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Increase student entrepreneurial motivation through career guidance in Al-

Ilham Islamic Boarding School Bandung District

Aam Ridwan M, Aziz Tijanul M, Noor Falah, Sodikin

Post-graduate students UNINUS Bandung

The objectives of this study are (1) Knowing the effectiveness of career guidance
based on life skill with problem solving techniques in increasing entrepreneurship
in students (2) Knowing how the motivation for student entrepreneurship after
being given life skill-based career guidance services; (3) knowing whether there is
an influence of life skill-based career guidance services to increase the
entrepreneurial motivation of students; (4) Knowing whether life skill-based
career guidance services are effective in increasing student entrepreneurship
motivation. This study uses a qualitative-quantitative approach by examining data
based on random sampling with the student population in Al-Ilham Islamic
boarding school Bandung district. Steps to determine the effectiveness of career
guidance for students were carried out as many as five treatments with one post-
test without a control group. In general, the stages of this study are: (1)
Observation (2) data collection (3) Data analysis using test with independent
formula of sample test and use of SPSS software. The results of data analysis
using the independent sample test formula using the help of SPSS show that there
is an effective life skill-based career guidance to improve student entrepreneurship
in the boarding school. Improvement obtained data on the average of the control
and experimental classes. The control class pretest data showed an average score
of 89, the experimental class with an average of 25 and experienced an increase
towards the positive.
Kata Kunci: Career guidance, life skill, motivation, Entrepreneurship

In today’s era of globalization, the world has entered a new chapter of
global society, which is a new chapter of an era of an increasingly universal and
modern society. Nowadays, society cannot be limited to interacting with each
other by time, distance and space. In this era, human resources must also be
developed to become a means of development as thinkers, planners, movers,
implementers and supporters of development in order to be able to face global
competition. National education is tasked with developing Indonesian people, not
only as the goal of development, but also a means that holds the key to the success
or failure of development itself1. Guidance and counselling are integral parts of
education that consciously position an individual’s ability to explore, choose, plan
and make decisions to achieve their futures. It’s inconceivable if education is
Hartono, Bimbingan Karir, (Prenamedia Group: Jakarta,2016), hlm 25.
detached from the responsibility of the counsellor. A person will lose their way
and address personality and character problems if there is no counsellor’s role as a
mentor at school or in community. There are four types of guidance in terms of
individual problem areas, namely academic, social personal, career and family
guidance2. In the context of today’s global competition, every individual is
required to innovate to have ability in various aspects considering many
challenges that must be faced. Character gives an image of a nation, as a marker,
characteristic as well as differentiator of a nation from others. A great nation is
those influencing the development of the world3. One of the character buildings
can be passed by education.
Education is one of the elements to advance the nation that must continue to
be improved in terms of quality and quantity. The government’s program on nine-
year compulsory education is a form of concern to continue to improve the quality
of education in Indonesia, because it is a basic human need that must be met 4.
Basic education is able to provide basic abilities to individuals to develop their
lives both in personal and social life, as well as being a provision to continue
education to the next level. Based on the law of the republic Indonesia No. 20 of
2003 concerning the national education functions to develop capabilities and build
the character and cavillation of dignified nation in order to educate the nation’s
life, in order to develop the potential of students to be human beings who have
faith and piety in God Almighty, to have noble characters, to be healthy,
knowledgeable, talented, innovative, independent, democratic and responsible
Education occupies a strategic position in the span of human historical
processes. The dimension of education that has a central role is because education
is a process of debriefing in order to strengthen aspects of values, personality,
knowledge and skills possessed by humans. The development of potential is of
course very necessary considering the higher the level of needs and challenges
faced by humans, the higher the demands for mastery of science and technology
as a tool to carry out life processes. In this context, education is very influential on
the challenges of national development in responding to these changes6.

