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Date: 98-05-12 E-mail:
Revision: 1.0

© BRABENDER Technologie, Juli.1999 Copyright as per DIN 34 3B110129.doc

This appendix deals with the differences between the software versions
LM2 N V1.__ and the software version LM N V1.0. This appendix is a
supplement to the existing operating instructions and cannot substi-
tute the operating instructions.

Run-down of batch feeding with the option

Refilling after a batch

After the end of batch feeding the digital output batch end
will be set. After that the refilling of the hopper can be
! started.
A start of a new batch is only possible after the refilling and
after run-down of the subsequent product stabilisation time.

LM N V1.1

The software version LM N V1.1 permits to select the new mode batch 3
(B3). With this mode the batch will be fed out gravimetrically.
This mode functions with a given feeding setpoint in kg/h, that is con-
trolled by a PID-controller after the start of the feeding operation.
During the feeding operation the batch parameters batch setpoint and
derivative action point will be processed. On reaching the switch-off
value (= batch setpoint * derivative action point) feeding will stop.
Gravimetric feeding is protected against external vibrations by the pa-
rameter anti-vibration. The protection against vibrations has to be ad-
justed to the environment so that it permits sufficient protection
against external vibrations, but does not disturb the feeding operation.
If the protection against vibrations is activated during gravimetric
feeding, the Congrav will switch over to volumetric feeding for the du-
ration of the vibration. The constant manipulated variable for this
volumetric feeding operation is calculated from the average value of the
last 64 manipulated variable values.
Further parameters for the gravimetric feeding operation: alarm cut-out
time, control difference and actual value adaptation. The parameter con-
trol difference as a function of the gravimetric setpoint in kg/h defines
the maximum allowed difference between setpoint and actual value
during gravimetric feeding. A violation of the control difference or of the
protection against vibrations will start the alarm cut-out time. If the du-
ration of the alarm exceeds the value that has been entered for the
alarm cut-out time, there will be an alarm cut-out with a message indi-
cating the type of alarm.
The actual value adaptation permits to adjust the formation of the gra-
vimetric actual value to the feeding conditions. The standard value of 3
is sufficient for most of the applications and should only be changed if

©Brabender Technologie, Juli 1999 Appendix: Operating Instructions LM N V1._ Page 2/6
New parameters
1. Setpoint in kg/h Input = menu page F300
2. P-term controller Calibration point 34 [0.01 ... 100]
3. I-term controller Calibration point 35 [0.01 ... 100]
4. D-term controller Calibration point 36 [0 ... 10]
5. Anti-vibration Calibration point 37 [0 ... 100]
6. Alarm cut-out time Calibration point 38 [1 ... 600s]
7. Control difference Calibration point 39 [0 ... 100% ]
8. Act. value adaptation Calibration point 40 [0 ... 5]

LM N V1.2

The modifications for software version LM N V1.2 concern the func-

tions of the digital inputs and outputs of the master-CPU, the so-called
digital installation inputs and digital installation outputs.

The digital installation inputs

1. DI2: Start of all selected components
2. DI3: Stop of all selected components
3. DI4: Alarm reset for all selected components
4. DI8: Batch cut-out for all selected components

The digital installation outputs

1. DO4: Start condition of one selected component not fulfilled
2. DO8: Batch end of all selected components

Further modifications
On the host computer interface the software prevents the processing of
a negative zero. Before, the transmission of a negative zero caused a
MM-error and the corresponding alarm cut-out.

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LM N V1.3

The modifications to version V1.2 are very extensive. With version V1.3
the feeding functions have been optimised and errors that occurred in
version V1.2 have been eliminated.

Partial batch operation with B1 mode

The partial batch operation is automatically selected if the partial
batch automatics (calibration point 32) are activated, and if the batch
setpoint exceeds the maximum available product quantity. The maxi-
mum product quantity is calculated from the difference of the hopper
filling level limits (filling level max. - underload). With high batch set-
points and a small product quantity there is a high number of partial
batches. For a controlled cut-out of the partial batches the calibration
point speed maximum is now additionally used as derivative action
point for the individual partial batches. The parameter derivative action
point refers to the complete batch setpoint.

Processing of the weight value during refilling

Refilling is stopped automatically if the weight value reaches the filling

level filling level max. The calibration point speed min. is selected in
addition to the speed monitoring, whether the non-average or the aver-
age weight value is processed during refilling.
Speed min <= 2% à during refilling the non-average weight value
will be processed.
Speed min > 2% à during refilling the average weight value will
be processed.
Moreover, after refilling and run-down of the product stabilisation pe-
riod, it will be checked whether the filling level value filling level max.
has been reached. If the hopper contents fall short of this filling level
value, a new refilling will start automatically, until filling level max. has
been reached or exceeded.

Further modifications

- The digital installation output start condition of a selected feeder not

fulfilled will also been set, if the feeder is interlocked and the start
condition filling level < filling level min. is on.
- Manual refilling can be activated as per version V1.3, if the feeder
has been interlocked and started.

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LM N V1.4
Partial batch operation

Partial batch operation is no longer selected via the calibration point

partial batch automatic, now the software automatically activates the
partial batch operation, if the batch setpoint exceeds the product
quantity (filling level max. - filling level min.).
Partial batch operation is corresponding to the normal batch operation
with the difference that on reaching the minimum filling level batch
feeding will be stopped and refilling will start after run-down of the
batch stabilisation time. Refilling will be stopped on reaching the
maximum filling level and feeding will continue after run-down of the
product stabilisation time. As with normal batch feeding, with partial
batch feeding as well, all feeding parameters such as derivative action
point, coarse/fine switch-over, etc. refer to the complete batch setpoint.
The double function of the parameter speed maximum as derivative ac-
tion point of the partial batches exists no longer.
Partial batch operation also functions with B2 mode (feeding ramp).
With the input of the feeding time for operation with a feeding ramp it
has to be observed, that the time set does not include any refill times.
The automatic calibration of the feeding ramp does not take into re-
spect the dead times due to refilling but only the time of batch feeding.

Further modifications
- Calibration point 32: refill mode [0 ... 1]
With an input = 0 the non-average weight value will be processed
during refilling, with an input = 1 the average weight value will be
processed (see V1.3). The selection of this function via the parame-
ter speed min is no longer part of the software.
- Calibration point 11: setpoint factor [0 ... 1]
With mode B2 the manipulated variable of the start (coarse feeding)
is automatically recalculated for each batch feeding. In case of a
setpoint modification, the setpoint factor is an adaptation factor for
this new calculation. With an input = 0 there won’t be any new cal-
setpoint _ new
Increasing the setpoint: Coarse feeding = coarse feeding × × setpoint factor
setpoint _ old

setpoint _ old
Decreasing the setpoint: Coarse feeding = coarse feeding × × setpoint factor
setpoint _ new

- Calibration point 12: feeding time factor [0 ... 1]

With mode B2 the manipulated variable of the start (coarse feeding)
is automatically optimised as a function of the feeding time that has
been defined. The feeding time factor permits to adjust the manipu-
lated variable of the start. The input = 0.5 defines that the correc-
tion value calculated for the manipulated variable of the start is only
taken into respect up to 50% .
With a feeding time factor = 0 there won’t be any automatical cali-
- With mode B2 the lower limit for the ramp function is determined by
means of the parameter fine flow. The maximum manipulated vari-
able of the start for the ramp function is defined by the value (10 *
speed max).
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LM N V1.5
The activation of manual refilling is possible during a stopped batch. A
start of the feeding operation for the further processing of the batch
must only be made if the product in the hopper and the weight value
have stabilised.

LM N V1.6
The product stabilisation period after refilling is calculated from the
input for calibration point product stabilisation period plus 4s. This
permits a stabilisation of the weight value for the further course of the
batch feeding operation. If the product stabilisation period after refill-
ing is to short, this would lead to unstable weight values and thus a
measuring error for the weight measuring and finally deteriorates the
accuracy of batch feeding to a considerable degree.

LM N V1.7
Modification of the function of the digital output DO1:
! The function batch end is to be found on the digital output

The old function operation on the digital output DO1 is no longer avail-

©Brabender Technologie, Juli 1999 Appendix: Operating Instructions LM N V1._ Page 6/6
Operating instructions

Multicomponent feeding controller

Program version: N V1.3

Revision: 1.1

Date: 15.01.1997

BRABENDER Technologie KG
Postfach 35 01 38
Kulturstraße 55-73
D-47055 Duisburg

Telephone: 0203/9984-0
Telefax: 0203/9984-155

© BRABENDER Technologie KG, 1996 Copyright as per DIN 34 31110129.doc

BRABENDER TECHNOLOGIE KG, 1996 Copyright as per DIN 34 Page 1

Operating Instructions Congrav LM

Table of contents
Description Page

1.1. General 3
1.2. Manipulation of Congrav LM 4
1.2.1. Manipulation via a host computer 4
1.2.2. Manipulation via digital inputs 4
1.2.3. On-site operation via keyboard 4
1.3. Turning on mains 5
2.1. Division into four groups 6
2.1.2 Operating keys 7
2.1.3 Cursor keys 7
2.1.4 Numerical keys 7
2.2. Functions of the integrated LEDs 8
2.2.1. LED in the start-key 8
2.2.2. LEDs in the component-keys 8
3.1. General structure of the pages 9
3.2. Status line 9
3.2.1. Status indications of a started component 10
3.2.2. Status indications of a stopped component 10
3.2.3. Status indications of a faulty component 11
3.3. Interlocking of the menu pages 12
3.3.1. Interlocking via software 12
3.3.2. Interlocking by the operator 12
4.1. Page overview 13
4.2. Parameter inputs 14
4.2.1.The menu-supported parameter input 14
4.2.2. The numerical parameter input 15
4.2.3. The parameter activation 15
4.3. The menu page F100: operation page 16
4.3.1. The sub-menu page F110: installation modes 17
4.3.2.The sub-menu page F120: Host computer configuration 18
4.4. The menu page F140: Test of I/O-periphery 19
4.5. The menu page F150: Memory Card and setpoint parameters 20
4.5.1 Memory Card (Option) 21
4.6. The menu page F200: Printer page 23
4.7. The menu page F210: Reset functions of Congrav LM 24
4.8. The menu pages F300, F301: Setpoint pages 25
4.9. Menu page F310, F311: Delay times 28
4.10. Menu page F400: Total survey page 1 29
4.11. Menu pages F410, F411: Total survey page 2 30
4.12. Menu pages F420, F421: Total survey page 3 31
4.13. Menu page F430: Reset all totals 32
4.14. Menu page F500: Alarm report page 33
4.15. Menu pages F600: Calibration program 35

BRABENDER TECHNOLOGIE KG, 1995 Copyright as per DIN 34 Page 1

Operating Instructions Congrav LM

5.1. Description of the calibration points 38
6.1. Structure of the component level 47
6.2. Component page K100: Component control 48
6.3. Component page K110: Operating parameters 49
6.3.1. Sub-menu page K111: Modes 50
6.4. Component page K120: Feeder parameters 51
6.5. Component page K130: I/O -control 52
6.6. Component page K140: Test page 54
6.7. Component page K150: Alarm configuration 55
7.1 Batch 1 (B1) 57
7.2 Batch 2 (B2) 58
7.3 Discharge (DI) 59
8.1. Preliminary checks 60
8.1.1. Electrical checks 60
8.1.2. Mechanical checks 60
8.2. Static inspection 61
8.2.1.Checking the weighing system 61
8.2.2. Checking of the drives 63
8.3. Commissioning with product 64

BRABENDER TECHNOLOGIE KG, 1996 Copyright as per DIN 34 Page 2

Operating Instructions Congrav LM

1. Introduction

1.1. General
The Congrav LM is a microcomputer for the control and evaluation of continuous feeding
processes. In its most powerful execution it is capable to monitor simultaneously the feeding
operation of a maximum of 8 loss-in-weight feeders, called components after this. The weigh-
feeders are loss-in-weight feeders (called N-type after this).
Please find below a description of the 2 possibilities to run the Congrav LM:

1.) Operation with max. 8 components and internal I/O controller

The Congrav LM is equipped with 2 I/O controllers on the terminal strips on its rear
panel, each of them has 2 plug connections with 37 poles. The connections to the
individual components are realised via two interposition elements each. The first I/O
controller has been designed for components 1-4, the second I/O controller has been
designed for components 5-8 (fig.1.1).

2.) Operation with max. 4 components and internal I/O controller

The Congrav LM is equipped with 1 I/O controller on the terminal strip with two plug
connections with 37 poles. The connections to the individual components are realised via
two interposition elements. There is no second I/O controller (fig.1.1).
I/O controller I/O controller
Interface RS232
not used components 1-4 components 5-8
to host computer Power supply

Digital I/O inst.

Printer interface
Fig.1.1: Rear panel of Congrav LM; modes 1 and 2 (with mode 2 there is no I/O controller for component 5-8)

In order to ensure an optimum feeding operation the Congrav LM has to be adapted to the
components. This adaptation is realised via the software of the Congrav LM. Moreover, during
commissioning a fine adjustment will be carried through, during this operation the parameters
are determined under consideration of the process ambience.

Any modification of the values determined can alter the operating conditions essentially
and therefore should be made by skilled personnel only!

BRABENDER TECHNOLOGIE KG, 1996 Copyright as per DIN 34 Page 3

Operating Instructions Congrav LM

1.2. Manipulation of Congrav LM

1.2.1. Manipulation via a host computer

The entire manipulation of the Congrav LM can be done via an external host computer.
For this the host computer system must be connected to the interface socket on the rear panel
of the Congrav LM (see technical documentation). Selection of host computer operation is
possible on function page F100 .

The chapter "The operating page F100" contains detailed instructions for configuration.
Information about composition and structure of the interface is supplied by the "Interface
instructions", which is enclosed in the operation manual.

