One Lung Ventilation For Thoracic Surgery

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ISSN 0300-8916
Tumori 2017; 103(6): 495-503
DOI: 10.5301/tj.5000638


One-lung ventilation for thoracic surgery: current

Filippo Bernasconi1, Federico Piccioni2
School of Anesthesia and Intensive Care, University of Milan, Milan - Italy
Department of Anesthesia, Intensive Care and Palliative Care, Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori, Milan - Italy

One-lung ventilation (OLV) is an anesthesiological technique that is increasingly being used beyond thoracic sur-
gery. This requires specific skills and knowledge about airway management, maintenance of gas exchange and
prevention of acute lung injury. Sometimes maintaining adequate gas exchange and minimizing acute lung injury
may be opposing processes. Parameters validated for OLV titration still have not been found, but a multimodal
approach based on low tidal volume, end-expiratory pressure application and alveolar recruitment maneuvers is
considered the best way to ensure protective ventilation and reduce lung damage. The purpose of this review is
to analyze all these factors using the latest scientific evidence and the opinions of the most influential authors.
Keywords: Acute lung injury, Airway management, One-lung ventilation, Positive-pressure ventilation,
Thoracic surgery, Ventilator-induced lung injury

Introduction tion effect on the lung parenchyma as an acute lung injury

(ALI) risk factor (4).
One-lung ventilation (OLV) is a technique that allows to This review summarizes the state of the art of OLV, from
ventilate one lung, leaving the other deflated. The target is airway management to the ventilatory approach to counter-
to guarantee good surgical exposure while maintaining suffi- act hypoxemia and prevent ALI.
cient oxygenation. The indications for OLV have recently been
revised according to 2 general goals: lung isolation and lung Airway management
separation (1). The former is required to avoid contamina-
tion of one lung by the other, including massive hemorrhage, One of the major unsolved questions in thoracic anesthe-
purulent infection, alveolar proteinosis and bronchopleural sia is, what is the best airway device for performing OLV: a
fistula; the latter is needed when surgical exposure is the double-lumen tube (DLT) or bronchial blocker (BB). Recently,
main target, not only for thoracic surgery but also for mini- 2 European surveys clearly demonstrated a preference for
mally invasive cardiac procedures, esophagectomy and dorsal the use of DLT over BB, and showed the worrying data that
spine surgery. Most of these operations might be managed in 19% of respondents in the UK and 23.5% in Italy never used
video-assisted thoracoscopy (VATS), which requires good pul- a BB (5, 6).
monary exclusion. Therefore the division into absolute and Narayanaswamy et al (7) compared 3 BB models with left
relative indications for OLV as has been used to date no lon- DLT and found that the time to lung isolation was significantly
ger makes sense; moreover, it is also unpredictable given that less for DLTs (93 ± 62 seconds) than BBs (203 ± 132 seconds).
a relative indication may become absolute (2, 3). In addition Moreover, the number of repositionings was smaller with
to intraoperative hypoxemia, there are other problems that DLTs than BBs, but the authors found no difference in the
may occur during OLV, which include the mechanical ventila- performance and quality of lung collapse. In any case, a dif-
ference of 110 seconds is clinically irrelevant. Similar results
were observed in a recent meta-analysis: the DLT was easier
Accepted: April 7, 2017 to position and required less time but was burdened with a
Published online: June 7, 2017 higher incidence of airway injuries, sore throat and hoarse-
ness in the postoperative period (8). In 2016, Bussières et al
Corresponding author: (9) reported faster and better lung deflation with the Fuji Uni-
Dr. Federico Piccioni blocker than the left DLT.
Department of Anesthesia Probably The most important thing is to know which is
Intensive Care and Palliative Care
Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori the best practice in each condition, taking into account the
Via Venezian 1 safety of the patient, the need for surgical exposure and the
20133 Milan, Italy comfort of the anesthesiologist (10). The use of DLT is man- datory in lung isolation and in lung resections involving the

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496 Management of one-lung ventilation

