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PG-I (DE)/2016

PG Part-I (DE) Exam. , 2016



Paper : I

(Unit-I )

Time : 2 hours Full Marks : 45

· The figures in the margin indicate full marks.


Answer any two of the following : 9x2=18

1. Let f : G ~ G * be a group epimorphism. Let

H be a normal subgroup of G such that
H ~ kerf and g be the · natural
homomorphism of G onto GI H. Then prove
that 3 a unique homomorphism h from GI H
onto G * such that f = hog. Further, prove
that his one-one iff H = ker/. 7+2

2. (a) State and prove Zassenhaus lemma.

(b) Define a solvable series in a group. 6+3

R7/36 · (Tum Over)

( 2 )

3. (a) Define class equation of a finite group.

(b) Employ the class equation to prove that

if G be a group of order n such that n is
divisi]Jle by a p~e p, then G contains
. ari;-element of order p. 2+7


Answer any three questions : 6x3=18

4. Prove that every infinite cyclic group . is

isomorphic to (Z, +J. 6

5. Prove that every group of order 96 has a :;;·

normal subgroup of order 16 or 32. 6

6. State and prove Cayley-Hamilton theorem. 6

7. Given a ring R with 1 and a non-empty set S,

construct a free R-module on S. 6

8. Let H and K be two subgroups of a group G.

Prove that the number of distinct conjugates
of H induced by the elements of K is equal to
[K: NK(H)], the index of NK(H) in K. 6

R7/36 ( Continued )
( 3 )


Answer all 1:}le questions : 3x3=9

9. Define a ho~omorphism f : GL (2, JR) ~ JR*

which is onto but not one-one, wh ere

GLAR)=[: !}a.~<; deR, ad~ bc;tO}

and JR* =R\ {O}. 3

10. Give an example of two equivalent subnormal

series of a group. 3

11. Prove that every group of order p 2 is

commutative, p being a prime . 3


R7-230/36 PG-I (DE)/2016

PG-I (DE)/2016

PG Part-I (DE) Exam., 2016



Paper : I ·,

J Upit-:-2

Time r; 2 houfs Full Marks : 45

The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

Unless othenvise stated, notations carry their .

. usual meanings.


Answer any two of the following : 9x2=18

1. Show that the ring of Gaussian integers Z[z],

is a Euclidean domain.
2. Let F IK be a finite extension. Prove that
IAut(F IK) I= [F:K] iff F IK is. normal and

3. Prove that if D is a unique. factorization

domain, so is D[x].

R7/37 ( Tum Over)

( 2 )


Answer any three questions .: 6x3=18

4. Show that the ring- Z(J3) and ~.JS) are not

isomorphic, where Z(.J3) ={a+ b/3; a, be Z}
. -artd ~.JS)= {a+ bJS; a, be Z }~-

S. If K(u) be a simple algebraic extension of

a field K, -Jhen . show that K(u) = K [u], where ·
K[U].;;,, {acf +a1u+· .. +an un;·a(e k, i = 0, }, 2, ··· n}.

6. Letp be a prime and n be a positive integer. If

Fbe a field with IFI= pn, then prove that Fis
, n
the splitting field of /(x) = xP - x e ·zP [x].

7. Prove that in a principal ideal domain, an

ideal is a prime ideal iff it is a maximal ideal.

8. Let f(x) be an irreducible polynomial over a
field K. Prove that /(x) is separable over K iff
f(x) and /~(x) are relatively pnme.

R7/37 ( Continued )
( 3 )


Answer all ,q uestions : ' 3 x3=9

9. Show that [3] is not irreducible in Z 12 •

10. Show that C is an algebraic extension ofR.

11. Show that every · field of characteristic 0 is



R7- 230/37 PG-I (DE)/2016

PG-I (DE)/ 2016

PG Part-I (DE) Exam., 2016



Paper: II

( Unit-1 )

Time : 2 hours Full Marks : 45

The figures in the margin ind~cate full marks.


Answer any one question.

