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Grammar II


Explain and find examples of the following items:

a) Intransitive verbs

b) Copular verbs – most common items / Complementation by adverbials

c) Monotransitive verbs

Types of Direct objects NP

Prepositional Objects

Finite clauses * factual verbs

* Suasive verbs

* Emotive /Hypothesis

* Wh- interrogative clauses

Non finite clauses

d) Complex transitive verbs Od + Co

Od + Ao

Od + to inf.

Od + inf

Od + -ing

Od + -ed
e) Ditransitive verbs Od + OI (NP)

O + prep object

OI + that- clause

Prep. O + that clause

OI + wh- clause

OI + to inf clause

a) The difference between Prepositional verbs and phrasal verbs

b) Transitive and intransitive phrasal verbs

c) Prepositional verbs Types I and II

d) Phrasal – Prepositional verbs

e) Multi- word verb constructions

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