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Understanding the implementation of personalized learning: A research synthesis

Ling Zhang, James D. Basham, Sohyun Yang

PII: S1747-938X(19)30648-7
Reference: EDUREV 100339

To appear in: Educational Research Review

Received Date: 23 December 2019

Revised Date: 23 April 2020
Accepted Date: 23 May 2020

Please cite this article as: Zhang, L., Basham, J.D., Yang, S., Understanding the implementation
of personalized learning: A research synthesis, Educational Research Review (2020), doi: https://

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Author Statement

Ling Zhang: Conceptualization, Investigation, Formal Analysis, Writing-Original draft

preparation, Writing-Review & Editing, Methodology
James Basham: Supervision, Conceptualization, Writing-Original draft preparation
Sohyun Yang: Methodology, Validation
Understanding the Implementation of Personalized Learning: A Research Synthesis

Ling Zhang, James D. Basham, and Sohyun Yang

Department of Special Education, University of Kansas

1450 Jayhawk Blvd, Lawrence, Kansas, 66045, United States

Author Note

Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Ling Zhang, Doctoral

Candidate, Department of Special Education, University of Kansas. E-mail address: elainezhang-; Phone number: 785-840-7898; Postal address: Joseph R. Pearson Hall, University of

Kansas, 1122 West Campus Rd, Lawrence, KS, 66045-3101, USA.

The authors declare no potential conflicts of interest regarding the research, authorship,

and/or publication of this article.

This research did not receive any specific grant from funding agencies in the public,

commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.


Understanding the Implementation of Personalized Learning: A Research Synthesis



Personalized learning (PL) has been promoted as a major aim and reform effort across the

contemporary education system. In this article, we systematically identified and synthesized 71

empirical studies associated with the implementation of PL that were conducted between 2006

and 2019. This synthesis examined the current research efforts on the PL implementation with a

focus on the primary purposes, overall methodological characteristics, and associated student

learning outcomes of the identified studies. Using the method of critical interpretive synthesis,

we identified two overarching themes in relation to PL across various disciplines of study. The

two themes included investigating (a) the role of varying technologies and (b) contextual factors

that impacted the implementation of PL. However, few studies have examined the effects of PL

as a whole-school initiative on student educational outcomes. We ended by discussing the issues

with the conceptualization and empirical evidence of PL and providing implications for the

future advancement of the field.

Keywords: personalized learning; interdisciplinary inquiry; technology; learner


Understanding the Implementation of Personalized Learning: A Research Synthesis

1. Introduction

The concept of personalized learning (PL) has recently emerged as a major aim in the

education system. Historically, personalized learning can be traced back to John Dewey’s long-

standing work of advocating for placing learners at the center of education in the early 20th

century (Keefe & Jenkins, 2008; Redding, 2016). Later, the concept started taking shape when

education reformers began to denounce the standardized approach to the industrialized education

system and sought various methods to address student diversity (Redding, 2016). For instance,

the Personalized System of Instruction (PSI) introduced by Fred Keller in 1968, which

emphasized student self-pacing, mastery-learning, and small-group tutoring, is an example of

early initiatives to implement personalized approaches to instruction and often considered as a

precursor of PL (Keefe & Jenkins, 2008; Keller, 1968). While hints of more personalized

approaches can be found in various fields of practice (e.g., special education, individualized

instruction, educational technology), the true premise of PL has remained relatively elusive at

scale (Basham, Hall, Stahl, & Carter, 2017).

Most recently, education systems across the globe including the United Kingdom, the

United States, Finland, and Canada are making efforts to personalize learning in hopes of

addressing increasing student diversity and providing quality education for all students (Peterson,

2016). In the United Kingdom, PL became the official government policy in 2004 as an attempt

to tailor education to the individual needs of students (Campbell, Robinson, Neelands, Hewston,

& Mazzoli, 2007). The U.K. Department for Education and Skills (DfES) identified assessment

for learning, effective teaching and learning, flexible curriculum and choice, student-centered

school organizations, and activities beyond the school as five broad components of PL (Sebba,

Brown, Steward, Galton, & James, 2007). In the United States, the most recent federal education

law—the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA; 2015)—encourages schools to increase the access

to rigorous, personalized learning for all learners. The regulations in ESSA highlight the

importance for state and local education agencies to develop innovative learning environments

that are personalized to each student’s needs while making use of modern technology, adopting

flexible instructional practices, and demonstrating alignment to the Universal Design for

Learning (UDL) framework (ESSA, 2015).

The ever-increasing demand for education reform has urged an increasing number of

schools to move toward PL systems (Basham, Hall, Carter, & Stahl, 2016; Bingham, Pane,

Steiner, & Hamilton, 2016). Advocates for PL have argued that students, including students with

diverse learning needs and disabilities, could achieve higher levels of learning if they receive

personalized instruction and supports tailored to their unique needs and building on their

strengths (Jones & Casey, 2015). While the premise of PL is to transform traditional education

systems and provide more equitable outcomes for all learners, its implementation and research

are still in its infancy.

The contemporary understanding of PL emerges from integrated advancements across

educational research, learning sciences, data and computer sciences, and technology innovation

(Basham et al., 2017; Zhao, Tavangar, McCarren, Rshaid, & Tucker, 2016). Researchers from

across these fields have conducted siloed, collaborative, and interdisciplinary studies to

investigate the design and potential impacts of PL. Both continuous research and new

understandings have supported the ability to develop and scale systems that implement PL across

diverse student populations in a variety of settings (see Arroyo et al., 2014; Basham et al., 2016;

Robinson & Sebba, 2010; Walkington, 2013). For instance, as educational researchers, Basham

et al. (2016) found that PL environments across an entire reform district supported better than

expected outcomes in student growth. In another example, researchers from across various

disciplines conducted research on an adaptive mathematics tutoring application that integrated

strategies and system features to support advanced PL and individual needs (Arroyo et al., 2014).

The results of the Arroyo et al. (2014) study showed that learning outcomes, motivation, and

metacognitive skills were improved for participants who used the system.

While various modern educational initiatives and policies call for researchers from

different fields to collaborate closely and conduct interdisciplinary research on PL (U.S.

Department of Education, 2016), little understanding is shared across these fields of research.

Thus, a clearer understanding of the characteristics of current PL research across disciplines

could yield new and broader insights into each discipline and propel the research forward

through collaboration. For instance, while most research in education and learning sciences

focuses on the interaction among learning environments, educators, and students, research in

computer science is focused on advanced learning technologies, data, or machine learning

systems that provide foundational elements of these interactions (Basham et al., 2017).

Given the increased desire for PL and its inherent relationship across various disciplines,

it is necessary to understand the extant literature across these fields of study. Thus, the intent of

this research synthesis is to provide a grounded understanding of the current literature base

across the areas of educational research, learning sciences, computer science, and information

science as well as to encourage further research in PL. Three primary research questions guide

this work:

1) How is the implementation of PL being researched across disciplines of study?


