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Success in the knowledge

economy comes to those who
know themselves-their
strengths, their values, and
Managing Oneself
how they best perform. by Peter F Drucker

Included with this full -text Harvard Business Review article:

1 ArticleSummary
The ldea in Brief-the core idea
The ldea in Practiceputting the idea to work

2 Managing Oneself
12 Further Reading
Alist of related materials, with annotations to guide further
exploration of the article's ideas and applications

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Managing Oneself

The ldea in Practice

The ldea in Brief yourself these questions:
unprecedented oppor To build a life of excellence. begin by asking
We lve ln an age of
drive, and "What are my values?"
tunity If you ve got ambition, your cho "What are my strengths?"
smarts, you can ise to the top of What are your ethics? What do you see as your
profession-egardless of where you To accurately identify your strengths, use most imnportant responsibilities for Iiving a
comes re feedback analysis. Every time you make a key
started out. But with opportunity worthy, ethical life? Do your organization's
decision, write down the outcome you eX
sponsibility. Companies today aren't man ethics resonate with your own values? If not.
pect. Several months later, compare the actual
aging their knowledge workers'careers. your career will likely be marked by frustration
chief ex results with your expected results. Look for
Rather, we must each be our own and poor performance
ecutive officer patterns in what youte seeing: What results
are you skilled at generating?What abilities do "Where do I belong?"
Simply put, it's up to you tO carve out your you need to enhance in order to get the re
place in the work World and know when to Consider your strengths, preferred work style
sults you want? What unproductive habits are
change course. And it's up tO you to keep and values. Based on these qualities, in what
preventing you from creating the outcomes
yourself engaged and productive during a kind of work environment would you fit in
you desire? In identifying opportunities for im
work life that may span some 50 yearS. provement, don't waste time cultivating skill best? Find the perfect fit, and youll transforn
yourself from a merely acceptable employee
To do all of these things well, youll need to areas where you have little competence. In into a star performer.
cultivate a deep understanding of yourself. stead, concentrate on--and build onyour
What are your most valuable strengths and strengths. "What can Icontribute?"
most darngerous weaknesses? Equally im In earlier eras, companies told businesspeop
portant, how do you learn and work with "How do I work?"
others? What are your most deeply held val In what ways do you work best? Do you pro what their contribution should be Today. yom
cess information most effectively by reading have choices. To decide how you can best e
ues? And in what type of work environment
it, or by hearing others discUSs it? Do you hance your organlzation's performance, first
can you make the greatest contribution? ask what the situation requires. Based on yo
accomplish the most by working with other
The implication is clear: Only when you op strengths, work style, and values, how migh
people, or by working alone? Do you per
erate from a combination of your strengths form best while making decislons, or while you make the greatest contribution to your
and self-knowledge can you achieve trUe advising others on key matters? Are you in organization's efforts?
and lasting-excellence. top form when things get stressful, or do
you function optimally in a highly predict
able environment?
Success in the knowledge economy comes to those who know
themselves--their strengths, their values, and how they best perform.