Fig. 1 - Graphical representation of

factors involved in hypoxia during
one-lung ventilation and compensa-
tory mechanisms. The raising of the
diaphragm, the mediastinal shift and
airway closure explain the reduction
of lung volumes. Gravity promotes
perfusion of the ventilated lung.
Pulmonary exclusion leads to acti-
vation of hypoxic pulmonary vaso-
constriction favoring the passage of
blood through the ventilated lung.
The amount of blood that passes
through the nonventilated lung is
the intrapulmonary shunt. RV = Right

main bronchus, while BB is recommended in case of difficult carried out on primates showed that lung perfusion is a het-
airway management (2, 11), rapid sequence induction, OLV erogeneous phenomenon and is influenced only up to 28%
in children, and when postoperative ventilatory support is by gravity (20).
needed (10). The correct size of the left DLT can easily be de- These paraphysiological alterations, due to the patient’s
rived from the measurement of the left bronchus on CT scan decubitus and the Va/Q mismatch, are always present during
(12). Undersizing the tube increases the risk of auto-positive general anesthesia. OLV leads always to a certain increase in
end-expiratory pressure (autoPEEP) through increased air- Qs/Qt, intended as a part of the cardiac output that passes
flow resistance, injurious high bronchial cuff pressure, and through the deflated lung without ventilation. Wang et al
risk of failure to collapse the lung (13). (21), using transesophageal echocardiography, estimated a
shunt fraction at 30 and 60 minutes during OLV of 35% and
Pathophysiology of hypoxemia during OLV 37%, respectively, showing an inverse correlation between
PaO2 and Qs/Qt. The counterbalance to this shunt is given by
Hypoxemia, intended as arterial oxygen saturation (SpO2) the hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction (HPV). HPV is a re-
<90% (or partial pressure of oxygen in arterial blood (PaO2) flex contraction of vascular smooth muscle in the pulmonary
<60 mmHg) is frequent during OLV (10-24%) and increases the circulation in response to low regional PaO2. HPV has 2 phas-
incidence of postoperative complications such as atrial fibrilla- es, the first starting immediately with OLV and the second
tion, cognitive dysfunction, pulmonary hypertension and renal 30-40 minutes later, so that PaO2rises gradually during the
failure (14-16). Figure 1 summarizes the factors influencing oxy- subsequent 2 hours. Alveolar partial pressure of oxygen (PO2)
genation during OLV. The mechanism underlying hypoxemia is is the major determinant of this response, but many other
multifactorial. The induction of general anesthesia itself leads factors affect pulmonary vascular resistance: partial pressure
to a decrease in functional residual capacity. If the lung volume of oxygen in venous blood (PvO2), acidosis/alkalosis, temper-
drops too low, below the so-called closing capacity, the airways ature, airway pressure, and medication (22). Also drugs used
start to close, leading to lung tissue collapse and subsequent for general anesthesia may affect HPV. Old volatile anesthet-
atelectasis that causes reduction of the ventilation/perfusion ics like halotane and isoflurane blunt HPV at high concentra-
ratio (Va/Q) and intrapulmonary shunt increase (Qs/Qt) (17). tions, while sevoflurane and desflurane at 1 minimal alveolar
In lateral decubitus, ventilation is affected not only by the concentration (MAC) do not affect this reflex. Propofol, an
cranial shift of the diaphragm but also by the downward dis- intravenous anesthetic agent, shows no inhibition of HPV
placement of the mediastinum. Therefore, ventilation is dis- (22). A recent meta-analysis reported a detrimental effect
tributed preferentially in the nondependent (upper) regions of of epidural analgesia combined with general anesthesia on
the lung, while the dependent (lower) regions are poorly aer- HPV and PaO2compared with general anesthesia through an
ated down to the bottom where the lung is atelectatic (18). increase in the shunt fraction (23). It is to be noted that this
The influence of gravity on lung perfusion is debated: meta-analysis suffered from a small sample size (653 patients
Szegedi et al (19) found that PaO2 during OLV is significant- from 14 studies) and high heterogeneity between studies.
ly better in lateral than supine position. In contrast, a study Moreover, the decrease in cardiac output and venous oxygen

