Multiple Choice Wordform P31 P50

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PART 1: Choose the best answer to each question.
1. ________the outer rings of a gyroscope are twisted or turned, the gyroscope itself continues to spin in
exactly the same position.
A. Somehow B. Otherwise C. However D. No matter
gyroscope con quay hồi chuyển
twist xoắn, vặn, xe, bện, kết
2. Scientists cannot agree on _____________ related to other orders of insects.
A. that fleas are B. how fleas are C. how are fleas D. fleas that are
fleas con bọ chét
3. The authorities are determined to take tougher__________to reduce crime.
A. situations B. measures C. requirements D. interests
Take measures to do something = tìm cách xử trí
take strong measure against: dùng những biện pháp kiên quyết để chống lại
4. The old theater is in need of complete__________.
A. renew B. rebuild C. renovation D. review
Renovation (n) sự đổi mới; sự cải tiến; sự sửa chữa lại
5. Prior to the economic reform, the country had experienced many years of a __________ economy.
A. stagnant B. fluent C. fluently D. smoothly
stagnant đình trệ, đình đốn
6. Education is our first__________ now. We are trying to do what we can to make it better.
A. prior B. prioritization C. priory D. priority
- priority  /priority/ quyền được trước, sự ưu tiên; điều được xét trước hết
- priory (n) tu viện
- prioritization (n) những ưu tiên
- prior to trước khi
7. They have made a substantial change; that means, they have made a(n) __________ change.
A. economic B. considerable C. steady D. subtle
considerable (a) đáng kể, to tát, lớn
8. M.D. played much better than their opponents; they almost__________ the match.
A. dominated B. eliminated C. activated D. terminated
9. The company was__________ because of a shortage of orders.
A. solved B. resolved C. dissolved D. involved
dissolve (v) giải thể, phân hủy
10. It looks like they're going to succeed __________their present difficulties.
A. because of B. despite C. yet D. even though
11. In spite of______, we decided to go out.
A. tired B. feeling tired C. all of us felt tired D. we felt very tired
12. “Do you mind if I borrow a chair?" “____ Do you need only one?”
A. Yes, I would. B. Yes, I do. C. Not at all. D. I'm sorry.
13. My parents saw a ________ play last night.
A. three - act B. three - acts C. three acts D. three act
14. Lucy was late for school this morning because the alarm didn’t ______ as usual.
A. get off B. go off C. ring off D. take off
15. These books belong to you. I’m sure they are_____.
A. you’re B. your’s C. yours D. your
16. The other day I came________ a really beautiful old house in the back streets of London.
A. over B. down C. by D. across
come across tình cờ gặp
17. He was looked _____ by others because of his poverty.
A. out for B. up to C. down upon D. into
look down on / upon despise = xem thường, coi khinh, khinh miệt
18. He bought the cottage__________renovating it and then selling at a large profit.
A. with a view to B. with a target of C. his goal being D. aiming to
with a view to; with the view of: với ý định + V ing
19. She _____ down completely on hearing of her friend's death.
A. broke B. turned C. put D. fell
break down hư, hỏng, ngã quỵ xuống
20. We intend to _________with the old system as soon as we have developed a better one
A. do up B. do away C. do in D. do down
do away with = get rid of = eliminate /ɪ'lɪmɪneɪt/, remove loại bỏ, vứt bỏ
21. I'm expecting to have this book__________soon this year.
A. published B. publishing C. to publish D. publish
Causative form have sth done
22. ________ your advice, I was able to avoid lots of trouble on my trip abroad.
A. Thanks to B. Despite C. Even though D. Instead of
thank to (prep) nhờ vào
23. We have a party tonight and Daisy is worried about ________.
A. what to wear B. which wearing C. that she wears D. these wearing
Preposition + Noun / noun phrase
24. As a rule, new comers ________ a party at the end of the first month of their stay.
A. was held B. hold C. have held D. will hold
25. The most interesting films ________ for the festival will be shown next week.
A. are chosen B. having chosen C. chosen D. being chosen
26. However ________ about the results, the children still talk merrily.
A. disappointed are they B. disappointing they are
C. disappointment D. disappointed they are
27. A child ________ to talk does not learn by being corrected all the time.
A. learned B. learns C. learning D. to learn
28. Some businesses use famous cartoon ________ to advertise their products.
A. person B. people C. characters D. samples
29. The first thing you should do when you lose your bank card is to call your bank and ask them to close
your ________.
A. account B. house C. loan D. debt
30. “Oh no! I can’t find my credit card!” “________.”
A. Thank you for letting me know
B. Don’t worry. They will be back very soon
C. It is a nice surprise. You should be glad about it
D. Chill out. Try to remember when you last used it
Chill out = become quiet or calm, especially after a state of agitation
31. – “What would you like to drink? “ – “ __________.”
A. Yes, please B. Milk, please C. No, thanks D. OK
32. The number of cars on the roads ______ increasing, so we need to build more roads.
A. is B. was C. were D. are
33. ______ the class size is our school’s immediate aim.
A. Reduces B. Reduce C. Reducing D. Reduced
34. He ________ being given a receipt for the bill he had paid.
A. asked to B. demanded C. insisted on D. required
insist (v.) on doing sth = nhất quyết làm gì
35. Some________ actions have been taken to help protect wildlife at this national park.
A. survival B. disposal C. postal D. remedial
remedial (adj.) = mang tính chữa trị, sửa chữa, để khắc phục (remedial actions/measures = các hành động/
biện pháp nhằm sửa chữa)
36. The demand for energy is ________more rapidly than ever.
A. exported B. decreased C. raising D. increasing
increase (v.) = tăng decrease = giảm export (v.) sth = xuất khẩu cái gì; raise (v.) sth = tăng, nâng cái gì lên
37. His performance was________; the audience was delighted.
A. unmarked B. faultless C. worthless D. imperfect
faultless (adj.) = perfect = không có lỗi, hoàn hảo
imperfect = không hoàn hảo;
worthless (adj.) = không có giá trị, vô dụng;
unmarked (adj.) = không được đánh dấu, không có biển hiệu
38. But why did the police suspect you? It just does not make________ to me.
A. reason B. right C. sense D. truth
make sense = có lý, có nghĩa hiểu được
39. In the end I ________the form in disgust, and threw it away.
A. filled in B. worked out C. tore up D. put off
tear (v.) (tore/ torn) sth up = xé nát cái gì (Cuối cùng, tôi ghê tởm.. xé nát tờ đơn, vặn vứt nó đi);
fill in a form = điền vào một mẫu đơn;
work sth out = tính toán cái gì;
put sth off = trì hoãn cái gì
40. His company, ________him with a car and samples of their products.
A. gives B. supplies C. replies D. places
supply (v.) sb with sth = cung cấp cho ai cái gì
41. I haven’t ________ decided where to go on holiday this year.
A. still B. yet C. already D. then
42. How do you speak this fraction: 3/5?
A. Three over fifth B. Three-fifth C. Three-fifths D. Three-fives
43. The number of cars on the roads ________ increasing, so we need to build more roads.
A. is B. was C. were D. are
44. There is no ________ explanation for what happened.
A. scientifically B. scientist C. science D. scientific
45. I can ________ what he’s doing; it’s so dark down there.
A. see through B. make out C. look into D. show up
To make out nhận ra, hiểu
46. Could you be more specific about what is ________ in this particular job?
A. enclosed B. concentrated C. presented D. involved
47. He retired early ________ ill – health.
A. on behalf of B. on account of C. believe D. Imagine
On account of = because of = owing to = due to
48. The person who writes symphonies or concertos is a ________.
A. composer B. conductor C. pianist D. Playwright
Composer (n) người soạn nhạc
To compose oneself bình tĩnh
Playwright (n) người viết kịch
49. There is no reason to______ his honesty; he is absolutely sincere.
A. search B. doubt C. inquire D. ask
50. His personal problems seem to have been ______him from his work lately.
A. disrupting B. disturbing C. distracting D. Dispersing
To distract oneself from làm sao nhãng
To disrupt đập gẫy, gây trở ngại
To disperse giải tán, phân tán
51. The job of student lodgings officer________ many visits to landladies.
A. concerns B. offers C. asks D. involves
involve (v.) sth = cần phải kéo theo, đòi hỏi
52. It is________ knowledge in the village that Mr. and Mrs. Thorne quarrel violently several times a
A. common B. complete C. normal D. usual
It is common/ public knowledge mọi người đều biết rằng
53. “Which one do you want?” “I’m not sure I can ________a choice. I like all of them.”
A. do B. choose C. make D. take
make a choice = chọn lựa
54. The volcano had been _________ for hundreds of years before the eruption last month.
A. dying B. fixed C. asleep D. dormant
dormant (adj.) = nằm im; a dormant volcano = một núi lửa đang nằm im (nghĩa là không tắt hẳn,
mà cũng không phun lửa)
55. You have to ________the person with the ball until you catch them.
A. chase B. rush C. jump D. drop
To chase (v.) sb = đuổi theo ai; rush (v.) sb into doing sth = làm cho
ai hành động vội vã, hấp tấp; jump (v.) = nhảy; drop (v.) = để rơi
56. The fans climbed over the fence to ________paying.
A. avoid B. prevent C. abandon D. refuse
avoid (v.) doing sth = tránh làm gì; prevent (v.) sb from doing sth
= ngăn cản không cho ai làm gì; abandon (v.) sth = bỏ rơi cái gì;
refuse (v.) sth = khưốc từ, từ chối cái gì
57. I had no ________that the divorce rate was so high in this country.
A. knowledge B. idea C. doubt D. understanding
I have no idea = I don’t know
58. A railway bridge is already ________over the river.
A. been erected C. in construction B. erecting D. being built
build (v.) sth = xây dựng, thiết lập cái gì; be + being + pp = đang
được làm gì (bị động), be under construction = đang được xây dựng
59. It was very difficult for the inspector to________ what recommendations he should make.
A. realize B. settle C. solve D. decide
decide (v.) sth = quyết định cái gì
60. This is not the right________ to ask for my help; I am far too busy even to listen!
A. moment B. situation C. opportunity D. circumstance
moment (n.) = lúc; circumstance (n.) = tình huông, hoàn cảnh;
situation (n.) = 'tình hình, hoàn cảnh; opportunity (n.) = cơ.hội
61. He confessed _____ being somewhat nervous about having to speak in front of a large crowd.
A. about B. to C. for D. with
62. In a money-oriented society, the average individual cares little about solving _____ problem.
A. any other B. any other’s C. anyone else’s D. anyone’s else
63. Would you please leave us details of your address _______ forwarding any of your mail to come?
A. for the purpose of B. as a consequence of C. for the sake of D. by means of
64. The woman they finally choose was much older than the other_______ for the job.
A. informant B. participants C. applicants D. consultants
65. He can’t find money for life necessities, ______ such luxuries as wine and tobacco.
A. leave alone B. buy alone C. mention alone D. let alone
66. Cigarette smoking has been ______ breast as well as lung cancer.
A. concerned to B. originated from C. caused by D. associated with
67. The general is always ______ about his past campaigns.
A. boasting B. praising C. complimenting D. congratulating
68. ________ of the Chairman, the Executive Director will be responsible for chairing the meeting.
A. For the absence B. On the absence C. In the absence D. To the absence
69. "I'm ________ to listen to your pathetic excuses," she said.
A. sick and tired B. in no mood C. having enough D. sick to death
in no mood to do something = not feeling like doing something; not wishing to do something.
Eg: I'm in no mood to cook dinner tonight.
Eg: Mother is in no mood to put up with our arguing.
70. Unfortunately our local cinema in on the ________ of closing down.
A. threat B. danger C. edge D. verge
on the verge/point of doing something: sắp làm một việc gì
71. I was early for the meeting so I went to a bookshop to ______ time.
A. kill B. waste C. spend D. make
kill time  use something up, especially time / pass time aimlessly / do something while waiting
