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Transmission Expansion Planning Considering Battery

Energy Storage Systems and Intraday Time Constraints

Dany H. Huanca1 and Djalma M. Falcão2*
1,2* Department of Electrical Engineering, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, COPPE,
Av. Pedro Calmon, 550, Rio de Janeiro, 21941-901, Brazil.

*Corresponding author(s). E-mail(s):;

Contributing authors:;

In transmission expansion planning (TEP), energy storage systems, particularly batteries, can be con-
sidered as non-wires alternatives since they can reduce the installation of new lines to meet demand
peaks. This work studies the representation of the daily cycle charge and discharge of battery energy
storage systems (BESS), and its interaction with non-dispatchable renewable generation, considering
intraday time constraints. The TEP problem is formulated as a mixed nonlinear integer programming
using a DC power flow model and solved with a specialized genetic algorithm. The modified Garver’s
test system and a 93-bus electrical test system are used to assess the proposed typical formulation
using costs for network components and storage systems. The results show how the deferral of the
construction of new lines is feasible if additional batteries are connected to certain nodes, even consid-
ering the variation of renewable sources. The cost of lines is reduced by 9.09% for the Garver system
and 10.57% for 93-bus.

Keywords: Transmission expansion planning, genetic algorithm, DC model, battery energy storage systems.

1 Introduction and solar. Therefore, the consideration of NWA

in the TEP problem formulation has become a
Transmission expansion planning (TEP) consists relevant research topic.
in the determination of location, timing, and The TEP may be modeled as a single-stage
capacity of new components to reinforce the trans- or multi-stage optimization problem. In the first
mission system to cope with forecasted demand case, the transmission new components are sched-
increase in a defined horizon. Traditionally, the uled to be commissioned at the end of the analysis
new components considered are new transmis- horizon. In the second, the new components are
sion lines or the capacity increase of existing supposed to be commissioned in intervals along
ones. Recently, non-wires alternatives (NWA), like the horizon. In both cases, the general formula-
energy storage systems (ESS), have been proposed tion is as a mixed nonlinear integer programming
to relieve forecasted congestion and, therefore, to problem which usually presents difficulties for the
defer the deployment of new components in the solution owing to its combinatorial nature and
transmission system [1]. This is particularly ade- the possibilities of several local minima. Most
quate in the case of power system with high per-
centage of non-dispatchable generation like wind

of the solution methods reported in the litera- In [18] it is presented the extension of the
ture use appropriated formulations to represent TEP problem to consider ESS and in [19] a Ben-
the transmission system, being the DC model ders decomposition technique is used for to solve
usually chosen [2]. Nonlinear power flow mod- the TEP problem that determines the location of
els may be used but the accuracy obtained does ESS in the network and how the energy storage
not compensate for the numerical difficulties for might be used for the demand shifting and trans-
the solution. The main approaches to the TEP mission upgrade deferral. Reference [20] presents
solution can be classified as: classical optimiza- a mixed-integer programming model to solve the
tion algorithms (Benders decomposition method, TEP problem considering the costs and benefits
Branch and Bound method, linear programming incorporating BESS devices and multiple planning
and quadratic programming) [3, 4]; constructive periods in a competitive electricity market. More-
heuristic algorithms (using the transport model, over, BESS and FACTS devices are considered to
DC model, and mixed model) [5, 6]; and meta- solve the TEP problem in [21]. A study of the TEP
heuristics algorithms (genetic algorithms, taboo problem is presented in [22] considering batteries
search, ant colony, simulated annealing, grasp in a market-driven environment, and in [23] N-
algorithm, and scattered search) [7–9]. 1 security constraint and battery storage systems
Integrating energy storage in the TEP prob- placement are applied, and Benders’ decomposi-
lem has the potential to defer or prevent the need tion to the large-scale expansion planning problem
for constructing new transmission lines [10]. The is used to reduce the computational burden.
TEP problem considering energy storage systems Genetic algorithms have been widely adopted
introduces new requirements in the problem mod- in the specialized literature to solve the TEP prob-
eling. These systems usually present a daily cycle lem due to its effectiveness [7, 24]. Additionally,
of charge and discharge that introduces the need the Chu-Beasley genetic algorithm (CBGA) has
for intraday time constraints. Larger cycles may been introduced to tackle the TEP problem [25–
be considered in the case of energy storage systems 29]. Despite the report of CBGA in the literature,
with large storage capacity. none of the published works have employed it
The authors in [11, 12] present a mathematical to address the TEP problem in conjunction with
formulation to solve the TEP problem while con- BESS devices and transmission lines.
sidering transmission lines and storage systems. In this work, the optimal placement of BESS
A mixed integer linear programming is used to devices is decided by taking into account intra-
solve the problem both in the short- and long- day time constraints. In contrast to Refs. [11, 12],
term scenarios. In [13] it is presented the optimal this document presents the mathematical model
allocation of the type of compressed air storage for the inclusion of BESS devices in the expansion
in a co-optimized electricity market. In [14] a planning of the transmission system considering
study of the impact of the energy storage system the daily cycle of charge and discharge of BESS
on the TEP problem using a genetic algorithm devices. The proposed approach, which is intended
is described. In [15], it is proposed a model of to be used with intraday time constraints, is sup-
planning for the expansion of long-term trans- ported by a specialized genetic algorithm. The
mission networks considering storage systems and CBGA provides the necessary information to the
renewable generation source through the formu- planning entity to determine how to expand the
lation of mixed integer linear programming. The construction of new transmission lines with siz-
authors in [16] developed a theoretical framework ing and placement of BESS devices. Although the
of analysis to study the interaction between cen- emphasis of the proposal is on utilizing batter-
tralized transmission planning and decentralized ies as storage systems, the algorithm is adaptable
transmission planning considering the storage sys- and can be utilized with other types of storage
tem. In [17], it is presented a method to solve systems.
the TEP problem considering renewable sources The novel contributions of this paper are
and storage systems, and that minimizes the dif- twofold:
ference between operating costs and investment
costs, simultaneously using the AC power flow
model and stochastic programming.

