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The Effectiveness of Garlic (Allium Sativum) Extract Against Entamoeba histolytica

A Research Paper Presented to the

Faculty of Integrated Basic Education Department Senior High School

San Beda University

City of Manila

In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the subject:

Practical Research 2 (Quantitative Research)

Presented by:

Balbuena, Chelsea Analiese V.

Corpuz, Jayan Sharmelaine Bianca S.

Delos Reyes, Maria Ellaine B.

Hernandez, Raechelle Jeanne Z.

Malbas, John Dominic A.

Sardeña, Mary Samantha Cyrene S.

Tayamen, Kamylle Marie Janina D.


This paper seeks to determine the effectiveness of Allium sativum, or garlic, as

treatment for amebiasis. The independent and dependent variables were briefly

introduced in the first chapter, which also provided a background of the field or study. As

per this chapter, the problem statement explains the paper’s questions through scope and

delimitations. Additionally, this chapter illustrates the importance of the research by

demonstrating its advantages for the environment, providing a conceptual framework to

make this process flow more readily, presenting a theoretical framework to support the

hypothesis, and providing definition of terms to understand the meaning of less common


Background of the Study

In accordance with the reports of National Library of Medicine or the National

Center for Biotechnology Information (2007), garlic (Allium sativum) is a great herbal

medicine since it has antimicrobial properties that can help prevent any diseases and

control the pressure in our body such as; cardiovascular disease, reducing the blood

pressure, and low cholesterol levels. Also, the effectiveness of garlic (Allium sativum)

was tested because of its own benefits and components. It proves that it is against

bacteria, fungal, and parasitic infections, boosts immune function, and also has antitumor

and antioxidant properties. Over 200 enzymes are responsible for these actions or results.

It contains sulfur compounds (allicin, alliin, and agoene), volatile oils, enzymes (allinase,

peroxidase, and miracynase), carbohydrates (sucrose and glucose), minerals (selenium),

and amino acids (cysteine, glutamine, isoleucine, and methionine) that help to protect

cells from the harms of free radicals. It also contains bioflavonoids (such as quercetin and

This article will include information on the properties of garlic, the illnesses it treats, and

its use in treating parasitic infections.

As reported by John M. Vetterling, in The Biology of Guinea Pig (1976), Wenyon

(1926) observed this flagellate for the first time in the cecum of an Egyptian guinea pig.

Later, Hegner and Schumaker (1928) identified it as Embadomonas caviae after

discovering it in Maryland guinea pigs. Wenrich (1932) demonstrated the invalidity of

the genus and reclassified all Embadomonas species into the name Retortamonas.

Retortamonas sp. was reported by Bishop (1932, 1934). However, Nie (1950) came to the

conclusion that the flagellates she discovered were Monocercomonoides from guinea pigs

in England. It has two flagella; an anterior and a trailing one—along with a sizable

(though occasionally undetectable) cytostome through which the trailing flagellum

travels. One or two siderophilic cytostome fibers connect the cytostome to the

surrounding tissue. Typically, the flagella are shorter than the body. The nucleus is

vesicular and has a circular nucleolus in the middle. There aren't any additional

organelles visible besides the food vacuoles. There is also treatment for amebiasis that is

prescribed by professionals, which is called tinidazole that kills the infections or

protozoan and also developed as the widely known bacterial infections. But the aim of

this study is to examine the effectiveness of garlic (Allium sativum) that can benefit the

people who can’t afford to purchase prescribed medications. This study seeks to know the

differences between two medications: herbal medicine and prescribed medicine and to

know the benefits of it to people who will use it.

Amebiasis (Entamoeba histolytica) is a microscopic (small) parasite that causes

the intestinal (bowel) disease amebiasis, which is spread via human feces (poop).

Although there are frequently no symptoms, it can sometimes result in weight loss,

nausea, and diarrhea (loose stools or poop). The parasite, which only lives in humans and

is transmitted in the feces (poop) of an infected person, is estimated to cause 600

instances of this sickness each year in New York State. A person contracts amebiasis by

putting anything in their mouth that has come into contact with contaminated feces, as

well as by consuming tainted food, water, or both. Moreover, it can be transmitted

sexually through oral-anal contact. Some patients with amebiasis may continue to pass

the parasite in their stools for weeks to years, frequently without showing any symptoms.

