Virgo Horoscope For July 2023 - Susan Miller Astrology Zone

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Virgo Horoscope For July 2023

AUG 23 - SEPT 22

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July is simply made for fun. Your stars are twinkling brightly overhead, so I want you to pull away from
your computer, dress up, and step out. You are about to enjoy one of the most romantic and tender full
moons of the year on July 3 in compatible Capricorn, 11 degrees.

One aspect that will occur before the full moon is the lovely interplay of the Sun and good-fortune
Jupiter on July 1 (a sextile, meaning opportunity). This is occurring two days before the full moon, but
because Jupiter moves slowly, this magnificent aspect will be folded into this full moon’s outlook, too.
Jupiter is in your ninth house of long-distance—even foreign—travel, so you may be taking a trip with
a touch of luxury.

At the same time, the Sun will be in Cancer, your eleventh house of hopes and wishes, a joyous house,
so it’s very possible you are going to a wildly romantic location, and this full moon will be lighting your
solar fifth house of true love. If you are getting married on July 1 or 2, or later in the week on July 6 or
7, you will be covered with a blanket of brilliantly shining stars. During this enchanting week, you may
be going on your honeymoon or attending a friend’s magical wedding. Or you might have an intimate
dinner for two at a special occasion restaurant where the person you love shares his or her feelings
with you for the first time.
This sector is also very connected to conception, birth, and the care and enjoyment of children, so you
may have an exceptional experience with a child. You might receive confirmation you or your partner
will be having a baby, or you may give birth on this full moon or plan a special, fun holiday trip
specifically for your child.

If you are not in a romantic relationship, there is another way you can direct this energy. You may be
working on a highly creative project either for a client, your company, or on your own, concerning
something you feel passionate about. If this is the way things work out, it may be that you are working
with a foreign company that will be marketed overseas.

Virgo is talented with communications, so you might be finishing a project that involves the written or
spoken word—a novel, collection of poems, screenplay, podcast series, the development of an app, a
new column, or the development of an advertising campaign or one for social media. Alternatively,
you may have designed a digital game and are placing it on the market. There are many possibilities. I
have listed communications-related work, but truly, any creative project you do should go
exceptionally well, and because Jupiter is involved, you will likely make excellent money.

I would like to point out that on July 1, Mercury and Jupiter will be in sync too, and since Mercury is
your guardian planet, this should be a great day to travel, sign a contact, shop for something
expensive, give a speech, or work on any of the topics listed above—this aspect will also contribute to
the success and excitement of the July 3 full moon.

“ From July 10 to August 27, you will host Mars

in Virgo. Mars will give you energy, courage,
and drive and make you more attractive,
confident, and magnetic. ”

One more reason to cheer for this full moon: Saturn will be beautifully oriented to the Sun and full
moon, providing longevity and energy to any action you take and each decision you make. Jupiter will
bring you the element of luck, and Saturn will stabilize your gains for the long road ahead. Saturn will
also be in a perfect position to work with Jupiter, and vice versa, Jupiter will work with Saturn. This
rarely happens! This truly is an amazing full moon.

If your birthday falls on September 3, plus or minus five days, you will have an extra dip of pleasure
from this full moon. The same is true if you have Virgo rising or your natal moon is in Virgo, 11
degrees, plus or minus five degrees. If you have a planet in Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn, Cancer, Scorpio,
or Pisces at 11 degrees, plus or minus five degrees, this full moon will benefit you too, for that planet
will work hard for you.

Now let’s look at the new moon on July 17 in Cancer at 25 degrees, which will light your eleventh
house of happiness and pure joy. This area of your chart is also very social and places special emphasis
on your friends. You may be invited to a major event that will draw many pals and acquaintances you
know and some that you do not, and this may happen over the weekend of July 22 to 23 (after the new
moon appears on July 17) when the transiting new moon will be in Virgo. Alternatively, you may
volunteer to be the committee chairperson for the upcoming charity benefit in the second half of
September (more on that later). Or you may go to a convention or a seminar, happy to attend a live
event after three years of being home due to the pandemic.

As a result of this new moon, many new faces will pour into your life, and on social media, you are
likely to attract many new followers. Of course, you must be part of this trend by showing the
universe you are open to these benefits. When you have dazzling aspects, as you do, you must assure
the universe you want to actualize all that is being offered and make up your mind to extend yourself.
If you do, the universe will be happy to help you.