2) What are the primary characteristics of the current PL implementation research?

3) What are the measured student educational outcomes in the current PL implementation


2. Method

The research questions were formulated to guide a comparative analysis of studies from

across disciplines to inform PL implementation as an emergent educational phenomenon.

Addressing these questions would help yield a new understanding of research themes or trends in

the extant literature of PL. In order to maximize such an understanding, this review was

conducted utilizing the method of critical interpretive synthesis (CIS; Dixon-Woods, Bonas, et

al., 2006; Dixon-Woods, Cavers, et al., 2006). CIS involves an iterative approach to synthesize

both qualitative and quantitative evidence from a diverse literature base with the purpose of

generating theory, evidence-based practice, and/or new conceptualization of a topic of interest

through an interpretive process (Dixon-Woods, Bonas, et al., 2006; Flemming, 2010). A CIS

review tends to avoid specifying concepts in advance, aiming to prioritize the process of

generating conceptualizations or theories rather than aggregating evidence for a well-defined

concept as in other systematic literature review techniques (Dixon-Woods, Cavers, et al., 2006).

This feature of CIS allowed us to explore the implementation of PL as a broadly-defined concept

in a diverse body of interdisciplinary literature.

CIS uses a purposive sampling technique to select papers from a large literature base and

then a theoretical sampling to analyze and elaborate on the emerging codes and categories

(Barnett-Page & Thomas, 2009). Dixon-Woods, Bonas, and colleagues (2006) proposed a two-

pronged approach to quality: excluding studies deemed to be “fatally flawed” and interpreting

credibility and contribution of studies included in the review. Data analysis conducted in a CIS

review consists of four key processes, including carefully inspecting the included studies,

systematically identifying recurring themes, iteratively specifying the categories emerging from

the data to explain the phenomenon being described in the literature, and developing a critically

informed integration of evidence from across the studies (Dixon-Woods, Bonas, et al., 2006).

For this review, CIS was used to synthesize an expected complex body of both qualitative

and quantitative evidence pertaining to the implementation of PL from different disciplines.

Given the emergence of PL being a relatively new field with limited research, this review did not

apply the sampling technique to select papers as suggested by Dixon-Woods, Cavers, et al.

(2006). Instead, we identified all potentially relevant papers to provide a comprehensive picture

of the current research efforts on the implementation of PL. To extract data from the diverse

body of literature, we created a coding sheet based on the three overarching research questions

(detailed description was provided in the Coding Procedures section). The CIS approach

directed our focus to identifying themes (i.e., research trends and characteristics associated with

PL implementation) emerging from the extracted data and iteratively specifying relationships

between them. The iterative analysis process enabled us to critically interpret PL

implementation from different aspects and form a more unified understanding of its association

with student educational outcomes.

2.1. Literature search procedures

Extant literature was gathered by searching four databases: ERIC, OmniFile Full Text

Select, Academic Search Complete, and Web of Science. The search results were examined for

articles that reported studies that used empirical data to explore PL in PK-12 educational

settings. We entered various search terms (i.e., learning, e-learning, distance learning, online

learning, education, online education, distance education, instruction) with the word personalize

and personalized as the prefix. Three combinations of keywords were also used (i.e.,

personalization and learning, personalization and education, personalization and instruction).

The terms “personalise”, “personalised” and “personalisation”, which are British spellings for

“personalize”, “personalized”, and “personalization”, were also utilized as alternatives in each

search term or combination. Limiters, such as PK-12 educational settings, English written

article, peer-reviewed journal, and publication date range, were applied to narrow down the

initial search results. Two rounds of search were conducted in 2018 and 2020, respectively. The

first round searched articles published between January 2006 and December 2017, which yielded

258 articles in ERIC, 202 in OmniFile Full-Text Select, 798 in Academic Search Complete, and

272 in Web of Science. To update the literature base, we adopted the same literature search and

screening procedures to search for PL implementation studies published in 2018 and 2019. The

second round of literature search yielded 165 articles in ERIC and Academic Search Complete

and 436 in Web of Science.1 In sum, the two rounds of search process yielded a total of 2131

potential studies for further screening.

2.2. Application of inclusion and exclusion criteria

Articles from the initial search were included if they met the following criteria. First, the

study was an empirical investigation with actual reported data from “real-world” students and

teachers in schools or learning environments associated with a school activity. Other articles that

were focused on educator preparation, studies with simulated data (e.g., Monte Carlo studies),

and research on PL not associated with a formal PK-12 school-based setting or experience (e.g.,

experiments conducted in university laboratories, learning centers) were excluded. Research

participants included PK-12 students or students within the age range of 5-18 years; research

Because OmniFile Full Text Select was no longer accessible through our institution, we only used the
other three databases to search studies conducted in 2018 and 2019.

with primary participants outside these parameters was excluded. Second, we only included

empirical studies that were most relevant to the implementation of PL. Studies that merely

reported on the potential or development process of specific systems or tools rather than their

actual application to personalize learning were excluded (e.g., Chen, Chen, & Liu, 2007; Chen &

Duh, 2008). Third, we included only empirical research articles published in refereed journals.

After applying the inclusion and exclusion criteria by screening the abstract and

methodology, the number of initially included articles published between 2006 and 2017 was

narrowed down to 52. We then conducted an ancestry search across the 52 articles to identify

potential missing studies. The ancestry search revealed two articles (i.e., Bingham et al., 2016;

Hsu, Hwang, & Chang, 2013) that met the inclusion criteria and were added to the review.

During the second round of search, screening, selecting based on inclusion criteria, 17 studies

were identified and added to the literature base for the review. In total, 71 empirical studies

associated with PL implementation in PK-12 educational settings were included for this review.

2.3. Coding procedures

We coded the data in a Google Sheet (see Supplemental Table). Each article was

reviewed and coded for research purpose, field of study, research approach, research design, and

primary findings associated with student educational outcomes. To explore how the PL

implementation is being researched across disciplines of study, we followed the open coding

procedure to identify and label the research purposes of each study. Open coding allowed us to

break down the research purpose data into separate categories, within which subcategorized

research purposes were clustered around different related themes (Brown, Stevenson, Troiano, &

Schneider, 2002). We followed the CIS analytic process to identify common conceptual groups

and clusters by constantly comparing codes among individual studies and build a general

interpretation grounded in the findings of different groups and clusters (Dixon-Woods, Bonas, et

al., 2006). Guided by the iterative data analysis featuring in CIS reviews, we developed

categories and clusters that were tentative in the initial stage, but gradually became specified as

our analysis continued.

