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Name: ______________________________________________________Score: _____

Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

____1. What do you call the words that have the same spelling or
pronunciation different meanings?

A. Homonyms B. Homographs C. Hyponyms

____2. What is the name of the following pair of homonyms?

A. cut B. ice C. saw

____3. What do you call the words that have the same spelling, but different
meanings? Sometimes they are pronounced the same, and sometimes they
are pronounced differently.
A. Homonyms B. Homographs C. Hyponyms
____4. There’s a letter for the teacher. Which of the following pictures is a
homograph of the picture on the right?

____5. What are hyponyms?

A. These are words that are used to designate a member of a class, group,
or category.
B. These are words that have the same sounds and same meanings.
C. These are words that differ in spelling and meaning.
____6. What are the hyponyms of eatery?
A. shoes, bag, umbrella
B. narra, acasia, mahogany
C. restaurant, canteen, fastfood chain
_____7. Jeremy was absent yesterday. He asked his classmate to update
him on the lessons discussed.
In this situation, what is the solution to the problem?
A. Jeremy went to school.
B. Jeremy was absent yesterday.
C. He asked his classmate to update him on the lessons discussed.
_____8. What are the things we should remember in reading informational
or factual text?
A. Read only the passage without understanding it.
B. No need to read the passage just select the main idea.
C. It is important to know the topic of the passage or the selection.
_____9. Read the selection then answer the questions that follow.
Grasshoppers are typically ground-dwelling insects with
powerful hind legs which allow them to escape from threats by
leaping vigorously. Grasshoppers are plant-eaters. They protect
themselves from predators by camouflage
How do grasshoppers protect themselves?
A. by fighting
B. by camouflage
C. by using their thorns
_____10. Barangay San Pedro experienced severe flooding due to the recent
typhoon. The residents will plant more trees next week to prevent this from
happening again.
In this situation, what is the problem with the solution?
A. The residents will water the plants daily.
B. The residents will plant more trees next week to prevent this from
happening again.
C. The residents will plant more trees next week to prevent this from
happening again.
________11. Read and understand the passage.

What is the main idea of the first paragraph of the passage?

A. The sickness is called Coronavirus Disease-19 or COVID-19
B. The signs and symptoms of COVID-19 are fever, cough, and difficulty
in breathing.
C. Other signs and symptoms of COVID-19 are sore throat, repeated
shaking with chills, muscle pain, headache and loss of taste and smell.
______12. Read the information then answer the question below.

Based on the information, what will be your response to this question?

A. The DOH will conduct regular deworming.
B. This will start from 8:00 AM until 12:00 noon.
C. The deworming will be conducted at the barangay health center.
_____13. Identify the topic being compared.

The capital of Ilocos Sur is Vigan City while

the capital of La Union is San Fernando City.

A. Ilocos Sur and La Union

B. Ilocos Sur and Vigan City
C. Ilocos Sur and San Fernando City
______14. Read the story and answer the questions that follow.

The Cardinal and the Cedar Waxwing are two common birds. They
have crests on their heads. But these birds have some differences.
Male Cardinal is bright red, while Cedar Waxwing is brown. The
Cedar Waxwing often migrates often from one place to another. On
the other hand, the Cardinal stays in one place year after year.
What do Cardinal and Cedar Waxwing have on their heads?
A. crown
B. crests
C. pearls
_____15. In the word patterned, what is the affix being used?
A. ed B. pat C. ned
_____16. Which of the following has a long /i/ sound when pronounced?
A. time B. win C. gate
_____17. Which is the correct phrase for the picture on the right?
A. a beautiful smile
B. a small bite of cake
C. a big spoon of small cake
_____18. Complete the sentence. “The dog has a long ____.”
A. tale B. tail C. tell
_____19. Cover your nose so as not to breathe in ______________ from the
A. nose B. lose C. smoke
_____20. Alex has a very loud voice. He talks _____.
A. carefully B. quickly C. loudly
_____21. Create a sentence using the word slowly correctly.
A. Tortoise walks slowly. It is a slow animal.
B. Amanda reads very well in class. She reads slowly.
C. Your blouse goes slowly with that skirt. They look great.
_____22. Which of the following sentences has a problem and a solution?
A. Every child loves to eat ice cream.
B. He swims in the river near his house.
C. The house was burning so they called up the fire station for help.
_____23. Read and understand the story below. Underline the main idea of
the passage.

_____24. Which of the following question to be use for this sentence?

People are the one responsible for all pollution our environment is
A. What should we do to protect our environment?
B. What will happen if we keep on destroying our environment?
C. Who is responsible for all pollution our environment is encountering?
______25. Which of the following sentences is a solution?
A. Ali went to the store to buy some groceries. When it was time to pay, he
did not find his wallet. He did not have money
B. Tom was playing ball in the backyard. He threw the ball and broke the
neighbor’s window glass.
C. The teacher did not give them homework for the weekend. She wanted
them to take a break along week of hard work.
_____26. What kind of informational text is the following paragraph?

Many pupils got sick in our school due to the constantly changing
weather. To solve this concern, the BHW checked the vital signs of
the pupils. They also distributed vitamins and medicines.

A. Compare and Contrast

B. Cause and Effect
C. Problem and Solution
_____27. Read the story again in item number 14 then answer the question
that follow.
How do the male Cardinal and Cedar Waxwing differ in terms of color?
A. Male Cardinal is bright red, while Cedar Waxwing is brown.
B. Male Cardinal is brown, while Cedar Waxwing is bright red.
C. Male Cardinal is bright brown, while Cedar Waxwing is red.
28-30. Which of the following stories is written correctly?
Re-write the correct answer on the lines below.












Happy children
Monday morning, the sun was bright as the children played
jumping rope outside the classroom. They were happy and enjoying
the day with their friends. They don’t mind their sad moments and
continued to play throughout the day.

Happy Children
Monday morning, the sun was bright as the children played
jumping rope outside the classroom. They were happy and enjoying
the day with their friends. They don’t mind their sad moments and
continued to play throughout the day.

happy Children
monday morning, the sun was bright as the Children play
jumping rope outside the Classroom They were happy and enjoying
the day with their friends. They don’t mind about their sad
moments and continue to play throughout the day.

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