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All Scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from
The New King James Version (NKJV)
Thomas Nelson Publishers © 1975
AMPC - The Amplified Bible, Classic Edition Copyright © 2023 by
CEV - Contemporary English Version LoveWorld Publishing
GNB - Good News Bible AUGUST 2023
JMNT - James Murdock’s New Testament ISSN: 1595-6976
KJV - The King James Version
MSG - The Message Translation
NASB - New American Standard Bible
NIRV - New International Reader’s Version
NIV - New International Version, 1984 Edition
RSV - Revised Standard Version
TLB - The Living Bible
TPT - The Passion Translation

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ROR TeeVo... a daily devotional for teenagers


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Do you want to stand out and make a difference in your
world? Do you want to live a life of health, progress,
and prosperity? Your best-selling daily devotional,
Rhapsody of Realities TeeVo, is an awesome way to
kickstart this! As you study each day’s message and
put it to work, you’re guaranteed a super-successful
and victorious life in Christ!
“Meditate on these things; give yourself entirely to
them, that your progress may be evident to all.”
1 Timothy 4:15 NKJV

3 3

Pastor Chris says

“G od gave us power in the Holy Ghost to effect

changes, and we have unlimited influence through
the prayer of petition. Through this kind of prayer, a man
can reverse a death sentence passed on him.... You can
even bring a loved-one out of prison with this kind of
prayer. Yes, you can cancel any undesirable verdict written
against you. There’s nothing you can’t do or change when
you pray the earnest, heartfelt, continued prayer of the

- Culled from “How To Pray Effectively, Volume One.”

(Get Passionate About The Tuesday,
Gospel And Take It Where It’s
Unknown) 1

TO THE BIBLE Romans 15:19-20 NIV

“…From Jerusalem all the way around to Illyricum, I have fully
proclaimed the gospel of Christ. It has always been my ambition
to preach the gospel where Christ was not known, so that I would
not be building on someone else’s foundation.”


A fter many days of preaching door-to-door in his

neighbourhood, Jeffrey, a passionate soul winner,
thought to himself, “How can I reach other places?”
“Lord, please assist me!” he prayed.
He’d observed that certain areas of his city had not been
evangelised, so he resolved to do something about it, and he
did, leading many more souls to Christ.
In these final hours before the Lord Jesus returns, we
have to be ever more passionate and visionary about the
Gospel. Reading the opening verse, we see the Apostle Paul’s
thinking and passion for preaching and sharing the Gospel in
regions where Christ was unknown. He was on the front lines
of spreading the glorious Gospel to everyone who hadn’t
received Christ yet.
Wherever he travelled, he investigated if Christ’s
name was already recognised in that location. And when he
discovered that the Gospel was well-established in that place, he
simply travelled to new towns and regions where the Word was
unknown and pioneered the work. He said, “...From Jerusalem,
and round about unto Illyricum, I have fully preached the gospel
of Christ” (Romans 15:19). Think about that! This was Paul’s type
of ministry: ever-increasing and ever-expanding vision!
The Lord Jesus said: “…This gospel of the kingdom will be
preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then
the end will come” (Matthew 24:14). Let these words become
personal to you. Be enthusiastic about preaching the Gospel
message not only in your neighbourhood alone but also in
surrounding areas.
Start new cells and fellowships in areas where you know
they are needed. The Lord’s mandate is still in force. He said, “…
Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature”
(Mark 16:15). Utilise every opportunity to preach the Gospel. The
harvest is ready. Hallelujah!

Go Deeper
Matthew 5:14;1 Corinthians 9:16; Romans 15:19-20 AMPC


Dear Father, I thank you for committing to my trust the ministry of

the Gospel. Through me, the light of the Gospel shines brightly in
cities, regions, and nations, resulting in salvation and impartation
of eternal life to many who have never known you, in Jesus’ Name.

Daily Bible Reading


Romans 6:1-14, Psalms 56-59 Ephesians 5:1-8, Isaiah 52

Emulate Paul’s vision by using a map of your city to determine
where the light of the Gospel is still dim or non-existent, and make
efforts to reach that area with the Gospel.

My Notes

(Grace Heaped Upon Grace)

TO THE BIBLE 2 Peter 3:18

“…Grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus
Christ. To Him be the glory both now and forever. Amen.”


D o you know that you can walk in ever-increasing

grace each day of your life? Yes, you can, and
you should! This is what God wants for you: grace heaped
upon grace such that no matter the challenges you face,
the grace to put you over them all the time is available.
John 1:16 says, “And of His fullness we have all received, and
grace for grace.” The Greek margin actually says, “Grace
heaped upon grace.” This encompasses spiritual blessings,
favours, gifts, etc. The Amplified Classic version says, “For
out of His fullness (abundance) we have all received [all
had a share and we were all supplied with] one grace after
another and spiritual blessing upon spiritual blessing and
even favor upon favor and gift [heaped] upon gift.”
Every day, be conscious that you have grace for
whatever you need and for anything you have to do. The
grace of God on your life is the inner working of the glory
and power of God that radiates excellence. That grace
causes you to have uncommon results. Others might be as
gifted as you or even have more abilities than yourself, but
God’s grace at work in you will take you to a higher plane
and cause you to have results that completely outclass
theirs. Hallelujah.
James 4:6 says, “…He gives more grace. Therefore He
says: “God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble.”
Notice it doesn’t say, “He gave more grace”; rather, it says,
“He GIVES more grace.” That means you can enter into that
verse every day, every week, and every year; it’s a word
that’s active and can be activated anytime. That’s how the
prophetic word of God works; claim this for your life today.

Go Deeper
2 Peter 1:2; 2 Corinthians 9:8; James 4:6


Dear Father, I receive more grace and increase in the workings of

your power in my life. The knowledge of your Word causes me
to walk in an overflow of grace, and that grace produces favour,
beauty, goodwill, loveliness, perfections, glory, and ability in my life,
in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Daily Bible Reading


Romans 6:15-7:1-6, Psalms 60-63 Ephesians 5:9-16, Isaiah 53

Today, meditate on God’s grace by studying Acts 20:32, 2
Timothy 2:1, and 2 Corinthians 13:14.

My Notes

(The Church Is God’s Security
System For You) 3

TO THE BIBLE 1 Timothy 4:1 TLB

“…The Holy Spirit tells us clearly that in the last times some in the
church will turn away from Christ and become eager followers of
teachers with devil-inspired ideas.”


H ave you ever seen a wild animal stalking its prey

before attacking? Most of the time, it waits to
attack when the prey has wandered off from its herd or
flock, showing that there’s security in numbers. Knowing
this, you can understand the ongoing satanic move to
impress upon people that churches aren’t important. So,
some say, “You don’t need to be a member of a church;
just serve God generally, and you’ll be fine.” Others spread
the idea that you can be raised by listening to different
preachers on the Internet.
What they’re trying to do is attempt to pull these
Christians out of the security system that God created for
them, thereby exposing them to satanic attacks. Therefore,
be smart. The Bible says that an heir, as long as he’s a
child, is placed under tutors and governors until a time set
by the Father (Galatians 4:1-2).
Also, He tells us not to forsake the assembly of the
local church, as some do (Hebrews 10:25). Therefore, when
someone claims, “I go to many churches; I don’t have any
particular one,” it is evident that they’ve been taken in by
the deception of Satan. The structures that God has set
in His Word are important; they have to be used for the
purposes for which the Lord set them. You not only grow
in the church, but you also learn and participate in ministry
to others.
In the church, the pastoral ministry feeds the members
by teaching them how to live victoriously as Christians
every day while we wait for the imminent return of Christ.
Salvation is only the first step in winning souls, so lead them
to church. Their safety, spiritual development, enrichment,
and ministry all benefit from it.

Go Deeper
Hebrews 10:25; Luke 4:16; 1 Timothy 3:15


Dear Father, thank you for the opportunity to be a member

of the body of Christ and participate actively in Church. I pray
for new Christians around the world that they’ll understand the
Church as your security system for them—a place of refuge,
comfort, and refreshing. And as they come to and stay in
Church, they’ll grow spiritually and be effective in the work and
ministry of reconciliation, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Daily Bible Reading


Romans 7:7-25, Psalms 64-67 Ephesians 5:17-24, Isaiah 54

From today on, make up your mind to attend every Church

My Notes

(Music Is Beyond Its Lyrics)

TO THE BIBLE Exodus 6:2-3 KJV

“And God spake unto Moses, and said unto him, I am the LORD:
And I appeared unto Abraham, unto Isaac, and unto Jacob, by
the name of God Almighty, but by my name JEHOVAH was I not
known to them.”


S ome things have crept into the Church through

the years that have ruined people’s lives, and many
never knew it. An example is the different styles of music and
dance in some churches today. Where did some of these
styles of music and dance come from? What spirits are behind
them? It’s important to know the spirit behind the music or
Music isn’t just the lyrics; make no mistakes about it. The
sound of music is important, just as the source is important.
Certain music could attract demons into people’s lives without
their knowledge. There’re things that God allows us to do for
a certain time in our lives, and after a while, He’ll demand a
change, knowing that it was within His permissive will. When
He brings in that change, we must be willing to embrace it.
In our opening scripture, we read what He said to Moses.
He said to him, “Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob knew me as El
Shaddai; they didn’t know me as Jehovah, but I am Jehovah.”
Why was this important? By the revelation of EL Shaddai,
Moses wouldn’t be able to bring the children of Israel out of
Egypt. Moses would need the “Jehovah” revelation, and by
the hand of Jehovah, he’d deliver the children of Israel out of
Egypt. That’s the purpose of the revelation that was given to
Likewise, as we prepare for the coming of the Lord,
there’re certain things we must change based on the guidance
of the Spirit and revelation from His Word. There’s a way He
wants us to live, serve, and worship Him, especially through
music. We must be open and willing to receive His guidance
and correction. Hallelujah!

