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Flores 1

Javier Flores

Ms. Mirakyan

ENGL 101

Aug 08, 2023

School Funding Around the World

This paper aims to explore the link between poverty and education. The funding of

schools plays a crucial role in shaping students' academic success. In addition to providing

essential resources, such as textbooks and computers, educational institutions also play a crucial

role in supporting learners' access to high-quality learning materials and support systems. There

are many elements that make a school successful. Effective leaders can communicate the school's

vision and goals, work with teachers to improve their skills and participate in the discovery of

solutions to problems. Having high expectations of both teachers and students is also important.

There are many success factors that help students develop the necessary skills and attitudes to


The rising issue of child poverty is a growing concern for both poor children and society.

The effects of poverty and education on students' cognitive development are also known to

significantly impact the funding of schools. It can lead to them needing help to perform at their

highest level. The cognitive development process is a process that involves the growth and

change of a person's intellectual or mental abilities. Education can affect the development of

cognitive abilities; they do not directly prevent the decline in cognitive function that occurs with

aging. Nonetheless, it can contribute to the improvement of cognitive abilities that can persist

into old age through the acquisition of enhanced training in early adulthood. The concept of
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cognitive learning is a theory that helps students improve their comprehension of new tasks and

subjects by allowing them to do so through hands-on practice. This approach allows them to

better understand the materials they're learning.

Many factors can cause students to become more stressed out, which can influence their

academic performance. Those who are suffering from poverty also lack the proper resources to

finish their studies or homework. Poverty can affect the success of students in college. Many

low-income students face financial struggles when it comes to paying for school supplies, food,

and housing. This can lead to stress and anxiety, which can prevent them from focusing on their

studies. The effects of poverty on children's academic performance are well known. They

typically perform poorly in school and are more prone to experiencing low standardized test

scores. The longer children stay in poverty, the more academic deficits they will have, which can

lead to a lifelong reduction in occupational prospects.

The findings of the studies on Arabic-speaking schools revealed that the income of the

present generation had a positive impact on the cognitive growth of the next generation. On the

other hand, the household investment level of the current generation had a positive effect on the

cognitive growth of the next generation. The implications of school finance policy are discussed.

It is suggested that a school finance reform strategy be implemented to break the

intergenerational cycle that causes poverty. (Iris BenDavid-Hadar p.131)

In Texas, school districts receive additional funding for ELL students enrolled in English

as a Second Language (ESL) or bilingual programs. On the other hand, districts with high

numbers of low-income students are also eligible for Title I funding. This study shows that there

are still inequities in the funding of schools in the state. Compared to less diverse districts, those
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with larger populations of color, ELLs, and economically disadvantaged kids tend to receive less

funding. This disparity in the funding of schools is especially striking since some districts

receive additional funding from the federal and state governments. (Adam Hobby Weis p20.)

Inequitable school funding is a result of segregation based on race and poverty. Most

Latino and Black students go to schools that have lower resources, while white students go to

schools with more funding. The primary sources of funding for public schools in Texas are local

property taxes and state aid. The lack of adequate funding for schools is the main issue in Texas.

The way the state has structured its school finance system is contributing to the inequities in the

funding of schools in the state. For instance, poor districts are not receiving the same amount of

money as their wealthier counterparts. The failure of the state to address the disparity in district

wealth is also contributing to the funding issues in Texas.

In Texas, there are various issues with the school system. Some of these include the lack

of resources, the low teacher salaries, and the debate about assessing the performance of

students. Also, some students drop out of traditional schools to attend charter schools or other

types of alternative educational institutions. There are various factors that contribute to the

funding inequality in education. One of these is the state's capacity to provide adequate

resources. The other is the willingness of the states to contribute to education. The relationship

between the funding of public schools and their student's academic performance is known to be a

complex one. It can be influenced by various factors such as the type of education, the number of

pupils, and the population's socioeconomic status.

Kansas' recent school finance changes have not been beneficial for students’ academic

achievement. Changes in revenue per pupil at the district level can be used to determine the
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impact of these changes on measures of student progress. The goal is to measure the achievement

of students in reading and math. It also investigates their persistence in learning. Smaller districts

tend to receive more funding per student due to limited resources. For instance, some students,

especially those from low-income households, may require additional support. These additional

funds are distributed according to the weights that consider various factors such as the size of

schools, transportation expenses, and the cost of living.

