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Electrical infrastructure and architecture for

CMA CGM’s subsidiaries and agencies

Version 5.0

Agencies Seminar – 28th and 29th August 2012

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Author : Audit & IT security

1. Introduction.
2. Scope of application.
3. Low voltage architecture baseline(> 1000V)
a. Logical Diagram of Overall Electrical Architecture
b. Electrical architecture design for the servers
c. Electrical architecture design for the workstations
d. Redundant architecture, two channels with backup (N+2)
e. Single channel architecture with backup over two channels (N++1)
f. Single channel architecture with backup (N+1)
g. Single channel architecture (N)
h. Power outlet Distribution for the computers
4. Standard Infrastructure.
a. Generators
b. UPS
c. Electrical switchboard
d. Circuit Breakers
e. Power outlets
5. Safety measures.
6. Maintenance and controls

This document outlines the basics in attaining an efficient Information System implementation.
It is not complete nor is it an installation procedure but covers certain topics that have to be executed carefully,
thus ensuring a stable, secure environment in compliance with CMA CGM Group standards.

Best practices / Electrical architecture

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1. Introduction
• The aim of this document is to set out electrical best practices for agencies and subsidiaries.
• The Information System architecture must be built on a smart and stable electrical distribution to avoid any outages
• Electrical distribution quality may vary from a country to another but the basics must be applied

• An electrical infrastructure can include the following components.

q Generators
q Electrical switchboard
q Circuit Breakers
q Differentials for human protection
q Power outlets

• The electrical architecture is the connection of all the components.

q Logical Diagram of Overall Electrical Architecture

q Redundant architecture, two channels with backup (N+2)
q Architecture over single channel with backup over two channels (N++1)
q Architecture over single channel with backup (N+1)
q Architecture over single channel (N)

• Redundant electrical architecture allows your Information Systems to attain a 99,9% availability

• For any questions or assistance regarding your future projects contact

2. Scope of application

• This document applies to all CMA CGM agencies and subsidiaries

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3. Low voltage architecture baseline (>1000V)

a. Logical diagram of overall electrical architecture:

• The below schema demonstrates how using a simple architecture will never be affected by a power outage.
• The important points are:

• Servers and the network equipments must be powered per an UPS (mandatory for all agencies)
• Servers is powered per 2 different electrical switchboards (recommended)
• Computers must be powered per an UPS (mandatory for middle and large agencies)
• Printers, lighting and air-conditioning must be powered per the dedicated electrical switchboard (separated from IT)
• The generator the automatic START/STOP is mandatory

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3. Low voltage architecture baseline (>1000V)

b. Electrical architecture design for the server and the network equipments

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3. Low voltage architecture baseline (>1000V)

c. Electrical architecture design for the computers

c. NOTE: For all Country or the power outage is frequently, Each computers must be protected by a dedicated UPS (MANDATORY)

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3. Low voltage architecture baseline(> 1000V)

d. Redundant architecture, two channels with backup (N+2): for the FOR ALL CRITICAL AGENCIES

• Power outage frequently in the country

• Critical sites or Hubs must use this architecture N +2
• Each layer of the infrastructure is redundant.
• The most robust solution to protect business against electrical failure and ensure business continuity

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3. Low voltage architecture baseline(> 1000V)

E. Single channel architecture with backup over two channels (N++1): for ALL NO CRITICAL AGENCIES

• Power outage frequently in the country !

• 2nd type of electrical architecture for critical sites that do not have the budget to implement the N+2 architecture.
• Critical servers/equipment are identified and have 2nd power supply
• This architecture is based on one single UPS

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3. Typical architecture of an electrical low voltage (> 1000V)

f. Single channel architecture with backup (N+1): for SMALL & MIDDLE AGENCIES

• Power outage frequently in the country

• 3rd type of architecture for smaller agencies
• In case of failure, the agency will be isolated.

