Exit Exam

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Your classwork requires that you must work in a group of your fellow
students to submit a group project. A significant portion of your grade
depends on the quality of the group project. However, you note that a
very close friend, who is a member of your group, is copying and
pasting material from the Internet and calling it his own original writing.
You know your instructor will give every member of the group an F in
the course if academic dishonesty is confirmed. What should you do? *
Use 250 words or less!!!

2. Standard Chartered Bank (SCB) is an organization where jobs are

highly standardized and clearly explained; employees’ task, behavior,
attire, etc is guided strictly by rules and regulation, employees have little
discretion in what they want to do. This means SCB has high
______________ *
A) Decentralization
B) Formalization
C) Departmentalization
D) Spans of control

3. At Mount Elizabeth Hospitals in Singapore, the ICU is renowned

around the globe, people who can afford their extensive special care
seeks help from them. The credit goes to internal collaboration at ICU,
where they have gathered specialist doctors from all departments. Which
kind of internal collaboration is it? *
A) Task force
B) Cross functional team
C) Community of practice
D) Strategic partnership

4. Based on the following chart, what is your conclusion? *

D) the process is out of control
C) the process is in control
A) data is inadequate to reach a conclusion
B) the process described is a continuous process
Statistical Process Control Chart (Question # 4)

5. The Dean of the School of Business and Economics is forecasting the

total student enrollment for the year based on the following historical
data. Based on this data, what is this year's forecast using a three-period
simple moving average? *
A) 2,667
B) 2,600
C) 2,800
D) 3,000
Historical enrollment data (Question 5)

6. Mr. Javin needs to determine which variables and relationships he

should examine further as part of the research he is conducting for the
Company ‘X’. Javin is about to embark on what type of research? *
A) simple research
B) descriptive research
C) exploratory research
D) causal research

7. When BMW sold Rover to Ford, it adopted a- *

A) Horizontal growth strategy
B) Conglomerate diversification strategy
C) Stability strategy
D) Retrenchment strategy
8. Which one of the following statement is correct for BMW when
BMW decided to sell Rover to Ford due to facing heavy loss and Ford
decided to buy Rover? *
A) The industry attractiveness was low but business position was strong
B) The industry attractiveness was high and business position was strong
C) The industry attractiveness was high but business position was
D) The industry attractiveness was low and business position was weak

9. The Heckscher-Ohlin theory differs from the Ricardian model in that

it emphasizes _______ as the source of trade. *
A) Economies of scale
B) Productivity of labor
C) Resource differences
D) All of the above
10. A ______ provides the right to sell a specific currency at a specific
price within a specific period of time. *
A) Forward contract
B) Spot contract
C) Currency call option
D) Currency put option

11. In ………………. an intermediary such as an outside research

agency brings headquarters and country operations together. *
A) Centralized research
B) Coordinated research
C) Decentralized research
D) Geocentric research

12. Condition favoring Export *

A) High target country production costs
B) Legal protection possible in target environment.
C) Government restrictions on foreign ownership
D) Highest sales potential and lowest political risk

13. The origin of a product may have a strong effect on consumer

perceptions and biases about foreign products. This concept is known
as………….. *
A) Cognitive dissonance effect
B) Country of Origin effect
C) Selective attention effect
D) None of the above

14. Which of the following is NOT a type of judgmental forecasting? *

A) time series analysis
B) sales force opinions
C) consumer surveys
D) the Delphi method

15. Responding to pressure for _____ requires that a firm differentiate its
product offering and marketing strategy from country to country. *
A) cost reductions
B) experience effects
C) lowering the costs of value creation
D) being locally responsive
D) the industry is stable and barriers to imitation are low

16. Breaking down a complex job into different tasks and assigning
those tasks to specific individuals is known as *
A) Planning
B) Directing
C) Organizing
D) Controlling

17. Mr. Alam, Mr. Asif, Mr. Selim, and Mr. Islam are coming from
different departments in order to form a special team to figure out what
will be the best way to conduct learning assessment test for their
outgoing students at NSU business school. One thing that is common for
all of them is that they represent some managerial rank which means
they are all department chairs. This type of team is best known as: *
A) Friendship team
B) Interest team
C) Management team
D) Cross functional team

18. A leader who tries to pass his/her great qualities to his/her followers
is best explained by which leadership theory listed below? *
A) Charismatic leadership theory
B) Path-goal theory
C) Transformational leadership theory
D) Group and exchange leadership theory

19. Robert is a marketer for global consumer Products Company. He is

working on the promotional campaign designed to reach a target
audience in a new international market. Robert is working hard to make
sure that the promotional campaign is clearly understood by the nation’s
consumers and doesn’t offend anyone. Which of the factors in the
external environment is he being influenced by? *
A) Socio cultural environment
B) Competitive environment
C) Economic environment
D) Legal environment