1.2.2. Manipulation via digital inputs

Elementary control functions such as START, STOP, INTERLOCKING or ALARM RESET
can be activated by setting the corresponding digital input. The Congrav LM has 4 digital
inputs for each component, as well as 6 digital inputs for the manipulation of the installation
(e.g. COMMON START, COMMON STOP etc.). The required wiring of the digital inputs is
shown in the attached wiring diagrams (terminal connections see technical documentation).

1.2.3. On-site operation via keyboard

On-site operation of the Congrav LM is effected via the keys located on the front plate. These
keys are used to carry out the required parameterizations and the function checks. Chapter 2
contains a detailed description of the key functions.

BRABENDER TECHNOLOGIE KG, 1996 Copyright as per DIN 34 Page 4

Operating Instructions Congrav LM

1.3. Turning on mains

Before switching on the supply voltage it is important that you check the mechanical modules
of the connected feeders as per the mechanical documentation and the electrical connections as
per the enclosed wiring diagrams.

After switching on the main switch the first function to run is the display test for app. 2
seconds. Then the configuration data stored in the two E²proms are entered into the working
memory. If there are no configuration data in the E²proms, e.g. after erasing of the E²proms,
the standard values from the Eprom are entered into the working memory. After the display
test has been completed the turn-on menu appears (fig.1.3), this will remain activated until
another menu page is called up by pressing a key and the operation level is thus selected.



Congrav LM

Fig.1.2: Turn-on menu of Congrav LM

The operation level consists of a structured menu surface which permits a division of the
operating parameters oriented towards the functions.

BRABENDER TECHNOLOGIE KG, 1996 Copyright as per DIN 34 Page 5

Operating Instructions Congrav LM

2. The keyboard of Congrav LM

2.1. Division into four groups

Due to their functions the keys of Congrav LM may be divided into four groups (fig.2.1):

♦ Function keys
♦ Operating keys
♦ Cursor keys
♦ Numerical keys
Cursor keys

Congrav L/M

7 8 9 Numerical keys
4 5 6

1 2 3

0 C

F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 ? HC CR
Operating keys
K1 K2 K3 K4 K5 K6 K7 K8 I 0

Function keys
Fig.2.1: Structure of the Congrav LM keyboard

2.1.1. Function keys

In this group fall keys F1 to F6 , K1 to K8 keys and the scroll keys and .
F1 F6
Keys to are used to call up the function pages F100 to F600, keys K1 to K8
to call up
the component pages K100 to K800.

The function pages contain the parameters required for the adaptation between the component
and the Congrav LM while the component pages contain the parameters necessary for
controlling the individual components.

As the input possibilities for parameters are very comprehensive, the function pages contain
additional sub-pages (sub menus), which can be scrolled by means of the scroll keys and

BRABENDER TECHNOLOGIE KG, 1996 Copyright as per DIN 34 Page 6

Operating Instructions Congrav LM

2.1.2 Operating keys

? 0
The second group is formed by the keys , HC , CR , I
, and . These keys have the
following functions:

Key Function
calls up the help menu. The individual
menu pages can be called up by using the
prints out the menu page selected on a
HC connected printer which is ready for
operation. (Hard copy)
this key (RETURN) permits to complete
CR inputs or to select operating parameters
this key (START) permits to start all
components preselected on menu page
I F300. If all preselected components are
started, the LED will light up.
this key (STOP) permits to stop all
0 components preselected on menu page
this key (RESET) permits to acknowledge
faults of all components preselected on
menu page F300, so that the installation
can be started anew.

2.1.3 Cursor keys

The third group contains the cursor keys which are used to position the cursor
(inverse block in display) within the activated page. The cursor can be shifted after activation
of the cursor key corresponding to the direction of the flash on the key.

The cursor is used to select the desired menu point or parameter value so that these may be

2.1.4 Numerical keys

The last group of keys, the so called numerical keys are used to make all numerical inputs. The
-key is used to erase the figures put in by a numerical input step by step. Furthermore the
-key can turn on the LCD-displays without any change of the operation parameters or the
selected menu page. The lightning of the LCD display is switched off 5 minutes after the last
activation of a key in order to maximise its service life.

BRABENDER TECHNOLOGIE KG, 1996 Copyright as per DIN 34 Page 7

Operating Instructions Congrav LM

2.2. Functions of the integrated LEDs

Several LEDs are integrated in the front plate of the Congrav LM . They serve to signal
important operating information to the operator, such as operating status, operating faults etc.
The information can be seen from colour and type of lightning of the LEDs.

2.2.1. LED in the start-key

Lightning Function
LED off at least one or all of the preselected components
have not started.
LED constantly all preselected components have started.
LED flashing red at least one or all of the preselected components
have a fault.

2.2.2. LEDs in the component-keys

Lightning Function
LED off component is stopped.
LED constantly component is started.
LED flashing red component has a fault. The type of fault can be
seen on page F500 by pushing F5 -key.
LED constantly red at least one start condition of the component is
not fulfilled. The type of start condition can be
seen on page F500 by pushing F5 -key.
LED flashing orange component started and interlocked via the digital
input "interlocking" .

BRABENDER TECHNOLOGIE KG, 1996 Copyright as per DIN 34 Page 8

Operating Instructions Congrav LM

3. The display of Congrav LM

3.1. General structure of the pages

The menu pages of Congrav LM are always structured according to the same scheme. Fig.3.1
shoes page F100 as an example.

F100 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 PLC I=on

Congrav LM N V1.0 01.02.93 14:05
Mode Single
Host comp oper. Siemens (3964R)
Text switch English

Input line Message line

Fig.3.1: Display Congrav LM

3.2. Status line

The first line of each menu page is the so called status line. The status line is divided into
various information fields which will indicate to the operator important information on the
operating status of the individual components and of faults which might appear.

The status line is built up as follows:

F100 K1 K2 K3 K4 K5 K6 K7 K8 PLC I=on

Field Meaning
F100 indicates the actual menu page number.
K1 to K8 indicates the operating status of components 1-8 :
field normal : component stopped.
field inverse : component started.
field flashing : component has a fault.
field empty : component blocked or not available.

PLC this field displays the following information:

PLC : host computer operation selected
SIM : simulation program selected
I=on The page is interlocked in order to prevent unwanted or unqualified inputs. (see
chapter 3.3)

The operating status of the 1. component appears in status field k1, operating status of the 2nd
component in k2, etc. ... Depending on the actual operating status (component started, stopped
or fault), fields K1 to K8 will also display information on the general feeding operation.

BRABENDER TECHNOLOGIE KG, 1996 Copyright as per DIN 34 Page 9

Operating Instructions Congrav LM

3.2.1. Status indications of a started component

With a started component (inverse block) the feeding operation is documented by the
following information:

Display Meaning
B1, B2, DI The selected mode is displayed. B1 = batch 1, B2 = batch 2, DI = discharge
OL This indicates that the overload mark defined in CP05 is exceeded by the actual
hopper weight.
RF Filling of the hopper is displayed herewith. This is valid for hand refill as well as for
automatic refill.
MS This shows the material stabilisation phase which is started after conclusion of
filling. The material stabilisation phase can be changed in CP23 .
== The component is interlocked via the digital input "interlocking" and the feeding
cycle is started only after the interlock is cancelled.
EE Access to E²-prom could not be effected as planned.
T+ The positive tolerance limit has been exceeded.
FT The maximum feeding time has been exceeded.

3.2.2. Status indications of a stopped component

With a component that is stopped (normal display) the feeding cycle is documented by the
following information:

Display Meaning
B1, B2, DI The selected mode is displayed.
RF The refill of the hopper is displayed.
ST One start condition has not been met so that the component cannot be started.
MM Access to a memory module could not be effected as planned.
EE Access to E²-prom could not be effected as planned.
-- The component is interlocked.
In case of an empty field no feeder type was selected for the component. Therefore
this component will not be considered.
BE The batch is ended.

BRABENDER TECHNOLOGIE KG, 1996 Copyright as per DIN 34 Page 10

Operating Instructions Congrav LM

3.2.3. Status indications of a faulty component

With a component that has been cut out due to a fault (flashing display) the fault is
documented by the following information:

Display Meaning
S+ or. S- The minimum speed value CP09 has not been reached, or the maximum speed value
CP10 has been exceeded.
OL This indicates that the overload mark determined in CP05 is exceeded by the actual
hopper weight. This alarm message is only displayed if an alarm cut-out has been
defined for overload.
UL The hopper filling level is lower than the underload value limit determined in CP04.
RF Refilling of the hopper could not be effected within the time determined in CP21.
WS The serial/digital weighing data are missing (only HS-Type, HM-Type and HD-
MM Access to memory module could not be effected as planned.
T+ The positive tolerance limit has been exceeded.
FT The maximum feeding time has been exceeded.

BRABENDER TECHNOLOGIE KG, 1996 Copyright as per DIN 34 Page 11

Operating Instructions Congrav LM

3.3. Interlocking of the menu pages

3.3.1. Interlocking via software

The input zones "RAM reset", "EEprom1 reset" and "EEprom2 reset" on page F210
(fig.3.2) as well as the complete calibration data are interlocked by means of a number code.
With page F210 the interlocking is only released if the corresponding number code is given in
directly after each calling up of this page (i.e. do not call up a cursor). When leaving this page
the interlock is activated automatically.
F210 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 PLC I=on
RAM and EEprom reset 01.02.93 14:05

RAM reset
EEprom1 reset
EEprom2 reset

Fig.3.2: Interlocked inputs on page F210

The calibration data may be released if the corresponding number code is given in directly
after the page has been called up (i.e. do not call up a cursor). The code inputs are shown as
"*"-sign in the display.

The calibration data are interlocked directly after call up of the page by input of a random
number (0-9). The message line will then display the report "input interlocked".
With an active interlock, in case of an input the report "no input possible" will appear .

3.3.2. Interlocking by the operator

All menu pages on which parameter inputs are possible can be interlocked. This will prevent an
improper or inadvertent change of these parameters. All menu pages which can be interlocked
have the following input field in their second line on the right side: I=off (fig.3.3). Activation
of the interlocking is done in two steps.
• In a first step the cursor is positioned on this input field and the CR -key is activated. After
pushing the CR -key the input line switches over to I=on. Thus, the operator can see that
interlocking has been selected.
• If the digital input key switch is now activated via a key switch or else, all menu pages
selected by I=on and the calibration data are interlocked against inputs. Switching over
from I=on to I=off or vice versa is no longer possible.
F100 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 PLC I=on
Congrav LM N V1.0 01.02.93 14:05
Mode Recipe kg
Host comp oper Siemens (3964R)
Text switch English

Fig.3.3: Selection of menu page interlocking

With an activated interlocking the report "no inputs possible" is displayed in the message line
after an input.

BRABENDER TECHNOLOGIE KG, 1996 Copyright as per DIN 34 Page 12

Operating Instructions Congrav LM

4. The menu pages of Congrav LM

4.1. Page overview

The menu pages of Congrav LM are arranged as shown below (fig.4.1), the first page can be
selected directly by means of the function keys indicated. You select the sub-menus by
activating the scroll keys and .
The shaded menu pages are selection menus for the menu-supported parameter input, they are
called up by a selection of the corresponding parameters on the above menu page.

Function pages
F 150 Memory card and setpoint parameters
F 140 Test of I/O-periphery
F 130 Text switch
F 120 Host computer parameters F210 RAM and EEprom reset
F 110 Installation modes F200 Printer parameters
F100 Installation parameters

direct selection:
direct selection: F1

F430 Reset all totals

F421 Survey weight/dev.%/speed 5-8
F311 Required batches 5-8 F420 Survey weight/dev.%/speed 1-4
F310 Required batches 1-4 F411 Survey set/act./totals comp. 5-8
F301 Setpoint page component 5-8 F410 Survey set/act./totals comp. 1-4
F300 Setpoint page component 1-4 F400 Survey total setpoint/act. values

direkte Anwahl durch: direct selection:

F3 F4

F500 Alarm reports F600 Calibration data of components

direct selection: direct selection:

F5 F6

Component pages
K150 Alarm configuration component 1 K250 Alarm configuration component 2
K140 Test program component 1 K240 Test program component 2
K130 Control page for I/O component 1 K230 Control page for I/O component 2
K120 Feeding parameters component 1 K220 Feeding parameters component 2
K111 Modes component 1 K211 Modes component 2
K110 Feeding parameters component 1 K210 Feeding parameters component 2
K100 Individual control of component 1 K200 Individual control of component 2

direct selection: direct selection:

K1 K2

etc ... up to component 8

Fig.4.1: Structure of menu pages

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Operating Instructions Congrav LM

4.2. Parameter inputs

With Congrav LM there are three possibilities for the parameter input:
menu-supported parameter input
numerical parameter input
parameter activation

4.2.1.The menu-supported parameter input

Here you select a parameter by setting the cursor on this parameter and pressing CR -key. With
this selection a calling up of the sub-menu is made automatically. This sub-menu lists the
possible parameter inputs. In order to enter a parameter value put the cursor on the desired
parameter value and press CR -key. If you press CR -key take-over of the parameter is made
automatically as well as the return to the menu from which the sub-menu has been called up.

To leave the sub-menu without parameter input set the cursor to "back" and press CR -key or
another function page (keys F1 to F6 ) or component page (keys K1 to K8 ) is called up.

The installation mode "recipe kg" is to be switched over to "recipe %".
For this, an "installation parameter" is called up on page F100 and selected by means of F1 -
key and the cursor is positioned on menu point "mode" by means of the cursor keys (fig.4.2).

F100 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 PLC I=on

Congrav LM N V1.0 01.02.93 14:05

Mode Recipe kg
Host comp oper. Siemens (3964R)
Text switch English

Fig.4.2: Example; menu-supported parameter input

After activation of the -key the sub-menu F110 (fig.4.3) is displayed which permits to select
the mode.

