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Connecting Many Worlds

White Paper


BIDZ is a layer 1 hybrid ecosystem of commerce and

applications. Swap BIDZ to BIDZ Credit to buy real
products or services throughout our ecosystem. The
team has built a bridge between crypto, commerce and
real-world applications.
BIDZ COIN - White Paper 2022

Table of Content
Connecting Many Worlds

Introduction 03


Tokenomics 05

EStore – Ecommerce 06


Wear-2-Earn / Auction 08

BIDZ Charity 09

BIDZ ROADMAP 2021 – 2023 + to come 10

BIDZ use case cycle Graph 11

Governance and community voice 12

Conclusion 13

BIDZ team ( A-Team) 14

BIDZ COIN - White Paper 2022




01 BIDZ is a layer 1 hybrid ecosystem of commerce and


BIDZ Introduction
products and services through BIDZs’

supply-and-demand structured Ecosystem.

BIDZ Coin does not yet operate on its own
blockchain, instead utilizing Binance as a
blockchain due to the low gasprice
There are nearly 40,000 different
associated with this company.
cryptocurrencies in circulation, with only
20,000 of them recognized and just over half For example, other cryptocurrencies with in-
of that number seeing frequent use per house blockchain ledgers could result in up
Coingecko and Coinmarketcap. Even fewer to $15 in fees for a transaction over $100. By
of these coins offer any working products using Binance, we are able to substantially
that provide the coin with tangible utility - lower gas fees to between 0.07 to 0.30
despite proclamations initially made by cents. The mission of BIDZ is to make our e-
developers. BIDZ is a layer 1, hybrid Commerce platform a global solution for
ecosystem of applications and e-Commerce many evolving markets by connecting the
platforms multi-faceted world of crypto, commerce,

and real-world application.

BIDZ Coin isn’t just another coin in your
wallet; users will be able to purchase real

BIDZ COIN - White Paper 2022


BIDZ Swap & BIDZ Credit

BIDZ Credit is a payment processing center into $80 worth of BIDZ Credit in order to pay.

powered by BIDZ Coin, wherein users can BIDZ Credit gives users around the globe
utilize BIDZ Swap to turn coins into credit in access to products and services that may
under ten seconds using one of our affiliated not be readily available to them otherwise.
digital wallet apps. BIDZ Credit is a dollar-

for-dollar coin whose value doesn’t go up or It can be used at checkout on sites like
down with market fluctuations. This means Amazon and eBay, to purchase entries into
custom web tool that
allows the conversion that any BIDZ Coin price movement on our BIDZ Auction platform, or pay for
from Web 3 to Web 2 on
the blockchain. exchanges will not affect the amount of BIDZ services like BIDZ Virtual Private Network
BIDZ Credit : BIDZ Credit Credits that a user holds. BIDZ Swap and other tools that we’re excited to
is our custom in house
stable coin that wont be converts the contents of a user’s BIDZ eventually offer the BIDZ community.
on any centralized or
decentralized exchanges. Wallet to BIDZ Credit that is usable on the Anything purchased using BIDZ Credit is
BIDZ Credit can be used
just like the Dollar with our many applications within the BIDZ paid for by BIDZ in the amount of USD
checkout option on any swapped using our BIDZ Swap tool.
platform. Ecosystem, much in the same way that
physical stores issue store credit for returns

made without a receipt. BIDZ tracks and records each transfer that

occurs within the BIDZ Ecosystem and

As soon as a user clicks “swap”, the coin displays it in a ledger, where anyone can

value is sent to the company’s developer view conversions of BIDZ Coins to BIDZ
wallet and their coins are exchanged for Credit, but doesn’t disclose how the BIDZ

Credit within 3-6 seconds. This Credit was spent.

instantaneous exchange inhibits BIDZ from

market volatility, protecting user investment To swap your BIDZ Coins for BIDZ Credit,

with the stable BIDZ Coin. For instance, if a visit and click BIDZ Swap

user wants to purchase an $80 pair of shoes

on BIDZs’ ecommerce platform, they need

only to use BIDZ Swap to convert 80 USD

BIDZ COIN - White Paper 2022

BIDZ has a total of 15 billion coins, with some of
them already in circulation and others set aside. Tokenomics
BIDZ holds 1 billion unlocked coins for marketing

expenses and future developments within the

• 800 million coins to be unlocked on July
7th, 2024
800 million coins to be unlocked on July