20. Which of the following is not covered by employers in Bangladesh

as part of their common benefit program? *
A) Maternity leave
B) Jury duty
C) Provident fund
D) Gratuity

31. According to the law of diminishing marginal utility *

A) Utility is at a maximum with the first unit
B) Marginal utility falls as more units are consumed
C) Marginal product falls as more units are consumed
D) Increasing units of consumption increase the marginal utility

32. All firms maximize profit by producing at *

D) None of the above

33. When airlines offer special prices for students or senior citizens, this
will be an example of what type of price adjustment strategy? *
A) Captive pricing
B) Discount
C) Segmented pricing
D) Promotional pricing

34. Kazi and Kazi Tea targets several market segments and designs
separate offers for each. This type of target market strategy is known as
__________ *
A) Niche Marketing
B) Mass Marketing
C) Differentiated Marketing
D) Micro Marketing

35. One example of fixed cost is *

A) Rent
B) Wages
C) Cost of Raw Material
D) None of the above

36. A person is considered unemployed if they are *

A) Of the working age and without a job
B) Of the working age and looking for a job
C) Not in the labor force
D) Not willing to work at the current wage rate

37. If the economy is going through a deep recession, which of the

following steps can the government take? *
A) Increase the nominal interest rate
B) Decrease the the real interest rate
C) Decrease the amount of government spending
D) Increase the rate of income tax

38. What is the effect of an expansionary fiscal policy on equilibrium

ouput and price level? *
A) Output will increase and price level will decrease
B) Output will decrease and price level will increase
C) Output will increase and price level will remain unchanged
D) Output will increase and price level will increase

39. What is the effect of monetary contraction on equilibrium output and

price level? *
A) Output will decrease and price level will decrease
B) Output will decrease and price level will increase
C) Output will increase and price level will remain unchanged
D) Output will increase and price level will increase

40. Which of the following is not a feasible way of attaining economic

growth? *
A) Investing in human capital through education and training
B) Improving healthcare and welfare programs for the poor
C) Making technological advances
D) Increasing the amount of natural resources of the country
41. If productivity increases, which of the following will take place? *
A) Inflation will rise
B) Living standard will fall
C) Economic growth will take place
D) All of the above

42. Factors encouraging " Standardization" *

A) Differing use conditions
B) Economies in marketing
C) Differing consumer behavior patterns
D) Government and regulatory influences

43. The type of society that value individual performance, and pursue
individual growth and development is: *
A) individualistic society
B) democratic society
C) collectivist society
D) liberal society

44. In Market Economy the product price is determined by *

A) Government intervention
B) Demand and supply curve
C) Little government intervention
D) Only demand curve

45. People generally prefer little consultation between superiors and

subordinates in cultures where _______________ is high *
A) Fatalism
B) Individualism
C) Power Distance
D) Masculanity

46. Bangladesh is part of *


47. Which of the following is not one of the factors that generate
competitive advantages for nations, according to Porter's diamond
model? *
A) Factor conditions
B) The role of government
C) Firm strategy, structure, and policy
D) Demand condition

48. Which of the following is an element of marketing for not-for-profit

organizations? *
A) Make a social impact
B) Attract donors
C) Create awareness among customers
D) All of the above

49. Which of the following is not an objective of a not-for-profit

organization? *
A) Maximize revenue
B) Maximize social impact
C) Maximize fund collection
D) None of the above

50. Kellogg’s Cornflakes launched the ‘Help give a child a breakfast’

campaign, aiming to raise a minimum of £300,000, running across 7
million packs from October to December, with 3pence from each sale
going to the Kellogg’s Breakfast Club Trust. This is an example of *
A) Not for profit marketing
B) Cause related marketing
C) Green marketing
D) Digital marketing
51. Campaigns like “Don’t Drink and Drive” or “Wear a Helmet” are
designed to *
A) Increase the sale of a product
B) Decrease the sale of a product
C) Build social awareness
D) None of the above

52. Pran-RFL introduced ‘Cement’ in UAE, which is not available in

local market. In this case Pran- RFL is following which international
marketing approach given below. *
A) Sell the product as it is internationally.
B) Modify product for different countries or regions.
C) Design new products for foreign markets.
D) Incorporate all differences into one product and introduce it globally.