1. (a) Let E have finite measure, In --+I in

measure on E and g be a measurable
function on E that is finite a.e. on E.
Prove that ' {In · g} --+I· g in measure.
Use it to show that {I;} --+I 2 in
measure. 9

(b) Let E be a measurable set of finite outer

measure. Prove that for each E > 0, there
is a finite disjoint collection of open
intervals {Ik} k=l for which if 0 = LJ Ik,
then m * (E \ 0) + m* (0 \ E) < E. 9
R7 /38 (Tum Over)
( 2 )

2. (a) Let f and <I> be bounded functions

defined on [a, b]• . Suppose that f is
continuous on fa, b], <I> is differentiable
on [a, b] and <I>' is Riemann integrable
on [a, b]. Prove that f is Riemann-
Stieltjes integrable on [a, b] w.r.t. <I> and

(RS)tfd<l>=(R) f f <I>' 9

(b) Given a measure space (X, ~ µ) . Let f be

a non-negative extended real-valued
S-measurable function on X. If the set
function v on S is defined by
v(E) =fEfdµ; Ee S

then prove that vis a measure on (X, S). 9


Answer any three question s .

3. Suppose f, g are convex on an interval I.

Prove that f + g and cf are convex on I for
any c;:::o. 6

4. ~t f, g e BV[a, b]. Show that fg e BV[a, b]


v:(fg) :$;sup lfl· v:(g) +sup lgl· v:U1

[a, bJ . (a,b) 6

( Continued )
( 3 )

5. Let Ac JR and B be a measurable subset of R.

Prove , that-

(a) there exists a G li:~et G such that A c G ·

and m{G) ;::::m* (A);
-'--~ ~ - . ~

(b)_ if m(B) < oo and A c B, then A is

measurable if and .only if
m(B) =m* (A)+m* (B\A) 3+3=6

6. Show that for every E c JR and E > 0 there

exists an open set 0 in JR such that 0 :::> E
m*(E)~m*(O)~m*(E)+E 6

~~::,,.7. Let ~JR be a measurable function.

f: E
~:-:.-":'_, Provethat {xe·E: /(x) = r} is a measurable
· .. set for each real number r. Give an example
to .-;how that the converse .is false~ 6

8. Let f and cl> be bounded functions defined on

[a, 1?]. Suppose that f and cl> have a common
point of discontinuicy in [a, b]. Prove that f is
not RS-integrable w.r. t. cl> on [a, b]. 6

R7/38 (Tum Over)

( 4 )


Answer all questions.

9 . . Let f be a re~-valued function on (0, 27t]

defined by

/(x) = sin.!. for x e (0, 27t]

=0 for x=O·

Show that f ~ BV [O, 27t]. 3

10. Prove that every closed interva,1 [a, b] c JR is

a G 5• 3

11. Suppose that E is a Lebesgue measurable set

in JR with finite measure. Prove that there
is a measurable set A c E such that
m(A) = m(E) /2. 3


R7-230/38 PG-I (DE)/2016

PG-I (DE)/2016

PG Part-I (DE) Exa~. , 2016

20 ·1" 6


Paper : II

( Unit-2 )

Time : 2 hours Full Marks : 45

. ·: . 1:.fie figures in the margin indicate full marks.

Notations and symbols have their meanings,

unless stated otherwise.

Throughout E denotes an open subset of Rn.

Answer two from Section-A, three from Section-B

and all from Section-C.


1·~ . s~"ppose f is a cl-mapping on E into Rn with

f'(a) is invertible for some a e E and b = f(a).
Prove that there exist open sets U and V in
Rn such that a e U, be V, f is one-tO-one
on U and V=f~. 9

R7/39 (Tum Over)

( 2 )

2. If f: Rm --t R be a functio~ of class C 2 , then

prove that, for each a e Rm,

DiD jf(a) ~ ~ ~Dif(a) 9 "'·


3. Suppose .T is a c1-mapping on E into an open

set V c Rm, Sis a c1-mapping of V into an
open set W c RP, and w is a k-form in W,
so that w 5 is a k-form in v and both (ws)r
and w; are k-forms in E where ST is defined
by (ST)(x) = S(T(x)). Prove that (ws)r = wsr. 9 ·.