2.1 billion coins are unlocked but on standby for
7th, 2025
future use case scenarios that may arise within the
• 800 million coins to be unlocked on July
company. These coins are essentially saved in the
7th, 2026
event that holders do not wish to buy coins at a high
• 800 million coins to be unlocked on July
rate or sell them at a low rate and the market is 7th, 2027
Tokenomics: Tokenomics, also
unable to supply the demand for coins.
known as Token economics, is the
• 800 million coins to be unlocked on July
study of parameters that
BIDZ has 10.9 billion coins locked for varying time 7th, 2028
determine the characteristics of
frames. These coins are locked for the purpose of cryptocurrencies (cryptos) or
BIDZ has also locked the BIDZ Pancake Swap
not only having a stable supply of coins for future cryptographic tokens to create
LP, a percentage of each trade made on
use, but to ensure the company’s commitment to economic value. Both
Pancakeswap ( cryptocurrency and tokens are the
investors is met.
subclasses of digital assets that
It is important to know that BIDZ will not sell use the technology of
There are currently 1 billion BIDZ Coins released
coins for company profit and only profits as cryptography.
and, on the market, today.
use case increases. BIDZ also donates 2.5%

Locked Coin Release Dates: of the company’s monthly revenue to BIDZ

Charity, whether it is thousands or millions of

• 2.1 billion coins unlocked dollars.

• 1.4 billion coins to be unlocked on

November 7th, 2023 BIDZ administration plans on relocking coins

• 2.5 billion coins to be unlocked January that re not needed based on release date for a
24th, 2023 later time.

BIDZ COIN - White Paper 2022

Products & Development

evolving markets.

04 1. E-STORE - eCommerce

E-STORE, or the BIDZ E-Store, is an to everyone, even those that live in remote

ecommerce platform that will become a areas where some products are not readily
competitor to Amazon and any other online available. E-STORE will offer products on

shopping platform. Products are purchased demand and the opportunity for customers
in the same way but consumers are able to to request the addition of products to our
use BIDZ Credit instead of a credit or debit store. If the BIDZ E-Store does not carry the
card in the transaction. Products listed on product a customer is seeking, the user can
the BIDZ E-Store website and app will be apply for a custom estimate for a manual

sold from third-party companies around the purchase. BIDZ will make arrangements to
globe that have partnered with BIDZ. BIDZ obtain the product with the company’s
will not hold any physical products, they will representative and facilitate the purchase
be shipped from the respective company’s through the BIDZ website. For instance, if a

warehouse to the BIDZ E-Store warehouse customer is in need of a specific car part that
located in Nashville, Tennessee before being isn’t stocked by BIDZ E-STORE, BIDZ will
sent to BIDZ distribution centers around the ensure the customer has access to the
world. product they need, whether new or used.

The BIDZ E-Store encompasses the vision of

06 BIDZ as a whole. Ultimately, BIDZ aims to

provide accessibility to products and service
BIDZ COIN - White Paper 2022


Google Play – Apple App Store


Anyone that uses the internet could BIDZ VPN does allow users to pay using a
benefit from using a Virtual Private credit or debit card so that customers that
Network, or VPN, to protect their data and wish to opt out of BIDZ Coin can still utilize
keep their web activity anonymous. A VPN our services, but users seeking top-tier
What is a VPN and what is useful in preventing web traffic from security can pay using BIDZ Credit. Not
does it mean? VPN stands being tracked and sold by internet and only does a user receive an unbelievable
for "virtual private phone service providers, or other third discount when they pay with BIDZ Credit,
network" — a service that parties that intercept your information. A but BIDZ doesn’t require any personal
helps you stay private reputable VPN encrypts a user’s information to register and use the app.
online. A VPN establishes information so that a data breach can’t
a secure, encrypted
occur, even if activity is detected. Those The BIDZ VPN app has clear instructions
connection between your
who wish to avoid the digital access that allow users to connect to their chosen
computer, mobile or
restrictions set by their country of origin country’s network at the click of a button.
internet devices and the
can use a VPN to browse and stream The user-friendly interface displays the
internet, providing a
whenever and wherever they want! BIDZ Wallet ID and Credit Balance
private tunnel for your
associated with the account, as well as the
data and communications
Traditional VPN service providers ask for subscription end date for users’
while you use public
networks. banking information that reveals a user’s convenience. Unlike many Virtual Private
identity in order to register for an account, Networks that require a user to manually
contradicting their claims of confidentiality refresh their location or bounce users
and defeating the purpose of a VPN. BIDZ around on an internal server, BIDZ VPN
VPN has rectified this incongruity by works in the background to automatically
introducing a fully decentralized Virtual switch a user’s location and actual IP
Private Network that can be utilized in true address on a set interval.