Go Deeper
Acts 17:30 TPT; 1 John 2:15; 2 Corinthians 6:17 GNB


Dear Father, thank you for unveiling to me these treasures of

wisdom and for educating my spirit on spiritual realities so
that I can walk in righteousness and true worship of you. My
sacrifices of praise and worship come to you as sweet-smelling
savours because they’re offered from a heart washed from all
worldliness and impurities, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Daily Bible Reading


Romans 8:1-17, Psalms 68-69 Ephesians 5:25-33, Isaiah 55

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My Notes

(The Christian Has The Saturday,
Lifestyle Of Christ) 5

TO THE BIBLE Ephesians 4:1

“I, therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you to walk worthy
of the calling with which you were called.”


O ne of the dynamics of Christianity is derived from a

very important word from today’s opening verse—
walk! There’s the walk and lifestyle of a Christian. When you’re
born again, the first thing God wants to help you learn is how
to walk in Christ daily, just as Colossians 2:6 says, “As you
therefore have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him.”
Someone may be born again and not live the Christian
life. In fact, some don’t even know what the Christian life really
is. There’s a way a Christian should live that distinguishes him
or her from a non-Christian. How you live every day, how you
relate to the Lord and other people, and the kind of mind you
have are all very important to God. Ephesians 4:17 says, “So I
tell you this, and insist on it in the Lord, that you must no longer
live as the Gentiles do, in the futility of their thinking” (NIV).
This is one of the reasons churches and pastors are
important, because living the spiritual life in Christ requires
training. God brings His children into congregations, church
assemblies and gives them pastors after His heart to train
them, teach them, and build them through the Word (read
Ephesians 4:11–14).
God expects that, in the Church, every new person who
receives Christ should become a member of the church and
be trained in the Christian walk. He tells us why: “Then we will no
longer be infants, tossed back and forth by the waves, and blown
here and there by every wind of teaching and by the cunning and
craftiness of people in their deceitful scheming” (Ephesians 4:14
In the 15th verse, He tells us the end result—growth:
“Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will grow to become in
every respect the mature body of him who is the head, that is,
Christ.” The Christian walk isn’t just for those who have recently
become Christians but for everyone in Christ. You begin learning
it as a new convert, but God expects you to grow unto maturity,
become firmly rooted in the faith, and live triumphantly every
day to the praise and glory of His Name.
Go Deeper
1 Timothy 3:15; 1 Peter 2:2; Ephesians 4:1 AMPC


Through the Gospel, I’ve been separated from the world to God,
from unrighteousness to righteousness, and from darkness to light.
I open my heart and mind to being trained and educated in the
things of God. And through the Word and by the Spirit, I’m growing
to maturity, firmly rooted in the faith to live triumphantly always.
Daily Bible Reading


Romans 8:18-39, Psalms 70-73 Ephesians 6:1-9, Isaiah 56

Take time to reflect on the scriptures highlighted in today’s message
and write down areas in which you will make changes in your
Christian walk.

My Notes

(We Grow But We Don’t Age) Sunday,

TO THE BIBLE Deuteronomy 34:7

“Moses was one hundred and twenty years old when he died. His
eyes were not dim nor his natural vigor diminished.”


“W ow, Lilian, I didn’t know you had another

sister,” commented Phoebe, looking at one
of Lilian’s pictures on her phone.
“That’s not my sister, Phoebe. That’s my mom!” Lilian
“Oh wow! She looks so young; what’s her secret?
You’ve got to tell me!”
“If you ask her, she would say, “Eternal life is at work
in me; I don’t age!”
Have you ever heard the word “agelessness”? It’s
part of your heritage in Christ. We grow, but we don’t
age! Hallelujah! So never say, “You know, I’m getting older
with each birthday.” As a Christian, you shouldn’t talk like
that because, when you were born again, eternal life was
imparted to your spirit. Eternal life is life with agelessness.
In Christ, you’ve been brought into His glory and the
glorified life. So, every so often, declare to yourself, “I only
get stronger and younger! I live in the realm of agelessness
because, as Jesus is, so am I!” Consider Moses: at one
hundred and twenty years of age, his physical stature
hadn’t abated, and his eyes weren’t dim. Yet the Bible says
the glory that Moses had isn’t anything compared to what
we have today in Christ Jesus (2 Corinthians 3:7-11).
It was the same with Caleb: At eighty-five, Caleb said,
“I’m as strong today as I was when I was forty; therefore, give
me this mountain” (Read Joshua 14:7-12). That’s our story!
Our youth is renewed like the eagle’s (Psalm 103:5). For us,
there’s only one way: We get stronger and stronger, greater
and greater, and we move upward and forward. Hallelujah!
Never see yourself as weak. You’re continually invigorated
from within by the Holy Ghost. Meditate on these truths,
declare them constantly, and live the supernatural life in
Christ. Praise God!

Go Deeper
Joshua 14:7-12; Psalm 92:13-14


The Lord is the strength of my life, and He constantly renews,

refreshes, and rejuvenates me through the Word and the power
of the Holy Spirit! I’m stronger by the day, stronger today than
ever, because my inward man is renewed day by day; I live in the
ageless zone. Glory to God!

Daily Bible Reading


Romans 9:1-29, Psalms 74-77 Ephesians 6:10-20, Isaiah 57

Meditate on 2 Corinthians 4:16: “Therefore we do not lose heart.
Even though our outward man is perishing, yet the inward man is
being renewed day by day.”

My Notes

(Love Others As The Monday,
Lord Jesus Does) 7

TO THE BIBLE 1 Peter 4:8 NIV

“Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a
multitude of sins.”


I f someone does something that upsets or offends

you, rather than becoming bitter or enraged, let
it go. Jesus showed us a good example of how to walk
in love. He loved everyone, including His accusers and
He told us in Matthew 5:44, “But I say to you, love
your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those
who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you
and persecute you.” Copy the Master. Communicate the
love language and culture. Love everyone unconditionally.
The Bible says, “To this you were called, because
Christ suffered for you, leaving you an example, that you
should follow in his steps. “He committed no sin, and no
deceit was found in his mouth.” When they hurled their
insults at him, he did not retaliate; when he suffered, he
made no threats. Instead, he entrusted himself to him who
judges justly” (1 Peter 2:21-23 NIV).
Someone once asked, “In the case where the people
you respect are those that hurt you, what should you do?”
Honour them nonetheless. Love them. Grow out of that
place where you can still be hurt. Live in God’s Word. Live
like Christ and love like Him: “Therefore be imitators of God
as dear children. And walk in love, as Christ also has loved us
and given Himself for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God
for a sweet-smelling aroma” (Ephesians 5:1-2).

Go Deeper
Colossians 3:12-14 GNB; John 13:34-35;
1 Corinthians 13:4-7 NIV


Dear Father, thank you for the love of Christ, which is the bond
of perfection and which rules my heart always. I lavishly express
your love-nature and radiate the beauty and glories of heaven to
my world. Always, I rise above offences, being accommodating
and kind; I cover others with the umbrella of your love that flows
lavishly from the castle of my heart, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Daily Bible Reading


Romans 9:30-10:1-21, Psalm 78 Ephesians 6:21-24, Isaiah 58


Study Christ’s kind of love as shown in 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 AMPC.

My Notes


Abraham, one of the most significant figures in the Bible,
holds a central place in Christianity. He was born in Ur of the
Chaldeans (modern-day Iraq) and later moved to Haran, where
he lived with his father, Terah (Genesis 11:27-28). He received
a divine call from God to leave his homeland and embark on
a remarkable journey of faith. This fascinating account of the
“father of faith” is woven throughout the pages of Scripture,
spanning generations and shaping the course of history.

Through his unwavering faith, Abraham became known

as a symbol of hope, faith, righteousness, and the power of
covenant. From his encounters with God, the establishment
of the covenant, the birth of his son Isaac in his old age, to
the ultimate test of faith at Mount Moriah (Genesis 22:1-19),
Abraham’s life serves as an inspiration for Christians of all

Here are seven interesting facts about the great patriarch

1. Abraham’s original name was Abram. God later changed his
name from “Abram,” which meant “exalted father,” to Abraham,
which means “father of many nations” (Genesis 17:5).
2. He is best known for his covenant with God. God promised
to make Abraham’s descendants into a great nation, bless
them, and give them the land of Canaan as their inheritance
(Genesis 12:1-7; Genesis 15:5).

3. They had a son, Isaac, in their old age according to
God’s promise (Genesis 17:15-17; Genesis 21:1-7). Abraham
was 100 years old when his wife, Sarah, miraculously gave
birth to their son, Isaac.
4. One of the most iconic stories about Abraham is his
willingness to sacrifice his son, Isaac, as a test of his faith.
However, at the last moment, the angel of the Lord
intervened and provided a ram for the sacrifice instead
(Genesis 22:1-18).
5. Abraham was a skilled warrior. He led a rescue mission
to save his nephew, Lot, who had been captured by enemy
kings (Genesis 14:14-16).
6. Abraham’s faith in God was credited to him as
righteousness (Genesis 15:6, Romans 4:3). This became a
foundational principle in Christianity.
7. His name is mentioned numerous times in the New
Testament, and the Lord Jesus himself referred to Abraham
as a key figure in God’s plan (John 8:56-58). Abraham’s faith
is held up as an example in the New Testament (Romans
4:16-22, Hebrews 11:8-19).

Abraham’s body was buried in the cave of Machpelah in

Hebron, alongside his wife Sarah, until the day the Lord
Jesus was resurrected from the dead; this occurred with
many saints “…coming out of the graves after His resurrection,
they went into the holy city and appeared to many” (Matthew
27:50-53). Isn’t that wonderful?

(You’ve Been Set Apart
To Lead Nations) 8

TO THE BIBLE Matthew 28:19-20 CEV

“Go to the people of all nations and make them my disciples.
Baptize them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy
Spirit, and teach them to do everything I have told you. I will be
with you always, even until the end of the world.”