Managing Oneself
by Peter F Drucker

We live in an age of unprecedented opportunity: tions, so unusual both in their talents and
Ifyou've got ambition and smarts, you can rise to their accomplishments as to be considered
the top of your chosen profession, regardless of outside the boundaries of ordinary human ex
where you started out. istence. Now, most of us, even those of us with
But with opportunity comes responsibility. modest endowments, will have to learn to
Companies today aren't managing their employ manage ourselves. We will have to learn to de
ees' careers; knowledge workers must, effec velop ourselves. We will have to place our
tively, be their own chiefexecutive officers. It's up selves where we can make the greatest contri
to you to carve out your place, to know when to bution. And we will have to stay mentally alert
change course, and to keep yourselfengaged and and engaged during a 5oyear working life,
productive during a work life that may span which means knowing how and when to
some so years. To do those things well, you'I change the work we do.
need to cultivate a deep understanding of your
self-not only what your strengths and weak What Are My Strengths?
nesses are but also how you learn, how you work Most people think they know what they are
with others, what your values are, and where you good at. They are usually wrong. More often,
can make the greatest contribution. Because only people know what they are not good at--and
when you operate from strengths can you even then more people are wrong than right.
achieve true excellence. And yet, a person can perform only from
strength. One cannot build performance on
History's great achievers-a Napoléon, a da weaknesses, let alone on something one can
Vinci, a Mozart-have always managed them not do at all.
selves. That, in large measure, is what makes Throughout history, people had little
them great achievers. But they are rare excep need to know their strengths. A person was
born into a position and a line of work: The gance is causing disabling ignorance and over
peasant's son would also be a peasant; the ar come it. Far too many people-especially peo
tisan's daughter, an artisan's wife; and so on. ple with great expertise in one area-are
But now people have choices. We need to contemptuous of knowledge in other areas or
know our strengths in order to know where believe that being bright is a substitute for
we belong. knowledge. First-rate engineers, for instance,
The only way to discover your strengths is tend to take pride in not knowing anything
through feedback analysis. Whenever you about people. Human beings, they believe, are
make a key decision or take a key action, write much too disorderly for the good engineering
mind. Human resources professionals, by con
down what you expect will happen. Nine or 12 trast, often pride themselves on their igno
months later, compare the actual results with
rance ofelementary accounting or of quantita
your expectations. Ihave been practicing this taking pride in
method for 15 t0 20 years now, and every time tive methods altogether. But
work on
such ignorance is self-defeating. Go to
Ido it, I am surprised. The feedback analysis
showed me, for instance--and to my great sur acquiring the skills and knowledge you need to
prise-that I have an intuitive understanding fully realize your strengths.
your bad
It is equally essential to remedy
of technical people, whether they are engi habits-the things you do or fail to do that in
neers or accountants or market researchers. It performance. Such
hibit your effectiveness and
also showed me that I don't really resonate in the feedback.
habits will quickly show up
with generalists. beau
Feedback analysis is by no means new. It For example, a planner may find that his
does not follow
tiful plans fail because he
was invented sometime in the fourteenth cen
through on them. Like so many brilliant peo
tury by an otherwise totally obscure German ple, he believes that ideas move mountains.
theologian and picked up quite independently, ideas show
But bulldozers move mountains;
some 150 years later, by John Calvin and Igna where the bulldozers should go to work. This
tius of oyola, each of whom incorporated it planner will have to learn that the work does
into the practice of his followers. In fact, the
steadfast focus on performance and results not stop when the plan is completed. He must
that this habit produces explains why the insti find people to carry out the plan and explain it
tutions these twO men founded, the Calvinist to them. He must adapt and change it as he
church and the Jesuit order, came to dominate puts it into action. And finally, he must decide
Europe within 30 years. when to stop pushing the plan.
Practiced consistently, this simple method At the same time, feedback will also reveal
when the problem is a lack of manners. Man
will show you within a fairly short period of
ners are the lubricating oil of an organization.
time, maybe two or three years, where your It is a law of nature that two moving bodies in
strengths lie-and this is the most important
contact with cach other create friction. This is
thing to know. The method will show you
as true for human beings as it is for inanimate
what you are doing or failing to do that de
prives you of the full benefits of your objects. Manners--simple things like saying
strengths. It will show you where you are not "please" and "thank you" and knowing a per
particularly competent. And finally, it will son's name or asking after her family-enable
show you where you have no strengths and two people to work together whether they
cannot perform. like each other or not. Bright people, espe
Several implications for action follow from cially bright young people, often do not un
feedhack analysis. First and foremost, concen derstand this. If analysis shows that some
