PC 101 1

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Journal Number 2

Subject Number: PC 101 Date: August 16, 2023

Time: 7:00 AM - 8:30AM
Day Schedule: Monday & Wednesday
Room Assignment: SEDM 302 Day: Wednesday
Course and Year: BSN 2 - A
Journal Title: Student Chronicles: Navigating Knowledge, Challenges, and Growth
Dear Mama Minda,
1. Today marked the beginning of my second year as a student, and it was a day of
new beginnings.
2. The anticipation was palpable as I walked into the classroom for my first proper
class, Purposive Communication 101.
3. Our teacher, Mr. Ricardo Quiñones, walked in with a confident stride and a
welcoming smile that instantly put us at ease.
4. Mr. Quiñones began by introducing himself, sharing his extensive background in communication
studies and his genuine passion for teaching.
5. His enthusiasm was infectious, and I could sense that this subject would be an enlightening journey.
6. With clarity and fervor, he outlined the objectives of the course—to equip us with effective
communication skills that would serve us well in both our academic pursuits and future careers.
7. He emphasized that not being and we should be on time because it is a cornerstone of success and
that mastering it would open doors to countless opportunities.
8. As he explained the syllabus, I was captivated by the diverse range of topics we would explore.
9. From understanding communication theories to crafting persuasive messages and improving our
public speaking skills, the curriculum promised a comprehensive dive into the art of communication.
10. The highlight of the class was undoubtedly the semester-long project, Mr. Quiñones unveiled the
project's details with a sense of anticipation, describing how it would challenge us to apply our
learning to a real-world situation.
11. The excitement in the room was palpable as we envisioned ourselves tackling this challenge head-
12. Throughout the class, Mr. Quiñones fostered an interactive and engaging atmosphere.
13. He encouraged us to participate in discussions, ask questions, and learn from one another.
14. His teaching style was a perfect blend of expertise and approachability.
15. As the class came to an end, I left the room feeling invigorated and eager for what lies ahead.
16. Mr. Quiñones had set the tone for a semester of growth, discovery, and skill development, I
couldn't help but feel grateful to have such a dedicated teacher guiding us through the world of
purposive communication.
17. After an engaging and enlightening session of Purposive Communication 101, the transition to our
next class was a refreshing change, With excitement bubbling, my friends and I made our way to the
JBB building for our RE3 class.
18. Before heading to the classroom, we decided to make a pit stop at the canteen.
19. The aroma of freshly cooked meals wafted through the air, and the canteen was abuzz with
students enjoying their vacant breaks.
20. The lively atmosphere was infectious, and we couldn't help but feel a sense of camaraderie with
our fellow classmates.
21. Since we had a generous one and a half hours of free time before our RE3 class, I seized the
opportunity to catch up with friends.
22. Laughter and chatter filled the air as we swapped stories about our summer vacations, shared
updates on our lives, and discussed the highlights of the new academic year.
23. Amid the conversations, I also took a moment to prepare for my upcoming RE3 class, I organized
my notes, double-checked my class schedule, and made sure I had all the necessary materials ready.
24. As the minutes ticked away, a sense of anticipation grew, eager to delve into the subject and
continue the day's learning.
25. As the time approached for our RE3 class, my friends and I bid farewell to the canteen and headed
to the JBB building.
26. The hallways were bustling with activity as students hurried to their respective classrooms, the
energy was infectious, and the excitement of the day's classes hung in the air.
27. As I settled into my seat for RE3, I couldn't help but reflect on the whirlwind of experiences that
had unfolded since the morning.
28. From the inspiring lesson in Purposive Communication 101 to the moments of connection and
camaraderie with friends, the day had been a blend of learning and joyful interactions.
29. After the engaging and thought-provoking RE3 class, hunger beckoned and my classmates and I
headed to the JBB canteen for a well-deserved lunch.
30. The aroma of various dishes filled the air as we lined up, our appetites whetted by the morning's
31. With plates filled and laughter in the air, we settled down at a table, relishing the opportunity to
share a meal together.
32. Conversations ranged from class discussions to weekend plans, creating a vibrant atmosphere that
showcased the bond we shared as classmates.
33. Lunch provided the perfect chance to unwind and recharge, and I couldn't help but appreciate the
sense of community that had formed within our group.
34. As we finished our meals, a decision was made – it was time to make productive use of the two-
hour gap before our next class.
35. Our destination was the library, a quiet oasis of knowledge within the bustling campus.
36. As we entered, the hushed tones and diligent readers created an environment that was conducive
to focused learning, I was keen to get a head start on the next topic—Community Health Nursing.
37. Finding a cozy corner, I took out my notebook and textbook, eager to immerse myself in the
38. The quiet ambiance of the library served as a perfect backdrop for studying. My classmates also
settled in, each engrossed in their own readings and preparations.
39. The topic of Community Health Nursing was not only a major part of our curriculum but also a
subject I was passionate about.
40. The two hours stretched ahead, offering a valuable opportunity to delve into the concepts,
theories, and case studies that awaited us in the upcoming classes.
41. The library was a sanctuary of learning, and I felt a sense of accomplishment knowing that I was
making productive use of the time.
42. With renewed knowledge and a sense of preparedness, I gathered my belongings and headed
towards the classroom for Community Health Nursing.
43. The day took an unexpected turn as we entered our classroom, brimming with anticipation for the
Community Health Nursing class.
44. However, our class mayor's announcement brought an unexpected twist—the class was canceled
due to our Clinical Instructor's absence for a seminar in General Santos.
45. A collective sigh of surprise and mild disappointment echoed through the room, with no
immediate obligations, my classmates and I decided to make the most of this sudden window of free
46. The library, a place of quiet and solace, beckoned us once again, It seemed like the perfect
opportunity to continue our studies or perhaps explore other productive endeavors.
47. As I settled into a cozy corner of the library, the allure of a brief nap was hard to resist, the
previous activities of the day had left me somewhat fatigued, and the chance to rest my eyes and
recharge was tempting. I take a nap
48. Today was a bit of a mix of emotions, after leaving the library, where I had spent some productive
hours studying, I eagerly headed to my next class.
49. Anticipation was building as I imagined what the class would be like, however, as I waited for a
good 30 minutes, it slowly became apparent that something was off, there were no signs of the class
starting, and confusion began to creep in.
50. The time wasn't completely wasted though, while waiting, I had a chance to reflect on my library
session earlier, the focused study time was quite rewarding, and I felt a sense of accomplishment
from diving into my coursework.
51. It's interesting how life can sometimes throw unexpected twists, forcing us to adapt and find value
even in unforeseen situations.
52. As I pack up my belongings and head back to wherever the rest of the day takes me, I can't help
but smile at the unpredictability of life.
53. Upon arriving home, I decided to help my mother with some household chores, it's always nice to
spend time together, working as a team to keep our living space clean and organized.
54. The shared effort brought us closer and provided a sense of accomplishment, knowing we were
contributing to the comfort of our home.
55. Finally, as the night grew darker, I made my way to my bed, the fatigue from the day's activities
settled in, and the promise of a new day awaited me, with a grateful heart and a tired body, I nestled
into the covers, feeling the embrace of sleep drawing me in.
56. Life is a mosaic of experiences, each day offering a unique blend of moments that shape who we
are, from the unexpected to the ordinary, each facet adds to the intricate tapestry of our lives, and so,
as I close my eyes and drift into slumber, I carry with me the memories and lessons of this day,
eagerly awaiting the adventures that tomorrow will bring.
57. Closing my journal for the night, I knew that these moments of self-care and reflection were
essential to balance the vibrancy of my days.

Your daughter,

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