Travelers to tropical regions with poor hygienic circumstances, immigrants from tropical

nations with low sanitary conditions, residents in institutions with bad sanitary

conditions, and men who have sex with males are all susceptible to contracting

amebiasis. ( Department of Health, 2017)

Due to the lack of proper sanitary, Amebiasis is common in a certain area in the

Philippines due to its poor sanitary conditions. Amebiasis, which may present with a

variety of symptoms, can develop if people consume water and food who lacks proper

hygiene after going to the toilet. In response to this issue, the researchers will study the

efficacy of garlic (Allium sativum), a complementary treatment for amebiasis that can

benefit those who are impoverished. Protozoal infections are treated with tinidazole

which includes giardiasis, trichomoniasis, and amebiasis. The class of drugs known as

antiprotozoals contains tinidazole. These drugs are used to deal with illnesses brought by

protozoa. The medicine can only be obtained with the doctor’s prescription and is not

allowed to be purchased OTC or over the counter. During the rainy season, it is important

to find an alternative medication to lessen the expenses and explore the facts of science

by experimentation, which can help the people to have knowledge about one study and its

objective. Given that the garlic (Allium sativum) has many components that are working,

it has the highest chance and benefits of treating parasitic infections using this alternative

medicine since the researchers provide a study that explains the relevance of the

independent variable to the whole paper.

Statement of the problem

This study aims to find the effectiveness of garlic (Allium sativum) extract against

Entamoeba histolytica . This study seeks to answer the following research questions:

1. How does garlic (Allium sativum) extract work in treating amebiasis?

2. How is garlic (Allium sativum) extract frequently used as an anti-parasitic for


3. Is there a significant difference between the use of garlic (Allium sativum) and

Tinidazole in treating amebiasis?


Null Hypothesis

There is no significant difference in the use of garlic (Allium sativum) extract and
tinidazole in treating amebiasis.

Alternative Hypothesis

There is a significant difference in the amount used for garlic (Allium sativum)
extract concentrations in protozoan flagellate.

Significance of the study

Through the use of garlic (Allium sativum) extract, this study aims to provide an

alternate anti-protozoan treatment against amebiasis. The following may benefit from the

information that is gathered:

The Community - Given that Filipinos use herbal plants as an alternative therapy,

particularly for those who cannot afford expensive medications, this study may be helpful

to the people of the Philippines. Their understanding of the efficacy of garlic (Allium

sativum) extract as an alternate anti-protozoan treatment for amebiasis will come from

this research paper.

Medical Institutions - The information that will be gathered in this study may be useful

for medical institutes looking into more potential treatments for ailments like amebiasis

to support their studies on the subject.

Future Researchers - The findings of this study may serve as a basis of information for

future investigations into the efficacy of garlic (Allium sativum) extract as an alternate

anti-protozoan flagellate treatment for amebiasis

Conceptual framework (IPO)

Input Process Output

- After knowing the
- The effectiveness of - In order to conduct this
results of the test by
garlic (Allium sativum) extract research, the researchers
usinggarlic (Allium
against Entamoeba will acquire the other
sativum) extract
histolytica. laboratory necessities and
against Entamoeba
work under the
histolytica. The
- Differences of prescribed
supervision of a
researchers will be
medicines and herbal
professional. After that,
able to give their
all of the data will be
conclusion. These
assembled and presented.
students will be aware
The researchers will
- Benefits of herbal of the reasons why
ensure that the garlic
medicine herbal medication
(Allium sativum) utilized
shouldn't be utilized
in the experiment is of a
right away without
high standard.
the assistance of
professionals once
they know the results
showing whether it is
helpful or not. Since
garlic (Allium
sativum) is known for
many health benefits.

Figure 1.1 The Conceptual Framework Figure 1.1 displays the input, process, and expected output of the


The figure above shows the conceptual framework wherein the researcher will
experiment with the safety of employing garlic (Allium sativum) extract against
Entamoeba histolytica. All the things that the researcher will be using are needed in the
laboratory. Additionally, the researchers will conduct the experiment with the aid of a
professional. After all the testing they will be able to have the results on how safe garlic
(Allium sativum) extract is against Entamoeba histolytica. The researchers will be able to
give their conclusion.

Scope and delimitations

The study will carry on experimentally and will focus on the effect od garlic

(Allium sativum) extract against Entamoeba histolytica. The subject that will be used in

the experiment will be the anti-protozoan flagellate for the experimentation of garlic

(Allium sativum) extract.