Nurihsan J, Bimbingan dan Konseling dalam Berbagai Latar Kehidupan, (Refika Aditama.
Bandung, 2006), hlm. 2
Saleh Muwafik, Membangun karakter dengan Hati Nurani, (Jakarta: Penerbit Erlangga, 2012),
hlm. 1.
Khanifatur Rohmah dan Nailul Falah, Layanan Bimbingan Karir Untuk Meningkatkan Motivasi
Melanjutkan Pendidikan Ke Perguruan Tinggi Pada Siswa Sma Negeri 1 Depok Sleman D.I
Yogyakarta, Jurnal Hisbah, Vol. 13, No. 1 Juni 2016, hlm. 41; Miftahus Saadah dan Khilman Rofi
Azmi. Efektivitas Bimbingan Karir Berbasis Life Skills Teknik Problem Solving Meningkatkan
Motivasi Entrepreneurship Santri di Pondok Pesantren Entrepreneur Al-Mawaddah Kudus,
Islamic Counseling: Jurnal Bimbingan dan Konseling Islam Vol. 6, No. 1, Mei 2022
Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia No. 20 Tahun 2003 Tentang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional,
Dengan Persetujuan Bersama: Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Republik Indonesia Dan Presiden
Republik Indonesia, Bab: II Pasal 3, hlm. 3
For development in the field of education, as explained in GBHN 1999
seeks the expansion and equalization of opportunities to obtain high-quality
education for the people towards high-quality Indonesians with an increase in the
education budget, Empowering educational institutions both school and outside
school as a centre for cultivating values, attitudes, abilities and increasing family
and community participation supported by adequate facilities and infrastructure
and improving the quality of educational institutions that are well organized by
the community and the government to establish an effective and efficient
education system in the face of science, technology and art7.
WHO states that adolescence is a time when the individual develops from
the moment, he first shows his secondary sexual signs until the moment he
reaches sexual maturity, The individual experiences psychological development
and identification patterns from children to adults as well as the transition from
full socioeconomic dependence to a relatively more independent state8.
One of the tasks of adolescent development is the selection and preparation
of a career. Career selection occurs when a teenager sets himself up at a new stage
in life in which there are various possibilities that arise in the career selection
process9. In everyday life, of course it cannot be separated from various life
choices for the future, especially the choice of a career. Career is the development
and progression in life, work, job title etc 10. According to Edger H. Schein in his
article entitled Career development: theoretical and practical issues for
organization summarized in the book of Career planning and development. ILO,
Geneva, argued
that a career is a view of the level of salary or wages that have been cultivated11.
Based on the understandings above, it can be concluded that a career is a job
status or a position of source livelihood, whether it’s in the form of main
livelihood or livelihood that wants to achieve satisfaction and achievement in
achieving results.
Career problems that occur in adolescents are usually related to the choice
of the type of education, which leads to the choice of the type of work in the
future. This problem is important to pay attention to in connection with the
amount of confusion that adolescents experience in determining the direction of

Ira Alia Maerani, Meningkatkan Motivasi dan Minat Diri Siswa SMA terhadap Dunia
Perkuliahan melalui Webinar KKN, Vol 3, No 1, tahun 2021, hlm. 86
MPR, GBHN 1999-2004, (Jakarta: Sinar Grafika, 2003); Miftahus Saadah dan Khilman Rofi
Azmi. Efektivitas Bimbingan Karir Berbasis Life Skills Teknik Problem Solving Meningkatkan
Motivasi Entrepreneurship Santri di Pondok Pesantren Entrepreneur Al-Mawaddah Kudus
Indah Lestari. Meningkatkan Kematangan Karir Remaja Melalui Bimbingan Karir Berbasis
Lifeskill, Vol 3, No 1, tahun 2017, hlm. 18
Marliyah L dkk, “Persepsi Terhadap Dukungan Orang Tua dan Pembuatan Keputusan Karir
Remaja”, Jurnal Provitae, Vol 1
Kamisa, Kamus Lengkap Bahasa Indonesia, (Surabaya: Kartika, 1997), hlm. 284
Dewa Ketut Sukardi, Bimbingan karir di sekolah-sekolah, (Jakarta: Ghalia Indonesia, 1989),
hlm 16
their careers. Not only that, career vacillation in adolescents will result in the
maturity level of personality development12.
Before individuals choose the desired career according to their talents and
interests, it is necessary to have career guidance that aims to lead or show the way
choosing a career. According to Winkel, Career guidance is guidance that
prepares for the world work, in choosing a certain job or position and equipping
oneself to be ready to hold that position in adjusting to the demands of the job that
has been entered13. Career guidance focuses more on life planning which must
consider the potential of oneself and the surrounding environment in order to
obtain and have a fairly broad view of the influence on the positive role deserving
to carry out in society.
The type of service used in this career guidance is to use group guidance
services. According to Prayitno, it is a guidance service provided to individuals
together or in groups so that the group becomes independent14. The services aim to
prevent the development of problem or difficulties in the counsellor. Group
guidance can be in the form of information delivery or group activities discussing
educational, work, personal and social issues. In this service, counsellors can be
invited to jointly express opinions about something and talk about important
topics, develop values about it and joint measures to address the issues that have
been discussed in the group15.
After planning a career, a person must also be ready in living every problem
in his life, especially in the career world. The technique used in this group
guidance service uses problem solving techniques. One of the career guidance
service activities at Al-Ilham Islamic boarding schools is motivational career
guidance guided by counsellors there, which is carried out in group guidance with
the problem-solving techniques using life skill-based analysis.
Roemlah said that problem solving techniques are creative process in which
individuals assess the changes that exist in themselves and their environment, and
make new choices, decisions and life values 16. Problem-solving techniques are the
basic techniques for living in a society full of vicissitudes. The implementation of
group guidance through problem solving techniques will be discussed on matters
related to motivation in entrepreneurship. In the implementation, students are
trained to solve several examples of problems provided by researchers about
entrepreneurial motivation and solving problems faced through this technique,