The field of study was coded based on the department of the article author(s) identified in

the publication. After the initial inquiry of the extant literature, we identified two main fields of

study (a) education and/or learning sciences (hereafter, education) and (b) computer science

and/or information science (hereafter, computer science) as well as (c) a convergent group that

conducted interdisciplinary research. Studies were identified as interdisciplinary research if the

authors within a single article were from different fields. The research approach (i.e.,

quantitative, qualitative, mixed method) and design (e.g., randomized controlled trial [RCT],

quasi-experimental, descriptive, ethnographic studies) adopted in each study were coded,

respectively. We coded the content area (e.g., mathematics, English Language Arts [ELA]) on

which the interventions (if applicable) were focused. Primary findings especially associated with

student educational outcomes (e.g., learning outcomes, motivation, metacognitive skills)

measured by dependent/responsive variables (if applicable) were also coded.

2.4. Interrater reliability

To support reliability, two authors independently coded each article. Prior to coding, the

two authors discussed, agreed upon, and demonstrated competency on the coding structure.

After independently coding, all three authors met to discuss coding inconsistencies. Cohen’s

kappa coefficient (κ) with 95% confidence intervals were computed to determine the interrater

agreement of initial codes. The computation yielded a κ = 0.879, with 95% confidence intervals

ranging from 0.850 to 0.909, which can be interpreted as almost perfect or perfect agreement

(Landis & Koch, 1977). During the coding meeting, a consensus was reached across all three


3. Results

This review identified 71 empirical studies that focused on the implementation of PL in

PK-12 educational settings. In this section, we presented the results to address the three

overarching research questions.

3.1. Research purposes of the current studies (RQ1)

The open coding led us to identify the recurring themes of the research purposes such as

evaluating the effectiveness of technology that supported PL, exploring characteristics of PL

environments, and investigating student or teacher perception of PL across studies. Using CIS,

we iteratively compared these themes and then categorized them into two groups (see Table 1).

Specifically, these two groups included research that focused on (Group A) examining the effects

of specific digital systems, strategies, and/or tools to support PL for a specific course or group of

students or (Group B) exploring contextual factors that impacted the implementation of PL as a

whole-school initiative, agenda, project, or policy from different aspects.

3.1.1. Research purposes of Group A studies

As depicted in Table 1, 50 of the 71 studies fell in Group A across four clusters (A1

through A4). These four clusters included research that identified a specific focus on PL

implementation through A1: Adaptive learning technologies, assessments, or strategies, A2:

Learner preference-based personalization strategies, A3: Ubiquitous and/or mobile learning

systems, A4: Traditional learning management system (i.e., non-adaptive, non-mobile). The

breakdown of the clusters is reported below.

Twenty-two studies fell in A1. Researchers from this cluster proposed and examined

four types of adaptive learning technologies, two computerized adaptive assessment systems, and

one adaptive strategy mainly mediated by human. Adaptive learning technologies reported in the

cluster include web-based adaptive learning systems and/or intelligent tutoring systems (ITS;

e.g., Arroyo et al., 2014), educational computer games (e.g., Martín-SanJosé, Juan, Gil-Gómez,

& Rando, 2014), robotics (e.g., Leyzberg et al., 2018), and virtual reality systems (e.g.,

Bhattacharjee, Paul, Kim, & Karthigaikumar, 2017). The web-based adaptive learning and/or

ITS systems reported in 12 studies shared a similar operating mechanism for personalization.

Generally, these systems would analyze student background information, prior knowledge,

affective state, preference, and/or learning performance and then algorithmically provide

customized learning paths, contents, scaffolds, and/or assessment reports to individual students.

Three studies investigating how adaptive educational gaming (i.e., computer games) supported

PL. These studies focused on games to support learning pathways for individual learners

(Hwang, Sung, Hung, Huang, & Tsai, 2012), games that provided individualized guidance

during their learning processes (Katsionis & Virvou, 2008), or games that allowed student

autonomy in choosing different learning modes (Martín-SanJosé et al., 2014). Three studies

reported on interventions examining how personalized robot-human interactions in the classroom

enhanced student learning and improved effective learning behaviors (e.g., Leyzberg et al.,

2018). In another study on adaptive learning, researchers created an immersive simulated

learning environment that could adapt learning paths using a mobile virtual reality platform

(Bhattacharjee et al., 2017).

Additionally, two studies reported on how computerized adaptive assessment systems

provided timely personalized feedback and deliver targeted learning tasks that needed more

practices based on student test results (i.e., Hammerschmidt-Snidarich et al., 2019; You et al.,

2019). These systems share certain commonalities with other adaptive technologies.

Researchers in these studies explored how system-generated assessment reports afforded

teachers opportunities to customize teaching content (You et al., 2019) or pair students together

to work on self-paced activities (Hammerschmidt-Snidarich et al., 2019). Also focusing on

assessment for PL, Connor et al., (2018) examined an adaptive assessment-centered instructional

approach, which was primarily mediated by teachers as opposed to computerized adaptive

assessment. Drawing upon the results of an assessment administered four times per year,

teachers assigned students in small groups with different mathematics learning activities matched

to individual strengths and weaknesses (Connor et al., 20182).

Eighteen studies fell in A2 examining the impact of learner preference-based

personalization strategies on student learning. These strategies focused on personalizing learning

materials based on learner preferences, interests, and/or cultural background. Context

personalization, in which instruction is tailored to students’ out-of-school preferences and/or

interests in areas like sports, music, and video games (Walkington & Bernacki, 2015), emerged

as a major strategy in this cluster. Specifically, researchers in 14 studies investigated the

effectiveness of context personalization strategies, with six computer-mediated or app-based

interventions (e.g., Ku, Harter, Liu, Thompson, & Cheng, 2007; Kim et al., 2019), three using

ITS as learning platforms (i.e., Bernacki & Walkington, 2018; Walkington, 2013; Walkington &

Bernacki, 2019), and five relying primarily on human intervention with no modern technology

It is worth noting that Connor and colleagues conducted multiple studies investigating the effectiveness
of personalized instruction. Connor (2019) summarized and discussed seven randomized control trials
that evaluated the impacts of using A2i technology (i.e., an online adaptive assessment system) and
Individualizing Student Instruction (ISI) intervention to personalize literacy instruction for students from
kindergarten through third grade. The A2i online technology was designed to help teachers use
assessments results for each student in their classroom to plan and implement personalized face-to-face ad
computer-assisted instruction (Connor, 2019). However, researchers of these studies specified their
literature interventions as “individualized instruction” rather than “personalized instruction”. Based on the
inclusion and exclusion criteria, these studies were not included for this review.

(e.g., Akinsola & Awofala, 2009; Awofala, 2014; Walkington & Bernacki, 2015). In addition to

incorporating out-of-school interests into instruction, allowing students to self-select learning

content or online text format was also considered as a strategy to implement PL in two

interventions (i.e., Choi & Ma, 2015; Ertem, 2013). From a more holistic perspective, the other

two A2 studies investigated how culturally relevant instructions personalized students’ literacy

learning by taking into account their interests, personal experiences, and cultural identity (i.e.,

Mottram & Hall, 2009; Worthy, Consalvo, Bogard, & Russell, 2012).

