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O que falta para realizar

o seu s o n h o ?

Most frequently asked interview questions

First Session
One of the keys to success in interviewing is practice, so we encourage you to take the time
to work out answers to these questions using one of the suggested methods, such as the
STAR method. 

Be sure not to memorize answers; the key to interviewing success is simply being prepared
for the questions and having a mental outline to follow in responding to each question.

Tell me about how you started in your career!

Let´s start from the First Company you worked for up to the moment you left Brazil to move
to Ireland.

Ps: When you start to talk about your experience, please follow the structure below ( always
remembering that the recruiter does not know anything about you neither anything about
the Brazilian Companies, that´s why you need to give details about everything because as
much detail you give as less the recruiter need to ask you questions):

1) Give me a picture of the company (which kind of business. How big it was (number of
employee/revenue etc);
2) Tell me the title of your first position and your duties in there (what you used to do / daily
/ weekly and month routine) in this first position and for how long you stay in that position;
3) After you talked about the first position, tell me which achievements you had that make
you got a promotion for the next position;
4) What was the difference between the new position from the last one?
5) What was your main achievement in this new position?
6) If you had more promotion, repeat this explanation;
7) Why did you leave the company?

Now let´s start talk about the next company following the same structure of the
first one.
1) What was the reason you choose this field of study as a Bachelor’s Degree? 
2) What was the reason you left Brazil to move to Ireland? 
3) Why have you choose Ireland?

4) What is your plan in Ireland? 

5) How do you see yourself in 2 years from now?
6) How is the situation of your studies now?  
7) How the situion of your visa currently?

Marcela Menezes

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