Indah Lestari. Meningkatkan Kematangan Karir Remaja Melalui Bimbingan Karir Berbasis
Lifeskill, hlm. 18
Winkel, Bimbingan dan Konseling di Institusi Pendidikan (Jakarta: PT. Gramedia,1991), hlm.
Prayitno, Layanan Bimbingan dan Konseling Kelompok (Dasar dan profil), (Jakarta: Ghalia
Indonesia, 1995) hlm 61
Dewa Ketut Sukardi, Manajemen Pendidikan, (Jakarta: PT. Raja Grafindo Persada, 2000), hlm
Romlah tatiek, Teori dan Praktek Bimbingan Kelompok, (Malang: Universitas Negeri Malang,
2006) hlm 93
students can assess the changes that exist in themselves, including changes in
entrepreneurial motivation that occur in them. This is expected to help improve
the ability of students to motivate themselves in entrepreneurship and make the
right decisions to solve their problems, especially those related to entrepreneurial
Generally, problem solving is the process of finding a way outward to the
problem at hand or feeling difficulty of life 18. At Al-Ilham Islamic boarding
school, problem solving of students is carried out through consulting services. In
addition to consulting services, in Islamic boarding schools it also has motivators
that play an important role after career guidance is given or as a booster after
consulting, so that a stronger motivation arises. Career guidance emphasizes the
motivation of entrepreneurship, so that there will be high entrepreneurial
motivation in students. According to the Big Dictionary Indonesian defines an
entrepreneur is a person who is clever or talented in recognizing new products,
compiling new ways of producing, structuring operations for the procurement of
new products, organizing the capitalization of its operations, as well as marketing
it19. Entrepreneurship is a person’s spirit, attitude, behaviour and ability to handle
a business or activity that leads to efforts to find, create, apply new ways of
working, technology and products, by increasing efficiency in the framework of
better service and greater profits. It has a very vital role for mankind, which is to
change the lives of the bottom 60% of the world’s population and help them get
out of economic problems that are lacking. The economy of a nation will increase
when the people’s interest in entrepreneurship is high enough20.
In order to provide the breadth of students in entrepreneurship from the
caregivers to provide freedom in the application of entrepreneurship, namely with
life skills. Students are given freedom with their respective expertise in
developing an entrepreneurial spirit21. Entrepreneurship is indispensable because
of its role in dynamizing the economic activities of family businesses,
communities, regions and countries. The emergence of new business economic
actors called entrepreneurs. If this dynamic of business economic activity can be
Hasil observasi di Pondok Pesantren al-ilham Rancaekek Kabupaten Bandung, dikutip pada
tanggal 05 Juli 2022
Ainur Rosyidah. Bimbingan Kelompok Melalui Teknik Problem Solving Untuk Meningkatkan
Penyesuaian Diri Siswa Terisolir, Jurnal Fokus Konseling Volume 2 No. 2, Agustus 2016. hlm.
136-143; Miftahus Saadah dan Khilman Rofi Azmi. Efektivitas Bimbingan Karir Berbasis Life
Skills Teknik Problem Solving Meningkatkan Motivasi Entrepreneurship Santri di Pondok
Pesantren Entrepreneur Al-Mawaddah Kudus, hlm. 6
Miftahus Saadah dan Khilman Rofi Azmi. Efektivitas Bimbingan Karir Berbasis Life Skills
Teknik Problem Solving Meningkatkan Motivasi Entrepreneurship Santri di Pondok Pesantren
Entrepreneur Al-Mawaddah Kudus
Jhoni Sugiarto, Bagus Wismanto, dan Cicilia Tanti Utami, Efektivitas Pelatihan
Entrepreneurship Skill Untuk Meningkatkan Minat Menjadi Entrepreneur, Jurnal Prediksi, Vol 4,
No. 1, tahun 2015, hlm. 63
Ulul Azam dan Hera Heru S.S, model layanan bimbingan karir dalam memberikan layanan
prima berbasis kecakapan hidup utuk meningkatkan entrepreneurship siswa smk muhammadiyah
solo, Vol 10, tahun 2015, hlm 15
maintained and even improved for a long time, then this can create a strong
foundation for the resilience of the country’s economy to fluctuations and global
economic crises as it happened in 2004 and 200922.
Life skills are the foundation of entrepreneurship education. Emphasized by
the Ministry of National Education, education based on life skills can be used to
develop a creative, innovative, responsible mental attitude, and dare to bear risks
that can be used as a provision for work or entrepreneurship in an effort to
improve the quality of life. Those are an educational orientation that synergizes
career guidance into life skills that a person needs, wherever he is, working or not
working, regardless of profession. So, the application of life skills-based career
guidance (Life Skills) is how to deliver career guidance services to students to get
life skills that at least make students able to face the complexity of problems in
their environment in the future. The application of Life Skills-Based Career
Guidance is a process of applying ideas, policy concepts, or innovations in a
practical action so that it has an impact, both in the form of changes in knowledge,
skills, values and attitudes of students. The Life skills are guidelines for the
human body that help children learn how to maintain a healthy body, grow as
individuals, work well, make logical decisions, take care of their own when
needed and achieve life goals. Those consist of general and specific life skills.
Generic life skills consist of personal and social skills.
