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Can you easily FEEL THE SEICHIM flowing from this image?

Welcome to the Taokan Seichim™ homepage!

(Remember: Seichim is pronounced "Say-sheem")

Taokan Seichim™ is a further manifestation of the multifaceted band of energy

called Reiki. The modern model of Seichim is attributed to a gentleman named
Patrick Zeigler whose story you can read here. Some folks like to think of
Seichim as a Reiki "add on", in that they use it to boost their practice of Reiki
healing energy. In my personal experience I have found that it blends both with
the energies of Reiki and Taokan Karuna™ (because I am attuned to these
styles) and becomes another, synergistic, separate and unique blend of energies.
This blend of triple energies gave its name to me as "Fusion" and is
encapsulated in the symbol by the same name which will be made available in
the Taokan Reiki website.

Many Seichim practitioners report that Seichim has a slightly different feel than
that of Usui or any of the myriad styles of Taokan Karuna™ Reiki, and in my
experience I have found that this is true. I tend to feel the flow of Seichim in
the sides of my neck more than anywhere else. Who knows why. Seichim does
seem to greatly enhance all other Reiki flows, as well as the cumulative effects
of the healing work. Seichim doesn't seem to be divided into the same levels as
Usui or Karuna styles. It seems to just be universal and that's fine by me.

There are a group of new symbols that come along with Taokan Seichim™
which you can find by following this link. It should be noted, however, that the
originator of Seichim, Patrick Zeigler, no longer uses, teaches, or endorses
these symbols, having apparently transcended the use of symbols altogether.

The means by which you can be attuned to Seichim follow both traditional and
non-traditional lines, but here in this online guide I would like to present the
information that has presented itself to me. I have recreated the guided
meditation that Patrick uses in his own Seichim workshops. You can find that
page by following this link.

If you would like to network with other practitioners of Usui, TK Karuna™,

TK Seichim™, you should consider joining one of the following lists at
Yahoogroups. They're all free, they'll never spam you, and you will find them
to be an invaluable resource in your studies of the many faces of Reiki.
The Taokan Seichim™ "Meditunement"
(as written by Patrick Zeigler for one of his previous SKHM classes)
(and as Patrick told me, this meditation "...may not be relevant for public use")

I want you all to see yourself sitting in a circle, and visualize everyone holding
hands. Take a moment to see or feel everyone within this circle. Take several
deep breaths. I want you to feel what's going on within your own body. I want
you to bring in energy through your crown down into your physical body at this
time. Notice any tension or lightness in your body. Notice which area feels the
most dense and which area of your body feels the lightest. Place your right
hand on the area that feels dense, and place your left hand on the area that feels
light. Now connect the area that feels tight and dense with your breath. Breath
into the area with the most density. Feel your breath going all the way down to
your lower abdomen and expanding to the upper part of your chest. Now bring
awareness to the center of your being, your heart center. Breath into your heart.
With every breath, feel your heart expanding. Allow yourself to feel all the
sensations within your heart center. When I say heart center, I'm not talking
about the physical heart, but the spiritual heart. Don't judge the sensations you
are feeling in your heart center, just observe and allow yourself to feel them. If
you don't feel anything, then allow yourself to feel the numbness. Let your
heart expand even more. I want you to visualize vase or an Egyptian vessel
within your heart center, and begin to fill the vessel with breath and awareness.
Allow this to grow and expand. Begin connecting the awareness of your heart
center with your crown. See the vessel or vase within your heart expanding and
connecting with your crown from your heart center. At the top of your head see
a young flower bud that is slowly beginning to open. Feel the petals. Above the
flower bud is a bright, clear, golden sun. See the rays of the sun reaching down
and touching the flower, and as the sun's rays touch the flower, see each petal
opening to receive the light of the sun. Allow this light to channel through the
flower, through your crown down to your heart center and the vessel....allow it
to expand even further. Bring awareness into the heart, and allow the light and
your awareness to enter every crevice of your heart center. You may experience
an outward expression of emotion and that's okay. Allow this expression to
connect to the throat center....allow this expression to flow freely to your throat
center, so you can express yourself in a safe space freely and without judgment
of yourself. Everyone else in the circle will respect each other's space, so
judgement of others will also begin to diminish. Breath in and allow yourself to
feel this. Take your awareness from your heart to your belly now take your
awarness down to the base of your spine, down your legs and through the soles
of your feet into the Earth Mother. Imagine roots beginning to grow deep into
the Earth Mother. Feel your connection with the Earth Mother. Allow yourself
to become aware of why you're here and on this planet. Make a commitment at
this moment to commit to being here fully. Allow every bit of your essence to
be present in this precious moment. Feel your essence going through your heart
center to the Earth Mother. Begin receiving energy from the Earth Mother
through your roots, feel it moving up from your roots through your body to
your heart center. Feel the Earth Energy mixing with the Energy of the Heavans
within you at your Heart Center. Notice your arms and hands, feel them as
extensions of your Heart Center. Feel your essence going through your Crown,
going up to a star just above your head, and then liquid light from the star
begins pouring back down through your Crown to your Heart Center. Notice
the color and texture. If you want to move your body, go ahead. Visualize a
spiral coming down to your body....let your body begin moving with the spiral.
Bring this spiral down through your crown to your heart center and feel it going
through your arms and emanating out of your palms.When the light comes out
of your palms, you begin to be able to manifest here on the physical plane.

