Paper EDN-100 Curriculum: Meaning and Concepts of Curriculum

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Paper EDN-100


Meaning and concepts of Curriculum:-

Modem educationists are of the view that education is a tri-polar process. The teacher, the student and the
curriculum, these are the three important factors which have special importance in the formal process of
education. The teacher teaches and the students learn. To teach a particular subject, the teacher depends on the
curriculum. Curriculum and instruction is a field within education which seeks to develop and implement
curriculum changes that increases student’s achievement within and outside the school.

The term ‘Curriculum’ has been derived from a Latin word “CURRERE which means a race course or a run-way
which one runs to reach a goal. It is a course of study offered by a school or college. It is very important factor in
education. It changes according to the situations and circumstances of a country. It is decided in accordance with
the policy of the nation.

Curriculum may be equated with the ground which is covered by the student and teacher together to reach
educational goals. Popularly, it is known as the ”syllabus” or the “course” of the taught in a school, college or

Definition of Curriculum

(1) CUNNINGHAM:-“It (curriculum) is a tool in the hands of the artist (teacher) to mould into his material
(pupil) according to his ideal (objective) in his studio (school),”
(2) FROEBEL:- “Curriculum should be conceived as an epitome of the rounded whole of the knowledge and
experience of the human race.”
(3) JOHN DEWEY: “Subject matter of learning of curriculum is identical With all the objects, ideas and
principles which enter as resources or obstacles into the continuous International pursuit of a course of

(4) MONROE:- “Curriculum is the epitomized representations to the child of cultural inheritance of the

Some authors define curriculum as the total effort of the school to bring about desired outcomes in school and
out-of-school situations. Curriculum development is defined as the process of selecting, organizing, executing
and evaluating the learning experience on the basis of the needs, abilities, and interest of learners, and on the
basis of the nature of the society or community. It is a continuous process for the possibilities of improving the
teaching-learning situation.

The new conception of curriculum is very broad-based. It consists of the totality of experiences that pupil
receives through the manifold activities that go on in the school, in the classroom, library, laboratory, workshop
and playground and in the numerous contacts between the teachers and the pupils. It is neither dogmatic nor
rigid in its form and structure.

Curriculum is an essential tool in the hands of educators to guide a course of study that serves some e distinct
purposes which are as follows: It communicates to the students In advance what they are expected to learn in
the specified time duration to accomplish their educational goals.

It introduces the criteria of examination or evaluation to the students so that they can prepare for ex ums
accordingly. It describes to the teacher, the course, unit and lesson objectives as well as required teaching
learning methods, which assists the teachers to plan their lesson accordingly.

Characteristics of Curriculum:-

(1) Meet the needs of the students: - Curriculum should be designed according to the Needs of children so
that they can get maximum benefits from it.
(2) Flexible and Adaptive: Curriculum should be flexible. It should not be rigid, Otherwise it will create
problems in its adaptation.

. (3) Well-organized: - Curriculum should be well organized. The contents of curriculum should be organized
in such a way that it connects students’ prior knowledge with the new knowledge.

. (4) Provide opportunities for students: A good curriculum should provide good Opportunities for students
to explore their talents and creativity.

(5) Motivate students: -Curriculum motivates students to learn more and perform various activities. It helps
students focus more on their mastery goals.

(6) Follow Pedagogical approach: -Curriculum follows a pedagogical approach. Various pedagogical approaches
such as Activities-based learning, team teaching etc. are used by teachers to teach students.

. (7) Demands of society: - Curriculum should reflect the needs and demands of the society. Those subjects
should be included in the curriculum which provide value to the society.

(8) Extend skills and knowledge: A good curriculum extends students’ skills and knowledge by promoting higher
order thinking skills.

(9) Quality and Up-to-date Contents: -Curriculum should provide quality and up-to-date contents to students
which reflect their personal interests.

(10) Should be diversified: - Curriculum should be diversified as it provides a wide range of opportunities to

Curriculum provides the proper instructional equipment and meeting places that are often most conducive to
learning. It includes the teacher student relationship, guidance and counselling program, health services, school
and community projects, library and laboratories, and other school related wok experiences. Thus, classes and
activities should be planned to achieve an orderly development of subject matter and step-by-step progress of
the learner. There is a smooth transition and continuing achievement of learners from one subject matter,
classroom, grade, or school to another. A good curriculum provides continuity of experience.

Needs and importance of curriculum:-

It has already been mentioned that the curriculum is the third Pillar of the formal process of education. Without
curriculum it is not possible to impart education in a planned way. Curriculum is a systematic and intended
packaging of competencies (Le knowledge, skills and attitudes that are underpinned by values) that learners could
acquire through organised learning experiences, both in formal and non-formal settings. A noble curriculum plays
an important role to the development of thinking skill and acquisition of relevant knowledge that learners needs to
apply in context of their studies, daily life and careers.

