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Vanessa Royenne T.


Select an advertisement that catches your attention. Evaluate the advertisement, following the guide
questions. (You may use additional sheets if needed)


1.Who created the message? Is the source reliable? Was it by a news organization, a public citizen, an
advertising team of a reputable company, or an advertiser?
This commercial was created by Sheron Dayoc. The source is very reliable because it was from one of
the most famous restaurant brands in the world. It was a commercial for "Jollibee," which is one of the
most reputable companies here in the Philippines.


2. What does the message say (subject, main point, support)?

3. Is the information fair and logical?

4. What points of view are shared in the message? Which ones are left out?
5. What images or sounds catch your attention?

The message of this commercial "Garapon", directed by Sheron Dayoc, In the Kwentong Jollibee video, a
7-year-old kid named Kyle explores the daily mystery of what his Lola Naty does as they spend their days
together and learns the reason behind her selfless actions. It depicts the story of a grandma who saves
whatever she can afford to buy her grandson a gift that will make him happy. This message clearly tells
us that we should value our grandparents. Considering that grandparents are a family's greatest assets,
Even though they can appear to be strict at times, they provide us with exceptional love and direction in
a way that parents simply cannot. Grandparents often play an important role in the lives of their
grandchildren, and the younger generations can begin to appreciate this from their lolo and lola. Despite
their weakened health or little money, they make an effort to give their apos (grandchildren) everything
they can, with a love that surpasses that of parents. The information is very relatable and balanced if
you look at it from the perspectives of the grandmother and grandson. And the points of view that have
been used are the first and second points of view, which are Lola's and Kyle's, respectively. And for me,
the image that really caught my attention in this commercial is where Kyle gives back the sacrifices of
her grandmother, which is that he buys the sandal that her grandmother wanted but instead of buying
it, she decided to save for her grandson.

6. What type of text is used to deliver the message?
7. What are the advantages and limitations of the format of the advertisement?

The medium that has been used in this commercial is digital text. And the advantages of this certain
commercial are that, because it's digital, many people can relate to it more because they see clearly the
visuals that the director wants to portray or deliver to her audience. And the limitation for this
commercial is that some people don't really care about the visual or the message of it; they just skip it
because they think it is a waste of time to engage with it.

8. Who is the target audience of the message?
9. How might other people interpret the message of the advertisement?

The target audience of this commercial are the grandparents and their grandchildren. I think if other
people watch this commercial, they might interpret it as an overwhelming commercial because we all
can relate to it, especially as we know that grandparents are really loving and kind to their

10. What is the purpose of the message?
11. Who controls the transmission of this message?

The purpose of this message is to educate, persuade, and entertain the audience because the message
clearly portrays that we should appreciate and value our grandparents more. And the one who controls
the transmission of the message is the channel, which is social media and TV advertising.

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