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J Clin Periodontol 2011; 38 (Suppl. 11): 214–222 doi: 10.1111/j.1600-051X.2010.01661.

How do implant surface Stefan Renvert1,2,3, Ioannis Polyzois2

and Noel Claffey2
Department of Health Sciences, Kristianstad

characteristics influence peri- University, Kristianstad, Sweden; 2School of

Dental Sciences, Trinity College, Dublin,
Ireland; 3Blekinge Institute of Technology,

implant disease? Karlskrona, Sweden

Renvert S, Polyzois I, Claffey N. How do implant surface characteristics influence peri-

implant disease? J Clin Periodontol 2011; 38 (Suppl. 11): 214–222. doi: 10.1111/j.1600-

Objectives: To review the literature on how implant surface characteristics influence
peri-implant disease.
Material and Methods: A search of PubMed and The Cochrane Library of the
Cochrane Collaboration (CENTRAL) as well as a hand search of articles were conducted.
Publications and articles accepted for publication up to March 2010 were included.
Results: Thirteen studies were selected for the review. Human studies: To date, few
studies have investigated if such differences occur. Limited data suggest that smooth
surfaces may be less affected by peri-implantitis than rough surface implants. Animal
studies: In ligature-induced peri-implantitis studies, no difference between surfaces
has been reported. In a spontaneous progression model of peri-implantitis, there was a
suggestion that the progression was more pronounced at implants with a porous
anodized surface.
Conclusion: The current review revealed that only a few studies provided data on
Key words: disease progression; peri-
how implant surfaces influence peri-implant disease. Based on the limited data implantitis; surface characteristics
available, there is no evidence that implant surface characteristics can have a
significant effect on the initiation of peri-implantitis. Accepted for publication 7 November 2010

Implant therapy is a commonly used the titanium surface can combine both incidence of complications (Piattelli et al.
method of replacing missing teeth. techniques (Ehrenfest et al. 2010). 1995). Although the initiation of bone loss
There is an ongoing effort to improve Human and animal histomorphometric around such implants was more than likely
the interface between bone and implant evaluations have shown significantly associated with the delamination of the
in order to speed up the process greater bone-to-implant contact at HA coating, these failures have contribu-
of osseointegration and improve its rough surface implants compared with ted to the suspicion that an exposed rough
quality. These efforts have been concen- machined surface implants (Lazzara et surface, especially in patients with poor
trating in improving this interface che- al. 1999). In a consensus report that was oral hygiene, can lead to increased bacter-
mically (by incorporating inorganic published in 2009, it was concluded that ial plaque accumulation and eventually
phases on or into the titanium oxide ‘‘moderately rough and rough surfaces peri-implantitis (Zetterqvist et al. 2010).
layer) or physically (by increasing the provided enhanced bone integration However, evidence for the influence of the
level of roughness) (Ehrenfest et al. compared with smooth and minimally implant surface characteristics as a risk
2010). Some engineering processes rough surfaces’’ (Lang & Jepsen 2009). indicator for peri-implantitis is very lim-
such as electrochemical anodization of It can occur that the coronal portion of ited (Heitz-Mayfield 2008).
the implant, which was initially designed As is known, the presence of micro-
to facilitate osseointegration, becomes organisms is fundamental for the devel-
Conflict of interest and source of
exposed to the oral environment as a result opment of peri-implant disease. Within
funding statement
of peri-implantitis (Zetterqvist et al. 2010). weeks after the installation of titanium
The authors declare no conflict of interests. Some types of rough-surfaced implants, implants, a sub-gingival microflora asso-
This supplement was supported by an for instance those coated with hydroxya- ciated with periodontitis is established
unrestricted grant from Colgate.
patite (HA), were reported to have a higher (van Winkelhoff et al. 2000, Quirynen
214 r 2011 John Wiley & Sons A/S
Surface characteristics and peri-implantitis 215

