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Name:___________________ Science & Technology University

Mark: __________ Faculty of Engineering
Civil Engineer Department
Date: /12/2022
Period:2hours Pages:4 Examiner: Dr. Adel A. M. Saeed

rite all the questions below (it is allowed to use a calculator)

Choose the correct answers (10 marks):

(a) In chemical change______________________

(1) substances are used, (2) energy is absorbed or released, (3) products are formed, (4) all are right
(b) Thomson developed atomic models by adding: ______________________
(1) electron, (2) cloud, (3) orbit, (4) nucleus
(c) A physical change to convert solid to liquid is: ____________________
(1) condensation, (2) melting, (3) evaporation, (4) sublimation
(d) Free energy (∆G) is a thermodynamic property that equals to
(1) ∆H + T∆S, (2) ∆S - T∆H, (3) ∆H - S∆T, (4) ∆H - T∆S
(e) The significant figures for the sum of 8.3801 + 2.57 are
(1) 3, (2) 6, (3) 4, (4) 5

Complete the table below (10 marks):

Cation Anion Chemical formula Systematic name

p+3 Br-

NH4+1 CO32-
H+ ClO3-

Na+ IO4-

Ca+2 O-2

Give the order of the following (10 marks):

(a) Atomic radius: 19K, 9F, 3Li, 15P

> > >

(b) Electronegativity: 11Na, 19K, 17Cl, 8O

> > >

(c) Electron Configurations: 26Fe, 13Al, 18Ar, 12Mg
> > >
(d) The entropy (S) of the noble gases: 2He, 10Ne, 18Ar, 36Kr
> > >
(e) The weights: 20,000 pg, 2.00 x 10-12 Gg, 200 kg, 200,000 mg
> > >


Perform the following calculations (10 marks each)
(1) Complete and balance the following reactions:
MnO4- + I- → I2 + MnO2

(2) What is the molality of a Solution that is made by dissolving 5.5 g of NH3 (Mwt.=
17.03) in 0.7L of H2O (d =1.00 g/mL).

(3) How many atoms, moles and mass of each element in the reaction
Na2CO3+ 2HCl → 2NaCl+H2O+CO2↑
(A.wt: Na=23, C=12, O= 16, H=1, Cl=35.5)

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