social housing logements
media center, equestrian center, golf course sociaux
SOLUTIONS : athlete’s village, main stadium, aquatics facilities, tennis courts, running tracks,
in the pipeline prévu

Quels sports y seront pratiqués ?
L'expression idiomatique
M       T   O  
W     Les Britanniques sont “trained to
  C   Empire, trained to rule the waves”
W T   I     H     N  
selon un personnage d’un roman
de John Le Carré. Vrai ou faux, il est
S   T Y   indéniable que beaucoup d’Anglais
W   T     P   L     ont toujours un sens aigu du
  L   L patriotisme comme en témoigne
    F     C      
l’ardeur avec laquelle ils chantent
    S   I     N  
“Rule Britannia” lors de
      manifestations comme “The Last
  O   F     Night of the Proms”, célèbre
  concert de musique classique qui
se tient chaque année au “Royal
Albert Hall”:
“Rule, Britannia! Britannia, rule

F L  O G 

the waves!
G  N
I  L  I

A  S G 

Britons never, never, never shall
G  N  I  C N  E  F I  M  be slaves.”
L I  L I
 L O  L O  P R   E T A  W
A  Y T S  S
B   R H  E 
 Y  E  G R 
E  N  O L H T  A  I R  T W

 L C E 
 L R  W
N  O H T A R  A  M Retrouvez beaucoup plus d'exercices de
SOLUTIONS : grammaire, d'orthographe et de culture
générale sur notre site internet !

Ne manquez pas dans le prochain numéro la nouvelle page PRATIC’ABLE : La copropriété

20 • VOCABLE Du 19 octobre au 1 er
novembre 2017

17-18-19-20 PRATICABLE 764.indd 20 09/10/2017 15:24

21-GB764.indd 21
VOCABLE Du 10 au 24 décembre 2015
• 21
©2017 Edition vidéo France Télévisions Distribution. Tous droits réservés.

09/10/2017 14:29
Enjeux I Territoire I GIBRALTAR I  C2



The Brexit effect on Gibraltar
This small British outpost, with its sunshine and palm trees, is
located at the tip of the Iberian Peninsula. Gibraltar has long
been a subject of contention between London and Madrid and
since the Brexit referendum, tension has begun mounting
again. This article offers some helpful insight into the history
of the “Rock”, the issues around the claims on both
sides, and its possible future.

W ith Brexit negotiations cur-

rently in a quagmire, those
holding fast to the Rock of Gibraltar have had
a chance to breathe these last few months.
self-governing and not part of the UK, but
ceding responsibility for defence and foreign
affairs to London. Spain has long demanded
its return, but Brexit added a new twist
tack the tax-haven status that has made
Gibraltar a centre for banking, insurance,
gambling and online gaming; an “unjustified
privilege”, in its eyes. The status of Gibraltar
April saw our tabloids raise the very 16th- down on the Costa del Brit: 96% of citizens airport – awkwardly spanning the isthmus
century idea of Anglo-Spanish war after the voted Remain. behind the Rock that Spain claims is not
EU confirmed a veto for Spain in discussions subject to the treaty granting Britain sover-
about Gibraltar’s post-Brexit status. The spat BETWEEN A ROCK… eignty – is another sticking point.
died down – but the 50th anniversary this 3. Despite the pro-EU feeling, Gibraltar has
year of the 1967 referendum, in which 99.64% resolved to stand with the UK. But – aside 4.The fear is that, if Brexit turns nasty, Spain
of Gibraltarians voted to stay British, brings from strengthening Spain’s claim on the might decide to shut the border. Not all locals
the question of sovereignty bobbing to the 7km2 outcrop – Brexit brings other complica- love the EU, but it has been a buffer against
surface again. tions. Early suggestions were that the Span- headstrong politics. As Gibraltar chief min-
ish government may use negotiations to at- ister Fabian Picardo recently said: “It was
2.With 30,000 crammed around the promon-
tory, it remains a British overseas territory;
self-governing autonomous / to demand to ask for / tax haven fiscally advantageous location / gambling
twist new and unexpected development / Brit = British / games of chance for money, here, casinos / awkwardly
1. in a quagmire to be stuck, bogged down, in stasis / to Remain here, in favour of staying in the European Union. inconveniently / to span to extend over / to grant to
hold, held, held fast to to be firmly attached to / very 3. between a rock (and a hard place) in a difficult accord, allow, agree to give / sticking point subject of
‘oh so very’, rather / spat quarrel, argument / to die down situation with a choice between two unsatisfactory contention, difficult issue.
to calm down / to bob to the surface to rise to the options / to stand, stood, stood with to align with / to 4. to turn nasty to become a source of strife, to become
surface, reappear, come back. strengthen to reinforce / claim assertion of a right to sth contentious / local inhabitant / buffer protection /
2. to be crammed to be crowded / promontory here ref / outcrop rock formation that appears above the surface headstrong here, extreme / chief minister leader of the
to the ‘rock’ itself / overseas abroad, a foreign country / of the surrounding land, here, water / local government.

22 • VOCABLE Du 19 octobre au 1
novembre 2017  facile A2-B1 /  moyen B2-C1 /  difficile C1-C2

AA 22-23-764-Steph.indd 22 09/10/2017 15:38

Retrouvez plus d’infos dans la newsletter Vocable

Spanish succession. The treaties of Utrecht it was elected in 2011. In May this year, the
In numbers rubber-stamped English ownership nine European court of justice pulled up the ter-
years later; Spain has spent the last three ritory for continuing to pump raw sewage
centuries trying to get Gibraltar back. Three out into the Mediterranean at Europa Point.
426m – height of the Rock.
sieges, Franco closing the border and diplo- A slanging match erupted between the rul-
0.6 – banks per 1,000 macy in the era of decolonisation have all ing Gibraltar Socialist Labour party and the
people, the fifth highest per been fruitless. The Gibraltarians rejected a opposition Gibraltar Social Democrats in
capita rate in the world. second referendum – with sovereignty- the country’s parliament. “I’ve seen [efflu-
110 – goals conceded by sharing on the table – by close to 99% in 2002. ent] spread out in a slick trail far out to sea
Gibraltar’s national football when the waves aren’t so strong, so it’s not
team since being granted WHAT EVERYONE’S TALKING inconceivable to think that it is travelling
Uefa membership in 2013. ABOUT to nearby beaches like Sandy Bay,” says
230 – Barbary macaques 6. The new ATM that accepts bitcoin in the shadow environment spokesperson Trevor
on the Rock, Europe’s only World Trade Center Gibraltar’s reception area Hammond. The government says part of the
wild monkey population. – though you’d have to put in a fair amount delay in building a plant is due to the fact
per capita per inhabitant / rate of conventional wedge (£3,562 at time of Gibraltarian sewage is carried in salt water,
here, proportion, percentage / writing) to get a whole bitcoin back. Few and any new system needs to account for
goal point (here football score) /
UEFA - Union of European
real-world shops accept bitcoin yet, but the varying salinity levels. There is no native
Football Associations / wild living territory is intent on being ahead of the curve water supply on the peninsula, a longstand-
in its natural habitat / monkey with cryptocurrency – despite some seeing ing problem. l
it as a challenge to traditional banking.