• Incorporating BESS devices into the planning of computationally unfeasible. Therefore, it is nec-
long-term transmission line expansion by deter- essary to find approximate ways to represent the
mining both the optimal transmission network temporal constraints on the TEP problem.
expansion and the placement of the BESS simul- Some approaches to represent ESS in the
taneously, taking into account intraday time TEP problem are found in the literature. In [15],
constraints to represent the daily cycle of charge demand blocks correlated with the generation of
and discharge of battery energy storage sys- renewable sources are used. These blocks are con-
tems and considering no-dispatchable renewable structed based on demand duration curves. In [31],
generation (wind farms). the concepts of seasonal periods and typical days
• A specialized genetic algorithm is utilized as an are used to develop simplified scenarios of daily
optimization technique to address intraday time generation and demand variation.
constraints in transmission expansion planning, In this paper, an approach based on energy sce-
incorporating BESS devices. narios and typical days is proposed for the TEP
problem. Demand information and variable renew-
The remainder of this paper is organized as
able generation are organized according to shown
follows: section 2 shows the representation of stor-
in Fig. 1. The annual period is divided into energy
age systems of energy for the TEP problem. The
scenarios corresponding to rainy or drought sea-
development of the mathematical formulation con-
sons (winter or summer), greater or lesser wind
sidering BESS devices and CBGA to solve the
and demand occurrence. For each of these energy
TEP problem are presented in section 3 and 4,
scenarios, i.e., winter or summer, typical days are
respectively. Section 5 shows the tests and results.
established, to which correspond demand curves,
Finally, the conclusions are presented in section 6.
renewable generation outputs and energy storage
2 Representation of energy These curves are subsequently staggered into
storage systems in the TEP so many discrete levels as considered appropriate.
The staggered demand and generation curves form
problem the scenarios that will be considered in the formu-
The simplest formulation of the TEP problem lation of the TEP problem. The higher is the level
considers a single generation and demand sce- of detail in this representation, the more accu-
nario, corresponding to a situation considered the rate it will be the problem modeling. However,
most severe for the transmission system on the to maintain the computational effort required for
studied horizon. In the multi-stage formulation, the model solution within reasonable limits, it is
different scenarios are considered, representing the necessary to limit the number of elements rep-
temporal evolution of demand and generation in resentation (scenarios, typical days and curves
consecutive steps of the planning horizon. Some levels).
formulations of the problem consider different sce- As an illustrative example of this modeling, the
narios of generation at the same stage, to represent following attributes are assumed:
different options due to market rules, availability • Energy scenarios: winter (W) and summer (S),
of generators, weather conditions, or fuel prices • Typical days: weekdays (Wd) and weekends
[30]. (We),
The representation of energy storage systems • Load levels: light load (LL), medium load (ML),
in the TEP problem introduces difficulties in mod- and heavy load (HL).
eling due to time constraints associated with the
charge and discharge cycle of these systems and Thus, the scenario tree will be represented as
the time variation of renewable energy sources in Fig. 2. In this case, the TEP problem is modeled
output. Depending on the technology used and the with twelve scenarios of variable renewable gener-
capacity of the ESS, an hourly representation, or ation and demand. Therefore, this work consider
even shorter intervals, is recommended. However, twelve scenarios.
given that the TEP problem can contemplate hori- The generation of scenarios by the method-
zons of several years, this kind of discretization is ology proposed in this section can be performed
from demand forecasts at the network nodes,

Fig. 1 Scenarios generation for the TEP problem.

