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Clear the Board Playing Sheet


Each child has a Clear the Board sheet and ten counters (the number of counters can
be varied.)
Players place all of their counters anywhere on the board (no more than four can be
place in any one column).
The teacher rolls the two dice and tells the class the numbers that show. The chil-
dren add these numbers together to give a total (is a 3 and 5 show, the total is 8).
One counter is removed from this column if a player has counters in this column.

The game proceeds until a player has removed all the counters from his/her board.
Teacher questions children about how they placed their counters.
Game is played again and teacher again questions class about placement of counters.

Class is divided into pairs and each pair is given two dice.
Game is played with children taking turns to roll the dice, add the numbers and re-
move counters as described above.
Name: __________________ Date: ___________________

Clear the Board Playing Sheet


2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

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