Eight studies aligned to A3 with a primary focus on supporting PL through ubiquitous

and/or mobile learning systems. Specifically, these systems were supported by mobile phones or

personal digital assistants (PDAs) equipped with wireless connectivity (e.g., Chu, Hwang, Tsai,

& Tseng, 2010; Hwang, Tsai, Chu, Kinshuk, & Chen, 2012). Nearly all these mobile systems (n

= 7) utilized context detection and adaptive technologies to exploit students’ learning behaviors

in authentic settings (e.g., field trips) and then provide customized guidance that helped support

PL experiences (e.g., Hwang, Kuo, Yin, & Chuang, 2010). Additionally, through mobile

technology, students were also provided with individual choices in learning pathways and

materials as well as learner control of learning pace and means of demonstrating knowledge

(Looi et al., 2009). The other study in this cluster explored how four indigenous students from

two Australian secondary schools recorded their out-of-school lives using mobile phones and

thus brought their personal experiences to literacy class (Hartnell-Young & Vetere, 2008).

To finish group A, two studies investigated the role of non-algorithmically adaptive

technologies in supporting PL implementation. The technologies included a learning

management system (LMS) in personalizing an English Language Arts (ELA) class (Edmunds &

Hartnett, 2014) and diverse multimedia tools used to support students in engaging in digital

storytelling activities in an English as Second Language class (Kaminskienė & Khetsuriani,


3.1.2. Research purposes of group B studies

Studies in Group B, totaling 21, were categorized into four clusters. These clusters

included research on B1: Characteristics of PL environments and their impact on student

outcomes, B2: Specific approaches to implement school-wide PL, B3: Factors related to

adoption and implementation of PL, and B4: Teacher and/or student perception of PL. Similar to

Group A, the breakdown of this group is presented in Table 1.

Four studies fell in B1 with a primary purpose to identify characteristics of PL

environments (Abawi, 2015; Basham et al., 2016) or evaluate the effectiveness of the design

features of learning environments that enhanced personalization in student learning (Iver, 2011;

McClure, Yonezawa, & Jones, 2010). Another common feature shared by these studies was that

they all evaluated student learning outcomes in those PL environments.

Three studies were categorized as B2 research, which focused on exploring how goal

setting or choice provision strategy was carried out in multiple U.S. middle schools during the

early stage of a statewide PL implementation initiative (DeMink-Carthew & Netcoh, 2019;

DeMink-Carthew, Olofson, LeGeros, Netcoh, & Hennessey, 2017; Netcoh, 2017).

Exploring factors that affected the adoption and implementation of PL mainly from

participants’ perspectives featured prominently in the ten B3 studies. Within these studies, four

explored driving forces for and/or challenges to the implementation of technology-enabled PL

(e.g., Bingham et al., 2016; Robinson & Sebba, 2010). Two studies investigated frameworks or

models to adopt PL. Specifically, Ignatova, Dagiene, and Kubilinskiene (2015) developed and

evaluated a framework of ICT-based learning personalization affordance that would increase


possibilities of adoption and implementation of PL. Karmeshu, Raman, and Nedungadi (2012)

proposed a diffusion model of PL based on the potential adopter-teachers’ perspectives. The

researchers also identified the factors that could influence teachers’ decision to adopt the new

educational innovation. In addition, researchers in three studies developed instruments to

validate and explore PL implementation practices (e.g., Olofson, Downes, Petrick, LeGeros, &

Bishop, 2018). For example, two studies led by the same lead researcher in this cluster

developed a questionnaire instrument that could be applied to measure students’ perceptions of

factors impacting the implementation of PL and then validated a PL model using the instrument

(Waldrip et al., 2014; Waldrip et al., 2016). Other than focusing on instructional practices for

PL, Kallio (2018) looked at how the teacher and student participation in designing physical

learning space became meaningful and played a prominent role in implementing school-wide PL.

Four studies were nested within B4, the purpose of which was to elicit teachers’ and/or

students’ perceptions of how PL policies, concepts, and/or reforms impacted teaching and

learning practices (e.g., Beach & Dovemark, 2009; Hallman, 2018; Rogers & Gunter, 2012). It

is important to note that all studies in this cluster reported negative participant positions toward

school-wide PL policies and/or initiatives in different aspects. These include teachers’ confusion

about PL concept (Courcier, 2007), a teacher’s struggles with implementing PL through the

vehicle of 1:1 technology (Hallman, 2018), and students’ unfavorable experiences of choice

making and autonomy granted by PL reforms (Beach & Dovemark, 2009; Rogers & Gunter,


3.2. Primary characteristics of the current PL implementation research (RQ2)

This section reports the primary characteristics of the current research efforts on PL

implementation in terms of the field of study, research approach, research design, and content


3.2.1. Field of study, research approach, and research design

As shown in Table 2, 43 studies were conducted by researchers from education and 16

from computer science. Twelve studies were interdisciplinary, with researchers coming from

different fields of study. Table 1 also demonstrates that researchers from education conducted

studies on PL with a wide range of foci. However, the largest number of studies from education

(n = 17; 39.5%) were focused on examining the effects of context personalization strategies on

student educational outcomes. Research in computer science concentrated on exploring the role

of adaptive technologies in personalizing learning (n = 14; 87.5%). In addition, interdisciplinary

studies demonstrated a focus on exploring how mobile devices supported student PL experiences

(n = 7; 58.3%).

In terms of the research approach, the majority of studies (n = 44) were quantitative, 19

were qualitative, and eight used mixed methods. Generally, experimental design was applied the

most frequently in the quantitative studies across all disciplines (n = 22; 50.0%), especially in

educational studies (n = 15; 65.2%). Sixteen quantitative studies applied quasi-experimental

design, seven of which were conducted by researchers from computer science, and six were

defined as interdisciplinary research. Alcoholado et al. (2011) conducted both usability research

as well as a quasi-experimental design on the implementation of PL; therefore, it was categorized

as quasi-experimental design. The rest of the quantitative approach studies were survey

investigations (n = 6), with five conducted by educational researchers.

Qualitative and mixed methods approach studies reported a large variety of research

designs. Nine qualitative studies and one mixed methods study used case study design. Other

research designs employed and reported across the two approach studies included quasi-

experimental study (n = 4), ethnographic study (n = 3), and each of the following designs:

descriptive research, longitudinal RCT, teacher-as-researcher study (i.e., action research;

Johnson, 2002), design-based study, and participatory design. In addition, four qualitative

studies did not specify the kind of qualitative research design (i.e., Courcier, 2007; DeMink-

Carthew et al., 2017; Looi et al., 2009; Rogers & Gunter, 2012).