Fig. 2 Scenario tree for the TEP problem representation.

the current and expected configuration of gen- response time and high energy efficiency. However,
erators, and historical data of the behavior of BESS devices have some disadvantages, such as
these variables, through data analysis techniques short lifespan, high investment cost, high mainte-
and machine learning. Alternatively, they can be nance, and heat sensitive [22].
obtained from the analysts’ experience, through
subjective evaluation. 3.1 BESS mathematical model
The mathematical model to describe the energy
3 Mathematical formulation stored in a battery is based on [20, 22]. Normally
in a battery, the storage level at the instant (t +
The TEP problem is an optimization problem that
1) depends on the energy stored at the previous
typically determines the expansion of the electrical
instant of time (t). Therefore, when the battery
network at the lowest possible cost while satisfying
is being charged, the storage level of the battery
the peak demand of the electrical system.
corresponds to:
On the other hand, batteries are electrochem-
ical devices that can mitigate peak loads, reduce
Sbi (t + 1) = Sbi (t) − ηc × Pbi (t) × ∆t; if Pbi (t) < 0
line overloads, and improve congestion preven-
tion while transmission lines are being built [14].
Among other advantages of batteries are the fast

and when the battery is being discharged it is zi , z1i ∈ {0, 1} ∀i ∈ ΩΓ (11)
represented as follows:
In this formulation, the binary variables zi , z1i
1 and the maximum number of BESS devices z are
Sbi (t + 1) = Sbi (t) − × Pbi (t) × ∆t; if Pbi (t) > 0
ηd added. The binary variable zi is set to 1 if the
(2) battery has been placed and 0 otherwise. The
remaining binary variable is used to differentiate
where Sbi (t) is the battery energy storage level at charge and discharge. When z1i = 0 the energy
time t, ηc and ηd represent the efficiency coefficient storage level is Sbi = Pb+i ∆t, which means that the
of charge and discharge of batteries, and Pbi (t) is battery is being charged, i.e., the behavior of the
the power flow at time t, and ∆t is the length of battery is like a load. When z1i = 1 the energy
the interval considered. storage level is Sbi = Pb−i ∆t, which means that the
Equations (3) and (4) represent power con- battery is being discharged, i.e., the behavior of
straint (there is maximum and minimum power the battery is like a generator.
flow the battery can provide) and energy con- Worth noting that the difference between this
strain (batteries feature a maximum and mini- formulation and the formulation compared with
mum storable energy). the work [22] is in constraints (8) and (9), which
means that the output power of the battery is
≤ Pbi (t) ≤ Pbmax
(3) between zero and its maximum level of energy
Sbmin ≤ Sbi (t) ≤ Sbmax (4) storage. This modification is only to represent
i i
the energy storage level in the daily charge and
where Pbmin , Pbmax represent lower and upper discharge cycle of the batteries. Furthermore, in
i i
limit of power injection battery at bus i, and this formulation it is not necessary to use a
Sbmin , Sbmax , represent lower and upper of the large enough positive constant M as established in
i i
energy stored in a battery at bus i. [20, 22], since in this paper a specialized genetic
The previous formulation is nonlinear since algorithm is used to the placement of batteries and
Eqs. (1) and (2) relies on the direction of power lines.
flow. In order to avoid this nonlinearity, the
equations used to model batteries are restructured 3.2 TEP mathematical model
using the following approach: formulation with BESS devices
Pbi (t) = Pbi (t)+ − Pbi (t)− ∀i ∈ ΩΓ . (5) Thus, taking into account the previous sections,
the mathematical model for the static transmis-
where the variables Pbi (t)− , Pbi (t)+ ≥ 0 are sion network expansion planning problem, using
auxiliary variables for power battery charge and the DC model with load shedding, battery energy
discharge. storage systems, and intraday time constraints
Thus, in (1) and (2) assuming Sbi = Sbi (t + presents the following format:
1) − Sbi (t), a unitary efficiency coefficient of the 
charge and discharge process in the battery, and   X  X X
min τl cij nij + α ric
also based on equation (5), the linear model to 
∀(i,j)∈Ωl c∈Ψ ∀i∈Ωb
represent the stored energy and the output power
in a battery presents the following format. X X X X Sc
+ τe ξi zic + ξp Pbci + ξw bi
0 ≤ Sbi − Pb+i ∆t ≤ z1i (6) c∈Ψ i∈ΩΓ i∈ΩΓ i∈ΩΓ
0 ≤ Sbi + Pb−i ∆t ≤ (1 − z1i ) (7)
Subject to:
0 ≤ Pb+i ∆t ≤ (1 − z1i )Sbmax (8) X
Sf c + g c + rc − Pbci = dc ∀c ∈ Ψ (13)
0≤ Pb−i ∆t ≤ z1i Sbmax
(9) ∀i∈ΩΓ
zi ≤ z̄ (10) fij − γij (noij + ncij )(θic − θjc ) = 0 ∀(i, j) ∈ Ωl ,