R eading the opening verse of scripture, Jesus tells

us to “go to the people of all nations and make
them my disciples….” It means we’re to make students or
pupils of the nations. The word “nations” is from the Greek
“ethnos.” Ethnos refers to different groups with some
common factors that bring them together, for example, a
family, a group of students, lecturers, etc.
So, when Jesus used the term “nations,” you could
also interpret it as countries, families, groups, and so on.
The Lord instructs that we go into all such places and lead.
Remember, He said in Matthew 5:14, “You are the light of
the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden.” You’re
a leader and protagonist in your world, so play up your role.
“Who’s a protagonist?” you might ask. Well, a
protagonist is an advocate or champion of a particular
cause or idea, and one of the ways a protagonist works
is through innovation. You open your mind and find new
ways of getting in and getting ahead with the Gospel.
As a protagonist, think of new cutting-edge means and
strategies for the advancement of the Kingdom.
Always think about how you can reach more people
or a whole “nation” for the Lord. Then, by the Spirit, come
up with creative ideas to accomplish it. Keep in mind that
wherever you are, you are the Lord’s voice. He sent you
into that world so you could show others how to live the
Kingdom-life. You’re there to make a difference! Create new
opportunities for the spread of the Gospel.

Go Deeper
Matthew 5:14-16; Romans 1:16


Dear Father, my mind is filled with supernatural ideas and

strategies to push the Gospel to the ends of the earth. I pray for
open and effective doors for expansion and increased influence of
the Gospel in different “ethnos”; I declare your righteousness will
continue to dominate and prevail in the earth until the Rapture,
in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Daily Bible Reading


Romans 11:1-24, Psalms 79-81 Philippians 1:1-8, Isaiah 59


Spend time praying in tongues of the Spirit for more opportunities

to preach the Gospel in an effective way.

My Notes

(A More Excellent Way
To Give God Praise) 9

TO THE BIBLE 2 Samuel 6:14

“…David danced before the Lord with all his might; and David was
wearing a linen ephod.”


O ftentimes, people say they want to dance like

David danced, and then they start gyrating with all
their might. No! David was a man of the Spirit. When the Ark
of God was being brought into the city of David, our opening
verse says, “...David danced before the Lord with all his might;
and David was wearing a linen ephod.” Notice the underlined
part. In those days, dressing in a linen ephod represented the
office of the priest. Whenever the priest was in that regalia, he
functioned in his spiritual office.
David was girded with a linen ephod; being also a
prophet, evidently instructed by the Spirit, his dance as
described in the Hebrew text was very different from the
fleshly dance of today’s celebrations. When the Bible says he
danced before the Lord, the Hebrew word for dance is ”kârar,”
and it doesn’t refer to the kind of whirling and gyrating that
most people think of today. “Kârar” means to skip, jump, and
spin, turning around about your own axis, like a child.
David’s dance is similar to what Jesus did in Luke 10:21:
“In that hour Jesus rejoiced (Greek: agalliao) in the Spirit….” He
was skipping and jumping like a child. So, the fact that David
danced with all “his might” doesn’t refer to exerting himself
physically on the dance floor, like many do today. The term is
“oze, oze” in Hebrew, meaning that he danced with all his glory,
all his majesty; he danced with all of God’s regalia on him. Glory
to God! The best description for it in the New Testament is the
Greek word “agalliaō”; it’s a dance from the inside. Dancing in
the flesh distracts your spirit from true reverence and worship; it
dissipates spiritual power, and many don’t realise this.
In these last days, the Spirit of God is showing us a more
excellent way to give God true praise and worship. The days
of fleshly dancing in Christian congregations are over! When
we worship the Lord, it must always be in the spirit: “For we are
the circumcision, who worship God in the Spirit, rejoice in Christ
Jesus, and have no confidence in the flesh” (Philippians 3:3).

Go Deeper

John 4:23-24 NIV; Philippians 3:3 NIV


Dear Lord, thank you for the privilege of worship and for guiding
me on the way to true praise and worship that’s acceptable to
you. Thank you for granting me the ability to condition my mind
and senses to offer you true worship from my heart that transmits
your glory to impart my world, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Daily Bible Reading


Romans 11:25-36, Psalms 82-84 Philippians 1:9-14, Isaiah 60


Study and meditate on John 4:23-24.

My Notes

(God’s Eternal Glory Beams
Brightly From Within
Your Spirit) 10

TO THE BIBLE 2 Corinthians 4:6 NIV

“For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” made his
light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of
God’s glory displayed in the face of Christ.”


T he opening verse is an extraordinary description

of something scientifically impossible. Notice
the verse isn’t saying that God commanded the light to
shine into the darkness; that would have been wonderful
because the question then would be, “Where did the light
come from?” Then we’d say, “It came from God; He shone
into the darkness.”
But this time, God didn’t shine the light into the
darkness; rather, He commanded the light to shine forth
from it. So, the light came out of darkness! This is the same
God that has shined in our hearts—to give the light of the
knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.
Remember, there was the glory of God in the old
tabernacle in the days of Moses. That glory, the Bible
says, faded away. But the one from Jesus Christ is eternal
glory—excellent glory. That’s the glory that resides in you
today: “…We have this treasure in jars of clay to show that
this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us” (2
Corinthians 4:7 NIV).
Every day, declare that you’re a carrier of God’s divine
presence, and a bearer of His glory. Your life isn’t empty;
there’s a treasure of power, love, light, and divine perfection
in you. The excellence of His power permeates through you,
causing everything you do to prosper. Glory to God!

Go Deeper

2 Corinthians 3:7-11; 2 Corinthians 3:18 NIV


The glory of God that’s within me beams forth from my spirit with
overwhelming intensity. My life is the expression of God’s grace,
strength, perfection, beauty, and righteousness. The excellence
and virtues of divinity are manifested in and through me in ever-
increasing beauty and brightness! I’m continually transfigured
from glory to glory, by the Spirit, as I study and meditate on the
Word. Hallelujah!

Daily Bible Reading


Romans 12:1-16, Psalms 85-88 Philippians 1:15-22, Isaiah 61

Thank the Lord profusely for His glory that’s resident within and
beaming forth from your spirit.

My Notes

(Keep Praying For Friday,
Increased Evangelical Work) 11

TO THE BIBLE 2 Corinthians 4:3-4 TLB

“If the Good News we preach is hidden to anyone, it is hidden
from the one who is on the road to eternal death. Satan, who
is the god of this evil world, has made him blind, unable to see
the glorious light of the Gospel that is shining upon him or to
understand the amazing message we preach about the glory of
Christ, who is God.”


W hen William learned that Gordon had committed

his life to Christ, he was full of praise! He had
attempted to convince him of the Gospel numerous times,
but to no avail. He then started interceding in prayer for his
salvation. The following month, he learned that Gordon had,
in addition to receiving Christ, also begun winning others to
the Lord.
Jesus said in Matthew 9:37 TLB, “The harvest is so great,
and the workers are so few....” The harvest He’s referring to
is the souls of men, the world of sinners. The labourers are
those who are reaching out with the Gospel to win these lost
souls to Christ. That’s why we have to pray and intercede for
the harvest field, for the people we intend to reach within and
beyond our sphere of contact, because the harvest is ripe.
Prayer is our number-one requirement in our evangelical
work. As we intercede for them, we’re to prophesy by the
inspiration of the Holy Spirit. Our prophetic prayer is how
we pour out righteousness and salvation on the nations. Set
times of prayer for yourself; plan and map out definite prayer
times for your evangelical work.
If we pray correctly and effectively, as He has asked us to,
our preaching will be effective. In some cases, you wouldn’t even
have to preach much or preach at all before sinners start crying
out to the Lord for salvation. Through prayer—particularly
praying in the Spirit—you pour forth gushers of living water
(John 7:38). Your words become so effective, just like Paul said
in 1 Corinthians 2:4 TLB: “...My preaching was very plain, not with
a lot of oratory and human wisdom, but the Holy Spirit’s power
was in my words, proving to those who heard them that the
message was from God.” Then you find that through you, the
heavens constantly rain down righteousness, and salvation is
springing up everywhere. Hallelujah!

Go Deeper
1 Timothy 2:1-4; Isaiah 45:8 NASB


Dear Father, your love, grace, and goodness fill the nations, and
the light of your glorious Gospel shines brightly, liberating men,
women, boys, and girls from darkness, bondage, and corruption
into the glorious liberty of the sons of God, in Jesus’ Name.
Daily Bible Reading


Romans 12:17-13:1-14, Psalms 89 Philippians 1:23-30, Isaiah 62

Spend time praying intensely for those you want to preach the
message of Christ to this week.

My Notes

(We Live Daily In The Saturday,
Presence Of God) 12

TO THE BIBLE John 14:17

“The Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it
neither sees Him nor knows Him; but you know Him, for He dwells
with you and will be in you.”


I n Christianity, we don’t go in and out of God’s

presence. His presence is our home; we were born
therein. When you study Psalm 87:4 KJV, you’ll observe
the prophetic reference: “I will make mention of Rahab
and Babylon to them that know me: behold Philistia, and
Tyre, with Ethiopia; this man was born there.” “This man”
refers to the new creation. “There” refers to our place in
Christ—our place in God’s presence.
This is the reason it’s absurd when a Christian says,
“Father, I come to you today” or “Let’s get into the presence
of God through worship.” I often wonder: If they’re about
to get into the presence of God, where then have they
been? God’s children must understand that we live in His
There’s no such thing in the New Testament as us
“getting into” the presence of God. In Him we live, move,
and have our being. His presence is in us and with us. When
you come into a place, you come with His presence. If
you’re born again, nobody can take you into the presence
of God because you were born right into His presence, and
you live in His presence, both legally and vitally. Hallelujah!

Go Deeper

Acts 17:28; 1 Corinthians 3:16; Colossians 1:26-27


I’m the temple of the living God; He dwells in me by the Holy Spirit.
Christ has taken up His abode in me, and I’m forever in Him. I live
in His presence, and I carry that divine presence everywhere to
impact my world, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Daily Bible Reading


Romans 14:1-23-15:1-4, Psalms 90-93 Philippians 2:1-11, Isaiah 63


Maintain the consciousness of the presence of God with you

even as you pray in tongues right now.