F110 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 PLC I=off

Installation modes 01.02.93 14:05

Recipe kg
Recipe %

Fig.4.3: Example; menu-supported parameter input
Now the requested mode has to be marked with the cursor and confirmed by means of the -
key. After that the menu page F100 with the modified parameter will automatically be

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Operating Instructions Congrav LM

4.2.2. The numerical parameter input

Here you put the cursor on the old parameter value to be changed and enter the new parameter
value via the numerical keyboard. When inputting the first number you see the sequence of
entered numbers displayed in the so-called input line that appears on the left side of the last

Input can be erased step by step within the input line, always the last number, using the -key.
Input is concluded by pressing CR -key, the new parameter value is then taken over.

The parameter "bulk density" of component 1 is to be set to 0,75 kg/l. For this, you call up
the component page K100 with key K1 and go to page K110 by means of the key (scroll

Now the old value of the parameter value "bulk density" has to be marked with the cursor and
the number code 0 7 5
is entered via the numerical keyboard, this number code will also
be displayed on the lower left side in the input line (fig.4.4). In the case of false inputs they can
be erased step by step by means of the C -key.

K110 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 PLC I=off

HS-Type Feeder 1 01.02.93 14:05
Auto-Tare 0.000 kg/h
Check. max. output 0.000 kg/h
Bulk density 0.000 kg/h
Mode GF
I/O-configuration I: 0 O: 0
Fig.4.4: Example; numerical parameter input

The input is completed by pushing the -key and the new parameter value will be taken over

K110 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 PLC I=off

HS-Type Feeder 1 01.02.93 14:05
Auto-Tare 0.000 kg/h
Check. max. output 0.000 kg/h
Bulk density 0.750 kg/h
Mode GF
I/O-configuration I: 0 O: 0

Fig.4.5: Example; numerical parameter input

4.2.3. The parameter activation

Several parameters can only assume two stages, i.e. "on" and "off". Changing from "off" to
"on" (activation) or from "off" to "on" (deactivation) can be done by putting the cursor on the
parameter and pushing the CR -key (switch function).

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4.3. The menu page F100: operation page

F100 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 PLC I=off Call up the page

Congrav LM N V1.0 01.02.93 14:05
Mode Recipe kg
Analogue control off AI: 0
Host comp operation Siemens (3964R)
Text switch English

Fig.4.6: Menu page F100; the values printed in bold type can be selected

Description of the menu points:

Menu point Input type of Input Notes

parameters possibilities
Congrav LM none none Indicates the software version
Mode menu-supported Recipe kg, This menu point permits to define the installation operating
activates sub- recipe % mode. Please see chapter 7 for a description of the individual
menu F110 installation modes.
Host computer menu supported see sub-menu This menu point permits selection and configuration of host
operation activates sub- computer operation.
menu F120
Text switch menu-supported german, english With this menu point you can select the dialogue language of
activates sub- the menu pages. Selection of this menu point calls up page
menu F130 F130, which contains a list of the possible dialogue languages.
Selection of a dialogue language activates this language, then
there is an automatical return to page F100.

Further input possibilities:

If the cursor is on the menu point "text switch" another activation of the cursor key (down)
causes the cursor to go on the data field. The date can now be changed in the format
(DD.MM.YY) by means of the numerical keys and pressing of the CR -key. Another activation
of the cursor key (down) sets the cursor to the time field. Here as well, the time can be
input in the format (HH-..) by means of the numerical keys and pressing of the CR -key.

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4.3.1. The sub-menu page F110: installation modes

F110 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 PLC I=off Selection of page with

Installation modes
Recipe kg and selection of menu
Recipe % point "mode"
Fig.4.7: Sub-menu page F110; the points printed in bold type can be selected

Description of the sub-menu points:

Sub-menu point Selection Notes

Recipe kg Cursor selection This menu point permits to determine the installation mode recipe kg. The
and CR individual components feed independently of each other relative to the setpoint.
For the acquisition of the total values (total setpoint, total actual value, total
throughput) only the preselected components are considered. The component
setpoints are put in on page F300.
Recipe % Cursor selection This menu point permits to determine the installation mode recipe %. Group
and CR operation consists of several single products which are added to the blend in
fixed quantities. The group size is determined by the group setpoint. The
setpoint of the individual preselected components is determined in percent of
the total setpoint of the group. Therefore first the total setpoint is entered on
page F300, and after that the component setpoints in % under consideration of
the setpoint restriction (setpoint < 1,1 ∗ max. batch size of the component).
Return Cursor selection By selection of this menu point the system returns to menu page F100 without
and CR changing a parameter.

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Operating Instructions Congrav LM

4.3.2.The sub-menu page F120: Host computer configuration

F120 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 PLC I=off Selection of page with

Host computer parameter
Selection on and selection of menu
Procedure Siemens (3964R) point "host computer
Identnumber 01
Baud rate 9600
Fig.4.8: Sub-menu page F120; the values printed in bold type can be selected

Description of the sub-menu points:

Sub-menu point Selection Notes

Selection Cursor selection This menu point permits to select host computer operation.
and CR switches
between OFF
and ON
Procedure Cursor selection This menu point permits to determine the transmission procedure for host
and CR calls up computer operation. Selection of this menu point calls up page F121, where the
sub-menu page possible procedures Siemens (3964R), Siemens (3964R)-L and BT-Standard (at
F121 the moment without function) are listed. By selection of a procedure it is equally
activated and there is an automatical return to page F120.
Identnumber Cursor selection In order to permit several Congrav LM to be addressed by the host computer ,
and CR calls up these must have different identnumbers to distinguish them. Selection of this
sub-menu page menu point calls up page F122, where the possible identnumbers from 1-16 are
F122 listed. After selection of the identnumber there is an automatic return to page
Baud rate Cursor selection Here the transmission rate between host computer and Congrav LM is
and CR calls up determined. After selection of the menu point, page F123 is displayed. On this
sub-menu page page the possible baud rates 9600, 19200 and 38400 are listed. Selection of a
F123 baud rate activates this baud rate, then there is an automatical return to page
F120. (At the moment without function).
Return Cursor selection By selection of this menu point the system returns to menu page F100 without
and CR changing a parameter.

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Operating Instructions Congrav LM

4.4. The menu page F140: Test of I/O-periphery

F140 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 PLC I=off Selection of page with

Test of I/O-periphery
Test off F2
Dig. in.: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Dig. out. : 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Test printer interface
Test host computer interface Rx Tx

Fig.4.9: Menu page F140; the values printed in bold type can be selected.

Description of the menu points:

Menu point Input type of Input Notes

parameters possibilities
Test Switch function on/off In order to do the test of menu point "Dig. out." this switch
has to be set to "ON".
Dig. in. none none For test purposes this menu point permits to check the states of
(Digital inputs) the digital inputs of Congrav LM . The numbers are
corresponding to the digital inputs 1 - 13, "0" stands for "non
activated" and "1" stands for "activated".
Dig. out. Switch function on/off For test purposes this menu point permits to set and to reset
(Digital outputs) the digital outputs of Congrav LM . The numbers are
corresponding to the digital outputs 0 - 8. The outputs are set
by cursor marking and pushing the -key.

The 9th field (marked in fig.4.9 ) activates all 8 digital outputs

at a time.
(see also menu point "TEST")
Test printer Switch function on This menu point permits checking of the printer interface. By
interface switching on this function the text string "BRABENDER
TECHNOLOGIE KG - CONGRAV L/M" is emitted via the
printer port.
Test host Switch function on This menu point permits checking of the host computer
computer interface. By switching on this function the text string
emitted via the host computer port.
During this test no Siemens S5 must be connected to the
host computer interface, otherwise function failures might

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Operating Instructions Congrav LM

4.5. The menu page F150: Memory Card and setpoint parameters

F150 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 PLC I=off

Selection of page with
Recipe number : 01
Load recipe from memory card on and 2 x
Store recipe on memory card on Inputs and functions are
Memory card status MC not included only possible on this
menu page if all feeders
Fig.4.10: Menu page F150; the values printed in bold type can be selected are stopped.
Description of the menu points:
Menu point Input type of Input Notes
parameters possibilities
Recipe number numerical input 0-14 This menu point defines the actual recipe. After that, it has to
(standard be loaded from the memory card. With Congrav LM2-C only
value=1) the recipe 0 (installation back-up) is available.
Load recipe Switch function on All calibration and installation data of the actual recipe (recipe
from memory number) have to be written into the EEproms of the feeder
card controller by the memory card. The message "Load recipe"
will be displayed. During this procedure manipulation via the
keyboard is not possible. If no memory card is inserted in the
Congrav, the message "Memory Card missing", is displayed
and no recipe will be loaded. The data will not be modified. If
the indicated recipe does not exist (e.g.: new memory card or
no recipe has been stored for this recipe number), the message
"Recipe faulty" will be displayed. This message remains on
until a key is pushed. If the battery of the memory card is
empty, the message "MC battery empty" is displayed, the
recipe will not be loaded.
Store recipe on Switch function on All calibration and installation data of the EEproms of the
memory card feeder controller are stored on the memory card with the actual
recipe number. The message "Store recipe" will be displayed.
During this procedure manipulation via the keyboard is not
possible. If no memory card is inserted in the Congrav, the
message "Memory Card missing" is displayed and no recipe
will be stored. The data will not be modified. This message
remains on until a key is pushed. If the battery of the memory
card is empty, the message "MC battery empty" will be
displayed and the recipe will not be stored.
Memory Card none none Information display indicating whether or not the memory
Status card is installed in Congrav LM and about its status.
Possible status indications:
" " : no memory card installed.
"MC not included" : no memory card in memory
card adapter available.
"MC included" : memory card available.
"MC battery empty" : battery of memory card is
empty. With empty battery it is not
possible to load or to store the
recipe for safety reasons.

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Operating Instructions Congrav LM

4.5.1 Memory Card (Option)

When employing a memory card it is possible to store or to read out a maximum of 14 recipes.
Each recipe contains the data of the EEproms of Congrav LM and thus all installation and
calibration data (complete configuration).

Storing the actual configuration :

After the first use of the memory card the actual configuration has to be absolutely

With Congrav LM-2C only the installation back-up is available. The manipulation is only
possible via a PT03!

Enter recipe number 0 and memorise the recipe on memory card. Then input the actual recipe
number (e.g.: 1) and memorise this recipe as well on the memory card.

Recipe nr. 0 is no normal recipe. After the actual configuration has been memorised it receives
continuously the actual system data. Following inputs will now be automatically memorised
with recipe nr. 0 and the actual recipe remains unchanged.

This permits to simplify a possible exchange of Congrav LM enormously: in order to get

the last actual configuration you only have to insert the old memory card in the new
Congrav LM and load recipe nr. 0.

Creating a new recipe:

After the recipe parameter modifications (e.g. setpoint modifications) have been carried
through, you have to enter the new recipe number in the point "recipe number", then "store

recipe on memory card". There is no warning before writing over a recipe already

Changing the actual recipe:

After the recipe parameter modifications (e.g. setpoint modifications) have been carried
through, the function "store recipe on memory card" has to be activated.

Changing of an existing recipe:

Load the recipe you need from the memory card. All data that have not been
memorised get lost. Carry through first the recipe parameter modifications (e.g. setpoint
modifications) and then the function "store recipe on memory card".

Loading of an existing recipe:

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Operating Instructions Congrav LM

Enter the requested recipe number in the point "recipe number" then carry through "load recipe

from memory card". All data that have not been memorised get lost.

In its standard execution the Congrav LM is not equipped with a memory card (option), it can
be installed later in a Congrav LM with memory board. The present status can be seen in the
"memory card status" display.

As for mounting and important instructions for using the memory card please see "technical

As each recipe contains all calibration data, modifications of the calibration data
that you have carried through at a later point of time (e.g. lever arm, max. output) have
to be changed in all recipes.

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Operating Instructions Congrav LM

4.6. The menu page F200: Printer page

F200 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 PLC I=off Selection of page with

Print time 000 min F2
Screen page F 410
Alarm printout off
Print CP-data 1-8 0
Batch report off

Fig.4.11: Menu page F200; The values printed in bold type may be selected

Description of the menu points:

Menu point Input type of Input Notes

parameters possibilities
Print time numerical input Interval in This menu point permits to determine the print time in
minutes minutes. There is an automatical printout after expiry of the
print time that has been input.
Screen page numerical input F/K Here it is possible to determine the menu page which is
and switch printed with the automatical printout. Switch-over to "F"
function (function page) to "K" (component page) is done by pushing
-key, after the cursor has been set to the corresponding
field. The following pages can be printed:
-F300, F310, F400, F410, F420, F430 and F440
-all component pages K100, K200, ..., K800
Alarm printout Switch function off/on With an activation of this menu point the printout of an alarm
protocol is made automatically in case of a cut-out due to an
alarm. The protocol reads as follows, for example:
06.05.92 10.12
feeder 01 underload

If the alarm is reset there is the following printout:

06.05.92 10.18
feeder 01 underload reset
Print CP-data numerical input 0-8 Gives a printout of the calibration data of a component. The
1-8 component is named with the input of the component number
0= function switched off.
After a printout the input is automatically reset to 0.
During a printout it is not possible to call up the calibration
Batch report Switch function on/off If this menu point is activated, the batch report will be printed
after the batch has been fed.

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Operating Instructions Congrav LM

4.7. The menu page F210: Reset functions of Congrav LM

F210 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 PLC I=off Selection of page with

Reset RAM and EEprom
Reset RAM
Reset EEprom1
Reset EEprom2

Fig.4.12: Menu page F210; the values printed in bold type can be selected

Description of the menu points:

Menu point Input type of Input Notes

parameters possibilities
Reset RAM Switch function on On selection of this menu point all RAMs of the system are
Reset EEprom1 Switch function on The Congrav LM has max. 2 controller-CPUs, each of them is
equipped with an EEprom. These EEproms can be completely
If the EEprom1 is reset all installation data and the data of
components 1-4 which are memorised in CPU1 are reset.

On selection of this menu point EEprom1 will be reset.

Reset EEprom2 Switch function on If the EEprom2 is reset all data of components 5-8 are reset.

On selection of this menu point EEprom2 will be reset.