Visualize our circle. Each of us bringing in a strand of light, each connecting up

to one point forming a pyramid. Visualize the person to your right and left.
Connect with them. Now visualize the person infront of you and connect with
the person or people infront of you. We're creating a pyramid. Now create a
central point to the circle below the circle. Feel that connection. Imagine a
pyramid below us and above us. Feel the energy from Spirit coming down, and
feel the energy of the Earth Mother coming up into the center of the circle and
to all of us. Breath into it. Move awareness to the Heart Center and Throat.
Connect them making them one. Allow whatever sound to come out. . Feel
your connection to the Source. Feel what's going on within your body. At this
point I would like to invite someone into the circle to share with us what you
are feeling. I'll be asking you questions to help us all be able to tap into what
you are feeling. If you're feeling a lot of energy in one spot, describe it, so each
of us can find what you're feeling, allowing us to tap into what you're
feeling...then say, "I ask you all to feel this." Encourage everyone to talk about
what they are feeling no matter what it is, so healing can begin, so group can
help support. By thinking of the circle, you will be able to tap into its
energy....just think of the pyramid, think of the sun and flower...think of the
vessel expanding and growing. Lets close outthe circle. Imagine holding
hands....feel the Heart Center of theGroup, and know that this is the beginning
of the circle. Feel the circle, and allow it to be with you for the rest of your life.

Patrick Zeigler's Story in his own words
This is Patrick Zeigler's own story of his spontaneous attunement to the
Seichim Stream.

The following was posted by Patrick to a discussion list on 12 July, 1998 CE.

Begin Quote
" ... it is Sunday morning and this is the first time that I have ever written this
down in this way. Just letting it flow. "

"First I must say Seichim has been around for a very long time. It is mentioned
quite often in the Egyptian book of the Dead and other sacred Egyptian texts.

"I will give you a very short condensed version on how I connected with
Seichim and then how it has evolved since.

"When I was a Peace Corp. Vol. back in 1978 in Yemen, I spent most of my
free time meditating and studying Spiritual writtings(Kroran,Bible). During that
time I began to have some very powerful Spiritual experiences. After my first
year there I was Quite disappointed because one of my goals was to find a Sufi
teacher. Up to that point I came to the conclusion Yemen had none. It was my
trip to Egypt that changed that.

"While there I knew intuitively that I must spend the night in the Great
Pyramid, I was something I knew I must do. Once I entered I was immediately
drawn to a small doorway right before the Kings chamber. The next day I
returned and entered into the small carved out tunnel and spent the day in
meditation above the Kings Chamber. That night I came down into the Kings
Chamber and Laid down in the sarcophagus, It was Haunting and exciting at
the same time. I began to hear a deep sound coming up the Grand gallery. I first
thought it was a guard then realized it was not Human it made its way towards
me and slowly began to hover above me in a figure eight pattern. I was in so
much fear I thought I would die. Then a voice inside said, "This is why you
have come." At that point I felt my heart open and let go of the fear, it was
beautiful the sound I heard was actually that of my own heart and I was afraid
of it! I spent the rest of the night in Bliss.

