NYU Langone - Paper Abstract

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Paper Abstract 7/5/2021, 23:06

P oS ter A bStr ActS

D242 Student Presentation of age, cognitively intact, and enrolled in an EnhanceFitness class at
The Role of Affibody in Aged Mouse Model of Alzheimer’s 3 community centers in Los Angeles, California. Using univariate and
Disease multivariate analyses, we examined the relationship between lower
J. H. Greenberg, 1 H. Lindberg,4 J. Orozco,1 B. Vama, 1 body strength, as measured by 30-second chair stands, and social
H. Habbat,1 J. Loflom, 4 S. Stahl,4 O. Mejouate, 1 T. Wisniewski, 1,2 isolation as measured by the Duke Social Support Index (DSSI) as
A. Boutajangout. 1,3 1. Cognitive Neurology, New York University, well as loneliness as measured by the UCLA 3-Item o S t eLoneliness
r b S t r Scale ActS
New York, NY; 2. Department of Neurology, NYU Langone Health, (UCLA 3-I LS).
New York, NY; 3. Department of Physiology & Neuroscience, NYU Results: Participants had an average age of 76 ± 8 years, 91%
Langone Health, New York, NY; 4. Department of Protein science, were female, 86% were African-American, 40% P were widowed, A and
KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden. 78% self-reported their health status as excellent/very good/good. Per
Background: Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a progressive neuro- neuro- normative data, 43% performed below average on chair stands. After
degenerative disease 1
that currently4
accounts 1
for over 170% of cases of adjusting for covariates, chair stands were not associated with DSSI
dementia in1 adults over4 65 worldwide, 4
and is the 1
only cause of 1,2 death total score and UCLA 3-I LS scores.
of age, cognitively In intact,
olderand enrolled in an EnhanceFitness classandat

Printed by [American Geriatrics Society - - /doi/epdf/10.1111/jgs.16431] at [07/05/2021].

amongStudent Presentation
the top ten 1,3
with no effective treatments. Clinically, AD is char- char- Conclusions: adult participants of the LEAP study
The Role by of Affibody in deterioration
Aged Mouse in Model of Alzheimer’s 3 community
enrolled in the centers in Los Angeles,
EnhanceFitness program,California.
univariate and
acterized progressive memory and other areas of
Disease multivariate
and loneliness analyses,
were not wecorrelated
examinedwith the relationship
decreased objectivebetween physi lower-
cognitive function. Neuropathologically, the disease is characterized
J. H. Greenberg, H.1.Lindberg, Cognitive J. Orozco, B.
Neurology, NewVama,York University, body
cal strength, asmeasures.
performance measuredInterestingly,
by 30-second chair stands,
loneliness was found and social
to be
by extracellular aggregations of amyloid-B (AB) and intraneuronal
H. Habbat,
New York, NY;J. Loflom,
2. Department S. Stahl, O. Mejouate,
of Neurology, NYUT.Langone
Wisniewski, Health, isolation
associatedaswith measuredpoorerby the Dukeself-reported
subjective Social Support Index
health (DSSI)
status as
in this
neurofibrillary tangles (NFTS) composed of abnormally phosphory- phosphory-
A. Boutajangout.
New York, NY; 3. Department of Physiology & Neuroscience, NYU well asThis
study. loneliness
perhaps as suggests
measuredthat by loneliness
the UCLAmay 3-Item Loneliness
affect perception Scaleof
lated tau, causing progressive neuronal death. The aim of this study
Langone Health, New York, NY; 4. Department of Protein science, (UCLAstatus.
health 3-I LS).
was to investigate whether the affibody ZSYM73-ABD (a portion of
KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden. Results: Participants had an average age of 76 ± 8 years, 91%
the active antibody molecule) can reverse AD pathology in an AD
Student86% were African-American, 40% were widowed, and
mouse model, without also causing significant neuroinflammation
78% self-reportedExacerbate
Antidepressants their health Cognitive
status as excellent/very
Dysfunction good/good.
in Per
and/or microhemorrhage.
