Maju - Sumanto-Motivation Letter PHD

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Maju Sumanto

Jalan Pemalang no. 28, Bandung 40291, Indonesia

PHONE (+62) 82121096175 • E-MAIL ​

Dear Prof. Jaekook Kim,

My name is Maju Sumanto and I’m writing this letter to express my strong interest in the PhD position in Nano
Energy Lab at Chonnam National University. My academic background and work experience match with the
research topic of optimization techniques application in battery material research. During my bachelor’s study, I
chose mathematical modelling as my specialization, from there on it was the starting point where I got intrigued by
various numerical algorithms. I have completed my Master Degree at Bandung Institute of Technology with a
specialization in Computational Science (Machine Learning) and Universidad de Lleida with a specialization in
Informatics on October 2019. I am extremely interested in PhD position in Nano Energy Lab at Chonnam National
University as I gain experience doing machine Learning research in two countries (Indonesia and Spain).

During master’s study I developed interest in atomization energy prediction research. I have participated in a
research group, where we conducted a statistical research for atomization energy prediction; we collected the
data from ​​ and analyzed the data. Finally I’m creating a machine learning model
for Atomization Energy Prediction. Moreover, on a personal level, I learn a lot about logistic-regression, regression,
deep learning, extreme gradient boosting, random forest, and clustering. To help creating the prediction model
we’re using python, pytorch, seaborn, scikit-learn, shell script, linux, and cluster computing.

I have several experiences working in a financial institution as a Data Scientist to create several predictive models
for customer segmentation, credit scoring, cross-selling insurance products . Specifically i’ve several experiences
for data collection, data wrangling, data cleansing, data modelling, and model deployment. The tools that I
currently use for working are python, scikit-learn, pandas, pytorch, shell script, tableau. In the beginning of my
industrial projects experience, I also participated in creating the data infrastructure using Google Cloud Platform,
so I have another experience to do the automation and migrating the massive data from one server to another
server, creating the data mart and the data warehouse.

I wish to enroll in PhD program in Nano Energy Lab at Chonnam National University to develop and improve new
or existing optimization algorithms to tackle difficult problems, especially battery lifecycle problems. I believe this
is the perfect opportunity, the specialized program of Nano Energy Lab at Chonnam National University in nano
material research and the experience of Prof. Jaekook Kim in optimization charging protocol research will give
invaluable and advantageous benefits for the creativity and innovation of my upcoming research. Regarding the
specification, although currently the details of battery lifecycle is not familiar for me, I am confident I will be able
to conduct research on optimization topics related to battery lifecycle, as this situation has happened to me before
enrolling to master’s degree, where I did not have any prior knowledge about atomization energy prediction,
however I managed to overcome the challenges presented and produced a theses.

For further information, please take a closer look at my CV. I would be obliged if you could give me an opportunity
to fulfill my dream at your research center. Thank you for your consideration, and I am looking forward to your
positive reply.

Yours sincerely,
Maju Sumanto

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