Essentials of HRM Answers

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NMIMS Global Access

School for Continuing Education (NGA-SCE)

Course: Essentials of HRM
Internal Assignment Applicable for June 2022 Examination


Human Resource, a vital part of any organisation. I feel it’s not possible to run a
company without a human resource department. Keeping that in mind, human resource
planning is required, which works on a systematic approach by helping an organisation
with its future requirements. And it’s this HRP of which HR demand forecasting is the
main component. Without demand forecasting, the whole HRP can turn into a failure. It’s
basically a process of guessing and predicting the right size of human resources required
for an organisation, which helps balance the workforce and make sure no surplus or
shortage is happening in the organisation.
With the organisation coming back to the same offline structure, I, as an HR manager,
have been assigned the task of performing demand forecasting for the next year to make
sure the hiring is done for the correct number and right kind of workforce.

So, here are a few techniques of demand forecasting which I’ll employ in-depth to
perform demand forecasting:

1. Qualitative Methods
2. Quantitative Methods

Qualitative Methods: As the name suggests, this method is more focused and inclined
towards a qualitative approach and less statistical. This method considers the quality of
an employee, like their skills, ideas, way of presenting, and interests. It includes three
different techniques those are,

- Expert forecasts
- Management forecasts
- Delphi technique

Quantitative Methods: As the name suggests, this method is focused on more detailed
and accurate workforce demand forecasting when compared to the qualitative approach.
It is based on mathematical, numerical and statistical tools. I include a few different
techniques, which are,

- Trend analysis method

- Work-study method

- Ratio trend analysis method


Adapting to the change is the best way to move forward. With the organisations being
forced away from traditional induction methods to many more exciting ways to welcome
their new workforce, every organisation needs to adapt to it to be a part of the race and be
the winning horse. Induction is basically a systematic process wherein the aim is to
inform and update all the new employees about every aspect of the organisation, which
will help them perform their work role better at the organisation.

Here are share a few tips on how I will design induction for new employees in the
eCommerce industry for the marketing domain in an innovative way,

1. With the change in the induction program, making it engaging, and keeping the
brand position light amidst all the competitor's folk, I would like to take a new
2. It would start with a few high hearted, welcoming notes, which make the new
joiners feel welcomed and give them a sense of comfort.
3. Add a few appreciation messages based on their past performances and interest,
giving them a sense of recognition and appreciation.
4. Once the greeting and knowing part is done, I, as an HR, would like to take all the
new joiners to a nice place to perform a small get together, which would help
break the monotonous unknown feel and add some excitement to the meet.
5. During the small get together, the first thing would be to make all the new joiners
meet all the new joiners. Then I would like to conduct a small session wherein I
take them through the code of conduct of our organisation and highlight what we
as a company expect from our new joiners.
6. Then this can be followed by a small fun activity or game.
These days, induction can be planned and designed enjoyably and insightfully. Without a
formal induction program, it's hard for the employees to get through with the organisation
and domain details. The induction program benefits the employees and shows the
creditworthiness of an organisation, which helps win the loyalty of the employees to the

ANSWER 3 (a)

Both career and succession plans are critical processes for an organisation. Career
planning helps individuals identify their work-related objectives, strengths, opportunities,
threats, and weaknesses so that they can choose an occupation very precisely of their
likes. Career planning is influenced by many factors like skills and abilities, values and
interests and salary expectations.

Career planning is a long-term process that helps people locate various options for their
career growth. Going ahead with the responsibility given to me, I would like to take a
step forward and guide the new HR manager to be successful in his career planning
initiative by explaining the process to him,

- Performing self-assessment: This is the first process of career planning. In this

step, individuals collect information regarding their interests, skills, capabilities,
aptitudes, etc. You would be thinking of how this information will be relevant, so
this information helps find out career opportunities that are suitable for the
particular person. Apart from these, a few people face difficulty analysing their
skills and abilities.

- Searching out career options and choices: The second step would be to analyse
the collated information and decide the number of career opportunities available
for the person. The data would be related to the education and training required for
a particular job, its salary and the future scope. This helps an individual to explore
a variety of career choices.

- Matching needs and opportunities: The next step would be to align individual
needs with the previously chosen career options. This process includes both short
term and long term options for finding different career options.

- Formulating an action plan: Finally, now it’s the call to action time. At this step,
individuals will bring the career plan to action and move forward with their
aligned career goals and objective.

To conclude, career planning plays a vital role in driving an individual's career growth. It
contributes to the successful development of both individuals and the organisation.
Career planning as a process really helps an organisation identify real talented employees
who must be eligible for promotion and appraisals.

ANSWER 3 (b)

Succession planning is basically a process of searching for successors who can take
critical positions in an organisation. The main focus of succession planning is to find
existing employees who have the energy and potential to take vital roles in the company.
At times, people also take succession planning as a replacement process for critical
positions, which helps the organisation make more significant revenues and emphasise a
bit more on their market image and goodwill.

Here are a few goals for succession planning that the HR manager should bear in mind,

- To maintain equality all over the board and front when it comes to succession
planning, i.e. focus equally on both retention and seeking existing employees for
the key positions.
- To look out for key positions in the company that requires hiring and evaluating
the relevant skills and capabilities of the employees.
- Always have backup plans ready for hire.
- To have training and performance management programs.

To conclude, succession planning is a vital process and must be processed under proper
guidance. It helps in developing a bunch of qualified employees within the organisation.

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