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Year 2023

Grade Distribution:
- Attendance and participation: 50%
- Mid-term assignment: 10%
- Final assignment: 40%

Mid-term Assignment Instruction:

- Individual
- A case study not an explanation of a concept
- Cover page to include: title, submitter full name, group, and student numbers and submission
- First slide to include a statement of which concepts in the class are used (theme of the
- 10-slide presentation (not including the cover page, the statement slide and the final thank
you slide)
- Maximum content per slide: 9 bullets
- Maximum length of each bullet: a line and a half
- Font size of the body: between 18 to 24
- Presentations can include all types of visuals (pictures, graphs, illustrations … etc.,)
- Presentations can include videos with a maximum duration of 120 seconds (2 minutes)
- Presentations can include recordings of the submitter for whole or part of the presentation
- Submission mode is online on this google drive (submitters are required to make sure that they
are uploading their work in the sub-folder titled after their group (i.e., S2, S8 …etc.,)
- Only PPT (PowerPoint Presentation) format is acceptable
- Assignment due date is the midnight of September 20th (assignment duration is one month)

- Upon permission, submitters can work in a group of two and enjoy a double number of slides
(only justification is an out of the box idea)

- After the due time and date, the drive will not be accessible
- Email submissions are not acceptable
- Failure to upload due to technical issues will not be excused if communicated after the due
time and date or at the last-minute. (Can be accepted only till September 19th given that it will
be emailed immediately after permission is given)

- Restrict editing on PowerPoint is highly recommended so no one can edit in the final uploaded
version. In case the presentation is protected (though not recommended), please email me the
password at (steps of both protection and restriction can be easily
found if googled)

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