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1. Fill in the blank:

(a) An emf is always induced whenever there is change in _______ ________ in the circuit but current is induced only
in _______ ________ .

(b) Sensitive electrical instruments in the vicinity of an electromagnet can be damaged due to the _______ ________
when the electromagnet is turned on or off.

2. Here we go with experiments of Faraday & Henry.

(i) First Experiment (Current Induced by a Magnet): Figure shows a coil 𝐶1 connected to a galvanometer
𝐺. When the North-pole of a bar magnet is pushed towards the coil, the pointer in the galvanometer deflects,
indicating the presence of electric current in the coil. The deflection lasts as long as the bar magnet is in motion.
The galvanometer does not show any deflection when the magnet is held stationary.

Figure 1(a): When the bar magnet is pushed towards the coil, the pointer in the galvanometer G deflects

When the magnet is pulled away from the coil, the galvanometer shows deflection in the opposite direction,
which indicates reversal of the current’s direction. Moreover, when the South-pole of the bar magnet is moved
towards or away from the coil, the deflections in the galvanometer are opposite to that observed with the North-
pole for similar movements. Further, the deflection (and hence current) is found to be larger when the magnet is
pushed towards or pulled away from the coil faster. Instead, when the bar magnet is held fixed and the coil 𝐶1 is
moved towards or away from the magnet, the same effects are observed. It shows that it is the relative motion
between the magnet and the coil that is responsible for generation (induction) of electric current in the coil.

(ii) Second Experiment (Current Induced by a Current):

In the figure given above the bar magnet is replaced by a second coil 𝐶2 connected to a battery. The steady
current in the coil 𝐶2 produces a steady magnetic field. As coil 𝐶2 is moved towards the coil 𝐶1 , the
galvanometer shows a deflection. This indicates that electric current is induced in coil 𝐶1 . When 𝐶2 is moved
away, the galvanometer shows a deflection again, but this time in the opposite direction. The deflection lasts as

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Figure 1(b): Current is induced in coil 𝑪𝟏 due to motion of the current carrying coil 𝑪𝟐

long as coil 𝐶2 is in motion. When the coil 𝐶2 is held fixed and 𝐶1 is moved, the same effects are observed.
Again, it is the relative motion between the coils that induces the electric current.

(ii) Third Experiment (Current Induced by Changing Current): The above two experiments involved
relative motion between a magnet and a coil and between two coils, respectively. Through another experiment,
Faraday showed that this relative motion is not an absolute requirement. Figure shows two coils 𝐶1 and 𝐶2 held
stationary. Coil 𝐶1 is connected to galvanometer 𝐺 while the second coil 𝐶2 is connected to a battery through a
tapping key 𝐾.

Figure 1(c)

It is observed that the galvanometer shows a momentary deflection when the tapping key 𝐾 is pressed. The
pointer in the galvanometer returns to zero immediately. If the key is held pressed continuously, there is no
deflection in the galvanometer. When the key is released, a momentary deflection is observed again, but in the

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opposite direction. It is also observed that the deflection increases dramatically when an iron rod is inserted into
the coils along their axis.

Consider Experiment 2. What would we do to obtain a large deflection of the galvanometer? To obtain a large
deflection, one or more of the steps can be taken. State them.

3. Consider Experiment 2. How would we demonstrate the presence of an induced current in the absence of a

4. In a coil of resistance 100 W, a current is induced by changing the magnetic flux through it as shown in the
figure. Find the magnitude of change in flux through the coil.



Figure 2

�⃗ exists in a direction perpendicular to the plane of a square loop made of a metal

5. A uniform magnetic field 𝐵
wire. The wire has a diameter of 4 𝑚𝑚 and a total length of 30 𝑐𝑚. The magnetic field changes with time at a
steady rate = 0.032 𝑇𝑠 −1 . Calculate the induced current in the loop with approximation (take, resistivity of
the metal wire = 1.23 × 10−8 Ω𝑚).

6. A square loop of side 10 cm and resistance 0.5 Ω is placed vertically in the east-west plane. A uniform
magnetic field of 0.10 T is set up across the plane in the north-east direction. The magnetic field is decreased to
zero in 0.70 s at a steady rate. (a) Determine the magnitudes of induced emf and current during this time-
interval. (b) Earth’s magnetic field also produces a flux through the loop. How much emf it induces and why?

7. A small bar magnet of dipole moment 𝑀 is moving with speed 𝑣 along 𝑥 − direction towards a small closed
circular conducting loop of radius a with its centre 𝑂 at 𝑥 = 0 (see figure). Assume 𝑥 >> 𝑎 and the coil has a
resistance 𝑅. Then, prove that induced emf is proportional to 𝑥 −4 .

Figure 3

8. A conducting circular loop of resistance 20 Ω and cross-sectional area 20 × 102 𝑚2 is placed perpendicular
to a spatially uniform magnetic field 𝐵, which varies with time 𝑡 as 𝐵 = 2𝑠𝑖𝑛(50𝜋𝑡) 𝑇. Find the net charge
flowing through the loop in 20 𝑚𝑠 starting from 𝑡 = 0.

