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11 ABM C


Ms. Marian C. Abello

Aseniero, Miguel
Folio, Liana Faye
Lequin, Niña Christine
Limbaga, Marc Niño
Mahinay, Leona Angiele
Villaflores, Yanca Rhica
Data Gathering

1.) What Grade are you in?

0 Grade 12
1 Grade 11

Random Variable Realization Frequency

0 9
1 41

Total: 50

Computation Analysis

X 0 1
P (X=x) 9/50 41/50
P (X=x) 18% 82%

E(X) = 0 • 9/50 + 1 • 41/50

= 41
= .82

Given : Mx= .82

X P (x) x - Mx (x - Mx)² (x - Mx)² • P(x)
0 9/50 0 - .82 = -.82 (-.82)² = .6724 (.6724) 9/50 = .121032
1 41/50 1 - .82 = .18 (.18)² = .0324 (.0324) 41/50 = .026568

Var [ x ] = .1476

σ = √ Var [ x ]
= √.1476
= .384187454
= .38

Hypothesis Testing

Null Hypothesis: The portion of Silliman University Senior High School Grade 11
students is greater than or equal to the portion of the Silliman University Senior High
School Grade 12 students.

Alternative Hypothesis: The portion of Silliman University Senior High School Grade
12 students is less than the portion of Silliman University Senior High School Grade 11

That is,

H0: μ ≥ .05
H1: μ < .05

Statistical Test:
At a = 0.05, we want to test that the sample mean is significantly below 30.
Because the sample mean is greater than 30, we will use Z-Test.

Given: Let n = 50
X̄ = .82
σ = .38

And so, the critical value is 1.96


z = X̄ - μ

by substitution

z = .82 - .05
What Grade are you in?
Grade 11 Grade 12

Number of students in percentage




11 12
Grade level

Interpretations and Inferences:

1.) Random variable realization 0 got the least number of students which is
18%. Therefore, there are fewer grade 12 students who were able to answer
the survey.

2.) Random variable realization 1 got the most number of students which is
82%. Therefore, there are more grade 11 students who were able to answer
the survey.

Data Gathering

2.) What is your strand?

0 A&D

Random Variable Realization Frequency

0 1
1 2
2 18
3 29

Total: 50
Computation Analysis
X 0 1 2 3
P (X=x) 1/50 2/50 18/50 29/50
P (X=x) 2% 4% 36% 58%

E(X) = 0 • 1/50 + 1 • 2/50 + 2 • 18/50 + 3 • 29/50

= 2 + 36 + 87
= 125
= 2.5
Given : Mx= 2.5
X P (x) x - Mx (x - Mx)² (x - Mx)² • P(x)
0 1/50 0 - 2.5 = -2.5 (-2.5)²= 6.25 (6.25) 1/50 = .125
1 2/50 1 - 2.5 = -1.5 (-1.5)²= 2.25 (2.25) 2/50 = .09
2 18/50 2 - 2.5 = -.5 (-.5)²= .25 (.25) 18/50 = .09
3 29/50 3 - 2.5 = .5 (.5)²= .25 (.25) 29/50 = .145

Var [ x ] = .45

σ = √ Var [ x ]
= √.45
= .67082039324
= .67

Null Hypothesis: p_hat ≤ p0 (The proportion of students in the STEAM category is less
than or equal to 0.5)

Alternative Hypothesis: p_hat ≤ p0 (The proportion of students in the STEAM category

is greater than 0.5)

Values are as follows:

p_hat = 0.58
p0 = 0.5
n = 50

We can calculate the test statistic using the formula:

Z = (p_hat - p0) / √((p0 * (1 - p0)) / n)

Calculating the test statistic:

Z = (0.58 - 0.5) / √((0.5 * (1 - 0.5)) / 50)

Z = 0.08 / √(0.25 / 50)
Z = 0.08 / √(0.005)
Z = 0.08 / 0.07071
Z ≈ 1.13

To determine the p-value associated with this one-tailed test statistic, we can look up the
cumulative probability in the standard normal distribution table. The p-value for a Z-
score of 1.13 (one-tailed test, greater than) is approximately 0.128

Since the p-value (0.128) is greater than the significance level of 0.05 (assuming alpha =
0.05), we fail to reject the null hypothesis.