et al. 2006). Although the characteristics The Cochrane Library of the Cochrane (Waldenburg, Switzerland) (titanium plas-
of the biofilm in peri-implant disease is Collaboration (CENTRAL) were used ma sprayed surface) and Brånemarks
covered in an another review, we should as electronic databases. A literature (Nobel Biocare AB, Gothenborg, Swe-
mention that peri-implant diseases have search was carried out on articles pub- den) system implants (turned surface) in
been associated with a predominantly lished up to and including March 2010. the treatment of the partially edentulous
Gram-negative anaerobic microflora and The key words used in this search maxilla was published in 2004 (Åstrand
the microbial flora associated with failing were; et al. 2004) (Table 2). The authors
implants has been identified as being (Periimplantitis OR peri-implantitis attempted to compare the outcome of
identical or very similar to that of OR peri implantitis OR periimplant fixed partial prostheses supported by these
advanced periodontitis around natural OR peri-implant OR peri implant OR implants in terms of survival rates,
teeth (Becker et al. 1990, Mombelli & periimplant mucositis OR peri-implant changes in marginal bone level, aesthetic
Lang 1998, Leonhardt et al. 1999, mucositis OR peri implant mucositis) results and frequency of peri-implan-
Renvert et al. 2007). According to Teugh- AND (surface characteristics OR sur- titis. Statistically significant differences
els et al. (2006), roughness of the implant face roughness OR material character- between the implant systems were found
surface as well as its chemical composi- istics OR titanium surface OR surface with the rough surface implants having
tion has a significant impact on the decontamination OR implant types OR more peri-implantitis. Peri-implantitis was
amount and quality of plaque formation. implant surfaces OR surface topography seen in seven ITIs implants, one of which
Additionally, contamination is known to OR surface analysis). subsequently failed completely at 12
affect the titanium oxide layer, which During the search in PubMed data- months and another at 3 years (Åstrand
may lead to the pathological loss of base, the following limits were applied: et al. 2004).
osseointegration through peri-implantitis Language; English language. Wennström et al. (2004), in a 5-year
(Ehrenfest et al. 2010). Titles and abstracts were searched in prospective randomized controlled clin-
During the 6th European Workshop on order to find papers eligible for the ical trial, studied the results of oral
Periodontology in 2008, it was proposed review. rehabilitation of periodontitis suscepti-
that the term ‘‘peri- implant disease’’ is a Only studies using some or all the ble subjects with implant-supported
‘‘collective term for inflammatory reac- indicators identified by the existing lit- fixed partial dentures. Each patient
tions in the tissues surrounding an erature as correct for identifying peri- received a minimum of two implants
implant’’ and that peri-implant mucositis implantitis and peri-mucositis were (Astra Techs, Mölndal, Sweden) and
will be used to describe ‘‘the presence of included (Heitz-Mayfield 2008). No ret- every second implant installed had a
inflammation in the mucosa at an implant rospective studies were included in this machined surface and the remaining
with no signs of loss of supporting bone’’ review because subjects were not had a roughened surface. No signs of
(Zitzmann & Berglundh 2008). Addition- selected randomly. Out of 57 selected peri-implantitis were seen in any of the
ally, it was proposed that the term peri- papers, three prospective controlled implants at the end of the 5-year follow
implantitis is an ‘‘inflammatory process clinical studies and 10 experimental up. (Table 2).
around an implant, characterized by soft studies (nine animal and one human Several studies over the years have
tissue inflammation and loss of supporting biopsy) were included. confirmed the superiority of dual acid
bone’’ (Zitzmann & Berglundh 2008). etched (DAE) surfaced implants with
Clinically, peri-implantitis is often accom- Human studies
respect to greater bone-to-implant con-
panied by a crater-like bone defect sur- tact, in comparison with the turned
rounding the implant. The aim of this Wennerberg et al. (2003) investigated surfaced implants (Lazzara et al. 1999,
review was to search the literature for the the early inflammatory response to Stach & Kohles 2003, Feldman et al.
existing evidence on the effect of different mucosa-penetrating abutments with dif- 2004). Recently, a prospective, multi-
implant surfaces on peri-implant disease. ferent surface topography. At the end of centre, randomized, controlled 5-year
the 4-week test period, clinical and clinical trial, intended to determine the
histological evaluations failed to incidence of peri-implantitis for fully
demonstrate any relation between sur- etched implants with a DAE surface
Search Strategy and Results face roughness and peri-implant muco- extending to the implant platform. In
In order to obtain available data of sitis (Table 1). this study, participants had implant sites
interest, the PubMed database of the A 3 year follow-up report of a com- randomly assigned to receive one hybrid
US: National Library of medicine and parative study of ITIs dental implants control (coronal part of the implant had

Table 1. Human studies (peri-implant mucositis)