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3. Typical architecture of an electrical low voltage (> 1000V)

g. Single channel architecture (N): for VERY SMALL, SMALL & MIDDLE AGENCIES

• Power outage NO frequently in the country

• Minimum requirements
• Small non-critical structures

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3. Typical architecture of an electrical low voltage (> 1000V)

h. Power outlet Distribution for the computers

For the user

• 2 power outlets per computer (1 for the UC and 1 for the screen)

For the manager with a closed office

• 3 power outlets per computer (1 for the UC ,1 for the screen, 1 for the printer)

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4. Standard infrastructure

a. The Generator set or GenSet:

• The generator will backup the electrical supply in case of local provider failure,
• The generator does not replace the UPS due to the fact that it does not protect the electrical network from micro outages
• The generator must take into account all critical components (servers, workstations) and non-IT (air-conditioning, lights, printers, lift, ...)
• The generator must have the STAR/STOP automatically (MANDATORY)
• The tank capacity will determine the duration of the protection until you need to refill the fuel tank,
• 72 h is regular time bracket. 48h is the minimum

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4. Standard Infrastructure

b. The Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) :

• UPS protects IT equipment on the client layer ( ie: servers, computers, …),
• The UPS protects internal equipment from the electrical outages (micro outages ,under voltage, surge …),
• In case of a power failure it continues to supply the systems for a limited period of time
• It is forbidden to have autonomy (of battery) of more than 1 hour. The UPS it's not a GENERATOR !!!
• For the very powerfull UPS, the batteries must be kept in a separated room (risk of a fire)
• UPS and batteries must be cooled by a air-conditioning system (mandatory)
• The UPS must able to send the alerts via SNMP (IP card manadatory)

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4. Standard Infrastructure

c. The Electrical switchboard or Electric panel:

• Electric panels are the focal points of an electrical installation

• Installations must be structured as follows :
• A dedicated Panel for the IT room
• A dedicated Panel for all power outlet protected by an UPS (computers)
• A dedicated Panel for all regular power outlet (printers, AC, lighting,…...)

• A structured installation will contribute to an efficient environment and reduce maintenance costs.
• A Central UPS is a preferable approach than individual UPS per system
• On each electric panel an emergency stop must be installed

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4. Standard Infrastructure

d. The circuit breaker:

• The circuit breaker protects the system against any type of overload
• It protects against overvoltage and or thermal heating
• A magneto-thermal circuit breaker should include thermal sensing, as there are several thresholds of tolerance
• IT installation should always choose magneto-thermal curve C circuit breakers
• If the local labor code obliges a differential circuit breaker (30mA) must be used to protect humans (30mA threshold of cardiac arrest)
• Best practices are that each server rack is powered by 2 circuit breakers (circuit breaker A and circuit breaker B)

• curve C: magnetic threshold between 5 and 10 or 7 to 10 times the rated current

• A magneto-thermal circuit breaker
• curve B in red
• curve C in blue

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4. Standard Infrastructure

e. The power outlet and Power Distribution Unit (PDU):

• There are international standards for plugs and other electrical connectors
• Rack servers and networks must be connected by HYPRA connectors (see picture below)
• Each rack will therefore have to be connected by 2 connectors (channel A & B).
• There are several types of connectors with regards to the intensity and voltage (single-phase, three-phase, three-phase + neutral 16 A,
32 A or 63 A)
• The section of the cable is also very important regarding the intensity of the circuit breaker. 6 mm² for 32 A and 4 mm² for 16 a.
• Servers are connected to the electrical grid by 2 PDU (Power distribution Unit)
• Connectors will be from C13 to C19 (US format)

connector single-phase connector three-phase connector three-phase + neutral connector C19/C20 and C13/C14

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5. Safety Measures

• Mandatory to install a differential on each circuit breaker that is connected to the power grid.
• Mandatory to install an emergency stop button on the panel or electric input power source
• Mandatory, all electrical installations must be grounded.
• Must have a an emergency button, type quick punch or pull button
• All people working in technical (computer room) must at least have a "Electrical accreditation“ and have minimum knowledge
concerning electrical hazards

differential operation
Emergency STOP punch Electrical accreditation

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6. Maintenance and testing

• Generators to be tested monthly

• Tests at full charge from the power source to the generator to be carried out every 6 months
• Verification of generator groups fuel level
• UPS battery set to be tested every year
• Battery replacement every 5-6 years
• UPS load verification on a weekly basis (use snmp)
• Control of electrical installations (temperature, bindings, measures) every 3 months.

• These instructions are best practices to keep your electrical installation operational and reliable for as long as possible thus ensure
Business Continuity.

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