The study will determine if the garlic (Allium sativum) shows a definite effects

towards the protozoa depending on how many cloves of crushed garlic (Allium sativum)

will be used in exterminating the disease, this will also determine if there is a significant

difference amongst the combinations; ㅠ 2 cloves, 3 cloves, 4 cloves, 5 cloves of crushed

garlic that will construct once the garlic is injected in the protozoan flagellate.

Furthermore, the experiment will be conducted in the San Beda University

laboratory to gather tests and information results of the study. Garlic extract will only be

limited and will be used in testing only on microorganism parasites, protozoa

(Entamoeba histolytica) which will go through laboratory testing.

Definition of terms

Allium Sativum - It is the scientific name for garlic.

Amebiasis - A parasite that causes sickness and is transferred through human feces

Antimicrobial - It helps to stop or slow down the spread of microorganisms including

bacteria, viruses, protozoans, and fungi.

Bioflavonoids - It is an alternative medicine as an antioxidant to treat osteoarthritis and

other inflammatory illnesses, to support blood circulation and a healthy heart, and

enhance the action of vitamin C.

Cardiovascular Disease - A condition that affects the heart or blood vessels.

Cytostome - It is a cellular organelle that is found only in certain protozoa.

Flagellate - Protozoans with one or a small number of long whip-like hairs called flagella

that are used for locomotion.

Free Radicals - It is a type of unstable molecule produced by normal cell metabolism.

Genus - It is a biological classification that ranks family and species.

Metronidazole - It is an antibiotic that is used to treat gum infections, dental abscesses,

rosacea, and skin infections of the skin. Additionally, it is used to treat diseases such

pelvic inflammatory disease and bacterial vaginosis.

Monocercomonoides - It is a distinct genus of eukaryotic microorganisms because it is

devoid of any mitochondria or organelles linked to mitochondria.

Parasitic Infections - Parasites are organisms that live in or on another organism, called

the host.

Retortamonas - It is a genus of flagellated excavates, which is part of the

retortamonadidae family.

Tazobactam - It is an antibiotic that prevents organisms that make the beta-lactamase

enzyme from breaking down other antibiotics.

Tinidazole - It is used to treat infections caused by protozoa (eg, trichomoniasis,

giardiasis, and amebiasis).



This chapter presents the review of different literature and studies that discusses

amebiasis and its characteristics, garlic as an antiprotozoal, and tinadizole’s effectiveness

against amebiasis. The chapter discusses the recurring themes that help the researchers in

familiarizing information that are pertinent to this current study.



According to Zulfiqar, et. al (2019), a typical parasitic enteral infection is

amebiasis, often known as amoebic dysentery. Any amoeba belonging to the Entamoeba

group can be the culprit. Amoebiasis may cause mild to severe symptoms, such as

abdominal pain, diarrhea, or bloody diarrhea, or it may not cause any symptoms at all.

Peritonitis may develop as a result of severe complications such as inflammation and

perforation. Although amebiasis can occur anywhere, it is most common in

underdeveloped nations due to poor sanitation and increasing fecal contamination of

water supplies. Amebiasis is an ailment that affects over 50 million people worldwide

and is reported to be responsible for over 100,000 annual fatalities. Ingestion of water or

food contaminated by E-containing feces is the main cause of illness. cysts of histolytica.

So, when visiting an area where amebiasis is endemic, visitors from developing nations

may contract the disease. Institutionalized people and people with impaired immune

systems are also at danger. the bacterium E. Histolytica can survive in the environment

for lengthy periods of time in its cystic form. Moreover, it can be obtained by anal or oral

sex, direct rectum inoculation, or through colonic irrigation equipment. Despite the strain

on the world's public health, no vaccinations or preventative drugs exist to stop

amebiasis. There may be two treatment choices. Metronidazole, tinidazole, nitazoxanide,

dehydroemetine, or chloroquine are used to treat amoebiasis in tissue. Iodoquinoline or

diloxanide furoate are used to treat luminal infections. A number of drugs may be needed

for an effective course of treatment. Infections without symptoms require treatment, but

infected individuals can spread the parasite to others.

Furthermore, Fu, B. (2022), stated that Entamoeba histolytica is a human

protozoan that induces amebiasis. Amoeba exists in two forms: infectious non-dividing

cysts and actively dividing invasive trophozoites. Infected cysts are usually found in

contaminated food and water. This patient may have been misdiagnosed because there

was no evidence of intestinal amebiasis or amebic liver abscess. It is reported that only

10% of individuals exposed to the pathogen develop “symptomatic” aggressive

amoebiasis; most cases are asymptomatic in the early stages or manifest as self-limiting

mild diarrhea. Extraintestinal manifestations of amoebic dysentery can occur along three

routes: extension from the involved gastrointestinal tract, hematogenous or

lymphogenous spread from the primary site, or direct contact with contaminated food or

water. It is reported that amoeba can infect the thoracic cavity, urethra, liver and brain. In

this case, it is possible that the trophozoites enter the blood by invading the mesentery

and then spread to other organs.