∀c ∈ Ψ (14) generator, and d is the demand in (p.u.) Kirch-
c c c hoff’s second law (voltage law) is represented by
| fij |≤ (noij + ncij )f ij ∀(i, j) ∈ Ωl ∀c ∈ Ψ
constraint (14), where γij is the susceptance of a
circuit in the right-of-way i − j in (p.u.), and θi
0 ≤ gic ≤ ḡic ∀i ∈ Ωb ∀c ∈ Ψ (16) is the angle phase in the bus i (rad). Constraint
c c (19) establishes the input power of each battery
0 ≤ ri ≤ di ∀i ∈ Ωb ∀c ∈ Ψ (17)
0 ≤ ncij ≤ n̄cij ∀(i, j) ∈ Ωl ∀c ∈ Ψ (18) in each demand scenario. Constraints (15-18) rep-
resent, respectively, power flow limits, generation
Pbci = Pb+c
− Pb−ci
∀i ∈ ΩΓ ∀c ∈ Ψ (19) limits, demand limits, and the maximum number
c c cmax of lines that should be added in the path i − j.
0 ≤ Sbi ≤ zi Sbi ∀i ∈ ΩΓ , ∀c ∈ Ψ (20)
Constraint (20)-(22), represent, respectively, the
0 ≤ Sbci − Pb+c c
∆t ≤ z1i ∀i ∈ ΩΓ , ∀c ∈ Ψ (21)
i limit of the storage level of each battery, the stor-
c −c c
0 ≤ Sbi + Pbi ∆t ≤ (1 − z1i ) ∀i ∈ ΩΓ , ∀c ∈Ψ age level if the battery is in state of charge, and
(22) the storage level if the battery is in state of dis-
0 ≤ Pb+c c
∆t ≤ (1 − z1i )Sbmax ∀i ∈ ΩΓ , ∀c ∈ Ψ charge. Particularly, it assumes that the minimum
i i
storage level is 0 whereas the maximum threshold
is the energy capacity of the battery.
0 ≤ Pb−c c max
∆t ≤ z1i Sbi ∀i ∈ ΩΓ , ∀c ∈ Ψ (24) Constraints (23) and (24) limit the charg-
X i
c c
zi ≤ z̄ ∀i ∈ ΩΓ ∀c ∈ Ψ (25) ing and discharging power of each battery. Con-
straint (25) represents the maximum number of
BESS devices. The decision variables for BESS
zi , z1i ∈ {0, 1} ∀i ∈ ΩΓ (26)
devices, number of circuits, and phase angle are
nij integer ∀(i, j) ∈ Ωl (27) represented by constraints (26-28). The variables
θi unbounded ∀i ∈ Ωb (28) indexed with c represent the expansion plan for
the c scenario. Finally, the sets Ωb , Ωl , ΩΓ , and
Equation (12) represents the objective func- Ψ represent, respectively, the set of all buses,
tion, where are added the fixed and variable transmission lines, buses with BESS devices, and
investment costs of the batteries. The fixed cost set of scenarios. It should be noted that in this
ξi is associated with the BESS investment deci- formulation to transform into a linear program-
sion (battery cost), the costs incurred only at ming problem (LP), the variables ncij and zic will
the time of generation are called power capacity be proposed by the specialized genetic algorithm
costs or variable costs ξp . The variables ξw , Sbi , presented in Section 4 for each scenario c.
and µ, represent unit energy capacity cost, total To obtain the annual equivalent costs, the
energy capacity, and cycle efficiency of the BESS capital costs of the transmission lines and BESS
devices, respectively. Variable costs change based devices in the objective function are converted
on the amount of energy stored by the batter- to annual values by multiplying by the annuity
ies. The objective function (12) with variables and factors [12]:
parameters cij , nij , zi , Pbi , α and ri , represent,
respectively, cost of a circuit added in the right-
of-way i − j (US$), number of new circuits added x(1 + x)y
τ= (29)
in right-of-way i − j, number of BESS devices in (1 + x)y − 1
the bus i, power flow injection of BESS devices in
the bus i, penalty parameter associated with load where x is the discount rate and y is the useful life
shedding (US$MW), with ri elements correspond- in years. The costs of transmission lines and BESS
ing to the artificial generation in bus i (MW). devices are very high, but their annual values are
τl and τe represent the lifespans of transmission lower due to their long lifespan.
lines and BESS devices. Constraint (13) repre-
sents Kirchhoff’s first law (current law), where S
is the incidence matrix, f power flow in the right-
of-way i − j, g is the generation, r is the artificial

