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Commissioned for the Festival to celebrate the Consecration of St. Michael's Cathedral, Coventry, May 1962 BENJAMIN BRITTEN WAR REQUIEM op. 66 “My subject is War, and the The Poetry is in the pity. ‘Ail a poet can do today Wilfred Owen Words from the Missa pro Defunctis and the poems of Wilfred Owen * “Vocal Score by Imogen Holst Boosey & Hawkes Music Publishers Limited London - Paris» Bonn » Johannesburg - Sydney » Toronto - New York In loving memory of Roger Burney, Piers Dunkerley, David Gill, Michael Halliday, ‘Sub-Lieutenant Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve Captain Royal Marines Ordinary Seaman Royal Navy Lieutenant Royal New Zealand Naval Volunteer Reserve I, REQUIEM AETERNAM Requiem aeternam dona eis Domine, et lux perpetua luceat eis. Te decet hymnus, Deus in Sion; reddetur votum in Jerusalem; cexaudi orationem meam, ad te omnis caro veniet. ccuonus ‘TENOR SOLO ‘What passing-bels for these who die as cattle? Only the monstrous anger of the guns. (Only the stuttering rifles’ rapid rattle Can patter out their hasty orisons. [No mockeries for them from prayers or bell, Nor any voice of mourning save the choirs, — ‘The shrill, demented choirs of wailing shells; ‘And bugles calling for them from sad shires. What candles may be held to speed them all? ‘Not in the hands of boys, but in their eyes Shall shine the holy glimmers of good-byes. ‘The pallor of girls’ brows shall be their pall; ‘Their flowers the tenderness of silent minds, ‘And each slow dusk a drawing-down of blinds. Kyrie eleison, Christe eleison, Kyrie eleison, Dies irae, dies ila, Solvet saeclum in favila, ‘Teste David cum Sibylla, ‘Quantus tremor est futurus, ‘Quando Judex est venturus, Cuneta stricte discussurus! SOPRANO SOLO AND CHORUS Liber scriptus proferetur, In quo totum continetur, Unde mundus judicetur. Judex ergo cum sedebit, Quidguid late, apparcbit: Nil inultur remanebit. TL. DIES IRAE ‘Tubs mirum spargens sonum Per sepulchra regionum Coget omnes ante thronum, ‘Mors stupebit et natura, ‘Cum resurget creatura, Judicanti responsura. ‘And bugles answered, sorrowful to hear. Voices of boys were by the riverside. Sleep mothered them; and left the twilight sad. ‘The shadow of the morrow weighed on men. Voices of old despondency resigned, Bowed by the shadow of the morrow, slept. Quid sum miser tune dicturas? Quem patronum rogaturus, Cum vix justus sit securus? Rex tremendae majestatis, (Qui savandos slvas gratis, ‘Salva me, fons pietatis. Honus Recordare Jesu pie, ‘Quod sum causa tuae viae: Ne me perdas illa die Quacrens me, sedistilassus: Redemist erucem passus: ‘Tantus labor non sit cassus. Ingemiseo, tamquam reus: Culpa rubet vultus meus: Supplicanti parce Deus. ‘TENOR AND BARITONE SOLOS ‘Out there, we've walked quite friendly up to Death; ‘Sat down and eaten with him, cool and bland,— Pardoned his spilling mess-tins in our hand. We've sniffed the green thick odour of his Breath, ‘Our eyes wept, but our courage didn’t writhe. He's spat at us with bullets and he's coughed ‘Shrapnel. We chorussed when he sang aloft; ‘We whistled while he shaved us with his seythe ‘Oh, Death was never enemy of ours! ‘We laughed at him, we leagued with him, old chum. 's paid to kick against his power ‘We laughed, knowing that better men would come, ‘And greater wars; when each proud fighter brags He wars on Death—for Life; not men—for flags. Qui Mariam absolvst, Et latronem exaudisti, Mihi quoque spem dedist Inter oves locum praesta, Et ab haedis me sequestra, Statuens in parte dextra Confutatis maledicts, Flammis acribus addictis, Voca me cum benedictis, Oro supplex et acclinis, Cor contritum quasi cin: Gere curam mei fins. ‘CHORUS AND SOPRANO SOLO Dies irae, dies illa, Solvet saeclum in favilla, ‘Teste David cum Sibylla BARITONE SOLO Be slowly lifted up, thou long black arm, Great gun towering toward Heaven, about to curse; Reach at that arrogance which needs thy harm, ‘And beat it down before its sins grow worse; ‘But when thy spell be cast complete and whole, May God curse thee, and cut thee from our soul! Quantus tremor est futurus, Quando Judes est venturus, Cuneta stricte discussurus! Lacrimosa dies ila, (Qua resurget ex favilla, Judicandus homo reus, Hui ergo parce Deus. ‘cHoRus “TENOR S010 Move him into the sun— Gently its touch awoke him once, ‘At home, whispering of fields unsown. ‘Always it woke him, even in France, Until this morning and this snow. Wanything might rouse him now ‘The kind old sun will know. ‘Think how it wakes the seeds — Woke, once, the clays of a cold star Are limbs, so dear-achieved, are sides, Full-nerved—stll warm—too hard to stir? Was it for this the clay grew tall? —O what made fatuous sunbeams toil To break earth's sleep at all? Pie Jesu Domine, dona eis requiem. Amen, IN, OFFERTORIUM povs’ com Domine Jesu Christe, Rex gloriae, libera animas omnium fidelium defunctorum de poenis inferni et de profondo lacu: libera eas de ore leonis, ne absorbeat eas tartarus, ne cadant in obscurum. ‘CHORUS ‘Sed signifer sanctus Michael repraesentet eas in lucem sanectam: quam olim Abrahae promisst, et semini ejus. BARITONE AND TENOR S0LOS ‘So Abram rose, and clave the wood, and went, ‘And took the fire with him, and a knife. ‘And as they sojourned both of them together, Isaac the first-born spake and said, My Father, Behold the preparations, fire and iron, But where the lamb for this burntoffering? ‘Then Abram bound the youth with belts and straps, ‘And builded parapets and trenches there, ‘And stretchéd forth the knife to slay his son, ‘When lo! an angel called him out of heaven, Saying, Lay not thy hand upon the lad, Neither do anything to him. Behold, ‘A.ram, caught in a thicket by its horns; Offer the Ram of Pride instead of him. But the old man would not so, but slew his son,— ‘And hal the seed of Europe, one by one. Hostias et preces tibi Domine laudis offerimus: ‘tw suscipe pro animabus ills, quarum hodie memoriam facimus: fac eas, Domine, de morte transire ad vitam. IV. SANCTUS SOPRANO S0L0 AND cHoWUS - ‘Sanctus, sanctus, sanctus Dominus Deus Sabaoth. Plea sunt coi et terra gloria tua, Hosanna in excelsis. Benedict qui venit in nomine Domini. Hosanna in excelsis. BARITONE S0L0 "After the blast of lightning from the East, ‘The flourish of loud clouds, the Chariot Throne; ‘After the drums of Time have rolled and erased, ‘And by the bronze west long retreat is blown, Shall ife renew these bodies? Of a truth ‘All death wil He annul, all tears assuage ?