My Notes

(Protect Your Heart
With God’s Truth) 13

TO THE BIBLE Proverbs 23:19 NIV

“Listen, my son, and be wise, and set your heart on the right path:”


T here’re things that some people do that invite demons

into their lives without their knowledge. They yield
themselves to the influence of demons through certain kinds
of music and dance, among several other things, for example,
Christians who visit pornographic websites open themselves to
demons. In the Old Testament, God forbade His children from
looking at the nakedness of others (Leviticus 18).
Such things aren’t acceptable to God. They’re not
consistent with the life of righteousness. Think about it: How
does Christ come into the heart of a man? When you believe
in Jesus and confess His Lordship, He comes into your heart in
an instant. That’s the same way a man can open his heart to
demons when he exposes himself to things that are inspired by
Protect and keep yourself from all unrighteousness. The
Bible says, “…God’s [holy] wrath and indignation are revealed
from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of
men, who in their wickedness repress and hinder the truth and
make it inoperative” (Romans 1:18 AMPC).
Refuse to harbour unclean thoughts. Use the Word to
purify your heart of anger, bitterness, and malice. The Word of
God is a cleanser. As you meditate on the Word, you’re cleansed
from ALL unrighteousness: “You are already clean because of the
word which I have spoken to you” (John 15:3).
Live as a Christian. Our opening verse says to keep your
heart on the right course—on God’s truth. Protect your mind
and spirit with the Word. Let your heart delight in His Word and
His righteousness, and live a life worthy of Him—pleasing Him in
every way. Hallelujah!

Go Deeper

1 John 2:16; Psalm 119:11; Proverbs 4:23


Satan, the god of this world, has nothing in me! The Lord has
given me dominion over the flesh, to guard my heart and mind
with all diligence. No unwholesome thought can take root in my
heart. My spirit, my mind, and my body are yielded to the Word
and purified by the Word every day, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Daily Bible Reading


Romans 15:5-13, Psalms 94-98 Philippians 2:12-18, Isaiah 64


Study and meditate on Proverbs 23:26 (NIV), which says, “My

son, give me your heart and let your eyes delight in my ways.”

My Notes

(Let’s Give The Lord Monday,
What He Wants) 14

TO THE BIBLE Romans 12:2 NIV

“Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed
by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and
approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.”


R ight from the very beginning of my Christian

walk, I always wanted to know what God wanted
and what was on His mind. I wanted to know His perfect
will about everything so I could serve Him correctly.
He frequently pointed me to the Scriptures, but He did
something even more: He opened my understanding in an
extraordinary way because He saw my heart. It’s one of the
ways I get to know His heart about anything—about what
He wants.
That being said, in serving God, it’s all about Him,
what He wants, and how He wants it. It’s not about our
feelings, impulses, or sense knowledge. For example, in
praising and worshipping Him, we shouldn’t find ourselves
doing it in a way that He isn’t pleased with. Praise and
worship in the Church are so important to God; it’s what
we must do according to the prescribed order—according
to His Word.
Some believe clapping is a way to praise and worship
God, but it isn’t. Clapping is applause; you don’t applaud
God. These are some of the things we’ve done in the past
that God wants us to correct today. He is perfecting His
Church for His return, so don’t clap for God. You may say, “But
Psalm 47:1 says, ‘Oh, clap your hands, all you peoples! Shout
to God with the voice of triumph!” That was written for those
in the Old Testament, and it wasn’t for us to copy because
those in the Old Testament mostly walked in the flesh.
If you want to know how you’re supposed to serve
God, and how you’re supposed to praise and worship Him as
a new creation, study the New Testament in the Epistles. The
Lord is perfecting His Church with His truth. So, we’ve got to
put things in their proper places so we’ll get the right results.
Let’s give Him what He wants, which is true spiritual worship
through the Holy Spirit.

Go Deeper
Matthew 15:8-9 NIV; Acts 17:30; John 4:23


Dear Father, thank you for the ministry of your Spirit through
which you’re perfecting the Church and helping us to place a
premium on living by your Word, rendering to you worship in
spirit and in truth. Your Word is gaining preeminence, with true
worship taking centre stage among your congregations as your
glory fills our hearts, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Daily Bible Reading


Romans 15:14-33, Psalms 99-101 Philippians 2:19-30, Isaiah 65

Study Philippians 3:3 in the Amplified Classic Version of the

My Notes

Across Down
2 Brother of Esau (5) 1 The disciple who doubted Jesus’
resurrection (6)
4 The river that Moses struck to turn
its water into blood (4) 2 He spent three days in the belly of a
great fish (5)
6 Land where Joseph was sold into
slavery (5) 3 The place where Jesus was born (9)
9 The king who reigned the longest 5 Queen who saved her people from
in Judah (8) destruction (6)
11 The prophet who anointed Jehu 7 Jesus performed the miracle of
as king of Israel (6) feeding 5,000 people here. (9)
12 He confronted King Ahab and 8 The Roman governor who ordered
predicted a drought (6) the crucifixion of Jesus (6)
13 Brother of Moses (5) 10 The apostle Paul’s original name (4)
15 The body of water where Jesus 14 He confronted King David for his
calmed a storm (10) sin with Bathsheba (6)
18 The king who was struck with 16 The number of plagues inflicted
leprosy for his pride (6) upon Egypt (3)
19 The disciple who betrayed Jesus 17 The city where Jesus performed his
(5) first miracle (4)
21 The body of water where Jesus 19 The Israelites marched around this
walked on water (7) city’s walls till they fell (7)
22 First man created by God in His 20 Wife of Abraham and the mother
image and likeness (4) of Isaac (5)
24 Bible book that contains the 23 City destroyed by God due to its
story of Joseph and his colourful wickedness (5)
coat (7)
25 Jesus appeared to his disciples
26 The city where Paul encountered after his resurrection in this city (6)
a riot due to idol-making (7)
27 Weapon used by David to defeat
29 The king known for his wisdom Goliath (5)
and building the Temple in
Jerusalem (7) 28 The mountain where Moses
received the Ten Commandments (5)
30 Land flowing with milk and
honey (6)
31 Event commemorating the
Israelites’ liberation from slavery (8)
(A Complete Transformation Tuesday,
By The Word) 15

TO THE BIBLE 2 Corinthians 3:18 AMPC

“And all of us, as with unveiled face, [because we] continued to
behold [in the Word of God] as in a mirror the glory of the Lord,
are constantly being transfigured into His very own image in ever
increasing splendor and from one degree of glory to another; [for
this comes] from the Lord [Who is] the Spirit.”


A s you study the Word of God, you see a glorious

you because the Word mirrors you. The picture of
you that you see in the Word is always one of glory. You’ll
see that divinity is at work in you; you’ll see the power of an
endless life. The more you see it, the more you’re transformed
into the same image that you see in the Word. It’s an amazing
spiritual principle. That’s the reality of how the Word of God
That’s why James admonishes us to keep looking into
the Word of God, which he calls the perfect law of liberty
(James 1:25). Keep looking at the scriptures that talk about
your righteousness, your oneness with the Lord, and your
triumphant life in Christ Jesus. For example, when He said in
John 15:16 TLB, “You didn’t choose me! I chose you! I appointed
you to go and produce lovely fruit always, so that no matter
what you ask for from the Father, using my name, he will give it
to you.” This means He’s given you a life of endless prosperity,
and your success can’t be short-lived! Contemplate such
words every day, and, as you do by beholding them, the
reality of what they say becomes your vital experience.
Through the Word, you’re established in righteousness
and flourish like the palm tree, with great grace and glory!
Maybe it’s your health; Isaiah 33:24 says, “They that dwell in
Zion shall not say, ‘I am sick.’” Meditate on it consciously. As you
do, you’ll come to the realisation that the reason you don’t say,
“I’m sick,” is that you don’t get sick. You’re an associate of the
God-kind; you have the indestructible life of God in you.
The same goes for your safety and protection. The Word
says in Psalm 23:4, “Yea, though I walk through the valley of the
shadow of death, I will fear no evil; for You are with me; Your
rod and Your staff, they comfort me.” That means no matter
what happens, your safety is guaranteed in Christ. Christ is the
environment in which you dwell; therefore, you’re forever in
safety. Praise God!

Go Deeper
Acts 20:32; Romans 12:2

Dear Father, thank you for your glory in my life. As I constantly

behold the glory in your Word for my health, academics, family,
and safety, I’m transformed into the same image that I see, from
glory to glory, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Daily Bible Reading


Romans 16:1-27, Psalms 102-103 Philippians 3:1-12, Isaiah 66

Today, outline areas where you want changes; search out the
relevant scriptures and meditate on them consciously.

My Notes

TO SHINE Wednesday,
(Let Your Light So Shine)

TO THE BIBLE Matthew 5:14,16

“You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot
be hidden… Let your light so shine before men, that they may see
your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.”


T here are billions of people on Planet Earth. It’s

interesting to note that no other human has ever
been exactly like you; none is now, and none will ever be.
God made it so! Your uniqueness is such that it can’t be
obscured. It’s the reason you must live your best, be your
best, and put your best into serving the Lord Jesus Christ.
In our opening scripture, the Lord said, “You’re the
light of the world, a city on a hill that can’t be hidden.” But He
didn’t stop there; He added, “Let your light so shine before
men, that they may see your good works and glorify your
Father in heaven.” This is significant; it lets you know you
have a divine mandate from Him to shine before all men—
anywhere and everywhere.
This implies that you can always win and make
progress, no matter the circumstances of your life. In this
regard, Joseph, Jacob’s son, is a remarkable example. His
brothers sold him into slavery, and he was later imprisoned
after being falsely charged. In spite of this, he shone brightly
in the midst of those terrible times, finally rising to become
Prime Minister of a foreign country, according to God’s plan
and purpose.
As you pay attention to the Master’s instruction to
shine, setting forth His wonderful deeds and displaying His
virtues and perfections, the Scripture says men will glorify
your Father in heaven. I encourage you to put your focus
and best energies into what God has called you to do, no
matter where you are in life. It won’t be long before you’re
catapulted to a higher dimension of success, with your life
continually bringing Him glory and honour.