A new moon opens weeks and months of opportunities, well beyond those that surface in July. Your
chances to socialize and to also grasp a dream very dear to your heart have never been better.

As you get closer to the end of this month, you will feel the moon on August 1 moving toward fullness.
It will fall in Aquarius, 9 degrees, and find you finishing up a major project at work or at home (but
more likely at work) between July 29 and August 6.

(I also love that Mars and Jupiter will be in perfect sync at the time of the August 1 full moon—another
sign that you may be traveling. If you travel for work or to settle family business, your actions will be
outstandingly successful.)

Uranus is going to send a beam to the Sun and new moon on July 17 from your international travel
house, so you may spontaneously take a trip that week you did not plan on—and you’d thoroughly
enjoy it if you go. Also, Uranus is capable of bringing unexpected news from the media (publishing,
broadcasting, or digital forms), legal areas, or in regard to your efforts to attend college or graduate
school. Those Virgos dealing with immigration matters (or in regard to a residency card, visa, or
passport) may be seeing a final answer, too.

I would like to backtrack a little to let you know about what Mars, Venus, and Mercury will be doing
soon. These three planets are the ones we feel most directly on a day-to-day basis because they are
the ones that orbit closest to Earth.
On July 10, Mars will enter Virgo, which is a lovely situation—hosting Mars in your own sign is a great
advantage. Mars will give you energy, courage, and drive, and you will find it easier to receive
approvals for the ideas and projects you hold dear, both at work and in your personal life. Mars will
make you more attractive, confident, and magnetic. You will have Mars in Virgo for the first time in
two years, from July 10 to August 27.

Do your best to accomplish as much as you can before you get to approximately July 18. We are about
to run into retrogrades—first with Venus this month, and then later next month with your own ruler
Mercury. At some point late next month, they both will overlap, being retrograde at the same time.
Fortunately, Mercury’s big brother, Mars, soon to be in Virgo, will remain in strong direct orbit all year.

This all means that you are about to enter a slow period, but that could turn out to be great news. You
may not mind because you’ve been working hard all year and might welcome a more relaxed pace.
There are things you need to avoid doing during both retrogrades (and they are different), so I will list
them now.

Venus will retrograde from July 22 to September 3. Venus rules love and romance, beauty, and all
things that embellish (like precious jewels and expensive accessories). It is not the time to have plastic
surgery, like Botox or fillers, nor is it the time to have cosmetic dentistry. Don’t buy a designer bag or
diamond ring, give a lavish party, or put on a charity fundraiser. Wait until the second half of
September to schedule these types of events.

You also shouldn’t meet a new romantic interest for the first time. If you are married or seriously
attached, you are not likely to feel Venus out of phase—I am more concerned with singles. You would
not want to have your very first date with Venus in debilitated shape. Venus rules affection, and
although your first meeting may be exciting, over the term of the relationship, it will likely cool off and
fall flat. Save time and travel with friends, and start looking in earnest in the second half of September.

Mercury will retrograde next month from August 23 to September 15. If you need a new car,
computer, smartphone, or any other electronic product, buy it in July’s first two weeks or in the
second half of September. I would prefer you not sign a contract while Mercury is retrograde or even
make a verbal promise. Mercury retrograde is a better time to go back to clients you have not seen in
a long time or return to a project you had to put aside for lack of time. You can finish it now quite
I am happy that the most romantic moment of the month will come at that glorious peach of a full
moon on July 3. I am sure you will enjoy July’s entire first week.


The full moon on July 3 might be a landmark moment in your timeline. It will light your fifth house of
true love, a house of joy and happiness. If you are unattached, you might meet someone new and
intriguing, or if you are attached, you will likely spend quality time with the one you deeply love. This
area of your chart also rules pregnancy, birth, and the care and joy of being with children, so you might
find out you or your partner is expecting, or as another example, you may plan a special surprise for
your son or daughter, no matter their age.

If you are single, you may meet someone new who intrigues you, or you might have a very romantic
episode with the one you love. Or you may be talking about a baby and knitting tiny sweaters or
booties. If you have children, you could be taking a glorious family vacation at the full moon in
Capricorn on July 3, weaving a memory of golden threads.