4 Specialized genetic ideas of the algorithm presented in [25] is used,
algorithm i.e., the Villasana Garver constructive heuristic
algorithm is employed.
The meta-heuristic optimization algorithm based
on individual genetics was proposed in [32] with 4.3 Selection
the objective of solving widespread designation
There are different selection methods for genetic
problems. In this paper, the CBGA presented in
algorithms, such as roulette selection, tournament,
[25, 27] and [29] is used to solve the TEP problem
ranking, steady state, elitism, and Boltzmann [34].
considering BESS devices. The CBGA procedures
In this paper, tournament selection is used. This
are similar to Holland’s genetic algorithm [33],
step consists of randomly selecting ks individuals
but it has some differences that make it a more
from the current population to create two groups.
efficient and competitive algorithm, solving very
Once the two groups are generated, they are sent
complex problems with reduced computational
to a competition between individuals. This is done
times. To employ the CBGA in the mathematical
with the objective of selecting the two best indi-
model of the TEP problem in this work, the objec-
viduals from each group who will be named parent
tive function is divided into two sub-functions,
1 and parent 2.
such as the fitness function (circuits and BESS
devices costs) and the unfitness function (identi-
fies the unfeasibility of the individual, i.e., the load 4.4 Recombination
shedding ri > 0). This genetic operator allows the exchange of
Fig. 3 shows the CBGA procedure with BESS genes or information among individuals. In gen-
devices. In this flowchart, it is initialized speci- eral, there are three types of recombination: the
fying control parameters, such as: kps , ksr , kmr , first is through a single point, the second is
kdr , k, kmax , which represent, respectively, the through multiple points, and the third uses the
population size, selection rate, mutation rate, dis- uniform recombination method. In this paper, the
tribution rate, the start of iterations, and the single-point method is used, whose objective is
maximum number of iterations. In this work, it is to recombine the best-selected individuals in the
worth mentioning that the control parameters for selection stage. Once the information of the two
both transmission lines and BESS devices are the individuals (parents) has been exchanged, they are
same. named offspring 1 and offspring 2.
The most important features of CBGA are
listed below: 4.5 Mutation
4.1 Codification The mutation is a mechanism of the genetic
algorithm that allows the current population to
In genetic algorithms, coding is very important have greater diversity and prevents the algorithm
since they can be encoded by binary, integer, from remaining in local minima. In addition, the
or real numbers. Furthermore, proper coding can mutation allows the creation of new qualities in
lead to results in reduced computational time. The the individuals of the current population. There-
coding carried out in this work is through integer fore, the mutation process presented in this paper
variables to represent the transmission lines, and is performed by adding, removing, or changing
the coding of binary variables is used to represent features on individuals (transmission lines, trans-
the BESS devices. formers, or BESS devices).
Note that selection, recombination, and muta-
4.2 Initial population tion processes are performed for both transmission
lines and BESS devices.
According to the specialized literature, there are
two methods to initialize the CBGA population.
The first is random and the second is using a
constructive heuristic algorithm. For the initial
population of the CBGA of this work, the main

4.6 Local improvement of an shedding equal to zero) a constructive heuristic
individual algorithm (CHA) in [35] is used. In this CHA the
capacity limits of power flows of the circuits are
After the mechanisms of selection, recombination, ignored and the DC mathematical model (13-18)
and mutation, a new individual is available. This is executed to obtain the power flows in each right-
new individual can be feasible or unfeasible (non- of-way. Once the power flows are determined,
zero load shedding). Therefore, since the objective transmission lines are added to the right-of-way
function of the CBGA is divided into the unfitness with the highest power flow (overload circuits).
function and a fitness function, local improvement This process is repeated until there is no more
is made for both functions and they are described overloaded right-of-way. Completing this process,
as follows: the individual becomes feasible and can present
circuits, so, the circuits are removed according to
the cost of each circuit.

4.6.2 Objective function improvement

After using the constructive heuristic, making
the individual feasible, and performing the selec-
tion, recombination, and mutation mechanisms; it
may be that the individual has unnecessary ele-
ments (transmission lines, transformers, or BESS
devices) causing a higher investment cost. There-
fore, at this stage, unnecessary elements are
removed according to the cost of the transmis-
sion lines and BESS devices without altering the
feasibility of the individual.

4.7 Population substitution

To carry out this process, the procedure intro-
duced in [36] is employed, where the individual
that aspires to be part of the current population
and replace another individual of the population,
must follow the acceptance criteria, such as: (1)
the individual must be different in kc characteris-
tics to each individual in the current population,
where kc is the diversity factor. This value is calcu-
lated using a diversity rate defined in the reference
[29]; and (2) if the fitness function of the offspring
is better quality than the fitness function of the
worst individual in the current population, then
the offspring replaces that individual.

