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Индивидуальный итоговый проект

по учебной дисциплине Английский язык
на тему «Города Англии(Брайтон)»

Проект выполнил ученик 9 –Г класса

Полищук Иван
Руководитель: учитель английского языка
Куликова Анастасия Александровна
Оценка ______________
Члены комиссии ______________________

г. Симферополь
1. Введение……………………………………………………………………
2. Теоретическая часть………………………………………………………
3. Практическая часть……………………………………………………….
4. Заключение……………………………………………………………….
5. Список литературы……………………………………………………....

Purpose of the work: To create a travel guide for the city of England (Brighton),
identifying the most important landmarks to visit.
Tasks: 1. Find and explore information about interesting places in Brighton.

2. Make an analysis of found information.

3. Select required information and photos by topic.

4. Make a travel guide based on the information I received.

Project question: What landmarks are worth visiting if you visit Brighton?
Project brief: While researching and analysing information, I made a guide with the
most interesting places of the city and created the best route to see all the important
landmarks in the city.
Project result (product): A guidebook showing the must-see places and the
landmarks that are worth seeing.


My project is dedicated to the topic «Brighton travel guide».

This work gives an idea of interesting places and landmarks of Brighton.

I am absolutely confident that my work is relevant. I have done a survey among my

classmates and friends whose age is from 13 to 16 years old. I have asked them have
they ever been to Brighton. Almost all of questioned said that they had never been
there, but the family of my friend was in Brighton and he told me that it had been the
greatest travel he have ever had. In the end 94,3% of questioned said that they had
never been to Brighton. Another reason why my work is relevant is that nowadays
there is a great interest to an English language and I think that people who studies it
want to know more adout culture, history and landmarks of the country whose
language they study.

Aim of the work: make a Brighton travel guide.

Tasks: 1. Find and explore information about interesting places in Brighton.

5. Make an analysis of found information.

6. Select required information and photos by topic.

7. Make a travel guide based on the information I received.

Methods: work with literature; analysis information on the internet; collect photos
and drawings; analysis and synthesis of found material.

Theoretical part

Brighton is a famous seaside resort located on the southern coast of England. It is

very popular city in the Europe and it’s famous for the exciting beaches, warm sea
and of course for it’s landmarks. This city has an amazing concentration of various
attractions and historical and cultural monuments.

Royal Pavilion

The Royal Pavilion is a seaside residence of the English kings, located in the
Brighton, in the south of Great Britain. It mixes the traditions of Indian, Moorish and
Chinese architecture, which today are called the Indo-Saracen style.

This architectural miracle was revealed to us by King George IV, who loved to go to
Brighton while he was Prince Regent. Now, after more than 200 years, it still attracts
the eyes with its unusual appearance.

Tourists who are visiting the museum nowadays are impressed from the first steps by
the lobby, a banquet hall with a dome-shaped ceiling and a crystal lamp on the top
that weights 1 ton and 9 meters long. The huge kitchen also amazes visitors.

Brighton museum & art gallery

The Brighton Museum and Art Gallery are part of the Royal Pavilion. There is a rich
archival collection of paintings with views of ancient Brighton, as well as many
personal belongings of King George IV.

The museum & art gallery took their current position in the building in 1902. In 2002,
a major renovation of the museum and art gallery was carried out at a cost of 10
million pounds. The decorative art collection includes British, European and
American applied art and design from the 17th century to the present day, including
ceramics, glass, metalwork, furniture and jewelry.The Costume and Textile collection

contains British, European and North American textiles, costumes and accessories
from the 18th century to the present day.

The Natural Sciences Collection includes Edward Booth's collection of British birds,
zoological and geological collections. The collection also contains half a million
insects (including butterflies) and a library of 14,000 natural history texts.

North Laine

The North Lane area is located between the railway station and the beach on the
south coast of Brighton, next to the Royal Pavilion.

This area combines a lot of unusual, sometimes unique, sometimes completely

strange shops. Here you can find a completely unusual combination of goods, here is
literally everything. There are also many small art studios offering original jewelry,
ceramics, sculptures and interior items.