Additionally, a study by Nazer et al. (2018) discussed the most important

medicinal herbs affecting giardiasis like garlic (Allium sativum). They stated that

giardiasis is one of the most prevalent gastrointestinal parasites, and it is said to create

many personal and social issues. Doctors often give metronidazole, furazolidone, and

paramomycin to treat giardia and other illnesses alike. It is unclear exactly how the

therapeutic herbs work. Microorganisms are killed by metronidazole because it prevents

further replication. They also indicated in their study that garlic (Allium sativum) belongs

to the Amaryllidaceae family and reported that Garlic extract is quite effective on Giardia

cysts. Garlic (Allium sativum) is also an herb utilized as an anti giardiasis treatment in

Iranian herbal medicine. In their study, they were able to see the effects of garlic (Allium

sativum) on infected mice. Over the three days of observation, the mice treated with 20

and 40 mg/kg of garlic extract did not fully recover their hair, whereas the animals treated

with 80 mg/kg were able to do so. The Giardia parasite; was most likely killed by the

herbal medicines and bioactive substances utilized in this investigation by a mechanism

resembling the metronidazole process. Due to their active components and antioxidant

compounds, medicinal plants like garlic (Allium sativum) can have anti-parasitic effects

and be used as effective natural giardiasis treatments.

Furthermore, according to Manfield (2019), Garlic is a herbal remedy that has

been used for medical purposes for ages. The principal constituents are primarily the

organosulfur compounds, particularly alliin, which breaks down into allicin. It is

recommended for diseases of the digestive tract as well as respiratory illnesses including

bronchitis, colds, and the flu because there are no warnings or contraindications. Garlic is

often suggested by naturopaths and herbalists as a treatment for a variety of illnesses.

According to Dr. Jason Hawrelak, who is studying the work of naturopaths and has done

a ton of research on treating dysbiosis and parasite infections, including Blastocystis

hominis and Giardia lamblia. He recommended using a fresh clove of garlic as an

antimicrobial herb. The majority of research on the effects of garlic on various microbes

is still in its early stages in vitro. Garlic has been shown in Hawrelak's research to

selectively target pathogenic microbes, a phenomenon known as selectivity of action.

This is beneficial to our microbiome.


60 adult patients with symptomatic intestinal amoebiasis and feces containing

Entamoeba histolytica were randomly assigned to receive either tinidazole or

metronidazole, both of which were given in doses of 2 g once day for three days. Those

whose feces tested positive for Entamoeba histolytica on the day following the final

treatment day had their treatment term extended. 56 patients, 29 on tinidazole and 27 on

metronidazole, finished the experiment in accordance with the plan. With tinidazole, 28

patients (96.5%) and on metronidazole, 15 (55.5%) were cured. With tinidazole and

metronidazole, respectively, parasitological cure with some symptom relief was attained

in 1 (3.5%) and 5 (18.5%) patients. With metronidazole, seven patients (26%)

experienced treatment failure. Therapy had to go longer than three days in



In (2015), garlic has been discovered to prevent many diseases. Many modern

studies confirm that garlic has specific antibiotic properties and is effective against a

wide range of bacteria, fungi and viruses. In addition, many studies have shown that

garlic can be more effective than traditional antibiotics as a broad-spectrum antibiotic.

The researchers conducted an experiment wherein they performed an antimicrobial

susceptibility test, paper disks containing varieties of antibiotics. All were supplemented

with 2% glucose and 0.5g/ml methylene blue. The researchers waited fifteen minutes to

absorb the bacterial suspension after that the disk were placed onto the surface on the

90mm inoculated plate with sterile forceps to analyze the antibiotic activity.



According to Newman (2017), Garlic (Allium sativum) is commonly used as a

culinary spice, but it has also been used in ancient and modern medicine to prevent and

treat various ailments. garlic (Allium sativum) has been used for thousands of years. It has

been used all over the world for a long time. Records show that it was used more than

5000 years before the pyramids of Giza were built. As specified by Richard s. Rivlin, in

the Journal of Nutrition, Hippocrates (ca. 460-370 BC), now considered the father of

Western medicine, recommended garlic for a variety of ailments. Hippocrates advocated

using garlic to treat respiratory problems, parasites, indigestion, and fatigue. Many people

use garlic (Allium sativum) for any purposes related to the blood system and heart. It also

includes atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries), high cholesterol, heart attack,

coronary artery disease, and high blood pressure.