BIDZ COIN - White Paper 2022

Wear-2-Earn &

Auctions 06
With BIDZs’ Wear-2-Earn project, users can order a t-shirt with a QR code printed on it.
The person wearing the t-shirt can earn anywhere from 0.05 to 0.10 cents in BIDZ Credit
each time the QR code on the back of their t-shirt is scanned. Users can conveniently
track their earnings through our BIDZ Coin Wear-2-Earn App. Earnings are paid out
weekly and can be used throughout the BIDZ Ecosystem. Wear-2-Earn is an application
compatible for Apple IOS and Android platforms.

BIDZ will hold auctions where products and services ranging from cars to beauty
products, services, mystery boxes, and Defi coins will be available. Unlike a traditional
auction wherein an individual competes against others to secure the highest bid, BIDZ
Auction is entry-based and operates entirely upon chance. For $2 per ticket, users can
submit as many entries as they choose, but the auction winner is chosen at random in
what is essentially a wheel spin. BIDZ Auction will be available for IOS, Android, and
web platforms.

BIDZ COIN - White Paper 2022

BIDZ Charity 08
Giving back is important to BIDZ, which is why we’ve launched BIDZ Charity. Similar in
structure to the popular fundraising platform GoFundMe, those in need can contact BIDZ
with requests for charitable contributions. Each month BIDZ will choose a country to
feature and users can directly donate to the campaign. BIDZ has pledged to contribute
2.5% of the company’s monthly revenue to the chosen campaign. Eventually BIDZ plans
to give users the opportunity to vote on which monthly campaign will receive donations.

Below is an example of what the expectations are on our monthly and yearly BIDZ
Charity program. If BIDZ reaches $10,000 on yearly or monthly profit (minus expenses
and marketing), BIDZ will give 2.5% to a community voted country and in particular with
the people in need of assistance in that country. In three months, six months, and Nine
months of the year, BIDZ plans on taking votes and donating to the most voted country.

BIDZ Coin is NOT participating with existing donations companies. We plan to build our
own organization and be self-funded solely based on BIDZ monthly / yearly revenue.
Anyone can participate in donating to BIDZ Charity via our website / portal which is not
yet live as of Jan 23,2022.

Month / Year 2.5 % Month 3 Month 6 Month 9

$10,000 $ 2,500 $ 833.33 $ 833.33 $ 833.33

$ 50,000 $ 12,500 $ 4166.66 $ 4166.66 $ 4166.66

$ 250,000 $ 62,500 $ 20,833.33 $ 20,833.33 $ 20,833.33

$ 500,000 $ 125,000 $ 41,666 $ 41,666 $ 41,666

$1,000,000 $ 250,000 $ 83,333 $ 83,333 $ 83,333

BIDZ COIN - White Paper 2022

Project Roadmap 2023

Start – 2021

Q4 2021
Establishment of the BIDZ Coin Project.
Formation of the BIDZ Coin Team
Building the Earn BIDZ Application

Choosing the right Block Chain

BIDZ Coin token Genesis and testing
Q2 February
BIDZ VPN development begins
ICO offering

BIDZ Store development starts

Q2 April – June Listing on exchanges and release of BIDZ Coin to public
List on more exchanges (Tier 2 and lower)

BIDZ Store development testing

BIDZ Store development completion
June - December
BIDZ Coin buy back (market purchase)
BIDZ Store goes live in selected locations
2023 BIDZ NFT development starts
BIDZ Auction development

