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1. Purusha sukta is a hymn from which Veda?

A.Atharvaveda b. Yajurveda c. Rig Veda D. Samaveda

2. At one stage in the vedic age the king was called gopati which meant
A. Lord of the universe b. Lord of people c. Lord of land D. Lord of cattle
3. The Main collections of vedic hymns are called
A. Sutra b. Pad c. Samhitha d.Mukh
4. How much of the produce was Bagha?
A. ⅓ b. 1/5 C. 1/6D. ¼
5. Which of the following was the capital of the mahajanapada Gandhara?
A. Hastinapur B. Madhura C.Takshila D. Varanasi
6. Rivers such as Ganga and Son flowed through which mahajanapada in ancient India?
A. Kamboja b.Kosala c. Magadha d. maccha
7. The Badami Chalukyas first capital had their capital at
A. Aihole B.Pattadakal C. Hooghly D. Bijapur
8.Who did Ashoka appoint to solve social problems in his region?
A. Samaharta b. Amatyas C. Dhamma mahamatra d.Nyayadheesh
9. Which of the following rulers did not belong to the Maurya dynasty?
A. Bindusara be. Ashoka c.chandragupta d.Bimbisara
10. Which of the following names was used for the Indian subcontinent by ancient travelers like
Megasthenes, Fahien, Alberuni for active contribution of Indian traders?
A.Swarna Bhoomi be. Swarna Jagat c. Swarnapet d. Swarna Desh
11. Who was the last king of the Mauryan dynasty?
A. Deva Varman b. Brihadratha c. Satadhanvan d.Samprati
12. What was the name of king ashoka's daughter whom he appointed to carry on the duty of a
Buddhist missionary?
A. Padmavati b. Charumati c. AsandhiMitra D. Sanga Mitra
13.In which of the following Empire did a court called kandhaka sothana was prevalent?
A. Kushana b. Maurya c. Chola d. Rashtrakuta
14. Who among the following published set of Ashokan inscriptions in 1877?
A. Colin Mackenzie b. Alexander Cunningham c. DC Sarkar d. MS Vats
15. Who among the following was the first scholar to decipher the Ashokan edicts?
A. Alexander Cunningham b James Princep c. James Taylor d. Gordon Childe
16. Which of the following was not the type of sacrifice performed by kings in ancient India to
establish their position?
A. Vajapeya b. Rajasuya C. Ashwamedha d. Sandhivikraha
17. And the mauryan administration the Sitadakshya was the officer incharge of
A. Mines B. Customs C Royal fort D.Agriculture
18. Barabar caves, the oldest surviving rock cut caves in India, mostly belong to which of the
following periods?
a.Chola dynasty b. Gupta empire C. Mauryan Empire D.Satavahanas
19. Fahien began his journey back home from which of the following Indian states?
A. Bihar B. Maharashtra C. Bengal d. Odisha
20. Hieun Tsang and other pilgrims spent time studying in Nalanda, the most famous Buddhist
monastery located in which of the following Indian states?
A. Odisha b. Bengal C. Bihar D. Sikkim
21. Which of the following titles was held by Samudragupta, a ruler of Gupta dynasty?
A. Ja hampana b.Vikramaditya c. Kaviraj D. Mahindra Aditya
22. In the context of Gupta administration the term 'vithi' refer to
A. Elephantry b. Administrative unit C. Personal Guard of the king d. Soldier
23. Who among the following Gupta rulers married a girl from the licchavi clan?
A. Samudragupta b. Shri Gupta c. Chandragupta 1 D. Ramagupta
24. The last recognised king of the Gupta dynasty
A. Samudragupta b. Vishnu Gupta c. Bimbisara D. Ashoka
25. The Gupta imposed a plough tax paid by every cultivator owning a plough.what is it?
A. Hiranya b. Kara c. Sulka D. Halva Kara
26. During the Gupta period gold coins were called by which name?
A. Rupaka B. Tanka c. Drona d.Dinaras
27. Which one of the following was not a part of the Navratna at vikramaditya's Court?
A. Dhanvantari b. Surdas c. Kalidasa d.Kshapanaka
28. Which of the following universities was founded by Kumaragupta (shakraditya) the ruler of
the Gupta dynasty?
A. Nalanda University B. Takshila University c. Vikramshila University d.Kannauj university
29. Which of the following is not correct regarding King Harshavardana?
A. Harshavardhana ruled nearly about 1400 years ago
B. Hiuen Tsang spent a lot of time at Harsha's court
C. Harshavardhana's Court poet was harisena
D. Harshacharita is a biography written on Harshavardhana
30. King Harshavardhana ascended The Throne of thaneshwar and kanauj on the death of his
A. Indravadana b. Suryavardhana c. Rajavardhana d.chandravardhana

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