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VI sem Python Important questions from all Units

unit 1:

1.What is python and write the applications of python

2.What are the expressions in python explain each expression

3.what is function?and write one example program

4.Expalin the different function arguments in python

5.What is nested if statements and expalin with ex program and flowchart

6.Write python program to perform all arithmatical operations

7.What is memory management and explain the types of memory in python

8.what is statements in python and explain multiline statements

9.what is comment line in python expalin single line and multiline comments

unit 2:

1.What is modules and how to import module in a program write ex program

2.How to create class and methods in python program write ex

3. What is string and explain string methods with programs

4.Write uses of underscore in python program

5.What is list and how to access and create the list write ex program

6.Explain list operations and methods in pytho n

7.What is nested list and write ex program

8.Write python program to search an element using binary search

unit 3:

1.Explain loops in python with ex program

2.What is nesting loops explain with program

3.what are the loop control statements and explain

4.What is files and explain its types

5.Explain file opening techniques in python

6.Explain file reading and writing techniques

7.What is files over the internent ,how to display code on internet

8.What is multiline record explain with ex

unit 4:

1.What is tuples in python and explain methods in tuples

2.explain built-in functions in tuples

3.Explain sets in python and operations on sets.

4.whta is list in python explain operations and built-in functions

5.what is dictionaries in python and explain its methods

6.demonstrate how to create ,write ,read the filei n python

7.Explain the oops conceps in python

8. what is object and class and write example program

9.How to create class ,object and methods in python program

unit 5:

1.Explain Special/magic methods in python

2.What is GUI how to create and GUI in python write ex program

3.What is widgets and explain the widgets in GUI

4.Explain models,views and controller in In GUI python

5.Create GUI with objects and class

6.Explain visual styles in GUI

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