Important instruction:
The functions of this page are interlocked against unauthorised inputs if they are called up -
this interlocking is independent of the key switch. They can only be released by inputting the
numerical code "0884". Input of the code is only possible directly after call-up of the page, i.e.
before any cursor function.

During RAM or EEprom reset the message "reset RAM" or "reset EEprom" is displayed. After
the reset, the turn-on menu (fig.1.3) is displayed.

On a reset of the RAM all old operation parameters in the RAM are erased and the operation
parameters memorised in the EEprom are read in anew, so that the specific data of the feeder
remain the same.

On a reset of the EEprom all feeder specific data memorised in the EEprom are
definitely reset and the standard values from the Eprom are read in, so that all feeder
specific data must be entered anew or loaded from the memory card in the form
of a recipe.

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Operating Instructions Congrav LM

4.8. The menu pages F300, F301: Setpoint pages

F300 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 PLC I=off Selection of page with

Total setpoint 0.000 kg/h
Nr Setpoint % Setpoint kg/h Select F3
1 0.000 0.000 off
2 0.000 0.000 off
3 0.000 0.000 off
4 0.000 0.000 off

Fig.4.13: Menu page F300; the values printed in bold type can be selected.

To simplify the parameter input the cursor keys left and right are additionally activated on this
page. You can place the cursor on any setpoint field. By pressing -key there is switch-over
to page F301, where the corresponding inputs for components 5-8 can be effected (not
applicable for operation with only one internal I/O-controller).

Description of the menu points:

Menu point Input type of Input Notes

parameters possibilities
Setpoint % numerical input 0 to setpoint see below
Setpoint kg/h numerical input 0 to 1,1 x rated see below
output of
Select (Selection) Switch function on/off see below

Function of the selection:

Changing selection is only possible with a stopped component. Activation of selection is not
possible with a blocked component. An activated selection has the following effects on the
feeding operation:

♦ The preselected component can be addressed by means of the operating keys stop 0 , start
and reset . If a component has not been selected these functions can only be carried
out by means of the component control pages K100, K200, ..., or K800.

♦ Calculation of total values (total setpoint, total actual value and all totals) on page F400 is
made from the individual values of the selected components. Components not selected will
not be taken into consideration.

♦ Beside the common start or stop of all selected components all selected components will be
stopped if one selected component is switched off due to any fault occurring and the
message "alarm stop" was activated on page F310.

Setpoint input:
In order to modify a setpoint you place the cursor on the corresponding field and enter the
desired value via the numerical keyboard. If an input is not possible due to the installation or
component mode the message "no setpoint input" appears in the status line. After change of

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Operating Instructions Congrav LM

component mode no setpoints are reset. All setpoints can be changed with the installation or
component started.

Due to varying installation modes of the Congrav LM (single, group, and master/slave
operation) and of the modes of the individual components (gravimetric feeding, volumetric
feeding, etc.) it is also necessary to enter varying setpoints.

For setpoint inputs with varying modes please refer to the examples below. In the following
figures the permitted parameter inputs (%-column or kg/h-column) are written in bold type.

a) Recipe kg - operation:

F300 B1 B1 B1 DI B1 B1 B1 B1 PLC I=off

Total setpoint 130.000 kg/h
Nr Setpoint % Setpoint kg/h Select
1 100.000 on
2 70.000 off
3 30.000 on
4 30.000 off

Fig.4.14: Menu page F300

♦ Installation mode single operation is characterised by the fact that the total setpoint is
displayed in the second line. The total setpoint is not entered but is calculated from the
individual setpoints of the selected components. Here the 1. component (setpoint = 100
kg/h) and the 3. component (setpoint = 30 kg/h) are preselected so that a total setpoint of
130 kg/h results.

♦ With single operation the setpoints are entered in the column kg/h. After conclusion of the
input there is a check whether or not the setpoint limitation was violated. The setpoint
limitation is:

Setpoint < 1,1 * Max. output

If this setpoint limitation is violated the message "setpoint error Co.X" is displayed in
inverse representation in the status line and the value is not accepted so that the old
setpoint is still valid.

b) Recipe % - operation or 100% group operation

F300 B1 B1 B1 DI B1 B1 B1 B1 PLC I=off

Group setpoint 300.000 kg/h
Nr Setpoint % Setpoint kg/h Select
1 10.000 30.000 on
2 90.000 270.000 on
3 20.000 20.000 off
4 50.000 on

Fig.4.15: Menu page F300

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Operating Instructions Congrav LM

♦ With recipe % - operation first enter the group setpoint as total setpoint in kg/h.
Component setpoints of selected components (1 and 2) are related in % to the group
setpoint and entered in %-column. From the two inputs, setpoint in % and group setpoint,
the setpoint in kg/h is automatically calculated and appears in column kg/h. When entering
the setpoint in % it is checked whether the setpoint in kg/h resulting from this does not
violate the setpoint limitation (see above). If this is the case the status line will display the
message "setpoint error Co.X" (X indicates the component number) and the old setpoint
will not be changed.

♦ If the group setpoint is changed there is a check whether on new calculation of the
component setpoints the setpoint limitation will not be violated. If the setpoint limitation is
violated for at least one component setpoint, the message "setpoint error Co.X" will be
displayed and the setpoint entered will not be accepted.

♦ If first the setpoint input is made and after that the component is selected the setpoint is
calculated anew as a function of the group setpoint. If the new setpoint violates the
setpoint limitation, start condition "setpoint > max.“ appears and the feeders cannot be

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Operating Instructions Congrav LM

4.9. Menu page F310, F311: Delay times

F310 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 PLC I=off Selection of page with

Nr Required batches Alarm stop F3
and 2(1)x
1 000 on
2 000 off
3 000 off
4 000 off

Fig.4.16: Menu page F310; the values printed in bold type can be selected

Description of the menu points:

Menu point Input type of Input Notes

parameters possibilities
Required numerical input 0-999 The point required batches determines the number of batches
batches that are automatically carried through.
Alarm stop Switch function on/off The option "alarm stop" permits to switch off a selected
(stop in case of a component due to a fault of another selected component, see
fault) below.

By pushing the -key, you get on page F311 which is structured totally alike, it is valid for
components 5-8 (not for operation with only one internal I/O-controller).

Required batches:
The option „required batches“ determines the number of batches that are automatically carried
through. In case of single batches, the required batches have to be set = 1.

Alarm stop:
The option "alarm stop" permits the shutoff of a selected component due to an alarm of
another selected component. In the above menu example an alarm shutoff of component nr. 1
would also shut off the other components provided all components have been selected.

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Operating Instructions Congrav LM

4.10. Menu page F400: Total survey page 1

F400 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 PLC Selection of page with

Total setpoint 1850.000 kg/h
Total actual value 0.000 kg/h
All totals 0.112 t

Fig.4.17: Menu page F400; no inputs possible

The menu pages F400, F410, F411, F420, F421 and F430 permit the control of the feeding
process. They display the feeding parameters as setpoints, actual values and throughputs. By
pressing F4 -key the total survey page F400 is called up.

Description of the menu points:

Menu point Input type of Input Notes

parameters possibilities
Total setpoint none none This menu point displays the total setpoint of the installation
for monitoring the feeding operation. The total setpoint is
calculated from the addition of the individual setpoints of all
preselected components.
Total actual none none This menu point displays the total actual value for monitoring
value the feeding operation. The total actual value is calculated from
the addition of the individual actual values of all preselected
All totals none none This menu point displays the total throughput of the
installation for monitoring the feeding operation. The total
throughput is calculated from the addition of the individual
throughputs of all preselected components.

By pressing the -key the next total survey page, page F410, is called up (not for operation
with only one internal I/O-controller).

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Operating Instructions Congrav LM

4.11. Menu pages F410, F411: Total survey page 2

F410 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 PLC Selection of page with

Nr Setpoint kg/h Act. kg/h Actual batches F4
1 100.000 0.000 21.000
2 50.000 0.000 11.000
3 800.000 0.000 44.000
4 900.000 0.000 36.000

Fig.4.18: Menu page F410, the survey page for setpoints, actual values and totals for components 1-4

Description of the menu points:

Menu point Input type of Input Notes

parameters possibilities
Setpoint kg/h none none In the first column the component setpoints in kg/h are
displayed. These setpoints can be input on setpoint page F300.
In the installation modes group, 100 % group and master/slave
on this page only the setpoints in kg/h are indicated which can
be calculated on the basis of the setpoint input in %. The
setpoint in % for the component mode discharge (DI) is not
displayed on this page. If a gravimetric setpoint in kg/h has
been entered on page F300 before discharge operation, this
will be displayed as no setpoints are erased by a change in the
component mode. However, this setpoint in kg/h will not be
considered when calculating the total setpoint as it is not
activated in component mode "DI".
Actual value none none The actual values of the components that have been calculated
kg/h are indicated in the second column in kg/h.

Actual batches none none The third column shows the number of batches that have been
carried through so far.

Further pressing of the -key will call up the next total survey page F411, (not for operation
with only one internal I/O-controller). This page is corresponding to page F410, it is valid for
components 5-8.

F411 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 PLC

Nr Setpoint kg/h Actual value kg/h Actual batches

5 100.000 0.000 21.000
6 50.000 0.000 11.000
7 800.000 0.000 44.000
8 900.000 0.000 36.000

Fig.4.19: Menu page F411, the total survey page setpoint / actual value / total values for component 5-8
Further pressing of the -key will call up the next total survey page F420.

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Operating Instructions Congrav LM

4.12. Menu pages F420, F421: Total survey page 3

F420 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 PLC Selection of page with

Nr Weight kg Total Speed % F4
and 3x
1 20.000 0.000 0.000
2 35.000 0.000 0.000
3 15.000 0.000 0.000
4 23.000 0.000 0.000

Fig.4.20: Menu page F421, total survey page weight- / control deviation.- / speed values for component 1-4

Description of the menu points:

Menu point Input type of Input Notes

parameters possibilities
Weight kg none none In the first column the absolute weight measured by
the weighing module is displayed. If the weighing
system has been correctly commissioned, i.e., if the
weighing system was dead load counterbalanced and
adjusted, the weight value will correspond to the
weight value of the of the product in the hopper
contained in the hopper module.
Total none none The second column shows the component
throughputs. The totalizers can be reset to zero on
page F430.
Speed % none none The third column displays the speed in % related to
the rated speed which corresponds to a manipulated
variable of 10V.

Further pressing of the -key calls up the next total survey page F421, This page is
corresponding to page F420, it is valid for components 5-8.

F421 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 PLC

Nr Weight kg Total Speed %

5 20.000 0.000 0.000
6 35.000 0.000 0.000
7 15.000 0.000 0.000
8 23.000 0.000 0.000

Fig.4.21: Menu page F422, total survey page weight- / deviation / speed values for component 5-8

Further pressing of -key calls up menu page F430 auf. This menu page is used to reset all

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Operating Instructions Congrav LM

4.13. Menu page F430: Reset all totals

F430 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 PLC I=off Selection of page with

Reset all totals
Select 0.800 t L Total 0.800 t L F4
and 5(3)x
1 100.000 kg L 5 100.000 kg L
2 100.000 kg L 6 100.000 kg L
3 100.000 kg L 7 100.000 kg L
4 100.000 kg L 8 100.000 kg L

Fig.4.22: Menu page F430; the values printed in bold type can be selected

To erase the throughputs place cursor on the respective "L"-field and press CR -key. The total
throughput decreases each time by the erased single throughput, but it cannot become
negative. If a single throughput is reset which is greater than the total throughput the total
throughput is reset to zero. Therefore it is not necessary to stick to a special order (first single
throughputs, then total throughput).

An activation of the "L"-field (menu point "select") resets all single throughputs of the
selected components at a time.

The erased throughputs, also the total throughput, cannot be called back so that erasing the
throughputs corresponds to a reset of the throughput totalizer.

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Operating Instructions Congrav LM

4.14. Menu page F500: Alarm report page

F500 ST ST S+ S- WS ST D+ AV PLC Selection of page with

Alarm messages + Start conditions
1 Bulk density ? 5 Weighing signal ?
2 6 Weight < Min.
3 Speed max. 7
4 Speed min. 8

Fig.4.23: Menu page F500 containing examples of alarm messages and start conditions

Menu page F500 is called up by pressing F5 -key. It displays to the operator any missing start
condition or fault that has occurred during operation. Here, the following alarm reports can be

Description of the alarm reports:

Alarm report Meaning

Fill fault Automatic or manual filling could not exeed the min. hopper filling level CP17 within the max.
filling time CP21.
Speed Min/Max Falling short of the minimum speed CP09 or exeeding the max. speed CP10 will lead to alarm
cutout after elapse of alarm delay time of 6 s.
EEprom-error Access of program to EEprom could not be made correctly.
MM-xxxx Access to a memory module in Congrav LM could not be made correctly. xxxx = fault code.
Underload Hopper filling level has fallen short of the underload value CP04 .
Overload If this alarm cut-out occurs the hopper fill. level has fallen short of the overload value CP05 .
Weight signal ? HS-Type or HM-Type: The serial load cell data are not received.
EE-xxxx Access to an EEprom in Congrav LM could not be made correctly. xxxx = fault code.
FT The maximum feeding time has been exceeded.
T+ The positive tolerance limit has been exceeded.

The alarms listed in the table may cause two errors on Congrav LM according to what has
been laid down on page K150-K850.

On the one hand a fault might cause an alarm cut-out with alarm report. The alarm cut-out is
displayed on Congrav LM by a flashing mode display and a flashing red LED in the
corresponding K-key. Furthermore the digital output "alarm" (DO "alarm" of corresponding
component) is activated.
After acknowledgement of the alarm ( -key, K100-K800 or activation of DI "alarm reset")
feeding can be restarted.

On the other hand a fault might cause a simple alarm report without alarm cut-out. This alarm
report is displayed by an inverse mode display of the alarm - feeding is continued. Furthermore
the digital output (DO) "alarm" is activated.
After acknowledgement of the alarm ("alarm reset" ( -key) or activation of DI "alarm
reset") the mode display is refreshed and the digital output "alarm report" is reset. With the
alarm "underload" the digital output "underload" is set beside the digital outputs "alarm
report" or "alarm with cut-out“.

