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Paper Airplane Activity


ARGUELLES, Chriziemher CASTILLO, Justine Clariz

CARANZO, Nhazarine DOGOY, Jellyn Grace

HIPOLITO, Arhlysa HERRERA, Rex Bengie

OMEGA, Danielle Von SORNE, Bea Stephanie

Paper Airplanes & Scientific Method

Step 1: Identify and State the Question or Problem

" Which paper airplane design will fly the farthest? "

Step 2: Background Research

With a purpose to seek which paper airplane design will fly farthest, the researchers
defined the four aerodynamic forces that will affect flight. In accordance with the
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), the identified mechanical
forces present in all flights are (1) thrust, (2) drag, (3) weight, and (4) lift. The
researchers identified lift as a component of the net force acting perpendicular to the
direction of airflow; whereas weight is a component of the net force acting
perpendicular to the paper airplane, relative to gravity. Moreso, the forward push exerted
is referred to as thrust, and the air that pushes the paper airplane back is drag.
Additionally, Jaco Aerospace and Industrial narrates that a calculated balance of a
paper airplane’s aerodynamics will allow it to glide through the air at great distance and
height. With sufficient knowledge to study these forces, the researchers primarily
determined that a successful flight is dependent on the type of paper used, the manner
of how a paper airplane is ejected, and the pretense of varying environmental

Step 3: State a Hypothesis

Airplane 1 (ZIE 320-B) will fly the farthest considering its structural design. The
weaker shock is made possible by the pointed nose in order to reduce the amount of

resistance while on flight. On the other hand, Airplane 2 (REX 737) will have a shorter flight
than Airplane 1 (ZIE 320-B) due to its blunt nose. A blunt nose, however, will cause a separated
shock and this creates more drag.

Step 4: Write a Procedure


- 2 long bond papers

- Tape measure

1. Create two kinds of paper airplanes with varying designs.

- Airplane 1: ZIE 320-B

- Airplane 2: REX 737

2. Pick an open area to launch the airplane and throw Airplane 1 - ZIE 320-B.

3. Measure the distance from the spot where the plane was thrown, to the place where it
landed. Repeat this step three times and record each trial.

4. Get the average distance from the three trials.

5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 for Airplane 2 - REX 737.

ZIE 320-B (Airplane 1) REX 737 (Airplane 2)

Sources of Paper Airplane Design:


Airplane 1

Airplane 2

Step 5: Collect and Record Data


1. ZIE 320-B 542” 480” 400” 474”

2. REX 737 228” 230” 248” 235.33”

Step 6: Analyze Data

Step 7: Conclusion

The paper airplane experiment aimed to determine which airplane design would fly

the farthest. The group designed two paper airplanes, the ZIE 320-B (Airplane 1) and REX
737 (Airplane 2). In order to determine the distance travelled by these two paper airplanes,
the group utilized a tape measure, which was set upon the ground. The paper airplanes
were launched into the air three times, and the average distances were calculated based on
the three trials conducted. There are a lot of factors that could affect where the airplane
would land, hence the differing accuracy of distances per trial. These could be: (1) the
condition of the wind at the time the airplane was launched; (2) the amount of force applied
by the person launching the aircraft; and (3) the design and structure of the paper airplane
itself. The data collected is reliable, as the distances were determined through the use of a
tape measure and were carefully tabulated after each flight attempt. Through the collected
and recorded data, the hypothesis was accepted since the ZIE 320-B, with an average
distance of 474", flew the farthest compared to the REX 737, with only an average distance
of 235.33". Since the design of the ZIE 320-B is more narrow and pointed, it creates less
drag compared to the REX 737. The REX 737, due to its wider wing design, generated more
drag, causing it to slow down as it resisted the air upon flying. Therefore, the design of
paper airplanes greatly influences how long they can sustain flight. Other designs and
folding techniques can be incorporated to further minimize the drag and increase the thrust.


Jack Aerospace and Industrial. (n.d.). The Science Behind Paper Airplanes. Retrieved

National Aeronautics and Space Administration. (2021). Aerodynamic Forces. Retrieved


National Aeronautics and Space Administration. (n.d.). The Science of Flying. Retrieved

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