Specific life skills consist of academic and vocational skills. More
specifically, it can be emphasized that entrepreneurship in an individual will be
improved if the person is able to optimize life skills, because the values of
entrepreneurship are all in life skills23. Pesantren is one of the informal
educational institutions. Pesantren has a role in realizing humans and Muslim
communities who have faith and piety in Allah Swt. With the quality of Islam,
faith, science, and attitude, students are expected to be able to be a good influence
for their personality as well as the surrounding community. Islamic boarding
schools become quality non-formal educational institutions that not only produce
prospective job seekers, but are able to produce job opportunities and absorb
imaginative and innovative workers and entrepreneurs24.
The efforts made by the caregivers of Al-ilham Islamic boarding school in
terms of entrepreneurship are through the role of the caregivers as mentors in
helping students prepare for their careers before entering the full world of work,
namely by providing entrepreneurship education and providing a career guidance
service by fostering entrepreneurial motivation delivered in groups. Al-ilham
Islamic boarding school applies a learning system to increase entrepreneurial
motivation, as one of the Islamic educations that helps in developing
Z Heflin Frinces, Be An Enterpreneur, (Yogyakarta: Graha Ilmu, 2011), hlm.6.
Ulul Azam dan Hera Heru S.S, model layanan bimbingan karir dalam memberikan layanan
prima berbasis kecakapan hidup utuk meningkatkan entrepreneurship siswa smk muhammadiyah
solo, hlm 15
Hikmah muhaimin, Membangun Mental Kewirausahaan Santri di Pondok Pesantren Riyadlul
Jannah Mojokerto, Jurnal Iqtishadia: Vol. 1, No. 1, 2014, hlm.131
entrepreneurial activities. The implementation of entrepreneurship carried out by
students is different from other components of society, because it makes religion
the basis of work. The spirit and motivation of student entrepreneurship is high, so
that the students are given the provision of independence, namely by providing
entrepreneurial education and motivation in entrepreneurship. In realizing this, to
increase the motivation for entrepreneurship, students need career guidance as
input and at the same time as motivation to realize better entrepreneurship.
The entrepreneurial motivation owned by students’ experiences dynamics
because the benchmark of entrepreneurial ability is reported in the form of results
from the sale of Islamic boarding school products that are marketed. The existence
of a benchmark for the entrepreneurial ability of students can make it easier for
the supervisor or counsellor to find problems that are the cause of the decrease in
student motivation in entrepreneurship, the role of counsellors is needed in
increasing entrepreneurial motivation, especially requiring career guidance, as a
guide in students’ problem solving. Marketing benchmarks are a tool to find out
how high the motivation students have after getting career guidance, in addition to
the life skills owned by caregiver students, providing facilities as needed by
students as an encouragement in the field of entrepreneurship.
Based on this background, Al-ilham Islamic boarding school has a very
interesting entrepreneurial character, a career guidance service for problem
solving techniques is needed to increase entrepreneurial motivation and know
ways to solve every problem faced 25. Entrepreneurship in society is not only a
tool to make improvements and changes in improving the quality of life and self
of society, but also evidence that entrepreneurship can play a significant role in
improving the quality of life of the nation. Entrepreneurship also does not require
a very high education, but when there is intention and effort, an achievement of
success can be achieved even with only a small initial capital 26. In addition, it is
more to know which is effective between increasing the motivation of student
entrepreneurship with career guidance services or without using it. So on this
basis, the researcher wants to find out more about the Career Guidance applied in
the Islamic boarding school. Challenges faced by students in determining careers,
including career uncertainty, economic challenges and career development
The importance of career guidance at Al-ilham Islamic boarding school is
given to overcome the problem of discrepancies between educational background
and field of work, the problem will cause a significant amount of unemployment
among undergraduates and students after graduating from their respective
Miftahus Saadah dan Khilman Rofi Azmi. Efektivitas Bimbingan Karir Berbasis Life Skills
Teknik Problem Solving Meningkatkan Motivasi Entrepreneurship Santri di Pondok Pesantren
Entrepreneur Al-Mawaddah Kudus, hlm. 9
Z. Heflin Frinces, Be An Entreppeneur, hlm.3.
Miftahus Saadah dan Khilman Rofi Azmi. Efektivitas Bimbingan Karir Berbasis Life Skills
Teknik Problem Solving Meningkatkan Motivasi Entrepreneurship Santri di Pondok Pesantren
Entrepreneur Al-Mawaddah Kudus,
educational institutions. The caregivers of islamic boarding schools provide life
skills education which aims to provide training to students before entering the real
world of work according to their respective skills. Life skills education as an
effort to help and guide the actualization of the potential of students to achieve a
number of competencies, both in the form of knowledge, skills, attitudes and