7.The Gibraltar Stock Exchange launched

to pull up to criticise, call to order / to pump out to
Europe’s first regulated bitcoin asset last year, release / raw untreated / slanging match exchange of
while the Digital Currency Summit took angry insults or criticisms / to erupt to break out, flare up /
place there in May. The biggest announce- ruling in power / Labour major centre-left U.K. party /
effluent liquid waste, here pollution / slick smooth and
ment was a proposal to regulate the underly- shiny / trail here, patch / wave movement of sea / beach
ing blockchain technology. “In a world in area of sand or stones next to the sea / shadow cabinet of
which reputation means so much, it’s under- the Opposition / spokesperson representative / plant
factory, industrial installation / water supply here, water
standable that Gibraltar wants to put itself

source / longstanding that has existed for a long time.

in a position to make the most of develop-
ments in this space, whilst not exposing itself
to reputational risk,” writes business consult-
ant Johann Olivera in the Gibraltar Chronicle.


only in the negotiations for the Spanish to 8. Sorting out its sewage problem, something
access the then European Economic Com- the current government promised to do when SUR LE BOUT DE LA LANGUE
munity that Spain finally opened the frontier.
We see the EU as a guarantor of the freedom Tabloid cf. § 1
of movement of people.” to rubber-stamp here, to make official / ownership
Un «tabloid» est un journal dont
possession / fruitless in vain, not producing the desired
le format correspond à la moitié
HISTORY IN 100 WORDS result / on the table possible, proposed.
de celui d’un journal traditionnel
5. Its position on the northern tip of the 14km 6. ATM = automated teller machine cash machine /
bitcoin form of digitalized currency / a fair amount of a (un «broadsheet»).
strait between Europe and Africa has made lot of / wedge here, quantity of (conventional money, En Grande-Bretagne ce format a
Gibraltar one of the most fought-over scraps currency) / to be intent on to be determined to / to be longtemps été réservé à la presse
of land in the world. It was dubbed Jabal Tariq ahead of the curve to be proactive, in advance of /
cryptocurrency virtual money.
populaire telle que The Daily Mail,
– corrupted into the current name – when ou à la «gutter press» (dite
7. stock exchange market where stocks and bonds are
the Umayyad Moors seized it in 711. The traded / asset financial capital / underlying
presse de caniveau), comme
kingdom of Castile annexed it for good in fundamental / blockchain technology digital records The Sun.
1462, and it remained Spanish until 1704, which are linked and secured using cryptography, that Pour des raisons pratiques et de
record transactions in a verifiable and permanent way / to coût de fabrication, de nombreux
when an Anglo-Dutch fleet bombarded the make, made, made the most of to take advantage of,
garrison into submission during the war of enjoy / whilst while, and at the same time... / «broadsheets» tels que The
reputational risk risk of harm to the reputation. Times, sont passés au format
8. to sort out to solve, fix / sewage refuse or waste tabloïd au cours des années
5. tip end / strait very narrow piece of land / fought- carried off by sewers / 2000. Pour se distinguer des
over disputed, / scrap piece / to dub to call, name / Moor journaux populaires, ces derniers
member of a group of Muslim people from North Africa
préfèrent se définir comme des
who controlled southern Spain between the 8th and 15th
centuries / to seize to capture / kingdom realm, domain / «compact newspapers».
fleet flotilla, group of ships / garrison military base /

VOCABLE Du 19 octobre au 1er novembre 2017 • 23

AA 22-23-764-Steph.indd 23 09/10/2017 15:38

Culture I Danse I  B2-C1



(Herman Wouters/The New York Times)

Ahmad Joudeh, dancer in
difficult circumstances

Dance can be about or in reaction to just about anything. Dancing among the ruins of Syria, despite the war and its ensuing
dangers, is the destiny of Ahmad Joudeh, whose arabesques have been seen all over the world thanks to the documentary,
‘Dance or die’. As a result, he was invited to join the Netherland Dutch National Opera, leaving Damascus to live in Amsterdam,

where he continues to dance to promote peace. This is his story.

MSTERDAM — Last summer in where ISIS terrorists have chopped the heads started a crowdfunding initiative to raise at least
Syria, Ahmad Joudeh visited the de- off their victims: “Dance or Die,” it reads. “This 25,000 euros, or nearly $30,000, to bring Joudeh
molished ruins of his family home in the Yar- is my message,” he says. “Many people are dead to Amsterdam.
mouk refugee camp near Damascus to dance in here. My uncles are dead here; I will dance” for
the place where his relatives had been killed. their souls. FROM DAMASCUS TO
2. Behind him, separated only by a black curtain, 4. Kaboly’s 18-minute documentary, also called 6. Within a few months, a visa, a residency
was a group of rebel snipers who occasionally “Dance or Die,” was a turning point for Joudeh. permit, a program of study, housing and a plane
fired off a shot; in front, Syrian military person- It was broadcast last August on “Nieuwsuur,” a ticket were all arranged. To Joudeh’s astonish-
nel patrolled the terrain. A Dutch documentary Dutch program akin to “60 Minutes.” Ted Brand- ment, he was soon saying goodbye to his moth-
filmmaker, Roozbeh Kaboly, was there too, sen, the managing director of the Dutch Na- er, brother and sister in Damascus and leaving
capturing the moment. tional Ballet, saw it and was captivated. his homeland behind.

3. Joudeh, though, remains calm and shows the 5. “He had something in his determination; a 7. Now, less than a year since arriving in Europe,
cameras a tattoo on the back of his neck, the spot complete focus,” Brandsen said in a recent inter- Joudeh has become a creative spokesman for
view. “I thought: ‘There must be something we peace in Syria, using dance as his platform. In
can do for this guy.'” The next day, Brandsen
1. place area, location / relative member of the family. crowdfunding individual participation by many to finance
2. curtain piece of fabric used as a screen / sniper to chop off sb’s head to decapitate sb / it reads with the a project / to raise to collect (money) / at least as a
isolated shooter / to fire off to shoot / shot here, bullet, words / soul spiritual part of a person, essence. minimum / nearly almost.
gun fire / in front in front of him / Dutch from the 4. turning point here significant moment in time / to 6. within in the space of / residency permit legal
Netherlands / filmmaker film director / to capture the broadcast, broadcast, broadcast to transmit / akin to document allowing residence / housing accommodation /
moment to film the event. like, similar to / managing director person in charge, to arrange to organise / astonishment amazement /
3. though however / to remain to stay / back not at the general director. homeland native country, home / behind here, behind him.
front, behind / neck part of the body attaching head to 5. complete absolute / focus concentration / guy man / 7. spokesman representative / platform here, means of
shoulders / spot place / expression /

24 • VOCABLE Du 19 octobre au 1er

novembre 2017  facile A2-B1 /  moyen B2-C1 /  difficile C1-C2

AA 24-25-764-Isa.indd 24 09/10/2017 15:56

Retrouvez plus d’infos sur

July he danced in front of the Eiffel Tower in

Paris. He performed before 14,000 people in the
Ziggo Dome in Amsterdam, in a concert to raise
money for refugees; and he has danced at refu-
gee-related events in Italy, France, Spain and

8. Meanwhile, he made his debut with the Dutch

National Ballet in Brandsen’s production of

(Herman Wouters/The New York Times)

“Coppelia,” and in September he started to per-
form a minor role in “Sleeping Beauty.”

