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Topic: People
Lesson: Do you have any brothers?
Time: 45 minutes

I/ Objectives
At the end of the lesson, students can:
- Know and understand the family relationship definitions.
- Ask about family and describe family members.
- How to pronounce final ‘s sounds.
II/ Preparation
- Computer, TV, projector.
- Papers, markers.
III/ Procedure
Main activities Teacher’s activities Students’ activities
Greetings and - Introduces herself and show a picture of - Listen to teacher and answer
leading her big family. the questions.
(2 minutes) - Asks Ss: “Do you know the relationship
between us?
- Leads to the lesson.
Sketch “Family - Shows a family tree on the screen: “There
Tree” are many members in the family. So what - Listen to and answer T’s
(10 minutes) do we call our family members?” questions.
- Asks Ss work individually to answer the
+ Who’s Leon’s father/ mother?
 They are Leon’s parents.
+ Who’s Leon’s father’s father?:
+ Who’s Leon’s mother’s mother?:
 They are Leon’s grandparents.
- With a more detailed family tree, other
vocabulary can be practiced: uncle, aunt,
nephew, niece, cousin.
- Do activity.
- Activity: T draws a family tree on the
board and prepares family definitions
papers. T calls Ss randomly to go to the
board and stick them to the right members.
Then checks for the whole class.
Pair work - Tells Ss that: -Work in pair and answer
(7 minutes) 1. When Ss count brothers or sisters, they questions.
should not include themselves.
2. When Ss count the number of family
members, they should include themselves.
+ How many (brothers) do you have?
+ How many people are there in your family?
- Has Ss quickly sketch family trees and then
work in pair asking and answering

Conversation - Asks Ss to close their book and listen to the - Listen to the track.
(10 minutes) track 25 twice and take notes:
+ How many sisters does Teresa have? - Answer the questions.
+ How old is Teresa’s brother?
- Asks Ss to open their books, listen to the - Check the answer.
audio one more time and check their
answers. -Work in pair.
- Lets Ss work in pair to practice the
- Asks Ss listen the track 26 and write the
changes they hear above the bold words.
+ have no idea => don’t know
+ Why don’t you get them => How about
+ his => your brother’s
- Extended question: “How many
brothers and sisters does Teresa
have?” => four
Language Booster - Shows photos of different family. - Work in pairs.
(7 minutes) - The teacher and a student do an example as
the class to ask and answer about family:
+ Do you have any brothers or sisters? =>
No. I’m an only child.
+ Is your cousin (single/ married)? =>
Yes/ No, he/she is/isn’t.
- Asks Ss to work in pairs to ask about and
describe their family members according to
the suggestions in the book.

Pronunciation - Explains what ‘s is. We use apostrophe - Listen to T.

Final ‘s sounds mark (‘)+s after the word to describe
(7 minutes) possessives.
- Notices Ss that words ending with ‘s’=> - Give examples.
add (‘) after the word to describe
● The pronunciation is the same as ‘s or s’ - Work in pairs.
- Lets Ss listen to the track 27 and practice in
pairs and notice the final ‘s sound. - Work individually to practice
- Asks Ss work individually to practice the
questions in the book and pay attention to the
final ‘s sounds.
Summarize - Asks Ss to take a look at the family - Interact with T
(2 minutes) vocabulary and how to describe family
- Reviews Pronunciation: the final ‘s sounds.

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