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Bernasconi and Piccioni 497

 ain risk factors for acute lung injury after thoracic sur- equal to 1.5 mL/kg/hour to keep normovolemia and replace
gery intraoperative losses (31). This might be a reasonable choice
during intra- and postoperative periods, while resuming oral
Major risk factors Minor risk factors intake as soon as possible. However, it is far from being prov-
en what is the best fluid therapy protocol for thoracic surgery.
Pneumonectomy OLV duration The new concept of the endothelial structure, based on the
glycocalyx layer, a complex network of proteins and glycos-
High inspiratory pressure Neoadjuvant chemotherapy aminoglycans, has changed the knowledge of the mechanisms
regulating the fluid shift, edema formation and modulating
Chronic alcohol consumption Intravenous anesthesia inflammation (32, 33). Surgical manipulation, lung overdis-
tention, ischemia/reperfusion injury, hypoperfusion and oxi-
Fluid overload Multiple transfusions dative damage are all mechanisms that lead to alteration of
OLV = one-lung ventilation.
the endothelium structure and lymphatics. Thus, it is easy to
understand the lung’s vulnerability to fluid overload during
and after thoracic surgery.
saturation (SvO2) induced by vasodilation of neuroaxial block- The factors involved in ventilator-induced lung injury
ade reduces the PaO2 but does not directly affect HPV (24). (VILI) have been extensively studied, especially in critical
Summarizing, it is difficult to find effective and reliable patients, and include a high tidal volume (TV) linked with
predictors of hypoxemia, but many factors must be consid- overdistention, low TV linked with alveolar opening/closure
ered: the patient’s position, the degree of perfusion of the injury (atelectrauma), and the damage of the alveolar-capil-
2 lungs, the side of the surgery, possible abnormal lung func- lary membrane until the release of inflammatory mediators
tion, and even low cardiac output, high oxygen extraction and (34). In patients with ARDS it has been shown that protective
high shunt fraction (14, 15, 24). mechanical ventilation based on low TV and the application
of positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) reduces mortal-
OLV and acute lung injury ity (35, 36). Thus, the same approach has been proposed for
the operating room. The PROVHILO trial suggested that, us-
Besides intraoperative hypoxemia, OLV exposes the patient ing low TV (8 mL/kg ideal body weight), an open-lung strat-
to the risk of postoperative ALI. Acute respiratory distress syn- egy based on high PEEP application and alveolar recruitment
drome (ARDS) was reported in 2.9% of patients after lobec- maneuvers (ARM) do not reduce postoperative pulmonary
tomy and 7.9% after pneumonectomy with a mortality rate of complications after abdominal surgery (37). A recent meta-
42% and 50%, respectively (25). Applying the new ARDS crite- analysis showed that protective mechanical ventilation rather
ria (26), the incidence after thoracic surgery was lowered to than PEEP reduces the risk of postoperative pulmonary com-
2% while maintaining a very high mortality rate of 54.5% (27). plications and ARDS in the postoperative period (38). So, the
In a retrospective cohort study on patients undergoing role of PEEP and ARM in influencing postoperative compli-
surgery for lung cancer, Licker et al (28) found a biphasic cations after abdominal surgery is not clear yet. As regards
distribution of ARDS: primary ARDS (which was more fre- OLV, high TV is unanimously considered the most important
quent) manifested in the first 3 postoperative days and risk factor for VILI. Kozian et al (39), using piglets undergo-
secondary ARDS occurred after the third postoperative day. ing OLV and surgical manipulation of the left lung, found that
The risk factors for the primary form included chronic alco- histological examination of lung tissue revealed neutrophil
hol consumption, pneumonectomy, high inspiratory pres- infiltrates, microhemorrhages, microatelectasis and edema,
sure during mechanical ventilation, and fluid overload. The especially in the ventilated lung.
delayed form was triggered by complications such as bron- Some authors have also suggested a protective role of
choaspiration and pneumonia. Other known risk factors are volatile anesthetics during mechanical ventilation and OLV.
the duration of OLV, severe pulmonary dysfunction, neo- Schilling et al (40) have shown that the use of anesthetic gases
adjuvant chemotherapy, and multiple transfusions (Tab. I) (sevoflurane and desflurane) during thoracic surgery reduces
(29). Unfortunately, to date no large prospective studies the release of proinflammatory cytokines in the bronchoal-
have been conducted to clarify the real weight of the listed veolar lavage of the ventilated lung. Another study on mouse
risk factors for post-thoracic-surgery ARDS. models with VILI showed a protective effect of sevoflurane
Given the above, today the anesthesiologist is clearly re- and isoflurane, probably due to their antiinflammatory and
sponsible for intraoperative fluid administration and mechani- antioxidative properties (41). Nevertheless, a multicenter
cal ventilation strategies as well as postoperative pain therapy. randomized controlled trial on 460 patients undergoing lung
With regard to fluid administration, there is still no clarity surgery did not demonstrate any difference in the occurrence
regarding the best regimen. The liberal regimen predisposes of postoperative complications between inhalational and
to fluid overload, while the restrictive regimen may induce intravenous anesthesia (42).
renal failure. Unfortunately, it is difficult to perform a goal-
directed therapy during thoracic surgery. The widely adopted How to perform protective mechanical ventilation
dynamic indices (pulse pressure variation and stroke volume during OLV?
variation) to optimize fluid administration in other surgical
settings are not reliable in open chest conditions (30). Thus, The purpose of protective mechanical ventilation is
some authors propose basal maintenance fluid infusion to keep the lung open, minimize lung injury and ensure

