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SECTION-B ( 2 x 5 = 10)

21) Prove that √ 3 is an irrational number.

Ans: Given: Number 3

To Prove: Root 3 is irrational


Let us assume the contrary that root 3 is rational. Then √3 = p/q, where p, q
are the integers i.e., p, q ∈ Z, and co-primes, i.e., GCD (p,q) = 1.

√3 = p/q

⇒ p = √3 q

By squaring both sides, we get,

p2 = 3q2 
p2 / 3 = q2 ------- (1)
(1) shows that 3 is a factor of p. (Since we know that by theorem, if a is a
prime number and if a divides p2, then a divides p, where a is a positive
Here 3 is the prime number that divides p2, then 3 divides p and thus 3 is a
factor of p.

Since 3 is a factor of p, we can write p = 3c (where c is a constant).

Substituting p = 3c in (1), we get,

(3c)2 / 3 = q2
9c2/3 =  q2 
3c2  =  q2 
c2  =  q2 /3 ------- (2)

Hence 3 is a factor of q (from 2)

Equation 1 shows 3 is a factor of p and Equation 2 shows that 3 is a factor

of q. This is the contradiction to our assumption that p and q are co-primes.
So, √3 is not a rational number. Therefore, the root of 3 is irrational.
22) if the sum of squares of zeroes of the quadratic polynomial f(x)= x^2-
8k+k=40 then find the value of k.

Ans: p (x)= x^2-8x+k

p (x)=Ax^2+Bx+C(The equation is in this form)

Let the zeroes be 'a' and 'b'

It is given that
=> a^2+b^2=40
=> (a+b)^2 - 2ab = 40 ----1

sum of zeroes
=> a+b = -B/A = -(-8)/1 = 8

Product of zeroes
=> a*b = C/A = k

Substitute these values in the equation1 we get

=> 8^2 - 2k = 40
=> 64 - 2k = 40
=> 2k = 24
=> k = 12

therefore the value of k is 12

23) solve the system of equations by the method of substitution

2x/a+y/b=2 and x/a-y/b=4

Ans: 2x / a + y / b = 2 - - - - - - - - - - (1)
x / a - y / b = 4 - - - - - - - (2) - - - - - multiply by 2
we get
2x / a - 2y / b = 8 - - - - - - - (3)
Now we subtract equation (1) from (3)
2x / a + y / b = 2
2x / a - 2y / b = 8
3y / b = -6
y / b = -2
y = -2b
Now substituting the value of y in (1)
2x / a + (-2b / b) = 2
2x / a - 2 = 2
2x / a = 4
x = 2a
Therefore y = -2b and x = 2a

24) find two numbers whose sum Is 27 and whose product Is 182.

Ans: Let the first number be x and the second number is 27−x.
Therefore, their product = x(27−x)
It is given that the product of these numbers is 182.
Therefore, x(27−x)=182
Either x−13=0orx−14=0
⇒x=13 or x=14
If first number = 13, then
Other number = 27−13=14
If first number = 14, then
Other number = 27−14=13
Therefore, the numbers are 13 and 14.

25) if sin A = 3/4, then find the value of root cosec^a – cot^2 a /sec^a-1 is = ?
Ans: Given: Sin A.Cos A = √3/4 Formula used: 2 Sin A.Cos A = Sin 2A Calculation: Sin A.Cos A =
√3/4 ⇒ 2 × Sin A.Cos A = 2 × √3/4 ⇒ Sin 2A = √3/2 ⇒ Sin 2A = Sin 60° ⇒ 2A = 60° ⇒ A = 30°
Thus, Sec2A + Sin3A = Sec230° + Sin330° = (2/√3)2 + (1/2)3 = 4/3 + 1/8 = 35/24

SECTION-C ( 6x3=18)
26) Find the middle term of the A.P 6,13,20,….216
Ans: The given arithmetic progression is 6,13,20...,216
Let 216 be the nth term of the given AP.
⇒n=31, which is odd
∴ Middle term of the AP
=(31+12)th term of the AP
= 16th term of the AP
Thus, the middle term of the given AP is 111.
27) prove that 3 + 2√5 is irrational

Ans: Irrational numbers are the subset of real numbers that cannot be

expressed in the form of a fraction, p/q where p and q are integers and q ≠

We have to prove that 3 + 2√5  is irrational. We will be solving this question

with the help of the contradiction method.

Let's assume that 3 + 2√5 is rational. If 3 + 2√5 is rational that means it can
be written in the form of a/b where a and b are integers that have no
common factor other than 1 and b ≠ 0.

3 + 2√5 = a/b

b(3 + 2√5) = a 

3b + 2√5b = a

2√5b = a - 3b

√5 = (a - 3b)/2b

Since (a - 3b)/2b is a rational number, then √5 is also a rational number.

But, we know that √5 is irrational. 

Therefore, our assumption was wrong that 3 + 2√5 is rational. Hence, 3 +

2√5 is irrational.

28) The sum of a two digit number and the number obtained by reversing the
digits is 66. If the digit of the number differ by 2, find the number. How many
such numbers are there?
Ans: Let the two digit be x and y
∴ Number (2−digit) =10×x+y
Sum of 2−digit and reverse of it
⟹10x+y+10y+x=66 (given)
∴x+y=6 (equation 1)
Digits differ by 2
∴x−y=2 (equation 2)
On adding,
or, x+y=6 From 1 equation
and y−x=2 From 2 equation
On adding:
∴ Two digit numbers are: 42 and 24
There are two such numbers.

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