9. Joudeh, who spoke with me at a cafe here near

the ballet and opera, first encountered ballet
when he was 8. He was singing in a school
performance and the next act was a group of
girls dancing. “I was moving with them from
my seat,” he recalled, “and I went home I was
trying to do the same movements. After that, I
(Herman Wouters/The New York Times)

was dancing all the time, in the house, in the 11. In 2014, he was invited to be a contestant on "HE WAS ALMOST FLYING"
street, and if I heard any music anywhere.” the Arab version of the television show “So You 15. Kaboly found Joudeh later, when his only
Think You Can Dance.” “Bravo, bravo, bravo,” a place to practice was on a Damascus rooftop; he
10. At 16, totally self-taught, he auditioned for the judge said after his performance. “For a tall was still teaching dance to orphans and to young
main Syrian ballet company, Enana Dance gentleman you’re using all your body, and you’re people with Down syndrome at SOS Children’s
Theater in Damascus, and was accepted. There flying up in the air. Flying, looking for freedom.” Villages, which help children who have lost
he was trained in ballet, gymnastics and modern family in the war.
dance, while also performing with the company, 12. But as a rare male ballet
which relocated to Dubai in 2012. As he became dancer in Arab society, he was “When people think of
more skilled he took on more solo roles, his regularly vilified, even at Syria, they think of men with
teacher, Albina Belova, said, and he traveled
extensively with the company in places includ-
home. His father subjected
him to beatings so intense
“Dance for beards and guns in their
hands,” Kaboly said in an in-
ing Qatar, Algeria, Tunisia, Jordan and Lebanon. that they once broke his leg. men is just terview. “But that’s not the
Syria I saw… I saw people
13. “It has nothing to do with considered who were trying to live their
to perform here, to dance / before in front of / -related
-connected. religious beliefs,” Joudeh said.
“Dance for men is just consid-
shameful” lives. I was looking to do a
piece on the artists, athletes
8. meanwhile in the meantime, at the same time /
Sleeping Beauty la Belle au bois dormant. ered shameful. Dance is for or people who were doing
9. to encounter here, to discover / performance show, girls, and for girls it’s also not something different.” He dis-
concert / act number (artistic) / seat chair, place for considered polite.” covered Joudeh on a website and was attracted
sitting / to recall to remember.
to his energy: “He was almost flying.”
10. self-taught autodidact / main principal / to train to
instruct, coach / to relocate to transfer to a different place 14. His mother divorced his father, and Joudeh
/ as at the same time as..., while / skilled expert, qualified, and a friend set up a dance school in Yarmouk 17. Soon after he arrived in Amsterdam, Joudeh
experienced / to take, took, taken on here to accept / Camp; his mother managed the studio and got a second tattoo: the word “Free” in English
extensively here, a lot and to many places / Jordan
Middle-eastern country, between Israel and Saudi Arabia
Joudeh said he was happy there. “Before my on his left wrist. But when asked if he feels free
(capital: Amman) / Lebanon Middle-eastern country, house was destroyed, I had a great life,” he said. now, he shakes his head. “You think, OK, you
capital Beirut. “I had my house, my studio with my friend, and reach your freedom but all your people are not
we were teaching dance in the camp to hundreds free,” he said. “Then you are not free. I cannot go
of students.” back and visit my family, and they cannot come
here. Any time that I can see my mother I will
SUR LE BOUT DE LA LANGUE feel free.” l
11. contestant participant, competitor.
12. to vilify to defame / even as well as / to subject sb 15. to practice to repeat an exercise/activity in order to
Où se trouve l’accent to to inflict upon sb / beating being hit, receiving blows to improve one’s skills / rooftop top part of a building /
the body.
tonique dans : 13. to have nothing to do with to not be connected in
orphan child without parents.
16. beard facial hair on the chin / gun firearm / to look to
personnel (les employés) cf. § 4 any way / shameful disgraceful, scandalous. to try to, to have as an objective / piece here, report,
personal (quelque chose qui vous 14. to set, set, set up to create, establish; here, open / to documentary, film / almost nearly, virtually.
appartient) ? manage to handle, to be in charge of. 17. to get, got, got to obtain / wrist part of the body
between hand and arm / to shake, shook, shaken to
Solution: personnel, personal move one’s head from side to side to express negation / to
reach to achieve, attain.

VOCABLE Du 19 octobre au 1er novembre 2017 • 25

AA 24-25-764-Isa.indd 25 09/10/2017 15:56

Culture I Littérature I ROYAUME-UNI I  C2
Spies make for great movie material, but some of the best come
from masterfully written novels. Listen to the words of John
Buchan's The Thirty-Nine Steps on the Advanced recording.
CD audio ou téléchargement MP3


The secret of the British spy novel
[ref. to the 1985 American comedy Spies like us (Drôles d'espions)]
What do Ian Fleming and John Le Carré have in common? They are English, and have created the most famous heroes of the spy
novel genre, James Bond and George Smiley. They both worked for British secret services in real life. The real question here is,
where does the very English and profoundly affectionate regard for their own secret agents come from?

F ew countries have dominated any Bond, and John le Carré, the creator of
industry as Britain has dominated Smiley, earned their living as spies.
the industry of producing fictional spies.
Britain invented the spy novel with Rud- 3. There is also a more profound reason for
gued (approvingly) that Britain weaves
duplicity into its statecraft. The constitu-
tion rests on a distinction between an
“efficient” branch which governs behind
yard Kipling’s dissection of the Great Game Britain’s success. The spy novel is the quin- the scenes, and a “dignified” branch which
in “Kim” and John Buchan’s adventure tessential British fictional form in the same puts on a show for the people.
stories. It consolidated its way that the Western is
lead w ith Somerset quintessentially Ameri- CULTURE OF SECRECY
Maugham’s Ashenden sto- Britain's best spy can. Britain’s best spy nov- 5.The British establishment is not only a
ries and Graham Greene’s novelists are so elists are so good precisely perfect machine for producing secrets and
invention of “Greeneland”. good precisely because they use the genre
It t hen pro duced t he to explore what it is that
world’s two most famous
because they makes Britain British: the
to weave, wove, woven to incorporate, to combine /

spooks: James Bond, the explore what it is obsession with secrecy, statecraft art of government, diplomacy / branch
division of an organisation / behind the scenes
dashing womaniser, and that makes the nature of the establish- backstage, away from public view / dignified
distinguished / to put, put, put on a show to put on an
George Smiley, the cere- Britain British. ment, the agonies of impe- act, to simulate.
bral cuckold. rial decline and the com-
plicated tug of patriotism.
2. What accounts for this success? One
reason is the revolving door between the 4. Britain is honeycombed with secretive
secret establishment and the literary es- institutions, particularly public schools SUR LE BOUT DE LA LANGUE
tablishment. Some of the lions of British and Oxbridge colleges, which have their
literature worked as spies. Maugham was own private languages. At Eton, for exam- Public schools and
sent to Switzerland to spy for Britain under ple, where Fleming was educated and Mr Oxbridge colleges cf. § 4
cover of pursuing his career as a writer. le Carré taught for a while, boys dress in N’oubliez pas que les “public
Greene worked for the intelligence ser- tailcoats and call their teachers “beaks” and schools” en Angleterre sont
vices. Both Ian Fleming, the creator of their terms “halves”. Walter Bagehot ar- privées. Quelques exemples :
Eton, Harrow, Charterhouse,
1. novel book, work of fiction / Great Game political and 3. quintessential par excellence / secrecy privacy,
diplomatic confrontation between the British Empire and confidentiality / agony anguish, struggle / tug pulling “Oxbridge” - Les universités
the Russian Empire over parts of Asia in the 19th century / force towards sth. d’Oxford et de Cambridge sont
lead domination, superiority / Greeneland politically 4. to be honeycombed with to be filled with small
unstable and dangerous world typical in Graham Greene
constituées de “colleges”.
compartments / secretive secret / public school private
novels / spook spy, secret agent / dashing elegant / Exemples : Kings college, Trinity
school / Oxbridge Oxford University and Cambridge Roger
womaniser seducer / cuckold husband of an unfaithful wife. University / tailcoat formal dress coat for men / beak college, Magdalene college, Live And Let
2. to account for to explain / revolving door door in an mouth of a bird / half 50% of sth (here, of a semester) / Merton college...
entrance to a large building that turns round in a circle as Walter Bagehot British journalist (1826-1877) whose
Le “collège” pour les 11-15 ans se
people go through it, here, movement of personnel father-in-law founded The Economist in 1843 /
between different roles / establishment group of people traduit en anglais par secondary
that hold the most power and influence / lion celebrity / school (GB) ou junior high
under cover of with the guise of / intelligence secret school (US).