Therefore, based on this one-tailed binomial proportion test, we do not have sufficient
evidence to suggest that the proportion of students in the STEAM category is significantly
greater than 0.5
What is your strand?
Number of students in percentage



0 1 2 3

Interpretations and Inferences:

1.) Random variable realization 0 got the least number of students which is
2%. Therefore, there are fewer A & D (Arts and Design) students who were
able to answer the survey.

2.) Random variable realization 1 got the second lowest number of students
which is 4%. Therefore, there are also few HUMSS students who were able
to answer the survey.

3.) Random variable realization 2 got the second highest number of students
which is 36%. Therefore, there are a lot of ABM students who were able to
answer the survey.

4.) Random variable realization 3 got the highest number of students which
is 58%. Therefore, there are more STEAM students who were able to answer
the survey.
Data Gathering

3.) Do you purchase products online?

0 No
1 Yes

Random Variable Realization Frequency

0 4
1 46

Total: 50

Computation Analysis

X 0 1
P (X=x) 4/50 46/50
P (X=x) 8% 92%

E(X) = 0 • 4/50 + 1 • 46/50

= 0 + 46
= 46
= .92

Given : Mx= .92

X P (x) x - Mx (x - Mx)² (x - Mx)² • P(x)
0 4/50 0 - .92 = -.92 (-.92)² = .8464 (.8464) 4/50 = .067712
1 46/50 1 - .92 = .08 (.08)² = .0064 (.0064) 46/50 = .005888

Var [ x ] = .0736

σ = √ Var [ x ]
= √.0736
= .271293199
= .27

Null Hypothesis (H0): The proportion of people who purchase online products is less
than or equal to 0.5.

Alternative Hypothesis (Ha): The proportion of people who purchase online products is
greater than 0.5.

First, let's calculate the test statistic, which is the Z-score, using the formula:

Z = (p_hat - p0) / √((p0 * (1 - p0)) / n)


p_hat = Proportion of individuals who responded "yes" to purchasing online products

= 46 / 50 = 0.92
p0 = Expected proportion of individuals who purchase online products under the null
hypothesis = 0.5
n = Total number of observations = 50

Z = (0.92 - 0.5) / √((0.5 * (1 - 0.5)) / 50)

Z = 0.42 / √(0.25 / 50)

Z = 0.42 / √(0.005)

Z = 0.42 / 0.07071

Z ≈ 5.94

Next, we can find the p-value associated with this test statistic. Since we are conducting
a one-tailed test (looking for a proportion greater than 0.5), we need to calculate the
probability of observing a Z-score greater than 5.94 in the standard normal

Looking up the cumulative probability in the standard normal distribution table for a
Z-score of 5.94, we find that the p-value is extremely small (close to 0). Thus, we can
conclude that the p-value is less than the significance level (α) typically set at 0.05.

Therefore, we reject the null hypothesis. The results provide strong evidence to support
the alternative hypothesis that the proportion of people who purchase online products
is significantly greater than 0.5.
Do you purchase product online?
No Yes

Number of students in percentage




No Yes

Interpretations and Inferences:

1.) Random variable realization 0 got the least number of students which is
8%. Therefore, 4 out of 50 students who answered the survey do not purchase
products online.

2.) Random variable realization 1 got the highest number of students which
is 92%. Therefore, there are 46 out of 50 students purchase products online.
Data Gathering

4.) How much do you usually spend for the products you purchased?