Go Deeper

1 Peter 2:9 AMPC; Isaiah 60:1-3


I’m a partaker of the inheritance of the saints in the kingdom

of light. Darkness has no place in me because I’m native-born
to the light and I live continually in the light of God’s Word. I
manifest this light to my world ever so brightly today as I give
expression to the life of Christ and His nature of righteousness
in me, functioning with excellence, precision, and wisdom in all I
do. Glory to God!

Daily Bible Reading


1 Corinthians 1, Psalms 104-106 Philippians 3:12-21, Jeremiah 1

Tell at least ten people about the Lord today, highlighting how
unique and special they are to Him.

My Notes

SUPPLY! Thursday,
(You’re In God’s
Supply Zone) 17

TO THE BIBLE 2 Peter 1:3 TPT

“Everything we could ever need for life and godliness has already
been deposited in us by his divine power. For all this was lavished
upon us through the rich experience of knowing him who has
called us by name and invited us to come to him through a
glorious manifestation of his goodness.”


T hink about what you just read in today’s opening

verse. Doesn’t it remind you of what Paul said in
Ephesians 1:3: “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord
Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing
in the heavenly places in Christ” (NASB)? Isn’t God’s Word
just so enthralling, edifying, and fulfilling? As a Christian,
you’re in the supply zone; you dwell in surplus. You’ve
been given everything you require for an excellent life of
glory, dominion, righteousness, and superabundance!
David said, “He makes me to lie down in green
pastures…” (Psalm 23:2); that’s your home now—a place of
never-ending, superabundant wealth, where you have no
consciousness of want or need. This is where God wants
you to function; it’s the life Christ has given you! As a child
of God, you’re the seed of Abraham, an heir of God, and
a joint-heir with Christ. That means you own this world.
Everything the Father owns belongs to you, because
you’re His heir. How then could you be broke?
Think about the monarchs of this world; their children
are born into wealth. Do you think it’s any different with
our God? He’s the Monarch of the universe. No wonder the
Spirit prayed through the Apostle Paul in Ephesians 1:18 that
the eyes of your understanding would be enlightened to
know the hope of His calling, and the unfathomable riches
of the glory of His inheritance bequeathed to His saints.
You were born into an incorruptible, inexhaustible
inheritance. What you need is a “mental crossover” into the
zone of continual abundant supply. Become conscious of
this every day, and it’ll change your life completely.

Go Deeper
Philippians 4:19; Psalm 23:1-2; Psalm 68:19;
1 Corinthians 3:21


God has made all grace, every favour, and every earthly blessing
come to me in abundance; therefore, I’m self-sufficient. I was born
into an incorruptible, inexhaustible inheritance. Christ is in me, and
He’s my all! With Him, I have all things. Blessed be God!

Daily Bible Reading


1 Corinthians 2, Psalms 107-108 Philippians 4:1-7, Jeremiah 2


Study and meditate on 2 Corinthians 9:8 AMPC.

My Notes

(To Know Jesus Is
To Love Him) 18

TO THE BIBLE Philippians 3:10 AMPC

“[For my determined purpose is] that I may know Him [that I may
progressively become more deeply and intimately acquainted
with Him, perceiving and recognizing and understanding the
wonders of His Person more strongly and more clearly], and that
I may in that same way come to know the power outflowing from
His resurrection….”


A nyone who doesn’t love Jesus doesn’t know Him.

If they ever get to know who He is, they’ll most
certainly fall in love with Him. The more you know Jesus, the
more you love Him! It brings to mind the story of Paul before
his conversion. He was a Pharisee and a member of the critic-
religious sect that spearheaded the persecution of Christians
in the early Church. Authorised by the government of the day,
the Bible says, “...Saul just went wild, devastating the church,
entering house after house after house, dragging men and
women off to jail” (Acts 8:3 MSG).
He didn’t stop at that. Luke tells us how he continued
to issue violent threats of murder against the followers of
the Lord (Acts 9:1). But something happened that changed
his life forever. He had a destiny-shaping encounter with the
Lord on the road to Damascus. The Bible says, “As he was
nearing Damascus on this mission, suddenly a brilliant light
from heaven spotted down upon him! He fell to the ground
and heard a voice saying to him, “Paul! Paul! Why are you
persecuting me?” “Who is speaking, sir?” Paul asked. And the
voice replied, “I am Jesus, the one you are persecuting! Now get
up and go into the city and await my further instructions.” (Acts
9:3-6 TLB). Hallelujah!
Paul, as a result of this new knowledge of the Lord,
couldn’t keep back anymore; everywhere he went, he testified
that Jesus is alive and that He’s real! Paul’s love for Jesus was
unquenchable because he now knew the Lord. No wonder he
said in Ephesians 3:19, “To know the love of Christ which passes
knowledge; that you may be filled with all the fullness of God.”
This is God’s will for you: that you’d have a revelation of Christ
beyond human understanding and be filled with His fullness,
overflowing in His love, manifesting His life, nature, character,
and power. Hallelujah!

Go Deeper
Ephesians 3:17-19; Philippians 3:7-10


Dear Father, thank you for the revelation of your unfathomable,

unconditional, pure, and eternal love in my spirit. I’m rooted and
grounded in your love, and I manifest and radiate your love to my
world today, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Daily Bible Reading


1 Corinthians 3, Psalms 109-112 Philippians 4:8-13, Jeremiah 3

Meditate on John 3:16 and 1 John 4:19, declaring these scriptures
to yourself all day long.

My Notes

(Christians Don’t Live By Saturday,
Blood But By The Spirit) 19

TO THE BIBLE Romans 8:11 NIV

“…If the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in
you, he who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your
mortal bodies because of his Spirit who lives in you.”


B efore you were born again, your body lived by

blood, and that’s in accordance with Leviticus 17:11,
which says, “...the life of the flesh is in the blood….” But, praise
God, from the moment you were born again and received
the Holy Spirit, you received God’s kind of life that isn’t
dependent on blood for sustenance! Now, you can better
appreciate what the Bible says in John 1:12-13: “But as many
as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children
of God, to those who believe in His name, who were born, not
of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but
of God.”
Being born of God, you’re not human but divine! The
old system of having life in your body through your blood
ceased to be; it was replaced by the life of the Holy Spirit.
No wonder Jesus said in Mark 16:18, “…if they drink anything
deadly, it will by no means hurt them….” There’s no poison
that gets into your system through the blood vessels that’s
potent enough to wreak havoc. This is because the life in you
is indestructible—it’s the life of the Holy Spirit! Those who do
not realise this truth will continually live ordinary lives, being
susceptible to sickness, disease, infirmities, failure, lack, and
the corrupting effects of this present world of darkness.
So, refuse to think, talk, act, or live like a mere human
being; otherwise, you’ll suffer what humans suffer. Don’t let the
lamentation of the Psalmist in Psalm 82:5-7 describe your life.
It says, “They do not know, nor do they understand; they walk
about in darkness; all the foundations of the earth are unstable.
I said, “You are gods, and all of you are children of the Most
High. But you shall die like men, and fall like one of the princes.”
Rather, live the God-life—the divine life—because you’re born
of God!

Go Deeper
Luke 10:19; Romans 8:10-11 TPT


I live above this world and its systems, above sickness, disease,
and the corrupting forces of this present world of darkness. The
power of the Spirit that raised Christ from the dead has vitalised
and given life to my physical body. I live the transcendent life of
glory in Christ Jesus. Amen!

Daily Bible Reading


1 Corinthians 4, Psalms 113-116 Philippians 4:14-23, Jeremiah 4


Say to yourself throughout today, “I’m just like my heavenly

Father; I’m divine. I don’t live by blood but by the life of God’s
Spirit in me.”

My Notes

(Understand Christianity Sunday,
And The Resurrection) 20
TO THE BIBLE 1 Corinthians 15:12
“Now if Christ is preached that He has been raised from the dead,
how do some among you say that there is no resurrection of the


A while back, there was a widely recognised “priest”

who made a public statement confessing that he
once used to believe in the resurrection of the Lord Jesus
but now had doubts about whether Jesus truly rose from the
dead. The truth of the matter is that, deep down, he never
truly believed in Jesus from the start, despite claiming to be
a Christian. It’s impossible to be a Christian without believing
absolutely in the resurrection of Jesus!
There’s no true Christianity without the resurrection.
Christianity only begins with the resurrection, not the Cross. The
death of Jesus didn’t provide eternal life; it’s the resurrection
of Jesus Christ that ushered us into eternal life. The Apostle
Paul explains it in Romans 6:4 NIV; he said, “We were therefore
buried with him through baptism into death in order that, just as
Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father,
we too may live a new life.” To not believe in the resurrection is
to deny the possibility and availability of eternal life. And if you
don’t have eternal life, you’re not a Christian.
A Christian is someone who has received eternal life.
What is eternal life? It’s the life and nature of God—the quality
of the divine essence. For example, dogs aren’t goats, and
chickens aren’t peacocks; no matter the similarities between
them, they don’t have the same life, and they’ll never produce
or reproduce after each other. Dogs will never reproduce goats,
and vice versa. The Christian is literally born of God, with the
God-life. It was the resurrection of Jesus Christ that made that
possible. Hallelujah!
More so, the Bible says Jesus was proven or declared to
be God in human flesh according to the resurrection from the
dead (Romans 1:4). Then the Spirit of God, through the Apostle
Paul, brought this whole thing to a climax in 1 Corinthians 15:12-
19; study the entire reference. The 19th verse says in the Living
Bible translation, “And if being a Christian is of value to us only
now in this life, we are the most miserable of creatures.” Thank
God for the resurrection! It’s what gave us life. Glory to God!
Go Deeper
Galatians 2:20; Romans 6:4; 1 Corinthians 15:12-20


Dear Father, thank you for the glorious resurrection of Christ

that ushered in Christianity and brought us into eternal life—the
indestructible, uninfectable, and impregnable life. I walk in the
newness of life, conscious that I’ve been raised together with
Christ and made to sit together with Him in the place of victory,
authority, and dominion forever, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Daily Bible Reading


1 Corinthians 5, Psalms 117-118 Colossians 1:1-8, Jeremiah 5

Speak in other tongues and charge yourself up in the Holy
Ghost before hitting the streets!