Study Number of Implant type Study Evaluation Results Comments
patients/ period

Wennerberg 10 patients Nobel Biocare An experimental 4 weeks No relation was It is possible that
et al. (2003) 50 Nobel study in humans found between peri- longer observation
Peri-implant Biocare implant soft tissue period is needed in
mucositis implants inflammatory order to detect
response and differences
abutment surface

r 2011 John Wiley & Sons A/S

216 Renvert et al.

Table 2. Human studies (peri-implantitis)

Study Number of Implant type Study Evaluation Results Comments
patients/implants period

Åstrand et 28 patients Turned Prospective, randomized- 3 years 2 ITI s (TPS) Increased risk of
al. (2004) 73 turned Brånemark controlled trial implants were peri-implantitis
Peri- Brånemark Systems All patients had anterior lost due to peri- for TPS implants
implantitis Systems implants ITI s (TPS) residual dentition in the implantitis. in comparison to
77 ITIs (TPS) maxilla. They were provided Peri implantitis turned implants
implants with implants on each side of was observed in a
the dentition randomly further seven of
allocated to test and control the ITI s (TPS)
implants but with
none of the
Wennström 51 patients Astra Techs Prospective, randomized- 5 years 2.7% of the No increased risk
et al. (2004) 73 Astra Techs turned controlled trial implants were of peri-implantitis
Peri- turned implants Astra Techs For every short span fixed lost at the implant for fully etched
implantitis 75 Astra Techs Tioblasts partial denture the patients level but none implants in
Tioblasts received a minimum of two due to peri- comparison to
implants implants and every second implantitis turned implants
implant had a turned surface
Zetterqvist 112 patients Biomet 3is Prospective, randomized- 5 years There was one No increased risk
et al. (2010) 139 Biomet 3is hybrid dual acid- controlled trial declaration of of peri-implantitis
Peri- hybrid dual acid- etched Randomly selected sites to peri-implantitis for fully etched
implantitis etched implants Biomet 3is fully receive one Biomet 3is (Biomet 3is implants in
165 Biomet 3is dual acid-etched hybrid dual acid-etched and hybrid dual acid- comparison to
fully Dual acid- at least one Biomet 3is etched) hybrid-designed
etched Fully Dual acid-etched implants
implants implant in support of a short
span fixed restoration
Biomet 3is, Palm Beach Gardens, FL, USA.
TPS, titanium plasma sprayed.
Tioblasts, Astra Techs, Mölndal, Sweden.

a machined surface) and at least one fully different surface topography. Again, no phase’’. According to Albouy et al.
etched implant (Zetterqvist et al. 2010) significant differences were observed (2008), this destruction, is attributable
(Table 1). At the follow-up visits, patients (Table 3). not to the surface characteristics of the
were interviewed for any symptoms that implants but to the presence and posi-
could indicate infection and clinically Animal studies (ligature-induced peri- tion of the ligature. Accordingly, these
assessed for bleeding on probing and sup- implantitis) studies in Table 4 will not be discussed
puration. The overall oral hygiene was also in detail. Recently, the design of these
A number of studies have over the last
evaluated with recording of plaque and studies has changed and although the
20 years compared different implant
gingival inflammation. Additionally, stan- experimental peri-implantitis is still
designs and surfaces in order to evaluate
dardized periapical X-rays were taken at ligature induced, the hard tissue destruc-
their performance regarding the peri-
every follow-up visit in order to identify tion that occurs during the ‘‘active
implant bone loss. In the majority of
progressive bone loss. The results did not breakdown phase’’ is considered the
them, it was reported that no major
show any increased risk of peri-implantitis starting point of the observation period.
differences were found (Table 4). All
for the fully etched implants (Zetterqvist The ‘‘spontaneous progression’’ of peri-
existing animal studies used the liga-
et al. 2010) (Table 2). implantitis is now considered as a more
ture-induced peri-implantitis model in
valid representation of the naturally
dogs. This model has been suggested
Animal studies (peri-implant mucositis) occurring peri-implantitis.
to be a valid representation of naturally
Zitzmann et al. (2002) used the mandib- occurring defects in humans and it has
Animal studies (ligature-induced peri-
ular pre-molar areas of five beagle dogs extensively been used in experimental implantitis and spontaneous progression)
to examine soft tissue reactions of the studies investigating the treatment of
peri-implant mucosa to plaque formation peri-implantitis. This model takes into Albouy et al. (2008, 2009) used the
on implant abutments with different sur- consideration factors like peri-implant mandibular pre-molar areas of six lab-
face topography. No significant differ- soft and hard tissue break down, the radors in order to clinically, radiogra-
ences in plaque formation on different presence of a bone defect (Schwarz phically and histollogically examine
surface characteristics were observed. In et al. 2006). There were some concerns the progression of ligature-induced
a similar study, Pongnarisorn et al. (2007) although about the validity of studies peri-implantits at implants with differ-
used the mandibular pre-molar areas of designed to compare types and surfaces ent geometry and surface characteris-
eight greyhound dogs to determine the of implants, based only on the progres- tics. Four different implant systems
nature of the inflammatory infiltrate asso- sion of the peri-implant tissue destruc- were used and it was observed that
ciated with transmucosal abutments with tion during the ‘‘active breakdown spontaneous progression of peri-
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Surface characteristics and peri-implantitis 217

