Changes in Matter MLS

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School DASNHS Level 8

Teaching APRIL 14, 2023
DAILY Dates and
LESSON GOMEZ (12:10-1:05) Quarter THIRD
The learners demonstrate understanding of the particle nature of matter as basis for
A. Content Standard
explaining properties, physical changes, and structure of substances and mixtures
The learners shall be able to present how water behaves in its different states within the
B. Performance Standard
water cycle
Differentiate physical from chemical change.
C. Learning
*Obtain actual information and/or evidence taking place in physical and chemical change
Changes in Matter
(Physical Change and Chemical Change)
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s Materials
3. Textbook pages Science And Technology For Lifelong Learning pp. 225-227, 228-230
4. Additional Materials
from Learning
Resource (LR) portal
B. Other Learning>userfiles, PowerPoint presentation
A. Reviewing Preliminary Activity:
previous lesson or Prayer, Greetings, Checking of attendance, housekeeping.
presenting the new
lesson Feelings Check-In!
(ELICIT) Tell the students about the weather (sunny, windy, cloudy,
or rainy) today. Ask them how are they today? Relate their
feelings to weather, tell them that like weather our feelings
can also change anytime, and it is valid.

Picture Review: Phase Transformation during Water

Student will be asked to give brief description of different
phase transformation that happens during water cycle.

B. Establishing a
purpose for the Picture Analysis:
lesson Identify each picture and describe what is happening to each picture.
C. Presenting
of the new lesson

Vocabulary Words:
Unscramble the jumbled words to identify its meaning.
1. SHYICPLA GNAHCE – alters/change the appearance of a material but NO NEW
substance is made.
2. EMICHALC HANCEG – change that forms a NEW substance that is made from
the original substance.

 Setting the objectives of the lesson.

1. Differentiate physical from chemical change. S8MT-IIIc-d-9.1
2. Obtain actual information and/or evidence taking place in physical
and chemical change.
D. Discussing new Differentiated Activity
concepts and  Giving a clear instruction about the activity that they will perform, time allotted for
practicing new skills performing the activity and precautionary measures.
#1  Setting rubrics in giving points in the activity.
(EXPLORE) Content – 5pts
Completeness – 5pts
Creativity – 5pts
Cooperation - 5pts
Total 20pts

Discovery Approach: Bring Me and Play

Integration: MAPEH and TLE Subject
Each group will be given different materials and perform it according to what is written on
the card.
1. Sugar and Water (Cooking Show)
Procedure: Add the sugar to warm water and mix thoroughly until all the sugar
dissolves. Present it to the class like you are in a cooking show.
Questions: 1. What happen to the sugar as you mix it to the water?
2. If you evaporate the water from the sugar solution, what will be left?
3. Is dissolving sugar undergo physical change or chemical change? Why?

2. Ripe and Unripe Mango (Short Commercial)

Procedure: Observe carefully the ripe and unripe mango. Open it and taste it.
Create a simple commercial promoting which mango taste better.
Questions: 1. Describe the taste of two mangoes.
2.Why do they have different taste?
3. Is ripening of mango a physical change or chemical change? Why?
E. Discussing new
concepts and
3. Paper and Matchstick (News Update)
practicing new skills
Procedure: Get a piece of paper, burn it using a matchstick and observe what will
happen. (PRECAUTION: Be careful while doing this ask assistance from your
teacher to avoid accidents). Create a simple News Update regarding possible
causes of fire to raise awareness on fire prevention.
Questions: 1. Describe what happen to the paper after burning it.
2.What causes to the paper to change into ash?
3.Is burning a paper a physical change or chemical change? Why?

4. White Cloth with Stain and Bleach (Musical Commercial)

Procedure: Bring out a white cloth with stain and carefully put drops of bleach into
the stain of the cloth. Observe what will happen. Create a musical commercial of
what you just did and present it to the class.
Questions: 1. Describe what happen to the white cloth with stain.
2.How did the stain disappear from the white cloth?
3. Is bleaching white clothes a physical change or chemical change? Why?

5. Paper Magic Show (Presenting different sizes and shapes of paper)

Procedure: Get a piece of paper and do some tricks on how to create different
sizes and shapes of paper. Perform it to class.
Questions: 1. Describe what happen to the paper in your magic show.
2. How did you do the different sizes and shapes to paper?
3. Is cutting, crumpling, folding a paper a physical change or chemical
change? Why?
Presentation of the Output/ Reporting
1. The students will discuss the result of their activity.
2. The teacher will only check if the answers and explanation is correct.
Group Samples Physical Chemical Evidence
No. Change Change
G. Developing mastery 1
H. Finding practical Brainstorming / Discussion
application of 1. Which activities shows physical change? Chemical change?
concepts and skills Using the meta cards, students will classify evidence of physical and chemical changes in
in daily living matter.
Physical Change Chemical Change
I. Making Change in size Change in color
generalizations and Change in shape Change in taste
abstractions about Melting Change in Temperature
the lesson Phase Changes Release of smoke
Change in volume Formation of heat and light
Situational analysis
Compare the following pictures to each other and identify its effect to the environment.

Melting of ice Melting of wax Cooking of Burning of

in polar regions to make candle. meat garbage

Valuing: Arrange the scrambled letter to complete the sentence.

“Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to EGNAHG the world”.
Brainstorming: Is it Physical Change or Chemical Change?
Identify the following if it is physical change or chemical change. Write your evidence.
1. Lighter fluid burning
J. Evaluating learning
2. Mixing vinegar and baking soda
3. Crushing an aspirin
4. Metal rusting
5. An egg rotting
K. Additional activities 1. Look around your surroundings and write 5 changes that you observe. Describe
for application or each changes and identify if it is a physical change or a chemical change.
remediation 2. Explain the advantage and disadvantage of chemical change in our life.
No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation
A. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation who scored below 80%
B. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who have caught up with the lesson
C. No. of learners who continue to require remediation
D. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these works?
E. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor can help me solve?
F. What innovation or localized materials did I use/discover which I wish to share with other teachers?

Prepared by: ARLENE A. FLORES Checked by: MELVINA C. BELANGO

Science Teacher Head Teacher, Science Department

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