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Reflection #3


Ph.D. (ASCOT) – Educational Management

Subject: DEM 321

AY: 2022-2023

Strategic planning is the ongoing organizational process of using available

knowledge to document an institution’s intended direction. This process is used to

prioritize efforts, effectively allocate resources, align shareholders and employees on

the organization’s goals, and ensure those goals are backed by data and sound

reasoning. As an employee of a Private Higher Education Institution, I must be aware

of the strategic plan being implemented to actualize and contribute to achieving the

intended goals and outcomes.

According to the reporter, there are two kinds of strategizing; Adaptive

Strategizing and Rational Strategizing. Adaptive Strategizing is important because as

a certain plan is being implemented, there are circumstances that will arise. Some of

it is expected while some are unexpected. The implementer’s task is to adapt and
make adjustments to the plan whenever there are unexpected factors that can affect

the plan. It can also be a venue for opportunities to exemplify the goals and

outcomes. In Rational strategizing, there are two kinds of approaches; top to bottom

and bottom-up approaches. An institution is important to consider these two

approaches and for me, choosing what kind of approach you will use is based on

what goal you want to achieve.

The reporter also presented the DepEd Mission and Vision which are good to

reflect on because they will revisit my own way of implementing these goals. It is a

challenge as an educator to provide the Vision of the Department of Education to

provide a Learner-centered institution. I remember when I was a teacher in Junior

High School, I try to come up with different activities which will enhance the learners’

understanding and mastery of the lesson. As much as possible I want my activities to

be real-life and problem-oriented, especially those performance tasks which I want to

facilitate. I designed a “Business Experience Performance Task” as an application to

my lesson on Entrepreneurship. The students made a Business proposal and

actualizes it. At the end of the month, the students presented their income and profit

and submitted their evaluation designed by SWOT analysis. This is my own way of
helping to contribute to the achievement of the vision of the Department to produce a

Learner-centered environment for the learners.

The DepEd Mission aims to protect and promote the right of every Filipino to

quality, equitable, culture-based, and complete basic education where:

•Students learn in a child-friendly, gender-sensitive, safe, and motivating


•Teachers facilitate learning and constantly nurture every learner.

•Administrators and staff, as stewards of the institution, ensure an enabling and

supportive environment for effective learning to happen.

•Family, community and other stakeholders are actively engaged and share

responsibility for developing life-long learners.

The statement above is my guide on how to facilitate the learning process as

an educator who aims to become competent and well-experienced in the field of


I also want to reflect on the FOUR DESIRED RESULTS in the Strategic

Planning which the reporter also presented; Customer Satisfaction, Market End
Results, Financial End Results, and People Objectives. I can contextualize

“Customer Satisfaction” in the learners’ achievement of the competencies and

standards mandated by the curriculum. In education, there is a so-called “unpacking”

of these competencies and standards to produce objectives suitable to help students

in achieving outcomes.

One of the challenges arising especially in Private Institutions is the “Market

End Results”. This is how the school is being marketable, in other words, the

students and parents have trust and confidence in a school in providing quality

education. Because of the Free Education Act, we doubled our time and effort in

exemplifying the modes on which we deliver our service as a Private Education

Institution. As much as possible we are making sure that the community and

stakeholders have confidence in our school. We create various ways to maximize

learning such as teachers’ professional development, student activities, modes of

learning, and benchmarking to avoid being obsolete and outdated.

The third Desired Result is the “Financial End Results”. As an employee of a

private institution, there is a need to become financially stable. We must learn from

the experience of the Collegio de San Lorenzo which recently closed due to its
unstable financial status. The school management said that the move was “due to

the financial instability and lack of financial viability brought about by the ongoing

pandemic and exacerbated by consistent low enrollment turnout over the past


The final Desired End Result is the “People Objectives’’ which I learned that

there must be an intended goal in the strategic plan to provide an understanding of

how to participate in the life of an institution whether you’re a student, a teacher, or a

school head.

I learned the importance of Assessment through the presentation of my

classmate. In the bottom-up approach, Assessment is the first step to analyze what

kind of environment you are dealing with and to come up with strategic plans suitable

to the needs of the learners. An assessment plan provides a framework to guide your

Strategic Planning, ensuring everyone is on the same page and is clear on their

individual responsibilities and the overall timeline. In education, there is a so-called

diagnostic test to help the teacher in understanding what the students know, need to

know, and find hard to understand. Assessment for Learning is the process of

seeking and interpreting evidence for use by learners and their teachers to decide
where the learners are in their learning process, where they need to go, and how

best to get there.

What struck me most in the report is a quote by Dr. Eduardo A. Morato, Jr.

which my classmate presented. He stated that “The clearer the picture of the end

results desired, the more we can chart our path towards the end. The more exact we

are about the performance measures we want to achieve, the more we can

determine the strategies and resources needed in order to achieve those measures.”

As a college instructor, it is a huge challenge for me to contribute to the Strategic

Planning of my school. Higher education colleges and universities invest in strategic

plans to help guide the institution’s direction, differentiate appeal in an often-

competitive marketplace of prospective students, and foster the right conditions for

truly distinctive research.

The aftermath of the pandemic has left many of us uncertain about what the

future holds. In education, hybrid or blended learning that reduces the time students

spend on-site looks set to remain in place for some time. However, it might change

education forever.
Whatever happens, you don’t have to figure out the next normal on your own.

Strategic planning in education is at its best when it is inclusive and collaborative.

Engage your wider community of stakeholders and start asking the questions that

will shape the next decade in your school.

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