Table 3. Animal studies (peri-mucositis)

Study Number of Implant type Study Observation Results Comments
animals and period

Zitzmann Five beagle Biomet3is An experimental 6 months ‘‘Soft tissue reaction Histometric and
et al. (2002) dogs Osseotites study in dogs to plaque formation morphometric
20 implants 3.75  8.5 Reactions of the peri- was similar at measurements failed
implant mucosa to implants with rough to show any
plaque accumulation and smooth abutment differences in plaque
at implant abutments surfaces’’ formation and
with different surface inflammation in the
topography peri-implant mucosa
Pongnarisorn Eight Nobel An experimental 6 months ‘‘Development of Plaque control was
et al. (2007) greyhound Biocares study in dogs. inflammation carried out twice
dogs One-piece To determine the associated with weekly for 6 months.
64 implants designed nature of the implants is Despite cleaning the
implants inflammatory independent of abutments regularly,
Ti-Unites infiltrate associated surface type. inflammatory lesions
surface with different Furthermore, were detected and
3.75  7 transmucosal implant different surfaces had analysed
surfaces in dogs no influence on the
nature of the

Table 4. Animal studies (ligature-induced peri-implantitis)

Study Number of Implant type Study Observation Results Comments
animals and period

Tillmanns et 14 Beagle 28 Calciteks An experimental 3 months for dogs No significant All surfaces were
al. (1997) dogs (HA coated) study in dogs. 6 months for dogs differences equally susceptible to
84 mplants 28 Calciteks Ligatureinduced peri- for any factors ligatureinduced peri-
(turned Ti-A) implantitis. studied implantitis
28 APS (Clinical evaluation)
aterials (TPS)
Tillmanns et 14 Beagle 28 Calciteks An experimental 3 months for six No significant All surfaces were
al. (1998) dogs (HA coated) study in dogs. dogs differences equally susceptible to
84 implants 28 Calciteks Ligature-induced 6 months for for any factors ligature-induced peri-
(turned Ti-A) peri-implantitis. eight dogs studied implantitis
28 APS (Histologic and
materials microbiologic
(TPS) evaluation)
Shibli et al. Six mongrel 9 ITI s (TPS) An experimental 60 days No significant All surfaces were
(2003) dogs 9 Calciteks study in dogs. differences equally susceptible to
36 implants (HA coated) Ligature-induced for any factors ligature-induced peri-
9 3is peri-implantitis. studied implantitis
(Hybrid) (Radiographic and
9 3is (turned microbiologic
CPTi) observations)
Martins et al. Six mongrel 9 ITI s (TPS) An experimental 60 days No significant All surfaces were
(2004) Dogs 9 Calciteks study in dogs. differences equally susceptible to
36 implants (HA coated) Ligature-induced for any factors ligature-induced peri-
9 3is peri-implantitis. studied implantitis
(Hybrid) (Radiographic and
9 3is (turned clinical observations)
CPTi, commercially pure titanium; HA, hydroxyappatite; Ti-A, titanium alloy.

implantitis was associated with severe Nordic AB, Gotenburg, Sweden) sur- Berglundh et al. (2007) used the
inflammation and tissue destruction face. TiUnites is an anodized surface mandibular pre-molar areas of five bea-
around all implants but it was and is considered to be a moderately gle dogs to examine radiographically
more pronounced around implants roughened surface (Sul et al. 2006) and histologically the progression of
with the TiUnites (Nobel Biocare (Table 5). ligature-induced peri-implantitis at
r 2011 John Wiley & Sons A/S
218 Renvert et al.