26 • VOCABLE Du 19 octobre au 1
novembre 2017  facile A2-B1 /  moyen B2-C1 /  difficile C1-C2

AA 26-27-764-Isa.indd 26 09/10/2017 16:14

Téléchargez l’appli Vocable offerte à nos abonnés !

lies. It also produces the mavericks and Office and the second into MI6. The best headquarters, is a physical manifestation
misfits who thrive in the secret world. spy novels are like distorting mirrors in of decline: cramped, shoddy, reeking of
Establishment types seem to come in two fairgrounds: by exaggerating this or that rising damp, just one hasty repair away
varieties: smooth conformists who do feature of Establishment Man, they allow from collapse.
everything by the rules, and mavericks the reader to understand the ideal form.
who break every rule but are nevertheless NOBODY DOES IT BETTER
tolerated because they are members of the 6. The other great theme in British spy 9. Why remain loyal to a country that has
club. The first type is sent into the Foreign novels is geopolitical decline. How can made such a mess of things and to an es-
people who were “trained to Empire, tablishment soaked in hypocrisy? Mr le
trained to rule the waves”, as one of Mr le Carré’s traitors betray their country not for
5. maverick nonconformist / misfit eccentric, person who
does not fit into the norms of society / to thrive, thrived or Carré’s characters puts it, bear to live in a money but because they have transferred
throve, thrived or thriven to flourish, to prosper / world in which the waves are ruled by their patriotism to the Soviet Union. But
smooth suave, sophisticated / by the rules in conformity other powers and statecraft is reduced to what makes Britain’s best spy novels so
with laws and regulations / Foreign Office governmental
department responsible for
providing fuel for the welfare state? good is that they toy with disillusionment
foreign relations only to reject it. For all its faults, they say,
with other 7. Fleming’s novels are full of laments Britain is the best of a bad lot. Bond is so
countries /
about Britain’s “crumbling empire” and besotted with his country that he boasts
its dependency-producing state. “You have that “British food is the best in the world”.
not only lost a great empire,” Tiger Tana-
ka, a Japanese spy, tells Bond, “you have 10. And spying provides Britain with a way
seemed almost anxious to throw it away of reclaiming its greatness, by excelling in
with both hands.” the most sophisticated form of foreign
policy. The Americans have the money and
8.Mr le Carré once described Britain as a the bluster, but the British have the brains
country where “failed socialism is being to spend it wisely and restrain the Ameri-
replaced by failed capitalism”. The Circus, cans from going over the top. Felix Leiter,
as he called the secret service’s Bond’s opposite number in the CIA, admits
that Bond is playing “in a bigger league”
than he is. Smiley is more subtle than his
MI6 Military Intelligence 6,
British secret services / “cousins” in America.
distorting mirror
mirror with convex 11. The secret at the heart of the British spy
and concave
sections to deform novel is that Britain is much better than it
the mirror image seems. The writers agonise over decline
/ fairground and hypocrisy, only to conclude that the
place with
amusement British are cleverer and more civilised than
attractions, rides anybody else. A comforting illusion
and games / wrapped in a tale of disillusionment: you
feature aspect.
can’t get more British than that. l
6. to train to
instruct / to rule
the waves to
headquarters (inv.) main offices of an organisation /
reign over the
cramped small, restricted, without enough room /
oceans of the
shoddy dilapidated / to reek of to smell of / damp
world, also ref. to
humidity / hasty done too quickly / collapse complete
the lyrics of the
British patriot
song Rule, 9. Nobody does it better title of the theme song to the
Britannia! 1977 James Bond film The Spy Who Loved Me / to make,
Britannia, rule made, made a mess of things to ruin / to be soaked in
the waves) / to to be full of / to betray to be a traitor to / to toy with to
provide fuel for consider an idea for a short time / disillusionment
here, to feed, to disenchantment / for all its faults in spite of its failings /
support the the best of a bad lot the least worst of a group / to be
existence of / besotted with to be infatuated with / to boast to say in
welfare state social a proud way.
Roger Moore in system where the state 10. to reclaim to win back / bluster arrogant talk that
Live And Let Die, 1973. takes responsibility for the has no effect / brains here, intelligence / to go, went,
(SIPA) social and economic gone over the top to exceed the limits, to go too far /
protection of its citizens. opposite number counterpart / league class, level of
7. lament expression of competition / subtle discreet.
regret / crumbling 11. to agonise to spend a lot of time thinking about a
deteriorating, failing / difficult problem / comforting consoling / to be
anxious impatient. wrapped in to be covered in / tale story.
8. failed unsuccessful /

VOCABLE Du 19 octobre au 1er novembre 2017 • 27

AA 26-27-764-Isa.indd 27 09/10/2017 16:14

Culture I Insolite I  B2-C1

(AP Photo/Richard Vogel)



Controversy over the spelling of Shakespear(e)
If you happen to be strolling across the campus of the University of Southern California, you would probably come
across a majestic statue, unveiled this summer, and delight in a verse displayed upon it, from ‘Hamlet’… the famous
tragedy penned by “Shakespear”. This would probably have gone unnoticed apart from the significant absence of
the letter ‘e’ at the end of his name. It is the missing ‘e’ that has caught the headlines.