— Fill the void veins of Life again with youth, ‘And wash, with an immortal water, Age? ‘When I do ask white Age he sith not so: “"My head hangs weighed with snow.” ‘when I hearken to the Earth, she sith: “My flery heart shrinks, aching. Its death. Mine ancient scars shall not be slorfed, [Nor my titanic tars, the sea, be dried.” Y. AGNUS DET ‘TENOR s0Lo_ ‘One ever hangs where shelled roads part. In this war He too lost a limb, But His disciples hide apart; conus And now the Soldiers bear with Him. ‘Agnus Dei, qui tolis peceata mundi, dona eis requiem. ‘Near Golgotha strolls many a priest, ‘And in their faces there is pride ‘That they were flesh-marked by the Beast ‘cuonus ‘By whom the gentle Chris's denied. ‘Agnus Dei, qui tollis peocata mundi, dona eis requiem. ‘The scribes on all the people shove ‘And baw allegiance to the state, But they who love the greater love Honus Lay down their life; they do not hate ‘Agnus Dei, qui tolis peceata mundi, dona eis requiem sempiternam. Dona nobis pacem. (CHORUS AND SOPRANO SOLO Se Libera me, Domine, de morte aeterna, in die illatremends Quando coeli movendi sunt et terra: Dum veneris judicare saeculum per ignem. ‘Tremens factus sum ego, et timeo, dum discussio venerit, aque ventura ira. Quando coeli movendi sunt et terra. Dies illa, dis ira, calamitatis et miseriae, dies magna et amara valde, Libera me, Domine . ‘TENOR S010. Tt seemed that out of battle I escaped Down some profound dull tunnel, long since scooped ‘Through granites which titanic wars had groined. Yet also there encumbered sleepers groaned, ‘Too fast in thought or death to be bestired. ‘Then, as I probed them, one sprang up, and stared With piteous recognition in fixed eyes, distressful hands as if to bless. ind no guns thumped, or down the flues made moat i id, “here is no cause to mourn.” sanrTone 5010 “None,” suid the other, “save the undone years, The hopelessness. Whatever hope is yours, ‘Was my life also; I went hunting wild ‘After the wildest beauty in the world. For by my glee might many men have laughed, ‘And of my weeping something had been left, ‘Which must de now. I mean the truth untold, ‘The pty of war, the pity war distilled. Now men will go content with what we spoiled. r, discontent, bil bloody, and be spilled. ‘They willbe swift with swiftness of the tgres, ‘None will break ranks, though nations trek from progress. Miss we the march ofthis retreating world Tinto vain ctadels that are not walled. ‘Then, when much blood had clogged ther charot-wheels would go up and wash them from sweet wells, -Bven from wells we sunk too deep for war, Even the sweetest wells that ever were. Tam the enemy you killed, my fiend, [knew you in this dark; for so you frowned Yesterday through me as you jabbed and killed. T partied; but my hands were loath and cold.” “TENOR AND BARITONE SOLOS “Let us sleep now.” ‘0¥s' CHOU, CHORUS AND SOPRANO SOLO In paradisum deducant te Angeli: n tuo adventususcipiant te Martyres, et perdvcant tin civtatem sanctam Jerusalem. ‘Chorus Angelorum te suscipiat,et cum Lazaro quondam paupere aeternam habeas requiem, Requiem aeternam dona eis, Domine; et lux perpetua luceat eis. Requiescan in pace. Amen. ‘The poems of Wilfred Oven are reprinted by permission of Mr Harold Owen and Chatto & Windus Lid, ‘The frst performance of WAR REQUIEM was given in St Michael's Cathedral, Coventry, on 30th May, 1962. The soloists were Heather Harper, Peter Pears and Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau, with the Coventry Festival Chorus, City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra, Melos Ensemble, and the boys of Holy Trinity, Leamington and Holy Trinity, Stratford. The chorus and full orchestra were conducted by ‘Meredith Davies and the chamber orchestra by ihe composer. VOICES Soprano, Tenor and Baritone Solos Mixed Chorus Boys’ Choir ORCHESTRA 3 Flutes ‘Timpani (FLU doubling Piccolo) Percussion (4 players) 2 Oboes 2Side Drama English Horn es) 3 Clarinets , ‘Tambourine (CL doubling C2 in Bb and Bass CL) ‘Triangle 2 Bassoons mba Double bassoon Whip. 6 Horns in F Hine Blocks 4 Trumpets in C oF and 3 Trombones Yipee, Tuba leche ae aise Stan cant Organ (6c Harmonium®) CHAMBER ORCHESTRA Flute (doubling Pel), Oboe (doubling English Hor), lant (in Bp and A), Bassoon, Horn in F, Percussion (Timpani, Side Drum, Bass Drum, Cymbal, Gong), Harp, two Violins, Viols, ‘Violoncello, Double Bass. Duration : 85 minutes *Note: The Boys’ Choir is accompanied throughout by an organ, and it may be found advisable to use an harmonton cr portale organ ots purpose snc thesound seule dant A grand gan (eA 8) ‘Plays withthe orchestra inthe last movement only. WAR REQUIEM Test from than pro fants the poems of Wired Owe Dentsche Ubertragung BENJAMIN BRITTEN 90m Dictrich Fischer -Diethaw Op.66 snd tadeig Lenders? «1, REQUIEM AETERNAM Slow and solemn 4. 