0 800 and above

1 500-800
2 100-200
3 300-500

Random Variable Realization Frequency

0 7
1 12
2 13
3 18

Total: 50
Computation Analysis

X 0 1 2 3
P (X=x) 7/50 12/50 13/50 18/50
P (X=x) 14% 24% 26% 36%

E(X) = 0 • 7/50 + 1 • 12/50 + 2 • 13/50 + 3 • 18/50

= 12 + 26 + 54
= 92
= 1.84
Given : Mx= 1.84
X P (x) x - Mx (x - Mx)² (x - Mx)² • P(x)
0 7/50 0 - 1.84 = -1.84 (-1.84)²= 3.3856 (3.3856) 7/50 = .473984
1 12/50 1 - 1.84 = -.84 (-.84)²= .7056 (.7056) 12/50 = .169344
2 13/50 2 - 1.84 = .16 (.16)²= 0.256 (0.256) 13/50 = .06656
3 18/50 3 - 1.84 = 1.16 (1.16)²= 1.3456 (1.3456) 18/50 = .484416

Var [ x ] = 1.194304

σ = √ Var [ x ]
= √.1.194304
= 1.092842166
= 1.09
Hypothesis Testing
Null Hypothesis: Silliman University Senior High School students purchase products
greater than or equal to Php500.00.

Alternative Hypothesis: Silliman University Senior High School students purchase

products for less than Php500.00.

That is,

H0: μ ≥ 500
H1: μ < 500

Statistical Test:
At a = 0.05, we want to test that the sample mean is significantly below 30.
Because the sample mean is greater than 30, we will use Z-Test.

Given: Let n = 50
X̄ = 1.84
σ = 1.09

And so, the critical value is 1.96


z = X̄ - μ

by substitution

z = 1.84 - 500
How much do you usually spend for the products you purchased?

800 and above 500-800 100-200 300-500

Number of students in percentage




800 and above 500-800 100-200 300-500

Interpretations and Inferences:

1.) Random variable realization 0 got the least number of students which is
14%. Therefore, 7 out of 50 students who answered the survey purchased
products online for Php 800 and above.

2.) Random variable realization 1 got the second lowest number of students
which is 24%. Therefore, there are 12 out of 50 students who answered the
survey purchased products online for Php 500-800.

3.) Random variable realization 2 got the second highest number of students
which is 26%. Therefore, there are 13 out of 50 students who answered the
survey purchased products online for Php 100-200.

4.) Random variable realization 3 got the highest number of students which
is 36%. Therefore, there are 18 out of 50 students who answered the survey
purchased products online for Php 300-500.
Data Gathering

5.) How many times a week do you purchase products online?

0 Daily
1 Thrice
2 Twice
3 Once

Random Variable Realization Frequency

0 0
1 1
2 8
3 41

Total: 50
Computation Analysis
X 0 1 2 3
P (X=x) 0/50 1/50 8/50 41/50
P (X=x) 0% 2% 16% 82%
E(X) = 0 • 0/50 + 1 • 1/50 + 2 • 8/50 + 3 • 41/50
= 1 + 16 + 123
= 140
= 2.8
Given : Mx= 2.8
X P (x) x - Mx (x - Mx)² (x - Mx)² • P(x)
0 0/50 0 - 2.8 = -2.8 (-2.8)²= 7.84 (7.84) 0/50 = 0
1 1/50 1 - 2.8 = -1.8 (-1.8)²= 3.24 (3.24) 1/50 = .0648
2 8/50 2 - 2.8= -.8 (-.8)²= .64 (.64) 8/50 = .1024
3 41/50 3 - 2.8 = .2 (.2)²= .04 (.04) 41/50 = .0328

Var [ x ] = .2

σ = √ Var [ x ]
= √.2
= .447213595
= .45
Hypothesis Testing
Null Hypothesis: Silliman University Senior High School students purchase products
more than or equal to thrice a week.

Alternative Hypothesis: Silliman University Senior High School students purchase

products less than twice a week.

That is,

H0: μ ≥ 3
H1: μ < 3

Statistical Test:
At a = 0.05, we want to test that the sample mean is significantly below 30.
Because the sample mean is greater than 30, we will use Z-Test.

Given: Let n = 50
X̄ = 2.8
σ = .45

And so, the critical value is


z = X̄ - μ

by substitution

z = 2.8 - 3
How many times a week do you purchase products online?
Daily Thrice Twice Once
Number of students in percentage




Daily Thrice Twice Once

Interpretations and Inferences:

1.) Random variable realization 0 got zero responses. Therefore, 0 out of 50

students answered the survey that purchases products online on a daily basis.