Eg: I killed time reading a novel.
72. This ticket _____ one person to the museum.
A. allows B. enters C. permits D. admits
Admit s.body to/ into s.thing: Cho ai đó vào
73. You must _____ allowances for him; he is not very healthy.
A. get B. make C. do D. have
- Make allowances for s.body:Chiếu cố cho ai đó
74. As the drug took _____, the boy became quieter.
A. force B. influence C. action D. effect
- To take effect: Có hiệu lực; (thuốc) có công hiệu
75. The teacher asked a difficult question, but finally Ted _________ a good answer.
A. put up with B. keep pace with C. made way for D. came up with
76. His brother refuses to even listen to anyone else's point of view. He is very ________.
A. kind - hearted B. narrow- minded C. open - minded D. absent - minded
narrow- minded (a) đầu óc hẹp hòi
open-minded rộng rãi, phóng khoáng
77. The players’ protests_____ no difference to the referee’s decision at all
A. did B. made C. caused D. created
make no difference to / with không quan trọng/không tác động đến
78. “I’m tired of the same old routine.” _ “I know how you feel. I get tired of doing the same things day
A. and day off B. and day on C. and day of D. and day out
day in and day out ngày này qua ngày khác
79. The ________of plastic bags gathered was nearly the same in both years.
A. number B. lot C. percent D. amount
The number of + N (C.) = số...
80. After the accident, the injured cyclist was in great________.
A. agony B. suffering C. hurt D. pain
pain (n.) = sự đau, tình trạng bị đau / be in great pain = bị đau nhiều);
agony (n.) = sự đau đốn cực độ; suffering (n.) = đau khổ / hurt (n.) = nỗi đau đớn về tinh thần
81. Pick me up at 4 p.m. I _______ my bath by then.
A. will have B. will be having C. will have had D. must have had
82. She said that she would be punctual for the opening speech, ______ she were late?
A. but what if B. how about C. and what about D. so if
83. What are the main ______ of this illness?
A. traces B. emblems C. tokens D. symptoms
84. We believe that these animals could be saved if our plan were ______.
A. adopted B. taken up C. practised D. exploited
85. Local people are concerned about pollution from ______ oil wells.
A. maritime B. sea-going C. off-shore D. coast line
86. The topic ______ at yesterday’s meeting was of great importance.
A. to be discussed B. to have been discussed
C. discussed D. having been discussed
87. Evidence came up _____ specific speech sounds are recognized by babies as young as 6 months old.
A. what B. when C. which D. that
88. There have been protests from animal rights group about ______ on animals.
A. experience B. experiments C. expiration D. trials
89. She couldn’t perform well once she was _______ .
A. under pressure B. out of mind C. in the mood D. over the moon
90. All the sales people I met always try to _________ buying their products.
A. persuade me for B. force me to C. talk me into D. help me with
91. There was nothing special about his clothes________ from his flowery tie.
A. but B. except C. other D. apart
apart from = except (for)/ but = ngoại trừ
92. She always________ the crossword in the paper before breakfast.
A. makes B. writes C. does D. works
do the crosswords làm trò chơi ô chữ
93. When the tenants failed to pay their bill, the authorities decided to cut________ the gas supply to the
A. down B. out C. across D. off
cut off sth = ngừng cung cấp cái gì, cắt cái gì; cut down on sth =cắt giảm cái gì; cut sth out = cắt ra
94. His parents agreed to ________ him their car while they were away on holiday.
A. borrow B. lend C. hire D. let
lend (v.) sb sth = cho ai mượn cái gì; borrow (v.) sth from sb
= mượn cái gì của ai; hire (v.) sb/ sth = thuê mướn ai/ cái gì; let (v.) (out) sth = cho thuê cái gì
95. We try to _____to see our parents at least twice a month.
A. call up B. go up C. come on D. drop in
drop in tạt qua, ghé qua
96. He has always looked _________ his elder brother.
A. up to B. back on C. into D. up and down
look up to = respect kính trọng
97. ________ what most people say about him, Paul has a very good sense of humour.
A. Opposite to B. Against C. Contrary to D. Opposing
Contrary to trái với
contrary to our expectations: trái với sự mong đợi của chúng tôi
98. They are happily married although, of course, they argue _______.
A. most times B. from day to day C. every now and then D. on the occasion
every now and then = every now and again = every once in a while
= every so often = Occasionally thỉnh thoảng
Eg: Every now and then I long for a piece of chocolate.
99. The water company will have to _____ off water supply while repairs to the pipes carry out.
A. cut B. take C. break D. set
- Cut off the water supply: Cắt nước
100. We could make better _____ of our energy resources.
A. spend B. use C. need D. limit
- Make use of s.thing: Tận dụng cái gì đó/ thứ gì đó
101. Some people show_________ attitude toward the misery of others, totally untouched by their
A. passionate B. dispassionate C. passion D. passionately
102. I enjoy walking to school, but on rainy days I_________ to going by bus.
A. would rather B. resort C. commit D. prefer
To resort to doing smth làm gì như là phương án cuối cùng = do smth as the last resort
103. This is a photograph of the school I_________ when I lived in Swindow.
A. went B. studied C. attended D. joined
104. The train was_________ by a heavy snowfall.
A. held out B. held off C. held up D. held back
To hold up cản trở
105. The people in my class, _________ are very friendly.
A. most of international students B. the most international students
C. almost international students D. mostly international students
106. Doctors advise people who are deficient_________ Vitamin C to eat more fruit and vegetables.
A. from B. for C. of D. in
107. The teacher made a difficult question, but at last, Joe_________ a good answer.
A. came up against B. came up with C. came up to D. came up for
To come up with nảy ra, nghĩ ra
108. _________ at his lessons, still he couldn't catch up with his classmates.
A. Hard as he was B. Hard as he does C. Hardly as he worked D. Hard as he worked
109. He refused to give up work, _________ he had won a million dollars.
A. despite B. even though C. However D. as though
110. Jane wasn't in when I arrived. I suppose she_________ I was coming.
A. may forget B. can't have forgotten C. must forget D. must have forgotten
111. Not for a moment_________ the truth of the case.
A. he doubted B. was he doubting C. he did doubt D. did he doubt
112. The student_________ the highest score will be awarded a scholarship.
A. receives B. who is receiving C. who receive D. receiving
113. On leaving prison, Vic decided to turn over a new_________ and to give up his old life of crime.
A. leaf B. book C. chapter D. page
To turn over a new leaf cải tà quy chính
114. He's been very sick. His doctor insisted that he_________ in bed this week.
A. stays B. stay C. would stay D. will stay
115. According to some historians, if Napoleon had not invaded Russia, he_________ the rest of the world.
A. would have conquered B. conquered
C. had conquered D. would conquer
To conquer chinh phục
Conquest (n) sự chinh phục
116. He was so mean that he could not bear to_________ the smallest sum of money for the charity appeal.
A. part with B. let out C. give in D. pay off
117. We_________ for three hours and are very tired.
A. have been walking B. are walking C. were walking D. had been walking
118. _________ weather! We can't go out for a walk now.
A. What a terrible B. How a terrible C. What terrible D. How terrible
119. Susan: "How much do you earn, Joe?" Joe: “I'd ________________".
A. rather don't say B. rather not say C. better not to say D. prefer not say
120. Anna: "You don't have to go to school this afternoon, do you?" Bob: “_____________”.
A. No, I needn't B. What does that mean?
C. Yes, I don't have to D. That's OK
121. You find it hard to _____ your temper if you think someone is making a fool out of you.
A. cool B. lose C. recover D. keep
122. Remember to _____ your shoes when you are in a Japanese house.
A. take on B. take off C. take up D. put on
123. I have _____ information about her situation to tell you.
A. too few B. so many C. so little D. too little
124. America, as well as Japan, England, and Germany_____.
A. are developed countries B. are developing countries
C. is a developed country D. is developing countries
125. It's no good _____ your father about your failure.
A. to tell B. tell C. telling D. told
126. I’m afraid I don’t _____ your view on this matter, but let’s not quarrel about it.
A. correspond B. equate C. accord D. share
127. He got an excellent grade in his examination_____ the fact that he had not worked particularly hard.
A. on account of B. because C. in spite of D. although
128. He always _____ the crossword in the newspaper before breakfast.
A. writes B. makes C. works D. does
129. He just couldn't open the jar _____ hard he tried.
A. however B. whatever C. moreover D. even
130. “Today’s my 20th birthday.” - “______”
A. Take care! B. Many happy returns!
C. Have a good time! D. I don’t understand.
131. Tom: How are things going? Mary: _____.
A. I can't complain B. There are a lot of things
C. Not much D. That’s all right.
132. Vietnam's rice export this year will decrease ______ about 10%, compared with that of last year.
A. with B. at C. by D. on
133. I’d like to contribute_____ the school Red Cross fund.
A. on B. to C. with D. for
134. “In spite of her deafness, she plays the violin very well.” Deafness means ______.
A. inability to speak B. inability to see
C. inability to hear D. mentally impairment
135. I am going to have my eye_____ tomorrow.
A. to test B. test C. testing D. tested
136. A: Which one do you like? B: I like ______ one of the two.
A. the bigger B. biggest C. bigger D. the biggest
137. Robert and his wife _____ to my house for tea yesterday evening.
A. came about B. came down C. came round D. came away
To come round hồi phục, tạt vào chơi
138. Each of the guests _____ a bunch of flowers.
A. is given B. are given C. give D. were given
139. We should arrive home safe and _____.
A. sound B. soundly C. warm D. warmly
140. The idea got a lot of _____ from the children’s parents.
A. opposition B. disagreement C. dislike D. denial
Opposition (n) sự phản đối
141. The other party has raised a number of _______ to the reforms in the tax system.
A. problems B. objections C. difficulties D. complaints
142. The jury _______ her compliments on her excellent knowledge of the subject.
A. paid B. gave C. made D. said
143. The professor wasn't _______ with the current political affairs in his country after his long stay
A. familiar B. present C. knowledgeable D. actual
144. It's not easy to make Stanley furious, the boy is very gentle by _______.
A. himself B. personality C. reaction D. nature
145. The Martins have confirmed their strong _______to charity actions by donating a lump sum of money
A. compliance B. reliance C. assignment D. commitment
146. I think he’s from America, _______?
A. do I B. don’t I C. isn’t he D. is he
147. All_______barristers are expected to study at the Inns of Court
A. hopeful B. wishful C. willing D. prospective
148. Out of the classroom _______when the school bell rang.
A. run the children B. do the children run C. ran the children D. did the children run
149. The government is determined to _______terrorism.
A. put the stop to B. put a stop to C. put stops to D. put stop to
150. The team had ben trying to win the competition for years. Last year they finally _______.
A. carried away B. carried it on C. brought it off D. brought it on
151. I would like to take this opportunity to_______my gratitude for your ongoing support.
A. expand B. extend C. convey D. enlarge
152. This book is so interesting that I can’t_______.
A. pick it up B. let it down C. open it up D. put it down
153. His country has_______climate.
A. continent B. continental C. continence D. continentally
154. The accident _______was the mistake of the driver.
A. causing many people to die B. caused great human loss
C. to cause many people die D. which causes many people to die
155. The family could not _______because they had forgotten their passports.
A. check up B. check out C. check through D. check in