"When morning came I returned to the tunnel and left after a few tour groups
passed through. I was covered in a white dust from head to toe and guards tried
to chase me down but I was able to hoop onto a bus and return to my hotel.
That afternoon I went to the Saidna Hussein Mosque, and a woman came to me
and asked if I could help her find her Sufi Teacher. Since I speak some Arabic
we were able to locate his center in short time. We stayed there a week the
taught us Zikir and then they gave us both Airfare to go to Khartoum Sudan
where there Master lived. While I was there he passed on to the final
attunement of his order. Afterwards I found that if I became ill I could place my
hands on my heart and belly my body would begin to vibrate and the Illness
would pass. I was also having OBE's once a week. I had no idea what he given
to me, he instructed me to stay in my heart and visualize the light.

"I went on to Nepal for 2 more years as a Peace Corps there and spent 2 years
in a Small Barn Meditating in the Himalayas. When I returned I quit my
Achitecture carerer and went to Santa Fe to Study Healing It was there that I
had my first Reiki Session. It reminded me of my Pyramid Experience, Since I
had no real teacher in what I had experienced before, I took Reiki 1 2 and 3 all
within a month with (3) with Barbara Ray.

"Upon completion I was asked to return to the Sudan. The Sufi Master had
passed away a year previous and I was asked to return. I was then I told what
he had given to me. His Son Ibrahim is currently the Linage holder. They asked
me to Marry and impled they wanted me to teach in America. I told them No.
and returned. After my return I went back to Santa Fe then to California where
I meet a woman named Christine Gerber she channeld a Being named Marat. I
asked him about Reiki and he told me I was not doing Reiki. He said what I
was doing was Seichim.

"He instructed me on how to do an attunement. I was all quite vague so I spoke

to him in terms of what I had learned in Reiki. He instructed me to use some of
that procedure then add the Infinity symbol (The pattern in the Pyramid) and
call it Seichim. The next day a man named Tom Seaman asked if he could have
a Reiki Master attunement (he heard I was doing it for Free) I agreed and asked
him if he also wanted a Seichim attunement with it. He stayed a few days and I
never saw him again for 12 years. In that time he taught Seichim one of those
he taught was a woman named Kathleen McMasters now Phoenix
Summerfield. She began to add new symbols and Levels. Here marketing
expertise was incredible. We spoke several times and I gave her all of my
support to teach. She did many Whole Life Expos and Exchanged Attunement
with other Reiki Masters.

"It was during one of those Health Expos that Kathleen Milner came in contact
with Seichim. In her book she says it was June 1991 (Reiki and other Rays of
Healing [p12-20). Her friend Marci who lived in LA may have had earlier
contact Phoenix also lived in LA. It was at that time Kathleen began to teach
Seichem and called it Tear Mai Seichem. Kathleen M also added more symbols
she was given by her students. Then William Rand created Kurana Reiki from

"Sekhem another way to spell Seichim was introduced by Helen Belot. She was
a student of Deepa Slaughter and developed a very strong connection to the
energy, and eventually studied with Phoenix. There was a tremendous conflict
in Australia, so Phoenix who was very angry with Deepa told Helen she would
be the main teacher in Australia. Through the conflict Seichim was changed to
Sekhem, the original spelling used in the Egyptian book of the dead. Helen
added more and began introducing the Goddess Sekhem as a major part of her
teachings. Others have had similar additions there is also Isis Seichim and
Kaun Yin Seichim. Because there has been no written material passed on,
everyone just kept adding on to it much like a snow ball effect.

"I see the process as quite beautiful. I must admit I get ruffled when I read
someone claiming what they have is superior than everyone else's. It all comes
from the same source and each of us has the same potential to connect to

End quote.

Taokan Seichim™ Symbols

There are five symbols used in Taokan Seichim™, and they appear below.

These symbol graphics are charged with their corresponding energies and have
been permanently attuned into the internet, where they have grown MUCH
STRONGER over the years. The flows are a bit more intense than the energy
blasting out of the Mandala above, so you might need to place your most
sensitive hand near the screen in order to get a less intense and more refined
sense of them. Click on the symbol to go to their corresponding page and really
focus in on the qualities of the energy flows.

