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Door handle phrases

Tips and Techniques

Follow these “dos” to improve your communication

skills when discussing vaccines with caregivers/vaccine recipients

Use Ask Repeat Send

Use warmth and Ask questions Ask the caregiver Send reminders
empathy to open before your or their /vaccine recipient and follow-ups to
their ears and ours hand hits the to repeat back increase uptake
door handle what they have and decrease
understood, or late vaccination
what they think
they are supposed
to do when they
get home

ü Use warmth and empathy to open their ears and ours
ü Ask questions before your or their hand hits the door handle
ü Ask the caregiver to repeat back what they have understood, or what they think they
are supposed to do when they get home
ü Send reminders and follow-ups to increase uptake and decrease late vaccination

Key Takeaway: Our final interaction with caregivers/vaccine caregivers should focus on
reviewing next steps, and leaving them feeling good about the interaction, and their choice to

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