156. John: “Do you think that we should use public transportation to protect our environment?”
Mary: “_______.”
A. Of course not. You bet! B. Well, that’s very surprising.
C. There’s no doubt about it. D. Yes, it’s an absurd idea.
157. We expected him at eight, but he finally _______ at midnight.
A. came to B. came off C. turned up D. turned in
158. The reviewer _______ Mathew's new novel as a new style of modern science fiction.
A. chewed B. digested C. described D. drew
159. It was so foggy that the climbers couldn’t _______ the nearest shelter.
A. make out B. break out C. take out D. run out
160. If it’s raining tomorrow afternoon, we’ll have to _______ the match till next Sunday.
A. put out B. put off C. put up D. put away
161. The other party has raised a number of _______ to the reforms in the tax system.
A. problems B. objections C. difficulties D. complaints
162. The jury _______ her compliments on her excellent knowledge of the subject.
A. paid B. gave C. made D. said
163. The professor wasn't _______ with the current political affairs in his country after his long stay
A. familiar B. present C. knowledgeable D. actual
164. It's not easy to make Stanley furious, the boy is very gentle by _______.
A. himself B. personality C. reaction D. nature
165. The Martins have confirmed their strong _______to charity actions by donating a lump sum of money
A. compliance B. reliance C. assignment D. commitment
166. I think he’s from America, _______?
A. do I B. don’t I C. isn’t he D. is he
167. All_______barristers are expected to study at the Inns of Court
A. hopeful B. wishful C. willing D. prospective
168. Out of the classroom _______when the school bell rang.
A. run the children B. do the children run C. ran the children D. did the children run
169. The government is determined to _______terrorism.
A. put the stop to B. put a stop to C. put stops to D. put stop to
170. The team had ben trying to win the competition for years. Last year they finally _______.
A. carried away B. carried it on C. brought it off D. brought it on
171. I would like to take this opportunity to_______my gratitude for your ongoing support.
A. expand B. extend C. convey D. enlarge
172. This book is so interesting that I can’t_______.
A. pick it up B. let it down C. open it up D. put it down
173. His country has_______climate.
A. continent B. continental C. continence D. continentally
174. The accident _______was the mistake of the driver.
A. causing many people to die B. caused great human loss
C. to cause many people die D. which causes many people to die
175. The family could not _______because they had forgotten their passports.
A. check up B. check out C. check through D. check in
176. John: “Do you think that we should use public transportation to protect our environment?”
Mary: “_______.”
A. Of course not. You bet! B. Well, that’s very surprising.
C. There’s no doubt about it. D. Yes, it’s an absurd idea.
177. We expected him at eight, but he finally _______ at midnight.
A. came to B. came off C. turned up D. turned in
178. The reviewer _______ Mathew's new novel as a new style of modern science fiction.
A. chewed B. digested C. described D. drew
179. It was so foggy that the climbers couldn’t _______ the nearest shelter.
A. make out B. break out C. take out D. run out
180. If it’s raining tomorrow afternoon, we’ll have to _______ the match till next Sunday.
A. put out B. put off C. put up D. put away
181. We should participate in the movements __________ the natural environment.
A. organizing to conserve B. organized to conserve
C. organized conserving D. which organize to conserve
182. __________ at school yesterday when we were informed that there was no class due to a sudden
power cut.
A. We have hardly arrived B. We had arrived hardly
C. Hardly we had arrived D. Hardly had we arrived
183. The US president Barack Obama __________ an official visit to Vietnam in May 2016, which is of
great significance to the comprehensive bilateral partnership.
A. delivered B. paid C. offered D. gave
184. There is __________ in my house.
A. an old square wooden table B. a square wooden old table
C. a square old wooden table D. an old wooden square table
185. Tim wanted to know __________ in my family.
A. there were how many people B. how many people were there
C. were there how many people D. how many people there were
186. He gets ________ treatment because he’s the manager’s son.
A. competitive B. influential C. preferential D. emotional
- competitive (a) cạnh tranh, đua tranh
- influential (a) có ảnh hưởng, có tác dụng
- preferential (a) ưu đãi, dành ưu tiên cho; được ưu đãi, được ưu tiên
- emotional (a) dễ cảm động, dễ xúc động, dễ xúc cảm
187. Young people need ________ guidance before making decisions about what to study.
A. vocational B. selective C. intentional D. commercial
- vocational (a) thuộc nghề nghiệp
- selective (a) có lựa chọn, có chọn lọc, có tuyển lựa
- intentional (a) có ý định trước, được định trước, có ý, chủ tâm
- commercial (a) thuộc buôn bán; thuộc thương mại; thuộc thương nghiệp
188. The information that Sonia gave me was ________ so I can’t reveal anything.
A. residential B. co-operative C. confidential D. occupational
- residential (a) thuộc nhà ở, thuộc nhà riêng
- co-operative (a) sẵn sàng cộng tác, có tính chất cộng tác
- confidential (a) kín, bí mật; nói riêng với nhau
- occupational (a) thuộc nghề nghiệp
189. I think going to the gym every day is ________. - twice a week is enough.
A. excessive B. supportive C. instructive D. additional
- excessive (a) quá mức, thừa
- supportive (a) đem lại sự giúp đỡ, khuyến khích; thông cảm
- instructive (a) để cung cấp tin tức, để cung cấp tài liệu
- additional (a) thêm vào, phụ vào, tăng thêm
190. Do you need ________ permission to open a detective agency?
A. vocational B. official C. beneficial D. influential
- vocational (a) thuộc nghề nghiệp - official (a) trịnh trọng, theo nghi thức
- beneficial (a) có ích; có lợi; tốt - influential (a) có ảnh hưởng, có tác dụng
191. My new pullover ______ to half its previous size when I washed it.
A. shrank B. reduced C. diminished D. dwindled
To shrink co lại
To diminish hạ bớt, giảm bớt, thu nhỏ
To dwindle teo đi, giảm bớt, thoái hóa, suy đi
192. The new accounting system ______ all my work useless.
A. transformed B. rendered C. transposed D. converted
193. The doctor said that sweets should be eaten in ______.
A. compulsion B. restriction C. moderation D. Qualification
Moderation (n) sự tiết chế, sự điều độ
194. Human beings are trying to be independent __________________fossil fuels in modern life
A. out B. off C. of D. on
195. The fire was quickly __________________thanks to the firemen’s effort.
A. laid off B. taken away C. set apart D. put out
196. When I came into the class I realized I knew ___________________.
A. them all B. all of they C. they all D. all them
197. ________, he remained optimistic.
A. Though badly wounded he was B. Badly wounded as he was
C. As he was badly wounded D. As badly wounded he was
198. _______is more interested in sports than in music is apparent in his spending free time.
A. That Gerald Anderson B. Gerald Anderson, who
C. Gerald Anderson D. Because Gerald Anderson
199. I’m looking for a ________ for my father’s birthday.
A. cheap white Japanese clock radio B. white cheap Japanese clock radio
C. Japanese cheap white clock radio D. Japanese white cheap clock radio
200. I hope we will be able to avoid ___________ anyone.
A. disappoint B. disappointment C. disappointing D. disappointed
201. Corporations have been donating more and more to ________.
A. the needy B. the need C. the needed people D. the needed
202. The play is very long but there are three ________.
A. intervals B. breaks C. rests D. naps
203. Going on this diet has really ________ me good. I’ve lost weight and I feel fantastic!
A. made B. taken C. done D. had
204. There is ________in my bedroom.
A. an old wooden square table B. a square wooden old table
C. a wooden old square table D. an old square wooden table
205. Mrs. Smith always likes someone to ________ her to the bus stop at night.
A. go B. company C. join D. accompany
206. The couple decided to ________some money every month for their retirement.
A. put off B. put aside C. take on D. take against
207. Money was short and people survived by ________ and saving.
A. scrimping B. scavenging C. scouring D. scrounging
208. Although he acts tough, ________.
A. his bark is worse than his bite B. he’s a tough nut to crack
C. he’s learned the hard way D. he isn’t up to scratch
209. When his manager went on a business trip, Mark stepped into the ________and chaired the meeting.
A. hole B. breach C. pool D. crack
210. ________in 1636, Harvard is one of the most famous universities in the United States.
A. Founding B. Founded C. Being founded D. It was founded
211. ________an emergency arise, call 113.
A. Should B. Can C. Does D. Will
212. After three days in the desert, his mind began to play ________on him.
A. games B. jokes C. tricks D. fun
213. It is very easy for the undereducated to be ________by slick-talking salesmen.
A. washed up B. heard from C. taken in D. turned over
214. The size and shape of a nail depend primarily on the function ______ intended.
A. which it is B. for which it C. which it is for D. for which is
215. The facilities of the older hospital are as good _______.
A. as or better than that of the new hospital B. as or better that the new hospital
C. as or better than those of the new hospital D. as or better than the new hospital
216. Hello. Is that 4578? Please put me ________ to the manager.
A. across B. up C. over D. through
put through nối máy với ai
217. A: “Do you know how old I am?” - B: “_______ .”
A. Happy birthday B. I couldn’t help it C. Don’t mention it D. I haven’t a clue
218. By the end of this month I _______ at this school for two years.
A. have been studying B. will study
C. will have been studying D. will be studying
219. Please cut my hair _______ the style in this magazine.
A. the same length as B. the same long as C. the same length like D. the same long like
220. People of all countries are expected to ________the principles of the United Nations.
A. uphold B. inspect C. exaggerate D. integrate
- uphold (v) ủng hộ, tán thành, đỡ, chống, chống đỡ
- inspect (v) xem xét kỹ, kiểm tra, thanh tra
- exaggerate (v) thổi phồng, phóng đại, cường điệu
- integrate (v) hợp nhất
221. Her ________to medicine was so great that she had little time for anything else.
A. importance B. dedication C. emphasis D. reputation
222. If necessary, part of the responsibility is ________ by the internal security troops.
A. taken on B. taken over C. taken in D. taken up
223. I couldn't quite _______what they were doing because they were so far away.
A. bear out B. make out C. think out D. try out
224. The bank is reported in the local newspaper _______ in broad daylight yesterday.
A. to be robbed B. robbed
C. to have been robbed D. having been robbed
225. ________ pollution control measures are expensive, many industries hesitate to adopt them.
A. Although B. However C. Because D. On account of
226. Mr. Henry was given a medal in _______ of his service to his country.
A. gratitude B. knowledge C. recognition D. response
227. We are going to have a trip to Hanoi Capital. We need to________ arrangements for the trip
A. do B. make C. get D. pay
228. ________ that we had to ask a police officer for directions.
A. So confusing was the map B. was so confusing the map
C. The map was such confusing D. Such confusing was the map
229. By the end of this year, Chen __________ English for three years, but he will still need more
training and experience before he masters the language.
A. will have been studying B. has been studying
C. has studied D. will be studying
230. It is necessary that a life-guard ________ the swimming pool while the children are taking their
swimming lessons.
A. monitored B. monitors C. monitor D. monitoring
231. George wouldn't have met Mary________ to his brother’s graduation party.
A. hadn't he gone B. had he not gone
C. if he has not gone D. if he should not have gone
232. In spite of our big effort, we have not managed to _______ enough money for the renovation of