There is a positive relationship between school funding and academic performance.

However, this relationship is complex and the exact factors that can affect test scores are not

known. Due to the funding disparities in schools, many students with the most need receive

fewer resources than those with the most affluent backgrounds. This has a negative effect on

their academic performance and graduation rates. The changes in public school finance in

Kansas have not resulted in a positive effect on student academic performance. A variety of

measures determine the effects of changes that it has on student achievement. These include

student test scores and persistence in school. (Florence Neymotin, p.88)

The history of education in the US is one that has various systems of learning and goals

for both the teachers and the governing bodies. Until recently, it was believed that education in

urban schools was mainly focused on assimilation and the indoctrination of certain non-

traditional groups, such as American Indians. However, today, it is recognized that education can

also yield many other benefits to society. Apart from raising people's longevity and earnings,

education also increases their civic engagement, reduces their criminal activity, and boosts

society's productive capacities. (Florence Neymotin, p.88)

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Various factors can affect the academic performance of public-school students. Some of

these include the level of entry grades, student accommodation, the previous assessment grade,

the student's gender, and their e-learning activity. The well-off tend to have better academic

success. They are more likely to go to high schools with a lot of AP classes and are also more

likely to have tutors and take standardized tests. Another factor contributing to the inequitable

funding of schools is the reliance on property taxes. This method can vary depending on the area,

and districts end up with funding gaps that are often wide. Schools in wealthy areas receive more

funding, while those in low-income areas tend to get inadequate support.

In Australia, the funding of schools is regarded as one of the most complicated systems in

the world. It is highly opaque and has a complex relationship between different factors. It has

been criticized for its lack of transparency and for not providing adequate resources to address

the needs of its students. Much more can be done by both the federal and state governments to

implement a transparent and consistent allocation process for school funding. This would help

improve the efficiency of the system and ensure that the schools are receiving the appropriate

amount of funding. (Dr. Andrew Dowling, p.)

Australia's education system is regarded as one of the best in the world, especially for

international students. It is known for having high standards, an extensive curriculum, and top-

notch educators. Australia's educational system is renowned around the world. Its qualifications

are regularly updated and can be found in various fields, making it an ideal place to study. This

ensures that you'll have the latest knowledge and skills, which can help you get hired. In

Australia, public schools are funded through various sources. These include the Commonwealth,

state, and territorial governments' funding, as well as fees and other private donations. The
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Australian Government provides Commonwealth-supported scholarships and grants to help

students pay for higher education. However, this doesn't cover the full cost of your tuition.

One of the world's most educated nations is Australia, where students have available a

Study Assist, a type of loan. The government of the country also promotes education for women.

This is believed to be one of the reasons why Australia has some of the highest numbers of

educated individuals. In Australia, there is inequality in education. This is a wide-ranging issue

that includes the funding of education, as well as the availability of resources and curriculum.

The money spent on education can have a positive impact on the student's academic

performance. On average, it is associated with higher or improved outcomes. The effect is also

larger in some studies than others, and additional funding can make a difference for certain

students. The quality of teachers is one of the most important factors that can affect school

success. The student-teacher ratio is a vital factor that can affect the academic performance of

pupils. There is a link between how many teachers a student has and their achievement. It also

showed that having fewer teachers can improve the quality of education for high-performing

students and those who are low intelligent.

Therefore, the funding of schools plays a crucial role in shaping students' academic

success. School funding disparities are also linked to various socioeconomic factors, such as

race, ethnicity, and language. It affects the quality of education and the lives of its students.

Aside from providing students with the necessary resources. But educational institutions play a

vital role in supporting the development of learning programs and materials. The quality of

education and the support given to students are all affected by the funding decisions made by

various government agencies and school districts.

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Annotated Works Cited

BenDavid-Hadar, Iris. Education, cognitive development, and poverty: implications for school
finance policy. University of Illinois Press, 2014

Dowling, Andrew. unhelpfully complex and exceedingly opaque: Australia's school funding
system. Sage Publications Ltd. (UK), 2008
Neymotin, Florence. The relationship between school funding and student achievement in
Kansas public schools. University of Illinois Press, 2010
Weiss, Adam Hobdy. School Funding Inequalities in the Texas Panhandle Related to the Racial,
Socio-economic, and Linguistic Composition of School Districts. University of Illinois Press,

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