BIDZ Hub location open in selected jurisdictions as pilot

January - May BIDZ hub integrated into BIDZ Store

BIDZ Funds gets created

November –
Development of BIDZ Meta takes place
Prepare for Meta BIDZ land sales

BIDZ COIN - White Paper 2022

BIDZ swapping &
utility use case Cycle

Below is the process of purchasing BIDZ Coin and using the Token / Coin the same way you would use a credit or debit
card at checkout. Products and subscriptions via the BIDZ ecosystem can be accessed and purchased ONLY by using
BIDZ Credit. It all starts from exchanges and works its way onto BIDZ Credit by swapping from BIDZ Coin to BIDZ Credit.
BIDZ Swap is BIDZ custom swapping tool that allows the dollar-for-dollar swap. Users can request a refund if product
arrives damaged. The user will be provided BIDZ Credit towards their account if and ONLY if user can show proof of product
arriving damaged. This way, Customers will feel comfortable purchasing BIDZ Coin and swapping to BIDZ Credit. BIDZ
payment gateway throughout the ecosystem will be (BIDZ CREDIT).




Product & Business
$ for $

Refunds BIDZ Credit

Products &

Trust wallet Product &

or Metamask Conversion
Global Services
Shipping shipped

BIDZ COIN - White Paper 2022

Community Involvement in
BIDZ is a community-minded organization, which is why we’ve developed a way to
account for the voices of those active within the BIDZ Ecosystem. BIDZ has developed a
coin that will only be available to early investors. Holders of the coin will have decision-
making power within the BIDZ Ecosystem and the opportunity to vote for or against
projects and initiatives we propose. They will also be given the option to participate in a
project’s social media campaign to build engagement in our social media communities.

The name of this coin will soon be announced on our website and social media platforms,
at which time an ambassador form will be sent to all investors. All early investors will be
able to claim a 50% discount when purchasing this coin.

Upcoming Projects and
future of BIDZ COIN
With a total of 18 projects in the works, BIDZ is making strides in the development of our
all-inclusive Ecosystem.

BIDZ COIN - White Paper 2022

Despite the rising popularity of cryptocurrency, many people still struggle to grasp the
concept of virtual banking. Much like a person uses a physical wallet to keep paper
money easily accessible, a digital wallet is needed to obtain, send, or hold

cryptocurrency. BIDZ aims to simplify the world of cryptocurrency by creating an all-

inclusive platform for consumers to buy, sell, and interact all over the world.

BIDZ and the BIDZ Ecosystem are poised to be a global solution for people throughout
the physical world, digital world, and economic strata. We envision BIDZ as an e-
Commerce platform targeted towards elevating individuals living in economically
depressed areas. These users will be able to buy and sell globally using BIDZ, giving
even those in the most remote areas access to products that may not be easily obtained.
With the development of the BIDZ Ecosystem, BIDZ will pioneer a space that bridges the
gap between crypto, commerce, and real-world applications.

Management BIDZ COIN - White Paper 2022

Executive Leaders
7 Leaders and 49 developers
United States – Kurdistan – India
Developers are not listed for the safety of BIDZ Coin’s source code and data.

Shevan Murat Reving Yahya Ahmed Said Hazirvan Murat

CEO / CTO CFO / COO COO Middle East / Supervisor at first Social Media Operator
ever Altcoin (BIDZ COIN) office.

United States United States United States

Kurdistan Iraq

John Dowty Erick Willingham Olivia Ash Rayan Abudllah

Social Media Operator Graphic Designer Content Writer Technical Assistance

United States United States United States

Kurdistan Iraq

14 014

The information provided in this material does not
constitute investment advice, financial advice, trading
advice, or any other sort of legally-implicating advice.
Do not represent any of the material content as such.
This material is for informational purposes only and
is not (i) an offer, or solicitation of an offer, to invest
in, or to buy or sell, any interest or shares, or to
participate in any investment or trading strategy, (ii)
intended to provide accounting, legal, or tax advice,
or investment recommendations. No representation
or warranty made, expressed, or implied with respect
to the accuracy or completeness of the information or
to the future performance of any digital asset,
financial instrument, or other market or economic

Connecting many worlds together via cryptocurrency!


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