53. Which theory states that as a consumer, you will feel uncomfortable
if you hold conflicting thoughts about a belief or an attitude object? *
A) Cognitive Dissonance Theory
B) Defensive Attribution Theory
C) Attribution Theory
D) None of the above

54. By watching Indian drama serials and movies, Bangladeshi

customers get to be exposed to the Indian culture. This learning is
caused by – *
A) Enculturation
B) Acculturation
C) Instrumental learning
D) Observational learning

55. When airlines offer special prices for students or senior citizens, this
will be an example of what type of price adjustment strategy? *
A) Captive pricing
B) Discount
C) Segmented pricing
D) Promotional pricing

56. Conflict between retailers is known as – *

A) Horizontal conflict
B) Vertical conflict
C) Linear conflict
D) Spiral conflict

57. Kool Shampoo is diving its market mainly based on age, occupation
income and on volume of usages. Name the types of segmentation
criteria Kool Shampoo is using here. *
A) Behavioral, Demographic
B) Behavioral , Geographic
C) Demographic, Psychographic
D) Psychographic, Behavioral

58. __________________________________ can be broadly defined as

the risk that a company's performance will be affected by exchange rate
movements *
A) Interest rate risk
B) Currency risk
C) Exchange rate risk
D) Market risk

59. Payment for rent in advance should result in - *

A) A debit to cash and a credit to unearned rent
B) A debit to rent expense and a credit to cash
C) A debit to rent expense and a credit to rent payable
D) A debit to prepaid rent and a credit to cash

60. The normal balance for capital account is *

A) Debit
B) Credit
C) Neither debit nor credit
D) Can be both

61. Which of the following is an income statement account? *

A) Cost of Goods sold
B) Accounts payable
C) Accumulated depreciation
D) Equipment

62. David paid TK15,000 for insurance in advance on Janurary 1, 2018.

At the end of the year, TK5,000 of insurance has been expired. What
type of adjusting entry is needed for the concerned situation? *
A) Unearned revenue
B) Accrued revenues
C) Prepaid expense
D) Accrued expenses

63. The allocation of the cost of a plant assess to expense in a rational

and systematic manner is called: *
A) Depreciation
B) Amortization
C) Depletion
D) Cost allocation

64. In a job order system, direct material would be recorded as a debit to

A) Work in progress
B) Manufacturing overhead
C) Raw material
D) Finished goods

65. Norman Co. has the provided the following monthly data - see table
below. If they did not sell any product in the last month, what would be
the net operating income/loss for the month? *
A) Net loss of $80,000
B) Net income of $80,000
C) They would be operating at the break-even point
D) None of the above
Norman Co. Monthly Data (Question # 65)

66. The difference between selling price per unit and variable cost per
unit is known as *
A) Unit Gross Margin
B) Unit Net Income
C) Unit Operating Income
D) Unit Contribution Margin

67. A favourable material price variance means *

A) Standard cost per unit of material was less than the actual cost per
B) Actual cost per unit of material was less than the standard cost
per unit
C) The actual usage of material as less than the standard allowed
D) Material usage was more than the material purchased

68. A budget is *
A) Quantitative plan for future
B) Review of past expenses
C) Subjective forecast using the Delphi method
D) All of the above

69. All else being equal, which of the following will increase a
company's current ratio? *
A) An increase in accounts receivable?
B) An increase in long term debt
C) An increase in net fixed assets
D) All of the above
70. A firm borrows $1,000 at 8% simple interest with all payments due
at the end of the year. What amount must be repaid? *
A) $1,150
B) $1,660
C) $1,320
D) None of the above

71. The value of a bond is the present value of the *

A) dividends and maturity value
B) interest and dividend payment
C) maturity value
D) Coupon payment and maturity value

72. The Capital Asset Pricing Model *

A) links together unsystematic risk and return for all assets
B) is a very complex and therefore unpopular tool
C) assumes that all investors can influence prices
D) All of the above

73. Which of the following is not a capital budgeting technique? *

C) Payback period

74. Success in today's dynamic global business environment depends

heavily on maximizing the use of - *
A) Internet based technologies
B) Web-enabled information systems
C) None of the above
D) (A) and (B)

75. Which is not a type of computer crime? *

A) Software piracy
B) Theft of intellectual property
C) Unauthorized use at work
D) Worms

76. A ______________________ is an electronic device that process

data, converting it to information *
A) processor
B) computer
C) case
D) stylus

77. If you want to use Pivot Reporting, which office tool will you use? *
A) MS Access
B) MS Excel
C) MS Word
D) MS Powerpoint

78. DBMS stands for - *

A) Database Maintenance Systems
B) Disk Balancing Management Systems
C) Database Management Systems
D) Data Balancing Monitor Systems

79. How many fiber optics submarine cable network lines are linked
with Bangladesh? *
A) 1
B) 2
C) 3
D) 4

80. Which professional intermediates between the business functional

department and software development team or information technology
team? *
A) System designer
B) Systems analyst
C) System administrator
D) System tester

81. Which one is the correct process of developing Information Systems

solutions? *
A) Investigate, Design, Implement, Analyze, Maintain
B) Investigate, Analyze, Design, Implement, Maintain
C) Investigate, Design, Analyze, Implement, Maintain
D) Analyze, Investigate, Design, Implement, Maintain

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