42-46 (Lento e sotenne) PP =——— —————e sornaxos i 2 revors 8 asses Slow and solemn 4-42-46 Cento solenne) rou, onciastRA : Bs é g na oa All rights reserved B&H, 18040 Printed in Ragland © 1962 by Boosey & Hawkes Music Publishers Lta. German Translation © 1968 by Boosey & Hawke ‘CHORUS Re-qui-em, Re-qui-em ae-ter-nam, Re-qui-em ae - ternam, vo Ore. Full Orch, [Re-quiem ar-ter-nam do-na. ¢- 18, —<— g Regulen antrum o-at 8 >= Re-quiem | e-19, Requiem se-teramdo-na @- ts, Pal Orch! do-na e+ is Do-mi- ne, Fall Orch! CHORUS > Fall Orens Ful Oreh’ ‘always Frese, S marked et tux per pe-te-a Smack per-pe-ta-a S markes et tex per cHoRus Re-qui-em ae-ter - nam ‘ORGAN (or HARMONIUM) Pott dren Quick crotchets J; 192 (Allegro) Sf amooth YS, ors, Te do- cet hy-mnus, u One. 1h sustained Full Oren, Te de-cet hy-mnus, ore. Fall Orehs os red-de - tur | vo-tum, vo-tum Ore. aul Orch’ Boys Org. Org. q Oren’ 6] afin, =—> ad te o-mnis Boys! One. Full Oren dying away dim. to nothing fF 4, cman cate went -| a ‘sothioe ad te 2p dim. low (as before) Lento come sopra) ‘SOPRANOS BP: Re-qul-em, ALTOS _pp—— 2 |Lig exons Slow (as before) Lento come sopray ra ore rut orn) TS eS SS SS ui 2 Re-qui-em ae ter- mam Fall Orch’ Fall Oren’ 12 Fal Orch: Fall Orch. a P = = ft ux por. penta 2— = ot tax por- peta a 2, =— ot ux pers poctuca 2———_ >— et lux per- po-tu-a —_B — , — Ex > —= "oT As fd fh Fall Oren Fall Oren! D] Very quick and agitated d. 58 (Allegro molto ed agitato) ——ppxop sono crese. What Was Very quick and agitated d-8s (Allegro molto ed agitato) Tue, CHANDER ORCHESTRA a py Sie “4 with force (kraftooll) i — ten, solo for these who fiir die “ver ~ cham, ‘Orch. fe aa smooth (gebunden) Solo ‘On- ly the mon. = Nur dev Ge-schit ‘SS. ae Orch. te Segre’ Cham, # q q Si “oil Hl HII Solo ae die pe Cham, Oreh. solo On-ly the stit-tring ri - flee’ ra - pid ratile mann Mer dir Gectch-re ha stig ra sehen Bhutto, sloscten ate a ps. Sieh F Tr? F solo has-ty Miich-tig Cham, ‘Orch. t solo ‘mock-or- ies or Ua-cher-tich Ge-pmy ~ erese, =f Fhiss. Orch. i _adlib, = af f— pro . Solo Nor a- ay voice of Auch hei-ne Kia ge ch peed Chan, Orch wining = 2 TTF TTT —= S#s >= > eresc. < = soio mourn - ing save the chotra,— ‘The shrill, de-men - tedchoire of i tie” den nur der Chor” Der "aus Schrapinell »ge-hret = sch a be Orch, Biarked oresc. 168 = tend schreit; — "marked pie —= _-_——_ B 5 sia : Ing abellas vie Distiebes cum, apres, | ork Tas es Te PP . sao call - nal— ing for ‘And reif-her Und bu Horn - sig. shires. ‘Okr. PP from them raft r solo in flee maybe, held to ch - tet thr mit, Ker sem hoe => nf cresc. _ Cham, Grek = nf Cres. — (d-4) [18] always animated fi (sempre animato) : solo them speed a express THI pont) Pitan ast 7 ———T_ solo Not in the hands of boys, In kei-ner jun-gen Hand, nif express. => a cham, (WE pout) Oren. ———— solo but in thei Shall shine_ the ho- ly th rem Wird — schei-nen Ab-schieds- Cn | ¥ Oreh. 1. solo lim - mers bye: = glans “eu witch. Ha(VLpize) Cham, ‘dim. Orch. > 8d in Pdim. Solo pal-lor of girls’ brows shail be their pall Bakr-tuch erden Miid - chen-stir-nen. sein, Fi. (Vipize) 4 mp > pain. slowly relaxing {poco a foro rilassando) Solo flowersthe _ ten-der-ness_ of sent minds, Blu ~ men strauss die Zart-heit ler “Rub Cham, piexpress. Orek = pain. a5] 1 solo ‘And each slow Und == Dims mer Harp, Str Chas Orch, express. Ps 35 33 mre, Tet Tet et Db. pits dusk a = ung sieht [16] Very slow (molto lento) SOPRANOS PR Pppeustained Ry rh Ppp sustained (ane Ry TENOR __ PPP sustained CHORUS (seated) By + ti Ppp sustained Nery slow, Ky - 16) (motto lento) HBL oktierea mn Bells Be LE aA Pau, Orch 19 20 2. DIES IRAE oncH. Am A? . 2 WA? rut = |pp marked —| pp _—————__ | Oren. a a aA Tent Lor) (ded) 27 or PP tant we. 2 me (with Ped) ila, cHORUS 21 Te-ste Da-vid com Si - —— Fall Oren cHORUS Fall Orch: Fall, Orch’ CHORUS Quan = tes tre-mor 23 ——— 1, ded a ‘Cuneta atricete dis-cus - [su-rast cHoRus Cuneta stri-cte dis-cus - su-rusl ral Orch: tie] 7 T27eT € rel ‘fel 7 fe sia we f 24 cuoRUs Fall ‘CHORUS Pall Oren cHoRUs Poll Orch’ cHoRuS 3 Fall Oreb, Full Orch, 25 hone, i—_ Co-get o-mues an- te [22 Teslmated) i 1 Has. (wutad) "2 — —= mp 26 Fall Oren’ Full Ore tw pee F PP Fall Orch ‘atu - pe-bit 27 + sar-get chorus Fall orn’ Jo-di-can-ti ro-spoa fau-ra. Judie cHous Ju-divcancth re-spon -ou-ray Pall ore. BED (Spaz with voleo) ae Quietly (a little slower, without strictness Tranquillo (poco piielento, senza rigore) [24 Pl 3 Gt A z cuawnan oxcuestea 22 BARITONE soLo Pp duielly (ruhig) Bugles sang, — Horner - sang cr bE Ore. (quietly as before) Solo ning the eve - ning air, durch die A - _bend- inft, — bees bby Orehs 2p Solo And bo -- gles ans- werd, Von wei ~ tem Ant - wort, Oren ‘pplively cn cham, Orch: Bar. Sele cham, Orch: cham Oreh. Bar, Seto Ore sful to hear, = voll im Ohy. by the Stim - men, on, Livel PPlively ——— Bugles sang,— Bugies sang. Hor-ner- sang, Hor-ner - sane. ?——— jun pep ee 30 Bar. Soto cham, Orch. [26] P 2p 7 The sha - dow ham, Der Schat - ten — — PAD SS Cham, Orch. Stet schwer. Bas, Solo Bugles sang Hor ner - sang Cham an 22} Bae, Selo Voi - cos_— Stim = mung ta P oF65. cham, om an M pprese t= dim. — —= ee ‘old des-pon-den-cy___ re-signed, re-signed, fal - ten Zeei-fel- ewok? gab wach,’ gab. nach, bal Z 2 b, Bar, Solo sha-dow, sha-dow of Schat-ten, Schai-ten die - ¢ Orch, 32 Slow and majestic J+ soprano sovo [EB] ‘Mewo« massoro) Li-ber scrip - tus FULL ORCHESTRA aA WW. Chan, Orch. ,=— PP Hon. (ented) ter, Un-de mun - Ful Orehs bit,Quidquid la - tet; Ia > Fal ‘oreh) t = zo tp D 7 Scio 33 Solo re- ma-ne- bit, Fatt Oren’ eee ; wr liT nt BO —— 8 g mi-ser tuo di -| ota ras? § Pp bn : Quid sum mi-ser tune at - | ote ran? = Fall Oren 8 Quem pa-tro-num | ro~ga- tu-rus? 5 2p ZA 2 6 3 at ‘Quem pa- tro-nam Fall Orch! 34 ‘SEMI-CHORUS SEMI-CHORUS Orch + tro- mum, SOPRANO SOLO, Rex tre-men - fo Wetted) WHF Cum viz Jo at dae ma-je-sta, Le t cum vis ju-atas 2p. ‘Cum viz ju at com vir ja-stes ait Pp tis, Qui sal-van - dos eal - vas gra - PP. = eS eS 35 Solo Salva me,fous pi - © > Sal-va me, fons pi SEMI-cHoRUS a va me, fons =— (aleoays pp) s. solo 8 Ba g g 2 PP ze Sal va me, foo ph Pat Orch 36 [32 always marked) ——_ 8. = tis, Qui eal-van > ‘SEMI-cHORUS 2 Fall Orch a7 nf >> Pp >> — mn Solo > ‘seMi-cHoRUS 3 = ati, Ppp Fall Grek Fast and gay d.