W hen William Shakespeare

penned “Hamlet” around the
turn of the 17th century, he probably never im-
agined his words would one day grace the base
“And all for nothing — For Hecuba!
What’s Hecuba to him, or he to Hecuba,
That he should weep for her?
- Shakespear’s Hamlet” 
6.Despite some criti-
cism, USC is standing by the
of a statue at the University of California (USC) spelling, saying that there are variations of
as part of a $700-million project. Likewise, how 4.Students from USC’s longtime rival, UCLA, Shakespeare. "To E, or not to E, that is the ques-
was he to imagine that the spelling of his name spotted the small, but glaring, detail and point- tion,” USC said in a statement. “Over the centu-
would ignite a cross-town debate between two ed it out: “USC. The only place in America that ries his surname has been spelled 20 different
famed Los Angeles universities? Did the Bard can unveil a statue as the centerpiece of a $700 ways. USC chose an older spelling because of
spell his name Shakespeare or Shakespear?  million project and manage to misspell Shake- the ancient feel of the statue, even though it is
speare,” the official student-run account tweeted.  not the most common form." 
2.That last question was asked recently when
USC unveiled the new statue of Hecuba, queen 5.The bronze statue, created by sculptor Chris- 7.It looks like USC may have a point. Caroline
of Troy, this summer. The statue featured verses topher Slatoff, stands in the middle of the new McManus, who teaches 17th century English
from “Hamlet” and the dramatist’s name, which development, dubbed USC Village. The complex literature at Cal State Los Angeles, said spelling
was noticeably missing a final “e.” includes six five-story buildings, student hous- was not standardized in English during Shake-
ing, a 30,000-square-foot fitness center, restau- speare’s time. “We see Shakespeare's name
3.The excerpt, found on the base of the 20-foot rants, a Trader Joe’s and a Target.  spelled in different ways on documents writ-
statue, reads: ten during his time period,” she said. Some of
to weep, wept, wept to cry, lament. those spellings include Shakespear, Shakspere
1. to pen to write / turn here, at the beginning / century 4. longtime old, dating back / to spot to notice, detect / and Shakespeare. l
period of one hundred years / to grace to adorn / glaring obvious, flagrant / to point out to draw
likewise in the same way, similarly / how was he to... attention to a fact, remark / place establishment, here,
how could he have...? / spelling order of letters in a word, college, university / centerpiece central element/
orthography / to ignite to provoke, trigger / cross-town feature / to manage to succeed in (+ing) / to misspell 6. despite in spite of / to stand, stood, stood by to
between two places within the city / famed famous, to write/spell incorrectly / to run, ran, run to manage. maintain, believe in / statement declaration,
well-known / the Bard nickname for Shakespeare. announcement / over during / surname family name /
5. to stand, stood, stood to be located / development
2. to unveil to reveal, uncover, present / to feature to complex of new buildings / to dub to call, name / story way manner / feel character, quality / even though
include, display / noticeably perceptibly, visibly. floor, level (of a building) / housing accommodation, even if.
3. excerpt extract, passage / foot = 30.48 cm / [it] lodging / square foot 0.09 m2 / Trader Joe’s name of a 7. it looks like... it would seem that... / to have a point
reads is written, (it) says / supermarket chain / Target name of a store chain. to be correct in some way / time era, here, lifetime.

28 • VOCABLE Du 19 octobre au 1
novembre 2017  facile A2-B1 /  moyen B2-C1 /  difficile C1-C2

AA 28-764-Steph.indd 28 09/10/2017 16:17

Brèves de culture
Retrouvez plus de tests dans la newsletter Vocable

George Harrison’s
A sitar owned by Beatles legend George
Harrison was auctioned for $62,500 last
month. The Indian string instrument was
played by Harrison in 1965 to record the
song Norwegian Wood. A year later, Harrison
travelled to India to learn how to play it

under famous sitar master Ravi Shankar.
Harrison discovered the instrument on the
set of the Fab Four’s second film, Help. At
the time, The Beatles were the only
Western rock band to use the sitar on a
commercial recording.

The return of Jim Carrey

to auction to sell by auction = a public sale at which
goods are sold to the highest bidder / string piece of
wire, nylon or catgut on a musical instrument / under
with / master highly skilled expert and mentor / set
Jim Carrey has returned to television, after an absence of 20 years, to star in a here, place where a film is made / time era.
new Showtime comedy entitled Kidding. He plays Jeff, a.k.a. Mr. Pickles, “an icon
of children’s television”, who also “owns a multimillion dollar branding empire.”
The broadcast date for Kidding has not yet been announced, but what we do know
is it will reunite Jim Carrey with French director Michel Gondry, who he previ-
ously worked with on Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind thirteen years ago. Wel-
come back Jim!
return act of going back to sth / to star to play the principal role / Showtime American television channel available on

(Paramount Pictures)
subscription / entitled with the title / to kid to joke / a.k.a. = also known as alias / to own to possess, be the proprietor
of / branding marketing strategy of associating positive qualities with a product/trademark / broadcast transmission of
a TV programme / director person who is in charge of making a film, here TV programme / previously before, in the past.

50 Cent not for sale Portman gives

50 Cent claims he turned down $500,000
from Donald Trump’s team to appear at an
us chills
event during the presidential campaign. In an The first images of the film Annihilation
interview with US radio station Hot 97, the starring Natalie Portman have been
American rapper and actor explained that he revealed, and it looks terrifying! In the sci-fi
believed Trump’s staffers wanted his thriller, directed by Alex Garland (Ex
endorsement to appeal to black voters. “Before Machina), she plays a biologist on a research
he got elected, they were having issues with the expedition in a place cut off from civilization,
African American vote,” he said. “I was like, Nah, where the rules of nature don’t seem to
that’s not good money. Nah, I’m not going to do apply. Annihilation is adapted from a
(Swan Gallet/WWD/Shutter/SIPA)

that. That’s not worth it!” best-selling horror sci-fi novel written by Jeff
VanderMeer, which is part of a series of three
to claim to declare, maintain, assert / to turn down to books called the Southern Reach Trilogy. The
refuse, decline an offer of / staffer member of staff, team film is due for release on 7 March in France.
member / endorsement approval, support / to appeal
to to attract, persuade to vote for / issue problem, chills goosebumps, shivers / sci-fi science-fiction /
concern / I was like I said / nah no / that’s not good place area, location / rule regulation, law / novel
money the money would be tainted / that’s not worth it book, work of fiction / to be due to be scheduled for /
standing by my beliefs is more valuable than money. release first showing (at the cinema).

VOCABLE Du 19 octobre au 1er novembre 2017 • 29

AA 29-764-Steph.indd 29 09/10/2017 16:20

Découverte I Technologie I  B2-C1

An image of masks used by Apple while developing the Face ID feature to unlock the iPhone X. (Jim Wilson/The New York Times)

Facial recognition (to hide to conceal oneself, to keep oneself from view)
The use of facial recognition technology as a form of identification is accelerating. It is no longer restricted to the security
services, but rather filtering into our daily lives, for example on social network platforms, or to unblock a mobile… but does this
kind of technology have implications for our right to privacy?

T he human face is a remarkable piece of

work. The astonishing variety of facial
features helps people recognise each other and
is crucial to the formation of complex societies.
deceit. They also spend plenty of time trying to

2. Technology is rapidly catching up with the

drivers, permits tourists to enter attractions and
lets people pay for things with a smile. Apple’s
new iPhone will use it to unlock the homescreen. 