2.) Random variable realization 1 got the lowest number of students which is
2%. Therefore, there is 1 out of 50 students answered the survey that
purchases products online thrice a week.

3.) Random variable realization 2 got the second highest number of students
which is 16%. Therefore, there are 8 out of 50 students who answered the
survey that purchase products online twice a week.

4.) Random variable realization 3 got the highest number of students which
is 82%. Therefore, there are 41 out of 50 students who answered the survey
that purchase products online once a week.
Data Gathering

6.) What kind of products do you purchase online?

0 Makeup
1 Personal Things
2 Sports Apparel
3 Merchandise
4 Gadgets
5 Clothes
6 Appliances
7 Hygiene Products
8 School Related

Random Variable Realization Frequency

0 1
1 1
2 1
3 2
4 3
5 7
6 7
7 11
8 17
Total: 50
Computation Analysis

X 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
P (X=x) 1/50 1/50 1/50 2/50 3/50 7/50 7/50 11/50 17/50
P (X=x) 2% 2% 2% 4% 6% 14% 14% 22% 34%

E(X) = 0 • 1/50 + 1 • 1/50 + 2 • 1/50 + 3 • 2/50 + 4 • 3/50 + 5 • 7/50 +

6 • 7/50 + 7 • 11/50 + 8 • 17/50
= 1 + 2 + 6 + 12 + 35 + 42 + 77 + 136
= 311
= 6.22
Given : Mx= 6.22
X P (x) x - Mx (x - Mx)² (x - Mx)² • P(x)
0 1/50 0 - 6.22 = -6.22 (-6.22)²= 38.6884 (38.6884) 1/50 = .773768
1 1/50 1 - 6.22 = -5.22 (-5.22)²= 27.2484 (27.2484) 1/50 = .544968
2 1/50 2 - 6.22= -4.22 (-4.22)²= 17.8084 (17.8084) 1/50 = .356168
3 2/50 3 - 6.22 = -3.22 (-3.22)²= 10.3684 (10.3684) 2/50 = .414736
4 3/50 4 - 6.22 = -2.22 (-2.22)²= 4.9284 (4.9284) 3/50 = .295704
5 7/50 5 - 6.22 = -1.22 (-1.22)²= 1.4884 (1.4884) 7/50 = .208376
6 7/50 6 - 6.22 = -.22 (-.22)²= .0484 (.0484) 7/50 = .006776
7 11/50 7- 6.22 = .78 (.78)²= .6084 (.6084) 11/50 = .133848
8 17/50 8- 6.22 = 1.78 (1.78)²= 3.1684 (3.1684) 17/50 = 1.077256

Var [ x ] = 3.8116

σ = √ Var [ x ]
= √3.8116
= 1.952331939
= 1.95
Hypothesis Testing
Null Hypothesis: Silliman University Senior High School students purchase School
Related products more than or equal to Hygiene products.

Alternative Hypothesis: Silliman University Senior High School students purchase

Hygiene products less than School Related products.

That is,

H0: μ ≥ 7
H1: μ < 7

Values are as follows:

Let n = 50
X̄ = 6.22
σ = 1.95

We can calculate the test statistic using the formula:

Z = (X̄ - μ )/σ /√n)

Calculating the test statistic:

Z = 6.22-7
Z= -2.83

To determine the p-value associated with this one-tailed test statistic, we can look up the
cumulative probability in the standard normal distribution table. The p-value for a Z-
score of -2.83(one-tailed test, greater than) is approximately -8.0089

Since the p-value (-8.0089) is lesser than the significance level of 0.05 (assuming alpha =
0.05), we are going to reject the null hypothesis.

Therefore, based on this one-tailed binomial proportion test, we have sufficient evidence
to suggest that the purchase of School Related products is significantly lesser than 0.5
What kind of products do you purchase online?