4.8 Stop criteria

Fig. 3 Flowchart of CBGA with BESS devices. In the specialized literature, there are various
stopping criteria, such as the number of iterations,
when the incumbent does not improve for sev-
eral generations when the configurations are very
4.6.1 Improving unfitness function
similar and there is practically no diversity of indi-
To improve the unfitness function and trans- viduals in the populations. Therefore, this paper
form the infeasible individual into feasible (load opts for the number of iterations criterion or when

the objective function does not change during a are set to 30 and 15 years, respectively [38]. On
number of iterations. the other hand, the characteristics of the batter-
ies presented in Table 2 are taken from [12, 20],
5 Test and results which are: ξp = $500/KW, ξw = $3000/MWh,
µ = 75% and ξi are set to $1,000,000 to avoid deci-
This section presents the results obtained by the sions too small with BESS devices. It is assumed
CBGA considering BESS devices to solve the that charging and discharging efficiency coefficient
TEP problem. The methodology was successfully of the batteries is equal to 100% [22].
applied to 6-bus [26] and 93-bus electrical test sys-
tems [29]. All algorithms were implemented in the 5.1 Garver’s 6-bus test system
Matlab programming language using a personal
This system contains 5 nodes and 6 lines con-
computer with processor Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-
necting them, with 760 MW load and 1110 MW
1255U CPU @ 1.70 GHz with 16GB memory RAM
generation capacity; moreover, there is a sixth
and with the following CBGA control parameters
node, which initially is not connected to the rest of
kps = 50, ksr = 4, kmr = 10%, kdr = 2%, and
the system [27]. Two wind farms are assumed, one
α = 100.
in bus 3 and the other in bus 6. Wind farm gen-
erators vary according to the scenarios indicated
Table 1 Characteristics of each scenario in percent
of daily peak above. Three different cases have been tested:
TEP neglecting scenarios and BESS devices (case
Winter Summer
Sc Load Hour A), TEP considering only scenarios (case B), and
Wd We Wd We
1 LL 1:00-8:00 66.00 68.63 61.50 66.13 the complete expansion test that allows both sce-
2 HL 9:00-19:00 96.17 90.67 96.17 91.17
3 ML 20:00-24:00 77.50 88.50 86.00 90.25 narios and the placement of BESS devices (case
In Table 5, the results for the Garver system
are presented, and Fig. 4a shows the results for
power flows and the optimal expansion in case A,
Table 2 Battery characteristics and Fig. 4b shows the optimal expansion solu-
Investment Operation Capacity Power tion considering scenarios and BESS devices in
cost $×106 cost ($/MWh) (MWh) (MW)
6-bus ξi = 1 ξw = 3000 Sb = 25 Pb = 10 the case C. From Table 5 and Fig. 4b, it can see
93-bus ξi = 1 ξw = 3000 Sb = 40 Pb = 10
that four lines are built with an initial invest-
ment cost of $100.00 million in case C. Using
It is assumed that the daily demand curve is the CBGA the following configuration was found:
variable for 24 hours and for each day the following n2−3 = 1, n2−6 = 2, n3−5 = 1, and one battery in
possible scenarios are established: three scenarios node 3 and other in node 5, both with an energy
for the weekdays and three scenarios for the week- capacity equal to 25MWh.
ends in winter and summer respectively. Table 1 Comparing case A and case B, it can be seen
summarizes the variable demand for each scenario. that the same investment cost was found in the
Furthermore, sub-scenarios are shown indicating lines. This is because the characteristics of each
light load, heavy load, and medium load, which are scenario do not affect the increase or reduction of
obtained through the arithmetic mean reported the cost, however, the computation time increases
in [37]. The placement of wind farms is based on when considering the winter and summer scenar-
factors such as demand, generation capacity, and ios, during the week and on weekends for light,
battery location. Wind farms assume variable gen- heavy and medium loads. Similarly, when com-
eration as follows: winter weekdays and weekends paring case B and case C, the computing time
(LL-50%, HL-100% and ML-85%) and summer increases, but the investment cost in transmission
weekdays and weekends (LL-55%, HL-100% and lines is reduced by $10 million. However, com-
ML-80%). paring the total cost of lines and batteries, the
To convert the capital costs to annual values, investment cost is reduced by only $1.79 million.
the discount rate x =10% is adopted, and the In Table 3, the results for power flows in case
lifespans of transmission lines and BESS devices C are reported. It can be seen that the power flow

BESS d5 d1
240 80 150
Bus 5 Bus 1
Bus 5 67.88 Bus 1

312.12 New transmission
BESS line
38.79 Existing
Bus 3 transmission line
Bus 3 100 d3 d2 Wind turbine
40 240
Installed BESS
Bus 2 BESS
Bus 2 devices


297.88 Bus 6 Bus 4

Bus 6 Bus 4
a. Traditional b. Garver system considering
Garver system scenarios with BESS devices

Fig. 4 Optimal transmission expansion planning solution for cases A and C.