Table 5. Animal studies (ligature-induced peri-implantitis and spontaneous progression)

Study Number of Implant type Study Observation Results Comments
animals and period

Berglundh Five beagle 15 ITIs An experimental 24 weeks ‘‘The radiographic Increased risk of
et al. (2007) dogs (turned) study in dogs. examinations revealed that peri-implantitis for
30 implants control Spontaneous progression of bone loss was SLA implants in
15 ITI s progression of larger at SLA than at comparison to turned
(SLA) ligature-induced peri- polished sites. Histological implants
implantitis. examination showed
(Radiographic and evidence of larger
histological inflammatory cell infiltrates
observations) in the connective tissue
around the SLA than around
the turned implant sites’’
Albouy et Six 6 Biomet 3is An experimental 24 weeks ‘‘The spontaneous Increased risk of
al. (2008) Labrador ICEs (turned) study in dogs. progression of peri- peri-implantitis for
dogs 6 Astra Spontaneous implantitis that occurred TiUnite implants in
24 implants Techs progression of during the plaque comparison to a
TiOblasts ligature-induced peri- accumulation period turned, SLA or
6 ITI s (SLA) implantitis. (Clinical produced an average of TiOblast implants
6 Brånemark and radiographic 1.84 mm bone loss around
Systems observations) the turned implants,
TiUnites 1.72 mm bone loss around
the TiO blast implants,
1.55 mm bone loss around
the SLA implants and
2.78 mm of bone loss around
the Ti Unite implants. The
difference between the TPS
and the TiUnite was
statistically significant’’
Albouy et Six 6 Biomet 3is An experimental 24 weeks ‘‘The peri-implant tissues in Increased risk of
al. (2009) Labrador ICEs (turned) study in dogs. all specimens showed peri-implantitis for
dogs 6 Astra Spontaneous evidence of large TiUnite implants in
24 implants Techs progression of inflammatory cell infiltrates comparison to a
TiOblasts ligature-induced peri- extending apical to the turned, SLA or
6 ITI s (SLA) implantitis. pocket epithelium. An TiOblast implants
6 Brånemark (Histological increased number of
Systems observations) osteoclasts was also
TiUnites observed, indicative of
active tissue destruction. All
the above were more
pronounced at implants with
a TiUnite surface’’
Sulzer Calciteks, Carlsbad, CA, USA.
SLA, sand-blasted large grit acid etched; TPS, titanium plasma sprayed.

implants with identical geometry but Astra Techs, TiO-blasted, moderately clinicians with regular recalls (every 3
different surface characteristics. Three rough surface) and 201 (one-stage, months) for the first few years after
implants with either a sand-blasted acid- ITIs, hollow or solid screw, TPS, rough implant insertion. Taking into consid-
etched surface (SLA) or a turned surface surface) implants that were placed in a eration the limitations of this study, the
were installed bilaterally. At study ter- private clinic from June 1988 to June results showed that after 5 years of
mination, it was observed radiographi- 2002. All patients included had a history observation, the survival rates were
cally that the progression of bone loss of periodontitis and after treatment they 97% for the moderately rough surface
was greater at SLA surfaces than at were able to maintain a good level of implants and 94% for the rough surface
turned surfaces. Furthermore, histologi- oral hygiene. These patients were fol- implants. After 10 years though, the
cally, both bone loss and the size of the lowed with respect to the survival of survival rates for the rough-surfaced
connective tissue inflammatory lesion their implants, as well as a number of implants had dropped to 78% but
were more pronounced in SLA than in other periodontal parameters. The study remained high for the moderately rough
turned implant sites (Table 5). also aimed to evaluate, among others, implants (Baelum & Ellegaard 2004).
Because clinical data are scarce, it the effect of factors such as smoking and However, as the authors stress in there
could be of benefit to only mention a implant length on implant survival. discussion, ‘‘one tentative explanation
report by Baelum & Ellegaard (2004). Most of the patients were smokers and for the relatively decreased 10 year
This study reported on 57 (two-stage, they were closely monitored by the survival rate of the one stage implants
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Surface characteristics and peri-implantitis 219