Make Up Personal Things Sports Apparel Merchandise

Gadgets Clothes Appliances Hygiene Products
School Related
Number of students in percentage


































Interpretations and Inferences:

1.) Random variable realization 0 got 2%. Therefore, 1 out of 50 students answered the
survey purchase makeup products online.
2.) Random variable realization 1 got 2%. Therefore, 1 out of 50 students answered the
survey purchase personal things online.
3.) Random variable realization 2 got 2%. Therefore, 1 out of 50 students answered the
survey purchase sports apparel online.
4.) Random variable realization 3 got 4%. Therefore, 2 out of 50 students answered the
survey purchase merchandise online.
5.) Random variable realization 4 got 6%. Therefore, 3 out of 50 students answered the
survey purchase gadgets online.
6.) Random variable realization 5 got 14%. Therefore, 7 out of 50 students answered the
survey purchase clothes online.
7.) Random variable realization 6 got 14%. Therefore, 7 out of 50 students answered the
survey purchase appliances online.
8.) Random variable realization 7 got 22%. Therefore, 11 out of 50 students answered the
survey purchase hygiene products online.
9.) Random variable realization 8 got 34%. Therefore, 17 out of 50 students answered the
survey purchase school related products online.
Data Gathering

7.) What applications do you usually use in purchasing products?

0 Zalora
1 All of the above
2 Nike
3 Lazada
4 Shein
5 Shopee
Random Variable Realization Frequency
0 0
1 1
2 1
3 3
4 4
5 41

Total: 50
Computation Analysis
X 0 1 2 3 4 5
P (X=x) 0/50 1/50 1/50 3/50 4/50 41/50
P (X=x) 0% 2% 2% 6% 8% 82%
E(X) = 0 • 0/50 + 1 • 1/50 + 2 • 1/50 + 3 • 3/50 + 4 • 4/50 + 5 • 41/50
= 1 + 2 + 9 + 16 + 205
= 233
= 4.66
Given : Mx= 4.66
X P (x) x - Mx (x - Mx)² (x - Mx)² • P(x)
0 0/50 0 - 4.66 = -4.66 (-4.66)²= 21.7156 (21.7156) 0/50 = 0
1 1/50 1 - 4.66 = -3.66 (-3.66)²= 13.3956 (13.3956) 1/50 = .2679
2 1/50 2 - 4.66 = -2.66 (-2.66)²= 7.0756 (7.0756) 1/50 = .1415
3 3/50 3 - 4.66 = -1.66 (-1.66)²= 2.7556 (2.7556) 3/50 = .1653
4 4/50 4 - 4.66 = -0.66 (-0.66)²= .4356 (.4356) 4/50 = .0348
5 41/50 5 - 4.66 = .34 (.34)²= .1156 (.1156) 41/50 = .0947
σ = √ Var [ x ]
Var [ x ] = .7042
= √ .7042
= 0.8391662529
= 0.84
Hypothesis Testing
Null Hypothesis: Silliman University Senior High School students use Shopee in
purchasing products more than or equal to Shein.

Alternative Hypothesis: Silliman University Senior High School students use Shein in
purchasing products less than Shopee.

That is,

H0: μ ≥ 4
H1: μ < 4

Values are as follows:

Let n = 50
X̄ = 4.66
σ = 0.84

We can calculate the test statistic using the formula:

Z = (X̄ - μ )/σ /√n)

Calculating the test statistic:

Z = 4.66 - 4
Z= 5.56

To determine the p-value associated with this one-tailed test statistic, we can look up the
cumulative probability in the standard normal distribution table. The p-value for a Z-
score of 5.56(one-tailed test, greater than) is approximately 30.87

Since the p-value (30.87) is greater than the significance level of 0.05 (assuming alpha =
0.05), we failed to reject the null hypothesis.

Therefore, based on this one-tailed binomial proportion test, we do not have sufficient
evidence to suggest that the use of Shopee is significantly greater than 0.5
What applications do you usually use in purchasing products?

Zalora All of the above Nike Lazada Shein Shoppe

Number of students in percentage




Zalora All of the above Nike Lazada Shein Shoppe

Interpretations and Inferences:

1.) Random variable realization 0 has 0 responses. Therefore, none of the students who
responded order products on Zalora only.

2.) Random variable realization 1 got 2%. Therefore, 1 out of 50 students answered the
survey purchase products online through Zalora, Nike, Lazada, Shein, and Shopee.