4. Define directional derivative of f: E ~ Rm.

Show that the functio11: f :R 2
~ R defined by
/(x, y) = x y
. X4· +Y2
if (x, y) * (0, 0)
= 0 if (x, y) = (0, 0)
is not continuous at (0, 0) but the directional
derivative at (0, 0) exists in all direc;tions. 6

5. · If X is a compact subspace of Rn, then prove

that Xis- closed and bounded. 6

6. Let f : E ~ Rn be of class c1. Assume that

D f(x) i~. non.:.~ingular. Show that .if f is
one-tb-one pn E, the set B = /(E) is open
in Rn. 6

R7/39 . ( Continued )
( 3 )

7. Let f: R 5 --+ R 2 be given by

f1(x1, x2, Yi· Y2· Y3) =2ex1 +X2Y1 -4Y2 +3

f2(x1, X2, Y1, Y2, Y3) = X2 cosx1 -6x1 +2y1. -y3

and f = if1, / 2). Find /'(a, b) for a= (0, 1)

and b = (3, 2, 7). Show tha~ there exists a
c1-mapping g defined in a nbd of (3, · 2, 7)
such that g (3, 2, 7) = (0, 1) and f(g fy), Y, = 0.
Hence find g'(3, 2, 7). 6

8. Let w= Lb (x)dx
1 1 be the standard
presentation of a k-formw in E. I.f w =0 in E,
then prove that b1 (x) =0 for every increasing
k-index I and for every x E E. 6


9. Prove that for 1: E -7 Rm and x E E, f '(x)

is unique. 3

10.. Find the critical points, relative extremum

fill:d saddle points of f: R 2 -7 R given by
f(x,Y,=x3+x-4xy+2y2. 3

11. For a k-form w of class C 2 in E, prove that

~w=Q 3

R7-230/39 PG-I (DE)/2016
PG-I (DE)l 2016

PG Part.;...1 (DE) Exam., 2016



Paper : III

( Unit-1 )
·Time : 2 hours Full Marks : 45

The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

Answer two from Section.;._A, three from

Section-B and all from Section-C .


1. Let a. and 13 be any two cardinal numbers of

which a. is infinite and 13 * 0. Then show that
a.13 =a. if a. ~ 13. 9

2. Consider an operator K: P(X) ~ P(X}, which

satisfies the following conditions :
(i) K(A) :::::>A, 'r;f A E P(X)
(ii) K(<I>) = <!>
(iii) K(Au B) =:K(A)u K(B), 'r;f A, BE P(X}
(iv) K (K (A))= K (A), 'if, A E P(X)
Show that J (K) = {A c X: K (X - A) = X - A}
is a topology on X and A =K(A), 'r;f A E P(X),
where A is the closure of A in (X, J(K)). 9

R7/40 (Tum. Over)

( 2 )

3. Show that a 1J. topological space X is T4 , if

and only if every contip:u,~us function
f: C ~ R., C is closed subspace of X, can be
extended to X continuously. 9

4. State and prove Schroder-Bernstein

theorem. 9
- ,,-


5. Show~ that a topological space X is regular if

and only if f<?r any x e X and any open set
U .3 x, 3 an open ::set V such that x e V and
.v cu. 6

6. Prove that a mapping f: X ~ Y is continuous

iff for any Ac X, f(A) c /(A). 6

7. Let 13 be a family of s_ubsets of X s atisfying

(i) v x Ex 3BE 13. so that X E B and
(ii) B1, B2e13, x e B 1 n B 2 ==>3B 3 e13 with
x e B 3 c B 1 n B 2 • Show that 13 forms a basis
for some topology on x. 6

8. Show that in a topological ~pace X, for any

AcX ,
..2. 0

(i) A=A
:g: 0
(ii) A=A

R7/40 ( Continued )
( 3 )-

..Q ~
(iii) A= A
c fi
(iv) A= A

where c stands for complementation. 6

9. Show tha,t f : (0, 1) --+ JR defined by

1-2x ·
f (x) = is a homeomorphism. 6

10. Show that JR with lower limit topology is not

second coui:itable but separable. 6


11. Show that JR 1 is T4 • 3

12. Find 2a +5a+2c, where INl=a and IJRl=c. 3

13. Is. there any finite 1J. topological space which

is not discrete? Give reason. 3


R7-230/40 PG-I (DE)/2016

PG-I (DE)/2016

PG Part-I (DE) Exam~, 2016



Paper : III

( Unit-2 )
Time : 2 hours Full Marks : 45

The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

Answer two from Section-A, three from

Section-B and all from Section-C.