the school buildings.
A. raise B. take C. rear D. score
233. She’s just bought three new dresses, _______ her if she gains weight.
A. none of them will fit B. that won’t fit
C. which none of them fit D. none of which will fit
234. Thomas received a warning for speeding. He _________ so fast.
A. shouldn’t have driven C. should have driven
B. would have driven D. might have driven
235. _______ learning a foreign language, John is smarter than Tim although they are twins.
A. On account of B. Instead of C. In terms of D. In place of
236. When a fire broke out in the Louvre, at least twenty _______ paintings were destroyed, including
two by Picasso.
A. worthless B. priceless C. valueless D. worthy
237. I don’t remember ________ of your decision to change our vacation plan.
A. to tell B. being told C. telling D. to be told
238. Not having written about the required topic, ________ a low mark.
A. my presentation was given B. the teacher gives me
C. the teacher gave me D. I was given
239. I’d rather you _______at my party last night.
A. be B. were C. had been D. have been
240. I know it’s not a huge corporation to work for - but it’s better to be __________.
A. other fish to try B. a big fish in a small pond
C. a fish out of water D. plenty more fish in the sea
241. ________ as taste is really a composite sense made up of both taste and smell.
A. That we refer to B. What we refer to C. To which we refer D. What do we refer to
242. ________ you have the money in your account, you can withdraw up to $100 a day.
A. Unless B. Although C. Provided that D. As soon as
243. The witness’s account was not ________ with the facts.
A. matched B. reliable C. confirmed D. consistent
244. Fortunately, the demonstration ________ to be quite peaceful.
A. turned out B. turned into C. turned up D. turned off
245. She won the award for ________ her whole life to looking after the poor.
A. paying B. devoting C. causing D. attracting
246. Microwaves are used for cooking, telecommunications, and ________.
A. to diagnose medically B. diagnosed medically
C. medical diagnosis D. medical diagnosing
247. I couldn’t ________ them when we climbed the mountain.
A. keep out of B. keep up with C. keep away from D. keep on with
248. The director retired early ________ ill-health.
A. on account of B. ahead of C. on behalf of D. in front of
249. The disappearance of one or several species may result in the loss of ________.
A. biology B. biography C. biodiversity D. biochemistry
250. “I regret ________ so much trouble.” _ “Well. Let’s forget all about that.”
A. caused B. to cause C. having caused D. to have caused
251. He wanted to know where________.
A. I had been B. had I been C. did I been D. I been going
252. I’m not keen on ________control of the project to a relatively newcomer
A. undertaking B. charging C. entrusting D. allotting
253. There should be an international law encouraging ________.
A. afforestation B. deforestation C. forestry D. reforestation
254. He is not under arrest, nor have the police placed any ________ on his movements
A. obstacle B. veto C. restriction D. regulation
255. She is extremely competent and ________.
A. industrial B. industrious C. industry D. industrialized
256. Whatever Jane ________to do, she finishes.
A. gets on B. sees to C. sets out D. looks for
257. When Helen agreed to run the school play, she got more than she ________.
A. came down to B. bargained for C. faced up to D. got round to
258. At the end of the match the players were ________ exhausted.
A. solely B. utterly C. actually D. merely
259. This conversation project looks promising, but it’s still ________.
A. in the early stages B. in advance C. under stress D. at first sight
260. The smell of the kippers cooking ________my breakfast.
A. put me off B. came up against C. gave off D. held up
261. All of students in the country have been away from school for the last four weeks because of
________ of Covid-19.
A. a break-out B. a breakthrough C. an outburst D. an outbreak
262. The success of both the women’s and men’s football teams has proven to be a ________ moment in
the country’s participation at the SEA Games.
A. historically B. historic C. history D. historical
263. Vietnam is expected to enjoy a trade surplus for the fourth ________ year and the nation’s total export
and import value may attain US$ 500 billion this year.
A. success B. succeed C. successive D. successful
264. The win represents the first time that the Vietnamese men ________ a gold medal in the men’s
football event in the history of the SEA Games.
A. have won B. win C. won D. had won
265. Vietnamese football enjoyed a hugely ________ 2019 and are now the undisputed king of ASEAN
A. success B. successfully C. successful D. succeed
266. “Please, will you just tidy your room, and stop ________excuses!”
A. making B. doing C. having D. taking
267. To do ________professionally requires a lot of skills.
A. photographer B. photographic C. photography D. photograph
268. The business ________after new incentives were introduced.
A. thrilled B. urged C. boomed D. persisted
269. In her time, Isadora Duncan was ________today a liberated woman.
A. what calling we would B. who would be calling
C. what we would call D. she would call her
270. - “If only I hadn’t lent him all my money!” - “________.”
A. Well, you did, so it’s no use crying over spilt milk.
B. Sorry, I have no idea.
C. All right. You will be OK.
D. I’m afraid you will have to do it.
271. All of students in the country have been away from school for the last four weeks because of
________ of Covid-19.
A. a break-out B. a breakthrough C. an outburst D. an outbreak
272. The Red Cross is ________to giving medical aid and other help to victims of disasters.
A. aimed B. promoted C. dedicated D. designed
273. “Shall we wait a little longer?” –“________.”
A. No, we don’t B. No, I’d rather not
C. No, it’s still early D. Yes, it’s very late now
274. The school principal ________that all students hand in their cell phones to teachers during school
A. strongly advised B. urgently asked C. firmly told D. firmly insisted
275. The pub was so crowded that he could __________ get to the bar.
A. quite B. almost C. barely D. merely
276. It is not surprising that he became a writer because he always longed to see his name ________.
A. in edition B. in letters C. in print D. in type
277. "Don’t forget to do as I have told you." - "________."
A. No, I will remember B. Yes, I will C. Yes, I won’t D. No, I won’t
278. His house is nothing out of the ________; it's just an average five-room house.
A. typical B. usual C. normal D. ordinary
279. The move to a different environment had brought about a significant ________in Mary’s state of
A. influence B. impact C. change D. effect
280. Is he really ________to judge a brass band contest?
A. skillful B. efficient C. competent D. capable
281. There were over 30, 000 _______ at the match.
A. spectators B. viewers C. witnesses D. watchers
282. When the manager went to Canada on business his _______ took over all his duties.
A. caretaker B. officer C. deputy D. commander
283. He stood on one leg, _______ against the wall while he took off his shoes.
A. stopping B. staying C. leaning D. supporting
284. _______ the fighting stopped, travel across country has been quite safe.
A. When B. Since C. After which D. Unless
285. _______, he felt so unhappy and lonely.
A. In spite of his being wealth B. Rich as was he
C. Rich as he was D. Despite his wealthy
286. _______you to change your mind about handing in your notice, we would be happy for you to stay
with us.
A. If B. Unless C. Should D. Were
287. She set _______some money each month for her holiday.
A. aside B. back C. up D. about
288. - Michael: “You must be Jane's sister. Glad to meet you.” - Brian: “_______”
A. I am, either B. So I am. I'm glad C. What do you do D. Me too
289. The boys_______ that he had had anything to do with the break-in.
A. refused B. denied C. objected D. reject
290. - Peter: “_______?” - Helen: “About ten miles before we met him.”
A. How fast did he drive B. How long did he drive
C. How often did he drive D. How far did he drive
291. Do you have _______ to take that bicycle?
A. allowance B. exception C. willingness D. permission
292. I gave the waiter a $50 note and waited for my_______.
A. change B. supply C. cash D. cost
293. People can become very _______ when they are stuck in traffic for a long time.
A. nervous B. bad-tempered C. stressful D. pressed
294. I know we had an argument, but now I'd quite like to_______.
A. look down B. make up C. fall out D. bring up
295. Dogs make very_______pets. They'll always stay by your side.
A. mental B. private C. loyal D. digital
296. They_______have seen the play last night as they went to a football match instead.
A. could B. must C. might D. can't
297. _______, they decided not to go to Australia for their holidays but went to America instead.
A. At the end B. At least C. In the end D. In the least
298. Albert Einstein’s contributions to scientific theory_______ those of Galileo and Newton.
A. was important than B. were more important
C. was the most important D. were as important as
299. Manh asked me___________ that film the night before.
A. that I saw B. had I seen C. if I had seen D. if had I seen
300. There’s somebody walking behind us. I think we are___________.
A. followed B. being followed C. following D. being following
301. If we leave now for our trip, we can drive half the distance before we stop _______lunch.
A. for having B. to have C. having D. having had
302. It is interesting to take _______ a new hobby such as collecting stamps or going fishing.
A. over B. on C. in D. up
303. Jack made me _______ him next week.
A. promise calling B. to promise calling C. to promise to call D. promise to call
304. “I passed the TOEFL test, Mom.” -“ _______.”
A. All right B. Thank you C. Well done D. Good luck
305. Parts of the country are suffering water _______ after the unusually dry summer.
A. shortage B. supply C. thirst D. hunger
306. The bad weather caused serious damage to the crop. If only it _______ warmer.
A. was B. were C. has been D. had been
307. My supervisor is angry with me. I didn’t do all the work that I _______ last week.
A. must have done B. can have done C. may have done D. should have done
308. Jogging every day will_______ you good.
A. do B. keep C. help D. make
309. _______you, I’d think twice about that decision. I could be a bad move.
A. Were I B. Should I be C. If I am D. If I had been
310. They are having their house _______ by a construction company.
A. to paint B. being painted C. painted D. painting
311. Stay out of this problem and do not interfere, please! It’s none of your _______!
A. work B. job C. business D. action
312. Not only _______ to speak to him, but she also vowed never to see him again.
A. she refused B. did she refuse C. she did refuse D. when she refused
313. The judge _______ the pedestrian for the accident.
A. accused B. charged C. sued D. blamed
314. She had to borrow her sister’s car because hers was _______.
A. out of work B. out of order C. off chance D. off work
315. We should participate in the movement _______ to conserve the natural environment.
A. to organize B. organizing C. which organized D. organized
316. –“Would you like another coffee?” – “____________.”
A. Willingly B. Very kind of your par
C. I’d love one D. It’s a pleasure
317. I can’t _________ what he’s doing; it’s so dark down her.
A. see through B. make out C. look into D. show up
318. I haven’t _________ any name for puppy. What do you think I should call him.
A. got round to B. made up C. come up with D. taken up on
319. Please _________ your luggage and leave now. I can’t stand your presence any more.
A. throw off B. pack up C. fit in D. pile up
320. My mother asked me _____
A. which tertiary institution did I choose B. which tertiary institution I choose
C. which tertiary institution I would choose D. which tertiary institution will I choose
321. Doctors are hopeful that the new drugs will be effective, but the treatment is still at an ________
A. educational B. inclusive C. inventive D. experimental
- educational (a) thuộc ngành giáo dục
- inclusive (a) tính toàn bộ, bao gồm tất cả các khoản