(It should be noted that Patrick Zeigler himself no longer teaches the symbols as part of
his typical SKHM training.)
Align High and
Angel Wings Cho Ku Ret Eeeftchay Align Yin and Yang
Low God Selves

Angel Wings

Angel Wings is used to realize the fullest potential of that

which it is used on. Use it to bring about the best possible
resolution to a problem, to draw out the destiny or purpose
of an illness or imbalance, and to generally bring about the
best for all concerned with harm to none.

Cho Ku Ret

Cho Ku Ret is used with inanimate objects to align their energetic structures with the
flow of Taokan Seichim™ Reiki. Use it to attune your computer to Seichim, attune
your car, your business card, your house. Use it on everthing to awaken the flow of
Seichim healing energy in everyone that comes in contact with it.

Eeeftchay is endless inner sight. It is used to activate your mind's eye. I like to think
of them both as super duper contact lenses for the third eye! This symbol is very
helpful for extending the range and abilities of your Higher Sense Perception.

Align High and Low God Selves

Align High, Low, and God Selves is used to bring vertical alignment among the higher
bodies, to strengthen the conscious connection to the divine and to the higher self.
Used to help channel higher quality energies and resolve issues of flesh with needs of

Align Yin and Yang Elements

Align Yin and Yang Elements is used to pull into balance issues of passivity and
activity. Also known as "Align Male and Female", it is used to horizontally align
aspects of spirit, to resolve internal conflicts between need and want, confusion, in
activity, or to bring action where there is stagnation. Excellent for issues and
imbalances related to menstruation and sexual identity or activity.
Get Attuned to TK Seichim™
This is my favorite part of the website. This is
the chance where I get to share a Reiki
Attunement with you. If you would like to now
receive attunement to TK Seichim™, then just
fill in your name and email address, along with
the level desired, in the form below. This will
generate a mail to you with instructions on
accessing the Eternal Moment™ energy
What is the Eternal Moment™ energy
construct, you ask?? It is a specially designed
"bubble" created at the Etheric Level just
beyond the constant of our perceived physical
reality. It exists for one purpose, to grant
Universal access to the attunement energies of
Reiki . It is the product of intent, repeated
visualization, and techniques of Taokan
Manifestation Technology™ and it has been
permanently created and established to be
accessed by anyone at any time.
The Eternal Moment™ is presently encoded
to support attunement to the following styles
of Reiki.

 Usui Reiki
 TK Seichim™
 TK Karuna™
So how can an attunement be passed like this?
Good question! As the result of in-depth
research and experimentation over the last
several years with my colleague and friend,
Sami Pajunen of Finland, we discovered that
there are only three required components to
the passing of any sort of Reiki attunement.
1. Access to the energy to be
2. Intent to transmit the energy.
3. Intent to receive the energy.
For the Reiki Master passing the attunement,
there's a little more involved, though not
much, but this is the basic mechanism by
which all attunements are passed, whether
direct, distant, future, or whatever method. I
have created a set of attunement "templates"
which have been injected into the Eternal
Moment™ construct. Via the EM™ and these
templates, attunement to any style and level of
Reiki is accomplished irrespective of space and
time. How is it controlled and specified? Quite
precisely, I assure you. To access the
construct, it is first called by name, the type of
attunement is called, the person doing the
attunement is named, and the recipient is
specified by calling their name via the
construct and authorizing them to connect and
receive energy. From there it is up to the
recipient to verbally state their intent to
receive the energy and to access the
attunement. This is all that's required to
establish the link between Master and Student
and initiate the attunement process. The
"seed" of this idea came from the World Wide
Web itself. We learn very early on that in Reiki
it is the intent that is governing. So we
reasoned if we can manifest our intent, and
Reiki is not subject to the laws of space and
time, why can't we create one attunement that
can be "downloaded" by anyone, anywhere, at
any time, just like a webpage? And we tried it,
and were floored at how powerfully it worked
on the first try. It seems there truly is more
to Reiki than we yet know!
So If you're ready to be attuned now, then fill
out the form below and instructions for getting
attuned via the Eternal Moment™ will be
created INSTANTLY just for you.

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