values that lead to life problems, live life independently and proactively in
overcoming problems.
The purpose of this study is to (1) find out the effectiveness of life skill-
based career guidance services problem solving techniques to increase
entrepreneurship in students (2) To find out how the entrepreneurial motivation
of students after being givena life skill-based career guidance service ; (3) To find
out whether there is an influence of life skill-based career guidance services to
increase the entrepreneurial motivation of students; and (4) To find out whether
life skill-based career guidance services are effective in increasing the
motivation of student entrepreneurship.
The hypothesis of this study to test must first be translated into a statistical
term. In research The hypothesis to be tested is called the null hypothesis (Ho)
and the alternative hypothesis (Ha). The null hypothesis (Ho) is defined as the
absence of a difference between population size and sample size. Meanwhile, the
alternative hypothesis (Ha) is a hypothesis that shows the existence of differences
between populations and sample data.28
Based on the formulation of the problem that has been previously disclosed,
the author proposes the following hypothesis:
1. Ha: Life skills-based career guidance services problem solving techniques
are effective in increasing the entrepreneurial motivation of students of al-
ilham Islamic boarding schools.
This hypothesis is strengthened by the research of Renal Ismudya, Bambang
Susanto, Muhammad Arief Maulana in the journal The Influence of Modelling
Engineering Group Guidance Services on Entrepreneurial Interest in Students.
This study aims to find out whether there is an influence of modeling engineering
group guidance services on entrepreneurial interest in class XI MM 1 students of
SMK Veteran 1 Sukoharjo for the 2019/2020 school year. This study used an
experimental method with a one-group design and pretest postest design. The
population in this study was students of class XI MM 1 SMK Veteran 1 Sukoharjo
for the 2019/2020 academic year with a total of 28 students. The study sample
was 8 students with low pre-test scores. The data collection technique uses an
entrepreneurial interest questionnaire that has been tested for validity and
reliability. Questionnaires are used to obtain an increase in student entrepreneurial
interest. Data analysis in this study was using the Wilcoxon test. Based on testing
the hypothesis, it can be seen that the result Z counts by -2.524 at a significance
price of 0.012, karena with a significance price of 0.012< 0.05, then H0 is rejected
and Ha is accepted. So it can be concluded that there is an influence of modeling
Sugiyono, Statistics for Research, (Bandung: Al-fabeta, 2013), p. 87
engineering group guidance services on the entrepreneurial interests of class XI
MM 1 students of SMK Veteran 1 Sukoharjo for the 2019/2020 academic year29.
Then there is the relationship of career guidance also in the hypothesis here
strengthened by Agus Kurniawan, Muhammad Khafid, Amin Pujiati in a journal
entitled The Influence of Family Environment, Motivation, and Personality on
Entrepreneurial Interests Through Self Efficacy. Entrepreneurial interest is
influenced by several factors of the family environment, entrepreneurial
motivation, entrepreneurial personality and self-efficacy. This study aims to
analyze the influence of the family environment, entrepreneurial motivation,
entrepreneurial personality on entrepreneurial interests through self-efficacy. This
research method uses a quantitative approach. The subjects in the study were class
XI students of SMK Negeri 1 Salatiga with a population of 458 respondents, the
sample was obtained by propotional random sampling technique as many as 214
respondents. The method of data collection using questionnaires. Data analysis
uses descriptive percentages and path analysis. The results of data analysis show
that the variables of the family environment, entrepreneurial motivation,
entrepreneurial personality affect entrepreneurial interests through self-efficacy 30.
In the research of Monica Ivana Putri, Wedra Aprison, Fadhilla Yusri in a
journal entitled Increasing Student Entrepreneurial Interest through Basic Services
in the Field of Career Guidance, as a result of the research that has been carried
out, there is a difference between the pretest value and the postest value. From the
results of the statistical test, it is known that the calculation of 4,737 > from the
ttabel of 1,729 with df 19 at a significance level of 0.05, it can be said that Ha is
accepted, meaning that there is an increase in student entrepreneurial interest in
pretest and postest through basic services in the field of career guidance31.
1. Ho: Life skills-based career guidance services problem solving techniques
are not effective in increasing the entrepreneurial motivation of the
students of al-ilham Islamic boarding school.
In this study using a comparative approach (Qualitative-quantitative) with a
quasi-experimental design method, this is because this method is in accordance
with the purpose of the researcher conducting this study which aims to see the
influence in the research variables studied. This design has a control group, but it
cannot function fully to control the external variables that affect the execution of
the experiment. The sampling technique in this study used non-probability
sampling, and this preliminary analysis stage, after compiling a questionnaire on