Background: Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a progressive neuro - normative data,
Parkinson’s 43% performed below average on chair stands. After
Methods: APP/PS1 double transgenic mice were injected twice
degenerative disease that currently adjusting for covariates,
1 chair
N.stands were1 A. notTon-Loy,
associated 1 with DSSI1
weekly with either ZSYM-ABD or aaccounts
non-ABfor over 70%
specific of cases
affibody, of
Ztaq2, T. J. McMann, M. Nakhla, Whiteley, M. Vannini,
dementia in adults over 65 worldwide, total score2 S.and UCLA 1 3-I LS scores.
J. Filoteo,1,2 D. Schiehser.1,2 1. VA Healthcare
as a control. Mice underwent behavioraland is theand
testing only cause
their of death
brains were I. Litvan, Lessig,
among the top ten Conclusions: In older
2. UCadult participants of theCA.LEAP study and
then sacrificed for with no effective treatments. Clinically, AD is char-
immunohistochemistry. System, La Jolla, CA; San Diego, La Jolla,
acterized by progressive deterioration in memory enrolled in the EnhanceFitness program, increased social isolation
Results: Semi-quantitative analysis of and other areas
amyloid burden,of Background:
Background : Antidepressant medications are commonly
cognitive function. Neuropathologically, the disease is characterized and loneliness were not correlated with decreased objective physi-
performed using 6E10/4G8 antibodies, showed a statistically signif--
signif prescribed
by extracellular aggregations of amyloid-B (AB) and intraneuronal cal performance measures. Interestingly, loneliness wasprevalence
in Parkinson’s Disease (PD) to treat the high found to be of
icant reduction in amyloid burden in the hippocampus, and a trend depression in thispoorer
population. Further, cognitive decline represents one
neurofibrillary tangles (NFTS)burdencomposed associated with subjective self-reported health status in this
towards reduction in amyloid in theofcortex.
abnormally phosphory
Inflammation was- of the most
lated tau,using
causing progressive neuronal death. The aim of this studya study. This common non-motor
perhaps suggests thatsymptoms
lonelinessinmay PD, contributing
affect perception to poorof
assessed GFAP and Iba1(markers of gliosis) which showed quality of life. Despite the high prevalence of both factors, few studies
was to investigate whether the affibody ZSYM73-ABD (a portion of health status.
statistically significant reduction of GFAP in the cortex and in the have evaluated the potential impact of antidepressants on cognition1
1 1 1 1
the active antibody
hippocampus, and amolecule) can reverse
slight reduction AD pathology
of microgliosis in an AD
in ZSYM73- in PD, and 2
to date, 1findings have 1,2
been inconsistent. 1,2
Therefore, the
ABD model, treated
without alsoFinally,
mice. causingmice significant
treated with neuroinflammation
purpose Student
of thisPresentation
study was to clarify the effects of antidepressant use
and/or microhemorrhage.
performed significantly better on a novel object recognition task than Antidepressants
on cognition in PD. Exacerbate Cognitive Dysfunction in
controlMethods: APP/PS1 double
mice, suggesting transgenic
a correlation between micethe were injected twice
histological find-
find- Parkinson’s
Methods Disease
: As part of a parent study on cognition in PD, a retro-
1. VA Healthcare
ings abovewithand
either ZSYM-ABD
improvement or a non-AB
in cognitive specific affibody, Ztaq2,
function. T. J. McMann,
System, La Jolla,M. CA;Nakhla,
2. UC San N. Whiteley,
Diego, LaA. Ton-Loy,
Jolla, CA. M. Vannini,
spective analysis was conducted on 29 non-demented (MDRS >124)
as a control. Mice underwent behavioral testing
Conclusions: In conclusion, this study demonstrates that passiveand their brains were I. Litvan, S. Lessig, J. Filoteo, D. Schiehser.