-132 [BB] Aliegro e giacosor ao cyaniben dich. wine : f Sireayl ff ranor soto Sy 3——~ = Out weve walk quite friend - ly In wing “man reckt freund ~ lich BARITONE soto >, A Out Cham, ‘Orehs 38 Solo up to Death; Hn sum Tod, > $$ —_ ————— Selo ‘Sat down and fea-tenwith him, cool nie = der, ass_-mit thm ganz hitht ak ham, 3reh. Solo Par-doned his spil- ling mess-tins in our hand. Schalt nicht, schwappt er das Koch - ge - sohirr aus undrer Han: Siz. > cham, Oren: sniffd_____the green thick 0 -dour of his Schnif fel - "ten sein At-men,dick wie Kot, mY Tes oe 39 aa zo 2 Stio = wept, — but our courage did-rt writhe, our courage did- st writhe Toll “a ber muctig. Biie-ben win, a= ber “muctig: ble tf ze Bar solo bbut our courage did-sit writhe, our courage did-at “a ber muctig blie-Uen "ein, cra one (55) (dod), + : stio Hes spat at us with —bul-lets, Shrapnel, sbrapnel. Er ajuk. te anf ‘ws Ku-geln, ‘Splitter! Split-ter: > > > > > > bar Si bullets and he's coughed «--Shrapsel, shrapnel. Ricgeln, und er hu stent [BB] Splif-ten) Spit-ter. —_ cram, Orch: ff po ° ° Timp. Strs, piss, ———— — . Seio chor - ussed eri = “ten, » Soto chor - used erik". “tem, has EL Cemcothy Orch" 40 —— 1. sie shaved Bar, Solo tled while cham, ‘Orch: 1. soi Bar, Soto cham, Oren’ 1 Solo Bar. Selo (86) 41 ded ft > 1. solo We laughed at him, Wir“ lach - ten sein, fez Bar. Solo ‘We leagued with him, Ver-bin ~ det thm, (ded cham, Oren’ 1. Solo a0l-diers paid fo kick —_a-gainst ~ rad. Kein Séld- ner wird — be-sakit, der nicht sein — a? > Bat, Sols No sol-diers paid to kick a-gainst Sald- ner be-zahlt, der nicht cham, Orem t. Solo Taughed, tach = Bar Sole powers.— We laughed, Prema fp Wir tach ~ —_ eo. 42 1 Solo. Bar. Solo laughed, lack cham, Oren: solo men would Bess! - “ve Bar Solo cham, Ore, Solo Bar. Solo. B know-ing that bet - ter wuss fen, dass er Ps ‘know-ing that bet - ter, ruse = fen, dass, g Pee Fh, grea - ter orn Krieg) ESrosPrsr 43 =—— PP _: ; =, é it =: iste toma when each proud fight- er brags Hewarson Death— ler Strei Pier’ praktt damm gletehy ‘Ichselag den Tod — Pre: sic Pt : SEs ded cham, ‘Oren. solo Bar. Solo cham, Orch, Solo Bar, Solo Cham, ‘Orch, 44 (89] stow (Lento) Bar. Solo FULL ORCHESTRA Tes Cham, Oreh. Pall Orch, Fall Oreh. [40] With movement 4-66 (Con moto) ALTos 1 ALTos 11 =P CHORUS Records = re ppexpress. and smooth Fait Oren. alecays pp aM g Say Ne me per = das, meme per - das Records - express. Fell Orch —=_— At 2 cracem pas Tantus Ia - ton t g 2 8 ‘at Fell Orch SOPRANOS I SOPRANOS IT z seo, tamguamre~ 8 g Pat aa ne meper - das — Fell Orch, 46 sr ——} sit g 4 sup-pli-| g g ——=— 8 al Teotue a - bon, =| aa Quod som oa Pa Orch G3] st sm : g 8 AL an = das, nome per express. ch nr a ZF 47 st sit — g seco, tamquam re bet vul-tus me - 2 @ § 2 5 AL se. divati as - eru-cem pas - an] Pall Oreh: st Mi-bi quo - que spem de |- mi spem de — sn 8 Sup-pli-can - & 2 5 AL sus: Tantus le bor non sit css > Aan Fall Orehs 48 si Mi-ni avo aim. st 2 Sup- pli g 8 dim. at an Pall Oren su cHoRUs Ar —=, an jo-cum prac - sta, Fall Orch’ sr cHoRUs Ar sme se.que - ttra, =. Fall Orch: oresc. st sn ‘cHORUS AL an Fall Oren prac - ata, rae. sta, pre - ata, we Xt prac sata, 49 50 sr si Ar CHORUS an Fall Orch: BI cHoRUS But Pall Oren: Ppp Ht ab hae BASSES I BASSES II —= Con. fa - te —=_= Con- fa - ta~tie uick Ja1s2 (Allegro) P heavy Confa-ta-tis ma-le-di-ctis, uick 4.182 => ma- lo - dl-cti, iy orese. —— a -eti- bus ad- di- otis, —= a serl- bus ad di tis, 51 Br ohm be-ne - [di cHoRus Batt cum be- ae = di- otis, Full Oreh, BI = cHorus Bn ta. tis ma-le- di-ctis, Con fu-ta- tis Fall Oreh. [a6] = TENORS 1 Ppeceping ___ | ——__ cHORUS BI Bn Pull Orch) > > BS Sirs 62 tu cHORUS 1 Full Orch’ cag cHoRUs TL Full Orch’ 7 cHoRUS cay Pull Orch; din, —= Ss ——— ‘CHORUS ta-tis ma- ie cHoRUs Con- fa ta-tis ma- le Gon-fu-ta- tie ma-le-di- tis, Con-fu- ta- tis ma-le- di- tis, 54 1 ™ cHoRus BI Flam-mis a cri-bes ad- di-ctia, di-etis, Bam ral Orch’ TH cay cHoRUs BI Flam- mis a- eri-bus ad~ di- tis, —= Bn Flam-mis a cri-bus ad Fall Orens 55. 48} Bp crese, molto 1 ow peresc. molto nu cHorus — BI cum de-ne- di- otis, ———— Bul cum be- ne - di- etis, rut Oren: T 1 cHorus BI t—— Bn Con-fa-ta-tis male di-ctis, Fall Oren 66 1 om Horus p.m Con-fu-th-tis ma le- di ctisy > tet te F Very broad (IIIT) = ITTId ot precesing) [49] (Molto targamente) BARITONE soLo J’ 2%d sustained (gehalten) —<— Be - ly Heb) 2 sem Very broad (JIT) = ITT A ot preceaing) (Molto largamente) cHasmER oR¢H, 3 ——=—__> ——— ~ ww P 87 ala bao — lifted up, sur dich thou long black arm, Groat du schway ~ 2er arm, ‘Ka Quick (allegro) cram. Sam < a PST TST ST Come iat pe fe Ee wf ae A bar as n tow - er-ingtward Heaven, a - bout to curse; fo = key tmdas Alt, Bev reit— tum luck ick itso fh cman, ont af-ro-gance which needs thy ber inut al thm Cham, ‘Orch os ce Oe 68 Bar. Sole ‘down be-fore its sins grow worse. nie - der, sei ne Sina’ “ow cham, ret Bar, Sole when thy spell be cast ‘com: plete Dock wenn _dein_Werk _ge-tan und ganz vor cham Oren, Bar, Sole whole, May God curse thee, and cut thee - “bet, Treff’ dick— — Gott's Fluck und mack’ uns Quick Te. . oresc. lego) mf pe = = > cham, Oren. seal Quick as before CAulegro come sopra) d=180 at fis. Ff FULL oxeH, FI cHoRUS Pall Oren’ sais. Da-vid cum Si -| Byl- le. Da-vid cum Si -| byt Ie. vet sae-clum in fa vil-ta, Pal Orch’ cHoRUs Pall sens 61 0 s. Te-wte David cum st -| Oyl- tu, c—— a a Tes ale Das via, Teste David cam St =| Opt 5 . te Deceid cum 8! | tpt te 8, Da- vid cum Si- byl ta, 58] litte bylitle ral. - - p(poco a poco rall.) —= s. Quen tie tremor P A 2 gun. tee g 8 P . B. = byt -Ia. little by little rall. - [5B pecs @ pee ral) ru Srchd| pe aim. 62 Fett Oren. Very slow J: 56 [4] (molto tento) ‘SOPRANO SOLO Pp 2 g g & t B le = ent ee ‘Brass muted Very slow J=56 =— (molto lento) nPP sweetly Pall Orch, Stine Fel PT =) solo ‘HORUS Fall Oren, a pp cresc. —= Solo La - cri- mo Qua Fall Orch, 64 Solo cHoRus Sole 8. cHoRUS 3 Fall Solo cHorus Fall Orch.’ Fall 66 EB] Recit. d= spe d or ret a 8. Solo TENOR SOLO gyp whispered (geflistert) ——= Move him, movehim in-to the sun— Legt ihm, Legh thy ins Son-nen-licht =—— : s. — A cHoRUs Recit, (d appror.d of pr CHAMBER ORCHESTRA SW, ret Orch t sao Geatly, gently itstoucha-wbhohinonce, Athomo, at home, whlsprig of fielde tn-town, Garth, eviile cect trShahl meal, Zechane, hans; Jil sendooseschom Feld onan, Orch lim. (ralh.) 2 HA 1. seie = fwokehim, wokehim, tren Frame, Ua-tl this mon hn tnsmer| “ims mer, slic en der Pron) Des ham Hentworg0k a a cram) Orch, 67 —_-_ — reso, = af fe > Pr z solo If a-ny-thing might rouse him, route him now The kind old sun_ will know. Ob ct-aas ihn’ noch weh- hen, ‘wek-Ken mag? Wohl nur die Sonne ver-steht. a cham Orch in tempo (as before) By] (4 tempo, come sopra) SOPRANO SOLO — SS 1, sole s. A 2 2 8 la + ork in tempo (as before) [52] (atempo, come sopra) LL ORCHESTRA 2p 68 dim. Recit. s. Selo 7 rm) a0rese: =A ‘Think, think how it wakes the seeds,— Denk’, denk, nic sie Sa - men xeckt, a 8 a : 8 8 t D Recit. CHAMBER ORCHESTRA a 1 Scio ce, the clays of a cold, cold star Weckt”” cinst' don Lehm nes hal-ten,Ra-ten Sterns a ona Be 4 little crese, erese,. — i f aa . Selo are sides, Full-nerved too hard to stir? die Gligzier Voll Nero noch warm— stehn nicht mehr anf? Cham, om ——$—F 69 in tempo (as before) B Be emp, come sopra a pores oTanie apo Pp a Qua solo Was it for ‘this the clay grow tll? ———__ War das der Sinn, dass Lem ward Form? 5, erase ‘Qua ppp crese. Qua Ppp orese Que ue ™ in tempo (as before) la tempo, come sopra) 2p FULL ORCHESTRA E.Hs, Cham, Oreh, 0 Werese. Solo sole Was it for this, for th War das der Si > Z 2 3 . a CHAMBER ORCHESTRA Fall Orch, 70 Solo Solo Cham, Oreh, Solo CHORUS > 3 Fall Oren, B A i the clay grew tall? dass Lehn tard Form a in tempo (as before) (a tempo, come sopra) Je eee Pperese Je 8 Je Je a in, tempo (as before) (a'tempo, come sopra) FULL ORCHESTRA ap BP cresc. Recit, CHAMBER ORCHESTRA a (poresc, Solo fa - tuous sun-beamstoil To break earths sleep — Ws "des Son men-licht Die Ey de— wek- hen? FULL oRGH. Cham, Oreh, Very slow (60) (molto texto) “pp sustuined Pi BP ‘eustaine Pree Very slow (molto Lento) Full Oreh. cHoRus Fall Orch, 2 3. OFFERTORIUM Broadly d=s4 argamente) f, » 1 Roys (distant) 0 (itn att) omca fi 6 focmniam fi'- de-li-um de-fon- cto-ram de poe-als in - fer-ni, et de pro-fundo Org. 73 1 t Do-mi-ne Jer su Chri ate, Boys " ove: lo-ti-ae,— Boys 1 Ore. Boys Tartarus, ne cadant in ob - s0u- ru ore: "4 Boys " ne ca-dant in ob = nou- rum: ws Je-su Chri-ste: Boys Lively deus Animato) (3) voit orcnnste, Kae [ww ant ore. Smarked = ee attacca * an” * 75 SOPRANOS pet, ——_ & ‘TENORS g NOES, ae ricer Pet orks — |: prec - ten- tet A 2 = 2 pra - sen tet 2 8 t pra - sen- tet — B prae = sen tet Fall Orch: 78 Al cHoRus Orch’ cHoRUs Orch al 8 zg + bra | hae pro-mi- si - sti, et 2 & . a B Quam o-lim A - tra - Fall Oren’ tf Qum o-lim A - cHoRus Full Orch 8 St Quim o-lim A - bra-fhae pro-mi-al - sti al 8 2 g 8 1 B + brachae promi - at so-mi-al St Felt | a art nm yl- tv ~ r St Quam o-tim A - bra -|hae, al a Quam o-tim A - bra -| he, g & St 1 8 att orks St Quam o-lim A- bra |. hae pro-mi- si - sti, et Fall Orch, 80 =| hae pro-mi- si = Patt Oren. short Fall Gren\ 81 Fall Orch: t fp erase ee Full Oren 82 Fat Oren, cHoRus Fall Orch, ‘short Sf jum o- Hm A - bra-fhae pro-mi - si f > Quam o-lim A = bra hae pro- a Quimo-tim A + bree tf 7 Quam o- tim Dra-ae pro-mi -/si St Quam o-lim A - bra-hae pro-mi- a = > > (im with voiced) ze 83 8 Quen o sila A ten-fe pro-mi - 6 fume -tla A a g ce pro-aial = [ath g 3 5 » n » Quam om > 2 rat Orch Quam o-tim A - bra -/hae, cHoRus Quimo-tim [A - bra- hae, a4 Fall cHoRus Full Orch, ff Quam 0 - fim a ‘hae pro-am Le Quam o- tim hae pro- Lf ‘hae pro-mi-al 85 rather deliberate [69] (detsberumente) 1p pSHANIBER ORCHESTRA cl af Fall str, Orch, {~_———— ————— nf BARITONE SOLO mf So A-bramrose, and Ab-vam stund auf und cham, Orch: Bar Solo. clavethe wood, and went, And took the fire with him, spal-tet? Hole und ging’ Und nahmdas. Feuer. ‘mit sick — Cham, Oreh, Bar. Sole ‘And as they Und als ste Cham Orch. 86 TENOR SOLO af Bat Solo so-journed both of them. to - ge-ther, bei de Rast __mit-sam~ men mack-ten, Cham, Orch. Solo spake and ssid, My Fa - ther, wee Ne spracks Ben Ya > ten, a oe Quietly \(Tranguilio) a 71) smoother Orch. 2 =e ————— ad tid, ad ti, —ap 7. Solo ‘and iron, But wheretho lamb for thisburntof. fer-iog? tnd Stahl, Wo tut das Lamm fir die-sen Op-fer-brand? Cuan, Orch. PPP [e) fT tel te 87 Slow and regular J:63 [22 (Lento e misurato) BARITONE SOLO cresc, “Then A-bram bound the Daband thn A ~ bra - Hts. a z has, Orch BD. site Db : : PS 7 ~ —" > Bas Soto witholta and raps mit Gurt und Strick, serpy. bale. — cham oreh, Bp cxesc. > — Bes Solo ‘And build-ed pa. ra-pete th Und ban-te Unster-ttind? a, Od bate Oe one, Orch. PP PF > $ —- MS crese. 