What makes this area so special? It could be the lively, holiday atmosphere, at its
peak at weekends when some of the roads are closed to traffic, and stalls, tables and
chairs fill the roads. It could be the community spirit of the local traders who bring
such a diverse range of goods to the area. Or it could be the presence of creativity
everywhere you look, from street art to street performers to the variety of people
passing you by. Whatever the reason, there’s no doubt the North Laine has got that
special something.

To reach the North Laine, depart from Brighton Station and head down Trafalgar
Street, the thoroughfare which passes under the station. This is the start of the North
Laine region, which includes Sydney Street, Kensington Gardens, Gardner Street,
and Bond Street.


Dating back to the 18th century, the narrow streets of The Lanes were once home to
hundreds of fishermen's cottages, and their strange, overhanging roofs were built to
shelter the lanes from the storms. Today, The Lanes saved much of their original

character, with their old-fashioned shops, brick roads, flower-filled window boxes,
and labyrinth of hidden alleys, known locally as “twittens.”

The Lanes are a famous part of Brighton located between the North Laine and the
seaside. this is exciting to walk around with its narrow streets, hidden squares,
exciting shops, legendary jewellers and plenty of places to eat.

Some parts of The Lanes date back to the late 16th Century when Brighton was a
small fishing town called Brighthelmstone. Some of the alleyways or twittens –
seems to be more older.

St. Bartholomew church

The most beautiful church not only in Brighton, but also in the UK, is the Church of
St. Bartholomew. The impressive structure dates back to the 19th century.

The church, built in the XII century (1123), is made in the Romanesque style. At that
time, this architectural style had just appeared in England. A the noise of a British
port town, St. Bartholomew's Church seems to be a symbol of greatness and peace,
not only the appearance symbolizes peace. The interior of the temple calls for silence.
Every Sunday morning, family services are held here, where everyone can sing
hymns together with church parishioners. From eleven o'clock in the morning, the
traditional worship begins, where you can hear Christian hymns. Nowadays, St.
Bartholomew's Church is the center of concentration of the spiritual life of the British
capital. Today, filming of movies, various exhibitions and concerts are held here.The
appearance is unusual and strict , especially because of the height of the building and
how it towers over the nearby streets of low-rise

buildings. Many of the houses and other buildings that originally surrounded the
church were cleared, which increased the contrast.
The high walls of reddish-brown brick, now aged to a purplish-brown color, are
decorated with a roof with dark tiles

Practical part

The aim of this work was creation of a poster on topic «Brighton travel guide».

During the project I’ve found sources which provided me with information on the
topic, analysis of found information has been carried. There was plenty of
information and it was difficult to select material that would be most accurately show
features of the most famous places in Brighton. In the process of preparing the
project, I discovered a lot of different interesting information about big amount of
landmarks. As a result of throughout analysis, the material and photos for guide were
selected. The project was created according to an individual plan. We gained a lot of
expierience at all stages of the project.

The guide includes the most interesting information about some interesting places in


This project gives an idea about the most interesting places in Brighton.

The aim was to make a poster «Brighton travel guide».

To realise the aim I have achieved all tasks.

It was fascinating to work on a project, but there have also been difficulties in it’s
process. There are plenty of interesting places in Brighton, each of them has it’s
individual history. By learning about popular museusm and tourist landmarks of
Brighton I can conclude that it’s absolutely fantastic city. It brings together royal
palaces and informative museums, modern and medieval infrastructure and the
traditions of the past. Landmarks are the prime example of culture and history of
England, through learning of which we can understand how lives English.

Использованная литература

1. Майкл Липман: «Великобритания», Издательство Dorling Kindersley, серия
Путеводитель Дорлинг Киндерсли, 2009 г.

2. Льюис Ф.З. «Жизнь Англии в средние века»,  Перевод с англ. Рассадиной С.

А. — СПб.: Евразия, 2014.

3. Иглз Р. «История Англии», Издательство: ACT, Астрель, 2008.

4. Генри Мортон «По старой доброй Англии от Лондона до Ньюкасла»,

Издательство: Мидгарт, Эксмо, 2010


1. Самые интересные достопримечательности Брайтона [Электронный ресурс].-

Режим доступа:

2. Посетите Брайтон [Электронный ресурс].- Режим доступа:

3. 10 лучших достопримечательностей в Брайтоне [Электронный ресурс].-

Режим доступа:


4. Достопримечательности Брайтона:список, фото и описание [Электронный

ресурс].- Режим доступа:

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