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498 Management of one-lung ventilation

adequate pulmonary gas exchange. Thus, the current ap- Positive end-expiratory pressure
proach is multimodal and based on 3 main components: low
TV, PEEP application and ARM. The rationale for using pressure at end-expiration is to
Michelet et al (43) measured the levels of serum inter- maintain a lung volume above the closing capacity, thus
leukins during OLV for esophagectomy, finding lower levels, avoiding alveolar collapse and preventing intrapulmonary
better oxygenation and less extravascular lung water in the shunt. The important thing is to understand that the applica-
protective-ventilation group (TV 5 mL/kg + PEEP 5 cmH2O) tion of low TV, if not associated with adequate PEEP, can be
compared to the conventional-ventilation group (TV 9 mL/kg + deleterious, promoting tidal recruitment and atelectasis.
zero end expiratory pressure (ZEEP). Licker and colleagues Furthermore, the continuous recruitment and derecruit-
(44) retrospectively compared 2 cohorts of patients (over 500 ment of lung units leads to high stress, endothelial and
each) before and after implementation of protective ventila- epithelial damage, resulting in increased alveolar-capillary
tion during thoracic surgery. They found significantly better permeability and release of proinflammatory cytokines (53).
results in the protective group (TV 5 mL/kg + PEEP 6 cmH2O + In other circumstances, PEEP can lead to dangerous over-
ARM vs. TV 7 mL/kg + PEEP 3 cmH2O and no ARM): fewer hos- distention, subsequently increasing the alveolar dead space
pital stays, fewer ICU admissions, reduced formation of atel- and diverting blood flow (54).
ectasis and lower incidence of ALI. Similar findings emerged Slinger and colleagues (55) observed increased PaO2 in pa-
in a recent randomized controlled trial that has shown better tients in whom the application of PEEP was close to the lower
gas exchange and a lower incidence of atelectasis and ALI in inflection point of the curve (LIP). Conversely, PaO2 worsened
the group receiving protective ventilation (TV 5 mL/kg + PEEP (or did not change) when application of PEEP was increasing
5 cmH2O) (45). These data support the idea that lower TVs are the distance between end-expiratory pressure and LIP. Va-
protective. PEEP application and ARMs are useful to improve lenza et al (56) demonstrated that PEEP during OLV was more
oxygenation during OLV, while their influence on ALI is still effective for patients with force expiratory volume in the first
uncertain. Currently, 2 large multicenter randomized clinical second (FEV1) >72% of predicted than patients with poor pre-
trials evaluating the effect of TV, PEEP and ARM on postoper- operative FEV1 values in terms of oxygenation and respiratory
ative pulmonary complications after OLV are ongoing (46, 47). mechanics. Thus, PEEP has no established default value but
should be titrated to the respiratory mechanics with careful
Low tidal volume assessment of the presence of auto-PEEP through the flow-
time curve, or with an end-expiratory pause to avoid dynamic
Today, experts suggest to use a TV of 5-6 mL/kg (based hyperinflation (57).
on ideal body weight) during OLV (3, 4), which is quite physi- PEEP titration based on respiratory system compliance