3.2.2. Content area

As illustrated in Figure 1, Group A studies were intended to explore students’ PL

experiences in a wide range of content areas. Students’ mathematical skills were the most

commonly identified learning outcomes, assessed in 46% (23 out of 50) of Group A studies. Of

the 23 studies, 9 were designed to investigate how online adaptive learning systems and/or ITS

personalized students’ mathematics learning (e.g., Arroyo et al., 2014). Twelve studies were all

categorized into A2 given that researchers incorporated student interests or preferences into

mathematical word problem learning in each study (e.g., Akinsola & Awofala, 2009).

Researchers also examined student mathematics learning supported by an interactive robot

(Ramachandran et al., 2019) and an assessment-centered personalized instruction (Connor et al.,


Nine studies examined or described student learning experiences in English as Foreign

Language (EFL) or English as Second Language (ESL), but focused on different acquisition

skills such as vocabulary building supported by a context-aware ubiquitous learning system

(Chen & Li, 2010) and English grammar learning facilitated by a virtual reality game system

(Katsionis & Virvou, 2008) or an interactive robot tutor (Leyzberg et al., 2018). Eight studies

described students’ learning experiences in English Language Arts (ELA; e.g., Edmunds &

Hartnett, 2014; Worthy et al., 2012) or measured ELA learning outcomes (Ertem, 2013).

Natural science learning performance was evaluated in six studies, four of which focused

on evaluating the effects of personalized mobile learning experiences (e.g., Hwang, Tsai, et al.,

2012), and the other two studies analyzed student learning supported by a virtual reality learning

environment (Bhattacharjee et al., 2017) or a computer game (Hwang, Sung, et al., 2012).

Students’ learning experiences or outcomes in multiple subjects were examined at the same time,

such as history and mathematics in Baxter et al. (2018) and different combinations of subjects in

two other studies (i.e., Cornelisz & Klaveren, 2018; You et al.,2019). One study measured

student learning outcomes in history (Martín-SanJosé et al., 2014).

3.3. Measured student educational outcomes in the current PL research (RQ3)

As illustrated in Table 3, most Group A and B1 studies reported positive impacts of PL

on students’ educational performance. Of all quantitative and mixed methods studies that

measured those impacts, only seventeen studies explicitly reported effect size (i.e., Alcoholado et

al., 2011; Arroyo et al., 2014; Basham et al., 2016; Baxter et al., 2018; Bernacki & Walkington,

2018; Çakir & Şimşek, 2010; Choi & Ma, 2015; Chu et al., 2010; Connor et al., 2018;

Hammerschmidt-Snidarich et al., 2019; Iver, 2011; Kim et al., 2019; Martín-SanJosé et al., 2014;

Schmid & Petko, 2019; Walkington, 2013; Walkington & Bernacki, 2019; You et al., 2019).

3.3.1. Educational outcomes in Group A studies

Most studies (n = 17; 77.3%) in Group A1 reported positive impacts of adaptive learning

technologies and/or ITS on student learning outcomes. Only five studies in this cluster reported

insignificant differences in student learning outcomes between treatment and control group

students (Chen, 2009b; Cornelisz et al., 2018; Katsionis & Virvou, 2008; Martín-SanJosé et al.,

2014; Wang, 2014). Two of them are among the three studies that explicitly analyzed how

personalized e-learning systems were designed to positively impact learners’ metacognitive skills

acquisition (Arroyo et al., 2014; Chen, 2009b; Wang, 2014). Only one computer game

intervention in Group A1 reported an increase in student learning outcomes (Hwang, Sung, et al.,

2012). All interventions mediated by robots yielded greater learning gains for students in

personalized conditions than those in non-personalized conditions (e.g., Baxter et al., 2018).

Moreover, studies on the immersive situation learning environment (i.e., Bhattacharjee et al.,

2017) and assessment-centered adaptive systems or strategy (e.g., Connor et al., 2018) also

reported better learning outcomes for students in experimental groups than those in control


A majority of Group A2 students examined the effectiveness of learner preference-based

personalization strategies such as context personalization and learner self-selected learning

content demonstrated mixed results. Nine studies showed statistically significant effects on

participants’ learning outcomes (e.g., Choi & Ma, 2015; Ku et al., 2007; Bernacki &

Walkington, 2018), while the other six studies reported no significant difference in students’

posttest scores between personalized and non-personalized instruction groups (Awofala, 2014;

Çakir & Şimşek, 2010; Ertem, 2013; Høgheim & Reber, 2015; Kim et al., 2018; Şimşek &

Çakir, 2009).

Five Group A3 (studies that measured the effects of ubiquitous and/or mobile learning

interventions) reported increased student academic performance (i.e., Chen & Li, 2010; Chu et

al., 2010; Hsu et al., 2013; Hwang et al., 2010; Hwang, Tsai, et al., 2012).

Researchers also utilized various self-report measures to analyze students’ attitude,

interest, motivation, engagement, and/or PL experience. Most studies employing questionnaires

or interviews in those clusters reported positive results in participants’ perceptions toward PL

systems, strategies, or environments. Seven qualitative studies in Group A specifically focused


on describing how culturally relevant approaches to instruction (Mottram & Hall, 2009; Worthy

et al., 2012), ubiquitous mobile learning systems (Hartnell-Young & Vetere, 2008; Looi et al.,

2009; Song et al., 2012), an LMS (Edmunds & Hartnett, 2014), and multimedia tools for digital

storytelling (Kaminskienė & Khetsuriani, 2019) supported students’ PL experiences.

3.3.2. Educational outcomes in Group B1 studies

As noted previously, Group B studies had a primary focus on investigating varying

contextual factors associated with the implementation of PL rather than measuring the impacts of

specific interventions on student learning. Nevertheless, Group B1 studies used student

academic outcome data to validate the findings associated with identified characteristics of PL

environments. For instance, Basham et al. (2016) reported academic gains in math and English

subjects of students with and without disabilities from a U.S. urban reform district that

implemented PL. Abawi (2015) reported increased enrollment rates of students with special

needs and accelerated math and reading growth for all students in an Australian high school that

adopted PL as school-wide inclusive practices. Basham et al. (2016) found that in PL

environments, student voice was frequently incorporated into decision-making processes such as

learning pathways planning. Students were also provided with opportunities and supports to

develop metacognitive skills, such as self-regulation (Basham et al., 2016), self-efficacy, and

self-control (Abawi, 2015). Researchers acknowledged that promoting student voice and

autonomy in those environments was aligned to the Universal Design for Learning (UDL)

framework, with a specific focus on providing students multiple means of demonstrating

understanding and mastery of knowledge and skills (Abawi, 2015; Basham et al., 2016).