73] Quick (as before) J:ss (Allegro, come sopra) Bas Solo cham, Orch. ae ‘poresc. Solo, Orch, Bar. Solo On, Bes, sete oun, Oren bo os Stow recitative ad i Palms recttie) RGR BCE intempoiatemy) sella it) called NmeatOt hoya, Saying ot tn ender Hak” Geli Bu. sate called himoutof Feavn, Say og, fs tim ane der Hon" Und speck: wat cham, P tary ¢ Ste an) 7 Oreh. simile — a 2 Solo = Laynot thyhand up-on the lad, Nei-ther do a-ny.thing to. him. = Leginichtdie Hand an dei-nenSokn, Noch tu? das Lei-se-ste ihm an. a Bar Soto Lay not thyhand up-on thelad, Nei-ther do a-ny-thing to him, eg'niclt die Hand an dei-nen Sokn, Noch tu’ das Lei-se- ste thm an cham, Orch. —=>>-~ t Sole Be-hdld, A ram, caught in a thick-Gt by ite horasi— Schau dort im Strauch fing sich ein Wid-der mit dem Horn; — Lag ae el thick-et by its horns; Widder mit dem Horn; — hold, Aram, Schau, dort! im Strauch caught ia fing— sich ein cham. Oreh, wm a 75] As before id: 96 - Come sopra i (Of- fer the Ram of Pride in-stead of him = Opf’-re des Stol-s0s Wid-der, nicht den Sohn. ST oF Ram of Pride in-stead of him. Stol-20s Widder, nicht den Cham, Oreh, 80 we ae 7G] heavily (3 Jd) esante (pesante) BARITONE SOLO But_ the A-ber der cham, Orch, af Grex, 4 Shay Bar, Sole old man would not, 20, ‘AL ~ te—wollt' nicht 0, ww. f Cham, Orch o1 Marchlike (slower than main tempo, d.« 60) (77) stan laa (Alla marcia) a IRGAN (or Harmonia) always in tempo (no exact connection with boys’ tempo) Gympre a tempo) —= <— aA ‘And half the seed of Eur-ope,— one by one, — tnd hal Eu-v0~ pas Sa men,— Mann am = half thesced of Eur-ope— one by halb Eu-ro- pas Sa- men, Mann um cham. a Fy rings win vies Boys Tat Org. of Soi half theseed of Eur - ope, by— halb Eu-yo - pas Sa - m Bar a Solo half the seed of Eur - ope, by halb Euro - pas Sa - men,—Mann um Cham. Oren, “1 rehoarsed with piano, this + Repeat this should be played at follows: join Soloists and Cha a ad Lb, watt eatzy of ‘Orchestra is heard 92 Boys Tat bl Dos al. ne fm = din of = fei Ore. t Sole Bar. Solo cham, ‘Oren Boys Tat nf half_the seed of Eur - ope, halb_ Eu - v0 ~ pa Sa - men, — half the seed of Eur - ope, halb Enero ~ pe Sa\- men > Cha ‘Orch. e Boys ral or. solo Bar. Selo cham, (Oren: P Boys 1am face - as, Do-mi-ne, de Ore. half the seed of Eur - ope, halb Eu - "ro ~ pas Sa~ mony of = Bes, Seto half the seed of Bur - op hab Eu-r0- pds Sa- mens Cham, ‘Ore’ 4 Boys rat mor te tamed Ore. 7 solo Solo Boys ren silo chan, ‘Oren 95 Boys rant one. dying away solo Bar. solo FULL ORCHESTRA ora Pes pep mf meprocaical © ale at Quam o-tim A. bra | hee pro-mi-ai - sti— et seomicni e+ cHoRus Fall Oreh PP Quam o-tim A - bra- hae pro-mi-al - 4 3 One stm A tee poe 2 g » 5 5 ey ——— = — ra Quam o-tim | A - bra-hae pro- mi - Fall 2p Quam o- lim A - bra- 2P Quam o-lim A - bra - 2p. Fa Orch, Fall Orehs cHoRus Patt Orch’ 100 Quam o-fim A= bra | hae pro-mi Quam o-lim A - bra- branes pro-mi-[ei - Quam o-tim | A = bra-tae pro- mi - cHoRUs Fall Orch 101 5 > im, a Fal Oreh: Qum o-tim | A - juam o-tim A = bra - | hao, Fall Oren Full Orehs 103 4. SANCTUS Freely (Liberamente) SOPRANO S910 ta tom San - ctus, PULL ORCH. (hee trem. with gradual accel.) (accel sim.) (d=109) S>riddiant solo Fatt Orch’ (ith Pedal 3a ——— ull Ores 104 (das before) A (o come spre) f * solo -micnus De us rat Ore. (east) s solo rat Oren ‘omit gradual ral) ‘attacca Slow (d- about 40) Lento) s. - ol gr. & Bu ‘BP 1 ». Plonl sunt caait tetra gloria tant Pleat euat cal t ter 0 Ploni sant eaell ot terra gloria tua, oan ot terra gloria tea [85] Slow (d= avoxt 40) Cento) tren a “PP slow cress. Orch. ‘Str WW. * chanting freely 1 g & 2P 1 *Pleni sunt aeli et terra gloria tua, es Pp w 1 Bi PP 1 Pleni sunt cali et terra gloria Fall Orch, © chanting freely Peni aunt cacti et P 105 * Pieni eunt cael etter. P lent sunt cael t ter tua 2 108 1 sot cael et terra gloria tua, x * Pleni sunt caeli et terra gloria tua,% & 0 2 Pleat sunt cael et terra glo 3 2 8 P 1 Penk sunt cael et terra gloria tua, x n P 0 ‘lent sunt casll ot terra gloria tea, 1 ~ ra gloria toa, ‘nell ot terra gloria tua, B n Pleat sont eae ot terra gloria tue, x.. rut Ore * chanting freely af Pleni aunt oaell ot of Pleat sunt oseli ot 107 wt cael et terra gloria tua, % lest sunt cael et terra gloria tua, x Serese. Pleai aunt eaell et terra gloria tua, %. Sores, ‘sunt caeli et terra gloria tua, Pleni sant caeli et [terra gloria toa, of Serene, ‘terra gloria tua, Pleni sunt caell et terra gloria tua, x terra gloria tua, Pleni sunt casti et [terra gloria tua, ferese. Pleni sunt eaeli ot terra gloria tas, x — nt cael ot Peni aunt oaeli ot terra glor Plent sunt caelt ot terra gloria tua, ————— terra. gloria tu ‘sunt cneli ot terra gloria tua, x. Plent sunt caeli ot terra] gloria tua, ‘Pleni aunt caell et terra gloria tea. i en terra gloria tua, lent sunt cael ot terra gloria tua. % — —— > tained ‘(aivin a. he, sustained] (ix ina) S—| Brilliant J-69 Fe thay meee Brillante | —— t (ao an) s 109 cote, — free att a — cHoRus > 3 Orek 10 g 3 3 Fall eel ale, t= Full ret. it [88] Dt LS] FS (aiv.ta PY (av. ia aS, ‘cHORUS Pall Oreh. 112 (aiv, ia}3) af ——= A i § 8 FS B Fatt Orch avery auietly (molto tranguilo) iin) oe 8. ———— (aiy. ina) 2p. 8 = 8 Ho | 7 g mB, t fo | =——— |» B = _etus, Wery quietly BD oll tranqitto) rat On, 13 SOPRANO SOL — — cHORUS ru Orch. Soio cHoRUs Full Orch. 14 cuoRus Fat Orch, cHoRus Ful Oren, Bede H. 18940 cuoRus Poll Orch, Solo 15 (91) mi-ni, Dezpres Be-ne-/ai - clus pexpren | Be-ne -[di - ote pezpress. | Be- ae -[di - otus pexpres.| —— Be- ne - ai 116 CHORUS o- mi in nova = we, Fall Oren. - pococresc, = express, Solo ; : i. : ; i ret Orch, cHoRus Pott Orch. Solo Fatt Oren, ns cHORUS Fall Oren cHoRUs [Da]Brilliant (as before) "Brillante (come sopra) => ( 9) Brilliant (as before) Brillante (come sopra) 1, — f 7 s (as If ghise) 0 —— SE tivina) ‘CHORUS Fall Orch. 120 ow tre Ho - san - agin ex - cel-sis, [BE] Very slow (dh-d of preceding) (Molto Tento) iy. Fall ‘7 cuauper oncHEsTRA Orch. iy. str, PP BARITONE SOLO pp (held back) (auriickhaltend) Als the the blast Cilightning fromthe East, 15 Nach for-ner Bit - sa suhehen der Ge ~ oait, TAHOE cham, : Orch express. PP Gait 2p > Bar. Solo ‘The flourish of loud clouds, the Cha-riot Throne; Dem Donner in Wol-ken,— dem Kriegs-ge- tin, Cham. Orch. od Bar. Sole Af. ter the drums of Time. have rolled Nach dem der Zei- ten Trom mel - Schlag Ppp. P ————— ha Orch. Bar. Solo and ceased, ‘And by the bronze west. oer hautt, Ritok- augs-sig-na- le cham. 2D gliss' Orch pp) Grits) é f (Rei 5 = we HES cram.d] pp P rife Orch (white) [Ga] Agitated and pressing forward (Agitato e stringendo) ——— 88 Bar. Sele Shall life Wird Le ——_—_—— —= orese. these bo - dies?