ological. However, Blank et al (48) in a recent retrospective seems the most reasonable method, although it will not nec-
study of over 1,000 patients undergoing OLV found an in- essarily improve PaO2. The most practical approach may be
verse relationship between TV and postoperative respira- to start OLV with a low PEEP level (5 cmH2O) and, if hypoxia
tory complications. Moreover, they showed a significant occurs or a high driving pressure is noted, find the best PEEP
direct but not strong relation between the driving pressure level for the patient using a decremental trial after an ARM
(defined as ∆P = Pplat – PEEP) during OLV and postoperative (see text below and Fig. 2).
complications. This is consistent with the findings of Amato
et al (49), who showed the predictive role of ∆P over TV Alveolar recruitment maneuvers
and PEEP values in predicting survival in ARDS patients. We
always must remember that the underlying mechanisms ARM refers to the provisional application of high airway
of VILI are stress and strain of the lung (50). Stress is the pressure aimed at restoring ventilation in lung units that were
pressure necessary to counterbalance the transpulmonary previously collapsed. The ARM effect is also crucial to exploiting
pressure, which is the pressure required to distend the lung PEEP application. As a general rule this pressure in healthy lungs
overlying the pleural pressure. Strain is the lung distortion must be at least 40 cmH2O (18), but it must be carefully applied
that follows after stress (51). Unfortunately it has been ob- in emphysematous lungs. Tusman and coworkers (58, 59) have
served that airway pressure (Paw) or plateau pressure (Pplat) extensively studied the ARM effect on gas exchange. ARM per-
are often not entirely reliable parameters of stress and formed during OLV produced an improvement of PaO2 in one
strain (52). Thus, driving pressure may serve as a surrogate study (58). ARMs were performed in pressure-control ventila-
for dynamic alveolar strain. tion (PCV) mode, with an inspiratory-to-expiratory time ratio of
Another important aspect to consider is that protective 1:1, while maintaining a difference between Ppeak and PEEP of 20
ventilation with small TV favors the formation of dead space cmH2O, increasing PEEP by 5 cmH2O every minute to reach Ppeak
and hypercapnia. Increasing the respiratory rate to reach nor- and a PEEP value of 40 and 20 cmH2O, respectively. With the
mocapnia could be a harmful solution: shortening the inspira- same maneuver they also found, through capnography, a better
tory and expiratory times favors the formation of auto-PEEP distribution of ventilation and Va/Q matching after ARM (59).
and increased respiratory pressure (3, 4). Therefore, during The results of other studies confirm the usefulness of ARM
protective ventilation moderate hypercapnia up to a maxi- during OLV to increase PaO2 and lung compliance with negli-
mum of PaCO2= 70 mmHg is usually well tolerated by healthy gible hemodynamic effects (60-64). So, ARMs are useful with
subjects, whereas it is to be avoided in patients with pulmo- PEEP to keep the lung open and should be performed before
nary arterial hypertension, right heart dysfunction and intra- OLV in case of hypoxemia, during prolonged OLV, and at the
cranial hypertension (4, 50). end of surgery.