9. A circular coil of radius 10 𝑐𝑚, 500 turns and resistance 2 Ω is placed with its plane perpendicular to the
horizontal component of the earth’s magnetic field. It is rotated about its vertical diameter through 180° in

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0.25 𝑠. Estimate the magnitudes of the emf and current induced in the coil. Horizontal component of the earth’s
magnetic field at the place is 3.0 × 10–5 𝑇.

10. Say true or false.

(a) If flux is decreasing, the magnetic field due to induced current will be along the existing magnetic field.
(b) If flux is increasing, the magnetic field due to induced current will be opposite to existing magnetic field.

11. Consider the figure given below. Find the direction of the induced current in the wire loop shown below as
the magnet enters, passes through, and leaves the loop.

Figure 4

12. Find the direction of the induced current for each case shown below, observing from the side of the magnet.

a b c

Figure 5

13. Figure 6 shows planar loops of different shapes moving out of or into a region of a magnetic field which is
directed normal to the plane of the loop away from the reader. Determine the direction of induced current in
each loop using Lenz’s law.

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Figure 6

14. In the given figure a bar magnet is quickly moved towards a conducting loop having a capacitor. Predict the
polarity of the plates A and B of the capacitor.


Figure 7

15. (a) A closed loop is held stationary in the magnetic field between the north and south poles of two
permanent magnets held fixed. Can we hope to generate current in the loop by using very strong magnets?

Figure 8

(b) A closed loop moves normal to the constant electric field between the plates of a large capacitor. Is a current
induced in the loop (i) when it is wholly inside the region between the capacitor plates (ii) when it is partially
outside the plates of the capacitor? The electric field is normal to the plane of the loop.

(c) A rectangular loop and a circular loop are moving out of a uniform magnetic field region (Fig. 8) to a field-
free region with a constant velocity 𝑣. In which loop do you expect the induced emf to be constant during the
passage out of the field region? The field is normal to the loops.

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(d) Predict the polarity of the capacitor in the situation described by Fig. 9.

Figure 9

16. Explain that Lenz’s law obeys the law of conservation of energy.

17. Given that if cross magnetic field passing through a loop increases then induced current will produce dot
magnetic field. Similarly, if dot magnetic field passing through a loop decreases then cross magnetic field is
produced by the induced current. Based on this hint Find the direction of induced current produced in the loop
which is placed in magnetic field 𝐵 = 2𝑡.

× × ×

× × ×

× × ×
Figure 10

18. A rectangular loop is placed to the left of large current carrying straight wire as shown in Figure. Current
varies with time as 𝐼 = 2𝑡. Find direction of induced current 𝐼𝑖𝑛 in the square loop.

𝐼 = 2𝑡

Figure 11

19. A metallic loop is placed in a non-uniform steady magnetic field. Will an emf be induced in the loop?

20. Figure shows a conducting loop placed near a long straight wire carrying a current i as shown. If the current
increases continuously, find the direction of the induced current in the loop.

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Figure 12

21. A current carrying straight wire passes inside a triangular loop as shown in Figure 13. The current in the wire
is perpendicular to paper inwards. Find the direction of the induced current in the loop if current in the wire is

× 𝑖

Figure 13

22. Predict the direction of induced current in metal rings 1 and 2 when current 𝐼 in the wire is steadily

Figure 14

�⃗ =
23. A square of side 𝐿 meters lies in the 𝑥 − 𝑦 plane in a region, where the magnetic field is given by 𝐵
𝐵0 �2𝚤̂ + 3𝚥̂ + 4𝑘� � 𝑇 where 𝐵0 is constant. Find the magnitude of flux passing through the square.

24. A loop, made of straight edges has six corners at 𝐴(0,0,0), 𝐵(𝐿, 0,0), 𝐶(0, 𝐿, 0), 𝐸(0, 𝐿, 𝐿) and 𝐹(0,0, 𝐿). A
�⃗ = 𝐵0 �𝚤̂ + 𝑘� � 𝑇 is present in the region. Find the flux passing through the loop 𝐴𝐵𝐶𝐷𝐸𝐹𝐴 (in
magnetic field 𝐵
that order).

25. A metallic ring is attached to the wall of a room. When the north pole of a magnet is brought near to it, what
will be the direction of induced current in the ring?

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Figure 15

26. A fly net has a circular mouth of radius R. It is placed in a uniform magnetic field B with the direction of the
field perpendicular to the circular surface. Find the flux of magnetic field through the curved surface of the net.

Figure 16

27. Consider a conducting loop of area 𝑆 = 0.2 𝑚2 kept in a uniform magnetic field. The plane of the loop is
perpendicular to the direction of the field. The magnetic field changes with time according to 𝐵 = (0.2𝑡) 𝑇,
where 𝑡 is time in second.

× × ×

× × ×

× × ×

Figure 17

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