could relate to the fact that until 1995 significant progression of peri-implanti- to a safe conclusion. The results from
these implants were hollow screw tis. the studies reviewed by Heiz-Mayfield
implants, which are virtually impossible Interpretation of data in the literature (2008) can be viewed as surprising if a
to treat once peri-implantitis has devel- today is hampered by a marked hetero- conclusion from Teughels et al. (2006)
oped’’. Accordingly, this may have geneity in the definitions of peri-implan- review is considered, which is that sur-
overruled the difference in surface struc- titis. For example, in the study by face roughness and chemical composi-
ture. Åstrand et al. (2000) peri-implantitis is tion of the implant surface have a
described as ‘‘infection including puru- significant impact on plaque formation.
lent discharge and bone loss’’. There is It has been established that rougher
no quantification of the amount of bone surfaces and surfaces with high surface
Discussion to be lost around the implants in order to free energy, as titanium has, accumulate
In the paper by Åstrand et al. (2004), the include a site as a peri-implantitis site. and retain more plaque. Furthermore,
TPS surface was reported to be more On the other hand, Zetterqvist et al. initial adhesion of bacteria mainly starts
prone to peri-implantitis when compared (2010) defined peri-implantitis as at locations with high wettability (a
with a turned surface. There have been ‘‘mucositis with a positive finding of characteristic of titanium) and where
several reports of peri-implantitis with bleeding and/or suppuration upon prob- bacteria are protected (for example, in
implants with a TPS surface in the past ing; a probing depth measuring 45 mm; grooves and pits) from shear forces
but due to the fact that Straumanns and crestal bone loss which is progres- (Teughels et al. 2006). It may be impor-
(Waldenburg, Switzerland) ceased pro- sive, 45 mm, and confirmed by radio- tant to recognize that in the Teughels et
duction of the rough TPS surface (which graphy’’. Such definitions may exclude al. (2006) review, most of the articles
is an additive surface) implants and several areas that in other studies would included examined biofilm development
replaced them with the moderately rough have been diagnosed as peri-implantitis, on structures fitted on top of implants,
SLA-surfaced (a subtractive surface) possibly giving us a significant number such as abutments and restorations. This
implants, makes it difficult to ascertain of false negatives. The effects of using bacterial aggregation perhaps initiates
if the peri-implantitis problems were due different definitions of peri-implantitis the soft tissue inflammation. If this issue
to the increased surface roughness or the are also highlighted by the fact that the remains unresolved, this inflammation
TPS surface itself (Esposito et al. 1997, incidence of peri-implantitis has been could perhaps spread eventually leading
Åstrand et al. 2000, Hellem et al. 2001). reported in the range of 16–58% (Frans- to the loss of the supporting bone,
Another issue raised was that the greater son et al. 2005, Roos-Jansåker et al. irrespective of the implant surface char-
prevalence of peri-implantits among the 2006, Zitzmann & Berglundh 2008, acteristics.
TPS surface implants may have Koldsland et al. 2010). Consequently It is perhaps reasonable to postulate
been caused by the complete denture in future, it is important to formulate a that rough surface implants are more
covering the exposed implants; the definition of peri-implantitis that would difficult to clean than turned surfaces.
Straumanns implants were one stage, be universally accepted and used in However, the finding that previously
whereas the Brånemarks implants were order to make meaningful comparisons contaminated rough surface implants
two-stage implants. As a result and based on numerous studies. Obviously, demonstrated more osseointegration
unlike the turned surfaced implants, the the angulations at which radiographs are then turned implants after they were
Straumanns implants were exposed to made may influence the interpretation of cleaned and placed in a disease-free
the oral environment and covered by a bone crest level. It has been reported site infers that smooth-surfaced implants
denture during the initial 6 months of that bone levels around implants are may not be easier to decontaminate
healing period and before abutment con- associated with inter-examiner measure- (Kolonidis et al. 2003, Alhag et al.
nection. Denture biofilm is comprised of ment error in the range of 0.4 mm 2007). Furthermore, when Persson et
1011 microorganisms/g in wet weight and (Pikner et al. 2009, Koldsland et al. al. (2001) investigated the influence of
their metabolites and this colonization 2010). This error should be taken into surface roughness on the healing follow-
can serve as a significant reservoir for consideration in the formulation of such ing treatment of peri-implantitis in the
infections, perhaps leading to a greater a definition. A comprehensive definition beagle dog, it was concluded that the
propensity for peri-implantitis (Nikawa of peri-implantitis should also aim at amount of re-osseointegration was more
et al. 1998, 1999, Paranhos et al. 2009). avoiding the inclusion of normally pronounced in implants with a rough
In the study by Zetterqvist et al. expected bone loss shortly after place- surface, possibly because the rough sur-
(2010) cited above, although results ment. The difficulty in setting a com- face facilitated the stability of the clot
did not show any significant differences mon reference point for various implant during the early phase of healing. Final-
between in the incidence of peri-implan- designs is another potential source of ly, there is no existing evidence that
titis, it should be borne in mind that error. implant surfaces exposed in the oral
patients were closely monitored by the A systematic review by Heiz-May- cavity show different biofilm composi-
research team with annual recalls. Mea- field (2008) identified strong evidence in tions depending on the roughness of
sures of overall hygiene conditions were the literature that poor oral hygiene, their surface (Groessner-Schreiber et
also recorded annually. Furthermore, history of periodontitis and cigarette al. 2004, 2009).
only patients that smoked o10 cigar- smoking are strong indicators for peri- Although a number of studies have
ettes per day and had no complicated implant disease. Implant surface char- suggested that periodontal pathogens
medical history were included. Under acteristics failed to be identified as one inside the peri-implant pockets contri-
these conditions, it can be speculated of them, mainly because there are only a bute to peri-implant infections, there are
that 5 years may not be have been a long few existing studies that can provide us also concerns about the interface
enough time for the development and with the information necessary to reach between the abutment and the implant
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220 Renvert et al.