- inventive (a) có tài phát minh, có tài sáng chế; có óc sáng tạo; đầy sáng tạo
- experimental (a) dựa trên thí nghiệm
322. Would it be ________ to offer bonuses to staff who reach their targets?
A. inclusive B. feasible C. financial D. freelance
- inclusive (a) gồm cả, kể cả
- feasible (a) có thể thực hành được, có thể thực hiện được, có thể làm được
- financial (a) thuộc tài chính, về tài chính
- freelance (a) làm nghề tự do
323. The office needs ________ renovation.
A. instructive B. selective C. extensive D. inventive
- instructive (a) để truyền kiến thức; để cung cấp tin tức, để cung cấp tài liệu
- selective (a) có lựa chọn, có chọn lọc, có tuyển lựa
- extensive (a) rộng, rộng rãi, bao quát
- inventive (a) có tài phát minh, có tài sáng chế; có óc sáng tạo; đầy sáng tạo
324. Legal matters are not my ________. - you’ll have to consult a lawyer.
A. domain B. aspect C. prospect D. excess
- domain (a) phạm vi (ảnh hưởng), lĩnh vực (khoa học hoạt động)
- aspect (n) vẻ, bề ngoài; diện mạo
- prospect (n) cảnh, toàn cảnh, viễn cảnh
- excess (n) sự vượt quá giới hạn, sự quá mức; sự vượt, sự hơn
325. I think we need to look at the problem from a different________.
A. perspective B. feedback C. administration D. workload
- perspective (n) triển vọng
- feedback (n) advice, criticism etc about how successful or useful something is
- administration (n) sự quản lý; sự cai quản, sự cai trị
- workload (n) the amount of work that a person or organization has to do khối lượng công việc
326. Rose gets a great deal of satisfaction from doing ________ work.
A. maternity B. voluntary C. affectionate D. occupational
327. Why doesn’t Mike ________ some of his work to his assistant?
A. demand B. resign C. widen D. delegate
328. Iron should not be taken in ________ with certain vitamins.
A. conjunction B. connection C. consistency D. concentration
329. She has shown complete ________ to her career.
A. administration B. occupation C. adaptation D. dedication
330. Of course, I thought your song was the ________ of the show.
A. spotlight B. forefront C. limelight D. highlight
331. What exactly ________ for lower-income families?
A. is this tax change to mean B. does this tax change mean
C. will this tax change be meaning D. this tax change is meaning
332. The recruits ________ a month’s hard training.
A. were resigned to themselves B. resigned to
C. resigning themselves D. resigned themselves to
333. The firm has doubled its profits since it ________ its range of products.
A. broadened B. had broadened C. was broadening D. was broadened
334. When the delay was announced, we realized that we ________enough time to catch our next flight.
A. won’t have B. wouldn’t have C. hadn’t had D. weren’t having
335. The board ________ a new chairman before next month’s meeting.
A. will have been selecting B. has selected
C. is selecting D. will have selected
336. The hotel manager ________ more helpful during our stay.
A. mustn’t have been B. will have been C. had to be D. couldn’t have been
337. “How come Brenda didn’t audition for the show?” -“I guess she ________ the notice.”
A. didn’t have to see B. needn’t have seen C. must not have seen D. should not have seen
338. Ms Fisher has a very ________ position on the committee.
A. preferential B. residential C. influential D. beneficial
339. Julie was so engrossed ________ that she didn’t hear her sister come in.
A. in her book B. to the book C. into the book D. with the book
340. Sleeping tablets can help people ________ from insomnia.
A. addicted B. suffering C. concentrating D. affected
341. Had the drought not lowered the reservoir the ancient village__________
A. wouldn't be discovered B. wouldn't have been discovered
C. can't have been discovered D. can't be discovered
342. It was not good to walk outside in ___________.
A. such a fearful cold B. such fear coldness C. such fearful cold D. so fearful a cold
343. Mary: “Do you think it will rain?” Jenny: “Oh! ________”
A. I don’t hope. B. I hope not. C. I don’t hope so D. It’s hopeless
344. It is believed _____________ causes insomnia.
A. too much caffeine which B. that too much caffeine
C. it in too much caffeine D. too much caffeine that
345. The train accident _____________ the other train’s departure by a few hours.
A. sent back B. called off C. delayed D. retained
346. ____________ to the national park before, Sue was amazed to see the geyser.
A. Being not  B. Not having been  C. Have not been  D. Having not been
347. In America, when a woman and a man are introduced, shaking hands is up to a woman.
A. depends on B. replies on C. waits on D. congratulates on
348. A few diseases are still_________ in the world.
A. treatable B. untreatable C. treated D. untreated
349. That beautiful girl died of an________ morphine.
A. overweight B. overhear C. overdo D. overdose
350. He ____________ me to believe that they had left the district.
A. made B. led C. assured D. confirmed
351. He was completely___________ by her tale of hardship.
A. taken away B. taken down C. taken in D. taken up
352. Uncle Ho’s desire was that our country might______ other countries in the world.
A. be fed up with B. make use of C. keep pace with D. take grand for
353. Sarah is a young girl with________ and a straight nose.
A. almond-shaped eyes B. almond-eyed shape
C. eyes shaped almond D. almond-shape eyed
354. You shouldn't ___________ to your teacher like that. It was very rude.
A. have talked B. talk C. have be talked D. talked
355. Don’t bother me while I___________.
A. am working B. was working C. will work D. will have completed
356. Oh, no! My wallet has been ____________
A. robbed B. picked C. stolen D. theft
357. - “Shall I put the books on the floor?” “No, I want to keep the_______
A. tidy room B. room tidily   C. room is tidy   D. room tidy
358. His parents have always wanted Phillip to set a good ________ to his younger brothers both at school
and at home.
A. form B. model C. pattern D. guidance
359. You may feel sure the casting will be done perfectly, just ________ your trust in me and you will see
I'm right.
A. lay B. forward C. grant D. allow
lay one’s trust in s.o đặt niềm tin vào ai đó
360. The instructor warned the students______ swimming alone in the pool.
A. not B. from C. about D. out of
361. Sarah delivered a/an _______ appeal to the court and asked for mercy.
A. sensational B. sentimental C. emotional D. affectionate
362. John was asked to _____ before the judge
A. wit B. testify C. execute D. prejudice
363. You are under no obligation _____ to accept this offer
A. whatsoever B. eventually C. apart D. indeed
364. Peter, Harry and Chuck were first, second, and third ______ in the school cross-country race
A. respectively B. actively C. responsively D. tremendously
365. Minh and Cuong were badly injured in the last match, so ____ can play in this match.
A. both of them B. neither of them C. none of them D. either of them
366. That science book ____ again and again.
A. is worth to read B. is worthy reading C. is worth reading D. is worth being read
367. I wish I ____ the party last night so early.
A. hadn’t left B. haven’t left C. didn’t leave D. don’t leave
368. It seems impossible to ____ terrorism in the world.
A. put stop to B. put an end of C. put an end to D. stop at
369. Many organizations have been set up and funds have been ____ .
A. raised B. bought C. risen D. raise
370. No matter how angry he was, he would never ______ to violence.
A. exert B. resort C. resolve D. recourse
371. "How much do you earn, Joe?" - "I’d __________."
A. prefer not say B. better not to say C. rather not say D. rather don’t say
372. All through his life he remained ______ resentful of the way he had been abandoned by his parents as
a child.
A. fully B. bitterly C. completely D. seriously
373. "I think that the youth are high-flying but inexperienced." - "____________"
A. Are you kidding me? B. There's no doubt about it.
C. Certainly. D. It's nice of you to say so.
374. The teacher asked a difficult question, but finally Ted ___________ a good answer.
A. came up to B. came up for C. came out of D. came up with
375. It is imperative that this letter __________ immediately.
A. were sent B. send C. be sent D. sent
376. We had to get a bank loan when the money finally _______.
A. gave in B. gave off C. gave over D. gave out
377. Several cars, _______ owners had parked them under the trees, were damaged.
A. their B. of which C. whom D. whose
378. The success of the party was mainly due to the presence of several ________.
A. celebrations B. celebrated C. celebrities D. celebrates
379. He was arrested because he answered to the description of the ________ man.
A. searched B. pursued C. wanted D. hunted
380. It is public knowledge that new magazines often use free gifts or other ______ to get people to buy
A. gimmicks B. snares C. plots D. scams
381. She built a high wall round her garden ________.
A. in order that her fruit not be stolen B. to enable people not taking her fruit
C. so that her fruit would be stolen D. to prevent her fruit from being stolen
382. In the last match, Sabella changed his formation at half-time, introducing Fernado Gago in midfield
and Higuain in attack, but in the end it was Messi’s magic that ________ the difference.
A. took B. made C. did D. gave
383. ________ his advice, I would never have got the job at this company.
A. Except B. As for C. Apart from D. But for
384. ________ at the Isthmus of Panama, so animals were able to migrate between North and South
A. A land bridge existed B. A land bridge
C. When a land bridge existed D. With a land bridge
385. “I’m going for an interview for a job this afternoon” – “Good luck! I’ll keep my ________ crossed for
A. fingers B. legs C. arms D. hands
386. ________ opening the door, Jerry found his house had been broken into.
A. During B. At C. On D. With
387. Carbon dioxide ________ as one of the main contributors to the green house effect.
A. has been identified B. has identified
C. had been identified D. had identified
388. In 1973, when the tigers appeared to be facing _______, the World Wild Fund for _______ and the
Indian Government agreed to set up “Operation Tiger”.
A. extinct/ Nature B. extinction/ Nature 
C. extinction/ Natural D. extinct/ Naturalists
389. Kate didn’t enjoy the roller coaster ride because it was _______ experience of her life.
A. the most terrifying B. the most terrified
C. most terrified D. far more terrifying
390. Vietnam reached the semi-finals of the AFC U23 Championship 2018 with a penalty shootout win
_______ Iraq on Saturday, January 20th, 2018.
A. over B. with C. against D. in
391. Working as a volunteer gives her a chance to develop her interpersonal skills, promote friendship, and
________ her own talent.
A. discovery B. discovering C. discover D. discovered
392. She ________ to tell where the money was hidden.
A. objected B. rejected C. refused D. disagreed
393. Mr. Black: What shall I do when I want to call you? Nurse: “_______.”
A. You shall find the red button B. Stay here and enjoy yourself
C. I’d come every ten minutes D. Press the red button on the left
394. John and Mary are friends. They have just finished lunch in a restaurant.
Mary: The food is great. I'll get the bill. John: “_______.”
A. Yes, speak to you soon. B. No, this is on me.
C. It's nothing. D. Don't mention it.
395. Despite being a very good student, she didn’t fulfil her ________ later in life.
A. makings B. potential C. capacity D. aptitude
396. Nations that live in concord are nations that live together in peace.
A. war B. harmony C. conformity D. happiness
397. John lost the __________ bicycle he bought last week and his parents were very angry with him
because of his carelessness.
A. blue beautiful new Germany B. beautiful new blue German
C. new beautiful blue Germany D. beautiful blue new German
398. Despite many recent ________ advances, there are parts where schools are not equipped with
A. technologist B. technologically C. technological D. technology
399. It was announced that neither the passengers nor the driver ________ in the crash.
A. was injured B. injured C. were injured D. had injured
400. After years of being exposed to the sun and rain, the sign had become completely ________.
A. unreadable B. misread C. readable D. illegible