My Notes

(Prove Your Love By Monday,
Winning Souls) 21

TO THE BIBLE 2 Corinthians 5:19 TLB

“…God was in Christ, restoring the world to himself, no longer
counting men’s sins against them but blotting them out. This is
the wonderful message he has given us to tell others.”


“E ric, let’s go out and win souls,” Jessica told Eric

over the phone.
“All right!” “I’m delighted you said so,” he exclaimed.
“I appreciate your enthusiastic response, Eric; thank
“Oh, no need to thank me; I love Jesus, and telling
others about Him is the most important thing.”
Our job to take the Gospel everywhere is something that
all of heaven takes seriously. Sadly, many don’t understand
how serious this really is. There’re Christians who are still
asking whether or not someone who doesn’t win souls will
go to heaven. The question to ask such people is, “If someone
doesn’t love God or Jesus, will that person go to heaven?”
That’s not going to happen.
1 John 5:1 NIV says, “Everyone who believes that Jesus is
the Christ is born of God, and everyone who loves the father
loves his child as well.” If you truly love the Father, then you
love the Lord Jesus. And the proof and evidence of your love
for Him is keeping His commandments—His Word (John
14:15). Remember, His Word says, “...Go into all the world and
preach the gospel to every creature” (Mark 16:15). So, you keep
that word by being a soul-winner.
Someone else might ask, “How about those who lived
before Jesus came and didn’t quite have the opportunity to
express their love for Him?” They had the Word of God—His
laws and commandments. Job said, “I have not departed from
the commandment of His lips; I have treasured the words of His
mouth more than my necessary food” (Job 23:12). Jesus is the
Word become flesh (John 1:14). Hallelujah! Thus, every one of
them had a clear opportunity to express their love for Him. Your
love and commitment to the Lord must reflect and be evident
in your dedication to the preaching of the Gospel.

Go Deeper

John 14:15; Matthew 28:19-20; 2 Corinthians 5:14


I love you, heavenly Father, and I boldly and openly proclaim the
mysteries of the Gospel as an effective witness and impact my
world with your righteousness. Thank you for empowering me by
your Spirit to be an effective witness, transforming my world and
beyond with the news of your saving power, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Daily Bible Reading


1 Corinthians 6, Psalms 119:1-112 Colossians 1:9-18, Jeremiah 6

Today, practise what’s written in Matthew 28:19 and make pupils of
those in your world, teaching them about God, His Son Jesus, and
the Kingdom life.

My Notes

The word “Christ” is translated from the Greek word
Christos, and it’s generally used in Christendom to refer
to Jesus, the Messiah. However, Christ literally means “the
Anointed One.”

1 Corinthians 1:30 says, “But of Him you are in Christ

Jesus....” When you’re born again, you come into Christ –
the Anointed One and His anointing. No longer are you
separate from Him; you’re now one with Him. Jesus and
the church make up Christ. We are joint-heirs with Him.
He’s the Head, and we’re the body.

It’s also important to note the full rendering of 1

Corinthians 1:30: “But of Him you are in Christ Jesus, who
became for us wisdom from God—and righteousness and
sanctification and redemption.” Now that we’re in Christ,
we’ve got access to the supernatural wisdom of God.
Christ is our righteousness, our sanctification, and our


“Every time I read the TeeVo in class, my classmates

would laugh at, criticise, and call me all kinds of
names. I got discouraged and started thinking of
not reading TeeVo anymore in my class. I was very
disturbed about this until the day I decided to pray
concerning this situation and spoke words filled with

The next week at school, the first thing I did was take
the TeeVo from my bag and begin to minister from
it. Wow, my classmates—the same teenagers who
had been criticising me—received the impartation
of the Holy Spirit, and my English teacher also asked
for a copy of TeeVo. My classmates are now always
asking for TeeVo. It’s in high demand at my school.
Praise the Lord.”

(The Power Of A Strong, Tuesday,
Godly Desire) 22


“O God, You are my God, earnestly will I seek You; my inner self
thirsts for You, my flesh longs and is faint for You, in a dry and
weary land where no water is.”


G od never ignores a strong desire—the strong

desire to know Him, walk with Him, and do His will.
That strong desire births an unquenchable urge for prayer.
That’s what we mean sometimes when we say someone is
taken over by the “spirit of prayer.” It means the Holy Spirit
has brought an overwhelming atmosphere and influence of
prayer to your heart.
When that happens, prayer becomes all that you do
and think about. That influence could stay on you for a
protracted period of time. However, this isn’t just something
that happens when God chooses to; rather, it’s what you
invite by desire. The Bible says He satisfies the thirsty soul
(Psalm 107:9).
When you begin that fellowship of prayer, it won’t be
long before that spirit of intercession comes on you and
you find that you’re constantly praying. Every now and then,
the Spirit will pull you to His motivations, visions, plans, and
purposes—the things that He cares about and wants to do.
He’d be expressing Himself through you in prayer.

This is something that should be evident in the life of
every Christian: a strong desire for the Lord, His Word, and
His influence in your life. When you have it, you can easily
influence those around you. So, cultivate it. Stir your heart to
have a strong desire and maintain your zeal, love, and passion
for the Lord at all times.

Go Deeper
Luke 18:1-8; Jeremiah 29:13-14 AMPC


Dear Father, you’re my glory, my joy, and my all; my soul pants for
you much more than the deer pants after the water brooks. Thank
you for your glory in my life. My desire is to know you more and
fulfil your perfect will for me, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Daily Bible Reading


1 Corinthians 7, Psalms 119:113-176 Colossians 1:19-29, Jeremiah 7


Read and meditate on the following scriptures: Psalm 63:1 and

Jeremiah 29:13-14.

My Notes

(Get Perfected In True Wednesday,
Praise And Worship) 23

TO THE BIBLE Hebrews 13:15 AMPC

“Through Him, therefore, let us constantly and at all times offer up
to God a sacrifice of praise, which is the fruit of lips that thankfully
acknowledge and confess and glorify His name.”


W hat is praise? And what is worship? Worship is

the recognition and appreciation of the reality,
blessings, character, and greatness of God. We express this
recognition and appreciation through prayer, sacrifice, and
service. In the New Testament, we offer spiritual sacrifices
called praise (Hebrews 13:15, 1 Peter 2:5, Psalm 69:30-31).
Hence, praise is an expression of worship. When we praise
God, we’re worshipping Him. When you say, “Lord, you’re
good; you’re kind, gracious, and loving; you’ve blessed me;
you’re righteous, etc., you’re defining, recognising, and
appreciating His character and His works.
Praise is the fruit of our lips, giving thanks to God
(Hebrews 13:15). So, in worship or praise, you’re SAYING
something to God, thankfully. This profuse expression of
appreciation of His character and personality in words of
thanksgiving should be from the heart; that is, the spirit,
not the flesh.
The dancing that most people do in many churches
is in the flesh. That may have its place outside the church.
In the New Testament, you don’t dance in the flesh to
worship God. Dancing in the flesh is based on the beat of
the music. When the beat changes, the dance changes.
If you’re inspired to dance, it should be in the spirit
and by the Spirit. The dance may not even synchronise with
or follow the beat of the drums. In such situations, you’ll find
yourself jumping, spinning, and rejoicing in and out of your
spirit. We’re the true circumcision who worship God in the
Spirit, rejoice in Christ Jesus, and have no confidence in the
flesh (Philippians 3:3).

Go Deeper
Psalm 47:6-7; Psalm 69:30-31;
Hebrews 13:15 AMPC

Gracious heavenly Father, I worship you today for your love,

kindness, and grace manifested in my life. You’re great and greatly
to be praised. I extol your greatness and worship your holy Name,
for there’s none like you; your kingdom is forever, and your reign is
everlasting! You’re the only true and wise God. To you be all glory,
honour, majesty, dominion, and praise, forever and ever. Amen.

Daily Bible Reading


1 Corinthians 8, Psalms 120-127 Colossians 2:1-7, Jeremiah 8

Lift your hands and sing His praise; worship the Lord for at least
thirty minutes.

My Notes

(Enjoy Soundness Of Health
By God’s Word And Spirit) 24

TO THE BIBLE 3 John 1:2

“Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in
health, just as your soul prospers.”


O ne of the areas where Satan likes to take

advantage of God’s people is in their health.
Thus, in keeping yourself healthy, the first thing you need
to consciously recognise is that the Word of God is pure
medicine. Meditating on the Word will keep you in sound
health—spirit, soul, and body.
Every day, meditate on the Word. Don’t wait for
trouble to strike before you start “trying” to meditate on
the Word. Meditate on the Word ahead of the evil day.
Something else you need that’s of equal importance is the
guidance of the Holy Spirit. Be sensitive to the Holy Spirit
about what you eat and how you treat your body. Such
things aren’t too trivial for Him to give you clear guidance
about. Trust Him; He’ll teach you how to be wise about
It’s God’s will and desire for you to be healthy and
strong. That’s why, besides teaching and guiding you on
the things to do to keep your body in health, He also
“perambulates” in you to ward off sickness, disease, and
infirmities from your body: “And what agreement has the

temple of God with idols? For you are the temple of the living
God. As God has said: “I will dwell in them and walk among
(perambulate in) them. I will be their God, and they shall be
My people” (2 Corinthians 6:16). Praise God!

Go Deeper

Proverbs 4:20-22; Isaiah 58:8;

Romans 8:10-11

Dear Father, your Word is medicine for my body and brings health
to every fibre of my being. I’m perpetually healthy and strong.
And now, I pray for your children around the world who are sick
in their bodies, that your healing power will surge through them
now, healing their bodies and getting rid of the flu, the migraine,
the cancer, or any infirmity in their bodies, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Daily Bible Reading


1 Corinthians 9, Psalms 128-134 Colossians 2:8-15, Jeremiah 9


Meditate on 2 Corinthians 6:16 till it courses through all your

spirit, soul, and body. 

