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23rd August 2023

Nswadi William George

Wakiso Comprehensive Institute
Of Health Sciences

The Principal
Wakiso Comprehensive Institute
Of Health Sciences,
P.O Box 33642 Kampala

Subject: Request to organize an inter-class debate competition on Technology

and its impact .
Madam ,
I humbly request you to allow me to organize an inter-class debate
competition on Technology and its impact. Students nowadays can be
easily influenced by the technology culture that is at an all time high now. As
they are naive, they might get easily carried away.

We as their mentors should take some initiatives to guide them in the right
direction and to help them understand the impact /effects of technology . For
this reason, I encourage you to allow me organize an inter a debate
competition on this topic. “Technology has done more good than harm”
On 31ST August ,2023

This will not only help the students understand why they need technology for
them but it will also spread awareness amongst them. I hope you will take this
letter in the best of your interest.
Thanking You.

Yours sincerely,
Nswadi William George
ICT instructor /ICT Club Patron

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