1. Show that union of a family of connected

subsets of a topological space Xis connected
if the connected subsets have a common
point..Also show that the above sta,tement is
sufficient but not necessary. 9

2. Show that the product of a paracompact

space and a compact space is paracompact. 9

3. Define one-point compactification of a locally

compact (non-compact) T2 space. Show that
one-point compactification of JR. 2 is C. 9

R7/41 ( Tum Over)

( 2 )

4. Show that con;ipact subset of a T2 space is

closed. Give an example to show that a
compact subset may. not be closed. 9


5. Show that every path-connected space is

connected. Is the converse true? Give
exaniple. 6

6. Show that a net is convergent iff the

associated filter is convergent and converges
to same limit. 6

7. Show that paracompact T2 space is T4 . 6

8. If f: X --7 Y, X is compact, Y is T2 and f is a

bijection, then show that f is a
homeomorphism. 6

9. Show that a function f: X --7 Y, X and Y are

topological spaces, is continuous at a point a
iff for every n~i {Xa} aeA in X converges to a,
the image net {f (xa)} i;tEA converges to f (a). 6

10. Show that the product of regular, spaces is

regular. 6

R7/41 ( Continued )
( 3 )


11. Find the cori'nected and path-connected

components of R 1• 3

12. Find tw()-point compactification of JR. 3

13. Examine if R with cofinite topology is

compact. 3


R7-230/41 PG-I (DE)/2016

PG-I (DE)/2016

PG Part-I (DE) E~m., 2016



· Paper-N

( Unit-1 ) : 2 hours .Full Marks : 45

The figures in the margin iridicate fall marks.

Unless otherwise stated, notations carry their

usual meanings.

Answer all questions : 3x3=9

1. If f is analytic in ..a region and if

~· -
If I ·
is constant ther~, then prove that f is

2. Suppose {fn} .represents a sequence · of

functions, anal}71'.ic in an open domain D and
such that _ In _ :. . .+ f uniformly . on every
compact subset Kc D. Show that f is
analytic in D.

3. Evaluate iz 2
dz, where y: z = t -it 2 , 0 : :; ; t : :; ; 1.

R7/42 (Tum Over)

( 2 )


· Answer any three questions ~ 6x3=18

4. State and prove Liouville's theorem. 6

5. Prove that, if t is entire and f(zj ~ oo as

z ~ =, then f is a polynomial. 6 ··.:.':- ::

dz .
. ~. Ev.aluate
· : ' ··
· ·1zl =2 (z-4)(z 3 -1)
, usin~ .residue
theorem. 6

7. Define cross-ratio. Show that the cross-ratio

of four ~oints is invariant under bilinear
transformation. 6

r-8;. . ~,uppose that f is analytic ~a. . r:egio,:i D an<;l

that f(zn) = 0, where {Zn } is a sequertce of
'. distinct-points ..and Zn ~ z0 · ~ ~..: .Then prove
that /J 5Q in D. .7 6

1o ~ GR0~ •n
Ans~r'.J ~Y ~l#lo q.Y~~ti.Qp~ : - 9.~ =18
ei • I )l . ::;;
9. Su ppose f is entire and r is thel boundary '0f
a rectangle R. Then show that Ji j (zj dz = 0.
! >">')
-·• j - \. I
-FJ •
-. .. t-. S ~
I ""1'
J. > • ,,.9
.. r.A>

R7/.42 ( Contirl.Ue{i·1:
( 3 )

10. (a) Find the number of zeros of

f(zj = z - 5z + 1 in 1 :s; I z I :s; 2.