Use the correct form of the word in brackets to complete the following sentences.
1. The most successful games have sold in the millions. (success)
2. People have discovered that doing puzzles is good for you. (cover)
3. It's easy to find a solution to the problems posed. (solve)
4. There has been an improvement in the power of their brains. (improve)
5. Some scientists argue that the brain gets better at a task the more it repeats it. (science)
6. The improvement in the performance is something that happens naturally. (perform)
7. It remains uncertain whether puzzles are actually helping to boost brainpower (certain)
or not.
8. According to research, most people sleep less than 8 hours every day. (search)
9. The advice passed down to our grandparents may contain some truth. (true)
10. A good example is the relationship between being cold and catching a cold. (relation)

11. These high-heeled shoes are unsuitable for such rough terrain.  suit
12. Colds are caused by viruses, so in the absence of a virus, you can't catch a cold. absent
13. You're too young. This film is inappropriate for children your age. appropriate
14. Scientists now think that we may have viruses in our bodies already. science
15. In cold weather, for example, blood vessels in the nose get smaller to stop heat fortunate
escaping. Unfortunately, this also allows the cold virus to attack the nose or throat
more easily. 
16. Victoria Falls in Africa is one of the most spectacular sights in the world. spectacle
17. It's also an incredible place for water sports. credible
18. We need you to provide an accurate description of the situation. describe
19. On arrival, it's the noise that makes the greatest impression. impress
20. The surrounding landscape is also well worth a visit. surround