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Bernasconi and Piccioni 499

Fig. 2 - Schematic exemplification of an alveolar recruitment maneuver (ARM) together with a PEEP decrement trial (PDT). To semplify the
figure, no single breaths are represented but the reached pressure levels. The ventilator is switched to the pressure-control ventilation
mode (PCV) with a driving pressure of 20 cmH2O. The inspiratory-to-expiratory time ratio is set to 1:1 and the respiratory rate to 10 bpm.
At the beginning PEEP is set to 5 cmH2O and increased in 5-cmH2O steps every 5-10 breaths. This cycling ARM is applied until a peak pres-
sure of 40 cmH2O is reached. After the ARM is completed, PDT is performed, decreasing PEEP in 2-cmH2O steps until the maximal dynamic
compliance is obtained (defined by the PEEP value at which the obtained tidal volume is highest). Finally a new ARM must be carried out
before the ventilator is switched to the OLV setting (in volume-control or pressure-control mode as preferred). In the shown example the
optimal PEEP is 10 cmH2O.

ARM can be perfomed in several ways. Manual ARM, using injury were detected. Thus, observation of the morphological
bag squeezing, is less used today. Many anesthesiologists use characteristics of the P-t curve in a volume-cycled mode of
the ventilator to reach a plateau pressure of 35-40 cmH2O in ventilation is an easy and safe way to monitor and optimize
combination with a stepwise increase in PEEP. Currently there OLV. A downward concavity of the curve (stress index <1) sug-
is no reference ARM. In a recent clinical trial Ferrando et al (65) gests the need for alveolar recruitment and/or PEEP increase.
adopted a pragmatic approach taking advantage of ARM fol- An upward concavity (stress index >1) prompts to reduce TV
lowed by a PEEP decrement trial (PDT) over a non-individualized and/or PEEP (Fig. 3).
PEEP protocol. In the experimental group, ARM was performed
by increasing the PEEP gradually, mantaining a driving pres- What to do in case of hypoxemia during OLV?
sure of 20 cmH2O, until a Ppeak of 40 cmH2O was reached. So,
with the lung recruited, PEEP was progressively reduced until The mechanisms underlying hypoxemia during OLV have
the best dynamic compliance was found. In the control group been discussed above. Maintaining an SpO2>90% is certainly a
the same ventilatory strategy was adopted but using a non-in- primary objective with low-moderate fraction of inspired oxy-
dividualized PEEP. In the study group, mean individualized PEEP gen (FiO2) (30%-50%). Hyperoxia should be avoided if possible
was 10 cmH2O and led to significantly better results in terms of because it promotes the formation of reactive oxygen inter-
gas exchange and compliance (65). Figure 2 shows a schematic mediates (ROI) that trigger inflammation and cell damage by
exemplification of an ARM followed by a PDT. peroxidation of lipids, nucleic acids and proteins (68).
The first step in addressing the problem is to consider
Keep an eye on the curves DLT or BB malpositioning (69). Obviously, this check can be
performed with FiO2>50% in case of severe desaturation.
The current literature on how low must be the TV or what It is therefore necessary to verify the correct positioning of
is the optimal level of PEEP suggests that anesthesiologists the tubes and the absence of obstructing secretions (Tab. II)
should always control the pressure curves during mechani- (3, 24, 70). For this purpose fiberoptic bronchoscopy (FOB)
cal ventilation. Gama de Abreu and colleagues (66) evaluated is mandatory (2). After that, it is reasonable to try an ARM
lung injury during OLV in isolated rabbit lung models. They followed by a DPT (4, 24, 50).
compared nonprotective (high-TV + ZEEP) and protective If this is not enough, the application of continuous posi-
(low-TV, PEEP + ARM) ventilation, also observing the mor- tive airway pressure (CPAP) ≤5 cmH2O to the nonventilated
phology of the dynamic pressure-time (P-t) curve as proposed lung appears to be useful as it improves oxygenation and
by Ranieri et al (67). The P-t curve of the nonprotective group reduces local production of proinflammatory cytokines
had an upward concavity (overdistention) and this group later (71). Authors disagree on CPAP application during VATS
showed signs of lung injury. Conversely, protectively ventilat- surgery because it worsens the surgical exposure (3, 50).
ed lungs maintained a straight P-t curve during the inspira- If these measures are not sufficient to restore an adequate
tory phase (constant compliance) and no later signs of lung SpO2, then it is justified to increase the FiO2. In extreme