(b) Evaluate. i' dx .

Jo l+x 3 5+4=9

11. (a) Find a conformal mapping f of the

semidisc ·s={z:Jzl<l,Im(z)>O} onto
the upper half-plane.
(b) Suppose that f is analytic and bounded
by 1 in the unit disc and that f(Y:i) = 0.
Find the maximum value of JI(~) J. 5+4=9


R7-230/42 PG-I (DE)/2016

PG-I (DE)/ 2016

PG Part-I (DE) Exam., 2016



Paper: N

( Unit-2 )

Time : 2 hours Full Marks : 45

The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

Unless ot~nvise stated, notations carry their

u.sual meanirigs.


Answer all questions : ~ 3x3=9

1. If u is harmonic in a simply connected

domain D, then prove that. u is the real part
of an analytic function in D. _

2. Prove that

k=2 k

is convergent.
R7/43 (Tum Over)
( 2

3. Let J be analytic in · the cut plane

D = C \ (- oo, 0) ·such that f(x) = xx for all x > 0.
Show th~t f(Z, = f {zj for all ze D;

. ~ ~· GROUP-?

Answer any three , ques tions : 6x3=18

4. Prove ·that the series


and the product IT zk either converge or

diverge together.

5. Show that every mesomorphic function in C

can be represented as a quotie n t of two
entire functions.

6. Prove that
r2 n I I
1n .Jo: . n r -,,ae.:- ie Id0 = ln r.,

where ae C and lal<r~ ·

7. State and prove Harnack's Inequality for the

unit disk.

8. Suppose f is analytic at z 0 and f'(z 0 ) -::t. 0.

Prove that f is a conformal mappin g.

R7/43 ( Continued )
( 3 )


Answer any two questions : 9x2=18

9. Show that-
1 00
2(-l)k z
1t csc 1tZ =- + L 2 2 'z E c \ z
z k=lz -k

10. Prove that for all s E C, the ~-function

satisfies the functional equation
~(s) = 2 3 ns-l sin(ns /2)r(l-s}~(l-s)

11. Let f be an entire function of finite order A..

Suppose that a1, a2 , ..., are the zeros of f(zj
listed with multiplicities and
O<la1l~la2l~ ... ~l<Inl~ .... Show that/has a
finite genus µ satisfying µ ~ A..

- ***
~- ..

R7-230/43 PG-I (DE)/2016

PG-I (DE)/2016

PG Part-I (DE) Exam. , 2016



Paper: V

( Unit-1 )

Time : 2 hours Full Marks : 45

· The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

Notations and symbols have thei.r usual meanings,

unless stated othenuise.


Answer any two questions : 9x2=18

1. (a) Define Lie bracket. 1

(b) Let M be a smooth manifold. For any

X, Y, · Z e X(.M) and /, g e C (.M), prove
the following : 8
(i) [X, Y] = -[Y, X]
(ii) ·[X, X] =9
(iii) [X, Y + Z] = [X, Y] + [X, Z]
. (iv) [X, [Y, Z]] + [Y, (Z, X]] + [Z, [X, Y]] =0
R7/44 ( Tum Over)
( 2 )

2. What do you mean by differentiable manifold

of dimension n?. Show that sn is an
n-dimensional differentiable manifold. 3+6=9

3. (a) Define exterior derivative. 2

(b) If w is a 1-form on a smooth manifold M,

th~n prove that the exterior derivative
dw satisfies
dw(f X, Y) = f.dw(X, Y)
't:I X, YE X(M) and 't;/ f E C (M).