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Operating Instructions Congrav LM

Start conditions
Before starting an installation the various start conditions must be fulfilled. An unfulfilled start
condition is displayed in the mode display of the component by "ST", by a red LED in the
K-key and by a corresponding report on page F500. Furthermore with selected components
the digital output "start condition of a selected component not fulfilled" will be activated.

If several start conditions are not fulfilled these will be displayed according to a definite
priority order. If the displayed start condition has been fulfilled the next missing start condition
will be reported as per the priority order. If the indicated start condition is fulfilled the next
start condition that is not fulfilled will be indicated according to the priority order. The
following table lists and explains the reports of missing start conditions:

Description of the start conditions:

Start condition Meaning

Overload < Max. Overload value CP05 ≤ filling level max. CP18
Fill. Max. < Min Filling level max. CP18 ≤ filling level min. CP17
Min < Underload Filling level min. CP17 ≤ underload CP04.
Bulk density? Bulk density input missing (K110 - K810)
Weight < Min Feeder must be refilled as hopper filling level is lower than filling level min. CP17 .
Mode is missing No mode has been selected.
Setpoint > max. The setpoint is higher than the feeder parameter max. batch size.
Setpoint > hopper The setpoint is higher than the available hopper volume, partial batch operation is switched off.
Setpoint = 0 The setpoint equals 0 kg.
Feeding time? The feeding parameter feeding time is to small.
Derivative action The feeding parameter derivative action point is out of the limits of its predefined operating
point? range.
Partial batch? The partial batch automatic is not possible in B2 mode.

A further start condition is characterised by the report "Feeder blocked". This means the
component has not yet been assigned to a feeder type. CP01. The start condition "Feeder
blocked" has the following effects:

 red LED in K-key does not light up

 mode display of the respective component is empty

 the respective component cannot be selected

 the respective component will not be considered during the feeding cycle and cannot be

If the Congrav LM is operated with less than 8 components, the components not existing must
be blocked. This will avoid any malfunctions due to a non-existing component.
Furthermore the start condition "setpoint < max." can occur due to wrong setpoint inputs on
setpoint page F300 in the installation mode recipe %.

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Operating Instructions Congrav LM

4.15. Menu pages F600: Calibration program

F600 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 PLC Selection of page with

HS-Type Feeder 1 N Param.
01 Feeder type HS/HA /HM 0.000 F6
02 Weighing range 60.000 kg
03 Max. batch size 100.000 kg
04 Underload 10.000 %
05 Overload 90.000 %

Fig.4.24: Menu page F600; the values printed in bold type can be selected

You call up the calibration program by pressing F6 -key. The calibration program permits a
further adaptation between Congrav LM and the weighing module. The calibration program
consists of 40 calibration points (CP). Selection of calibration points is made by the cursor key
step by step. If the cursor reaches the last or the first line of the calibration points visible in the
display the calibration list is scrolled by one calibration point up or down corresponding to the
cursor key pressed.

To achieve a quicker selection the cursor can be shifted by 5 calibration points by means of the
scroll keys and . By pressing the F6 -key again it is always possible to return to the begin
of the calibration program.

Selection of the calibration programs of the individual components is made by briefly pressing
the respective K-key. When changing between the individual component calibration programs
the actual position of the cursor and thus the block of the displayed five calibration points will
be kept which permits a simplification of the operation and of the parameter comparison.

Input of a new parameter value is made in the input line and is taken over by pressing CR -key
(numerical input). The input procedure was already described in chapter 4.2.2. The parameter
values can only be changed within fixed value ranges. If a parameter input violates the value
range the input will not be taken over, i.e. the old parameter value remains unchanged, and the
status line will display the message "wrong input".

A parameter value can consist of a maximum of 7 digits. Input of larger parameter values is not
possible as with the input of the eighth digit the complete input in the input line will be erased.
Some parameter values require the input of an integer value (whole figure). If these parameters
are entered in real numbers (fraction), only the value in front of the point is considered as
parameter value .

The calibration program is interlocked after each reset of RAM- or E²prom or after each
switching on/off of the power supply by a number code . Changes in the calibration program
are only possible if the calibration program has been released before. The release is done as

 call up calibration program by pressing F6 -key

 enter number code "0843" (do not call up a cursor)
 after app. 0.5 seconds select calibration point by means of the cursor and enter new
parameter value.
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Operating Instructions Congrav LM

The calibration program can be interlocked again by entering a random figure (0 - 9) after call-
up of the calibration program (do not call up a cursor) . After entering the figure the message
"Input interlocked" will be displayed. Attempts to make changes in an interlocked calibration
program are rejected with the report "no input possibility." .

The calibration program is left by calling up another menu page with the F-keys F1 - F5 .
Furthermore the calibration program may be left by calling up the component control pages.
This is done by a long pressure on the corresponding K-key.

Please see chapter 5 for explanations of the calibration points.

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Operating Instructions Congrav LM

5. Calibration program

Calibration point Value range Standard values

01 Feeder type HS/HA/HM 0; 1; 2; 5 0.000
02 Weighing range 0.1-10000 kg 60.000 kg
03 Maximum batch size 0.01-999999 kg 100.000 kg
04 Underload 1-100 % 10.000 %
05 Overload 1-100 % 90.000 %
06 Coarse tare 0-100 % 0.000 %
07 Average weight acq. 2-32 8.000
08 Throughput divisor 0.001-1000 kg 1.000 kg
09 Speed minimum 0-100 % 2.000 %
10 Speed maximum 0.1-100 % 99.000 %
11 Reserve 0 0.000
12 Reserve 0 0.000
13 Type of interlocking 0-3 0.000
14 Indic. of actual value 1-20 s 2.000 s
15 Lever factor 0.1-10000 1.000
16 Hopper volume 1-100000 l 200.000 l
17 Fill. level minimum 1-100 % 20.000 s
18 Fill. level maximum 1-100 % 70.000 %
19 Window/Filter 1-255 7.000
20 Actual value output 0-2 0.000
21 Maximal refill time 1-600 s 60.000 s
22 Refill timing 0-1 0.000
23 Stabilisation time 1-60 s 5.000s
24 Weight mode 0; 1 s 0.000 s
25 Setpoint mode 0; 1 s 0.000 s
26 Feeding tolerance 0.001-100 s 0.100 s
27 Batch stabilization time 0-15 s 5.000 s
28 Coarse delay 0-30 s 2.000 s
29 Coarse/fine switchover 0-30 s 2.000 s
30 Derivative action correction 0; 1 1.000
31 Switchover kg/% 0; 1 1.000
32 Partial batch automatic 0; 1 0.000
33 Tolerance mode 0; 1 0.000
34 P-term 0.01-200 10.000
35 I-term 0.01-100 1.000
36 D-term 0-20 0.000
37 Antivibration 0-5000 5.000
38 Alarm cutout delay time 1-600 30.000
39 Deviation 1-100 1.000
40 Adapt. of actual value 0-5 3.000

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Operating Instructions Congrav LM

5.1. Description of the calibration points

CP Designation Type
01 Feeder type HS/HA/HM N parameter

Depending on the load cell type employed there are six feeder types which are defined by
means of different inputs.

Input 0: no feeder type selected. Component cannot be started because the start condition
"feeder blocked" is displayed. This input is necessary if the Congrav LM is
operated with less than eight components. Components that are not existing will be
designated by input of CP01 = 0. This will prevent faulty functions during
operation of Congrav LM which might occur due to a non-existing component.

Input 1: This is used to select the serial load cell, i.e. that of feeder type DDW-H/S. Weight
acquisition is made with the load cell IDL, the serial weight signal of which is
measured via the corresponding adaptation board BT 0291. (Terminal connections
see appendix A)

Input 2: This input serves to select the analogue load cell, i.e. the feeder type DDW-H/A. The
weight is measured by means of a strain gauge load cell. The analogue weight
signal of this strain gauge load cell is measured via the adaptation board BT 0982.
(Terminal connections see appendix A)

Input 5: This input serves to select the analogue load cell, the weight signal of which is serially
transmitted. The weight is measured by means of a strain gauge load cell, the analogue
weight signal of which is measured by means of the adaptation board AD 101 (with
basic device AED 9001). (Terminal connections see appendix A).

CP Designation Type
02 Weighing range N parameter

The weighing range of the loss-in-weight feeder results from multiplication of the lever value
CP15 and the weighing range value of the load cell used:

CP15 = 2 and weighing range of load cell = 30 kg
2 * 30 kg = 60 kg (weighing range of feeder)
Deviations from this idealised example may be the result of mechanical manufacturing
Weights which are beyond the weighing range of the feeder will not be acquired by the
system and may even damage the load cell if the mechanical limits have not been correctly

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Operating Instructions Congrav LM

CP Designation Type
03 Maximum batch size N parameter

Feeder-specific output value which is used to limit the setpoint input. The setpoint range is
calculated from:
setpoint < 1.1 × maximum batch size

CP Designation Type
04 Underload N parameter

With this filling level min. hopper content is fixed which is required for start and operation. If
this value is undercut the feeder cannot be started (start condition) or there will be an alarm
cut-out or an alarm report. The filling level entered in % to the max. filling level value which
either results from the product (hopper contents CP16 × bulk density) or from the weighing
range CP02 if the product (hopper contents × bulk density exceeds the weighing range).

CP Designation Type
05 Overload N parameter

Defines for an H-type feeder the maximum filling level value for the feeding operation. If it is
exceeded there is either the choice (K150 - K850) of an alarm cut-out after 6 seconds or a
volumetric operation period until the filling level is smaller than the overload value.
The filling level value entered in % relates to the maximum filling level value which results
either from the product (hopper contents CP16 × bulk density) or from the weighing range
CP02, if the product (hopper contents × bulk density) exceeds the weighing range.

CP Designation Type
06 Coarse tare N parameter

The value entered in % is related to the weighing range CP02. The tared part WRtare is
subtracted from the weighing range so that the remaining weighing range which is usable for
the feeding operation WRuse is calculated as follows:
WR use = WR − WR tare

weighing range
weighing range WRuse

coarse tare

Fig.5.1: Structure of the weighing range

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Operating Instructions Congrav LM

CP Designation Type
07 Average value N parameter

Number of the measured values for the calculation of average values.

CP Designation Type
08 Throughput divisor N parameter

Determines the valency for the throughput counter (totalizer). Input should be selected in such
a way that the internal counter has at least 0.1% of the rated output. Input of the valency is
made in kg or lb. I.e. an input of 0.125 corresponds to a valency of 125g. The smallest valency
is 1 g (input = 0.001) the largest is 1 t (input = 1000).

CP Designation Type
09 Speed minimum N parameter

Here the minimum speed is determined. If this speed value is undercut during operation an
alarm cut-out or an alarm report follows after 6 seconds.

CP Designation Type
10 Speed maximum N parameter

Here the maximum speed is determined. If this speed value is exceeded during operation an
alarm cut-out of an alarm report follows after 6 seconds.

CP Designation Type
11 Reserve N parameter

CP Designation Type
12 Reserve N parameter

CP Designation Type
13 Type of interlocking N parameter

With this calibration point it is possible to determine the logic of the digital input
"interlocking", the digital input "stop" and the digital output "alarm". The following table lists
the input possibilities. The logic "inverted" means that the alarm output is set if no disturbance
is present and is not set if a disturbance is present.

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Operating Instructions Congrav LM

CP13 Interlocking Alarm Stop

0 24 V normal 24 V
1 0V normal 24 V
2 24 V inverted 24 V
3 0V inverted 24 V

CP Designation Type
14 Indication of actual value N parameter

Determination and updating time for actual value and time base for short-term actual value.

CP Designation Type
15 Lever factor N parameter

This point for the statical weight adjustment of the loss-in-weight feeder (by the factor "1").

CP Designation Type
16 Hopper contents N parameter

The value input in litres contains the screw trough and the hopper.

CP Designation Type
17 Filling level minimum N parameter

Defines the filling level value at which automatic switch over from feeding operation to refill
mode occurs.
The filling level value entered in % relates to the max. filling level value which results either
from the product (hopper contents CP16 × bulk density) or from the weighing range CP02, if
the product (hopper contents × bulk density) exceeds the weighing range.

CP Designation Type
18 Filling level maximum N parameter

Defines the maximum filling level for refilling. If this max. filling level is reached a switch over
from filling mode to feeding operation follows after elapse of the material stabilisation time.
The filling level value entered in % relates to the max. filling level value which results either
from the product (hopper contents CP16 × bulk density) or from the weighing range CP02, if
the product (hopper contents × bulk density) exceeds the weighing range.

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Operating Instructions Congrav LM

CP Designation Type
19 Window/Filter N parameter

This calibration point is only activated with feeder types HS and HM .

From software version HG V1.5 on the IDL load cell is provided with an internal filter (IDL-
F). For the filter adjustment of the load cell please see the following table:

Window Filter function

0 no filter function
1 slight filter effect, standard setting of cell
6 standard filter setting is sufficient for most of the applications
9 Strongest filter setting

The filter setting 6 should be sufficient for most of the applications and is a good compromise
between interference suppression and signal response time and should be entered in standard.
If it is necessary to increase filtering, this should be done stepwise, as the signal response time
is simultaneously increased. This might cause problems, e.g. refill problems so that the feeder
will be continuously overfilled.

Due to the signal filtering in the IDL-F cell the average value setting for the filter values 6 - 9
can be decreased from 8 to 4.

Inputs > 9 are interpreted as pure window values so that the IDL load cell is still provided for.

Window (HS-type):

The window value entered, multiplied by 20 ms determines the time interval in which the serial
load cell finds a new weight value and sends it to the Congrav LM .