Moreover, according to Khorsheed, Et al. (2016), Garlic carries exclusive

beneficial minerals, nutrients, and plenty of different materials used for the health of

humans. It is rich in sugar, protein, fat, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, sulfur, iodine

fiber, and silicon.


The data that will be gathered to support a study's theory will be discussed and

constrained by this framework. This framework was created in response to the research

problem that will be examined in this study and will be used to identify predictions that

can support the data in this chapter. As a result, it needs to be thorough and capable of

listing all hypotheses and making all of the predictions incorporated with the necessary

knowledge components.

This paper consists of several theories since the research design used was

experimental, it might be effective and might be not. Under the related literature of garlic

(Allium sativum) it explains the benefits and components of garlic (Allium sativum) and

other relevance as herbal medicine, it says there that the garlic was tested already by

many as treatment for illnesses, parasitic infections, and other diseases either external or

internal but there are also people who don’t believe in this alternative medicine for its

own safety and can’t risk the other consequences of it. As a theory in this study, it shows

how garlic can be useful and relevant to treat infections because it consists of sulfur

compounds which 200 enzymes are working on to function to benefit garlic (Allium

sativum) to our system. It has volatile oils, carbohydrates, minerals, and amino acids that

can help the cells to be protected from the harmful parasites and uncontrollable cells.

Amebiasis also has its own prescribed medicine which is called tinidazole that helps to

lessen the pain of infection that have been experienced, but the aim of this study is to

look for an alternative medication for parasitic infections that everyone can afford. And

by conducting this study, the researchers are tasked to examine the effectiveness of garlic

(Allium sativum) as treatment for illnesses. As a result, It can show how effective garlic is

by knowing the components and compounds, also, by supporting this study with related

literature, studies, and facts that are discussed from past years.


This chapter presents and explains the methods used to gather and analyze the

data for this study. This chapter includes the research design, data collection method,

statistical treatment, data analysis, and ethical consideration.

Research Methodology

In this research, the researchers used a scientific approach throughout the study as

experimental quantitative research. GCU. (2021, November 22), explained that

experimental quantitative research allows the researcher to test a hypothesis and

systematically and scientifically study causal relationships among variables.

The researchers will be conducting an experimental quantitative research to know

the effectiveness of Garlic (Allium sativum) extracts against Amebiasis. The researchers

also used experimental-based research as it involves testing or attempting to prove a

hypothesis in an experimental setting before proceeding to clinical trials. According to

Hamer, A., & Bradford, A. (2022, January 17), scientists use the scientific method to

collect measurable, empirical evidence in an experiment related to a hypothesis that is

designed to support or contradict a scientific theory. In conclusion, the method helped the

study to gather information needed for the study to be fulfilled. Thus, it not only provided

nor interpreted the information but also revealed what qualitative research was needed.

Research Design

The research that is being conducted is a quantitative research, According to USC

Libraries. (2022) Quantitative methods place an emphasis on precise measurements and

the statistical, mathematical, or numerical analysis of data gathered through surveys,

questionnaires, and polls, as well as the manipulation of pre-existing statistical data by

computational methods. Quantitative research focuses on accumulating numerical data

and generalizing it across groups of individuals or to explain a specific occurrence. The

goal of quantitative research is finding the relationship between one thing (an

independent variable) and another (a dependent or outcome variable) within a population.

The researchers will be conducting an experiment by following procedures and

the study made use of the experimental method of research. An experimental research

strictly adheres to a scientific research plan. It entails putting a hypothesis to the test or

making an effort to verify it through experiments. As a result, it employs one or more

independent variables, modifies them, and then applies those modifications to one or

more dependent variables. The researchers compare and observe The Effectiveness of

using Crushed Garlic (Allium sativum). The researchers can gauge how the independent

variable(s) affect the dependent variable through this approach (s). This kind of

investigation is carried out over a period of time so that researchers may come to a

verified conclusion regarding the two variables.

Data Collection Method

In this study, the researchers will provide several procedures once the researchers

have conducted the experiment. The procedure will be based on related literature study,

the researchers will be using an antimicrobial susceptibility test to observe if there will be

an effect once garlic extract is applied on the protozoan flagellate.