___ Of a truth All death To - te wek- ken? Wird denn dann durch THN ee Cham. Orch. Bar. Solo will He an - aul, Tod wich? mehr sein, cham. Orch Bar. Solo veins of a - gain with youth, er Jugend an— Cham, Orch, Bar Selo an im - mor- tal AL ~ ter” fort und 123 [95] broadly LD (largamente) Bar. Selo ‘Cham, _—==— Oreh. express. Sy pe. BE Selo When 1 go ask wlte Age. ee dis ick das “AL-ter fous, — nickt eke, Fly ‘PEP jg —~ L "a Cham. Orch pp freely (ad lib.) (ded) (ded) Bar. Solo “My head hangs weighed with snow! “Vor Schnee mein Kopf hing? schwer? — Q a yt wes chs SB : Oreh. 4 == Ber. Bolo en to the Earth, = te in die Bra” express. Cham. Orch. 124 (96) Quietly f, —_ Pranguite), Bar Solo she “My fie-ry heart shrinks, ach-ing— Tt is sprach “Mein Fewer - hers bricht schmer-zend, tebt_s0 cham, Orch. Bar. Solo Mine an-cient scars shall not be glo- ri- fied,__. Und auch Rein Rum fn omet = nen Nay-ben Hegt,—— bd~ t= bd~ ba Cham, Oreh, 125 5. AGNUS DEI stow d.00 (Lento) TBNOR SOLO P, One ° - hangs where shelled roads oi? imo mer hingh “eo Few = er eh pp Si,express. — Ss ste. pp smooth ee cHaM. ORCH, —=S Sess eer Ney fee NR Solo war He too lost «a _limb, Er auch sein Bein ver - Lor, —— ch Orch. —= cS solo But Hie di - sci - ples Die Jin - ger floken Thx, — = cham, cum, = =——|_p—= Sess ReST See eee 126 97] —— zp t sie ‘Aud new the Sol diersbear with Him —— fit tee Sob. te Vo nor gen vor Pep sneats 8 x Bt 3 2 ‘Ac gausDe-i, qui ° Ppp smooth B fcemueDesl, gut toletfapreveacta [97] ruLL oRcHESTRA Coam, oan SSS NSS NSS more marked and cresc. (mehr betont und cresc.) 7 suio Near Golego- thasteols ma-ny priest, Vin’ Golf tha chee mane ser Bag 5. x g 5. 5 8 3 do te elk regeie masa oncungrn rat oa 127, = = solo ‘And intheir fa-ces there is pride That they were fleshmarkedby theBeast By whomthe gen - tle DemStoledas Antlits blass entstellt, Dass thn der Be-stie Zei-chen traf, Die nicht 2um mil - den cHoRus cx oe 3 e 7 soto Christ's__ de - nied. fe ee hath pp —_= |S 5. x ‘Avgeus Desk, gut | tole ps ee g 3 Gat | tole peo cata te free om B A-guusDe-i, qui tol-lis pee cata [98}ruit oncHestRA Ste, WW. Ppp’ S animated (beweg!) tf. Ea soio Thescribes on allthe peo - -- ple shove Andbawl alte - gianceto the Und bald das Voik eu Gran de gekt, Weil Schrei-berprei_- sen th - ren pe cHoRUS 2 CHAMBER ORCHESTRA AMBER ORCHES? ———— —_ [99] paquietly (ruhig) But they who love Nur wer die Lie - be 8. A cHoRUs 2 Be- i, qui tol-lie peo-ca-ta = at, onCHAMBER ORCHESTRA FULL ORCHESTRA gh press, —— 129 — A (00) solo = a Lay down their life; they do not hat Legt ab den Hass, wie Chri - stus tat g 2 Ppp 8 Downs es ie ha Orch = quis em_nem-pi- ter - Ey FS a 130 6. LIBERA ME March. starting slowly (J. (Marcia) a rox. 68) with gradual accelerando until (ia) ' = =— FULL. oncH, Percussion only mkt? 3 ¥ # toe ee Fall Orch) nt ee ¥ : = sopranos PP lamenting | Licbe- ra mes cHoRUS (ctanding) Bp lamenting Full bows - ne cHoRUS Pplamenting Li-be- ra me, Fal Oren. {104) PP —— 8. z Sa. 6 passes 22 lamenting de omor-te aes ter (101| Fall Oren. s. e ——_ BA 2 6 morste ae- te PP, de morte ae- ter Polt oreng ‘more marked eee cHoRUs: Lic be tame, Poll Ore! 132 Pall Orch’ Th tre = men - dat Pal Orch, 133 Rl Orch, [103] ven ai sunt et ter = mporese, ‘Qua ‘ste. marked Pp Fall Orch’ — ww pperese, 134 Pall Orch. ao # 'poresc. ‘cHORUS ge ‘cHoRUS Fall Oreh, runt Oren, = _—— cen-di sunt et ter raat etter Of erese) ‘mo-ven-di sunt et _=— ‘mo-ven-di aunt et 135 (oof crese) < di aunt et (nf erese,) mo-vea-di suat_—_| —_= 7 => ven-di sunt et ter ~ always cresc. 2 136 Full Oren. 4 : 5 ans ——_ |p ». Deon = oom rat Oreh nt poh it Raw. 19940 105) 137 LOB) Quick did 84 (Allegro) Fall DF sir aed Pere, Oreh, Se t — RR vat Oren, cHoRUS Pall Orch. 138, Fal Orch: Fall Ores, cHoRUS Fa Orch. Pall Orch, Fall Orch’ 141 Do - mi - ne Bp but marked Pott Oren’ ul Oreh: Full Orch: Fat Orch: ru Orch: cHorus Pol Orch’ tre- Oren! pl Gren 144 . sie . iP pp sas. maried a q 3 2 ton 28 rae marie » mt Eas 8 sso ra oren$ 8. Solo [110] Very lively (Molto allegro) 92 ralt Oren s. Soto Pall Orehs 146 Solo cHORUS Full Orch, = = fr EE poraman, 147 Ai} Ste Pit 8.D. ‘Pimarked) slow cresc. —= Pott CTT | PET Oren’ Lwew. 1s solo Fall Oreh: Sole Fatt Orch’ 49 sole Pull Orch’ ‘8.8010 ‘ana chores ral Orch: 8.80l0 ‘ana chorus a Orch 150 uick saline Categr) solo Fall Orch. = Sf, . eel 8, solo ai s. Sole Pull Orch, s. sio cHoRus > 3 Pal Orch, 152 s. solo (115) 8. Solo Fall Orch, 5. Scio cHorus e a Pell a Fe Te Fe ae ee : ere, pp . ee . 5 g on . Orch 154 (116) ded Solo ah g g 8 . ». 116] Very broad, as at the start (Molto largamente, come prima) dedsos "wee with voens —_ ‘Brass (4 Organ ad lib) ig lui be= ra Sf, Li-be- ra me, Felt Orch, 155 Pall Orch. 156 ‘cHORUS 2 Pot Orch. cHoRUS Fall Oreh, HORUS a Ore, Slow and quiet (Lento e tranguillo) Recit. TENOR S0LO (118) it " Es shi CHAMBER ORCHESTR, PEP. seio ‘Down Ab-wirts durch Seio Through Durch — Cham, Orch. 1 seio Yet Dock dort Cham. Orch. PB Solo Too Ganz Cham. Orch. 157 med A that out dass aus bat Kimp of den fe some pro dunk nel, nel) Tong fief : and which die ti a gra - nites Fel - sen, — ta tan nic ware had Scher Krieg wold al - so there noch Man stiin ered tex, ste ‘wie fast fief im thought Trawm, 158 [19] ively (lebhaft) 2 Selo T_ probed them, ‘one sprang up, and stared wie ich_ ” hin-greif’, 5 aptingtiwers anf’ und starrt— Cham, Oreh. i >, . solo ‘With _pi-teous re - cog - nition in fixed eyes Deg’ Wie deren ners Mit-leld lar tm dug, cum, ork. express. apres = A + Solo Lift - ing dis - trons ful hands aa it tole pniitit= oF tie sthwa - che Hand. ie sog-nend. anf. Cham, p—" Grek [120] Slow, as before (Lento, come sopra) ———— seio ‘And no gunsthumped, or down the flues made moan. Kein Ein schlag dréhnt, ' kier das Ge - hexd Per-stummt. ip —2 eo te - Reeit “Strange friend) I said, “here is no cause to mou “Bremder Freund} sag’ ich, “hier Ret-ne Kla- ge stimmt?