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500 Management of one-lung ventilation

Fig. 3 - Dynamic pressure-time (P-t) curve during constant flow ventilation. (A) Straight line = constant compliance; (B) downward con-
cavity = tidal recruitment; (C) upward concavity = overdistention. The downward concavity of the P-t curve indicates the possibility of
recruiting a certain part of the unventilated lung parenchyma. In this circumstance it is advisable to adjust the ventilation by performing
an ARM and setting a higher PEEP. Conversely, the upward concavity of the P-t curve suggests overdistention of the lung due to excessive
TV or high PEEP. In this case it is mandatory to revise the ventilation strategy by decreasing TV, PEEP or both.

TABLE II - Practical approach to hypoxemia during OLV ports also described the successful use of HFV through DLT
or BB to counteract hypoxemia during OLV (77, 78). Finally,
Step by step approach HFV has been used for tracheal sleeve resection or transplant
(79, 80). However, the widespread use of HFV for OLV is lim-
  1)  Increase FiO2 (for sudden and severe desaturation)
ited by the necessity of expertise and specialized ventilator
  2)  Check tube position and exclude its obstruction with FOB machines, difficulties in ventilation parameter monitoring,
and fear of barotrauma.
  3)  ARM and subsequent PDT

  4)  CPAP to the nonventilated lung (if possible)


  5)  Increase FiO2 until SpO2 ≥90% Anesthetic management of OLV should be performed by
a properly trained person, from the preoperative evaluation
  6)  Pulmonary artery clamping (outside the focus of this review) and the choice of the device
  7)  Lung reexpansion
for lung separation up to the management of mechanical ven-
tilation. Proper management of OLV must avoid intraoperative
ARM = alveolar recruitment maneuver; CPAP = continuous positive airway hypoxemia and at the same time protect the lung from injury.
pressure; FiO2 = fraction of inspired oxygen; FOB = fiberoptic bronchoscopy; Modern protective mechanical ventilation during OLV
OLV = one-lung ventilation; PEEP = positive end-expiratory pressure; PDT = is multimodal and comprises low TV, PEEP application and
PEEP decrement trial; SpO2 = arterial oxygen saturation.
ARM. There are no absolute values of TV and PEEP to be ap-
plied; rather, values must be adjusted according to the pa-
tient’s respiratory mechanics while avoiding overdistention
circumstances, it is interesting to consider the FOB use and tidal recruitment. Evaluation of the P-t curve is a useful
described by Ku et al (72) to give oxygen selectively to a parameter for monitoring and titrating inspiratory pressures.
lobe of the operative lung away from the surgical site. How- Today, the management of hypoxemia occurring during
ever, this approach is not easy to perform and not always OLV, if not related to tube displacement, is primarily based on
feasible. optimization of lung ventilation rather than a simple increase
If hypoxemia persists, the last step to take is to inform the in TV or FiO2.
surgeon of the need to ventilate the lung or to provide for
pulmonary artery clamping (70). Abbreviations

High-frequency jet ventilation and OLV ALI acute lung injury

ARDS acute respiratory distress syndrome
In a small case series, El-Baz et al (73) compared high- BB bronchial blocker
frequency jet ventilation (HFV) OLV with conventional OLV, CPAP continuous positive airway pressure
reporting better oxygenation in HFV-treated patients. Lucan- DLT double-lumen tube
gelo and colleagues (74) reported better oxygenation during FEV1 Forced expiratory volume in the first second
OLV and better clearance of secretions during the postopera- FiO2 Fraction of inspired oxygen
tive period in patients in whom high-frequency percussive FOB fiberoptic bronchoscopy
ventilation rather than CPAP was applied to the nondepen- HFV high-frequency jet ventilation
dent lung. Considering the results reported by other authors, HPV hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction
HFV seems effective in increasing oxygenation when applied LIP lower inflection point
to the nondependent lung during OLV (75, 76). Some case re- MAC minimal alveolar concentration

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Bernasconi and Piccioni 501

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