Filter (HM-type):

The filter value that has been input determines the intensity of weight value filtering (1: no
filtering - 8: extreme filtering). The stop function transmits the filter value to the serial load
cell. Therefore the stop function must be activated after a change. This can be done with
selected components by pressing the stop key, otherwise by means of the component control
page K100 - K800 or the digital input "stop" .

CP Designation Type
20 Actual value output N parameter

Calculation of the output:

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Operating Instructions Congrav LM

Act . value
Act .val. output = ⋅ max. act . val. output + offset

The signal type of the actual value output can be determined by the following inputs in CP20:

When using a Congrav LM with I/O-controller with actual value outputs, one actual value
output each is available:

CP 20 Actual value output

1 0 - 20 mA
2 4 - 20 mA

Pin functions see "Technical documentation".

CP Designation Type
21 Maximum refill time N parameter

This calibration point permits to determine the maximum time for refilling. After elapse of the
maximum refilling time and after elapse of the material stabilisation time CP23 the component
switches back to the selected component mode if the filling level minimum CP17 was
exceeded. If this is not the case an alarm cut-out or an alarm message "filling error" will
occur according to what has been laid down on page K150 - K450.
Refilling is finished after the maximum filling level CP18 has been reached or before the
maximum filling time is over.

CP Designation Type
22 Refill timing N parameter

Input = 0 : refilling after the start of a batch

Input = 1 : refilling after the end of a batch

CP Designation Type
23 Stabilisation time N parameter

After the refill period the material stabilisation time starts. After elapse of the material
stabilisation time follows the switch over to the selected component mode.

CP Designation Type
24 Weight mode N parameter

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Operating Instructions Congrav LM

Defines whether switch-over of the points „coarse/fine“ and „derivative action point“ is done
by means of average weight values or non-average weight values.

Input = 0 : non-average weight values

Input = 1: average weight values

CP Designation Type
25 Setpoint mode N parameter

Input = 0 : a setpoint modification will not be taken over after batch feeding, it will only be
taken over after the start of a new batch.

Input = 1 : a setpoint modification will also be taken over during batch feeding. However,
this function is not activated if partial batch feeding has been activated.

CP Designation Type
26 Feeding tolerance N parameter

The input is in % as a function of the weighing range or as a function of the setpoint (please
see CP33), thus the maximum positive and negative tolerance are determined. If the positive
tolerance range is exceeded, there will be an alarm message „tolerance fault“ („T+“ mode
display). Falling short of the negative tolerance range starts fine feeding until the product
quantity that has been fed is within the tolerance range.

CP Designation Type
27 Batch stabilization time N parameter

The batch stabilization time runs down after the end of a batch or a partial batch. On the start
of a batch stabilization time at the end of a batch, the digital output „batch end“ (DO7 of the
corresponding component) is set.

CP Designation Type
28 Coarse delay N parameter

The coarse delay time runs down after the start of a batch. It determines the lapse of time
between setting of the digital output „operation“ and „coarse feeding“.

CP Designation Type
29 Coarse/fine switchover time N parameter

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Operating Instructions Congrav LM

Switchover time from coarse feeding to fine feeding.

CP Designation Type
30 Derivative action correction N parameter

Activation of the automatic derivative action correction:

Input = 0 : the automatic derivative action correction is switched off.

Input = 1 : the automatic derivative action correction is switched on.

CP Designation Type
31 Switch-over kg/% N parameter

For the following parameters it is possible to switch over the units from kg to %:

• underload
• filling level min.
• filling level max.
• overload

Input = 0 : kg
Input = 1 : %

CP Designation Type
32 Partial batch automatic N parameter

The activation of the partial batch automatic is only allowed in „B1“ mode.

Input = 0 : the partial batch automatic is inactive.

Input = 1 : the partial batch automatic is active. If a batch setpoint exceeds the value (filling
level max. - filling level min.), i.e. the batch cannot be fed out without refilling,
the batch (under consideration of the derivative action point) will be divided
into partial batches of equal size. The partial batches are fed out with the speed
value of coarse feeding. After each partial batch there is first the batch
stabilization time, after that, the hopper will be refilled. Coarse/fine switchover
will be done during the last partial batch, the switchover point that has been
entered refers to the batch value of the last partial batch.

CP Designation Type
33 Tolerance mode N parameter

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Operating Instructions Congrav LM

Input = 0 : the feeding tolerance refers to the weighing range.

Input = 1 : the feeding tolerance refers to the setpoint.

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Operating Instructions Congrav LM

6. Component level
Each component can be operated and tested independently from the other components. For
this, the component level of the corresponding component has to be selected. This is made by
pressing the respective K-key (component 1 ⇒ K1 -key).

The component level consists of several component pages, the so-called K-pages (e.g.: K100,
K110, K120, K130, K140 and K150), which contain the required parameters. As all five
component levels have an identical structure, we only describe the K-pages of the first
component below.

6.1. Structure of the component level

Component pages
K150 Alarm configuration component 1 K250 Alarm configuration component 2
K140 Test program component 1 K240 Tes tprogram component 2
K130 Control page for I/O component 1 K230 Control page for I/O component 2
K120 Feeding parameters component 1 K220 Feeding parameters component 2
K111 Modes component 1 K211 Modes component 2
K110 Feeding parameters component 1 K210 Feeding parameters component 2
K100 Individual control component 1 K200 Individual control component 2

direct selection: direct selection:

K1 K2

etc ... up to component 8

Fig.6.1: Structure of the component pages (K-pages)

You call up the menu page K100 and thus the component level by pressing K1 -key. Selection
of the other menu pages is made after selection of the component level by using the scroll keys
( and ). Sub-menu page K111 is called up by selecting the menu point "mode" on menu
page K110.

The component pages K500 to K850 (components 5 to 8) are not available if only one
internal I/O controller is employed.

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Operating Instructions Congrav LM

6.2. Component page K100: Component control

K100 GF GF GF GF GF GF GF GF PLC I=off Selection of page with

HS-Type Feeder 1
Start Setpoint 100.000 kg/h K1
Stop Actual value 0.000 kg/h
Alarm reset Speed 0.000 %
Refill Weight 23.543 kg
BA cut-out Tare weight 0.000 kg

Fig.6.2: Component page K100; the values printed in bold type can be selected

You call up page K100 by long pressing of K1 -key. The page is divided into two columns. In
the left column the control functions that are selectable are listed. The individual control
functions are selected with the aid of the cursor and activated by pressing the CR -key.

Description of the menu points:

Menu point Input type of Input Notes

parameters possibilities
Start Switch function on The component is started if all required start conditions have
been fulfilled.
Stop Switch function on The component is stopped.
Alarm reset Switch function on The present alarm is reset so that operation of the component
is again possible.
Refill Switch function on/off Manual refill can be switched on and off.
BA cut-out (= Switch function on This function permits to break-off the actual batch and sets the
batch cut-out) actual value to zero.

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Operating Instructions Congrav LM

6.3. Component page K110: Operating parameters

K110 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 PLC I=off Selection of page with

HS-Type Feeder 1
Auto-tare 0.000 kg/h K1
Check. max. output 0.000 kg/h
Bulk density 0.750 kg/h
Mode GF
I/O-configuration I: 0 O: 0

Fig.6.3: Component page K110; the values printed in bold type can be selected

Description of the menu points:

Menu point Input type of Input Notes
parameters possibilities
Auto-tare Switch function on/off Auto-tare permits to memorise the filling level in RAM and to
display it in the right column. The max. tare value that can be
stored is 5% of the weighing range. This higher filling level
value must first be brought into the auto tare range by means
of the "coarse tare" CP06 function.
Auto-tare numerical input 0-9999 This menu point permits to input the AT-value.
Checking max. numerical input 0.01 - 999999 During the first batch of „batch 2“ the product quantity that
output has been fed is added in kg in this menu point. If "CM" has
come to an end, the output value for the 95% speed range
which has been determined is displayed in kg/h.
A wrong output value deteriorates the feeding accuracy and
may lead to an alarm cut-out in extreme cases due to a
deviation that is much to high. If the feeder type is changed
(CP01) the CM-value will automatically be reset.
Bulk density numerical input 0.01 - 10 The bulk density of the product is required for the calculation
of the filling level. Input of bulk density is limited to the range
0.01 - 10 .
Mode Cursor selection on/off This menu point permits the selection of the component mode.
and CR
calls up You place the cursor on this menu point and press the
sub-menu page -key, after that the sub-menu page K111 appears.
I/O- numerical input I: 0 to 2 Please see below.
configuration O: 0 to 4

The menu point I/O configuration permits to configurate the function of the digital output
DO4 and digital input DI1 as per the table below.
Input Function Notes
I: 0 DI1= interlocking standard setting
I: 1 DI1= refill (H-type)
I: 2 DI1= batch cut-out (BA)
O: 0 DO4= batch end
O: 1 DO4= coarse or fine
O: 2 DO4= free
O: 3 DO4= tolerance +
O: 4 DO4= alarm report

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6.3.1. Sub-menu page K111: Modes

K111 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 PLC I=off Selection of page with

HS-Type Feeder 1
B1 Batch 1 K1
B2 Batch 2 and selection of menu
DI Discharge
point "mode"

Fig.6.4: Sub-menu page K111; the values printed in bold type can be selected

This sub-menu page lists all possible component modes . Selection of the desired mode is done
by means of the cursor. You place the cursor on the desired component mode and push the
-key. Please find a detailed description of the individual component modes in chapter 7.

Description of the menu points:

Menu point Input type of Input Notes

parameters possibilities
B1 Switch function on/off Activates the component mode „batch 1“.
Batch 1
B2 Switch function on/off Activates the component mode „batch 2“.
Batch 2
DI Switch function on/off Activates the component mode „discharge“.
Return Switch function By selection of this menu point the system returns to
component page K110 without changing a parameter

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Operating Instructions Congrav LM

6.4. Component page K120: Feeder parameters

K120 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 PLC I=off Selection of page with

HS-Type Feeder 1
01 Coarse feeding 10.000 % K1
and 2x
02 Fine feeding 1.000 %
03 Coarse/fine switchover 0.000 %
04 Derivative action point 10.000
05 Max. feeding time 1.000 s

Fig.6.5: Component page K120; the values printed in bold type can be selected

This component page permits to adapt the feeding parameters to the feeding process. Σ (xdi) =

Description of the menu points:

Function Input possibilities Short description

Coarse feeding 0.001 - 100 % This function permits to adjust the
manipulated variable during coarse feeding.
Fine feeding 0.001 - 100 % This function permits to adjust the
manipulated variable during fine feeding.
Coarse/fine 0.001 - 100 % This function permits to determine the batch
switchover value when switchover from coarse feeding to
fine feeding has to be carried through.
Derivative action 1 - 100 % This function permits to adjust the derivative
point action point.
Max. feeding time 30 - 600 s Max. batch feeding time.

Coarse feeding
This point permits to determine the speed for coarse feeding. Simultaneously, this is
corresponding to the speed of discharge mode. In „B2“ mode this point is automatically
adjusted and can adopt a value up to 500%.

Fine feeding
This point permits to determine a speed percentage for fine feeding.

Coarse/fine switchover
The input in % as a function of a batch setpoint determines the batch value for switchover from
coarse feeding to fine feeding. On reaching this batch value the coarse feeding stops and after
expiry of the switchover setting time, fine feeding will start.

Derivative action point

Input is in % as a function of the batch setpoint. The input for this function permits to
determine a batch end value that is prior to the batch setpoint, thus it is possible to take into
consideration a possible dropping out of small product quantities.

Max. feeding time

Input in seconds, this function determines the max. batch feeding time.

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Operating Instructions Congrav LM

6.5. Component page K130: I/O -control1

K130 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 PLC Selection of page with

HS-Type Feeder 1
Ana.inputs 1: 50.0 2: 0.00 3: 37.8 K1
and 3x
Ana.outputs 1: 37.8 2: 20.3
Dig.inputs 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Dig.outputs 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Load cell 0Y 123456

Fig.6.6: Component page K130; no inputs possible

This component page is used for a control of the states of the analogue and digital inputs and
outputs. The analogue voltages are displayed as percentage in relation to 10 V DC (e.g.: 10 V
DC = 100%).
Description of the menu points:
Menu point Input type of Input Notes
parameters possibilities
Ana.inputs none none Displays the states of the analogue inputs of the component.
Indication in % of 10V DC.
Ana.outputs none none Displays the states of the analogue outputs of the component.
Indication in % of 10V DC or of 20 mA.
Dig.inputs none none Displays the states of the digital inputs of the component.
The digital inputs DI1 to DI8 are listed from the left side to the
right side. A "1" means - the input is set and a "0" means - the
input is not set.
Dig.outputs none none Displays the states of the digital outputs of the component.
The digital outputs DO1 to DO8 are listed from the left side to the
right side. A "1" means the output is set and a "0" means the
output is not set.
Load cell none none This menu point permits a control of the weighing signal if a serial
or a digital load cell are connected.
a) Serial load cell
Monitoring of the serial interface traffic between the serial load
cell and Congrav LM. In the menu field the last six digits of the
ppm-display of the load cell are displayed. The serial load cell has
a resolution of 1 mio. ppm, i.e. for a serial load cell with a
weighing range of 60 kg the following equation is valid: 1 ppm
= 6 mg
Furthermore the status report of the serial load cell (digit 1-3) is
0E : Usable weighing range not reached because preload was to
0X : weight value unstable
0Y : weight value stable
b) Digital load cell
The digital load cell has two frequencies; indication of the last 16
bits of the counter reading. The display is decimal, i.e. in a value
range of 0 - 65535. With load cells it is normal that the indicated
values are constantly changing.
Analogue input 1: (AI1) To be used for the analogue weighing signal.