body. It has been demonstrated that characteristics (machined, TPS and those in fully edentulous patients.
bacteria reside within the internal com- HA) following their exposure to solu- Furthermore, their findings indicated a
ponents of implants and this provides tions of 0.12% CHX, 1.64% SF and site-specific, bacterial-driven inflamma-
them with an environment sheltered normal saline. A more pronounced tory reaction around implants with peri-
from host defences (Persson et al. fibroblast attachment was observed to implantitis rather than a patient-asso-
1996). It has also been shown that specimens treated with saline or chlor- ciated specific host response. Unless
bacteria find their way through the hexidine than to those treated with stan- the importance of these findings can be
microgap (of approximately 10 mm) at nous fluoride. Additionally and perhaps further defined, it is perhaps impossible
the implant/abutment interface (Quiry- more importantly, fibroblasts were more to ascertain which factors are important
nen & van Steenberghe 1993, Quirynen likely to attach to rough-surfaced than to in the initiation and progression of peri-
et al. 1994, Jansen et al. 1997). Biolo- smooth-surfaced implant specimens implantitis.
gical consequences of this contamina- (Burchard et al. 1991). It seems that the advantages of rough-
tion include soft tissue inflammation It has been shown that the soft tissue surfaced dental implants may be
that can lead to bone loss (Hermann et interface around implants is comparable explained by the surface possibly pro-
al. 2001). According to Hermann et al. with teeth and in experimental animals viding support for the developing coa-
(2001), the dimensions of the peri- is about 4 mm long (Klinge & Meyle gulum and thus facilitating greater bone
implant soft tissues are significantly 2006, Rompen et al. 2006). Both the healing and better quality of osseointe-
influenced by the presence/absence of epithelium and the connective tissue gration. Perhaps hybrid implants should
a microgap between the implant and the contribute to the biological width, which be considered only in individuals that
abutment and the location of this micro- in itself is the main barrier against are highly susceptible to periodontitis.
gap in relation to the crest of the bone. bacterial penetration (Berglundh et al. In such patients, inflammation due to a
The design of the implant/abutment 1991, Cochran et al. 1997, Rompen et rough or badly designed superstructure
interface determines the size of the al. 2006). It has also been demonstrated causes bone loss and exposed smooth
microgap and therefore will influence that implant surface roughness has an threads. If in such patients, the smooth
the degree of microleakage (Tesmer et impact on the quality of soft tissue treads become exposed, these threads
al. 2009). Another approach for redu- sealing, and that the soft-tissue connec- may be less plaque retentive, increasing
cing the contamination of peri-implant tion to the implant surface is of crucial the possibility of arresting the progres-
soft tissues was to try and move this gap importance as it relates to the prevention sion of peri-implantitis. It has now been
away from the outer edge of the implant of peri-implant infection (Quirynen et recognized that the mucosal complica-
platform. This so-called ‘‘platform al. 2002). A certain surface roughness tions reported for the HA surfaces were
switching’’ often proved to be effective may be needed for optimal soft tissue initiated by mechanisms different to the
in maintaining more bone around the sealing, perhaps ensuing from the inter- traditional peri-mucositis – peri-implan-
implant compared with the conventional action between the surface texture and titis pathway (Zetterqvist et al. 2010).
approach. It is still unclear although if epithelial cell attachment and prolifera- Delamination or biodegradation of the
these results are due to decreased con- tion (Quirynen et al. 2002). It should coating may be partly responsible for