Table 3 Power flow for all lines considering BESS devices in the 12 scenarios for Garver system
Winter Summer Capacity

Weekdays (Wd) Weekends (We) Weekdays (Wd) Weekends (We) (MW)

Line Sc. 1 Sc. 2 Sc. 3 Sc. 4 Sc. 5 Sc. 6 Sc. 1 Sc.2 Sc. 3 Sc. 4 Sc.5 Sc. 6
1-2 0.34 -6.57 -3.69 0.47 -6.89 -5.81 1.91 -6.56 -5.03 0.29 -6.86 -3.16 100
1-4 42.38 58.92 48.13 42.19 55.27 54.32 40.13 58.92 53.03 42.44 55.60 56.49 80
1-5 54.49 20.71 43.56 54.84 29.08 30.69 58.76 20.71 33.21 54.37 28.32 24.47 100
2-3 -21.29 -132.31 -65.56 -19.84 -114.28 -105.49 -3.96 -132.31 -96.01 -21.77 -115.92 -107.67 100
2-4 63.23 94.94 75.87 62.81 89.80 87.28 58.28 94.94 84.58 63.36 90.26 87.90 100
2-6 -200 -200 -200 -200 -200 -200 -200 -200 -200 -200 -200 -200 100
3-5 128.91 -200 167.44 127.66 200 190.11 113.84 200 182.59 129.33 200 169.24 100

Table 4 Charge and discharge of BESS devices in the 12 scenarios for Garver system
Winter Summer Capacity

Weekdays (Wd) Weekends (We) Weekdays (Wd) Weekends (We) (MWh)

Bus Sc. 1 Sc. 2 Sc. 3 Sc. 4 Sc. 5 Sc. 6 Sc. 1 Sc.2 Sc. 3 Sc. 4 Sc.5 Sc. 6
3 0 10.78 0 0 0 25 0 10.78 25 0 0 25 25
5 -25 10.09 -25 -25 -11.48 -8.4 -25 10.09 -9.4 -25 -9.52 22.9 25

in the right-of-way 2-6 is used at maximum capac- 88.5% and 90.17% of the total value of the sys-
ity in the twelve scenarios. In addition, line 3-5 tem and the generation operates at 100%. But in
is used at maximum capacity in scenarios 2-Wd, the medium load scenario for the summer in WE,
and 5-We in winter and summer. Furthermore, the the battery is being discharged because the renew-
increase in power flow can be observed by consid- able generation only works at 80%. It should be
ering the heavy load scenario in Wd and We for noted that values with a positive sign mean that
winter and summer. the battery is in state of discharge (behaves like a
The results of charge and discharge of the generator), and with a negative sign means that
BESS devices allocated in nodes 3 and 5 for 12 the battery is in state of charge (behaves like a
scenarios are present in Table 4, it can be observed demand).
that in heavy load the batteries are discharged
and in light load, the batteries are charged, which 5.2 93-bus electrical test system
indicates a typical behavior of the batteries. Pay
attention to Table 4 for the winter and summer The electrical test system is a configuration of the
scenarios in We, the battery is charging because Colombian system with 93 buses, 193 transmission
in that period it has demand that varies between lines as base topology, 155 candidate branches,

81 New transmission
49 53 46
48 63
45 Existing transmission
47 52 51 line

50 Wind turbine
56 BESS Installed BESS
57 84

55 42
17 37 40 41
15 12 86 68
76 61 39
21 18 58
75 38
20 22
23 82
16 62 66
14 60 67
31 34 70

72 8 59
85 9
30 4 2 83 77 79
5 87
71 93
89 1
25 78
27 35 6 10
28 BESS 91

44 92

Fig. 5 Optimal transmission expansion planning solution considering scenarios and BESS devices for 93-bus system.