If having children is not part of your plan, you may have directed the golden energy of this full moon
into creating artistic expressions. Full moons bring things to completion, so something is reaching a
final stage and culmination. If you unveil a new creative project that you just finished, it should be met
with applause. This optimistic forecast is due to the Sun and good-fortune Jupiter being in ideal sync
from July 1 to July 5.

Ever since Saturn moved into Pisces in early March, you’ve become more serious about settling down
in marriage and building a life together with the one you love. Saturn sometimes creates separations
due to no fault of your own—your one truelove may be traveling a great deal or studying for a degree
in a different partof the world, as two examples. If this is how Saturn is asserting his presence in your
partnership house, this is a temporary situation, and if your commitment is strong, the time will pass

There is another way Saturn may assert his presence, but only if you are already wed. You may be
finding differences in outlook, and you will have to exert energy to settle onto the same wavelength.
You have grown closer, but you have now reached a stage in your relationship where you see one
another’s flaws. Saturn is testing the depth of your determination to remain a couple. Most marriages
face this at some point—solid marriages pass through this period with flying colors. It will be up to you
and your partner to decide if each of you feels appreciated. This is a long trend that will not end until
February 13, 2026.

Virgos who were born in August are going through this relationship-testing period this year. Those
born onSeptember 1 to 10 will feel this aspect more directly in 2024 as Saturn moves through deep
space. Readers born on September 11 to 20 will feel Saturn more directly in 2025. And those born at
the very end of the sign will notice Saturn in early 2026.
For some Virgos, their romantic relationship will not be touched, but instead, a serious business
association will be under Saturn’s magnifying glass. A rule of astrology is this: The universe moves
toward strength and productivity, but if the union has no future value, you will know that too, and
quickly move to end it.

The new moon on July 17 should be quite magical because it will bring new acquaintances into your
circle, and you will find more reasons to socialize. You might want to join a new club or open an
account on a social platform that’s new to you. Make an effort to reach out to others, both in your
personal and professional life.

By July 17, when this new moon appears, you will have Mars in Virgo for the first time in two years—a
big advantage for your relationships. Mars will give you presence and confidence and make you more
attractive and charismatic, too. You will have Mars in Virgo from July 10 to August 27—a wonderful
period for you. Remember those dates.

Mars will help you not just in romance but in all areas of your life. Mars in Virgo will help you gain
approvals for the ideas you put forth. Your passion and energy will light people to your cause.

When it comes to romance, however, there will be a little glitch, and it has to do with Venus this
month. Venus rules the affection and warmth between two people, but Venus will go retrograde from
July 22 to September 3. When Venus retrogrades, the love between two people can cool too much.
You would not want to start a new relationship with Venus retrograde for that quality—lowered
affection—would be built into the birth of the relationship.

While Mars in Virgo will make you sexy and magnetic, Venus, when debilitated, won’t offer the
closeness and warmth we all crave in a relationship—to be loved for who we are and appreciated for
our giving nature.Fortunately, your best romantic moment of the month will come early, at the July 3
full moon (influential until July 8). If you’re single, go out and socialize.

The new moon on July 17 will be about enjoying fun and love with your friends or attending an event,
like a convention, that draws many people to a single theme or to a person you are interested in
learning more about. After July 17, catch up with your friends—arrange lunches or dinners or a fun
visit to a museum or concert—and be open to new people who you might want to know better.
By the time you get to the end of July, you will want to slow down. The transiting Sun in Leo will urge
you to retreat and rest after a month of stepping out. Spend time thinking about your new birthday
year that is coming up soon and all you would love to accomplish in that coming year. It all starts with a
plan, and your planets will be acting like loving little relatives, ready to help you achieve your dream.

You will feel the pull of the moon as it is growing to fullness by the end of July to reach a full moon in
Aquarius on August 1. At this full moon, and extending until August 6, you will be focused on your
work, finishing up an important project. Mars and Jupiter will be in ideal sync on this full moon—your
actions will lead to happy results, and you may see generous profits from your work. If you need to
hire an assistant or team member at work or a housekeeper or nanny at home, you will announce your
choice then.

You may also take excellent care of your health, perhaps having a routine screening or test results
come back to you.

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