4. ·(a) Define Lie group isomorphism. 2

{b) Let /: G-+ H is a Lie group

homomorphism. Then prove that the
induced map J.: TeG-+ Te'H is a
homomorphism between the Lie algebra
of the groups. Also prove that if f is a
Lie gro:up isomorphism, then f. is an
isomorphism between the Lie algebras,
where e' = /(e) e H, for e e G. 7


Answer any three questions : 6x3=18

5. If x, y E X(M), .t hen prove that [X, Y] E x(M),

where M is a smooth manifold. 6

R7/44 ( Continued )
( 3 )

6. If w is a 1-form on a smooth manifold M of

dimension n,_, then show that
dw(X, Y) =.!_·{Xw(Y)-Yw(X)-w([X, Y])}
for any X, Ye x(M); dw is a 2-form on M. 6

7. Let G be a Lie group and $: G ~ G be a

mapping such that cl>(a) = a- 1 , ~ e G. Then - ~- ·
prove that a 1-form w is left invariant if and
only if 4>*w is right invariant. 6

8. What do you mean by distribution? When is

a distribution said to sa~sfy the Frobenius
condition? 4+2=6
9. (a) Is the map f: JR~ R defined by
/(x) =x 2 , a chart? Justify your answer. 3
(b) Compute the exterior product
(Sdu +3du ) A {3du 1 ~2du 2 ).
1 2

10. (a) When is a differential form w · called

closed and when is it called exact? 2

(b) Determine which of the following

differential forms o~ R3 is~~losed and
whlch is exact : 4

(i) w = yzdx + xzdy + xydz

(ii) 11 = xdx +x 2 y 2 dy + yzdz

R7/44 (Tum Over)

( 4 )


Answer all questions : 3x3=9

11. What is diffeomorphism? Give an example. 3

12. If X and Y are differentiable vector fields on

R3 defined by X =-a, Y = --·
a + e x --,
a 1

1 2 3
dX dX dX
then compute [X, Y]. 3

13. Determine -the integral curve for the vector

field in R 2 given by X = x 2 ~1 -(x 2 ) 3 _2_2 • 3
dX dX


R7-230/44 PG-I (DE)/2016

PG-I (DE)/2016

PG Part-I (DE) Exam., 2016




( Unit-2)

Time : 2. hours Full Marks : 45

· The figures in the margi.n indicate full marks.

Notations and sy~bols have their usu al meanings,

unless stated otherwise.

Answer any two questions : 9x2=18

1. If R is the Riemannian curvature tensor of a

Riemannian manifold (M, g), then prove

(a) g(R(X, Y) Z, U) = -g(R(X, Y}U, Z);

(b) g(R(X, Y) Z, U) = g_(R(Z; U} K;. Y);

vu, x, Y, zE x(M). 9

( 2 )

2. Suppose (¥n ~ g) is a
•. • . •&,;!S>.... •.
Rl~rriannian manifold
with the Levi-Civfta connection V'. If the
manifold admits another metric connection V'
with non-vanishing torsion T, then prove that
for any X, Y, Z E xC M), all have

Y'xY-V'xY=_!_ {T(X, Y)+T'(X, Y) +T'(Y, X) }


wher~ g(T(Z, X), _Y) = g (T'(X, Y), Z). 9

3. Deduce the equations of Gauss, Codazzi and

Ricci. 9

4. (a) Define an almost complex m anifold .and

a complex manifold. 4

(b) State and prove second Bianchi identity. 5


Answer any three que stions : 6x3=18

5. {a} Write down Koszul's formula. 1

(b) State the fundamental theorem of

Riemannian geofnetzy.- · 2

(c) Defme Ricci tensor, scalar curvature

and Gaussian curvature. 3

R7/45 ( Continued )
( 3 )

6.· If T(X, Y) is the torsion tensor of the affine

connection Y', then prove that-
(a) · T(X, Y) is R-bilinear;
(b) T(X, Y) is C ( M)-bilinear;
V X, YE X( M) where Mis a smooth manifold, 6

7. (a) What is Levi-Civita connection? 2

(b) State ·a nd prove first Bianchi identity. 4

8. Prove tliat any affine connection V' on a.

smooth manifold M can be decomposed into
a sum of a multiple of its torsion tensor and a
torsion-free connection. 6

9. State and prove Ricci identity. 6

10. If X and Y are killing vector fields on a

Riemannian manifold (M, g), then so is
[X~ Y). Prove it. · 6


Answer all questions : 3x3=9

11. Write a short note on conformal


12. Write down Gauss formula and Weingarten


13. Define torsion tensor and show that it is


*** PG-I (DE)/2016

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