trate on your strengths. Put yourself where one's brilliant work fails again and again as
your strengths can produce results. soon as cooperation from others is required, it
Peter F. Drucker is the Marnie Rankin Second, work on improving your strengths. probably indicates a lack of courtesyhat is,
Clarke Professor of Socal Scence and Analysis will rapidly show where you need to a lack of manners.
Management (Ermeritus) at Claremont improve skills or acquire new ones. It will also Comparing your expectations with your re
Gaduate Universty in Claremont, Cal show the gaps in your knowledgeand those sults also indicates what not to do. We al
fonia This articde is an excerpt from his can usually be filled. Mathematicians are bom, have a vast number of arcas in which we have
book Management Chalenges for the but everyone can learn trigonometry. no talent or skill and little chance of becom
Z1st CenturyarpeColirns 1999) Third, discover where your intellectual arro ing even mediocre. In those areas a person
and especially a knowledge worker-should who had been his admirers held President
not take on work, jobs, and assignments. One Eisenhower in open contempt. He never ad
should waste as little effort as possible on im dressed the questions, they complained, but
proving areas of low competence. It takes far rambled on endlessly about something else.
more energy and work to improve from in And they constantly ridiculed him for
incoherent and un
competence to mediocrity than it takes to im ing the King's English in
grammatical answers.
prove from first-rate performance to excel
lence. And yet most people-especially most Eiscnhower apparently did not knowhe that
listener. When
he was a reader, not a
teachers and most organizations-concen Supremc Commander in Europe, his
trate on making incompetent performers into press
made sure that every question from the hour
mediocre ones. Energy, resources, and time half an
should go instead to making a competent per was presented in writing at least
begin. And then
before a conference was to
son into a star performer. When he
Eisenhower was in total command.
two listeners,
became president, he succeeded
How Do | Perform? Truman. Both
Franklin D. Roosevelt and Harry
Amazingly few people know how they get men knew themselves to be listeners and both
things done. Indeed, most of us do not even enjoyed free-for-all press
conferences. Eisen
know that different people work and hower may have felt that he
had to doowhat his
differently. Too many people work in ways that two predecessors had done. As a result, he
guarantees journalists
are not their ways, and that almost never even heard the questions
nonperformance. For knowledge workers, How asked. And Eisenhower is not even an extreme
do I perform? may be an even more case of a nonlistener.
question than What are my strengths? Johnson destroyed
performs is Afew years later, Lyndon
Like one's strengths, how one measure, by not know
Whether his presidency, in large
It takes far more energy unique. It is a matter of personality. His predecessor,
nurture, it ing that he was a listener. who had assem
personality be a matter of nature or reader
to improve from goes to John Kennedy, was a
surely is formed long before a person given, bled a brilliant group of
writers as his assis
incompetence to work. And how a person performs is a tants, making sure that they
wrote to him be
at or not good at
just as what a person is goodperforming person. Johnson
mediocrity than to can be fore discussing their memos in
is a given. A person's way ofunlikely to be com they kept
kept these people on his staff-andunderstood
improve fromfirst-rate slightly modified, but it is
easily. Just on writing. He never, apparently, as a senator,
pletely changedand certainly not one word of what they wTote. Yet
performance to by doing what they
as people achieve results Johnson had been superb; for parliamentari
results by work
excellence. are good at, they also achieve A few com ans have to be, above all,
ing in ways that they best perform.
determine how Few listeners can be made, or can make
mon personality traits usually vice
themselves, into competent readers-and will,
a person performs. versa. The listener who tries to be
a reader
The first thing
Am l a reader ora listener? therefore, suffer the fate of Lyndon Johnson,
or a lis
know is whether you are a reader
that whereas the reader who tries to be a listener
tener. Far too few people even know will suffer the fate of Dwight Eisenhower. They
and that peo
there are readers and listeners will not perform or achieve.
ple are rarely both. Even fewer know How dol learn? The second thing to know
some ex
of the two they themselves are. But
about how one performs is to know how one
amples will show how damaging such igno learns. Many first-class writers-Winston
rance can be.
Churchill is but one example-do poorly in
When Dwight Eisenhower was Supreme
school. They tend to remember their school
Commander of the Allied forces in Europe, he classmates
confer ing as pure torture. Yet few of their
was the darling of the press. His press remember it the same way. They may not have
ences were famous for their style-General
Eisenhower showed total command of what enjoyed the school very much, but the worst
they suffered was boredom. The explanation is
ever question he was asked, and he was able to
that writers do not, as a rule, learn by listening
describe a situation and explain a policy in two and reading. They learn by writing, Because
or three beautifully polished and elegant sen schools do not allow them to learn this way.
tences. Ten years later, the same journalists

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to are Do
improve not
to try
the to
way change
you Work

hero eral work nonperformance.

ask, you yourself arelearn? learn?"
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