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The two pie charts compare the data of main energy sources in the USA between 1980

and 1990.
Overall, it is clear that the proportion of energy generated by oil and natural gas
decreased while the opposite was seen that of the residual sections, except the
hydroelectric power. Moreover, when oil was used mainly, the figure for hydroelectric
power and nuclear power was trivial in both studied years.
In 1980, oil accounted for the lagest percentage of the total at 42% whilst the reverse
was seen in the percentage of hydro and nuclear at 5%. The proportion of natural gas was
the second highest at 26% and higher than that of coal at 4%.
Despite the slight decrease, oil was still the highest percentage which made up 33%
while the hydro remain unchanged and also accounted for the smallest percentage in
1990. The productions of nuclear and coal were about 5% increase whilst natural gas
decrease from 26% to 25% in the same year.

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