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This code appears to be a PHP script that is used to generate the HTML content for a car rental portal
website. Here's an overview of what this code does:

1. It starts a PHP session and includes necessary configuration files.

2. It sets the error reporting to suppress any error messages.

3. It defines the HTML structure of the webpage, including the head section with various CSS and
JavaScript files.

4. It includes the header section of the website.

5. It displays a banner section.

6. It displays a section for finding the best cars.

- It fetches car data from the database using an SQL query and loops through the results.

- It displays information about each car, such as its image, fuel type, model year, seating capacity, title,
and price.

7. It displays a section with fun facts about the car rental business.

8. It displays a section with testimonials from satisfied customers.

9. It includes the footer section of the website.

10. It includes JavaScript libraries for various functionalities like sliders and forms.

Overall, this code generates the front-end of a car rental portal website, including sections for displaying
cars, testimonials, and other information. It interacts with a database to retrieve car data dynamically.

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