Renal Ismudya, Bambang Susanto, Muhammad Arief Maulana. Pengaruh Layanan Bimbingan
Kelompok Teknik Modelling terhadap Minat Wirausaha Pada Siswa, Jurnal Adice, Vol 1, No 1,
hlm. 86-93
Agus Kurniawan, Muhammad Khafid, Amin Pujiati. Pengaruh Lingkungan Keluarga, Motivasi,
dan Kepribadian Terhadap Minat Wirausaha melalui Self Efficacy, Journal of Economic
Education, Vol 5, No. 1, tahun 2016, hlm. 100-109
Monica Ivana Putri, Wedra Aprison, Fadhilla Yusri. Peningkatan Minat Wirausaha Siswa
Melalui Layanan Dasar Bidang Bimbingan Karir, Consilium: Kajian Konseling Dan Ilmu
Keagamaan Vol 8, No. 2, tahun 2021.
career guidance services based on life skills and entrepreneurial motivation,
distributed the questionnaire to 45 students as respondents. The questionnaire or
scale that is distributed consists of 25 statement items on variable X and 30
statement items on variable Y. Furthermore, researchers provide value to each
answer on a questionnaire or scale that is distributed in order to obtain
quantitative data. After the quantitative data is then calculated to find out whether
or not the hypothesis that the author proposes is carried out a pretest and posttest
to determine the level of motivation of students inentrepreneurship.
In this study, researchers chose career guidance services as a basis for
reference in problem solving. Providing career guidance in collaboration with the
students' ability in entrepreneurship. Career guidance is carried out through group
guidance services is an approach in an efficient way compared to an individual
way, because with a group approach can be followed by more counselors,
counselors are more actively involved if carried out with group guidance services
Research is carried out at the al-ilham islamic boarding school To obtain data that
is in accordance with the conditions in the field, observations, questionnaires and
interviews with counselors, caregivers and students are carried out. Some
activities implement life skill-based career guidance to increase entrepreneurial