(1) Helpful in Educational Process: A specified curriculum helps to systemize the educational process because
the teaching material is prepared on the basis of curriculum.The pattern or framework or structural
organisation used in selecting, planning and carrying forward educational experiences in the school

(2) Helpful in Realization of Educational Aims: - The curriculum is constructed for the realization of educational
aims. It must adapt its educational activities and services to meet the needs of modern and dynamic community.

(3)Fulfilment of Psychological Needs of Students: - A specified curriculum is helpful in meeting the psychological
needs of students because man is a social being and takes Interest in purposeful action.

(4) Equal Level of Education: - When the curriculum is specified, the level of education in the entire society is equal
and uniform. It helps to maintain the uniform level of education.

(5) Writing of Text-Books: - A specified curriculum guides different scholars and writers education. For writing text-
books. The writers take the curriculum as the basis for writing text books.

(6) Utilization of Time and Energy:-After the curriculum has been ascertained, a teacher finds out what he has to
teach and the student knows what he has to study. It saves time and energy..

(7) Evaluation: The curriculum assists in evaluating students. It becomes easier to evaluate the students’ abilities.
The means for determining whether the programme is meeting its goals.

(8) Determine Learning Tools: It provides an important basis for determining the learning goals of the learners. It
Provide the core information that students wil experience, learn and apply during a course.

(9) Criteria of Suitable Teachers:- It is curriculum which can show what type of teachers are required in the schools .
The teacher, who usually acts as a philosopher and guides to impart knowledge, develops attitude and skills

(10) Selection of Suitable Methods: - Curriculum enables the teacher to select the suitable method of teaching. To
make the students learn, the teachers scientifically selects the methods and approaches to teach different material
needed for interacting and manipulating by students and teachers

The main responsibility of curriculum construction lies on the teachers and trainers who may use different types of
pedagogies, so that students can be benefitted in gaining knowledge and developing skills.

Principles of curriculum::

The process of curriculum construction is a very complex and difficult one. Curriculum is the mirror of the
prevailing system of education. The aims and objectives, that a system of education sets, are to be realised with the
help of the curriculum. Therefore, at the time of curriculum construction the needs, aspirations, values, customs
and traditions, nature of economy etc. of the individual as well as the society and the nation should be well
considered. The success of curriculum depends on certain principles which needs to be developed in mind, while
framing a curriculum. These are as follows

• Principle of Child-Centeredness : It means that what is to be given to children in the form of learning
experiences at a particular age and grade should properly suit their age. Abilities, capacities, interests,
mental development and previous experiences. Therefore, in all circumstances it should fulfil the needs
and requirements of the developing children.
• Principle of Comprehensiveness :Curriculum must have necessary details because merely a list of topics
will no serve the purpose either of the teacher or the student Material aids, techniques, life situations,
related activities possibilities of correlation, etc, should be listed in the curriculum, so, that these can serve
as a guide to the teachers and authors of textbooks.

• Principle of Correlation :The curriculum should be such that all subjects are related to each other. Teaching
all subjects separately would be unpsychological, so it must be kept in mind that the subject matter of
various subjects has some affinity with each other so that they can help the child eventually.

• Principle of Utility :According to this principle, only those topics, subject materials and learning
experiences should be included in the curriculum, which are found to possess any utility to the students.

• Principle of Forward Looking: The principle of forward looking, asks for an inclusion of those topics,
contents and learning experiences that may prove helpful to the students in leading their future life in a
proper way. Therefore. Attempts should always be made to include the topics and learning experiences.

• Principle of Environmental Centeredness: The curriculum is developed keeping in view the physical and
social environment of the students. Therefore, the selection of subject material and learning experiences
should be based on or link with an events, the problems and situations prevalent in their physical and
social environment.

• Principle of Flexibility :This principle takes into consideration the uniqueness of every
Individual student. It emphasizes that curriculum should be flexible enough to accommodate the changes
in the students diverse interest, inclinations & accordance with social requirements.
• Principle of Objectivity: A curriculum must be practical and objectivity based. It should include practical
subjects fulfilling the basic needs of human life.
• Principles of Creativeness or Creativity; - Curriculum should also enhance the creativity in children related
to every field.
• Principle of Balance:- Curriculum should be designed in a way that it can balance all the aspects of
students like psychological, sociological, etc.

At the time of curriculum construction the changing demand of life and society is to be considered. The
changing situation of knowledge and the future challenges which may become the part of our life should
be well considered. To help people to cope with life courageously and dynamically curriculum of all stages
and levels of education should be very dynamic. These should put importance on the subject matter of
immediate practical utility.


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