1I/O=input / output

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Analogue input 2: (AI2) To be used for the analogue tachometer signal of the setting device
of the feeder drive.
Analogue input 3: (AI3) Is only available with external I/O-controllers Congrav T, to be
used for the analogue control signal.
Analogue output : (AO1) To be used for the analogue manipulated variable.
Analogue output 2: (AO2) Is only available with external I/O-controllers Congrav T, to be
used for the analogue actual value output.
Digital inputs : The digital inputs 1 to 5 have the following functions for all components:
Digital input Function Note
DI 1 Interlocking with internal I/O-controller it is
also possible to select refill, auto
tare or gravimetric discharge →
DI 2 Start component a possible start delay will be taken
into consideration.
DI 3 Stop component a possible stop delay will be taken
into consideration.
DI 4 Reset
DI 5 Refill only with external I/O-controller
Congrav T; it is also possible to
select gravimetric discharge .

The digital inputs DI 6 to DI 7 are prepared for future applications.

A digital input is set if a voltage of 24 V DC lies between terminal GND and the terminal
corresponding to the digital input.
Digital outputs: the digital outputs have the following function:
Digital output Function Note
DO 1 Component started
DO 2 Component faulty
DO 3 Component refilled (H-type)
Auto-tare started (G-type)
DO 4 Alarm report It is also possible to select overload,
underload, control deviation +/- or
pulse output. →K110

The digital outputs are open collector outputs with a common GND on GND
The terminal functions of the inputs/outputs can be seen in the "Technical Documentation".

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Operating Instructions Congrav LM

6.6. Component page K140: Test page

K140 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 PLC I=off Selection of page with

HS-Type Feeder 1
Simulation off K1
and 4x
Test off
Ana.output 1: 37.8 % 2: 20.3 %
Dig.outputs 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Ser. load cell

Fig.6.7: Component page K140; the values printed in bold type can be selected

The component page K140 fulfils in principle the following two functions:

1. Selection of the simulation program

2. Selection of the test program with which the outputs can be tested

Description of the menu points:

Menu point Input type of Input Notes
parameters possibilities
Simulation Switch function on/off Without function.
Test Switch function on/off This menu point serves to switch ON or OFF the test program of
the component.
Ana.output Switch function For a test of the analogue outputs the test program has to be
switched on. If this is the case the following functions can be
The analogue output can be set in steps of 12,5 % . For this, the
cursor has to be set to this menu point. Each actuation of the
-key causes a 12,5 % jump (12,5; 25; 37,5 ...).
Dig.outputs Switch function on/off For testing the digital outputs the test program has to be
switched on. If this is the case, the following function can be
The eight digital outputs of the respective component can be set.
The individual digital outputs are listed in order. A digital
output can be set if the cursor is set to the corresponding menu
point (e.g. DO3: 3rd menu point in the line "dig. outputs") and
if CR -key is pressed.
The 9th menu point in the line "dig. outputs" permits to set/reset
all digital outputs.
Ser. load cell Switch function on/off For testing the serial load cell the test program has to be
switched on. If this is the case, the following function can be

The interface to the serial load cell can be tested.

For this, the menu point "ser. load cell" is selected with the
cursor and activated by pushing the CR -key. This test sends an
initialisation string to the serial load cell. This initialisation
string can be printed out if you connect an serial printer (RS422

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Operating Instructions Congrav LM

6.7. Component page K150: Alarm configuration

K150 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 PLC I=off Selection of page with

HS-Type Feeder 1
and 5x
01 S- cut-out 05 OV report only
02 S+ report only 06 UN cut-out
03 T+ cut-out 07 RF cut-out
04 FT report only 08

Fig.6.8: Component page K150; the values printed in bold type can be selected

The Congrav LM surveys the feeding operation and gives standard reports of faults during
operation either by an alarm report or by an alarm cut-out. In the mode display the alarms are
displayed as outlined below:

S- : Violation of minimal speed range, alarm cut-out after 6 s.

S+ : Violation of maximal speed range, alarm cut-out after 6 s.

T+ : Positive tolerance, alarm cut-out as per the max. feeding time determined in CP26.

FT : Feeding time, alarm cut-out after expiry of the max. feeding time that has been

OV : Overload range, immediate alarm cut-out.

UN : Underload range, immediate alarm cut-out.

RF : Refill fault, alarm cut-out immediately after expiry of refill time as per CP16.

The digital output "alarm" (DO "alarm" of corresponding component) is activated parallely to
an alarm cut-out. This component page permits to select either an alarm cut-out or only an
alarm report for the listed alarm types. After expiry of the corresponding alarm time (see
above) only an alarm with the option "report only" is announced by the Congrav LM, yet
feeding is not stopped by the Congrav LM . An operation fault with the option "report only" is
indicated as follows:

- The mode display is no more refreshed, i.e. the mode display shows the alarm type in inverse
representation (not blinking).

- Digital output "alarm report" (DO "alarm report") of corresponding component is activated.

- The cause of the alarm is indicated on alarm page F500.

- If the option "alarm printout" has been activated on printer page F200, an alarm protocol
will be printed.

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The alarm report will be reset by pushing the reset key. In order to select the desired option,
"cut-out" or "report only", the cursor has to be placed on the parameter and the CR -key has to
be pressed.

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Operating Instructions Congrav LM

7. Component modes of Congrav LM

7.1 Batch 1 (B1)

The operating mode batch feeding serves to feed out a product quantity (= batch setpoint)
that has been defined before (= batch setpoint). Generally, batch feeding runs as follows: at the
beginning of weighing, the start weight is memorized. After that, there is switchover to coarse
feeding. During coarse feeding, „CF“ appears in the mode display and the digital output
„coarse“ will be set. The manipulated variable of coarse feeding can be determined in the menu
feeding parameters. Coarse feeding is over, if the coarse/fine switchover point has been
reached. After expiry of the switch-over time, fine feeding will be started. During fine feeding,
„FF“ will appear in the mode display and the digital output „fine“ will be set. The manipulated
variable of fine feeding can be defined in the menu feeding parameters. On reaching the
derivative action point, fine feeding is finished and after expiry of a stabilization time of 2
seconds the automatic checking of derivative action and tolerance starts. If the derivative
action correction is activated the existing point of derivative action will be corrected. The
derivative action point which has now been calculated, is automatically entered. Tolerance
checking permits to analyse whether the weighing was within the permissible tolerance range.
If the tolerance range has not been reached, The controller will again switch over to fine
feeding and feeding will not stop until the correct weight (setpoint - tolerance) is reached.

If the actual batch value that has been fed out is located within the permissible tolerance, batch
feeding will be stopped and the digital output „batch end“ will (DO4) will be set. After expiry
of the batch stabilization time the operating contact will be reset.

If the tolerance range is exceeded, the message „T+“ will appear and the operator has to
decidewhether overfeeding is permissible or not. If the operator accepts overfeeding, the
feeding operation can be continued by activating the reset key. If he does not accept
overfeeding, the feeding operation has to be stopped by activating the stop key, then the fault
indication „tolerance fault“ has to be reset by means of the reset key.

In order to feed out the batch setpoint, the min. filling level has to be = (fill. level min. + batch
setpoint). The setup permits to determine the time for refilling after the start/stop of the
feeding operation. After the start of feeding, there is in general a check whether there is
enough product in the hopper for feeding until the batch setpoint. Should this not be the case,
there is refilling until „filling level max.“

Batch feeding with partial batches

If the batch setpoint exceeds the filling level value (fill. level max. - underload), i.e. the batch
cannot be fed out without intermediate refilling, the batch will be devided into partial batches
of equal size, provided this option has been selected in the setup (point 21). The partial batches
are fed out with the speed value of coarse feeding. After each partial batch there is first a batch
stabilization time, then refilling until fill. level max.
Coarse/fine switchover is timed at the end of the last partial batch.

With partial batch feeding the necessary partial batch parameters can be calculated at the start
of the feeding operation. For this reason, no modification of the batch setpoint can be accepted
during batch feeding. For this, the setpoint mode has to be „off“.
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Operating Instructions Congrav LM

If the batch setpoint exceeds the weight value (fill. level max. - underload) and if partial batch
automatic has been activated, the installation cannot feed out the batch setpoint and stops on
reaching the underload mark with the alarm message „underload“. If manual refill is activated
during batch feeding, the batch has to be broken off.

Derivative action point and coarse/fine switchover for partial batches

The value that has been entered for the derivative action point refers to the batch value of the
total batch (or to each partial batch). But the value that has been entered for the switchover
point refers to the batch value of the last partial batch. If the input for the derivative action
point is to small, post-feeding might be necessary. In the post-feeding period there is no refill,
i.e. the installation will stop of to much product is fed with the alarm message „underload“, if
the underload mark that has been determined has been reached.

7.2 Batch 2 (B2)

With this mode, feeding is not controlled by two different and defined manipulated variables,
but the manipulated variable is the function of a ramp.
This ramp function will optimize automatically during the first batches in order to obtain the
highest possible feeding accuracy. The higher the desired feeding accuracy, the higher the
feeding time (menu feeding parameters) has to be.

Formula for the calculation of the feeding time:

FT = setpoint • 3600 + 30 s
check. max. output

Example: setpoint = 10 kg
check. max. output = 400 kg/h

FT = 10 kg • 3600 + 30 s = 120 s
400 kg/h

This time depends very much on the product and has to be determined for each application.

A modification of the feeding ramp permits to employ pole-changing motors.

Stop and break-off of batch feeding operation

The batch feeding operation can be stopped at any time by a stop order and it can be continued
with a subsequent start order. Batch feeding can be stopped earlier by means of a break-off
order, i.e. a subsequent start starts batch feeding anew. This break-off is activated, if the menu
point break-off (feeding parameter) is activated 1x. A break-off resets batch feeding to the
defined initial state. This can be especially required for modifications of the batch operation

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Operating Instructions Congrav LM

7.3 Discharge (DI)

With this mode the program uses a constant manipulated variable of + 7,5 V (75%) which is
issued together with the start. Furthermore it is possible to change the manipulated variable by
entering a desired setpoint in % for the feeding parameter coarse feeding. All weight related
limit values are out of function. Alarms will only be accepted if they are caused by the speed
control as speed min. or speed max., provided this has been configurated accordingly in the
menu alarm cut-out.

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Operating Instructions Congrav LM

8. Commissioning of a loss-in-weight feeder

8.1. Preliminary checks

Commissioning your loss-in-weight feeder should generally be started with a check whether
the feeder is in working order. For this, you proceed as follows:

8.1.1. Electrical checks

• Check correct execution of cabling as per electrical plans.
• In case, control cabinets are part of the scope of supply it is important that you stick to the
security instructions attached on the inner side of the control cabinet door.

8.1.2. Mechanical checks

• Check the mechanical connections of the loss-in-weight feeder (outlet/inlet). The flexible
connections (step bellows-, compensators) have to be mounted according to the regulations
and they must not be stressed (tension, thrust) (fig.8.1).

DDW-H2x-M-x DDW-H3x-FWx

Fig. 8.1: Flexible connections to base mounted connection pipes

• All transport catches (painted red) have to be removed from the loss-in-weight feeder

only DDW-H2x-M-x

Fig. 8.2: Transport catches

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Operating Instructions Congrav LM

8.2. Static inspection

8.2.1.Checking the weighing system

♦ Switch on the power supply of loss-in-weight feeder and microcomputer controller.
♦ Compare the memorised calibration data of the microcomputer controller with the "test
certificate - loss-in-weight feeder" that is also part of the delivery, possibly you have to
change them.
♦ At the beginning, the start conditions of the loss-in-weight feeder are not yet fulfilled,
therefore the LED of the microcomputer controller lights up red. Call up the component
page K110 (page K210 for feeder 2, etc.) and enter the bulk density of the product. The
fill. level limit values are recalculated proportionally and automatically with each
modification (fig.8.3).

K110 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 PLC I=off

HS-Type Feeder 1
Auto-tare 0.000 kg/h
Checking max. output 352.846 kg/h
Bulk density 0.000 kg/h
Mode GF
I/O-configuration I: 0 O: 0

Fig. 8.3: Component page K110

♦ If no weight value will be displayed (fig.8.4) after you have called up page K100 (page
K200 for feeder 2, etc.) you have to start "auto-tare" function (fig.8.5). Thus, the "auto-
tare" value will be reset to zero and a positive weight value will be displayed. As negative
weight values cannot be displayed, a positive weight value (G0) is required for a perfect
control of the weighing device.

K100 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 PLC I=off

HS-Type Feeder 1
Start Setpoint 100.000 kg/h
Stop Actual value 0.000 kg/h
Alarm reset Speed 0.000 %
Refill Weight 23.543 kg
Start sample Tare weight 0.000 kg

Fig. 8.4: Component page K100, indication of weight value

K110 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 PLC I=off

HS-Type Feeder 1
Auto-tare 0.000 kg/h
Checking max. output 352.846 kg/h
Bulk density 0.000 kg/h
Mode GF
I/O configuration I: 0 O: 0

Fig. 8.5: Component page K110, starting of auto-tare function

♦ By a brief loading and unloading of the feeder (add/take off weight) check whether the
display is free from changes. This means that the weight display must always show the
initial value if the control weight has been taken off or the total value if the control weight
BRABENDER TECHNOLOGIE KG, 1996 Copyright as per DIN 34 Page 61
Operating Instructions Congrav LM

has been added. If a change occurs you have to check the complete mechanical structure of
the feeder.

♦ Place a defined test weight (normally app. 30 % of the weighing range) on the hopper of
the loss-in-weight feeder. The exact weight value should be displayed now. If this should
not be the case correct the lever arm CP15 according to the formula:

H corr = ⋅ H act
GD − G0

Explication of the abbreviations:

Hcorr = corrected lever arm

GT = weight value of the test weight
GD = weight value displayed (with GT)
G0 = weight value without test weight
Hact = actual lever arm

After a correction of the lever arm the new lever arm has to be checked accordingly.

♦ The weight value that is possibly still displayed after a correction of the lever arm and with
the test weight taken off is written in the tare memory after call-up of the "auto-tare"
function. After that the weight value displayed will be 0.000 kg.
With a weight value that is higher than 5 % of the total weighing range the "coarse tare"-
range CP06 has to be increased, as the "auto-tare" function permits to tare max. 5 % of
the weighing range. Therefore, the total weighing range is divided as illustrated in fig.8.6.

weighing range

total weighing range

max 5% of the auto-tare

weighing range range

coarse tare range


Fig. 8.6: Structure of the total weighing range

The static inspection of the first feeder is now concluded. This check has to be effected
separately for all feeders. If this has been done you can go on with the commissioning of the
individual feeders.