So is the face’s ability to send emotional signals, human ability to read faces. In America facial 3. Although faces are peculiar to individuals,
whether through an involuntary blush or the recognition is used by churches to track worship- they are also public, so technology does not, at
artifice of a false smile. People spend much of pers’ attendance; in Britain, by retailers to spot first sight, intrude on something that is private.
their waking lives, in the office and the court- past shoplifters. This year Welsh police used it And yet the ability to record, store and analyse
room as well as the bar and the bedroom, reading to arrest a suspect outside a football game. In images of faces cheaply, quickly and on a vast
faces, for signs of attraction, hostility, trust and China it verifies the identities of ride-hailing scale promises one day to bring about funda-

1. piece of work creation / astonishing incredible / deceit dishonesty, lying / plenty much. attraction tourist site / to unlock to open / homescreen
feature characteristic / so is... also, too / whether be it / 2. to catch, caught, caught up with to arrive at the start screen.
through with, by way of / blush reddening of the face same level as / ability capacity / recognition 3. although even though / peculiar here, specific / at
(due to embarrassment or modesty) / to spend, spent, identification / to track to follow, to monitor / first sight when seen for the first time / to intrude on to
spent to pass (time) / waking when awake / courtroom worshipper person who regularly goes to church / interfere, to invade / yet despite this / to record to
tribunal / as well as and also / trust belief that you can attendance frequency of being present / retailer shop / register/ to store to keep / scale extent, size, degree / to
have faith in sb / to spot to detect / shoplifter person who steals from promise to to indicate that sth is probable to / to bring,
shops / ride-hailing offering a taxi service (such as Uber) / brought, brought about to result in, to cause, to lead to /

30 • VOCABLE Du 19 octobre au 1er

novembre 2017  facile A2-B1 /  moyen B2-C1 /  difficile C1-C2

AA 30-31-764-Isa.indd 30 09/10/2017 18:58

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Découvrez le reportage vidéo
et testez votre compréhension suréos-anglais

mental changes to notions of privacy, fairness now have a powerful weapon in their ability to THE GOOD AND THE BAD
and trust.  track criminals, but at enormous potential cost 9. In democracies, at least, legislation can help
to citizens’ privacy.  alter the balance of good and bad outcomes.
PRIVACY European regulators have embedded a set of
4. Start with privacy. One big difference between 6. The face is not just a name-tag. It displays a principles in forthcoming data-protection regu-
faces and other biometric data, such as finger- lot of other information—and machines can read lation, decreeing that biometric information,
prints, is that they work at a distance. Anyone that, too. Again, that promises benefits. Some which would include “faceprints”, belongs to its
with a phone can take a picture for facial-recog- firms are analysing faces to provide automated owner and that its use requires consent—so that,
nition programs to use. FindFace, an app in diagnoses of rare genetic conditions far earlier in Europe, unlike America, Facebook could not
Russia, compares snaps of strangers with pic- than would otherwise be possible. Systems that just sell ads to those car-showroom visitors. Laws
tures on VKontakte, a social network, and can measure emotion may give autistic people a against discrimination can be applied to an
identify people with a 70% accuracy rate. Face- grasp of social signals they find elusive. employer screening candidates’ images. Suppli-
book’s bank of facial images cannot be scraped ers of commercial face-recognition systems
by others, but the Silicon Valley giant could ob- DISCRIMINATION might submit to audits, to demonstrate that their
tain pictures of visitors to a car showroom, say, 7. But the technology also threatens. Researchers systems are not propagating bias unintention-
and later use facial recognition to serve them at Stanford University have demonstrated that, ally. Firms that use such technologies should be
ads for cars.  when shown pictures of one gay man, and one held accountable. 
straight man, the algorithm could attribute their
5. Even if private firms are unable to join the sexuality correctly 81% of the time. In countries 10. Such rules cannot alter the direction of
dots between images and identity, the state often where homosexuality is a crime, software which travel, however. Cameras will only become more
can. China’s government keeps a record of its promises to infer sexuality from a face is an common with the spread of wearable devices.
citizens’ faces; photographs of half of America’s alarming prospect.  Efforts to bamboozle facial-recognition systems,
adult population are stored in databases that can from sunglasses to make-up, are already being
be used by the FBI. Law-enforcement agencies 8. Less violent forms of discrimination could overtaken; research from the University of
also become common. Employers can already Cambridge shows that artificial intelligence can
act on their prejudices to deny people a job. But reconstruct the facial structures of people in
fairness justice, non-discrimination.
facial recognition could make such bias routine, disguise. Google has explicitly turned its back
4. privacy confidentiality / data information / such as
like (for example)... / fingerprint impression made on a enabling firms to filter all job applications for on matching faces to identities, for fear of its
surface by the fingertips used for identification / to work ethnicity and signs of intelligence and sexuality. misuse by undemocratic regimes. Other tech
to function / app = application / snap photo / stranger Nightclubs and sports grounds may face pres- firms seem less picky. Amazon and Microsoft
unknown person / accuracy precision / rate here,
percentage, proportion / to scrape here, to obtain / car sure to protect people by scanning entrants’ are both using their cloud services to offer face
showroom large salesroom where cars for sale are on faces for the threat of violence—even though, recognition; it is central to Facebook’s plans. l
display / to serve to present sb with, to show / ad= owing to the nature of machine-learning, all
advertisement publicity.
facial-recognition systems inevitably deal in
5. even if even though / to join the dots to make 9. at least if nothing else / to alter to change / balance
connections / record archives / citizen resident,
probabilities.  equilibrium, proportion / outcome result, consequence /
inhabitant / law-enforcement government agencies to embed to integrate, to include / set series /
which make sure laws are obeyed / forthcoming soon to be published / regulation rule, law
powerful very strong / weapon arm, instrument of / to decree to order, to state / to belong to to be the
attack/defense. property of / owner proprietor / to require to necessitate
6. name-tag here, form of identification / to display to / consent agreement, accord / so that in order that /
show, to reveal / benefit advantage / to provide to unlike contrary to / law legislation / to screen to examine
SUR LE BOUT DE LA LANGUE produce / automated automatic / diagnosis analysis of for selection / supplier provider / to submit to to be
symptoms / condition illness / far much / otherwise in subject to / to demonstrate to show, to prove / to
other circumstances, if not / grasp understanding / propagate to generate, to cause / to hold, held, held sb
“The face is not just a elusive difficult to understand. accountable to consider sb responsible for sth.
10. rule regulation, law / the direction of travel here, the
name-tag” cf. § 6 7. to threaten to menace, to present dangers / straight
way things are evolving / spread widespread use,
heterosexual / software (inv.) computer programme / to
Sachant que “tag” est une infer to deduce / prospect possibility. generalisation / wearable which can be put on the body /
étiquette, il est facile de device electronic appliance / effort attempt / to
8. to act to take action, to decide (as a result of...) / bamboozle to dupe / make-up cosmetics / to overtake,
comprendre le sens de : prejudice preconceived ideas, discrimination / to deny to overtook, overtaken to overcome, to surpass / in
“price tag” ou “luggage tag”, voire refuse / to make, made, made to render / such this kind disguise who are disguised / to turn one’s back on to
“question tags” (exemple: it’s nice, of... / bias prejudice, discrimination / to enable to permit, refuse, to abandon / to match to associate, to put
to allow / application request to be a candidate / together / fear worry, concern / misuse improper use /
isn’t it?) nightclub bar with an area for dancing, disco / ground tech = technology / picky difficult / both one and the
Mais “tag” signifie également land used for sports, stadium, pitch / to face to be other / to offer to provide / central essential / plan
“suivre, filer” ce qui explique “to play confronted with / pressure force, demands / even project.
though even if / owing to due to / to deal, dealt, dealt
tag” (jeu du chat).
in to process.

VOCABLE Du 19 octobre au 1er novembre 2017 • 31

AA 30-31-764-Isa.indd 31 09/10/2017 18:58

Bons plans I Langues



Pour améliorer son niveau de

langue, rien de tel que de
s’immerger dans le monde
anglo-saxon ! Afin de faire de
vos cours et séjours une vraie
réussite, professionnels et
particuliers vous dévoilent
leurs conseils et expériences
en la matière.