21. There's a post office a bit further/farther down the road. FAR
22. Six months after the accident, he still has difficulty walking. DIFFICULT
23. I can't play tennis that well because I'm a beginner. BEGIN
24. Don't go there. It's dangerous. DANGER
25. Read this. It'll be very useful for your trip to Australia. USE
26. I didn't find him that attractive, but my friend did. ATTRACT
27. The school has a reputation for being very up-to-date with technology.  REPUTE
Reputation (n) danh tiếng
28. These are designer clothes and that's why they are very expensive.  DESIGN
29. I left the party because it was extremely noisy in there. EXTREME
30. I had no choice but to tell him. CHOOSE

31. This cloth is made from natural fibers. NATURE

32. If you want to take care of the environment, it's important to recycle. CYCLE
To recyle tái chế
33. In the next few years, scientists will hopefully have found a cure for malaria. SCIENCE
34. According to the research, the epidemic started in Kuala Lumpur. SEARCH
35. Isolation from family and friends can lead to feelings of anxiety. ISOLATE
To isolate cách ly
Isolation (n) sự cách ly
36. I was unable to understand what the problem was. ABLE
37. There will be a mixture of solo games and competitive games available. MIX
Mixture (n) hỗn hợp
38. Participants will later be asked for feedback on the event. FEED
Feedback (n) thông tin phản hồi
39. It was an emotional reunion and we were all really touched when we EMOTION
remembered how we had met.
40. I am writing to ask for further information on your Open Day. INFORM

41. This took place at the end of the twentieth century. TWENTY
42. People really enjoyed the party. JOY
43. Meditation is great as a means of relaxation. RELAX
44. This method is a lot more effective than the previous one. EFFECT
45. Picasso was a Spanish artist who also lived in France. ART
46. There has been little movement in the negotiations since January. MOVE
47. Surprisingly enough, I didn't know she already had four children. SURPRISE
48. His voice was instantly recognizable. INSTANT
49. The only cure for boredom is creativity. BORE
50. This is a textile company specialising in denim. SPECIAL

51. The teacher asked us to summarize the main ideas in the chapter we had read in summary
To summarize tóm tắt
52. The top manager of the shop told me that my credit card was not valid to pay for validate
the jeans which cost under 20€.
Valid (adj) có hiệu lực
53. Art in the 20th century is usually referred to as modern art. modernize
54. Everybody listens to David Guetta's music. It's so commercial. commerce
55. Butterflies are thoroughly classified by scientists. class
56. She exemplifies the qualities of a good leader. example
To exemplify là ví dụ điển hình
57. Many people don't understand the simplicity of life. simple
58. It's impossible to tell those twins apart! They are identical. identity
Identical (adj) giống hệt nhau
59. He made several wrong generalisations about women. general
Generalisation (n) sự khái quát hóa
60. It was hard to differentiate between the two styles of music. difference
To differentiate phân biệt

61. Sadness is a part of life, but you have to be able to enjoy the others too. sad
62. Without that, I wouldn't be happy even if I was the richest man in the world. rich
63. The music in the festival was so loud. It was deafening! deaf
Deafening (adj) inh tai nức óc
64. I don't think my marks can get higher because I already study to the best of my high
65. The largest river fish in Europe lives in Spain! large
66. Passeig de Gràcia is being widened so there is more room for people to walk on the wide
67. I can assure / ensure that if you study you will have no problems passing this test. sure
68. Nowadays there are lots of endangered species of animals in the world, for danger
example, the panda.
69. I was encouraged to take the driving test by my friends. courage
70. I see they've finally got round to widening the Shoreham road. wide
71. Thomas accidentally broke the expensive vase. (accident)
Accidentally (adv) 1 cách tình cờ
72. He will have to find a replacement for his gardener. (place)
73. It would be dishonorable of her for not keeping her promise. (honor)
Dishonorable (adj) đáng hổ thẹn, ô nhục
74. He is in his late 50s and yet his energy seems inexhaustible. (exhaust)
Inexhaustible (adj) vô tận, không bao giờ hết
75. The water in this lake is totally contaminated. It’s undrinkable. (drink)
76. She was very disheartened by the results of the final examination. (heart)
Disheartened (adj) thất vọng, nản lòng
77. Colleges and universities have been inadequately funded for years. (adequate)
Inadequately (adv) 1 cách không đầy đủ
78. We apologize for the inconvenience caused to the passengers. (convenient)
79. The government has recently nationalized the country’s railway systems. (nation)
To nationalize quốc hữu hóa
80. The Prime Minister appeared on TV last night to publicize his new policy. (public)
To publicize đưa ra công khai, quảng cáo