The other two B1 studies evaluated the effectiveness of personalization programs

implemented in case study high schools on promoting interactions between students and their

learning environments (Iver, 2011; McClure et al., 2010). McClure et al. (2010) reported a

positive link between students’ perceived levels of personalization and their standardized test

scores in 14 small-size high schools. The perceived level of personalization in this study was

exemplified by students’ feelings of connectedness with adults at schools and senses of being

supported as individuals (McClure et al., 2010). McClure and colleagues (2010) noted that

“advisory” (wherein teachers support student advisees with cognitive and affective educational

needs) was noted as a key component of the schools’ move to greater personalization. With this

understanding, the researchers also measured students’ attitudes toward the advisory programs.

However, they found that students’ perceptions of the advisory programs were inversely

connected with their academic outcomes. In a related finding, Iver (2011) also reported that the

advisory program implemented in a high school to promote student-teacher interactions as a

means of enhancing personalization in learning environments only had an insignificant effect in

improving at-risk students’ graduation rates.

4. Discussion

This literature review provided a comprehensive understanding of the current research

efforts on the implementation of PL across education, learning sciences, computer science, and

information science. Adopting the CIS approach to synthesizing the diverse literature on PL

implementation, we aimed to generate new understandings of PL as a complex educational

phenomenon by linking the emergent themes of PL implementation in a more unified way. We

then offered a critique of current PL research efforts based on the findings in this section, aiming

to provide implications for future research.

A majority of studies found PL, especially technology-supported PL, were associated

with positive results. Across the studies, positive findings were found in academic outcomes

(e.g., Walkington, 2013), engagement (e.g., Arroyo et al., 2014), attitude toward learning (e.g.,

Hwang, Tsai, et al., 2012), and meta-cognitive skills (e.g., Chen, 2009b). Only eleven studies

(mainly associated with adaptive technologies and context personalization strategies) reported

statistically non-significant impact of PL on student learning outcomes (e.g., Çakir & Şimşek,

2010; Martín-SanJosé et al., 2014). Even considering the overabundance of publication bias (or

citation bias) toward positive outcomes in educational research (Sterling, Rosenbaum, &

Weinkam, 1995), the overall positive findings are not surprising. However, results also showed

only a few studies evaluated PL as a comprehensive initiative across a school or schools. In

addition, teachers’ and/or students’ negative positions toward certain aspects of PL were reported

in multiple case studies (e.g., Beach & Dovemark, 2009).

It is likely that either advocates or naysayers of PL emphasized individual findings

related to a single PL design or practice to support a position on the concept of PL. In reality,

various factors may impact the outcomes of a PL design. Specifically, if a PL design has a

positive effect toward an end goal, then the design has engaged positive moderating interactions

toward the end goal. Nonexistent findings (e.g., Çakir & Şimşek, 2010; Høgheim & Reber,

2015) might neglect to engage moderating interactions (positive or negative), whereas negative

findings support negative interactions toward an end goal. Thus, within PL research it is

important to consider the moderating interactions in relation to the end goal and the learner

variability within a given experience.

Conceptually, the very strength of PL is to focus on designing learning experiences at the

individual point of learning, thus accepting student variability and individuality (Rose & Ogas,

2018). This strength is also an obstacle to research. From a research stance, the primary concept

for measuring PL without a unifying framework is problematic, if not impossible. The very

nature of science requires a common vocabulary and associated taxonomic structure to conduct

research and effectively communicate findings (Kuhn, 1962). Thus, PL researchers must

advance a unified understanding to advance the field of implementation. In this section, we

discussed definitional variability in PL literature and provided a unifying framework for

advancing PL implementation. Based on these discussions, we then offered implications for

future PL research.

4.1. Definitional Variability

Findings from this review showed that the conceptualization and implementation of PL

varied greatly across the current studies. For example, the researchers that conducted studies in

digital systems, strategies, and/or tools to support PL for a specific course (Group A) mainly

concentrated on adaptive technologies, ubiquitous learning, and context personalization

strategies. Central to adaptive learning systems (Group A1) was their potential to provide

learners with PL paths or scaffolding customized to their level of knowledge or interest. It is

important to note that most of those studies relied heavily on prescriptive algorithms generated

by learning analytics. These learning systems explored only one or two design features of

technology-based PL but paid little attention to other contextual factors that would facilitate

individual student learning and progress. Thus, a general concern of this machine-driven

approach is that it simply replaces teacher-centered instruction and currently has limited ability

to engage learners beyond the screen (Basham, Stahl, Ortiz, Rice, & Smith, 2015).

By comparison, personalization in ubiquitous learning (Group A3) was manifested more

widely in students’ autonomy over how, when, and where to learn. These learning models

showed some potential design aspects of PL. In addition, the emergence of more sophisticated

mobile devices, including wearables, faster wireless and more realizable data connections, along

with technologies such as augmented reality, virtual reality, and improved data models should

enhance feasibility, interest, but also the variability in ubiquitous PL research (i.e., Bhattacharjee

et al., 2017). PL is growing fast with the integration of advanced technologies that could

meditate better student interactions with the learning environment. Nevertheless, various

questions remain about the implementation of PL as a scalable educational practice. For

instance, what are the underlying design variables (e.g., human, technology, environmental, data)

required to support and sustain PL across entire student populations? What core knowledge and

skills are needed for educators to support PL implementation? Given PL is about the acceptance

of learner variability, yet current measures are based on standards, how might outcomes be

measured at scale?

4.3. Moving Toward A Unifying Framework for PL

The lack of consistency in the conceptualization of PL is likely to result in confusion and

misunderstanding in implementation and adds difficulty in conducting research that can advance

practice. To establish an effective PL ecology, it would be beneficial to have all factors

identified from the current studies, among others, act together within a unifying research-based

framework. Research documented in this review (i.e., Abawi, 2015; Basham et al., 2016), U.S.

policy (e.g., ESSA, 2015), and education guidance documents (e.g., NETP, 2016) have often

associated PL with the UDL framework. Basically, UDL is an instructional framework for

guiding the design of flexible learning environments and experiences for all learners (Meyer,

Rose, & Gordon, 2014). Since its introduction in the late 1990s, UDL has advanced into a stable

instructional design framework based on interdisciplinary research across the learning sciences,

neuroscience, and educational sciences (CAST, 2018). At its core, UDL provides educators,

instructional designers, and/or educational technology designers considerations for effective


learning designs aimed at supporting learner variability existing within and between learners

across contexts (Basham & Blackorby, 2020). More specifically, UDL guides proactive and

iterative designs of learning environments and experiences, which provide learners with multiple

means of engaging in learning activities, perceiving and comprehending information, and

demonstrating understanding (CAST, 2018).

Implementing a UDL-based learning experience would begin by identifying the goals of

the experience. Specifically, implementers would consider the anticipated variability of the

learners and potential barriers to accomplishing the goal(s), determine the means for assessing

successful (or unsuccessful) learning experience, and then design actual learning experiences.