tamination of the peri-implant tissues or also be borne in mind that the mucosal the clinical failure in the implant/coat-
due to mechanical factors like moving barrier is affected not only by the sur- ing interface (Chang et al. 1999, Lee et
of the stress concentration area away face roughness of the transmucosal al. 2000).
from bone (Canullo et al. 2009, 2010). component but also by the choice of In reviewing the existing literature, it
The bacteriostatic properties of pure biomaterial used to make this abutment. is possible to say that there is a lack of
metals were examined by Bundy et al. in Welander et al. (2008) suggested that studies investigating the effect of
1980 as well as by Berry et al. in 1992. the soft tissue healing to abutments implant surfaces on the initiation of
They both found an antibacterial activ- made of titanium or zirconium oxide is peri-implantitis and available data can-
ity of ions from titanium dental implants superior to that at the abutments made of not answer this question. There is lim-
on various oral bacteria. More research- gold/platinum alloy. ited evidence from experimental studies
ers investigated this possibility but the A number of other factors should also suggesting that surface characteristics
results have been somewhat contradic- be taken into consideration as the cau- may have an effect on the progression
tory (Leonhardt & Dahlén 1995, Joshi & sative factors of the initiation and pro- of established peri-implantitis. It would
Eley 1988). gression of peri-implantitis. Implant perhaps be interesting to further inves-
Also to be taken into consideration is insertion in different bone qualities, the tigate this latter possibility in patients
that several chemical agents are com- level of initial resorption of the margin- highly susceptible to periodontal/peri-
monly applied in everyday oral hygiene al, buccal, lingual bone, existing dehis- implant infections.
procedures and/or in the therapy of peri- cences in the bone, the implant length or
implantitis. These agents, when used, diameter, timing of placement and load-
may alter the morphology and chemical ing time all could have an effect. Addi-
structure of the implant surface and this tionally, in a study by Hultin et al.
in turn might affect the fibroblast attach- (2002), the microbiota and inflamma-
ment to different implant surfaces. A tory host response around implants and
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surfaced an Osseotite implants. Clinical Implant Address:
Welander, M., Abrahamsson, I. & Berglundh, T.
Dentistry Related Research 12, 87–96. Stefan Renvert
(2008) The mucosal barrier at implant abutments
Sul, Y. T., Johansson, C. & Albrektsson, T. (2006) of different materials. Clinical Oral Implants
Department of Oral Sciences
Which surface properties enhance bone response to Research 19, 635–641. School of Health and Society
implants? Comparison of oxidized magnesium, Wennerberg, A., Sennerby, L., Kultje, C. & Lekholm, Kristianstad University
TiUnite, and Osseotite implant surfaces. Interna- U. (2003) Some soft tissue characteristics at implant Kristianstad 291 88
tional Journal of Prosthodontics 19, 319–328. abutment with different surface topography. A Sweden
Tesmer, M., Wallet, S., Koutouzis, T. & Lundgren, T. study in humans. Journal of Clinical Perio- E-mail:
(2009) Bacterial colonization of the dental implant dontology 30, 88–94.

teristics may influence the rate of

Clinical Relevance Principal findings: There is no evi- progression of peri-implantitis.
Scientific rationale for the study: dence in the existing literature that Clinical implications: Not enough
This review aimed to review articles implant surface characteristics have a evidence exists to suggest significant
investigating the effects of implant significant effect on the initiation of changes in existing clinical proto-
surface characteristics on peri- peri-implantitis. However, there is cols.
implant disease. some evidence that surface charac-

r 2011 John Wiley & Sons A/S

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