PD patients, who demonstrated adequate effort (CVLT FC ≥14),
then sacrificedwith
immunization for immunohistochemistry.
an affibody molecule improves cognitive function that were taking antidepressants (PD+AntiD) and 29 demograph- demograph-
Results: Semi-quantitative
and significantly decreases amyloid analysis burden in of the amyloid
hippocampus burden,
of a ically-matched PD: patients
Antidepressantwho were medications
not taking are commonly
performed mouse
transgenic using 6E10/4G8
model of AD, antibodies,
withoutshowedinducinga inflammation.
statistically signif
This- prescribed in Parkinson’s
(PD-AntiD). Antidepressants Disease (PD) tofive
included treatclasses:
the highselective
prevalence seroof-
has reduction in amyloidforburden
implications treatment in theof AD hippocampus,
in humans. and a trend depression
tonin reuptake in this population.
inhibitors, Further, cognitive
aminoketones, decline
tricyclics, represents one
towards reduction in amyloid burden in the cortex. Inflammation was of the
and most common
serotonin antagonist non-motor
reuptake symptoms
PD, contributing to poor tests
D243 using Presentation
Student GFAP and Iba1(markers of gliosis) which showed a quality
were of life. Despite
combined to assessthethe
high prevalence
cognitive of bothoffactors,
domains memory few studies
Leveraging significant
Exercise toreduction
Age in Place of GFAP
(LEAP): in the cortex and
Association of in the have evaluated
and delayed the potential
recall), attention,impact of antidepressants
visuospatial, language, and on executive
Chair Stands with and Baseline
a slight reduction
Measuresof of microgliosis
Social Isolation in ZSYM73-
and in PD, andDepression
function. to date, findings
was measuredhave been with inconsistent.
the Geriatric Therefore,
Depression the
ABD affibody
Loneliness treated
among mice. Finally, mice treated
Community-Dwelling Olderwith AdultsZSYM73-ABD purpose
Scale (GDS). of this Astudy was to(PD+AntiD
one-way clarify the effects of antidepressant
vs. PD-AntiD) analysisuse of
L. K. Matsuno, significantly
S. Rosen, better
K. on a novel
Rosales, 3 object 2recognition task than
S. Kim, A. Moser Mays.3 on cognitioncompared
covariance in PD. the effects of antidepressant use on cognition,
control mice, suggesting a correlation between the histological find - controlling for :depression
As part of and a parent
disease study on cognition in PD, a retro-
1. David Geffen School of Medicine at University of California Methods
ings above and
Los Angeles, Losimprovement
Angeles, CA; in2.cognitive
Cedars-Sinaifunction.Samuel Oschin spective analysis
Results : Onwas conducted
average, bothongroups
29 non-demented (MDRS >124)
were non-depressed and
Comprehensive In conclusion,
Cancer Institute, Losthis Angeles,
study demonstrates
CA; 3. Division that passive
of PD not
did patients, who demonstrated
significantly differ on GDS adequate
(mean effort< 9; p(CVLT FC ≥14),
=0.7). Compared
immunization with an affibody molecule
Geriatric Medicine, Cedars-Sinai Medical Care Foundation, Losimproves cognitive function thatPD-AntiD,
to were taking the antidepressants
PD+AntiD group (PD+AntiD)
performed and 29 demograph
significantly worse-
and significantly
Angeles, CA. decreases amyloid burden in the hippocampus of a ically-matched
on measures ofPD patients who
visuospatial were not(p
functioning (p taking
= 0.05)antidepressants
and memory
transgenic mouse model of AD, without inducing inflammation. This ((PD-AntiD).