Results of Research and Discussion

The general description of the implementation of career guidance is already
relatively good, it is still simple as explained in the previous discussion. While the
picture of the actual conditions in increasing the motivation for entrepreneurship
of students is on average in a fairly good category, but nevertheless there are still
some students who have not been able to increase motivation in entrepreneurship.

Tabel 1
Hasil Uji Validitas

Variabel Jml Item r hitung r tabel ket

Career Guidance(X) 0,310- 0.294 Valid
25 0,641
Entrepreneur 0,349- 0.294 Valid
Motivation(Y) 30 0,703

The validity of each item is indicated by the total column. Based on the r table,
the minimum Pearson Correlation value is 0.294 because it uses 45 respondents
(N) with a limit of 0.05 using theory. based on the tabrl above variable X and
variable Y is valid. The data analysis technique used in this study was to use the T
test or t-test of paired and independent samples. The data analysis technique of
this concept mastery test was tested using statistical tests. After knowing the
validity and reliability, then the questionnaire was distributed to 45 respondents as
a research sample. Before analyzing the first step of the results of the known
questionnaire processing, then the descriptive statistics are sought.
Descriptive statistical tests are carried out to identify the variables to be tested
on each hypothesis. It is expected that the results of descriptive statistical tests in
general legitimize the research data on the variables that will be used in the statistical
test of each research hypothesis. The descriptive statistical test aims to provide an
overview of a data seen from the average value, standard deviation, maximum and
minimum. Descriptive statistical tests were conducted on life skills-based career
guidance data and entrepreneurial motivation.

Tabel 2
Descriptive Statistics

Variabel N Min Max Mean Std.

Bimbingan karir 45 89 103 96,09 3,73
berbasis life skills
Motivasi 45 90 133 113,64 8,70

Based on the table above, it can be seen that life skills-based career
guidance has a minimum value of 89 and a maxillary value of 103. The average
score of life skills-based career guidance is 96.09. The standard deviation
value is smaller than the average value which means that the answers about
life skills-based career guidance between respondents and each other are not
much different.
Tabel 4
Perbandingan Hasil Pretest dan Post test

Nilai Pre Test Nilai Post test

Rerata 89 114
Based on the table above, it was found that the comparison of the results of
the pre-test and post-test values experienced a significant increase. A score of 89
refers to the initial score before being given treatment while 114 refers to the
final score when the treatment has been carried out. The significant average
increase from 89 to 114 is one of the justifications if the treatment given has had
a significant and positive impact on the variables being studied. Thus concluded
the initial hypothesis, Ha was accepted with a description of life skill-based
career guidance services problem solving techniques effectively increasing the
motivation of student entrepreneurship at the Al-Ilham Islamic Boarding
The presentation above is the answer to several questions in the formulation of
this research problem, namely:
1. If life skills-based career guidance services with problem solving
techniques are effective in improving the spirit of trying at al-Ilham