➛ 1. IDENTIFIEZ BIEN en séjour aura donc tendance ➛ 4. C

VOS BESOINS à se renfermer et être mal à VOTRE À L'IMMERSION
Si chacun a des besoins précis l’aise, sans grande motivation. DESTINATION EN FRANCE
en fonction de son niveau de « Une perte de temps, d’énergie Pour qu’un séjour soit efficace Une solution idéale, facile d’or-
langue, il est quelquefois com- et d’argent, atteste Claudine on préconise en général une ganisation et modulable pour
plexe de les identifier. Aussi, Herail de l’agence A ALEC. durée minimale de deux se- les jeunes dont les parents
est-il important de remplir son Dans ce cas, le séjour est rarement maines mais une immersion de ne veulent pas qu’ils partent
dossier d’inscription, de pré- une réussite ! Entre pousser et for- sept jours bien choisie et calée seuls, loin ou encore pour les
sentation avec la plus grande cer, la limite est ténue ». Enfin, pendant les vacances scolaires, adultes ne pouvant pas trop
minutie. « Réfléchissez bien à sachez qu’en général pour un permet aussi d’améliorer son se dégager de leurs impératifs
ce que vous voulez travailler afin séjour en immersion pour ado, anglais. Pour cela, pas besoin personnels et professionnels.
de le communiquer à votre pro- l’âge minimum est entre 12 et d’aller très loin… La Grande- « Cette formule est aussi adaptée
fesseur  », préconise Magali 14 ans. Bretagne, l’Irlande, Malte seront à ceux qui ne trouvent pas leur
Toureille, Responsable France aussi dépaysants et surtout compte dans les cours du soir, à
de l’ESL. L’organisme linguis- moins coûteux que les Etats- distance, stages en entreprise »,
tique Vivalangues, lui, de- Unis ou l’Australie. D’autre part, selon Claudine Herail de
mandera, un test de niveau et ➛ 3. PRIVILÉGIEZ attention au chant des sirènes l’agence A ALEC. L’immersion
une lettre de présentation afin UNE VRAIE de la capitale londonienne… en France d’une journée, un
de définir un programme à la IMMERSION Le rythme londonien effréné week-end, ou plusieurs se-
carte, en fonction des besoins Pour améliorer son niveau de peut rebuter face à des villes maines gagne de plus en plus
mais également des envies en langue, pratiquer la langue plus paisibles comme Brigh- de terrain. Chez les familles
termes d’activités. de manière intensive est l’une ton, Cambridge ou Oxford. « Le d’accueil anglosaxonnes, les
des clés de la réussite. Par plus important, ce n’est pas la ville stagiaires retrouveront la
conséquent, n’hésitez pas à mais le profil des professeurs qui qualité de l’enseignement de
➛ 2. PARENTS, nouer la conversation, à vous est à privilégier », précise Ma- la langue par des natifs tout
NE FORCEZ PAS montrer expansif envers les gali Toureille. Enfin, si vous en goûtant au charme d’un
VOTRE ENFANT ! anglosaxons que vous ren- venez les mains dans les poches, mode de vie british à seule-
Les expériences nouvelles ri- contrerez. sachez que le démarrage sera ment quelques heures de leur
ment souvent avec l’inconnu… plus lent. Une petite révision de domicile.
Un enfant contraint et forcé vocabulaire et de grammaire en
de suivre des cours et de partir amont sera toujours bénéfique.

32 • VOCABLE Du 19 octobre au 1
novembre 2017

32-33-764.indd 32 09/10/2017 15:43

Retrouvez plus d’infos sur


WILLIAM & ROSALIND BÉRENGÈRE, 21 ans – Stage d’une semaine

– Famille d’accueil en France (AALEC) en France chez Jan & John en août dernier (AALEC)

« L’important, en immersion ? « Une formule à la fois rassurante

Parler, parler, parler ! » et économique »

«  Nous avons pris notre retraite en France il y a maintenant

sept ans. En tant que famille d’accueil, notre but est d’intéresser
«  J’ai effectué ce stage dans le cadre de mes études. Après deux
ans de licence en psychologie, je me redirige cette année dans
les enfants, les jeunes et les personnes plus âgées à la langue, la filière des sciences de l’éducation, au sein de laquelle un bon
la culture et le mode de vie anglais. Au cours des stages en niveau d’anglais est requis. Faire un séjour en immersion en
immersion, nous nous adaptons aux besoins et aux attentes France m’a semblé la meilleure option pour améliorer mon ni-
de chaque élève. Pour ce qui est des cours, nous n’écrivons pas veau de langue sans être trop dépaysée. Cela m’a paru également
beaucoup, si ce n’est pour développer un point de grammaire ou rassurant, en cas de problème et moins coûteux qu’un séjour à
encore de conjugaison. L’important est de développer l’oralité, l’étranger. En ce qui concerne mes demandes spécifiques, j’avais
la fluidité de la langue.  » juste notifié l’agence de ma dyslexie et de la nécessité pour la
famille d’accueil de s’adapter à ce trouble. Mes conseils pour de
futurs apprenants ? Si vous êtes timide, spécifiez-le bien dans
votre présentation. Soyez le plus honnête possible et laissez-vous
CÉLIA, 17 ans – Séjour de deux semaines à porter par les événements ! »

Galway (Irlande), en juillet dernier (CLC)

« Ce séjour à l’étranger ?
Une grande première pour moi ! » CONTACTS UTILES
«  Je suis partie dans le cadre d’un séjour encadré, avec un
petit groupe de jeunes Français accompagné d’un animateur
en charge de s’assurer sur place que l’intégration de chacun se —
passait bien. Une fois sur place, j’étais seule dans ma famille.
Ce voyage fut pour moi une grande première, qui s’est très bien
passée. J’ai été très bien accueillie, j’ai fait pas mal d’activités et
même un petit week-end toute seule en dehors de la ville. L’été
prochain, c’est décidé, je pars aux Etats-Unis ! »

Séjours linguistiques

Rejoignez la
Vacances intelligentes
Voyages, cours de langues, découvertes

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VOCABLE Du 19 octobre au 1er novembre 2017 • 33

32-33-764.indd 33 09/10/2017 15:43

Les sorties Retrouvez plus de coups de cœur sur

sur jouez et gagnez...