My Notes

(Fight For Your Private Friday,
Times With God) 25


“…Jesus often went away to be by himself and pray.”


I n these days of social media, where everyone wants

to be seen and heard, the desire for validation and
recognition often overshadows the importance of privacy.
Reading today’s opening verse of scripture, we see that there’s
something beneficial about solitude. If you don’t understand
the value of solitude, there’s a lot that you can miss in life. It’s
so important to have personal time alone with God. Always
remember this: Before revelation comes isolation.
When you learn the value of having private times
of fellowship with the Lord, you’ll be amazed at the
transformation that’ll take place in your life and how effective
you’ll be in the things of God. Never take your private times
with the Lord lightly. Maybe you have some people who,
every now and then, are at your door because they need to
see you or speak with you about one thing or another. Be
smart. If you spend most of your time in casual or vain chatter
with others and spend less time fellowshipping with the Spirit,
you’re not going to accomplish much in life.
Jesus understood the value and power of privacy with
God. In Matthew 14:23 NIV, the Bible says, “After he had
dismissed them, he went up on a mountainside by himself
to pray. Later that night, he was there alone.” Our opening
verse shows us that He did this often (Luke 5:16). At the time
everyone was clamouring for His attention, He withdrew into
the wilderness to pray.
In fact, on a certain occasion, He “escaped” to go and
pray, and they were looking for Him. The Bible says, “Very early
in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house
and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed” (Mark 1:35
NIV). Practise this. Make the effort to have your personal time
with God every day.

Go Deeper
Ephesians 6:18; Psalm 1:1-3; Matthew 6:6


Dear Father, thank you for making your Word available to me and
filling my heart with your love. I greatly esteem your Word, and
I demonstrate this today by consciously meditating and walking
in it so that my profit may appear to all, unto your glory, in Jesus’
Name. Amen.

Daily Bible Reading


1 Corinthians 10:1-13, Colossians 2:16-23,

Psalms 135-138 Jeremiah 10-11


Plan to spend some private time with the Lord this weekend.

My Notes

(The Power Is Released Saturday,
When You Speak) 26

TO THE BIBLE Romans 10:10 NIV

“For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and
it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.”


O ne could describe Michelle as a quiet, cool, and

calm young lady. But when it came to declaring
the Word and using it against the adversary, she was wild!
Like Michelle, refuse to be cool and calm when it comes to
things in the realm of the spirit.
It brings to mind the third of the three levels of
meditation that the Bible talks about: “roaring!” The Hebrew
word is “Hagar.” Hagar means roaring or shouting the Word.
In putting the Word of God to work, be on the offensive.
When sickness tries to attack you or your loved ones, get wild
in your affirmation of the Word. Don’t stop until the Word you
speak prevails over that situation, because it’ll surely prevail!
The Bible says, “So mightily grew the Word of God and
prevailed” (Acts 19:20 KJV). As you speak the Word, it’ll keep
growing; the necessary result, therefore, will be for it to prevail.
So, use the Word to deal with any situation, irrespective of how
dire or grave the situation is. Every so often, declare, “I’m born
again; I have the life of God in me. I refuse to accommodate
sickness or infirmities in my body. My body is the temple of
the Holy Spirit; therefore, it’s perfected in Christ Jesus. I live
in health.” Talk like this every day, because power is released
when you speak.
The power doesn’t work just because you know it or
believe it. The principle is that you must SAY it for it to work.
That’s what we read in our theme verse. Your mouth isn’t just
for communicating and eating; those are the lesser functions
of the mouth. The primary function of your mouth is to frame
your life aright.
The Prophet said, “Take words with you...” (Hosea 14:2)—
not just any words but God’s Word. The Word of God in your
mouth is a creative force; use it to change circumstances and
make your life excellent, from glory to glory. Hallelujah!

Go Deeper
Joshua 1:8; Mark 11:23


Dear Father, your Word dwells in me richly through meditation,

and I speak it forth boldly. My words are creative and divine,
infused with power to change circumstances; they’re empowered
to produce life, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Daily Bible Reading


1 Corinthians 10:14-11:1, Colossians 3:1-11,

Psalms 139-141 Jeremiah 12

Declare again, “I’m born again; I have the life of God in me. I
refuse to accommodate sickness or infirmities in my body. My
body is the temple of the Holy Spirit; therefore, it’s perfected in
Christ Jesus. I live in health.”

My Notes

(The Holy Spirit Has Been Sunday,
Poured Upon All People) 27

TO THE BIBLE Joel 2:28

“And it shall come to pass afterward that I will pour out My Spirit
on all flesh; your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your
old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions.”


I t’s quite significant how our opening verse likens the

move of the Spirit in the last days to the pouring of
water: “...I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh….” Prophet Isaiah
puts it this way: “Until the Spirit is poured upon us from on
high…” (Isaiah 32:15). Hosea 6:3 says, “…He will come to us like
the rain, like the latter and former rain to the earth.”
Also, in Zechariah 10:1, the Bible says, “Ask the Lord for
rain in the time of the latter rain. The Lord will make flashing
clouds; He will give them showers of rain, grass in the field
for everyone.” So, the Spirit was going to be “poured” from
on high in the last days like rain. On the day of Pentecost,
this rain poured out from Heaven on Peter and all the other
apostles, and they were filled with the Holy Spirit: “And they
were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with
other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance” (Acts 2:4).
From then on, they spoke the Word of God with
boldness. One day, while Peter was preaching in the house of
Cornelius, a Roman centurion, the Bible says the Holy Spirit
“fell” on all of them that heard the Word (Acts 10:44). He fell
on them like rain.

Then in John 7:38, we read the beautiful words of the
Master: He said, “He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has
said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.” If you’ve
received the Holy Spirit, this refers to you. Just like Peter, you
can go out in the power of the Spirit to share the Gospel with
others, and the Holy Spirit will fall on them like He did in Bible
days. Chains will be broken, sicknesses will disappear, curses
will be lifted, and many will receive salvation. Glory to God!

Hosea 10:12; Isaiah 45:8 NASB; Joel 2:23


Dear Father, I thank you for the ministry of the Holy Spirit in my life,
pouring out rivers of living water from my innermost being. I’m a
living fountain, and I give life to others in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Daily Bible Reading


1 Corinthians 11:2-34, Colossians 3:12-25,

Psalms 142-145 Jeremiah 13

Study and meditate on Isaiah 45:8 in the New International

My Notes

(Become Conscious Of The Monday,
Deity Of Christ) 28

TO THE BIBLE John 5:18

“Therefore the Jews sought all the more to kill Him, because He
not only broke the Sabbath, but also said that God was His Father,
making Himself equal with God.”


Y ou can’t walk with Jesus unless you figure out who

He is. Jesus is the Lord God, Adonai! The very
concept of this is mind-boggling. It’s no surprise that the Jews
had trouble accepting Him. They accused Him of equating
Himself with God because He stated that God was His Father.
They knew that when someone says, “God is my Father,”
it doesn’t mean God gave birth to that person because God is
a Spirit. They understood what Jesus was saying: He Himself
was Jehovah in human manifestation! In John 10:30, He made
another staggering declaration that made them angrier. He
said, “I and My Father are one.” In other words, “We’re one
and the same; if you’ve seen Me, you’ve seen the Father.”
Now, the Jews got really crazy, and they took up stones
again to stone Him. But Jesus interrupted them and asked, “...
Many good works I have shown you from My Father. For which
of those works do you stone Me?” They replied, “...For a good
work we do not stone You, but for blasphemy, and because
You, being a Man, make Yourself God” (John 10:32-33).
Notice the two charges brought against Jesus. The
first one was blasphemy for saying God was His Father. The
second was robbery, because being a man, He made Himself
God. He was therefore condemned as a robber. But the Bible
says in Philippians 2:5-6, “Let this mind be in you which was
also in Christ Jesus, who, being in the form of God, did not consider
it robbery to be equal with God.”
This verse was written in response to the Jewish accusation
that Jesus was a robber for professing Himself to be equal with
God. Jesus did not think He was robbing God by being equal
with God because He was in the form of God. The Greek word
for “form” is “morphe,” which means “nature.” In other words, He
was the very nature or essence of God. Though He looked like a
man, He was in the form of God.
In essence, Jesus is God! This is one of the cleverest
communications in the New Testament about the deity of Jesus
Christ. His claim to deity is right.

Go Deeper
Titus 2:13 TPT; 1 Timothy 3:16; Colossians 1:15-19;
Colossians 2:9

Lord Jesus, you’re the great God of glory and the complete
embodiment of Deity! Thank you for revealing your divine
personality to me. I celebrate your Lordship and rulership over
my life and over all of creation. You’re the Most High God, and
you alone are worthy of all praise, worship, and adoration. Amen.

Daily Bible Reading


1 Corinthians 12, Psalms 146-150 Colossians 4:1-9, Jeremiah 14

Worship the Lord Jesus right now, with the understanding that
He is indeed God.

My Notes


1. The soulwinner should be described by all the following
attributes except ____________.
A. Visionary about the Gospel.
B. Passionate for souls.
C. Apathetic towards those who don’t know Jesus.
D. Enthusiastic about evangelistic activities.
(Hint: Read the message on August 1, 2023).

2. Certain music could attract demons into people’s lives

without their knowledge. True or false?
A. True.
B. False.
(Hint: Read the message on August 4, 2023).

3. Mark the correct statement from the options below.

A. The glory Moses had is what we have today.
B. Caleb was weaker at eighty than he was at forty.
C. Human life is life with agelessness.
D. Agelessness is part of your heritage in Christ.
(Hint: Read the message on August 6, 2023).

4. In the Old Testament, dressing with a linen ephod

represented the office of the _______.
A. King.
B. Priest.
C. Prophet.
D. None of the above.
(Hint: Read the message on August 9, 2023).

5. What’s the incorrect statement from the options below?
A. There’s such a thing as Christians “getting into” God’s
B. God’s presence is our home where we were born.
C. You’re a carrier and conveyor of God’s presence.
D. In Christianity, we don’t go in and out of God’s
(Hint: Read the message on August 12, 2023).