— 159 [124] stow rall. Recit.(d a vtor) BygITONE SOLO. eon = —== as i “None! 1 saidthe o-ther, “savetheun-done years, The— “Nein sagt der andre, “denn ver-lor-ne Zeit Bleibt_ wn - er-fiullt.. Cham. Grek. arp ‘ver hope is yours, Was my 1i in dich Hoff- nung sickt,Wollt'ich ge ~ always ppp > a oresc. 2 (a8°§f accel) = cha Orch. —= (22) reso. and.accel, => Solo T wenthunt-ing wild, __Af-ter the wild-est beau-ty___in the ich ging jg-gen wild, Folg-te der wit - desten Schin-hett__ in der Chas, Orch, Denn durch mein Cham, ‘Orch, 160 Bat Solo glee might ma-nymen have laughod, Glick _“hatt? mancher woht__ge - tachi, | “srerall, cham, Oren. pp slower (langsamer) —= a Solo ‘And of my weep - ing ‘some - thing had been left, Und__senn _ich__wein_- te Biied "et - was, mit Recki, un, Orch. pec, ——== eo Bar. Solo Whichmust die now. T mean the truth wn-told,— 1 Und das stirbt jetst. ~ 1 Die Wakr-heit un - ge-sagt:— cum) Oren. 5 Z, — Bas. Solo ¢ _ The ipi- ty of lively Der iJammer des AS ws et , ta JJ a Cham, Oreh. —— (with Ped) f, = — Ber. Solo the pi-ty_— war der Jam-mer,— den cum, Oreh, 161 123) poco ft Now men will go con - tent with what we spoiled, Sreut die Walt sich wns’ rer Mis - se - tat tithe = ~~ Bar. Solo Or, dis-con-tent, boil blood Und tut sie’ nicht, a and be spilled. stickt sie auch im Blut. —~ cham) Orch, Bar. Solo f passionate Cham, Orch. dim, and rail, Bar. Solo Theywill be swift with —swift-ness of the ti ‘Sie wer-den schnell sein, _schnel-ler als der Ti cum) Orch, “Timp. (deliberate mo connection with main tem) will break ranks, though Kei - ner brickt aus,’ flieht cham) Orch. 162 Cham, Orch, Fort ti [A 24] cham, Oren, Bar, Solo Cham, Orch, (aximato) EG orese. =tions trek from pro - gre eee ee a=. es ively he < march of den > Mie be Vag - Sie - men “ir = 5 Harp =P Grtempo) Recit. (as before) (come sopra) 7 PP cold and remote old ad remote less lively (meno animato)?_. Bas, Seto ae vain Bur a ieee > 2. = cum) Ores Bar, Soto aud) coun) : <> waniety) Orch, 163 (125) : ictly (ruhig) Pe spp pe Dg SS Eaepe E hon much blood had cloggedtheir cha - riotwheels Twould go wenn viel Bint Bar. Solo Then, — Dann, — = Orch, ~ ver-quoll, Steig? ich her - thr Wa - gen- vad Bar. FE all, solo aod wash them = auf nd wench? es ‘pp deliberate are cham, @ RDS 126) Pp rail. 2 i Guell, fu ti for Roteges Quel Dem Quetl,s0 > VLE (ms Orch. ~ est wells that dere = aig Str(auted) cham) Orch, — _p simply (einfach) A = opp 9 6 oy BE = SSS T am the es aecmy you lled, ay frend T ieee yon tie Ae Sta e Seed a ea Dinh 6 a oa Tor ao you frowned Yes - ter-day te warst inein Peind Ge ~ stern noch, Cham, Orch, Bar, Solo through me as you jabbed and als du mich durch-bohrt “so Cham, Orch, = »p Bar, Solo ‘but my hands were losth and dock die Hand “ver- sagt war ohm, Orch, 165 [128] ded of Sotos ana Chamber Orchestra Boys (distant) ORGAN (or HARMONTUM): Very quiet till the end J:60 [2B2] (ooitt tranquil al fine) TENOR SOLO “Let_ us stleep—__. “Lass wns schla- fen nun, PP, Bar. Solo Let us sleep now, sleep — Tate ane sche - font schta = Fen 127] Very quiet till the end (moito tranguillo ab fine) +60 1. (Ste Harp EP with Pe posals, Boys de - du cant Org, Bar. Solo Chas Orch, 166 [129] Boys Bar. Solo Tet sleep lass uss schlafen cham) Orch. (130) Tet oe slatp, len dase wa ach rohie = Boys te: tm Ore. Solo Bar, Sole Cham, Orek, Boys Ove. Solo. Bar. Solo cham, Orek. — P wan - ctam Je - fa ga pperese let us: sleep now, Tass uns. ? pperes. sO omy iet_us—— fase uns sleep now, schla-fen, loresc, Hot? (chorws's d-d of Boys 4 of Solos and Chamber Orchestra) moot mlm a Ppp smoot Fie — tet. us sleep. lass _ uns schla =—— sleep sehla jen a tp FROH, (with Chorus) (almays aot) 168 Boys Org. PPP smooth im ms ai PPP soo w Bar. Solo Orch, and Fall Oroh ef. Te us schla- fen sleep, Ie achla_- Boys on. 1 Bar. Solo cham Oreh. Full Orek,| 132} 169 z im. cum La-a- ro quondam pau-pe-re———— ae-ter-nam — 170 Boys es _oHORUS “tees ‘hee es ee ‘ee Iet___ us sleep _— Iet__ us sleep___now, Jass— uns sohla - — Jase uns schla- fen, im 133] SOPRANO SOLO ™f === In pa cuoRus te + da = cant Pmarked Cho - rus 0 let. us sleep, ‘us sleep lass uns schla’ - fen, schla~ 183] = cHoRus Bar, Sol, = amie aus =| ol pleat, ‘Aa-ge-lo ‘sleep, us chia’ - fen, iy ‘Brats with Chores) = rum te aus - ci - pleat, sleep sohta Tet us alee lems okie —— as eS 173 Solo ! 8. 1 1 A more marked — 1 2 Las 8 - roquondam 8 quem & & 1 . ; Sram te ue = 1 ha-be-as re B 1 Ta- 4a roquondam pau - pe-te SS 1 Solo let ts Sleep now, lass une schla 5 lass uns Bar. - Solo 174, as Solo te in san marked Cho ‘qui - ean more marked cHoRUs vt = Ta-4a- roquondam pan - pe-re Bar. Salo Tet us - Tass uns schla fen, [134] er | | Tet us sleep Tass un schla ————— coming ow roquondam pas - ps = fa f2 1 1 cHoRUS hacbe-as re - qui - em. rue Ange 175 Bar, Solo 178 s. Solo cHoRUS . Bas, Solo eee let us lass uns Boys ove cHoRus 178 —= = wp Boye et loxperpotma Ie-ce- at 6 = fe org. marked Solo eb cum La-2a-roquondam pat CHORUS Hae a ops solo Tet us sleep__ - fen Bar. Selo let us sleep now, sleep— lass une tchla-fen, —' aha Cham | L Fal Orch, 179 —== —==— » — : Very slow ter-namha-be-as re - qui-em, (Molto lento) Daustained Re ~ qui Ppp sustained e te aie sustained Re qui Ppp sustained aA A Very slow 2 p> (Molto lento) Lx FULL ORCHESTRA

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