Des entrées pour des films et des expositions, des CD et des DVD, des romans, des voyages…


Pendant cinq mois, le MoMA prend ses quartiers à la
Fondation Louis Vuitton. Une exposition
exceptionnelle sur quatre niveaux, qui retrace l’histoire
du célèbre musée new-yorkais, des premiers
mouvements de l’art moderne jusqu’aux œuvres
numériques les plus récentes. Au programme : Paul
Cézanne, Gustav Klimt, Marcel Duchamp, Jasper
Johns, René Magritte, Pablo Picasso… Parmi les
chefs-d’œuvre sélectionnés, certains tableaux comme
les Campbell’s Soup Cans d’Andy Warhol (1962), sont
prêtés pour la première fois à un musée français. En
tout, deux cents œuvres mises à l’honneur. A voir
jusqu’au 5 mars 2018.
Fondation Louis Vuitton
8 av. du Mahatma Gandhi
75116 Paris LIVRE
Plein tarif : 16 €/ Demi-tarif : de 5 à 10 €
Harlan Coben
Maya vient d’enterrer son mari, tué
MUSIQUE par balles à Central Park. Pour
s’assurer que sa baby-sitter
TURN OUT THE LIGHTS s’occupe bien de sa fille Lily, une
Julien Baker amie l’incite à installer une caméra
Une guitare. Quelques notes de piano, dans son salon. Un jour, en
parfois. Il n’en faut guère plus à Julien regardant les enregistrements,
Baker pour capter l’attention et elle voit sa petite fille jouer avec…
remplir l’espace de sa voix puissante son époux ! Comment expliquer
et cristalline. Des chansons folk cette mystérieuse résurrection ?
mélancoliques, parfois désespérées, Le grand maître du polar
mais toujours inspirées. La religion et américain Harlan Coben est de
les conflits intérieurs irriguent les retour avec Double Piège, un
morceaux intimistes de cette thriller addictif au suspense
chanteuse américaine qui se définit comme gay et chrétienne. A tout terriblement efficace et dont les
juste 22 ans, Turn Out The Lights est son deuxième album, deux ans après droits ont été achetés par Julia
FILM Sprained Ankle, déjà salué par les critiques du New York Times, de Roberts. L’adaptation
Pitchfork et de Rolling Stone. Une artiste atypique à découvrir. cinématographique est en cours...
De Joshua Z. Weinstein Matador Records - 18,99 € Belfond - 21,90 €
Dans le quartier juif ultra-
orthodoxe de Borough Park à MUSIQUE
Brooklyn, Menashé, modeste
employé d’une épicerie, tente de AS YOU WERE
joindre les deux bouts. Il se bat Liam Gallagher
pour la garde de son jeune fils L'ancien chanteur d'Oasis, Liam Gallagher, sort son premier album solo
Ruben, car la tradition lui interdit avec As you were. “C’est ma dernière chance de faire vraiment de la
d’élever seul son enfant. Mais le musique”, a-t-il affirmé au magazine Billboard. En 2009, son frère aîné
grand rabbin lui permet de passer Noel avait claqué la porte signant la fin d’Oasis et Liam avait continué
une semaine avec son fils... Une l’aventure avec ce qu’il restait du groupe… sans grand succès. Ce retour
immersion fascinante dans la avec un disque solo est donc une petite renaissance. L’enfant terrible de
communauté hassidique de New Manchester offre de belles ballades, dans la pure tradition de la pop
York, récompensée par le Prix du britannique, avec de petites perles comme Paper Crown et For What It’s
jury de Deauville cette année. Worth… Sans surprise, les Beatles ne sont jamais loin, et c’est tant mieux !
Dans les salles le 25 octobre Warner Bros. Records - 15,99 €

34 • VOCABLE Du 19 octobre au 1
novembre 2017

34-764-Steph.indd 34 09/10/2017 14:32

I Décryptage I ETATS-UNIS

(© / Marian Kamensky)

NRA = National Rifle Association.

The mass shooting in Las Vegas on October 1, which left at least 58 dead and 500 injured, has reignited the debate
over gun control in the country. Officials said 12 of the rifles authorities recovered from the hotel suite used by the
gunman Stephen Paddock were fitted with “bump stocks”. This mechanism was used by the shooter to turn his
semi-automatic rifles into rapid-fire weapons. Four days after the tragedy, the National Rifle Association (NRA), the
powerful gun lobby in the United States, announced its support of further regulations on this device. The NRA’s
suggestion comes after Republican lawmakers indicated they would consider banning bump stocks, despite years
of resisting any gun control. Some commentators have argued that the NRA’s statement was a strategic move,
aimed at avoiding any more sweeping or comprehensive attempts at gun control.
mass shooting firing upon and killing of a large number of random people at one time / to leave, left, left to result in, render / at least a minimum of / to injure to hurt, wound / to
reignite to relight, here, revive / over concerning / gun firearm / official representative / to recover to get back, find / to be fitted with to be equipped with / bump stock device that
renders a semi-automatic as fast and powerful as a fully automatic weapon / shooter person who fires a gun to kill / to turn sth into to transform sth into / rapid-fire to shoot in fast
succession, here, automatic / weapon arm / support approval, solidarity, endorsement / further here, new / regulation legislation / device mechanism / to come, came, come to
happen at a time when / lawmaker legislator / to consider to reflect upon, envisage / to ban to prohibit / despite in spite of / to resist to oppose / to argue to claim, maintain, assert
/ statement declaration / move initiative / to aim at to attempt to, try / to avoid to escape, evade / sweeping extensive, vast / comprehensive broad, complete / attempt effort.


Pour contacter votre correspondant, composez le 01.44. 37. 97.[...] suivi des 2 chiffres de son numéro
PUBLICITÉ : [77]. DIRECTION COMMERCIALE : C.Libilbéhéty [79]. ABONNEMENTS : ENTREPRISES : A. Kada [83], E. Jayme [86]. ABONNEMENT NUMERIQUE : J. Kigin [89].
PROMOTION : C.Veziris [80]. MARKETING-FABRICATION : V. Blum [92], J. de Beco [93], C.Bourdery[90]. SERVICE ABONNÉS : CS 70001, 59440 Avesnes sur Helpe. tél. 03 27 61 10 11, fax 03 27 61 22 52, serviceabonnes@vocable.
fr. RÉASSORTIMENT PROFESSIONNEL : BO CONSEIL,, tél. 09 67 32 09 34. CONCEPTION GRAPHIQUE : Virginie Lafon & Frédéric Savarit. MAQUETTE : S.M.P./ S.Bousez, C. Soufflet, I.
Bourroux, S.Burlion, M. Butinska.
IMPRESSION : Imprimerie ROTIMPRES (Aiguaviva Girona-Espagne). N° de commission paritaire 0921 K78474. ISSN n° 1621-0125
VOCABLE est édité par la Société Maubeugeoise d’Édition et Cie, 59603 Maubeuge Cedex
Bureau Paris 56, rue Fondary 75015 PARIS. Tél : 01 44 37 97 97 / Fax : 01 44 37 97 98.
Dans ce numéro, des encarts d’abonnements brochés ou jetés sur tous les abonnés. Cette publication comporte, sur une partie des abonnés, ou un livret audio jeté.

VOCABLE Du X au X mois 2015 • 35

AA 35-764-Steph.indd 35 09/10/2017 18:23
18e édition
SÉQUENCE du 3 au 12
novembre 2017
120 films
280 projections
150 invités
Compétition Européenne
9 longs-métrages en première
française et en présence des

70 inédits et avant-premières
Films de l’actualité
Visions de l’Est
Découvertes européennes
Focus sur l’Allemagne
Cinémas du monde
en présence des équipes

Révolutions russes :
mythes et réalités
12 films essentiels (classiques du
cinéma soviétique, Le Docteur
Jivago, Reds, films récents),
ciné-concert Octobre (création),

Whodunit :
qui a commis le crime ?
12 films avec Sherlock Holmes,
Hercule Poirot, Miss Marple et
autres détectives, ciné-concert
The Lodger d’Alfred Hitchcock

Festival des enfants

Avant-premières, ciné-bambin,
ateliers, scolaires

Programme complet
disponible le 19 octobre
Rens. au 03 59 25 00 69
Cituation et Ensemble • Arras

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