6. Clapping is a way to praise and worship God. True or false?
A. True.
B. False.
(Hint: Read the message on August 14, 2023).

7. What is the Christian’s position in relation to God’s blessings and

A. The Christian is entitled to every spiritual blessing in heavenly
B. Christians have access to abundant wealth and resources.
C. Christians are heirs of God and joint-heirs with Christ.
D. All of the above.
(Hint: Read the message on August 17, 2023).

8. What was the result of Paul’s encounter with the Lord Jesus on the
road to Damascus?
A. He became a persecutor of Christians.
B. He turned around and went to the synagogue to pray.
C. He gained new knowledge of the Lord and started testifying
about the Lord Jesus.
D. He continued to issue violent threats of murder against the
followers of the Lord.
(Hint: Read the message on August 18, 2023).

9. Dancing in worship should be done in the spirit and by the Spirit,

rather than based on the beat of the music.
A. True.
B. False.
(Hint: Read the message on August 23, 2023).

10. Why was the Lord accused of robbery by the Jews?

A. Because He called God His Father, thereby making Himself
equal with God.
B. Because He stole from others.
C. Because He committed a physical theft.
D. Because He blasphemed against God.
(Hint: Read the message on August 28, 2023).

(The Lord Is Delighted Tuesday,
Every Time You Pray) 29

TO THE BIBLE John 16:23-24

“…In that day you will ask Me nothing. Most assuredly, I say to
you, whatever you ask the Father in My name He will give you.
Until now you have asked nothing in My name. Ask, and you will
receive, that your joy may be full.”


P rayer is how we bring the power of the Holy Spirit

to bear on the world around us. That is why He
always leads us to pray and make changes in our world. The
prophets prayed, as did the Lord Jesus and the apostles, and
they all taught us to pray. There are many results that we will
never see unless we pray. It is God’s way of interacting with
us, and He has invited us to do it.
Isaiah 45:19 shows us what God thinks when it comes
to prayer: “I publicly proclaim bold promises; I do not whisper
obscurities in some dark corner so that no one can know what
I mean. And I didn’t tell Israel to ask me for what I didn’t plan
to give! No, for I, Jehovah, speak only truth and righteousness”
(TLB). He’ll never ask us to pray for something He didn’t plan
to give us. He tells us to pray because He plans to answer.
Some people don’t know this, so they get discouraged
when they pray and it seems what they’re praying about
hasn’t materialised. Some others pray “religiously,” not
expecting to receive answers. If only they knew that the glory
of God is in answering our prayers. He delights in answering
our prayers. He loves to see us actualise our hopes and
dreams, and then we praise Him for it.
Have the audacity of faith to expect answers when you
pray, because the Lord derives glory from answering your
prayers. It brings to mind the words of Jesus in John 16:23-24:
“And in that day you will ask Me nothing. Most assuredly, I say
to you, whatever you ask the Father in My name He will give
you. Until now you have asked nothing in My name. Ask, and
you will receive, that your joy may be full.” His joy is for you to
have a fruitful, productive, and effective walk in righteousness.

Go Deeper
1 Peter 3:12; 1 John 5:14-15; John 16:23-24


Dear Father, I thank you for the privilege and opportunity of

prayer. The very thought that you delight in answering my prayers
makes prayer more exciting for me. Thank you for giving me the
extraordinary Name of Jesus to live by. With it, I live triumphantly
and experience supernatural results every day. Amen.

Daily Bible Reading


1 Corinthians 13, Proverbs 1-2 Colossians 4:10-18, Jeremiah 15


Talk to the Father in prayer and thank Him for the privilege of
always being heard when you do.

My Notes

(There’s Operative Power Wednesday,
Inside You) 30

TO THE BIBLE Ephesians 3:20 AMPC

“Now to Him Who, by (in consequence of) the [action of His] power
that is at work within us, is able to [carry out His purpose and]
do superabundantly, far over and above all that we [dare] ask
or think [infinitely beyond our highest prayers, desires, thoughts,
hopes, or dreams].”


Y ou’re full of power. There’s authority, and there’s

power. We have authority in the Name of Jesus, but
we have power in the person and presence of the Holy Spirit.
Hallelujah! You have not only the highest authority but also
the extraordinary ability of God within your spirit. It doesn’t
flow from Heaven to you; you got it when the Holy Spirit
came to make His home in you. Hallelujah! All of the power
of divinity is at work in you.
No wonder Jesus said in Matthew 10:8: “Heal the sick,
cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out demons. Freely you
have received, freely give.” You have it, and that’s why you
can give it! Hallelujah! That’s why Peter could say to the lame
man at the gate of the temple called Beautiful, “...What I do
have I give you: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise
up and walk” (Acts 3:6), and the man was gloriously healed.
Peter knew he had something to give. He had great
confidence in what he had. Today, you have the same Holy
Spirit that Peter had. You have power in you. Jesus said, “…
You shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon
you…” (Acts 1:8). Recognise, affirm, and put the power in you to
work every day. Glory to God!

Go Deeper
Ephesians 3:20-21 AMPC; 2 Corinthians 4:7;
Acts 1:8 AMPC


The Holy Spirit came to live in me; therefore, the Kingdom, power,
glory, righteousness, and dominion of Christ are manifested in
and through me. I’m full of power! And with this power, I heal
the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils, and
do mighty works for the glory of God.

Daily Bible Reading


1 Corinthians 14, Proverbs 3-4 1 Thessalonians 1:1-10, Jeremiah 16

Pray fervently in tongues for at least an hour. Then go ahead
and put the power in you to work.

My Notes

(Serve God Truly From Thursday,
Your Spirit) 31
TO THE BIBLE Romans 1:9
“For God is my witness, whom I serve with my spirit in the gospel
of His Son, that without ceasing I make mention of you always in
my prayers.”


W hile the praise service was taking place, Norman

and his friend were busy conversing on their
phones. They were so unaware that God was present in
that meeting, handing out gifts to everyone, and as a result
of their irreverence, they missed out on what the Lord was
ministering to them.
Reading the opening scripture, it’s clear that Paul
understood what it meant to serve God reverently with and
from the spirit. Remember Jesus said in John 4:24 KJV, “God is
a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit
and in truth.” This was the life Paul lived. When he said, “I
serve God with my spirit,” he was simply stating how he lived
every day.
Now, you can understand why he said in Philippians
3:3, “We are the true circumcision that worship God in the
spirit.” There was a conditioning of his spirit through the
Word and fellowship of the Holy Spirit that made him a true
worshipper. This is the life we’ve been called to live. We’re to
serve and worship the Lord with and from our spirits, with the
reverence that He deserves. The Bible says, “The twenty-four
elders fall down before Him who sits on the throne and worship
Him who lives forever and ever, and cast their crowns before
the throne…” (Revelation 4:10). They showed reverence for the
Lord in worship.
Sometimes, that reverence could be an outward
prostration, but the prostration of the heart is more important.
Many don’t understand what it means to have reverence for
God. Some Christians speak in tongues irreverently, forgetting
that they’re speaking to God and not a mere man. The Bible
says he who speaks in an unknown tongue isn’t speaking to
men but to God; in the spirit, he’s speaking mysteries to God
(1 Corinthians 14:2). Why, then, should a child of God speak to
God so irreverently? Such irreverence would reflect in other
areas of life—in words and actions.
Always have the consciousness of the presence of God.
It’ll help you maintain not just an attitude but a life of reverence,
where you give true worship to God.

Go Deeper

Revelation 4:10-11; Psalm 103:1; John 4:23-24


Yours, heavenly Father, is the greatness, the power, the glory,

the majesty, and the splendour, for you alone are God! You’re
exalted as head over all, and I serve you with my spirit in the
Gospel, in holiness and truth, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Daily Bible Reading


1 Corinthians 15:1-34, Proverbs 5-7 1 Thessalonians 2:1-9, Jeremiah 17

Worship the Lord in true reverence and consciousness of His
power and glory.

My Notes

Prayer of Salvation

W e trust you’ve been blessed by this devotional.

We invite you to make Jesus Christ the Lord
of your life by praying thus:

“O Lord God, I believe with all my heart in Jesus

Christ, Son of the living God. I believe He died for
me and God raised Him from the dead. I believe
He’s alive today. I confess with my mouth that Jesus
Christ is the Lord of my life from this day. Through
Him and in His Name, I have eternal life; I’m born
again. Thank you, Lord, for saving my soul! I’m now
a child of God. Hallelujah!”

Congratulations! You’re now a child of God. To

receive more information on how you can grow
as a Christian, please get in touch with us through
any of the contacts below:
Unit C2, Thamesview 8623, Hemlock Hill Drive, LoveWorld Publishing Canada,
Business Centre, Barlow Houston, Texas, 77083. 4101, Steeles Ave W, Suite 204,
Way, Rainham-Essex, Tel.: +1-281-829-4443 Toronto, Ontario,
RM13 8BT. +1-281-372-8100 Canada, M3N 1V7.
Tel.: +44 (0) 1708 556 604 Tel.: +1 416-667-9191
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Abuja, Nigeria. Oregun, Ikeja, Lagos. Cnr. Harley and Braam Fischer,
Tel.: +234 1 8888186 Randburg, Gauteng, 2194,
South Africa.
Tel.: +27 11 326 0971

ACROSS: : 2 Jacob, 4 Nile, 6 Egypt, 9 Manasseh,
11 Elisha, 12 Elijah, 13 Aaron, 15 Gennesaret,
18 Uzziah, 19 Judas, 21 Galilee, 22 Adam,
24 Genesis, 26 Ephesus, 29 Solomon,
30 Canaan, 31 Passover.

DOWN: 1 Thomas, 2 Jonah, 3 Bethlehem, 5 Esther,

7 Bethsaida, 8 Pilate, 10 Saul, 14 Nathan,
16 Ten, 17 Cana, 19 Jericho, 20 Sarah,
23 Sodom, 25 Emmaus, 27 Sling, 28 Sinai.


1. C 2. A 3. D 4. B 5. A

6. B 7. D 8. C 9. A 10. A





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