● Gathering of Materials

The researchers have accumulated materials that will be needed for the

experiment. The materials needed are 3 sets of petri dishes bought from Philippine

Medical Supplies located in Caloocan, Metro Manila alongside with 6 pieces of

disposable hypodermic syringe that is bought from Emerald Frog Medical Supplies

located in Pinyahan, Quezon City. In addition, 175 ml of Protozoan flagellate were

bought in USLB, Laguna and ½ kg of garlic was bought from Puregold Supermarket in

Cainta, Rizal. Microscope and microculture will be provided by the San Beda University


● Extraction of Garlic (Allium sativum)

The garlic is extracted with the use of Solventless Extraction Method. To proceed

with the extraction, there will be 4 sets of beakers each of them containing 6g, 9g, 12g,

and 15g cloves of garlic (Allium sativum). Each of the cloves in the beaker will be

crushed using a garlic press until they are the consistency of paste. Once done crushing,

the paste will be placed on a strainer underneath a bowl to press down the paste to extract

its juice and will be filtered to remove small particles in the extract in order to get a

concise solution.

● Disk Diffusion Method

In order to be able to prepare for this experiment, each of the disks will be

prepared with Mueller Hinton Agar (MHA) to isolate the bacteria that the researchers

will use. The dish will be divided into 3, the researchers will place the garlic and

protozoan flagellate together and will be monitored in a microscope and will be placed on

the 1st dish containing MHA, 2nd dish will only contain protozoan flagellate and the 3rd

dish containing protozoan flagellate with tinidazole. 3 of the dish will perform a disk

diffusion method, the researchers waited overnight to get the results of each of the dishes

and their effects.

Statistical Treatment

The researchers will use the Two-Way ANOVA Test as the statistical tool for this

study. According to Mackenzie (2018), the two-way ANOVA test is a hypothesis-based

test that puts the samples into two categories. This test looks at the outcomes of the two

categories based on the dependent variable

The importance of using the two-way ANOVA test is that researchers can simply

identify and compare the hypothetical results and the final results of the given experiment

and can easily spot the effects of the two categories using this statistical test. In this

study, the researchers want to know the effectiveness of garlic (Allium sativum) in killing

the protozoa specifically, Entamoeba histolytica, and to compare the prescribed medicine

and herbal medicine for these parasitic infections.

1. How does garlic (Allium sativum) extract work in treating amebiasis?

2. How is garlic (Allium sativum) extract frequently used as an anti-parasitic for


3. Is there a significant difference between the use of garlic (Allium sativum) and

Tinidazole in treating amebiasis?

Data Analysis

Exploratory Analysis is a type of statistical analysis that combines descriptive

statistics and hypothesis testing. The purpose of an exploratory analysis aims to see if

there are any correlations in particular data. Exploratory data analysis allows researchers

to make observations without knowing if they are significant or not. According to Biswal

(2022), Exploratory Analysis is a form of data analysis that allows the researchers to

understand the data that they have collected and gain insights from it. While this type of

analysis will give them knowledge in their dataset, it is important to remember that it will

not fully explain why the results are the way they are and why they differ from other

datasets. The following steps involved in exploratory data analysis are data

preprocessing, exploration, and statistical modeling. This would also allow researchers to

analyze their data before constructing a hypothesis.

Amounts of 6g 9g 12g 15g


Protozoan 175ml 175ml 175ml 175ml


Tinidazole 2g 2g 2g 2g
Table 3.1

With the measurements stated in data collection method, the researchers will

conduct the effectiveness of garlic (Allium sativum) extract against amebiasis in order to

compare the results of different amounts of garlic (Allium sativum) in a 4 sets of beaker in

which will be used together with the protozoan flagellate and will be monitored through

microscope. As it stated in Disk Diffusion Method, there will be 3 petri dishes containing

different variables. The researchers will have to wait overnight in order to get the results

of each dish and the effects of it if there is a significant difference or effect in treating

amebiasis. Once the researchers were able to observe the movements of each

particle/compound inside the microscope they can now make their hypothesis by the

results they were able to get during the procedure until the end.

Ethical Consideration

In line with the ethical principles of research, it is necessary for the researchers to

provide appropriate ethics after conducting this research with the people involved. Prior

to conducting laboratory tests in their institution, the researchers have prepared consent

letters to be given to their institution. And give its approval for the data collected that will

be used for conducting this research. This is to ensure that the researchers will treat the

institution and the people involved with utmost respect.

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