p = 0.04); theAntidepressants
latter appeared included
to be driven fivebyclasses: selective seroin-
worse performance
has potential Social for
implications isolation
treatment andofloneliness
AD in humans.are highly preva-
tonin reuptake
delayed recall (p (pinhibitors,
= 0.01), not aminoketones,
learning (p =tricyclics,
0.10). Groups benzodiazepines,
did not differ
lent among community-dwelling older adults and are independently
on anyserotonin antagonist
other cognitive reuptake inhibitors. Neuropsychological tests
associated with1 all-cause mortality. 3 3
Identification 2 3
of socially isolated
D243 Student Presentation were Conclusion
combined to: assess
Conclusion: Resultstheindicate
cognitive thatdomains of memory
antidepressant use(learning
in non-
and lonely older adults could allow for interventions to improve their
Leveraging and delayedPDrecall),
demented attention,
exacerbates visuospatial,
visuospatial andlanguage,
memoryand executive
physical andExercise
mental health.to AgeWe in Place
to determineAssociation of levels
if higher
Chair Stands withand Baseline Measures of Social with Isolation function.
particularly Depression
delayed recall. was These
measured findingswithunderscore
the Geriatric Depression
the clinical rele-
of social isolation loneliness were correlated lowerand
levels of
1. David Geffen
Loneliness among School of Medicine at University
Community-Dwelling Older of California
Adults Scale (GDS).
vance of A one-way
determining the (PD+AntiD
costs and vs. PD-AntiD)
benefits of treating analysis
PD patientsof
objective physical performance.
L. K.Angeles,
Los Matsuno, LosS.Angeles,
Rosen, CA; K. Rosales, S. Kim,Samuel
2. Cedars-Sinai A. Moser Mays.
Oschin covariance
with comparedand
antidepressants the the
effects of antidepressant
potential for negative use on cognition,
cognitive effects.
Methods: We conducted a cross-sectional analysis of baseline baseline
Comprehensive Cancer Institute, Los Angeles, CA; 3. Division of controlling
Future research for depression
is warranted andwithdiseaselargerduration.
sample sizes p of varying anti- anti-
survey data to investigate relationships between social isolation, lone- lone-
Geriatric Medicine, Cedars-Sinai Medical Care Foundation, Los depressant
Results : Onand
classes average,
dosages both
to groups were
determine which non-depressed
class and/or dosage and
liness, and physical performance as part of the Leveraging Exercise in
Angeles, CA. did not
may havesignificantly
the greatest differ
impacton on GDS
cognition(mean < 9; =0.7). Compared
in pPD.
Aging in Place (LEAP) study. Participants (n=76) were all >50 years
top PD-AntiD, the PD+AntiD group performed significantly worse
on measures of p visuospatial functioning p ( = 0.05) and memory
Background: Social isolation and loneliness are highly preva- ( = 0.04); the latter appeared to be driven by worse performance in
lent among community-dwelling older adults and are independently delayed recall ( = 0.01), not learning A G S 2 0(2 0= A0.10). M e e t i ndid
n n u A lGroups G not differS341
associated with all-cause mortality. Identification of socially isolated on any other cognitive domain.
and lonely older adults could allow for interventions to improve their Conclusion: Results indicate that antidepressant use in non-
physical and mental health. We aimed to determine if higher levels demented PD exacerbates visuospatial and memory dysfunction,
of social isolation and loneliness were correlated with lower levels of particularly delayed recall. These findings underscore the clinical rele-
vance of determining the costs and benefits of treating PD patients Page 1 of 2
objective physical performance.
Methods: We conducted a cross-sectional analysis of baseline with antidepressants and the potential for negative cognitive effects.
survey data to investigate relationships between social isolation, lone- Future research is warranted with larger sample n n u Asizes
l e eof t i nvarying
G anti-
liness, and physical performance as part of the Leveraging Exercise in depressant classes and dosages to determine which class and/or dosage
Aging in Place (LEAP) study. Participants (n=76) were all >50 years may have the greatest impact on cognition in PD.
Paper Abstract 7/5/2021, 23:06

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