Table 5 Results of the expansion for the Garver Considering BESS devices with the data in
Table 1 (case C), it was found the following topol-
Number of new lines
Case A
Case B
Case C
ogy: n43−88 = 1, n55−57 = 1, n55−84 = 1, n56−57 =
Number of added batteries
Initial line
- - 2 1, n55−62 = 1, n18−21 = 1, n27−29 = 1, n29−64 = 1,
110 110 100
investment, M$
Annual line cost, M$ 11.67 11.67 10.61
n50−54 = 1, n62−73 = 1, n54−56 = 1, n72−73 = 1,
Initial BESS
Investment, M$
- - 8.21 n19−82 = 2, n82−85 = 1, n68−86 = 1, and optimal
Annual BESS cost
Total investment, M$
allocation of BESS devices in bus 25 and 80 as
Time (seg.) 1.13 7.16 15.87 show in Fig. 5. The computational time required
was 5.57 min. with 20,420 linear programming
demand, and generation both equal to 14,559 problems solve (LP). In Fig. 5 it can be seen
MW, and a maximum possible number of added that 16 circuits are added with the initial invest-
lines per branch equal to 4 [29]. One existing non- ment cost of the circuit and BESS devices equal to
dispatchable renewable generation (wind farm) is US$500.79×106 and US$10.77×106 , respectively.
assumed at buses 25 and 67. The optimal solution The annual investment cost of the circuit is equal
to the planning problem without BESS devices to US$53.12×106 , and of the BESS devices is
has an investment cost equal to US$560.00×106 equal to US$1.42×106 . Therefore, there is a cost
(case A and case B) with load shedding equal to decreases when the batteries are considered, i.e.,
0.38MW as reported in [29].

BESS devices Wind Farms
only US$507.95×106 are needed to satisfy the Winter Weekdays Winter Weekends
100 100
electrical demand.
The charge and discharge of the battery can 50 50


be monitored by analyzing bus 25, where a vari-
0 0
able generation (wind farm) and a BESS device
are located. Fig. 6 shows the charge and discharge -50 -50
1 5 8 13 19 24 1 5 8 13 19 24
of BESS device. Scenarios 1 (1-8hrs), 2 (8-19hrs), Hour Hour
and 3 (19-24hrs), represent LL, HL, and ML for 100
Summer Weekdays
Summer Weekends

weekdays and weekends in winter and summer

50 50
(total scenarios = 12). In addition, Fig. 6 shows


that the battery for the 4 sub-figures in LL sce- 0 0
nario is being charged, while in HL scenario for
weekdays in winter and summer, the battery is -50
1 5 8 13 19 24
1 5 8 13 19 24
discharging. However, for weekends in winter and Hour Hour

summer, the battery is in a state of resting. In

ML scenario for weekdays in winter and summer Fig. 6 Charged and discharged of BESS devices located
the battery is being charged, while the winter and in bus 25 for the winter and summer scenarios.
summer weekends are being discharged.
Fig. 7 shows the variable generation and Wind Farms Demand
Winter Weekdays Winter Weekends
demand levels in bus 67 in LL, HL and ML sce- 500 500

narios for weekdays and weekends in winter and

400 400
summer. On weekdays and weekends in winter

for LL scenario the variable generation is less 300 300

than demand. However, the variable generation is

200 200
greater than the demand in HL scenario. 1 5 8 13 19 24 1 5 8 13 19 24
Hour Hour
Fig. 8 shows BESS devices and demand levels Summer Weekdays Summer Weekends
500 500
in bus 80 for the winter and summer on week-
days and weekends in LL, HL, and ML scenarios, 400

respectively. The battery is being charged in the
LL, and is being discharged in HL, ML scenarios. 300
Moreover, it should also be noted that the Figs. 6, 200
7 and 8 have the format of the Fig. 1 to represent 1 5 8 13
19 24 1 5 8 13
19 24

the generation scenarios in transmission network

expansion planning.
Based on Fig. 6 and Fig. 8 the charging/dis- Fig. 7 Variable generation and demand levels in bus 67
for the winter and summer scenarios..
charging of BESS devices is consistent with wind
farms and load variations which facilitate the
interaction with the non-dispatchable renewable have a significant percentage of renewable energy
generation, reducing investment cost in planning sources and distributed generators, in which BESS
decisions. devices or other forms of energy storage systems
It is noteworthy that in this work, BESS are more likely to be implemented for ancillary
devices are introduced analogously to the inte- services, in order to address uncertainties and
gration of renewable generation units for the improve power quality and reliability.
transmission upgrade deferral. This deferral in
the transmission line adds favorable flexibility to 6 Conclusion
future investment decisions, because long-term
uncertainties may make the current optimal plan This paper introduced a new formulation for the
no longer the best option in the future. Further- transmission expansion planning problem, consid-
more, the new transmission lines are expected to ering energy scenarios and typical days behavior,
strengthen the grid structure and alleviate trans- to represent the intraday constraints introduced
mission congestions, particularly in systems that by considering battery energy storage systems

BESS devices Demand
Winter Weekdays Winter Weekends under the grant APG-03609-17, and Instituto Nacional de
100 100
Energia Elétrica (INERGE).

50 50

0 0

Conflict of interest The authors declare no conflict of inter-

-50 -50 est. The funders had no role in the design of the study; in the
1 5 8 13 19 24 1 5 8 13 19 24
Hour Hour collection, analyses, or interpretation of data; in the writing of
Summer Weekdays Summer Weekends the manuscript; or in the decision to publish the results.
100 100

50 50


0 0
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