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Operating Instructions Congrav LM

8.2.2. Checking of the drives

♦ Select mode "DI" (discharge) and enter the setpoint 10 % on page F300 (fig.8.7).
F300 DI B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 PLC I=off
Total setpoint 0.000 kg/h
Nr Setpoint % Setpoint kg/h Select
1 10.000 0.000 off
2 0.000 0.000 off
3 0.000 0.000 off
4 0.000 0.000 off

Fig. 8.7: Setpoint page F300

♦ Select page K100 (page K200 for feeder 2, etc.) and start the installation (fig.8.8).
K100 DI B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 PLC I=off
HS-Type Feeder 1
Start Setpoint 100.000 kg/h
Stop Actual value 0.000 kg/h
Alarm reset Speed 0.000 %
Refill Weight 23.543 kg
BA cut-out Tare weight 0.000 kg

Fig. 8.8: Component page K100, starting of the first component

♦ Check the sense of rotation of the drive motors of the loss-in-weight feeder . For easier
checking flashes indicating the senses of rotation are attached to each drive (fig.8.9).

Fig. 8.9: Flashes indicating the sense of rotation

♦ A tachometer permits to check the adjustment of the speed controller of the feed drive. If
the drive has a nominal speed of 3000 min-1, the speed has to be 300 min-1 if the setpoint is
10 % and 2700 min-1 if the speed is 90 % (setpoint modifications: please see page F300).
Should there be deviations despite the preadjustment in our works, they have to be
adjusted by means of our "adjustment instructions for speed controllers".

♦ After completion of the a.m. checks the installation can be stopped again (page K100).

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Operating Instructions Congrav LM

8.3. Commissioning with product

The following steps are meant to describe the refilling sequence and "checking max. output"
with loss-in-weight feeders. For this, you have to provide an appropriate collecting bin under
the feeder outlet.

♦ You start manual filling by putting the cursor on page K100 (page K200 for feeder 2 etc.),
menu point "refill" and pressing CR -key (fig.8.10). The feeder will be filled up to "filling
level max.". Filling is finished, if the indication on the mode display changes from "RF" to

K100 RF B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 PLC I=off

HS-Type Feeder 1
Start Setpoint 100.000 kg/h
Stop Actual value 0.000 kg/h
Alarm reset Speed 0.000 %
Refill Weight 23.543 kg
BA cut-out Tare weight 0.000 kg

Fig. 8.10: Component page K100, refill start component 1

♦ Select mode "DI" (discharge) and enter setpoint 7,5 % on page F300 (fig.8.11).

F300 DI B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 PLC I=off

Total setpoint 0.000 kg/h
Nr Setpoint % Setpoint kg/h SE
1 7.500 0.000 off
2 0.000 0.000 off
3 0.000 0.000 off
4 0.000 0.000 off

Fig. 8.11: Setpoint page F300

♦ Select page K100 (page K200 for feeder 2 etc.) and start the installation. If the feeding
device is filled with product, the installation can be stopped again (fig.8.12).

K100 DI B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 PLC I=off

HS-Type Feeder 1
Start Setpoint 100.000 kg/h
Stop Actual value 0.000 kg/h
Alarm reset Speed 0.000 %
Refill Weight 23.543 kg
BA cut-out Tare weight 0.000 kg

Fig. 8.12: Component page K100

♦ Select mode "CM" (checking max. output) on page K110 (page K210 for feeder 2 etc.)
(fig.8.13), then start the installation on page K100 (page K200 for feeder 2 etc.). Thus, the
sequence "checking max. output" has also been started. During this mode feeder specific
parameters are determined and stored. Page K110 (page K210 for feeder 2 etc.) displays
the addition of the product quantity fed in kg under menu point "checking of max. output".
After conclusion of mode "checking of max. output" the feeder switches off automatically

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Operating Instructions Congrav LM

and mode "GF" (gravimetric feeding) is selected.

K110 CM B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 PLC I=off

HS-Type Feeder 1
Auto-tare 0.000 kg/h
Checking max. output 352.846 kg/h
Bulk density 0.000 kg/h
Mode GF
I/O-configuration I: 0 O: 0

Fig. 8.13: Component page K110, selection of function "checking max. output", component 1

♦ Call up setpoint page F300 and enter desired setpoint (fig.8.14).

F300 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 PLC I=off

Total setpoint 0.000 kg/h
Nr Setpoint % Setpoint kg/h SE
1 0.000 60.000 off
2 0.000 0.000 off
3 0.000 0.000 off
4 0.000 0.000 off

Fig. 8.14: Setpoint page F300

Now the feeder is ready for operation. In case of feeders with a tray an adjusting nozzle at the
inlet of the tray permits to set the filling level of the tray so that a further adaptation of output
is possible (fig.8.15).

Fig. 8.15: Adjusting nozzle

After having changed the position of the adjusting nozzle you have to carry through "checking
max. output", as described above.

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Operating Instructions Congrav LM

9. Appendix A

9.1. Trouble shooting


Cause : Filling did not rise over filling level min. CP17 in the time entered in
Remedy : a) Check material store and flow, possibly change on upstream
b) Check input "bulk density" on pages K110 - K810 with the help of
the product.

Cause : a) During refilling no material flow.
b) During "CM"-mode the underload value was undercut.
Remedy : a) Check material store and flow.
b) Check material slide valve or refill device on function.
c) Activate manual refill, because with "CM"-mode no automatic refill
will be activated.

Cause : a) To much material in hopper.
Remedy : a) Check material slide valve or refill device on function.
b) Check max. filling level CP18 and overload CP05.
c) Switch on mode "DI" (discharge) until reaching of filling level max.


Cause : To little / to much material is discharged.
Remedy : a) Check material store.
b) Check function of agitator.
c) Check function of control for feeder.
d) Check controller 1 (PID) - parameter on pages K120 -K820.

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Operating Instructions Congrav LM


Cause : Speed is inferior to set speed value CP09
Remedy : a) Check feeder function (perhaps feeder is blocked).
b) Check setpoint input.
c) Check function of thyristor control (voltage etc.).
d) Check input of bulk density.
e) Check regulation.


Cause : Speed is superior to set speed value CP10.
Remedy : a) Check material store.
b) Check function of material slide valve or refill device.
c) Check function of agitator. (product is possibly bridging in the
d) Check material discharge.
e) Check regulation.

Cause : a) Controller beyond filter range.
Remedy : a) With extremely fluctuating speed check controller 1 - parameter on
pages K120 - K820, also check the control automatic CP27.
b) Check environment for external disturbances (e.g. vibrations caused
by starting machines etc.), correct if necessary.
c) Run "CM" mode.
d) Increase filter limit values CP28 .
e) Increase AV-cut-out time CP25.
Note: d) and e):
With increasing values the feeding accuracy of the installation will


Cause : a) Data communication between Congrav LM and the serial or the
digital load cell is disturbed.
Remedy : a) Check IDL-power supply card BT 0291, or power supply card BT
1082 or strain gauge load cell amplifier AD101 (incl. base unit AED
9001) as per description.
b) Check connecting lines.
Note: Due to the disturbed data communication between Congrav LM and the
load cell the weight value is set to zero so that at first an underload
occurs. Then the report on page F500 changes from "UNDERLOAD" to

BRABENDER TECHNOLOGIE KG, 1996 Copyright as per DIN 34 Page 67

Operating Instructions Congrav LM


Cause : Data communication between Congrav LM and an external I/O-
controller Congrav T is troubled.
Remedy : a) Check the supply voltages of the Congrav T-units.
b) Check lines and plug connections of the BUS interface.
Note: This alarm message is only displayed if external I/O-controllers
Congrav T are employed.

Cause : a.) No loss of weight.
b.) Wrong CM values due to external disturbances (e.g. CM-value range
2 > CM-value range 3
Remedy : a) Checking of feeding system.
b) Checking whether there are external disturbances in the environment
of the feeder.

Cause : Access to a memory module in Congrav LM could not be made
Remedy : If this fault occurs we recommend you to contact the service division of
Brabender Technologie KG.

Cause : Access to the EEprom in Congrav LM could not be made correctly.
Remedy : If this fault occurs we recommend to contact the service division of
Brabender Technologie KG.

Note: Terminal connections of Congrav LM, Ia, Ib please see "Technical Documentation".

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Operating Instructions Congrav LM

Index —D—
Data setting 16
Delay times 28
Derivative action corection 48
Derivative action correction 39
—A— DI 10
Actual batches 30 Dialogue language 16
Actual value kg/h 30 Digital inputs 57
Actual value output 38; 45 Digital outputs 57
Adjusting nozzle 71 digital inputs 4; 19
Alarm configuration 60 digital inputs (configuration) 53
Alarm cut-out 60 Digital outputs 19
Alarm cutout 33 Digital outputs (Test) 59
Alarm messages 33 Discharge (DI) 64
Alarm printout 23 Display 9
Alarm report 60 Display lightning 7
Alarm report page 33 Drives (checking) 67
Alarm reports 33
alarm reset(component) 52 —E—
alarm stop 25; 28
Alarms 33 EE 10
all totals 25; 29 EE-Fault 74
Analogue inputs 57 EEprom-error 33
Analogue output (Test) 59 EE-xxxx 33
Analogue outputs 57
Auto-tare 53 —F—
AV fault 73
average value (weight acq.) 42 Faults 72
Average weight acq. 38 Feeder blocked 35
Feeder parameters 56
Feeder type 39
—B— Feeder type 38
B1 10 Feeding tolerance 38; 47
B2 10 Fill fault 33
BA cut-out 52 Fill. level maximum 38
Batch 1 (B1) 62 Fill. level minimum 38
Batch 2 (B2) 63 Fill. Max. < Min 34
Batch report 23 Filling level maximum 44
Batch stabilization time 38; 47 Filling level minimum 43
Baud rate 18 Filter 38; 45
Bulk density 53 Fine feeding 56
Bulk density (Indication) 34 Function keys 6

—C— —G—
calibration data 12 group setpoint 27
Calibration program 36
change 66 —H—
Checking max. output 53
CM fault 74 Hard copy 7
Coarse delay 38; 48 Hopper contents 43
Coarse feeding 56 Hopper volume 38
Coarse tare 38; 41 host computer 4; 18
Coarse/fine switchover 38; 48 Host computer configuration 18
Commissioning (DDW-H) 65 Host computer operation 16
Commissioning with product 70
Communication fault 74 —I—
Component control 52
Component level 51 I/O control 57
Component modes 55 I/O-configuration 53
Control deviation +/- 72 Identnumber 18
Cursor 7 Indic. of actual value 38
Cursor keys 7 Indication of actual value 43
Input line 9; 15

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Operating Instructions Congrav LM

installation modes 17 Print 23

Interlocking (CP) 37 Print CP-data 23
Interlocking (menu pages) 12 Print time 23
Printer page 23
—K— Printout screen page 23

key switch 12
keyboard 4; 6
Recipe % 17
—L— Recipe % - operation 26
Recipe faulty 20
LC 11 Recipe kg 17
LED (K-keys) 8 Recipe kg - operation 26
LED (start-key) 8 Recipe number 20
LED functions 8 Refill 52
Lever factor 38; 43 Refill fault 72
Load cell 57 Refill timing 38; 46
Load cell (alarm message) 73 Release 36
Load recipe 20 Reset all totals 32
Reset EEprom1 24
—M— Reset EEprom2 24
Reset functions 24
Maximal refill time 38 Reset RAM 24
Maximum batch size 38; 40 Reset totalizer 32
Maximum refill time 46 RF 10
Memory Board 22
Memory Card 20
Memory Card missing 20
Memory Card Status 20 S- 11
menu pages 9 S+ 11
menu pages (overview) 13 SB-Fault 74
menu-supported parameter input 14 scroll keys 6
Message line 9 Select 25
Min < Underload 34 Selection 25
MM 10 sense of rotation 69
MM-xxxx 33 Serial load cell (Test) 59
Mode 16; 53 Setpoint % 25
Modes 55 setpoint error 26
MS 10 setpoint input 26
Setpoint kg/h 25; 30
—N— setpoint limitation 26; 27
Setpoint mode 38; 47
number code 12; 36 Setpoint pages 25
numerical code 24 Setpoint parameters 20
Numerical keys 7 SIM 9
numerical parameter input 15 Simulation 59
Speed indication 31
—O— Speed maximum 38; 42; 73
Speed Min/Max 33
OL 10 Speed minimum 38; 42; 73
operating faults 8 ST 10
Operating keys 7 Stabilisation time 38; 46
operating status 8; 9 Start (component) 52
operation page 16 Start conditions 33; 34
Overload 33; 38; 40; 72 Static inspection 66
Overload < Max. 34 status line 9
Stop (component) 52
—P— Store recipe 20
sub-menu 14
parameter activation 15 switch function 15
parameter inputs 14 Switch-over kg/% 39; 48
Parameter value 36
Partial batch automatic 39; 48
Preliminary checks 65 Test 59

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Operating Instructions Congrav LM

Test (I/O-periphery) 19 —U—

Test page 59
Text switch 16 Underload 33; 38; 40; 72
Throughput divisor 38; 42
Time setting 16 —W—
Tolerance mode 39; 49
Total 31 Weighing range 38; 40
Total actual value 29 weighing system (check)) 66
total actual value 25 Weight < Min 34
total setpoint 25; 29 Weight indication 31
Total survey page 1 29 Weight mode 38; 47
Total survey page 2 30 Weight signal (Indication) 33
Total survey page 3 31 Window 38; 45
Transmission procedure 18 Wrong input (indication) 36
Transport catches 65
Turning on mains 5
Type of interlocking 38; 42

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