Throughout each step, the key is to support learners by integrating what is known about learner

variability in the learning environment and then iteratively design flexibility that would be

needed in order to ensure all learners could demonstrate success. The effectiveness of UDL-

aligned curricula and strategies on educational outcomes for students with diverse needs has

become increasingly evident in empirical studies across content and settings (see Hall, Cohen,

Vue, & Ganley, 2015; Marino et al., 2014; Rappolt-Schlichtmann et al., 2013). With its premise

to provide effective learning for all learners, UDL might serve as a starting point to begin the

development of a unifying framework that could foundationally build PL across research,

practice, and policy.

Given the global nature, diverse interdisciplinary perspectives and research interests, as

well as the relationship between PL and emergent technology, it is unlikely that a single

congruent definition will emerge. Nevertheless, developing a basic set of guidelines through a

collaborative process that integrates views from a diverse group of interdisciplinary stakeholders

from across the globe would be beneficial for advancing research and best practices. Similar

collaborative processes and guidelines have been developed in other interdisciplinary areas such

as in environmental design through the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED)

certification (USGBC, 2018), in bioengineering through the work of the 10 principles generated

at the Biotechnology and the Ethical Imagination Global Summit (BEINGS; Wolpe &

Rommelfanger, 2017), and now in education relative to UDL in the UDL Credentialing and

Certification Initiative (UDLCCI, 2018). Notably, each of these initiatives began with a diffuse

and interdisciplinary field of practice to develop consensus on basic and shared principles of

practice. Progress is then made through this shared understanding.

4.4. Considerations for Future Research

Findings of this review have shown a wide array of research methods were applied in the

extant literature on PL. This width, to a certain extent, mirrors the diverse understandings,

definitions, and research foci in the field. Specifically, a majority of research on adaptive

learning and ubiquitous learning systems employed quasi-experimental designs to measure the

impact of PL supports, lacking in random sampling of participants and limited to research in

short intervention periods. Additionally, most of these studies failed to report effect size or

evidence of generalization and maintenance of students’ skills over time. By comparison, most

research conducted by educational researchers in this review was case study or ethnographic

study by design, focusing more on contextual factors impacting the establishment of learning

environments or projects featuring personalization. A majority of those studies applied

qualitative methods such as interviews to gather data, which failed to generate or record evidence

on whether those factors impacted student educational outcomes.

As a practice, PL requires new understandings and methods for research across multiple

disciplines. To implement and disseminate innovative educational practices, analytic studies on


causal relations among selected variables and systematic studies on complex learning

environments undergoing changes are needed (Salomon, 1991). The operationalization of PL is

such a complex process that requires leveraging many different components of education system

to meet the needs of each individual student (Abbott et al., 2015).

As aforementioned, various variables associated with PL have already emerged from the

extant literature, with some validated by previous robust research base and others needing further

investigations on their impacts on student educational outcomes. For instance, positive effects of

student autonomy were substantiated by research on goal setting (e.g., Morisano, Hirsh,

Peterson, Pihl, & Shore, 2010), self-regulation (e.g., Zimmerman, 2008), self-determination (e.g.,

Shogren, Palmer, Wehmeyer, Williams-Diehm, & Little, 2011), and choice making (e.g., Patall,

2013). Effective instructional practices such as data-driven instructional adaptations were also

evidenced by research on progress monitoring (e.g., Wagner, Hammerschmidt-Snidarich, Espin,

Seifert, & McMaster, 2017) and individual scaffolding strategies (e.g., Delen, Liew, & Willson,

2014). As the premise of PL is to support learning for all learners, research that supports a single

path and means for information acquisition, engagement, or demonstration of understanding

neglects the very purpose of personalization. Thus, what remains under-researched here is how

these aforementioned evidence-based variables can be integrated within a unifying framework

that guides the complex designs of PL environments for all learners.

Given that the PL research is still in its infancy, methodological diversity can help extend

knowledge and understanding of its possible implementation strategies from various aspects. To

support ongoing advancement, PL requires research across the continuum from basic to applied.

That said, there is a need to conduct research on the foundations of learning, human growth,

variability, and measurement to support PL model development. In addition, in-depth


descriptive studies are equally important for investigating the patterns and forms of all building

blocks of PL as a comprehensive learning model. Studies of this type can help decode the

complexity and interpret the interdependency among the building blocks. However, as more

schools gravitate toward PL, research in the field should be ultimately focused on examining the

effects as well as side effects of practice (Zhao, 2017). This research should be foundationally

principled on the dynamic nature of learning and human variability that supports the need for PL.

4.5. Limitations

This research synthesis has several limitations that need to be acknowledged. First, this

review only included recent studies that were published from 2006 to 2019 because a previous

publication reviewed PL research that was published before 2006 (see Sebba et al., 2007).

Second, considering the heterogeneity of research purposes and intending to provide a

comprehensive picture of current research efforts associated with PL implementation, we did not

conduct a quality check for the included articles as conventional literature reviews would do

(Petticrew & Roberts, 2006). In line with the CIS approach, this review included empirical

studies that were most relevant to the implementation of PL. Therefore, readers should be

cautious when interpreting the results.

Third, this review excluded case-study evaluation reports from organizations such as

RAND, iNACOL, and Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Other “grey” literature (e.g.,

government documents, white papers, working papers, dissertations) or book chapters were

excluded in this review. We specified this exclusion criterion considering that the expected

complexity and heterogeneity of PL phenomenon in “grey” literature would make the processes

of review, analysis, and categorization less manageable. Additionally, we only included refereed

articles in the hope of increasing replicability and transparency of this review to the extent

possible. In this regard, some research trends might be excluded from this review.

5. Conclusion

This study reviewed the extant research on the implementation of PL in PK-12 education

environments across the educational systems. As previously identified, PL is becoming

recognized as a major trend to transform education systems and is not without controversy.

Nevertheless, increasing diversity of student population, foreseen need for a modern education

system, and the rapid integration of technology in PK-12 educational settings have catalyzed

conversations about implementing PL at scale around the globe (Basham et al., 2016). The

review showed that while generally positive, the empirical research examining the effects of PL

on PK-12 student learning outcomes is still in its initial stages of development. The intermix of

educator and student activities with appropriate use of technology and the UDL framework have

shown to be potential contributing supports for educators and researchers to design and

implement PL. However, the systemic educational transformation from one-size-fits-all,

teacher-centered approach to personalized, student-driven learning mode is by no means a simple

task that can be tackled by short-term research or implementation agendas. PL will require

decades of collective efforts from different stakeholders to bring this promising education

innovation to reality.