3.) Random variable realization 2 got 2%. Therefore, 1 out of 50 students answered the
survey purchase products online through Nike only.

4.) Random variable realization 3 got 6%. Therefore, 3 out of 50 students answered the
survey purchase products online through Lazada only.

5.) Random variable realization 4 got 8%. Therefore, 4 out of 50 students answered the
survey purchase products online through Shein only.

6.) Random variable realization 5 got 82%. Therefore, 41 out of 50 students answered the
survey purchase products online through Shopee only.
Data Gathering

8.) Were the products you bought, needed or only wanted by you?
0 Wants
1 Needs
2 Both

Random Variable Realization Frequency

0 13
1 14
2 23

Total: 50
Computation Analysis
X 0 1 2
P (X=x) 13/50 14/50 23/50
P (X=x) 26% 28% 46%

E(X) = 0 • 13/50 + 1 • 14/50 + 2 • 23/50

= 14 + 46
= 60
= 1.2
Given : Mx= 1.2
X P (x) x - Mx (x - Mx)² (x - Mx)² • P(x)
0 13/50 0 - 1.2 = -1.2 (-1.2)² = 1.44 (1.44) 13/50 = .3744
1 14/50 1 - 1.2 = -.2 (-.2)² = .04 (.04) 14/50 = .0112
2 23/50 2 - 1.2 = .8 (-.8)² = .64 (.64) 23/50 = .2944

Var [ x ] = .68

σ = √ Var [ x ]
= √.68
= .82462112512
= .82
Hypothesis Testing
Null Hypothesis: Silliman University Senior High School students purchase products
because of needs more than or equal to wants.

Alternative Hypothesis: Silliman University Senior High School students purchase

because of wants less than needs..

That is,

H0: μ ≥ 0
H1: μ < 0

Values are as follows:

Let n = 50
X̄ = 1.2
σ = 0.82

We can calculate the test statistic using the formula:

Z = (X̄ - μ )/σ /√n)

Calculating the test statistic:

Z = 1.2 - 0
Z= 10.35

To determine the p-value associated with this one-tailed test statistic, we can look up the
cumulative probability in the standard normal distribution table. The p-value for a Z-
score of 10.35(one-tailed test, greater than) is approximately 107.08

Since the p-value (107.08) is greater than the significance level of 0.05 (assuming alpha =
0.05), we failed to reject the null hypothesis.

Therefore, based on this one-tailed binomial proportion test, we do not have sufficient
evidence to suggest that the purchase of needs is significantly greater than 0.5
Were the products you bought, needed or only wanted by you?

Wants Needs Both

Number of students in percentage





Wants Needs Both

Interpretations and Inferences:

1.) Random variable realization 0 got 26%. Therefore, 13 out of 50 students who
responded buy products according to their wants only.

2.) Random variable realization 1 got 28%. Therefore, 14 out of 50 students who
responded buy products according to their needs only.

3.) Random variable realization 2 got 46%. Therefore, 23 out of 50 students who
responded buy products according to their needs and wants.
Data Gathering

9.) Who pays for your online expenses?

0 Both
1 Parents
2 Yourself

Random Variable Realization Frequency

0 8
1 16
2 26

Total: 50
Computation Analysis
X 0 1 2
P (X=x) 8/50 16/50 26/50
P (X=x) 16% 32% 52%

E(X) = 0 • 8/50 + 1 • 16/50 + 2 • 26/50

= 16 + 52
= 68
= 1.36

Given : Mx= 1.36

X P (x) x - Mx (x - Mx)² (x - Mx)² • P(x)
0 8/50 0 - 1.36 = -1.36 (-1.36)² = 1.8496 (1.8496) 8/50 = .2955936
1 16/50 1 - 1.36 = -.36 (-.36)² = .1296 (.1296) 16/50 = .041472
2 26/50 2 - 1.36 = .64 (.64)² = .4096 (.4096) 26/50 = .212992

Var [ x ] = .5500576

σ = √ Var [ x ]
= √.5500576
= .7416586816
= .74
Hypothesis Testing
Null Hypothesis: Silliman University Senior High School students pay for their online
payments by themselves more than or equal making their parents pay.