Being an independent individual, especially economically, is the hope of
every student because it can ease the burden on parents, but, not all students can
do this. Only a few students are able to be economically independent, one of
which is students who are entrepreneurs. No doubt with entrepreneurship
individuals will definitely benefit financially. In fact, it is not only economically
independent that will be obtained but also personally independent, that is, being
able to make your own decisions, solve your own problems without having to
rely on others. The number of new experiences gained by an entrepreneurial
individual makes the individual more developed and developed. So it can be
concluded that in terms of self-development, entrepreneurship has better self-
development compared to other professions.
1. The spirit of entrepreneurship of students increased after being given life
skills-based career guidance services.
This is one of the key solutions to the problem of students who experience
demotivation to be consistent in entrepreneurial-based behavior in Islamic
boarding schools. Life skills are one of the alternative solutions that are
technical and easy to implement in a sustainable way, especially related to
environmental and individual conditioning in Islamic boarding schools so that
they can continue to be committed and consistent in entrepreneurial behavior.
Entrepreneurship is one of the jobs that can be done by all circles, both students,
teachers, lecturers, employees, and students and, for the sake of
entrepreneurship, it does not require experience unlike other jobs so that it can
be used as an alternative job for anyone who has the will. Another impact is the
emergence of awareness of the cottage management and several stakeholders to
always create technical programs that can be implemented by students in preparing
for life in the future. This research is one of the inspirations for the Institute to
make the life skills enrichment policy more comprehensive;
1. The influence of life skills-based career guidance services generates data
significantly enough to increase the motivation for student
The influence on the previous information was also shown by students in
the pattern of communication and entrepreneurial behavior of students in the
cottage. Life skills are a popular study of students that are manifested in
discussion activities on an ongoing basis. There is no need to doubt, in terms of
entrepreneurial income, it will have more lucrative income potential compared to
other professions. This is evident because most of the world's rich are successful
businessmen in their field. If most working people are afraid of being fired by
their superiors when they make mistakes. Unlike entrepreneurship, there is no
word of being fired or stopped from work because the owner of power is oneself.
It can be said that entrepreneurship is the safest job because there is no need to
worry about that kind of thing.
1. The effectiveness of life skills-based career guidance services has proven
effective in increasing the motivation of student entrepreneurship to be an
inspiration and is manifested in the form of cottage management policies to
increase student motivation on an ongoing basis.

This data shows that the level of entrepreneurial motivation of group
members has increased. Factors that support increasing student entrepreneurial
motivation include:
1. The material that is the topic of discussion is in accordance with the
level of needs of students in general and group members in particular.
2. Group leaders as activity planners are able to provide appropriate
treatment according to the topic of discussion and the characteristics
of students who are members of the group, namely the age of
3. The group leader utilizes various facilities and infrastructure in the
school to support the smooth implementation of actions.
4. Group members are willing and able to be open and active, not only
during the implementation of career counseling services, but outside
of these activities they also take time to learn more about the topic of

Based on the results of research and data processing, conclusions were
drawn that explained that the picture of student entrepreneurship motivation
before being given life skills-based career guidance with group guidance with
problem solving techniques was in the low category. The picture of student
entrepreneurship motivation after being given life skills-based career guidance
with problem solving technique group guidance services is in the high category.
The effectiveness of life skills career guidance with problem solving technique
group guidance services to increase the motivation for student entrepreneurship at
Al-ilham Islamic boarding school, before and after being given group guidance
services have changed, from the analysis through the SPSS program, it can be seen
that there is a difference between before being given career guidance and group
guidance services and after being given. The results show the effectiveness of life
skills-based career guidance to improve the entrepreneurship of students at Al-
Mawaddah Entrepreneur Islamic Boarding School. Improvement obtained from
the average data of the control class and experiment class. The control class
pretest data showed an average score of 89, an experimental class with an average
score of 114 with a difference of 25 and an increase in a positive direction. Thus,
the hypothesis (Ha) is accepted by rationalization of the data that has been
explained in the discussion.
One of the significant implications of the results of this study is that the
influence of career guidance services can be shown by students in the communication
patterns and entrepreneurial behavior of students in the cottage. In addition, Life skills
are a popular study of students that are realized in discussion activities. Nevertheless,
this study has limitations and is a suggestion for subsequent researchers. The
suggestion is that there are several aspects in the variable of career guidance
through other theories with the use of other techniques such as, Focus Group
Discussion, Sociodrama and Home Visit as a variance of techniques that can be
used to improve the entrepreneurial spirit of students in Islamic boarding schools.

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