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Table 1

Research Purpose, Field of Study, and Number of Current Personalized Learning (PL) Implementation Studies

Research Purpose Field of Study Total

Group A Examined the effects of specific digital systems, strategies, and/or tools to
implement PL
A1 Examined effects of adaptive technologies, assessments, or strategies that supported PL Ed and/or LS (5) 22
• Web-based adaptive learning systems or intelligent tutoring systems (Alcoholado et CS and/or IS (14)
al., 2011; Arroyo et al., 2014; Chen, 2008, 2009a, 2009b; Cornelisz et al., 2018); Kurilovas et al., Interdisciplinary (3)
2015; Siddique, Durrani, & Naqvi, 2017; Siddique, Durrani, & Naqvi, 2019; Su et al., 2006; Tseng
et al., 2008; Wang, 2014)
• Educational computer games (Hwang, Sung, et al., 2012; Katsionis & Virvou, 2008; Martín-
SanJosé et al., 2014)
• Robotics (Baxter et al., 2017; Leyzberg et al., 2018; Ramachandran et al., 2019)
• Virtual reality system (Bhattacharjee et al., 2017)
• Computerized adaptive assessments (You et al., 2019; Hammerschmidt-Snidarich et al., 2019)
• Flexible small-group instructional activities adapted to student strengths and
weaknesses (Connor et al., 2018)
A2 Examined effects of learner preference-based personalization strategies Ed and/or LS (17) 18
Interdisciplinary (1)
• Technology-enhanced context personalization (Bernacki & Walkington, 2018; Çakır &
Şimşek, 2010; Chen & Liu, 2007; Clinton & Walkington, 2019; Høgheim & Reber, 2015; Kim et al.,
2018; Ku et al., 2007; Walkington, 2013; Walkington & Bernacki, 2019)
• Context personalization involving no modern technology (Akinsola & Awofala, 2009;
Awofala, 2014; Şimşek & Çakır, 2009; Walkington & Bernacki, 2015; Kucirkova et al., 2014)
• Learner-selected learning material (Choi & Ma, 2015; Ertem, 2013)
• Culturally relevant approaches (Mottram & Hall, 2009; Worthy et al., 2012)
A3 Explored how ubiquitous and/or mobile learning systems supported PL and their Ed and/or LS (1) 8
impacts on student educational outcomes Interdisciplinary (7)
• Chen & Li, 2010; Chu et al., 2010; Hartnell-Young & Vetere, 2008; Hsu et al., 2013; Hwang, et al.,
2010; Hwang, Tsai, et al., 2012; Looi et al., 2009; Song et al., 2012)
A4 Explored how non-adaptive technologies facilitated PL implementation Ed and/or LS (2) 2
• Learning management system (Edmunds & Hartnett, 2014)
• Multimedia tools for digital storytelling (Kaminskienė & Khetsuriani, 2019)

Table 1 (continued)
Research Purpose Field of Study Total

Group B Explored contextual factors that impacted PL as a whole-school initiative,

agenda, project, or policy from different aspects
B1 Explored characteristics of PL environments and their impacts on student educational Ed and/or LS (4) 4
• Described characteristics of PL environments (Abawi, 2015 ; Basham et al., 2016)

• Evaluated educational program/project featuring personalization (Iver, 2011; McClure

et al., 2010)
B2 Explored specific school-wide approaches to PL implementation Ed and/or LS (3) 3
• Goal setting (DeMink-Carthew et al., 2017)
• Choice provision (DeMink-Carthew & Netcoh, 2019; Netcoh, 2017)
B3 Explored factors impacting the adoption and implementation of PL Ed and/or LS (8) 10
• Explored tech-based driving forces and challenges to adopt PL (Bingham & Dimandja, CS and/or IS (1)
2017; Bingham et al., 2016; Robinson & Sebba, 2010; Schmid & Petko, 2019) Interdisciplinary (1)
• Investigate the model/framework of PL adoption (Ignatova et al., 2015; Karmeshu et al.,
• Developed measures to validate and explore PL implementation practices (Olofson
et al., 2018; Waldrip et al., 2014; Waldrip et al., 2016)
• Explored how teachers and students participating in designing physical learning
spaces that supported PL implementation (Kallio, 2018)
B4 Investigated teacher and/or student perception of PL initiatives, policies, reforms, Ed and/or LS (4) 4
and/or concepts
• Examined student perception of how PL policies and reforms influenced learning
(Rogers & Gunter, 2012)
• Examined teacher perception of the concept of PL (Courcier, 2007) or PL practices
through 1:1 technology initiative (Hallman, 2018)
• Examined teacher and student perception of how PL policies had been carried out
(Beach & Dovemark, 2009)

Note. ED = Education; LS = Learning Sciences; CS = Computer Science; IS = Information Science. The numbers in the parentheses denote the total
numbers of studies that fall under different clusters in terms of research purpose.
This study reported student educational outcomes as background information.

Table 2

Number of Studies by Field of Study, Research Approach, and Research Design

Research Approach and Design

Field of Study
Quantitative Qualitative Mixed Methods Total

Education and/or Learning 15 RCT 7 CS 1 DR

Sciences 5 SS 1 ES 1 LRS
3 QS 3 EtS 1 TaR
1 DbS 1 CS
3 NS
1 PD

Computer and/or Information 7 QS

Sciences 6 RCT 2 QS 16
1 SS

Interdisciplinary Studies 6 QS 2 CS 2 QS
1 RCT 1 NS

Total 44 19 8 71
Note. RCT = Randomized Control Trials; SS = Survey Study; QS = Quasi-experimental Study; CS = Case Study; EtS
= Ethnographic Study; DbS = Design-based Study; NS = Not Specified; DS = Descriptive Research; LRS =
Longitudinal Randomized Study; PD = Participatory Design; TaR = Teacher-as-Researcher.

Table 3

Number of Studies and Primary Impact on Educational Outcomes

Group A Group B
A1 (n = 22) A2 (n = 18) A3 (n = 8) A4 (n = 2) B1 (n = 4)
Learning outcomes 17 (+); 5 (*) 9 (+); 6 (*) 5 (+) 1 (+)
Metacognition (self-regulation) 4 (+)
Attitude/Motivation/Engagement 10 (+); 1 (*) 9 (+) 6 (+) 1 (+)
PL experiences 2 (+) 3 (+) 2 (+)
Enrollment rate 1 (+); 1 (*)
Note. The symbol “+” denotes positive results. The symbol “*” denotes neutral results. Some studies
reported multiple results, all of which were coded.

Figure 1. Content Areas Addressed in Group A Studies Associated with Personalized Learning (PL) Implementation

Figure 1. Network diagram illustrating different technologies or strategies applied to facilitate PL implementation in different content areas in Group A
studies. EFL = English as Foreign Language; ELA = English Language Arts; ESL = English as Second Language
Note. This color figure is intended for color reproduction on the Web and in print.
Understanding the Implementation of Personalized Learning: A Research Synthesis


• The paper reviewed 71 studies on the implementation of personalized learning (PL).

• Many studies explored the role of technology in supporting PL implementation.

• Few studies examined the effectiveness of PL as a whole-school initiative.

• Issues around PL conceptualization and empirical evidence were discussed.

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