Alternative Hypothesis: Silliman University Senior High School students makes their
parents pay less than paying by themselves.

That is,

H0: μ ≥ 1
H1: μ < 1

Values are as follows:

Let n = 50
X̄ = 1.36
σ = 0.74

We can calculate the test statistic using the formula:

Z = (X̄ - μ )/σ /√n)

Calculating the test statistic:

Z = 1.36 - 1
Z= 3.44

To determine the p-value associated with this one-tailed test statistic, we can look up the
cumulative probability in the standard normal distribution table. The p-value for a Z-
score of 3.44(one-tailed test, greater than) is approximately 11.83.

Since the p-value (11.83) is greater than the significance level of 0.05 (assuming alpha =
0.05), we failed to reject the null hypothesis.

Therefore, based on this one-tailed binomial proportion test, we do not have sufficient
evidence to suggest that the students who pay for themselves is significantly greater than
Who pays for your online expenses?

Both Parents Yourself

Number of students in percentage



Both Parents Yourself

Interpretations and Inferences:

1.) Random variable realization 0 got 16%. Therefore, 8 out of 50 students who
responded asks money from their parents and themselves to pay for their online

2.) Random variable realization 1 got 32%. Therefore, 16 out of 50 students who
responded asks money from their parents to pay for their online expenses.

3.) Random variable realization 2 got 52%. Therefore, 26 out of 50 students who
responded pays for their own online expenses.
Data Gathering
10.) What coupons do you use when checking out your items?

0 Discount Coupons
1 Free Shipping
2 None

Random Variable Realization Frequency

0 4
1 4
2 42

Total: 50
Computation Analysis

X 0 1 2
P (X=x) 4/50 4/50 42/50
P (X=x) 8% 8% 84%

E(X) = 0 • 4/50 + 1 • 4/50 + 2 • 42/50

= 4 + 84
= 88
= 1.76

Given : Mx= 1.76

X P (x) x - Mx (x - Mx)² (x - Mx)² • P(x)
0 4/50 0 - 1.76 = -1.76 (-1.76)² = 3.0976 (3.0976) 4/50 = .247808
1 4/50 1 - 1.76 = -.76 (-.76)² = .5776 (.5776) 4/50 = .046208
2 42/50 2 - 1.76 = .24 (.24)² = .0576 (.0576) 42/50 = .048384

Var [ x ] = .3424

σ = √ Var [ x ]
= √.3424
= .58514955353
= .59
Hypothesis Testing
Null Hypothesis: Silliman University Senior High School students use no coupons when
checking our more than or equal to using the free shipping coupons.

Alternative Hypothesis: Silliman University Senior High School students use the free
shipping coupons less than nothing.

That is,

H0: μ ≥ 1
H1: μ < 1

Values are as follows:

Let n = 50
X̄ = 1.76
σ = 0.59

We can calculate the test statistic using the formula:

Z = (X̄ - μ )/σ /√n)

Calculating the test statistic:

Z = 1.76 - 1
Z= 9.11

To determine the p-value associated with this one-tailed test statistic, we can look up the
cumulative probability in the standard normal distribution table. The p-value for a Z-
score of 9.11(one-tailed test, greater than) is approximately 82.96

Since the p-value (82.96) is greater than the significance level of 0.05 (assuming alpha =
0.05), we failed to reject the null hypothesis.

Therefore, based on this one-tailed binomial proportion test, we do not have sufficient
evidence to suggest that no using of coupon is significantly greater than 0.5
What coupons do you use when checking out your items?

Discount Coupons Free Shipping None

Number of students in percentage





Discount Coupons Free Shipping None


Interpretations and Inferences:

1.) Random variable realization 0 got 8%. Therefore, 4 out of 50 students who responded
uses discount coupons upon ordering products online.

2.) Random variable realization 1 got 8%. Therefore, 4 out of 50 students who responded
uses free shipping upon ordering products online.

3.) Random variable realization 2 got 84%. Therefore, 42 out of 50 students who
responded doesn't use any coupons upon ordering online.

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