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EN9RC-IIIf-20: Analyze a one-act play


1.Familiarize oneself with the elements and definition of a one-act play

Lesson: “While the Auto Waits” by O. Henry

1. Copies of the Literary Text
2. Photographs of Local Personalities

1. K to 12 Curriculum Guide (May 2016) p. 207
2. A Journey through Anglo-American Literature Learner ‘s Material for English
pp. 348-370
3. Online References


Preliminary Activity:
` Guess the words hidden in the constellation of letters. Use the description as a clue.


Activity: FIND YOUR MATCH Match the word

in Romeo ‘s column with the definition given in Juliet ‘s.
Use the sentences below as your clues. (LM, p. 326)
1. terrible
a. an angry disagreement
2. execute b. a building or chamber above or below
the ground in which dead body is around
3. tomb c. small room with shelves where you keep
4. argument cup and food
d. very shocking and upsetting
5. cupboard e. to kill (someone) especially
as punishment for a crime
1. Juliet my dear, something terrible happened.
2. The prince is not going to execute you.
3. I ‘ll be in the tomb, with the dead bodies around me.
4. Oh, you Montagues and Capulets, what a stupid argument.
5. He goes to a cupboard and takes out a bottle
Answer the following question from the context of the story. Do it in your notebook. (LM, p.

1. Who are Romeo and Juliet? What is going on between the families of the two?
2. Where is Romeo exiled? Why does Romeo feel that banishment is worse than
3. How does Lord Capulet react to Juliet ‘s refusal? What ultimatum does he give her?
4. Why is there such a rush to see Juliet married?
Do the following activity with your group. (LM, p.343-344)

Group 1: News Flash

Suppose you were a reporter and your beat is to cover a crime report. You decided to make a news report
about the Tragedy in Verona concerning the ill-fated lovers Romeo and Juliet

Group 2: Dance of Love

Design a costume, select the music, and perform an interpretative dance about a secret wedding. Turn in a
paragraph explaining what your group is trying to convey (How does your costume, music and choreography
capture important events and themes of the act?).

Group 3: Sing Your Heart Out

Write and perform an original song, including lyrics and music, for the wedding of Romeo and Juliet.

Group 4: Paint My Love

Create a timeline highlighting the feud between the two families resulting in the untimely death of the two young lovers.

Group 5: A Love Story Untold

Reorganize the summary of the last scene of the play, Romeo and Juliet. Write it in a different form like a newspaper article,
a novel chapter, a diary entry, a sonnet or a letter.



If y o u w ill b e g iv e n a c h a n c e to g iv e R o m e o a n d J u lie t a d iffe r e n t e n d in g ,
w h a t w o u ld it b e ?
W r ite a s crip t s h o w in g a n a lt e r n a tiv e e n d in g o f th e p la y . T h e n , w ith y o u r
g ro u p , p e rfo rm a r o le p la y fo llo w in g th e s c rip t.

Sou 1 2 3 4 rce
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There are few There are no
htt The final draft has a few grammar, ps:
Conventions grammar, grammar,
//w many grammar, capitalization, ww
capitalization, spelling, capitalization,
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or punctuation errors spelling, or
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in the final draft. in the final draft.punctuation errors in
punctuation errors.
.ph the final draft. /#q
=sc The story is very well ript
The plot is pretty well
+wr Ideas and scenes The plot is a little hard organized. One idea itin
organized. One idea or
g+r Clarity seem to be to follow. The or scene follows ubr
scene may seem out
ic+ randomly arranged. transitions are another in a logical hig
of place. Clear
h+s sometimes not clear. sequence with clear ch
transitions are used. transitions.
There is little The story contains
The story contains a The story contains
evidence of many creative details
few creative details creative details and/or
Creativity creativity. The and/or descriptions
and/or descriptions, descriptions that
playwright does not that contribute to the
but they distract from contribute to the
seem to have used reader's
the story. reader's enjoyment enjoyment.
It is usually clear which
Hard to follow It is usually clear which It is always clear which
character is speaking.
characters' dialogue character is speaking. character is speaking.
Dialogue Dialogue is well
and minimal effort is Dialogue is choppy Dialogue is well
developed, but could
put into and not well developed and varied.
be more
conversations. developed. varied in structure.

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