81. Thomas accidentally broke the expensive vase. (accident)

Accidentally (adv) 1 cách tình cờ
82. He will have to find a replacement for his gardener. (place)
83. It would be dishonorable of her for not keeping her promise. (honor)
Dishonorable (adj) đáng hổ thẹn, ô nhục
84. He is in his late 50s and yet his energy seems inexhaustible. (exhaust)
Inexhaustible (adj) vô tận, không bao giờ hết
85. The water in this lake is totally contaminated. It’s undrinkable. (drink)
86. She was very disheartened by the results of the final examination. (heart)
Disheartened (adj) thất vọng, nản lòng
87. Colleges and universities have been inadequately funded for years. (adequate)
Inadequately (adv) 1 cách không đầy đủ
88. We apologize for the inconvenience caused to the passengers. (convenient)
89. The government has recently nationalized the country’s railway systems. (nation)
To nationalize quốc hữu hóa
90. The Prime Minister appeared on TV last night to publicize his new policy. (public)
To publicize đưa ra công khai, quảng cáo

91. For years, King’s death remained unexplained. (explain)

92. Our help was ineffective. We are really apologetic. (apology)
93. One of the weaknesses of his management is his inflexibility. (weak)
94. She would try to do something special, something outstanding. (stand)
95. He is considered to be one of the most famous inventors of all times. (invent)
96. As a result of her good upbringing, Lisa has a strong sense of responsibility. (bring)
97. As the day of the exam approached, he became understandably nervous. (understand)
98. We like our staff to show their individuality rather than wear a uniform. (individual)
99. Many students take courses to help with the enrichment/enriching of their knowledge. (rich)
100. It's impractical to have so many people all trying to use this equipment at the same time. (practice)

101. She was undoubtedly gifted: as a writer and as a painter. (doubt)

102. The illitaracy rate on the island is still unacceptably high. (accept)
103. They studied the geographical distribution of the disease. (distribute)
104. Most people agree that Christmas has become too commercialized. (commerce)
105. They told me the museum was open today but was obviously misinformed. (inform)
106. She found that it was difficult to handle children who misbehaved in class. (behave)
107. Paul’s hatred for the occupants grew much stronger when he learned about his (hate)
parents’ death.
108. The pottery we have found under the rocks is the most evident proof of human (prove)
existence on the island.
109. Disobedience at this school is severely punished, so remember to mind your (obey)
manners both during the lessons and outside the classroom.
110. The view that came into perspective was breathtaking. No wonder, they (breath)
lingered on the hill enchanted by the lush tropical forests and haze of moist air
hanging above their heads.

111. Most people who work feel that they are underpaid. (pay)
112. I misjudged how wide the stream was and fell in. (judge)
113. It was inhospitable of you not to offer her a drink. (hospitable)
114. He was informed of the consequences in advance. (information)
115. He didn’t feel happy because he worked unsuccessfully. (success).
116. Many people expressed disagreements with the whole idea. (disagree)
117. English is a comparatively easy language for Swedes to learn. (compare)
118. People can become infected after eating raw or undercooked meat. (cook)
119. The factory’s output has increased considerably in the past few years. (put)
120. I think it is very unreasonable of him to expect us to work overtime every night this week. (reason)

121. This morning I overslept and was late for school. (sleep)
122. He was a decidedly adventurous person. There is no about it. (decide)
123. Her health has worsened considerably since we last saw her. (bad)
124. From the hotel there is a breathtaking view across the canyon. (breath)
125. The manager handed in his resignation after being accused of dishonesty. (resign)
126. He told me confidentially that he’s thinking of resigning next year. (confide)
127. The government has yet to make an official pronouncement on the issue. (pronounce)
128. I agree with the sentiments so eloquently expressed in David’s wonderful speech. (eloquence)
129. The lower tax rate is advantageously beneficial to poorer families in this area. (advantage)
130. Chemicals are easily deactivated if they are laid open in the atmosphere for a long time. (action)

131. Overweight baggage is subject to extra charges. (weigh)

132. The Earth is experiencing a major upheaval in the climate. (heave)
133. The Army tried unsuccessfully to overthrow the Government. (throw)
134. He was decidedly thinner than he had been the year before. (decide)
135. They all cheered enthusiastically as their team came out. (enthusiasm)
136. Our school set up a project to computerize the library system. (computer)
137. There was a widespread dissatisfaction with the government’s policies. (wide)
138. He examined the parcel suspiciously, as he had no idea what it could be. (suspect)
139. Like oil, gas is a fossil fuel and is thus a renewable source of energy. (renew)
140. The steak was really underdone so I sent it back with instructions to cook it (do)
for another five minutes.

141. The first thing he discovered was that Newley had not died accidentally. (accident)
142. This makes even the most honest of answers seem indecisive / undecided (decide)
and uncertain.
143. Advertisements acount for three fourths of the incomes of the newspaper. (come)
144. It’s very sensible of you to bring your umbrella today. (sense)
145. There were some distinguished guests at the opening ceremony. (distinguish)
146. The shelves were insecurely fastened and fell to the floor. (secure)
147. They complained about the physical and psychological maltreatment of (treat)
148. A list of forthcoming events for the autumn is being prepared. (come)
149. This irrepairable faulty wasting machine should be returned to the (repair)
150. The meeting has been provisionally arranged for 3.00 pm next Saturday. (provide)

151. Theoretically, there are black holes in space. (theory)

152. Many students are suffering severe financial hardship. (hard)
153. Don’t try to do things too quickly. Set yourself a realistic target. (really)
154. His unexpected arrival surprised all of his friends and family. (expect)
155. The principal said some encouraging words to the pupils before the exam. (courage)
156. There are a lot of newsworthy articles in this newspaper. Why not read it? (news)
157. Children who grow up in time of war are more likely to be maladjusted (adjust)
than others.
158. The introduction of insecticides in the 20th Century revolutionized (revolution)
agriculture across the world.
159. The damage caused by the terrible storm two days ago was underestimated (estimate)
by the government. The real figures go up every minute.
160. Stop sitting there looking so bored and unenthusiastic get up and find (enthusiasm)
something to do! I don't want you sitting around the house like this all summer.

161. I overslept this morning, and was late for school (sleep)
162. They made their way laboriously up the mountainside. labor
163. Crimes of violence were comparatively rare until a few years ago. (compare)
164. I don’t know why it caused so much embarrassment. (embarrass)
165. Have you seen my handbag John? It seems to have totally disappeared! (appear)
166. These students voluntarily spent their summer vacation helping the (advantage)
disadvantaged .
167. The sick child must stay away from others because he has a communicable (communicate)
168. The policeman examined the parcel suspiciously as he had no idea what it (suspect)
could be.
169. She stood there completely expressionless, so I had no idea at all what she (expression)
was thinking.
170. He was born blind, but despite this disability he still managed to become one (able)
of the top Pop singers of his generation.

171. My mother always complains about my untidiness. (tidy)

172. We were defeated because we were outnumbered. (number)
173. My mother is very knowledgeable about Chinese history. (know)
174. She's suffered a good deal of misfortune over the years. (fortune)
175. These measures are intended to help the disadvantaged. (advantage)
176. His unexpected arrival surprised all his friends and family. (expect)
177. Since I am an inexperienced driver, I think you should drive. (experience)
178. Environmentalists are fighting against the hunting of whales. (environment)
179. This is the latest pronouncement on birth control of the government. (pronounce)
180. In accordance with the rules of the competition, the team was disqualified. (accord)

181. The sun and the moon are often personified in poetry. (person)
182. Don’t compare Jane with Peggy, the two are entirely dissimilar. (similarity)
183. The problem of unemployment among young people is hard to solve. (employ)
184. Don’t put David in charge of arranging the theatre trip; he’s too disorganized. (organize)
185. Barack Obama is the first President of the United States with multiracial (race)
186. ASEAN press praised the great sportsmanship of Vietnamese athletes at the (sport)
22nd SEA Games.
187. I’m afraid you’ll have to see Mr. Pound. All matters concerning finance are his (respond)
188. Nowadays only the four most abundant species of kangaroo may be (commerce)
commercially harvested for export.
189. Up until the middle of the 19th century, there were no organizational and well (organize)
established army nursing systems for casualties.
190. All the coastal towns in this area are characterized by strong tradition of dance (character)
and there is a festival of dance that takes place every August.

191. She was much less industrious student than her sister. (industry)
192. Jim is one of the most outspoken members of the committee. (speak)
193. A certain degree of stress seems to be unavoidable in modern life. (avoid)
194. She won the first prize in the contest due to her persuasiveness. (persuade)
195. We had the phone disconnected because we are moving tomorrow. (connect)
196. Film directors usually ask actors to visualize the scene in their mind. (visual)
197. The job was done incompetently, and we were extremely displeased. (competence)
198. Phil was sentenced to three years’ imprisonment for his part in the robbery. (prison)
199. I was late for work this morning because my car had a breakdown on the motorway. (break)
200. Gold is incomparably more precious than iron. In fact, there is really no comparison. (compare)

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